예제 #1
 def testIdentityDDLocal(self):
     splitting = PMCSplitting(linearPMC(2), [(1, 4)])
     local_pmc = splitting.local_pmc
     id_local = identityDALocal(local_pmc)
     extended_id = ExtendedDAStructure(id_local, splitting, splitting)
     id_dd = extended_id.tensorDD(identityDD(linearPMC(2)))
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, genus, c_pair):
        """Specifies genus of the starting pmc and the id of the pair of
        anti-braid resolution.

        self.genus = genus
        self.c_pair = c_pair
        self.start_pmc = linearPMC(genus)
        self.end_pmc = self.start_pmc

        self.n = 4 * genus
        self.c1, self.c2 = self.start_pmc.pairs[c_pair]

        if self.c2 == self.c1 + 3:
            self.is_degenerate = False
            assert self.c2 == self.c1 + 2
            assert self.c1 == 0 or self.c2 == self.n - 1
            self.is_degenerate = True

        if self.is_degenerate:
            # One position between c1 and c2, called p
            self.p = self.c1 + 1
            self.p_pair = self.start_pmc.pairid[self.p]
            # Two positions between c1 and c2, for (d)own and (u)p
            self.d = self.c1 + 1
            self.u = self.c1 + 2
            self.d_pair = self.start_pmc.pairid[self.d]
            self.u_pair = self.start_pmc.pairid[self.u]
예제 #3
    def testAbsGrading(self):
        def testOneAlgebra(alg, test_op = True):
            abs_gr = AbsZ2Grading(alg)
            for gen in alg.getGenerators():
                # Test asserts in getAbsGrading
            if not test_op:
            # Test differential and multiplication
            for a in alg.getGenerators():
                for term in a.diff():
                    a_gr, da_gr = [abs_gr.getAbsGrading(gen) for gen in a, term]
                    assert (a_gr - 1) % 2 == da_gr
            for a in alg.getGenerators():
                for b in alg.getGenerators():
                    if a * b != 0:
                        a_gr, b_gr, ab_gr = [abs_gr.getAbsGrading(gen)
                                             for gen in a, b, (a*b).getElt()]
                        assert (a_gr + b_gr) % 2 == ab_gr

        for pmc in [splitPMC(1), splitPMC(2), linearPMC(2)]:
        for pmc in [antipodalPMC(2), splitPMC(3)]:
            testOneAlgebra(pmc.getAlgebra(), test_op = False)
        for (pmc, idem_size) in [(splitPMC(1), 1), (splitPMC(1), 2),
                                 (splitPMC(2), 1), (splitPMC(2), 2)]:
            testOneAlgebra(PreStrandAlgebra(F2, pmc, idem_size))
        for (pmc, idem_size) in [(splitPMC(2), 3), (splitPMC(2), 4),
                                 (splitPMC(3), 2)]:
            testOneAlgebra(PreStrandAlgebra(F2, pmc, idem_size),
                           test_op = False)
예제 #4
 def testGetIntervalOrdering(self):
     tests = [(splitPMC(1), [0,1,2]),
              (splitPMC(2), [4,5,6,3,0,1,2]),
              (antipodalPMC(2), [2,5,0,3,6,1,4]),
              (linearPMC(2), [4,0,1,3,5,6,2])]
     for pmc, order in tests:
         self.assertEqual(_getIntervalOrdering(pmc), order)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, genus, c_pair, orientation):
        """Specifies genus of the starting pmc, id of the pair of Dehn twist,
        and orientation of the twist (POS or NEG).

