def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION rotates specimen coordinate dec, inc data to geographic coordinates using the azimuth and plunge of the X direction INPUT FORMAT declination inclination azimuth plunge SYNTAX [-h][-i][-f FILE] [< filename ] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i for interactive data entry -f FILE command line entry of file name -F OFILE, specify output file, default is standard output OUTPUT: declination inclination """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-F' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-F') ofile = sys.argv[ind + 1] out = open(ofile, 'w') print ofile, ' opened for output' else: ofile = "" if '-i' in sys.argv: # interactive flag while 1: try: Dec = float(raw_input("Declination: <cntrl-D> to quit ")) except EOFError: print "\n Good-bye\n" sys.exit() Inc = float(raw_input("Inclination: ")) Az = float(raw_input("Azimuth: ")) Pl = float(raw_input("Plunge: ")) print '%7.1f %7.1f' % (pmag.dogeo(Dec, Inc, Az, Pl)) elif '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-f') file = sys.argv[ind + 1] data = numpy.loadtxt(file) else: data = numpy.loadtxt( sys.stdin, dtype=numpy.float) # read in the data from the datafile D, I = pmag.dogeo_V(data) for k in range(len(D)): if ofile == "": print '%7.1f %7.1f' % (D[k], I[k]) else: out.write('%7.1f %7.1f\n' % (D[k], I[k]))
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION rotates specimen coordinate dec, inc data to geographic coordinates using the azimuth and plunge of the X direction INPUT FORMAT declination inclination azimuth plunge SYNTAX [-h][-i][-f FILE] [< filename ] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i for interactive data entry -f FILE command line entry of file name -F OFILE, specify output file, default is standard output OUTPUT: declination inclination """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') ofile=sys.argv[ind+1] out=open(ofile,'w') print ofile, ' opened for output' else: ofile="" if '-i' in sys.argv: # interactive flag while 1: try: Dec=float(raw_input("Declination: <cntrl-D> to quit ")) except EOFError: print "\n Good-bye\n" sys.exit() Inc=float(raw_input("Inclination: ")) Az=float(raw_input("Azimuth: ")) Pl=float(raw_input("Plunge: ")) print '%7.1f %7.1f'%(pmag.dogeo(Dec,Inc,Az,Pl)) elif '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=sys.argv[ind+1] data=numpy.loadtxt(file) else: data=numpy.loadtxt(sys.stdin,dtype=numpy.float) # read in the data from the datafile D,I=pmag.dogeo_V(data) for k in range(len(D)): if ofile=="": print '%7.1f %7.1f'%(D[k],I[k]) else: out.write('%7.1f %7.1f\n'%(D[k],I[k]))
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes equal area projections site by site from pmag_specimens.txt file with Fisher confidence ellipse using McFadden and McElhinny (1988) technique for combining lines and planes allows testing and reject specimens for bad orientations SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints help and quits -f: specify pmag_specimen format file, default is pmag_specimens.txt -fsa: specify er_samples.txt file -exc: use existing pmag_criteria.txt file -N: reset all sample flags to good OUPUT edited er_samples.txt file """ dir_path='.' FIG={} # plot dictionary FIG['eqarea']=1 # eqarea is figure 1 in_file='pmag_specimens.txt' sampfile='er_samples.txt' out_file="" fmt,plot='svg',1 Crits="" M,N=180.,1 repeat='' renew=0 if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-fsa") sampfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-exc' in sys.argv: Crits,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/pmag_criteria.txt') for crit in Crits: if crit['pmag_criteria_code']=='DE-SPEC': M=float(crit['specimen_mad']) N=float(crit['specimen_n']) if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-N' in sys.argv: renew=1 # if in_file[0]!="/":in_file=dir_path+'/'+in_file if sampfile[0]!="/":sampfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile crd='s' Specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(in_file) if file_type!='pmag_specimens': print ' bad pmag_specimen input file' sys.exit() Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) if file_type!='er_samples': print ' bad er_samples input file' sys.exit() SO_methods=[] for rec in Samps: if 'sample_orientation_flag' not in rec.keys(): rec['sample_orientation_flag']='g' if 'sample_description' not in rec.keys(): rec['sample_description']='' if renew==1: rec['sample_orientation_flag']='g' description=rec['sample_description'] if '#' in description: newdesc="" c=0 while description[c]!='#' and c<len(description)-1: # look for first pound sign newdesc=newdesc+description[c] c+=1 while description[c]=='#': c+=1# skip first set of pound signs while description[c]!='#':c+=1 # find second set of pound signs while description[c]=='#' and c<len(description)-1:c+=1 # skip second set of pound signs while c<len(description)-1: # look for first pound sign newdesc=newdesc+description[c] c+=1 rec['sample_description']=newdesc # edit out old comment about orientations if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth.strip() and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) pmag.magic_write(sampfile,Samps,'er_samples') SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,0) sitelist=[] for rec in Specs: if rec['er_site_name'] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec['er_site_name']) sitelist.sort() EQ={} EQ['eqarea']=1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(EQ['eqarea'],5,5) k=0 while k<len(sitelist): site=sitelist[k] print site data=[] ThisSiteSpecs=pmag.get_dictitem(Specs,'er_site_name',site,'T') ThisSiteSpecs=pmag.get_dictitem(ThisSiteSpecs,'specimen_tilt_correction','-1','T') # get all the unoriented data for spec in ThisSiteSpecs: if spec['specimen_mad']!="" and spec['specimen_n']!="" and float(spec['specimen_mad'])<=M and float(spec['specimen_n'])>=N: # good spec, now get orientation.... redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"],Samps,az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",spec['er_sample_name'] orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"],Samps,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": redo=0 p+=1 if orient['sample_azimuth']!="": rec={} for key in spec.keys():rec[key]=spec[key] rec['dec'],rec['inc']=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(orient['sample_azimuth']),float(orient['sample_dip'])) rec["tilt_correction"]='1' crd='g' rec['sample_azimuth']=orient['sample_azimuth'] rec['sample_dip']=orient['sample_dip'] data.append(rec) if len(data)>2: print 'specimen, dec, inc, n_meas/MAD,| method codes ' for i in range(len(data)): print '%s: %7.1f %7.1f %s / %s | %s' % (data[i]['er_specimen_name'], data[i]['dec'], data[i]['inc'], data[i]['specimen_n'], data[i]['specimen_mad'], data[i]['magic_method_codes']) fpars=pmag.dolnp(data,'specimen_direction_type') print "\n Site lines planes kappa a95 dec inc" print site, fpars["n_lines"], fpars["n_planes"], fpars["K"], fpars["alpha95"], fpars["dec"], fpars["inc"], fpars["R"] if out_file!="": if float(fpars["alpha95"])<=acutoff and float(fpars["K"])>=kcutoff: out.write('%s %s %s\n'%(fpars["dec"],fpars['inc'],fpars['alpha95'])) pmagplotlib.plotLNP(EQ['eqarea'],site,data,fpars,'specimen_direction_type') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) if k!=0 and repeat!='y': ans=raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, [p]revious site, <return> to continue:\n ") elif k==0 and repeat!='y': ans=raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, <return> to continue:\n ") if ans=="p": k-=2 if ans=="a": files={} files['eqarea']=site+'_'+crd+'_eqarea'+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(EQ,files) if ans=="q": sys.exit() if ans=="e" and Samps==[]: print "can't edit samples without orientation file, sorry" elif ans=="e": # k-=1 testspec=raw_input("Enter name of specimen to check: ") for spec in data: if spec['er_specimen_name']==testspec: # first test wrong direction of drill arrows (flip drill direction in opposite direction and re-calculate d,i d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth'])-180.,-float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],[XY[0]],[XY[1]],sym='g^') # first test wrong end of compass (take az-180.) d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth'])-180.,float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],[XY[0]],[XY[1]],sym='kv') # did the sample spin in the hole? # now spin around specimen's z X_up,Y_up,X_d,Y_d=[],[],[],[] for incr in range(0,360,5): d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec'])+incr,float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth']),float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) if i>=0: X_d.append(XY[0]) Y_d.append(XY[1]) else: X_up.append(XY[0]) Y_up.append(XY[1]) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],X_d,Y_d,sym='b.') pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],X_up,Y_up,sym='c.') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) break print "Triangle: wrong arrow for drill direction." print "Delta: wrong end of compass." print "Small circle: wrong mark on sample. [cyan upper hemisphere]" deleteme=raw_input("Mark this sample as bad? y/[n] ") if deleteme=='y': reason=raw_input("Reason: [1] broke, [2] wrong drill direction, [3] wrong compass direction, [4] bad mark, [5] displaced block [6] other ") if reason=='1': description=' sample broke while drilling' if reason=='2': description=' wrong drill direction ' if reason=='3': description=' wrong compass direction ' if reason=='4': description=' bad mark in field' if reason=='5': description=' displaced block' if reason=='6': description=raw_input('Enter brief reason for deletion: ') for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name']==spec['er_sample_name']: samp['sample_orientation_flag']='b' samp['sample_description']=samp['sample_description']+' ## direction deleted because: '+description+'##' # mark description pmag.magic_write(sampfile,Samps,'er_samples') repeat=raw_input("Mark another sample, this site? y/[n] ") if repeat=='y': k-=1 else: print 'skipping site - not enough data with specified coordinate system' k+=1 print "sample flags stored in ",sampfile
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts JR6 .jr6 format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt (Not working yet) -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -A: don't average replicate measurements -ncn NCON: specify sample naming convention (6 and 7 not yet implemented) -mcd [SO-MAG,SO-SUN,SO-SIGHT...] supply how these samples were oriented -JR IODP samples measured on the JOIDES RESOLUTION -v NUM : specify the volume in cc of the sample, default 2.5^3cc Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column -- NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT JR6 .jr6 format file """ # initialize some stuff noave=0 #volume=2.5**3 #default volume is a 2.5cm cube volume = 2.5 * 1e-6 #default volume is a 2.5 cm cube, translated to meters cubed inst="" samp_con,Z='1',"" missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="unknown" citation='This study' args=sys.argv meth_code="LP-NO" specnum=1 version_num=pmag.get_version() Samps=[] # keeps track of sample orientations user="" mag_file="" dir_path='.' MagRecs=[] ErSamps=[] SampOuts=[] samp_file = 'er_samples.txt' meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' tmp_file= "fixed.jr6" meth_code,JR="",0 # # get command line arguments # if command_line: if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ID' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ID') input_dir_path = sys.argv[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind+1] #try: # open(samp_file,'rU') # ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) # print 'sample information will be appended to ', samp_file #except: # print samp_file,' not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' # samp_file = output_dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file= args[ind+1] if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind+1]) if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meth_code=args[ind+1] if "-JR" in args: meth_code=meth_code+":FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V" meth_code=meth_code.strip(":") JR=1 samp_con='5' if "-v" in args: ind=args.index("-v") volume=float(args[ind+1])*1e-6 # enter volume in cc, convert to m^3 if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') specnum = kwargs.get('specnum', 1) samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '1') er_location_name = kwargs.get('er_location_name', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) means DO average meth_code = kwargs.get('meth_code', "LP-NO") volume = float(kwargs.get('volume', 0)) if not volume: volume = 2.5 * 1e-6 #default volume is a 2.5 cm cube, translated to meters cubed else: #convert cm^3 to m^3 volume *= 1e-6 JR = kwargs.get('JR', 0) if JR: if meth_code == "LP-NO": meth_code = "" meth_code=meth_code+":FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V" meth_code=meth_code.strip(":") samp_con='5' # format variables mag_file = input_dir_path+"/" + mag_file meas_file = output_dir_path+"/" + meas_file samp_file = output_dir_path+"/" + samp_file tmp_file = output_dir_path+"/" + tmp_file if specnum!=0: specnum=-specnum if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" ErSampRec,ErSiteRec={},{} # parse data # fix .jr6 file so that there are spaces between all the columns. pre_data=open(mag_file, 'rU') tmp_data=open(tmp_file, 'w') line=pre_data.readline() while line !='': line=line.replace('-',' -') #print "line=", line tmp_data.write(line) line=pre_data.readline() tmp_data.close() pre_data.close() data=pd.read_csv(tmp_file, delim_whitespace=True,header=None) if JR==0: # data.columns=['er_specimen_name','step','x','y','z','expon','sample_azimuth','sample_dip', 'sample_bed_dip_direction','sample_bed_dip','bed_dip_dir2','bed_dip2','param1','param2','param3','param4','measurement_csd'] cart=np.array([data['x'],data['y'],data['z']]).transpose() else: # measured on the Joides Resolution JR6 data.columns=['er_specimen_name','step','negz','y','x','expon','sample_azimuth','sample_dip', 'sample_bed_dip_direction','sample_bed_dip','bed_dip_dir2','bed_dip2','param1','param2','param3','param4','measurement_csd'] cart=np.array([data['x'],data['y'],-data['negz']]).transpose() dir= pmag.cart2dir(cart).transpose() data['measurement_dec']=dir[0] data['measurement_inc']=dir[1] data['measurement_magn_moment']=dir[2]*(10.0**data['expon'])*volume # the data are in A/m - this converts to Am^2 data['measurement_magn_volume']=dir[2]*(10.0**data['expon']) # A/m - data in A/m data['sample_dip']=-data['sample_dip'] DGEOs,IGEOs=[],[] for ind in range(len(data)): dgeo,igeo=pmag.dogeo(data.ix[ind]['measurement_dec'],data.ix[ind]['measurement_inc'],data.ix[ind]['sample_azimuth'],data.ix[ind]['sample_dip']) DGEOs.append(dgeo) IGEOs.append(igeo) data['specimen_dec']=DGEOs data['specimen_inc']=IGEOs data['specimen_tilt']='1' if specnum!=0: data['er_sample_name']=data['er_specimen_name'][:specnum] else: data['er_sample_name']=data['er_specimen_name'] if int(samp_con) in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]: data['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(data['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) # else: # if 'er_site_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_site_name=ErSampRec['er_site_name'] # if 'er_location_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_location_name=ErSampRec['er_location_name'] # Configure the er_sample table for rowNum, row in data.iterrows(): sampleFlag=0 for sampRec in SampOuts: if sampRec['er_sample_name'] == row['er_sample_name']: sampleFlag=1 break if sampleFlag == 0: ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=row['er_sample_name'] ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']=str(row['sample_azimuth']) ErSampRec['sample_dip']=str(row['sample_dip']) ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']=meth_code ErSampRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name ErSampRec['er_site_name']=row['er_site_name'] ErSampRec['er_citation_names']='This study' SampOuts.append(ErSampRec.copy()) # Configure the magic_measurements table for rowNum, row in data.iterrows(): MagRec={} # MagRec['measurement_description']='Date: '+date MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['er_site_name']=row['er_site_name'] MagRec['er_sample_name']=row['er_sample_name'] MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=row['er_specimen_name'] MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' if row['step'] == 'NRM': meas_type="LT-NO" elif row['step'][0:2] == 'AD': meas_type="LT-AF-Z" treat=float(row['step'][2:]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(treat*1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif row['step'][0] == 'TD': meas_type="LT-T-Z" treat=float(row['step'][2:]) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (treat+273.) # temp in kelvin else: # need to add IRM, and ARM options print "measurement type unknown", row['step'] return False, "measurement type unknown" MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]=str(row['measurement_magn_moment']) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]=str(row['measurement_magn_volume']) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=str(row['measurement_dec']) MagRec["measurement_inc"]=str(row['measurement_inc']) MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec.copy()) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOuts,'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ",samp_file MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file print "exit!" return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts NRM data in a magic_measurements type file to geographic and tilt corrected data in a pmag_specimens type file SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS: -h prints the help message and quits -f MFILE: specify input file -fsa SFILE: specify er_samples format file [with orientations] -F PFILE: specify output file -A do not average replicate measurements -crd [g, t]: specify coordinate system ([g]eographic or [t]ilt adjusted) NB: you must have the SFILE in this directory DEFAULTS MFILE: magic_measurements.txt PFILE: nrm_specimens.txt SFILE: er_samples.txt coord: specimen average replicate measurements?: YES """ # # define some variables # beg,end,pole,geo,tilt,askave,save=0,0,[],0,0,0,0 samp_file=1 args=sys.argv geo,tilt,orient=0,0,0 doave=1 user,comment,doave,coord="","",1,"" dir_path='.' if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+"/magic_measurements.txt" pmag_file=dir_path+"/nrm_specimens.txt" samp_file=dir_path+"/er_samples.txt" if "-A" in args: doave=0 if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") pmag_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] speclist=[] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-crd" in args: ind=args.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=="g": geo,orient=1,1 if coord=="t": tilt,orient,geo=1,1,1 # # read in data if samp_file!="": samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print file_type print "This is not a valid er_samples file " sys.exit() else: print samp_file,' read in with ',len(samp_data),' records' else: print 'no orientations - will create file in specimen coordinates' geo,tilt,orient=0,0,0 # # meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() # if orient==1: # set orientation priorities SO_methods=[] orientation_priorities={'0':'SO-SUN','1':'SO-GPS-DIFF','2':'SO-SIGHT-BACK','3':'SO-CMD-NORTH','4':'SO-MAG'} for rec in samp_data: if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) # # sort the sample names # sids=pmag.get_specs(meas_data) # # PmagSpecRecs=[] for s in sids: skip=0 recnum=0 PmagSpecRec={} PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user method_codes,inst_code=[],"" # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # meas_meth=[] for rec in meas_data: # copy of vital stats to PmagSpecRec from first spec record if rec["er_specimen_name"]==s: PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_experiment_name"]="" if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] if len(rec["magic_instrument_codes"]) > len(inst_code): inst_code=rec["magic_instrument_codes"] PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inst_code # copy over instruments break # # now check for correct method labels for all measurements # nrm_data=[] for meas_rec in meas_data: if meas_rec['er_specimen_name']==PmagSpecRec['er_specimen_name']: meths=meas_rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in meas_meth:meas_meth.append(meth) if "LT-NO" in meas_meth:nrm_data.append(meas_rec) # data,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,nrm_data) # datablock=data # # find replicate measurements at NRM step and average them # Specs=[] if doave==1: step_meth,avedata=pmag.vspec(data) if len(avedata) != len(datablock): method_codes.append("DE-VM") SpecRec=avedata[0] print 'averaging data ' else: SpecRec=data[0] Specs.append(SpecRec) else: for spec in data:Specs.append(spec) for SpecRec in Specs: # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo==1: # # find top priority orientation method redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(orientation_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",s skip,redo=1,0 break az_type=orientation_priorities[str(p)] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type.strip()) redo=0 elif orient["sample_azimuth"] =="": p+=1 # # if stratigraphic selected, get stratigraphic correction # if skip==0 and orient["sample_azimuth"]!="" and orient["sample_dip"]!="": d_geo,i_geo=pmag.dogeo(SpecRec[1],SpecRec[2],orient["sample_azimuth"],orient["sample_dip"]) SpecRec[1]=d_geo SpecRec[2]=i_geo if tilt==1 and "sample_bed_dip" in orient.keys() and orient['sample_bed_dip']!="": d_tilt,i_tilt=pmag.dotilt(d_geo,i_geo,orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"],orient["sample_bed_dip"]) SpecRec[1]=d_tilt SpecRec[2]=i_tilt if skip==0: PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(SpecRec[1]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(SpecRec[2]) if geo==1 and tilt==0:PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='0' if geo==1 and tilt==1: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='100' if geo==0 and tilt==0: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' PmagSpecRec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]="LT-NO" if len(method_codes) != 0: methstring="" for meth in method_codes: methstring=methstring+ ":" +meth PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=methstring[1:] PmagSpecRec["specimen_description"]="NRM data" PmagSpecRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) pmag.magic_write(pmag_file,PmagSpecRecs,'pmag_specimens') print "Data saved in ",pmag_file