        self.genus = genus
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.start_pmc = linearPMC(genus)
        self.end_pmc = self.start_pmc
        self.n = 4 * genus
        self.c1, self.c2 = self.start_pmc.pairs[c_pair]
        self.c_pair = c_pair

        if self.c2 == self.c1 + 3:
            self.is_degenerate = False
            assert self.c2 == self.c1 + 2
            assert self.c1 == 0 or self.c2 == self.n - 1
            self.is_degenerate = True

        if not self.is_degenerate:
            # Two positions between c1 and c2, for (d)own and (u)p
            self.d = self.c1 + 1
            self.u = self.c1 + 2

        self.splitting = PMCSplitting(self.start_pmc, [(self.c1, self.c2)])
        self.local_pmc = self.splitting.local_pmc
예제 #6
 def testGeneralOverslideDown(self):
     slides_to_test = [
         Arcslide(splitPMC(1), 3, 2),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 3, 2),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 4, 3),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 7, 6),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 3, 2),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 5, 4),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 7, 6),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 5, 4),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 6, 5),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 7, 6),
     for slide in slides_to_test:
         print slide
         dastr = ArcslideDA(slide).toSimpleDAStructure()
예제 #7
 def testGrading(self):
     slides_to_test = [
         Arcslide(splitPMC(1), 1, 0),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 4, 3),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 1, 0),
     for slide in slides_to_test:
         dastr = ArcslideDA(slide)
예제 #8
 def testToDStructure(self):
     ddstr = identityDD(linearPMC(1))
     dstr = ddstr.toDStructure()
     hochchild = dstr.morToD(dstr)
     self.assertEqual(len(hochchild), 18)
     hochchild.simplify(find_homology_basis = True)
     self.assertEqual(len(hochchild), 4)
     meaning_len = [len(gen.prev_meaning)
                    for gen in hochchild.getGenerators()]
     self.assertEqual(sorted(meaning_len), [1,1,1,2])
예제 #9
 def testShortUnderslideDown(self):
     slides_to_test = [
         Arcslide(splitPMC(1), 1, 0),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(1), 2, 1),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 1, 0),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 6, 5),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 1, 0),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 6, 5),
         Arcslide(PMC([(0, 2), (1, 6), (3, 5), (4, 7)]), 1, 0),
         Arcslide(PMC([(0, 3), (1, 6), (2, 4), (5, 7)]), 6, 5),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 2, 1),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 5, 4),
         Arcslide(PMC([(0, 2), (1, 6), (3, 5), (4, 7)]), 4, 3),
         Arcslide(PMC([(0, 3), (1, 6), (2, 4), (5, 7)]), 3, 2),
     for slide in slides_to_test:
         print slide
         dastr = ArcslideDA(slide).toSimpleDAStructure()
예제 #10
 def testIdentityDiagram(self):
     pmc_to_test = [splitPMC(1), splitPMC(2), linearPMC(2), antipodalPMC(2)]
     pmc_to_test.append(PMC([(0, 2), (1, 6), (3, 5), (4, 7)]))
     pmc_to_test += [splitPMC(3), antipodalPMC(4)]
     genus_to_size = [2, 6, 20, 70]
     for pmc in pmc_to_test:
         diagram = getIdentityDiagram(pmc)
         self.assertEqual(diagram.getPMCs(), [pmc.opp(), pmc])
         expected_size = genus_to_size[pmc.genus - 1]
         self.assertEqual(len(diagram.getHFGenerators()), expected_size)
         self.assertEqual(len(diagram.getPeriodicDomains()), pmc.genus * 2)
예제 #11
 def testOverslideAgreesWithDD(self):
     # This is not guaranteed (since there is choice involved in type DD for
     # overslides, but appears to work
     slides_to_test = [
         # General overslides down
         Arcslide(splitPMC(1), 3, 2),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 3, 2),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 4, 3),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 7, 6),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 3, 2),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 5, 4),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 7, 6),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 5, 4),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 6, 5),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 7, 6),
         # General overslides up
         Arcslide(splitPMC(1), 0, 1),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 0, 1),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 3, 4),
         Arcslide(splitPMC(2), 4, 5),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 0, 1),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 2, 3),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 4, 5),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 0, 1),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 1, 2),
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 2, 3),
     for slide in slides_to_test:
         dastr = ArcslideDA(slide)
         ddstr = dastr.tensorDD(identityDD(slide.end_pmc))
         ori_ddstr = slide.getDDStructure()
예제 #12
 def testUnderslideAgreesWithDD(self):
     slides_to_test = [
         # Short underslides down
         Arcslide(splitPMC(1), 1, 0),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 6, 5),
         Arcslide(PMC([(0, 2), (1, 6), (3, 5), (4, 7)]), 1, 0),
         # General underslides down
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 1, 0),
         Arcslide(PMC([(0, 2), (1, 4), (3, 6), (5, 7)]), 4, 3),
         # Short underslides up
         Arcslide(splitPMC(1), 1, 2),
         Arcslide(linearPMC(2), 1, 2),
         Arcslide(PMC([(0, 2), (1, 6), (3, 5), (4, 7)]), 4, 5),
         # General underslides up
         Arcslide(antipodalPMC(2), 6, 7),
         Arcslide(PMC([(0, 3), (1, 6), (2, 4), (5, 7)]), 2, 3),
     for slide in slides_to_test:
         dastr = ArcslideDA(slide)
         ddstr = dastr.tensorDD(identityDD(slide.end_pmc))
         ori_ddstr = slide.getDDStructure()
예제 #13
    def setUp(self):
        self.pmc = linearPMC(2)
        self.splitting = PMCSplitting(self.pmc, [(1, 4)])