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts JR6 .jr6 format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt (Not working yet) -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -A: don't average replicate measurements -ncn NCON: specify sample naming convention (6 and 7 not yet implemented) -mcd [SO-MAG,SO-SUN,SO-SIGHT...] supply how these samples were oriented -JR IODP samples measured on the JOIDES RESOLUTION -v NUM : specify the volume in cc of the sample, default 2.5^3cc Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column -- NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT JR6 .jr6 format file """ # initialize some stuff noave = 0 #volume=2.5**3 #default volume is a 2.5cm cube volume = 2.5 * 1e-6 #default volume is a 2.5 cm cube, translated to meters cubed inst = "" samp_con, Z = '1', "" missing = 1 demag = "N" er_location_name = "unknown" citation = 'This study' args = sys.argv meth_code = "LP-NO" specnum = 1 version_num = pmag.get_version() Samps = [] # keeps track of sample orientations user = "" mag_file = "" dir_path = '.' MagRecs = [] ErSamps = [] SampOuts = [] samp_file = 'er_samples.txt' meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' tmp_file = "fixed.jr6" meth_code, JR = "", 0 # # get command line arguments # if command_line: if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-ID' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ID') input_dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) return False if '-F' in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind + 1] #try: # open(samp_file,'r') # ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) # print 'sample information will be appended to ', samp_file #except: # print samp_file,' not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' # samp_file = output_dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file = args[ind + 1] if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: noave = 1 if "-mcd" in args: ind = args.index("-mcd") meth_code = args[ind + 1] if "-JR" in args: meth_code = meth_code + ":FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V" meth_code = meth_code.strip(":") JR = 1 samp_con = '5' if "-v" in args: ind = args.index("-v") volume = float( args[ind + 1]) * 1e-6 # enter volume in cc, convert to m^3 if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') specnum = kwargs.get('specnum', 1) samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '1') er_location_name = kwargs.get('er_location_name', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) means DO average meth_code = kwargs.get('meth_code', "LP-NO") volume = float(kwargs.get('volume', 0)) if not volume: volume = 2.5 * 1e-6 #default volume is a 2.5 cm cube, translated to meters cubed else: #convert cm^3 to m^3 volume *= 1e-6 JR = kwargs.get('JR', 0) if JR: if meth_code == "LP-NO": meth_code = "" meth_code = meth_code + ":FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V" meth_code = meth_code.strip(":") samp_con = '5' # format variables mag_file = input_dir_path + "/" + mag_file meas_file = output_dir_path + "/" + meas_file samp_file = output_dir_path + "/" + samp_file tmp_file = output_dir_path + "/" + tmp_file if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer") return False, "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer") return False, "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" ErSampRec, ErSiteRec = {}, {} # parse data # fix .jr6 file so that there are spaces between all the columns. pre_data = open(mag_file, 'r') tmp_data = open(tmp_file, 'w') line = pre_data.readline() while line != '': line = line.replace('-', ' -') #print "line=", line tmp_data.write(line) line = pre_data.readline() tmp_data.close() pre_data.close() data = pd.read_csv(tmp_file, delim_whitespace=True, header=None) if JR == 0: # data.columns = [ 'er_specimen_name', 'step', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'expon', 'sample_azimuth', 'sample_dip', 'sample_bed_dip_direction', 'sample_bed_dip', 'bed_dip_dir2', 'bed_dip2', 'param1', 'param2', 'param3', 'param4', 'measurement_csd' ] cart = np.array([data['x'], data['y'], data['z']]).transpose() else: # measured on the Joides Resolution JR6 data.columns = [ 'er_specimen_name', 'step', 'negz', 'y', 'x', 'expon', 'sample_azimuth', 'sample_dip', 'sample_bed_dip_direction', 'sample_bed_dip', 'bed_dip_dir2', 'bed_dip2', 'param1', 'param2', 'param3', 'param4', 'measurement_csd' ] cart = np.array([data['x'], data['y'], -data['negz']]).transpose() dir = pmag.cart2dir(cart).transpose() data['measurement_dec'] = dir[0] data['measurement_inc'] = dir[1] data['measurement_magn_moment'] = dir[2] * ( 10.0** data['expon']) * volume # the data are in A/m - this converts to Am^2 data['measurement_magn_volume'] = dir[2] * (10.0**data['expon'] ) # A/m - data in A/m data['sample_dip'] = -data['sample_dip'] DGEOs, IGEOs = [], [] for ind in range(len(data)): dgeo, igeo = pmag.dogeo(data.iloc[ind]['measurement_dec'], data.iloc[ind]['measurement_inc'], data.iloc[ind]['sample_azimuth'], data.iloc[ind]['sample_dip']) DGEOs.append(dgeo) IGEOs.append(igeo) data['specimen_dec'] = DGEOs data['specimen_inc'] = IGEOs data['specimen_tilt'] = '1' if specnum != 0: data['er_sample_name'] = data['er_specimen_name'][:specnum] else: data['er_sample_name'] = data['er_specimen_name'] if int(samp_con) in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]: data['er_site_name'] = pmag.parse_site(data['er_sample_name'], samp_con, Z) # else: # if 'er_site_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_site_name=ErSampRec['er_site_name'] # if 'er_location_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_location_name=ErSampRec['er_location_name'] # Configure the er_sample table for rowNum, row in data.iterrows(): sampleFlag = 0 for sampRec in SampOuts: if sampRec['er_sample_name'] == row['er_sample_name']: sampleFlag = 1 break if sampleFlag == 0: ErSampRec['er_sample_name'] = row['er_sample_name'] ErSampRec['sample_azimuth'] = str(row['sample_azimuth']) ErSampRec['sample_dip'] = str(row['sample_dip']) ErSampRec['magic_method_codes'] = meth_code ErSampRec['er_location_name'] = er_location_name ErSampRec['er_site_name'] = row['er_site_name'] ErSampRec['er_citation_names'] = 'This study' SampOuts.append(ErSampRec.copy()) # Configure the magic_measurements table for rowNum, row in data.iterrows(): MagRec = {} # MagRec['measurement_description']='Date: '+date MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec['er_location_name'] = er_location_name MagRec['er_site_name'] = row['er_site_name'] MagRec['er_sample_name'] = row['er_sample_name'] MagRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"] = 'g' MagRec["measurement_standard"] = 'u' MagRec["measurement_number"] = '1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = row['er_specimen_name'] MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '0' if row['step'] == 'NRM': meas_type = "LT-NO" elif row['step'][0:2] == 'AD': meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" treat = float(row['step'][2:]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( treat * 1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif row['step'][0] == 'TD': meas_type = "LT-T-Z" treat = float(row['step'][2:]) MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (treat + 273. ) # temp in kelvin else: # need to add IRM, and ARM options print("measurement type unknown", row['step']) return False, "measurement type unknown" MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = str(row['measurement_magn_moment']) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"] = str(row['measurement_magn_volume']) MagRec["measurement_dec"] = str(row['measurement_dec']) MagRec["measurement_inc"] = str(row['measurement_inc']) MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec.copy()) pmag.magic_write(samp_file, SampOuts, 'er_samples') print("sample orientations put in ", samp_file) MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, 'magic_measurements') print("results put in ", meas_file) print("exit!") return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes equal area projections site by site from pmag_specimens.txt file with Fisher confidence ellipse using McFadden and McElhinny (1988) technique for combining lines and planes allows testing and reject specimens for bad orientations SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints help and quits -f: specify pmag_specimen format file, default is pmag_specimens.txt -fsa: specify er_samples.txt file -exc: use existing pmag_criteria.txt file -N: reset all sample flags to good OUPUT edited er_samples.txt file """ dir_path = '.' FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG['eqarea'] = 1 # eqarea is figure 1 in_file = 'pmag_specimens.txt' sampfile = 'er_samples.txt' out_file = "" fmt, plot = 'svg', 1 Crits = "" M, N = 180., 1 repeat = '' renew = 0 if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") in_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fsa") sampfile = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-exc' in sys.argv: Crits, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + '/pmag_criteria.txt') for crit in Crits: if crit['pmag_criteria_code'] == 'DE-SPEC': M = float(crit['specimen_mad']) N = float(crit['specimen_n']) if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-N' in sys.argv: renew = 1 # if in_file[0] != "/": in_file = dir_path + '/' + in_file if sampfile[0] != "/": sampfile = dir_path + '/' + sampfile crd = 's' Specs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(in_file) if file_type != 'pmag_specimens': print(' bad pmag_specimen input file') sys.exit() Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(sampfile) if file_type != 'er_samples': print(' bad er_samples input file') sys.exit() SO_methods = [] for rec in Samps: if 'sample_orientation_flag' not in list(rec.keys()): rec['sample_orientation_flag'] = 'g' if 'sample_description' not in list(rec.keys()): rec['sample_description'] = '' if renew == 1: rec['sample_orientation_flag'] = 'g' description = rec['sample_description'] if '#' in description: newdesc = "" c = 0 while description[c] != '#' and c < len( description) - 1: # look for first pound sign newdesc = newdesc + description[c] c += 1 while description[c] == '#': c += 1 # skip first set of pound signs while description[c] != '#': c += 1 # find second set of pound signs while description[c] == '#' and c < len(description) - 1: c += 1 # skip second set of pound signs while c < len(description) - 1: # look for first pound sign newdesc = newdesc + description[c] c += 1 rec['sample_description'] = newdesc # edit out old comment about orientations if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist = rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth.strip() and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) pmag.magic_write(sampfile, Samps, 'er_samples') SO_priorities = pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods, 0) sitelist = [] for rec in Specs: if rec['er_site_name'] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec['er_site_name']) sitelist.sort() EQ = {} EQ['eqarea'] = 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(EQ['eqarea'], 5, 5) k = 0 while k < len(sitelist): site = sitelist[k] print(site) data = [] ThisSiteSpecs = pmag.get_dictitem(Specs, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') ThisSiteSpecs = pmag.get_dictitem(ThisSiteSpecs, 'specimen_tilt_correction', '-1', 'T') # get all the unoriented data for spec in ThisSiteSpecs: if spec['specimen_mad'] != "" and spec[ 'specimen_n'] != "" and float( spec['specimen_mad']) <= M and float( spec['specimen_n']) >= N: # good spec, now get orientation.... redo, p = 1, 0 if len(SO_methods) <= 1: az_type = SO_methods[0] orient = pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"], Samps, az_type) redo = 0 while redo == 1: if p >= len(SO_priorities): print("no orientation data for ", spec['er_sample_name']) orient["sample_azimuth"] = "" orient["sample_dip"] = "" redo = 0 else: az_type = SO_methods[SO_methods.index( SO_priorities[p])] orient = pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"], Samps, az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] != "": redo = 0 p += 1 if orient['sample_azimuth'] != "": rec = {} for key in list(spec.keys()): rec[key] = spec[key] rec['dec'], rec['inc'] = pmag.dogeo( float(spec['specimen_dec']), float(spec['specimen_inc']), float(orient['sample_azimuth']), float(orient['sample_dip'])) rec["tilt_correction"] = '1' crd = 'g' rec['sample_azimuth'] = orient['sample_azimuth'] rec['sample_dip'] = orient['sample_dip'] data.append(rec) if len(data) > 2: print('specimen, dec, inc, n_meas/MAD,| method codes ') for i in range(len(data)): print('%s: %7.1f %7.1f %s / %s | %s' % (data[i]['er_specimen_name'], data[i]['dec'], data[i]['inc'], data[i]['specimen_n'], data[i]['specimen_mad'], data[i]['magic_method_codes'])) fpars = pmag.dolnp(data, 'specimen_direction_type') print("\n Site lines planes kappa a95 dec inc") print(site, fpars["n_lines"], fpars["n_planes"], fpars["K"], fpars["alpha95"], fpars["dec"], fpars["inc"], fpars["R"]) if out_file != "": if float(fpars["alpha95"]) <= acutoff and float( fpars["K"]) >= kcutoff: out.write('%s %s %s\n' % (fpars["dec"], fpars['inc'], fpars['alpha95'])) pmagplotlib.plot_lnp(EQ['eqarea'], site, data, fpars, 'specimen_direction_type') pmagplotlib.draw_figs(EQ) if k != 0 and repeat != 'y': ans = input( "s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, [p]revious site, <return> to continue:\n " ) elif k == 0 and repeat != 'y': ans = input( "s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, <return> to continue:\n " ) if ans == "p": k -= 2 if ans == "a": files = {} files['eqarea'] = site + '_' + crd + '_eqarea' + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.save_plots(EQ, files) if ans == "q": sys.exit() if ans == "e" and Samps == []: print("can't edit samples without orientation file, sorry") elif ans == "e": # k-=1 testspec = input("Enter name of specimen to check: ") for spec in data: if spec['er_specimen_name'] == testspec: # first test wrong direction of drill arrows (flip drill direction in opposite direction and re-calculate d,i d, i = pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']), float(spec['specimen_inc']), float(spec['sample_azimuth']) - 180., -float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) pmagplotlib.plot_xy(EQ['eqarea'], [XY[0]], [XY[1]], sym='g^') # first test wrong end of compass (take az-180.) d, i = pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']), float(spec['specimen_inc']), float(spec['sample_azimuth']) - 180., float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) pmagplotlib.plot_xy(EQ['eqarea'], [XY[0]], [XY[1]], sym='kv') # did the sample spin in the hole? # now spin around specimen's z X_up, Y_up, X_d, Y_d = [], [], [], [] for incr in range(0, 360, 5): d, i = pmag.dogeo( float(spec['specimen_dec']) + incr, float(spec['specimen_inc']), float(spec['sample_azimuth']), float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) if i >= 0: X_d.append(XY[0]) Y_d.append(XY[1]) else: X_up.append(XY[0]) Y_up.append(XY[1]) pmagplotlib.plot_xy(EQ['eqarea'], X_d, Y_d, sym='b.') pmagplotlib.plot_xy(EQ['eqarea'], X_up, Y_up, sym='c.') pmagplotlib.draw_figs(EQ) break print("Triangle: wrong arrow for drill direction.") print("Delta: wrong end of compass.") print( "Small circle: wrong mark on sample. [cyan upper hemisphere]" ) deleteme = input("Mark this sample as bad? y/[n] ") if deleteme == 'y': reason = input( "Reason: [1] broke, [2] wrong drill direction, [3] wrong compass direction, [4] bad mark, [5] displaced block [6] other " ) if reason == '1': description = ' sample broke while drilling' if reason == '2': description = ' wrong drill direction ' if reason == '3': description = ' wrong compass direction ' if reason == '4': description = ' bad mark in field' if reason == '5': description = ' displaced block' if reason == '6': description = input( 'Enter brief reason for deletion: ') for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name'] == spec['er_sample_name']: samp['sample_orientation_flag'] = 'b' samp['sample_description'] = samp[ 'sample_description'] + ' ## direction deleted because: ' + description + '##' # mark description pmag.magic_write(sampfile, Samps, 'er_samples') repeat = input("Mark another sample, this site? y/[n] ") if repeat == 'y': k -= 1 else: print( 'skipping site - not enough data with specified coordinate system' ) k += 1 print("sample flags stored in ", sampfile)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Calculate principal components through demagnetization data using bounds and calculation type stored in "redo" file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f: specify input file, default is magic_measurements.txt -F: specify output file, default is zeq_specimens.txt -fre REDO: specify redo file, default is "zeq_redo" -fsa SAMPFILE: specify er_samples format file, default is "er_samples.txt" -A : don't average replicate measurements, default is yes -crd [s,g,t] : specify coordinate system [s,g,t] [default is specimen coordinates] are specimen, geographic, and tilt corrected respectively NB: you must have a SAMPFILE in this directory to rotate from specimen coordinates -leg: attaches "Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " to comment field INPUTS zeq_redo format file is: specimen_name calculation_type[DE-BFL,DE-BFL-A,DE-BFL-O,DE-BFP,DE-FM] step_min step_max component_name[A,B,C] """ dir_path='.' INCL=["LT-NO","LT-AF-Z","LT-T-Z","LT-M-Z"] # looking for demag data beg,end,pole,geo,tilt,askave,save=0,0,[],0,0,0,0 user,doave,comment= "",1,"" geo,tilt=0,0 version_num=pmag.get_version() args=sys.argv if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] meas_file,pmag_file,mk_file= dir_path+"/"+"magic_measurements.txt",dir_path+"/"+"zeq_specimens.txt",dir_path+"/"+"zeq_redo" samp_file,coord=dir_path+"/"+"er_samples.txt","" if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-A" in args:doave=0 if "-leg" in args: comment="Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") pmag_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-fre" in args: ind=args.index("-fre") mk_file=dir_path+"/"+args[ind+1] try: mk_f=open(mk_file,'r') except: print("Bad redo file") sys.exit() mkspec,skipped=[],[] speclist=[] for line in mk_f.readlines(): tmp=line.split() mkspec.append(tmp) speclist.append(tmp[0]) if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-crd" in args: ind=args.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=="g":geo,tilt=1,0 if coord=="t":geo,tilt=1,1 # # now get down to bidness if geo==1: samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print(file_type) print("This is not a valid er_samples file ") sys.exit() # # # meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print(file_type) print(file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file ") sys.exit() # # sort the specimen names # k = 0 print('Processing ',len(speclist), ' specimens - please wait') PmagSpecs=[] while k < len(speclist): s=speclist[k] recnum=0 PmagSpecRec={} method_codes,inst_codes=[],[] # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # meas_meth=[] spec=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') if len(spec)==0: print('no data found for specimen: ',s) print('delete from zeq_redo input file...., then try again') else: for rec in spec: # copy of vital stats to PmagSpecRec from first spec record in demag block skip=1 methods=rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") if len(set(methods) & set(INCL))>0: PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] if "er_expedition_name" in list(rec.keys()):PmagSpecRec["er_expedition_name"]=rec["er_expedition_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" if "magic_experiment_name" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["magic_experiment_name"]="" PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] if "magic_instrument_codes" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" inst=rec['magic_instrument_codes'].split(":") for I in inst: if I not in inst_codes: # copy over instruments inst_codes.append(I) meths=rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in meas_meth:meas_meth.append(meth) if "LP-DIR-AF" in meas_meth or "LT-AF-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="T" if "LP-DIR-AF" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-AF") if "LP-DIR-T" in meas_meth or "LT-T-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="K" if "LP-DIR-T" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-T") if "LP-DIR-M" in meas_meth or "LT-M-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="J" if "LP-DIR-M" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-M") # # datablock,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,spec) # fish out the demag data for this specimen # if len(datablock) <2 or s not in speclist : k+=1 # print 'skipping ', s,len(datablock) else: # # find replicate measurements at given treatment step and average them # # step_meth,avedata=pmag.vspec(data) # # if len(avedata) != len(datablock): # if doave==1: # method_codes.append("DE-VM") # datablock=avedata # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo==1 or tilt==1: # find top priority orientation method orient,az_type=pmag.get_orient(samp_data,PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) if az_type not in method_codes:method_codes.append(az_type) # # if tilt selected, get stratigraphic correction # tiltblock,geoblock=[],[] for rec in datablock: if "sample_azimuth" in list(orient.keys()) and orient["sample_azimuth"]!="": d_geo,i_geo=pmag.dogeo(rec[1],rec[2],float(orient["sample_azimuth"]),float(orient["sample_dip"])) geoblock.append([rec[0],d_geo,i_geo,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5]]) if tilt==1 and "sample_bed_dip_direction" in list(orient.keys()): d_tilt,i_tilt=pmag.dotilt(d_geo,i_geo,float(orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"]),float(orient["sample_bed_dip"])) tiltblock.append([rec[0],d_tilt,i_tilt,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5]]) elif tilt==1: if PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] not in skipped: print('no tilt correction for ', PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],' skipping....') skipped.append(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) else: if PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] not in skipped: print('no geographic correction for ', PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],' skipping....') skipped.append(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) # # get beg_pca, end_pca, pca if PmagSpecRec['er_sample_name'] not in skipped: compnum=-1 for spec in mkspec: if spec[0]==s: CompRec={} for key in list(PmagSpecRec.keys()):CompRec[key]=PmagSpecRec[key] compnum+=1 calculation_type=spec[1] beg=float(spec[2]) end=float(spec[3]) if len(spec)>4: comp_name=spec[4] else: comp_name=string.uppercase[compnum] CompRec['specimen_comp_name']=comp_name if beg < float(datablock[0][0]):beg=float(datablock[0][0]) if end > float(datablock[-1][0]):end=float(datablock[-1][0]) for l in range(len(datablock)): if datablock[l][0]==beg:beg_pca=l if datablock[l][0]==end:end_pca=l if geo==1 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(geoblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='0' if geo==1 and tilt==1: mpars=pmag.domean(tiltblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='100' if geo==0 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(datablock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]=="Error": pass else: CompRec["measurement_step_min"]='%8.3e '%(datablock[beg_pca][0]) try: CompRec["measurement_step_max"]='%8.3e '%(datablock[end_pca][0] ) except: print('error in end_pca ',PmagSpecRec['er_specimen_name']) CompRec["specimen_correction"]='u' if calculation_type!='DE-FM': CompRec["specimen_mad"]='%7.1f '%(mpars["specimen_mad"]) CompRec["specimen_alpha95"]="" else: CompRec["specimen_mad"]="" CompRec["specimen_alpha95"]='%7.1f '%(mpars["specimen_alpha95"]) CompRec["specimen_n"]='%i '%(mpars["specimen_n"]) CompRec["specimen_dang"]='%7.1f '%(mpars["specimen_dang"]) CompMeths=[] for meth in method_codes: if meth not in CompMeths:CompMeths.append(meth) if calculation_type not in CompMeths:CompMeths.append(calculation_type) if geo==1: CompMeths.append("DA-DIR-GEO") if tilt==1: CompMeths.append("DA-DIR-TILT") if "DE-BFP" not in calculation_type: CompRec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' else: CompRec["specimen_direction_type"]='p' CompRec["magic_method_codes"]="" if len(CompMeths) != 0: methstring="" for meth in CompMeths: methstring=methstring+ ":" +meth CompRec["magic_method_codes"]=methstring.strip(':') CompRec["specimen_description"]=comment if len(inst_codes) != 0: inststring="" for inst in inst_codes: inststring=inststring+ ":" +inst CompRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inststring.strip(':') PmagSpecs.append(CompRec) k+=1 pmag.magic_write(pmag_file,PmagSpecs,'pmag_specimens') print("Recalculated specimen data stored in ",pmag_file)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION reads in magic_measurements formatted file, makes plots of remanence decay during demagnetization experiments. Reads in prior interpretations saved in a pmag_specimens formatted file and allows re-interpretations of best-fit lines and planes and saves (revised or new) interpretations in a pmag_specimens file. interpretations are saved in the coordinate system used. Also allows judicious editting of measurements to eliminate "bad" measurements. These are marked as such in the magic_measurements input file. they are NOT deleted, just ignored. SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f MEASFILE: sets magic_measurements format input file, default: magic_measurements.txt -fsp SPECFILE: sets pmag_specimens format file with prior interpreations, default: zeq_specimens.txt -Fp PLTFILE: sets filename for saved plot, default is name_type.fmt (where type is zijd, eqarea or decay curve) -crd [s,g,t]: sets coordinate system, g=geographic, t=tilt adjusted, default: specimen coordinate system -fsa SAMPFILE: sets er_samples format file with orientation information, default: er_samples.txt -spc SPEC plots single specimen SPEC, saves plot with specified format with optional -dir settings and quits -dir [L,P,F][beg][end]: sets calculation type for principal component analysis, default is none beg: starting step for PCA calculation end: ending step for PCA calculation [L,P,F]: calculation type for line, plane or fisher mean must be used with -spc option -fmt FMT: set format of saved plot [png,svg,jpg] -A: suppresses averaging of replicate measurements, default is to average -sav: saves all plots without review SCREEN OUTPUT: Specimen, N, a95, StepMin, StepMax, Dec, Inc, calculation type """ # initialize some variables doave,e,b=1,0,0 # average replicates, initial end and beginning step plots,coord=0,'s' noorient=0 version_num=pmag.get_version() verbose=pmagplotlib.verbose beg_pca,end_pca,direction_type="","",'l' calculation_type,fmt="","svg" user,spec_keys,locname="",[],'' plot_file="" sfile="" plot_file="" PriorRecs=[] # empty list for prior interpretations backup=0 specimen="" # can skip everything and just plot one specimen with bounds e,b if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] else: dir_path='.' inspec=dir_path+'/'+'zeq_specimens.txt' meas_file,geo,tilt,ask,samp_file=dir_path+'/magic_measurements.txt',0,0,0,dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') meas_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsp' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsp') inspec=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsa') samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] sfile='ok' if '-crd' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-crd') coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=='g' or coord=='t': samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type=='er_samples':sfile='ok' geo=1 if coord=='t':tilt=1 if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') specimen=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-dir' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-dir') direction_type=sys.argv[ind+1] beg_pca=int(sys.argv[ind+2]) end_pca=int(sys.argv[ind+3]) if direction_type=='L':calculation_type='DE-BFL' if direction_type=='P':calculation_type='DE-BFP' if direction_type=='F':calculation_type='DE-FM' if '-Fp' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fp') plot_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-A' in sys.argv: doave=0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots=1 verbose=0 if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] # first_save=1 meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) changeM,changeS=0,0 # check if data or interpretations have changed if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() for rec in meas_data: if "magic_method_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_method_codes"]="" methods="" tmp=rec["magic_method_codes"].replace(" ","").split(":") for meth in tmp: methods=methods+meth+":" rec["magic_method_codes"]=methods[:-1] # get rid of annoying spaces in Anthony's export files if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys() :rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" PriorSpecs=[] PriorRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(inspec) if len(PriorRecs)==0: if verbose:print "starting new file ",inspec for Rec in PriorRecs: if 'magic_software_packages' not in Rec.keys():Rec['magic_software_packages']="" if Rec['er_specimen_name'] not in PriorSpecs: if 'specimen_comp_name' not in Rec.keys():Rec['specimen_comp_name']="A" PriorSpecs.append(Rec['er_specimen_name']) else: if 'specimen_comp_name' not in Rec.keys():Rec['specimen_comp_name']="A" if "magic_method_codes" in Rec.keys(): methods=[] tmp=Rec["magic_method_codes"].replace(" ","").split(":") for meth in tmp: methods.append(meth) if 'DE-FM' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-FM' # this won't be imported but helps if 'DE-BFL' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFL' if 'DE-BFL-A' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFL-A' if 'DE-BFL-O' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFL-O' if 'DE-BFP' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFP' else: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFL' # default is to assume a best-fit line # # get list of unique specimen names # sids=pmag.get_specs(meas_data) # # set up plots, angle sets X axis to horizontal, direction_type 'l' is best-fit line # direction_type='p' is great circle # # # draw plots for sample s - default is just to step through zijderveld diagrams # # # define figure numbers for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively ZED={} ZED['eqarea'],ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag']=1,2,3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'],6,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'],5,5) save_pca=0 if specimen=="": k = 0 else: k=sids.index(specimen) angle,direction_type="","" setangle=0 CurrRecs=[] while k < len(sids): CurrRecs=[] if setangle==0:angle="" method_codes,inst_code=[],"" s=sids[k] PmagSpecRec={} PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSpecRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num PmagSpecRec['specimen_description']="" PmagSpecRec['magic_method_codes']="" if verbose and s!="":print s, k , 'out of ',len(sids) # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # s_meas=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') # fish out this specimen s_meas=pmag.get_dictitem(s_meas,'magic_method_codes','Z','has') # fish out zero field steps if len(s_meas)>0: for rec in s_meas: # fix up a few things for the output record PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=rec["magic_instrument_codes"] # copy over instruments PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] locname=rec['er_location_name'] if 'er_expedition_name' in rec.keys(): PmagSpecRec["er_expedition_name"]=rec["er_expedition_name"] PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=rec["magic_method_codes"] if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]="" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] break # # find the data from the meas_data file for this specimen # data,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,meas_data) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]= units u=units.split(":") if "T" in units:PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]+":LP-DIR-AF" if "K" in units:PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]+":LP-DIR-T" if "J" in units:PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]+":LP-DIR-M" # # find prior interpretation # if len(CurrRecs)==0: # check if already in beg_pca,end_pca="","" calculation_type="" if inspec !="": if verbose: print " looking up previous interpretations..." precs=pmag.get_dictitem(PriorRecs,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') # get all the prior recs with this specimen name precs=pmag.get_dictitem(precs,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR','has') # get the directional data PriorRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(PriorRecs,'er_specimen_name',s,'F') # take them all out of prior recs # get the ones that meet the current coordinate system for prec in precs: if 'specimen_tilt_correction' not in prec.keys() or prec['specimen_tilt_correction']=='-1': crd='s' elif prec['specimen_tilt_correction']=='0': crd='g' elif prec['specimen_tilt_correction']=='100': crd='t' else: crd='?' CurrRec={} for key in prec.keys():CurrRec[key]=prec[key] CurrRecs.append(CurrRec) # put in CurrRecs method_codes= CurrRec["magic_method_codes"].replace(" ","").split(':') calculation_type='DE-BFL' if 'DE-FM' in method_codes: calculation_type='DE-FM' if 'DE-BFP' in method_codes: calculation_type='DE-BFP' if 'DE-BFL-A' in method_codes: calculation_type='DE-BFL-A' if 'specimen_dang' not in CurrRec.keys(): if verbose:print 'Run and to get the specimen_dang values' CurrRec['specimen_dang']=-1 if calculation_type!='DE-FM' and crd==coord: # not a fisher mean if verbose:print "Specimen N MAD DANG start end dec inc type component coordinates" if units=='K': if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_dang"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"])-273,float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"])-273,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif units=='T': if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_dang"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"])*1e3,float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"])*1e3,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])<1.0 : min=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])*1e3 else: min=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])-273 if float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])<1.0 : max=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])*1e3 else: max=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])-273 if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s %s\n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec['specimen_dang']),min,max,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,crd) elif 'J' in units: if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec['specimen_dang']),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif calculation_type=='DE-FM' and crd==coord: # fisher mean if verbose:print "Specimen a95 DANG start end dec inc type component coordinates" if units=='K': if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"])-273,float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"])-273,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif units=='T': if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"])*1e3,float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"])*1e3,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])<1.0 : min=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])*1e3 else: min=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])-273 if float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])<1.0 : max=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])*1e3 else: max=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])-273 if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_alpha95"]),min,max,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,crd) elif 'J' in units: if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) if len(CurrRecs)==0:beg_pca,end_pca="","" datablock=data noskip=1 if len(datablock) <3: noskip=0 if backup==0: k+=1 else: k-=1 if len(CurrRecs)>0: for rec in CurrRecs: PriorRecs.append(rec) CurrRecs=[] else: backup=0 if noskip: # # find replicate measurements at given treatment step and average them # # step_meth,avedata=pmag.vspec(data) # if len(avedata) != len(datablock): # if doave==1: # method_codes.append("DE-VM") # datablock=avedata # # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo==1: # # find top priority orientation method orient,az_type=pmag.get_orient(samp_data,PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) if az_type=='SO-NO': if verbose: print "no orientation data for ",s orient["sample_azimuth"]=0 orient["sample_dip"]=0 noorient=1 method_codes.append("SO-NO") orient["sample_azimuth"]=0 orient["sample_dip"]=0 orient["sample_bed_dip_azimuth"]=0 orient["sample_bed_dip"]=0 noorient=1 method_codes.append("SO-NO") else: noorient=0 # # if stratigraphic selected, get stratigraphic correction # tiltblock,geoblock=[],[] for rec in datablock: d_geo,i_geo=pmag.dogeo(rec[1],rec[2],float(orient["sample_azimuth"]),float(orient["sample_dip"])) geoblock.append([rec[0],d_geo,i_geo,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5],rec[6]]) if tilt==1 and "sample_bed_dip" in orient.keys() and float(orient['sample_bed_dip'])!=0: d_tilt,i_tilt=pmag.dotilt(d_geo,i_geo,float(orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"]),float(orient["sample_bed_dip"])) tiltblock.append([rec[0],d_tilt,i_tilt,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5],rec[6]]) if tilt==1: plotblock=tiltblock if geo==1 and tilt==0:plotblock=geoblock if geo==0 and tilt==0: plotblock=datablock # # set the end pca point to last point if not set if e==0 or e>len(plotblock)-1: e=len(plotblock)-1 if angle=="": angle=plotblock[0][1] # rotate to NRM declination title=s+'_s' if geo==1 and tilt==0 and noorient!=1:title=s+'_g' if tilt==1 and noorient!=1:title=s+'_t' pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED,plotblock,angle,title,units) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if len(CurrRecs)!