        # Correspondence between points in pmc and local / outer pmc:
        #       pmc - 0      1 2 3 4      5 6 7
        # local_pmc -     0* 1 2 3 4 5*
        # outer_pmc - 0 1*             2* 3 4 5
        local_pmc = self.splitting.local_pmc
        outer_pmc = self.splitting.outer_pmc

        # Construct the local generators. In local_pmc, idempotent 0 is (1, 4),
        # idempotent 1 is (2,), idempotent 2 is (3,).
        local_da = LocalDAStructure(
            F2, local_pmc.getAlgebra(), local_pmc.getAlgebra(), single_idems1=[1, 2], single_idems2=[1, 2]
        idems = {"x1": ([0], [1]), "x2": ([0], [2]), "x3": ([0, 2], [1, 2]), "x4": ([0, 1], [1, 2])}
        gens = {}
        for name, (l_idem, r_idem) in idems.items():
            gens[name] = SimpleDAGenerator(
                local_da, LocalIdempotent(local_pmc, l_idem), LocalIdempotent(local_pmc, r_idem), name


        for name_from, name_to, algs_a, alg_d in [
            # Some examples of local DA actions
            ("x4", "x3", [], [1, (2, 3)]),
            ("x1", "x2", [[(2, 3)]], [1]),
                gens[name_from], gens[name_to], local_pmc.sd(alg_d), [local_pmc.sd(alg_a) for alg_a in algs_a], 1

        self.extended_da = ExtendedDAStructure(local_da, self.splitting, self.splitting)
        mod_gens = self.extended_da.getGenerators()
        # Set up short names for the extended generators. Here y_i is the unique
        # extension of x_i.
        extended_idems = {
            "y1": ([1, 3], [0, 3]),
            "y2": ([1, 3], [2, 3]),
            "y3": ([1, 2], [0, 2]),
            "y4": ([0, 1], [0, 2]),
        self.extended_gens = {}
        for name, (l_idem, r_idem) in extended_idems.items():
            for gen in mod_gens:
                if gen.idem1 == Idempotent(self.pmc, l_idem) and gen.idem2 == Idempotent(self.pmc, r_idem):
                    self.extended_gens[name] = gen
예제 #14
def platTypeD(genus):
    """Returns the type D structure for the plat handlebody of a given