=0: for prec in CurrRecs: if 'calculation_type' not in prec.keys(): calculation_type='' else: calculation_type=prec["calculation_type"] direction_type=prec["specimen_direction_type"] if calculation_type !="": beg_pca,end_pca="","" for j in range(len(datablock)): if data[j][0]==float(prec["measurement_step_min"]):beg_pca=j if data[j][0]==float(prec["measurement_step_max"]):end_pca=j if beg_pca=="" or end_pca=="": if verbose: print "something wrong with prior interpretation " break if calculation_type!="": if beg_pca=="":beg_pca=0 if end_pca=="":end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 if geo==1 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(geoblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,geoblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==1 and tilt==1: mpars=pmag.domean(tiltblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,tiltblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==0 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(datablock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,plotblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) # # print out data for this sample to screen # recnum=0 for plotrec in plotblock: if units=='T' and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]*1e3," mT",plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) if units=="K" and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]-273,' C',plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) if units=="J" and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0],' J',plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) if 'K' in units and 'T' in units: if plotrec[0]>=1. and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]-273,' C',plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) if plotrec[0]<1. and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]*1e3," mT",plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) recnum += 1 if specimen!="": if plot_file=="": basename=locname+'_'+s else: basename=plot_file files={} for key in ZED.keys(): files[key]=basename+'_'+key+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED,files) sys.exit() else: # interactive if plots==0: ans='b' k+=1 changeS=0 while ans != "": if len(CurrRecs)==0: print """ g/b: indicates good/bad measurement. "bad" measurements excluded from calculation set s[a]ve plot, [b]ounds for pca and calculate, [p]revious, [s]pecimen, change [h]orizontal projection angle, change [c]oordinate systems, [e]dit data, [q]uit: """ else: print """ g/b: indicates good/bad measurement. "bad" measurements excluded from calculation set s[a]ve plot, [b]ounds for pca and calculate, [p]revious, [s]pecimen, change [h]orizontal projection angle, change [c]oordinate systems, [d]elete current interpretation(s), [e]dit data, [q]uit: """ ans=raw_input('<Return> for next specimen \n') setangle=0 if ans=='d': # delete this interpretation CurrRecs=[] k-=1 # replot same specimen ans="" changeS=1 if ans=='q': if changeM==1: ans=raw_input('Save changes to magic_measurements.txt? y/[n] ') if ans=='y': pmag.magic_write(meas_file,meas_data,'magic_measurements') print "Good bye" sys.exit() if ans=='a': if plot_file=="": basename=locname+'_'+s+'_' else: basename=plot_file files={} for key in ZED.keys(): files[key]=basename+'_'+coord+'_'+key+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED,files) ans="" if ans=='p': k-=2 ans="" backup=1 if ans=='c': k-=1 # replot same block if tilt==0 and geo ==1:print "You are currently viewing geographic coordinates " if tilt==1 and geo ==1:print "You are currently viewing stratigraphic coordinates " if tilt==0 and geo ==0: print "You are currently viewing sample coordinates " print "\n Which coordinate system do you wish to view? " coord=raw_input(" <Return> specimen, [g] geographic, [t] tilt corrected ") if coord=="g":geo,tilt=1,0 if coord=="t": geo=1 tilt=1 if coord=="": coord='s' geo=0 tilt=0 if geo==1 and sfile=="": samp_file=raw_input(" Input er_samples file for sample orientations [er_samples.txt] " ) if samp_file=="":samp_file="er_samples.txt" samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print file_type print "This is not a valid er_samples file - coordinate system not changed" else: sfile="ok" ans="" if ans=='s': keepon=1 sample=raw_input('Enter desired specimen name (or first part there of): ') while keepon==1: try: k =sids.index(sample) keepon=0 except: tmplist=[] for qq in range(len(sids)): if sample in sids[qq]:tmplist.append(sids[qq]) print sample," not found, but this was: " print tmplist sample=raw_input('Select one or try again\n ') angle,direction_type="","" setangle=0 ans="" if ans=='h': k-=1 angle=raw_input("Enter desired declination for X axis 0-360 ") angle=float(angle) if angle==0:angle=0.001 s=sids[k] setangle=1 ans="" if ans=='e': k-=1 ans="" recnum=0 for plotrec in plotblock: if plotrec[0]<=200 and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]*1e3," mT",plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2]) if plotrec[0]>200 and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]-273,' C',plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2]) recnum += 1 answer=raw_input('Enter index of point to change from bad to good or vice versa: ') try: ind=int(answer) meas_data=pmag.mark_dmag_rec(s,ind,meas_data) changeM=1 except: 'bad entry, try again' if ans=='b': if end_pca=="":end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 if beg_pca=="":beg_pca=0 k-=1 # stay on same sample until through GoOn=0 while GoOn==0: print 'Enter index of first point for pca: ','[',beg_pca,']' answer=raw_input('return to keep default ') if answer != "": beg_pca=int(answer) print 'Enter index of last point for pca: ','[',end_pca,']' answer=raw_input('return to keep default ') try: end_pca=int(answer) if plotblock[beg_pca][5]=='b' or plotblock[end_pca][5]=='b': print "Can't select 'bad' measurement for PCA bounds -try again" end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 beg_pca=0 elif beg_pca >=0 and beg_pca<=len(plotblock)-2 and end_pca>0 and end_pca<len(plotblock): GoOn=1 else: print beg_pca,end_pca, " are bad entry of indices - try again" end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 beg_pca=0 except: print beg_pca,end_pca, " are bad entry of indices - try again" end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 beg_pca=0 GoOn=0 while GoOn==0: if calculation_type!="": print "Prior calculation type = ",calculation_type ct=raw_input('Enter new Calculation Type: best-fit line, plane or fisher mean [l]/p/f : ' ) if ct=="" or ct=="l": direction_type="l" calculation_type="DE-BFL" GoOn=1 elif ct=='p': direction_type="p" calculation_type="DE-BFP" GoOn=1 elif ct=='f': direction_type="l" calculation_type="DE-FM" GoOn=1 else: print "bad entry of calculation type: try again. " pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED,plotblock,angle,s,units) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==1 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(geoblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars['specimen_direction_type']=='Error':break PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) if "SO-NO" not in method_codes: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='0' method_codes.append("DA-DIR-GEO") else: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,geoblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==1 and tilt==1: mpars=pmag.domean(tiltblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars['specimen_direction_type']=='Error':break PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) if "SO-NO" not in method_codes: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='100' method_codes.append("DA-DIR-TILT") else: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,tiltblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==0 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(datablock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars['specimen_direction_type']=='Error':break PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,plotblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"]='%8.3e ' %(mpars["measurement_step_min"]) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"]='%8.3e ' %(mpars["measurement_step_max"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_correction"]='u' PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars['specimen_dang']) print 'DANG: ',PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"] if calculation_type!='DE-FM': PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_mad"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]="" else: PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_alpha95"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]="" PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]='%i ' %(mpars["specimen_n"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_direction_type"]=direction_type PmagSpecRec["calculation_type"]=calculation_type # redundant and won't be imported - just for convenience method_codes=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"].split(':') if len(method_codes) != 0: methstring="" for meth in method_codes: ctype=meth.split('-') if 'DE' not in ctype:methstring=methstring+ ":" +meth # don't include old direction estimation methods methstring=methstring+':'+calculation_type PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]= methstring.strip(':') print 'Method codes: ',PmagSpecRec['magic_method_codes'] if calculation_type!='DE-FM': if units=='K': print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"])-273,float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"])-273,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) elif units== 'T': print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"])*1e3,float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"])*1e3,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])<1.0 : min=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])*1e3 else: min=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])-273 if float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])<1.0 : max=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])*1e3 else: max=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])-273 print '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),min,max,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) else: print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) else: if 'K' in units: print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"])-273,float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"])-273,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) elif 'T' in units: print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"])*1e3,float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"])*1e3,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])<1.0 : min=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])*1e3 else: min=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])-273 if float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])<1.0 : max=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])*1e3 else: max=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])-273 print '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]),min,max,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) else: print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) saveit=raw_input("Save this interpretation? [y]/n \n") if saveit!="n": changeS=1 # # put in details # angle,direction_type,setangle="","",0 if len(CurrRecs)>0: replace=raw_input(" [0] add new component, or [1] replace existing interpretation(s) [default is replace] ") if replace=="1" or replace=="": CurrRecs=[] PmagSpecRec['specimen_comp_name']='A' CurrRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) else: print 'These are the current component names for this specimen: ' for trec in CurrRecs:print trec['specimen_comp_name'] compnum=raw_input("Enter new component name: ") PmagSpecRec['specimen_comp_name']=compnum print "Adding new component: ",PmagSpecRec['specimen_comp_name'] CurrRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) else: PmagSpecRec['specimen_comp_name']='A' CurrRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) k+=1 ans="" else: ans="" else: # plots=1 k+=1 files={} locname.replace('/','-') print PmagSpecRec for key in ZED.keys(): files[key]="LO:_"+locname+'_SI:_'+PmagSpecRec['er_site_name']+'_SA:_'+PmagSpecRec['er_sample_name']+'_SP:_'+s+'_CO:_'+coord+'_TY:_'+key+'_.'+fmt if pmagplotlib.isServer: black = '#000000' purple = '#800080' titles={} titles['demag']='DeMag Plot' titles['zijd']='Zijderveld Plot' titles['eqarea']='Equal Area Plot' ZED = pmagplotlib.addBorders(ZED,titles,black,purple) pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED,files) if len(CurrRecs)>0: for rec in CurrRecs: PriorRecs.append(rec) if changeS==1: if len(PriorRecs)>0: save_redo(PriorRecs,inspec) else: os.system('rm '+inspec) CurrRecs,beg_pca,end_pca=[],"","" # next up changeS=0 else: k+=1 # skip record - not enough data if changeM==1: pmag.magic_write(meas_file,meas_data,'magic_measurements')
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Calculate principal components through demagnetization data using bounds and calculation type stored in "redo" file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f: specify input file, default is magic_measurements.txt -F: specify output file, default is zeq_specimens.txt -fre REDO: specify redo file, default is "zeq_redo" -fsa SAMPFILE: specify er_samples format file, default is "er_samples.txt" -A : don't average replicate measurements, default is yes -crd [s,g,t] : specify coordinate system [s,g,t] [default is specimen coordinates] are specimen, geographic, and tilt corrected respectively NB: you must have a SAMPFILE in this directory to rotate from specimen coordinates -leg: attaches "Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " to comment field INPUTS zeq_redo format file is: specimen_name calculation_type[DE-BFL,DE-BFL-A,DE-BFL-O,DE-BFP,DE-FM] step_min step_max component_name[A,B,C] """ dir_path = '.' INCL = ["LT-NO", "LT-AF-Z", "LT-T-Z", "LT-M-Z"] # looking for demag data beg, end, pole, geo, tilt, askave, save = 0, 0, [], 0, 0, 0, 0 user, doave, comment = "", 1, "" geo, tilt = 0, 0 version_num = pmag.get_version() args = sys.argv if '-WD' in args: ind = args.index('-WD') dir_path = args[ind + 1] meas_file, pmag_file, mk_file = dir_path + "/" + "magic_measurements.txt", dir_path + "/" + "zeq_specimens.txt", dir_path + "/" + "zeq_redo" samp_file, coord = dir_path + "/" + "er_samples.txt", "" if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: doave = 0 if "-leg" in args: comment = "Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") meas_file = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") pmag_file = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-fre" in args: ind = args.index("-fre") mk_file = dir_path + "/" + args[ind + 1] try: mk_f = open(mk_file, 'r') except: print("Bad redo file") sys.exit() mkspec, skipped = [], [] speclist = [] for line in mk_f.readlines(): tmp = line.split() mkspec.append(tmp) speclist.append(tmp[0]) if "-fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") samp_file = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-crd" in args: ind = args.index("-crd") coord = sys.argv[ind + 1] if coord == "g": geo, tilt = 1, 0 if coord == "t": geo, tilt = 1, 1 # # now get down to bidness if geo == 1: samp_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print(file_type) print("This is not a valid er_samples file ") sys.exit() # # # meas_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print(file_type) print(file_type, "This is not a valid magic_measurements file ") sys.exit() # # sort the specimen names # k = 0 print('Processing ', len(speclist), ' specimens - please wait') PmagSpecs = [] while k < len(speclist): s = speclist[k] recnum = 0 PmagSpecRec = {} method_codes, inst_codes = [], [] # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # meas_meth = [] spec = pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data, 'er_specimen_name', s, 'T') if len(spec) == 0: print('no data found for specimen: ', s) print('delete from zeq_redo input file...., then try again') else: for rec in spec: # copy of vital stats to PmagSpecRec from first spec record in demag block skip = 1 methods = rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") if len(set(methods) & set(INCL)) > 0: PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"] = s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] = rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"] = rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"] = rec["er_location_name"] if "er_expedition_name" in list(rec.keys()): PmagSpecRec["er_expedition_name"] = rec[ "er_expedition_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" if "magic_experiment_name" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["magic_experiment_name"] = "" PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"] = rec[ "magic_experiment_name"] if "magic_instrument_codes" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["magic_instrument_codes"] = "" inst = rec['magic_instrument_codes'].split(":") for I in inst: if I not in inst_codes: # copy over instruments inst_codes.append(I) meths = rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in meas_meth: meas_meth.append(meth) if "LP-DIR-AF" in meas_meth or "LT-AF-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"] = "T" if "LP-DIR-AF" not in method_codes: method_codes.append("LP-DIR-AF") if "LP-DIR-T" in meas_meth or "LT-T-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"] = "K" if "LP-DIR-T" not in method_codes: method_codes.append("LP-DIR-T") if "LP-DIR-M" in meas_meth or "LT-M-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"] = "J" if "LP-DIR-M" not in method_codes: method_codes.append("LP-DIR-M") # # datablock, units = pmag.find_dmag_rec( s, spec) # fish out the demag data for this specimen # if len(datablock) < 2 or s not in speclist: k += 1 # print 'skipping ', s,len(datablock) else: # # find replicate measurements at given treatment step and average them # # step_meth,avedata=pmag.vspec(data) # # if len(avedata) != len(datablock): # if doave==1: # method_codes.append("DE-VM") # datablock=avedata # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo == 1 or tilt == 1: # find top priority orientation method orient, az_type = pmag.get_orient( samp_data, PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) if az_type not in method_codes: method_codes.append(az_type) # # if tilt selected, get stratigraphic correction # tiltblock, geoblock = [], [] for rec in datablock: if "sample_azimuth" in list( orient.keys()) and orient["sample_azimuth"] != "": d_geo, i_geo = pmag.dogeo( rec[1], rec[2], float(orient["sample_azimuth"]), float(orient["sample_dip"])) geoblock.append( [rec[0], d_geo, i_geo, rec[3], rec[4], rec[5]]) if tilt == 1 and "sample_bed_dip_direction" in list( orient.keys()): d_tilt, i_tilt = pmag.dotilt( d_geo, i_geo, float(orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"]), float(orient["sample_bed_dip"])) tiltblock.append([ rec[0], d_tilt, i_tilt, rec[3], rec[4], rec[5] ]) elif tilt == 1: if PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] not in skipped: print('no tilt correction for ', PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"], ' skipping....') skipped.append(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) else: if PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] not in skipped: print('no geographic correction for ', PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"], ' skipping....') skipped.append(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) # # get beg_pca, end_pca, pca if PmagSpecRec['er_sample_name'] not in skipped: compnum = -1 for spec in mkspec: if spec[0] == s: CompRec = {} for key in list(PmagSpecRec.keys()): CompRec[key] = PmagSpecRec[key] compnum += 1 calculation_type = spec[1] beg = float(spec[2]) end = float(spec[3]) if len(spec) > 4: comp_name = spec[4] else: comp_name = string.uppercase[compnum] CompRec['specimen_comp_name'] = comp_name if beg < float(datablock[0][0]): beg = float(datablock[0][0]) if end > float(datablock[-1][0]): end = float(datablock[-1][0]) for l in range(len(datablock)): if datablock[l][0] == beg: beg_pca = l if datablock[l][0] == end: end_pca = l if geo == 1 and tilt == 0: mpars = pmag.domean(geoblock, beg_pca, end_pca, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"] = '0' if geo == 1 and tilt == 1: mpars = pmag.domean(tiltblock, beg_pca, end_pca, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"] = '100' if geo == 0 and tilt == 0: mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, beg_pca, end_pca, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"] = '-1' if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] == "Error": pass else: CompRec["measurement_step_min"] = '%8.3e ' % ( datablock[beg_pca][0]) try: CompRec["measurement_step_max"] = '%8.3e ' % ( datablock[end_pca][0]) except: print('error in end_pca ', PmagSpecRec['er_specimen_name']) CompRec["specimen_correction"] = 'u' if calculation_type != 'DE-FM': CompRec["specimen_mad"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_mad"]) CompRec["specimen_alpha95"] = "" else: CompRec["specimen_mad"] = "" CompRec["specimen_alpha95"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_alpha95"]) CompRec["specimen_n"] = '%i ' % ( mpars["specimen_n"]) CompRec["specimen_dang"] = '%7.1f ' % ( mpars["specimen_dang"]) CompMeths = [] for meth in method_codes: if meth not in CompMeths: CompMeths.append(meth) if calculation_type not in CompMeths: CompMeths.append(calculation_type) if geo == 1: CompMeths.append("DA-DIR-GEO") if tilt == 1: CompMeths.append("DA-DIR-TILT") if "DE-BFP" not in calculation_type: CompRec["specimen_direction_type"] = 'l' else: CompRec["specimen_direction_type"] = 'p' CompRec["magic_method_codes"] = "" if len(CompMeths) != 0: methstring = "" for meth in CompMeths: methstring = methstring + ":" + meth CompRec[ "magic_method_codes"] = methstring.strip( ':') CompRec["specimen_description"] = comment if len(inst_codes) != 0: inststring = "" for inst in inst_codes: inststring = inststring + ":" + inst CompRec[ "magic_instrument_codes"] = inststring.strip( ':') PmagSpecs.append(CompRec) k += 1 pmag.magic_write(pmag_file, PmagSpecs, 'pmag_specimens') print("Recalculated specimen data stored in ", pmag_file)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts NRM data in a measurements type file to geographic and tilt corrected data in a specimens type file SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS: -h prints the help message and quits -f MFILE: specify input file -fsa SFILE: specify samples format file [with orientations] -F PFILE: specify output file -A do not average replicate measurements -crd [g, t]: specify coordinate system ([g]eographic or [t]ilt adjusted) NB: you must have the SFILE in this directory DEFAULTS MFILE: measurements.txt PFILE: nrm_specimens.txt SFILE: samples.txt coord: g average replicate measurements?: YES """ # # define some variables # beg, end, pole, geo, tilt, askave, save = 0, 0, [], 0, 0, 0, 0 samp_file = 1 args = sys.argv geo, tilt, orient = 0, 0, 0 doave = 1 user, comment, doave, coord = "", "", 1, "g" geo, orient = 1, 1 dir_path = '.' if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] meas_file = dir_path + "/measurements.txt" spec_file = dir_path + "/specimens.txt" samp_file = dir_path + "/samples.txt" out_file = dir_path + "/nrm_specimens.txt" if "-A" in args: doave = 0 if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") meas_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") out_file = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] speclist = [] if "-fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") samp_file = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-crd" in args: ind = args.index("-crd") coord = sys.argv[ind + 1] if coord == "t": tilt, orient, geo = 1, 1, 1 # # read in data # meas_data = pd.read_csv(meas_file, header=1, sep='\t') meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains('LT-NO') == True] # fish out NRM data meas_data = meas_data[['specimen', 'dir_dec', 'dir_inc']] meas_data = meas_data.dropna(subset=['dir_dec', 'dir_inc']) meas_data = pd.DataFrame(meas_data) # import samples for orientation info # ## if orient == 1: spec_data = pd.read_csv(spec_file, header=1, sep='\t') spec_data = spec_data[['specimen', 'sample']] meas_data = pd.merge(meas_data, spec_data, how='inner', on=['specimen']) samp_data = pd.read_csv(samp_file, header=1, sep='\t') # sids = meas_data.specimen.unique() # list of specimen names # # NrmSpecRecs = [] for spec in sids: gdec, ginc, bdec, binc = "", "", "", "" this_spec_data = meas_data[meas_data.specimen.str.contains(spec)] this_sample = this_spec_data['sample'].iloc[-1] this_sample_data = samp_data[samp_data['sample'].str.contains( this_sample)] this_sample_data = this_sample_data.to_dict('records') for m in this_spec_data.to_dict('records'): NrmSpecRec = {'specimen': spec, 'sample': this_sample} if coord == 'g': NrmSpecRec['dir_tilt_correction'] = '0' elif coord == 't': NrmSpecRec['dir_tilt_correction'] = '100' else: NrmSpecRec['dir_tilt_correction'] = '-1' if not orient: NrmSpecRec['dir_dec'] = m['dir_dec'] NrmSpecRec['dir_inc'] = m['dir_inc'] NrmSpecRec['method_codes'] = 'SO-NO' NrmSpecRecs.append(NrmSpecRec) else: # do geographic correction # get the azimuth or_info, az_type = pmag.get_orient(this_sample_data, this_sample, data_model=3) if 'azimuth' in or_info.keys() and or_info['azimuth'] != "": azimuth = or_info['azimuth'] dip = or_info['dip'] gdec, ginc = pmag.dogeo(m['dir_dec'], m['dir_inc'], azimuth, dip) if tilt: # try tilt correction if 'bed_dip' in or_info.keys( ) and or_info['bed_dip'] != "": bed_dip = or_info['bed_dip'] bed_dip_dir = or_info['bed_dip_direction'] bdec, binc = pmag.dogeo(gdec, ginc, bed_dip_dir, bed_dip) NrmSpecRec['dir_dec'] = bdec NrmSpecRec['dir_inc'] = binc NrmSpecRec['method_codes'] = az_type NrmSpecRecs.append(NrmSpecRec) else: print('no bedding orientation data for ', spec) else: NrmSpecRec['dir_dec'] = gdec NrmSpecRec['dir_inc'] = ginc NrmSpecRec['method_codes'] = az_type NrmSpecRecs.append(NrmSpecRec) else: print('no geo orientation data for ', spec) pmag.magic_write(out_file, NrmSpecRecs, 'specimens')