    pmc = linearPMC(genus)
    algebra = pmc.getAlgebra()
    dstr = SimpleDStructure(F2, algebra)
    idem = pmc.idem([4*i+1 for i in range(genus-1)]+[4*genus-3])
    genx = SimpleDGenerator(dstr, idem, "x")
    strands = [(4*i+1,4*i+4) for i in range(genus-1)]+[(4*genus-3, 4*genus-1)]
    for st in strands:
        sd = StrandDiagram(algebra, idem, [st])
        dstr.addDelta(genx, genx, sd, 1)
    dstr.registerHDiagram(getPlatDiagram(genus), genx)
    return dstr
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, genus, c_pair, orientation):
        """Specifies genus of the starting pmc, id of the pair of Dehn twist,
        and orientation of the twist (POS or NEG).

        self.genus = genus
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.start_pmc = linearPMC(genus)
        self.end_pmc = self.start_pmc
        self.n = 4 * genus
        self.c1, self.c2 = self.start_pmc.pairs[c_pair]
        self.c_pair = c_pair
        assert self.c2 == self.c1 + 3
        # Two positions between c1 and c2, for (d)own and (u)p
        self.d = self.c1 + 1
        self.u = self.c1 + 2
        self.d_pair = self.start_pmc.pairid[self.d]
        self.u_pair = self.start_pmc.pairid[self.u]
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, genus, c_pair):
        """Specifies genus of the starting PMC and the ID of the pair of
        anti-braid resolution.

        self.genus = genus
        self.c_pair = c_pair
        self.pmc = linearPMC(genus)

        self.n = 4 * genus
        self.c1, self.c2 = self.pmc.pairs[c_pair]

        if self.c2 == self.c1 + 3:
            self.is_degenerate = False
            assert self.c2 == self.c1 + 2
            assert self.c1 == 0 or self.c2 == self.n - 1
            self.is_degenerate = True

        if self.is_degenerate:
            # One position between c1 and c2, called p
            self.p = self.c1 + 1
            self.p_pair = self.pmc.pairid[self.p]
            # Two positions between c1 and c2, for (d)own and (u)p
            self.d = self.c1 + 1
            self.u = self.c1 + 2
            self.d_pair = self.pmc.pairid[self.d]
            self.u_pair = self.pmc.pairid[self.u]

        # Necessary to get local DA structure.
        self.splitting = PMCSplitting(self.pmc, [(self.c1, self.c2)])
        self.local_pmc = self.splitting.local_pmc
        self.mapping = self.splitting.local_mapping

        # Local DA Structure
        self.local_da = self.getLocalDAStructure()

        ### Uncomment to use autocompleteda to construct arrows from seeds.
        # autoCompleteDA(self.local_da, ([]))

        # Initiate the ExtendedDAStructure
        ExtendedDAStructure.__init__(self, self.local_da,
                                     self.splitting, self.splitting)
예제 #17
    def testHochschildCohomology(self):
        # Check HH^*(A)
        # Rank 4 is right for HH^* of A in genus 1 case
        pmc = splitPMC(1)
        ddstr = identityDD(pmc)
        cx = ddstr.hochschildCochains()
        self.assertEqual(len(cx), 4)

        # Rank 1 in the extremal strands grading
        pmc = splitPMC(2)
        ddstr = identityDD(pmc, 0)
        cx = ddstr.hochschildCochains()
        self.assertEqual(len(cx), 1)

        # Rank should be indepdendent of PMC (equals 16)
        for pmc in [splitPMC(2), linearPMC(2), PMC([(0,2),(1,6),(3,5),(4,7)])]:
            ddstr = identityDD(pmc)
            cx = ddstr.hochschildCochains()
            self.assertEqual(len(cx), 16)
예제 #18
    def __init__(self, cob):
        """Specifies the cobordism to use. cob should be of type Cobordism,
        with cob.side == RIGHT.

        assert cob.side == RIGHT

        self.n, self.genus, self.c_pair = cob.n, cob.genus, cob.c_pair
        start_pmc = linearPMC(self.genus-1)