def main(): """ NAME Note: this program has been deprecated and is not maintained DESCRIPTION converts NRM data in a measurements type file to geographic and tilt corrected data in a specimens type file SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS: -h prints the help message and quits -f MFILE: specify input file -fsa SFILE: specify samples format file [with orientations] -F PFILE: specify output file -A do not average replicate measurements -crd [g, t]: specify coordinate system ([g]eographic or [t]ilt adjusted) NB: you must have the SFILE in this directory DEFAULTS MFILE: measurements.txt PFILE: nrm_specimens.txt SFILE: samples.txt coord: g average replicate measurements?: YES """ # # define some variables # beg, end, pole, geo, tilt, askave, save = 0, 0, [], 0, 0, 0, 0 samp_file = 1 args = sys.argv geo, tilt, orient = 0, 0, 0 doave = 1 user, comment, doave, coord = "", "", 1, "g" geo, orient = 1, 1 dir_path = '.' if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] meas_file = dir_path + "/measurements.txt" spec_file = dir_path + "/specimens.txt" samp_file = dir_path + "/samples.txt" out_file = dir_path + "/nrm_specimens.txt" if "-A" in args: doave = 0 if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") meas_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") out_file = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] speclist = [] if "-fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") samp_file = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-crd" in args: ind = args.index("-crd") coord = sys.argv[ind + 1] if coord == "t": tilt, orient, geo = 1, 1, 1 # # read in data # meas_data = pd.read_csv(meas_file, header=1, sep='\t') meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'LT-NO') == True] # fish out NRM data meas_data = meas_data[['specimen', 'dir_dec', 'dir_inc']] meas_data = meas_data.dropna(subset=['dir_dec', 'dir_inc']) meas_data = pd.DataFrame(meas_data) # import samples for orientation info # ## if orient == 1: spec_data = pd.read_csv(spec_file, header=1, sep='\t') spec_data = spec_data[['specimen', 'sample']] meas_data = pd.merge(meas_data, spec_data, how='inner', on=['specimen']) samp_data = pd.read_csv(samp_file, header=1, sep='\t') # sids = meas_data.specimen.unique() # list of specimen names # # NrmSpecRecs = [] for spec in sids: gdec, ginc, bdec, binc = "", "", "", "" this_spec_data = meas_data[meas_data.specimen.str.contains(spec)] this_sample = this_spec_data['sample'].iloc[-1] this_sample_data = samp_data[samp_data['sample'].str.contains( this_sample)] this_sample_data = this_sample_data.to_dict('records') for m in this_spec_data.to_dict('records'): NrmSpecRec = {'specimen': spec, 'sample': this_sample} if coord == 'g': NrmSpecRec['dir_tilt_correction'] = '0' elif coord == 't': NrmSpecRec['dir_tilt_correction'] = '100' else: NrmSpecRec['dir_tilt_correction'] = '-1' if not orient: NrmSpecRec['dir_dec'] = m['dir_dec'] NrmSpecRec['dir_inc'] = m['dir_inc'] NrmSpecRec['method_codes'] = 'SO-NO' NrmSpecRecs.append(NrmSpecRec) else: # do geographic correction # get the azimuth or_info, az_type = pmag.get_orient( this_sample_data, this_sample, data_model=3) if 'azimuth' in or_info.keys() and or_info['azimuth'] != "": azimuth = or_info['azimuth'] dip = or_info['dip'] gdec, ginc = pmag.dogeo( m['dir_dec'], m['dir_inc'], azimuth, dip) if tilt: # try tilt correction if 'bed_dip' in or_info.keys() and or_info['bed_dip'] != "": bed_dip = or_info['bed_dip'] bed_dip_dir = or_info['bed_dip_direction'] bdec, binc = pmag.dogeo( gdec, ginc, bed_dip_dir, bed_dip) NrmSpecRec['dir_dec'] = bdec NrmSpecRec['dir_inc'] = binc NrmSpecRec['method_codes'] = az_type NrmSpecRecs.append(NrmSpecRec) else: print('no bedding orientation data for ', spec) else: NrmSpecRec['dir_dec'] = gdec NrmSpecRec['dir_inc'] = ginc NrmSpecRec['method_codes'] = az_type NrmSpecRecs.append(NrmSpecRec) else: print('no geo orientation data for ', spec) pmag.magic_write(out_file, NrmSpecRecs, 'specimens')
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts NRM data in a magic_measurements type file to geographic and tilt corrected data in a pmag_specimens type file SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS: -h prints the help message and quits -f MFILE: specify input file -fsa SFILE: specify er_samples format file [with orientations] -F PFILE: specify output file -A do not average replicate measurements -crd [g, t]: specify coordinate system ([g]eographic or [t]ilt adjusted) NB: you must have the SFILE in this directory DEFAULTS MFILE: magic_measurements.txt PFILE: nrm_specimens.txt SFILE: er_samples.txt coord: specimen average replicate measurements?: YES """ # # define some variables # beg, end, pole, geo, tilt, askave, save = 0, 0, [], 0, 0, 0, 0 samp_file = 1 args = sys.argv geo, tilt, orient = 0, 0, 0 doave = 1 user, comment, doave, coord = "", "", 1, "" dir_path = "." if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-WD" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] meas_file = dir_path + "/magic_measurements.txt" pmag_file = dir_path + "/nrm_specimens.txt" samp_file = dir_path + "/er_samples.txt" if "-A" in args: doave = 0 if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") meas_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") pmag_file = dir_path + "/" + sys.argv[ind + 1] speclist = [] if "-fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") samp_file = dir_path + "/" + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-crd" in args: ind = args.index("-crd") coord = sys.argv[ind + 1] if coord == "g": geo, orient = 1, 1 if coord == "t": tilt, orient, geo = 1, 1, 1 # # read in data if samp_file != "": samp_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != "er_samples": print file_type print "This is not a valid er_samples file " sys.exit() else: print samp_file, " read in with ", len(samp_data), " records" else: print "no orientations - will create file in specimen coordinates" geo, tilt, orient = 0, 0, 0 # # meas_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != "magic_measurements": print file_type print file_type, "This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() # if orient == 1: # set orientation priorities SO_methods = [] orientation_priorities = { "0": "SO-SUN", "1": "SO-GPS-DIFF", "2": "SO-SIGHT-BACK", "3": "SO-CMD-NORTH", "4": "SO-MAG", } for rec in samp_data: if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist = rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) # # sort the sample names # sids = pmag.get_specs(meas_data) # # PmagSpecRecs = [] for s in sids: skip = 0 recnum = 0 PmagSpecRec = {} PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user method_codes, inst_code = [], "" # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # meas_meth = [] for rec in meas_data: # copy of vital stats to PmagSpecRec from first spec record if rec["er_specimen_name"] == s: PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"] = s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] = rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"] = rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"] = rec["er_location_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = "" if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_experiment_name"] = "" if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_instrument_codes"] = "" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"] = rec["magic_experiment_name"] if len(rec["magic_instrument_codes"]) > len(inst_code): inst_code = rec["magic_instrument_codes"] PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = inst_code # copy over instruments break # # now check for correct method labels for all measurements # nrm_data = [] for meas_rec in meas_data: if meas_rec["er_specimen_name"] == PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]: meths = meas_rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in meas_meth: meas_meth.append(meth) if "LT-NO" in meas_meth: nrm_data.append(meas_rec) # data, units = pmag.find_dmag_rec(s, nrm_data) # datablock = data # # find replicate measurements at NRM step and average them # Specs = [] if doave == 1: step_meth, avedata = pmag.vspec(data) if len(avedata) != len(datablock): method_codes.append("DE-VM") SpecRec = avedata[0] print "averaging data " else: SpecRec = data[0] Specs.append(SpecRec) else: for spec in data: Specs.append(spec) for SpecRec in Specs: # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo == 1: # # find top priority orientation method redo, p = 1, 0 if len(SO_methods) <= 1: az_type = SO_methods[0] orient = pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"], samp_data, az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] != "": method_codes.append(az_type) redo = 0 while redo == 1: if p >= len(orientation_priorities): print "no orientation data for ", s skip, redo = 1, 0 break az_type = orientation_priorities[str(p)] orient = pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"], samp_data, az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] != "": method_codes.append(az_type.strip()) redo = 0 elif orient["sample_azimuth"] == "": p += 1 # # if stratigraphic selected, get stratigraphic correction # if skip == 0 and orient["sample_azimuth"] != "" and orient["sample_dip"] != "": d_geo, i_geo = pmag.dogeo(SpecRec[1], SpecRec[2], orient["sample_azimuth"], orient["sample_dip"]) SpecRec[1] = d_geo SpecRec[2] = i_geo if tilt == 1 and "sample_bed_dip" in orient.keys() and orient["sample_bed_dip"] != "": d_tilt, i_tilt = pmag.dotilt( d_geo, i_geo, orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"], orient["sample_bed_dip"] ) SpecRec[1] = d_tilt SpecRec[2] = i_tilt if skip == 0: PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (SpecRec[1]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (SpecRec[2]) if geo == 1 and tilt == 0: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"] = "0" if geo == 1 and tilt == 1: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"] = "100" if geo == 0 and tilt == 0: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"] = "-1" PmagSpecRec["specimen_direction_type"] = "l" PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LT-NO" if len(method_codes) != 0: methstring = "" for meth in method_codes: methstring = methstring + ":" + meth PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"] = methstring[1:] PmagSpecRec["specimen_description"] = "NRM data" PmagSpecRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) pmag.magic_write(pmag_file, PmagSpecRecs, "pmag_specimens") print "Data saved in ", pmag_file