        # Divide into four cases like in CobordismDALeft
        if self.c_pair == 0:
            # Bottom case:
            self.start_da = SimpleCobordismDA(start_pmc, 1)
            self.slides = [(0, 1)]
        elif self.c_pair == 2*self.genus-2:
            # Next to top case:
            self.start_da = SimpleCobordismDA(start_pmc, self.n-5)
            self.slides = [(self.n-1, self.n-2)]
        elif self.c_pair == 2*self.genus-1:
            # Top case:
            self.start_da = SimpleCobordismDA(start_pmc, self.n-5)
            self.slides = [(self.n-2, self.n-3), (self.n-1, self.n-2)]
            # Middle case
            self.c1 = cob.c1
            self.start_da = SimpleCobordismDA(start_pmc, self.c1)
            self.slides = [(self.c1+4, self.c1+3), (self.c1+1, self.c1),
                           (self.c1+2, self.c1+1), (self.c1+5, self.c1+4)]

        self.da_list = [self.start_da]
        for b1, c1 in self.slides:
                ArcslideDA(Arcslide(self.da_list[-1].pmc2, b1, c1)))

        ComposedDAStructure.__init__(self, self.da_list)
예제 #19
파일: braid.py 프로젝트: bzhan/bfh_python
 def __init__(self, num_strands):
     """Specifies the number of strands in the braid."""
     self.num_strands = num_strands
     self.genus = (num_strands - 2)/2
     self.pmc = linearPMC(self.genus)
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, genus, c_pair, side):
        """Specifies the genus of the larger (linear PMC), the c-pair at which
        the cobordism occurred, and the side of the larger PMC (LEFT or RIGHT).

        self.genus = genus  # genus of larger PMC
        self.n = 4 * self.genus  # number of points in the larger PMC
        self.c_pair = c_pair
        self.side = side  # LEFT or RIGHT

        if c_pair == 0 or c_pair == 2*self.genus-1:
            self.is_degenerate = True
            self.is_degenerate = False

        self.large_pmc = linearPMC(self.genus)
        self.small_pmc = linearPMC(self.genus-1)

        # Some special points and pairs
        self.c1, self.c2 = self.large_pmc.pairs[self.c_pair]
        if self.is_degenerate:
            assert self.c2 == self.c1 + 2
            self.p = self.c1 + 1
            self.p_pair = self.large_pmc.pairid[self.p]
            assert self.c2 == self.c1 + 3
            self.d, self.u = self.c1 + 1, self.c1 + 2
            self.d_pair = self.large_pmc.pairid[self.d]
            self.u_pair = self.large_pmc.pairid[self.u]

        # Construct the to_s dictionary. Keys are points on the large PMC that
        # match points on the small PMC. Value is the point that it matches.
        self.to_s = dict()
        cur_pt = 0
        for i in range(self.n):
            if self.is_degenerate:
                pair_i = self.large_pmc.pairid[i]
                if pair_i == self.c_pair or pair_i == self.p_pair:
                if self.c1 <= i <= self.c2:
            self.to_s[i] = cur_pt
            cur_pt += 1

        # The pair_to_s dictionary is similar, but for pairs. The c-pair does
        # not match to anything. In the non-degenerate case, the u and d pairs
        # both match the (u',d') pair on the left. In the degenerate case, the
        # p-pair also does not match anything.
        self.pair_to_s = dict()
        for i in range(self.n/2):
            for p in self.large_pmc.pairs[i]:
                if p in self.to_s:
                    self.pair_to_s[i] = self.small_pmc.pairid[self.to_s[p]]

        if not self.is_degenerate:
            # Special pair on the small PMC
            self.du_pair = self.pair_to_s[self.d_pair]
            assert self.du_pair == self.pair_to_s[self.u_pair]

        if self.side == LEFT:
            self.start_pmc, self.end_pmc = self.large_pmc, self.small_pmc
            self.start_pmc, self.end_pmc = self.small_pmc, self.large_pmc