max_distance = max ([zombie_distance[dummy_n[0]][dummy_n[1]] for dummy_n in neighbors])
                human_move = [dummy_ne for dummy_ne in neighbors if zombie_distance[dummy_ne[0]][dummy_ne[1]] == max_distance]
        #print human_move, random.choice (human_move)
        self._human_list = move_list
    def move_zombies(self, human_distance):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        #print self._zombie_list
        move_list = []
        if self._zombie_list != []:
            for zom_cell in self._zombie_list:
                neighbors = self.four_neighbors(zom_cell[0], zom_cell[1])
                neighbors.append (zom_cell)
                min_distance = min ([human_distance[dummy_n[0]][dummy_n[1]] for dummy_n in neighbors])
                zom_move = [dummy_ne for dummy_ne in neighbors if human_distance[dummy_ne[0]][dummy_ne[1]] == min_distance]
        self._zombie_list = move_list
# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(30, 40))

#import user35_EPZOWWGoUeaEemm as test
예제 #2
                    new_position = list(neighbor)
                self._human_list[idx] = tuple(new_position)
            idx += 1

    def move_zombies(self, human_distance_field):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        idx = 0
        for zombie in list(self._zombie_list):
            neighbors = self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1])
            max_distance = 1200
            new_position = list(zombie)
            if human_distance_field[zombie[0]][zombie[1]] == 0:
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                value = human_distance_field[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]
                if max_distance > value and self.is_empty(
                        neighbor[0], neighbor[1]):
                    max_distance = value
                    new_position = list(neighbor)
                self._zombie_list[idx] = list(new_position)
            idx += 1

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Apocalypse(30, 40, [], [(1, 1)], [(1, 1)]))
    def move_zombies(self, human_distance_field):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        for indx in xrange(self.num_zombies()):
            zombie = self._zombie_list[indx]
            mind = human_distance_field[zombie[0]][zombie[1]]
            minp = zombie
            counter = 1
            for neighbor in self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1]):
                if self.is_empty(neighbor[0], neighbor[1]):
                    if mind > human_distance_field[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]:
                        mind = human_distance_field[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]
                        minp = neighbor
                        counter = 1
                    elif mind == human_distance_field[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]:
                        counter += 1
                        if random.randint(1, counter) == 1:
                            minp = neighbor
            self._zombie_list[indx] = minp

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Apocalypse(30, 40))
예제 #4
            for move in temp_list:
                if zombie_distance[move[0]][move[1]] == maxy:
        self._human_list = new_human_list

    def move_zombies(self, human_distance):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        new_zombie_list = []
        for zombie in self.zombies():
            temp_list = [zombie]
            temp_list_value = []
            for neighbor in self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1]):
            for possible_moves in temp_list:
            miny = min(temp_list_value)
            listy = []
            for move in temp_list:
                if human_distance[move[0]][move[1]] == miny:
        self._zombie_list = new_zombie_list

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(20, 30))
예제 #5
            neighbors = self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1])

            for neighbor in neighbors:
                if self.is_empty(neighbor[0], neighbor[1]):
                    if (human_distance_field[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] <
                            min_dist_to_hu) and (
                                < human_distance_field[zombie[0]][zombie[1]]):
                        min_dist_to_hu = human_distance_field[neighbor[0]][
                        coord_of_cell = (neighbor[0], neighbor[1])
            if (len(coord_of_cell) != 0):
                zombie = (coord_of_cell[0], coord_of_cell[1])
                value = zombie
                index = zo_idx
                self._zombie_list[index] = value

    def __str__(self):

        ans = "Grid:" + "\n"
        for row in range(self._grid_height):
            ans += str(self._cells[row])
            ans += "\n"
        ans += "Humans: " + str(self._human_list) + "\n"
        ans += "Zombies: " + str(self._zombie_list) + "\n"

        return ans

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Apocalypse(25, 25))
            neighbors = self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1])

            for neighbor_cell in neighbors:
                if self.is_empty(neighbor_cell[0], neighbor_cell[1]):
                    if min_distance > human_distance[neighbor_cell[0]][
                        min_distance = human_distance[neighbor_cell[0]][
                        min_zombie = (neighbor_cell[0], neighbor_cell[1])
                        min_zombie_lst = [(neighbor_cell[0], neighbor_cell[1])]
                    elif min_distance == human_distance[neighbor_cell[0]][
                            (neighbor_cell[0], neighbor_cell[1]))
            if min_distance != 0:
                #                print "min_zombie_lst=", min_zombie_lst
#            print "update_zombie_lst", update_zombie_lst
        self._zombie_list = update_zombie_lst

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors
#obj = Zombie(3, 3, [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0)], [(2, 1)], [(1, 1)])
#dist = [[9, 9, 9], [9, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1]]
#print obj._human_list
poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(15, 3))
예제 #7
                if target_dist == zombie_distance_field[cell[0]][cell[1]] and self._cells[cell[0]][cell[1]] != FULL:
            target = random.choice(target_list)
            self._human_list[idx] = (target[0], target[1])

    def move_zombies(self, human_distance_field):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        for idx in range(len(self._zombie_list)):
            zombie = self._zombie_list[idx]
            neighbors = poc_grid.Grid.four_neighbors(self, zombie[0], zombie[1])
            target_list = []
            target_dist = human_distance_field[zombie[0]][zombie[1]]
            for cell in neighbors:
                if human_distance_field[cell[0]][cell[1]] < target_dist:
                    target_dist = human_distance_field[cell[0]][cell[1]]
            for cell in neighbors:
                if target_dist == human_distance_field[cell[0]][cell[1]] and self._cells[cell[0]][cell[1]] != FULL:
            target = random.choice(target_list)
            self._zombie_list[idx] = (target[0], target[1])

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Apocalypse(3, 3))
예제 #8
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        for index, zombie in enumerate(self._zombie_list):
            fake_potential_moves_list = self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1])
            fake_potential_moves_list.append((zombie[0], zombie[1]))
            potential_moves_list = []
            for potential_move in fake_potential_moves_list:
                if self.is_empty(potential_move[0], potential_move[1]):
            min_distance = self._grid_width * self._grid_height
            potential_moves_dict = {}
            correct_moves_list = []
            for potential_move in potential_moves_list:
                potential_moves_dict[potential_move] = human_distance[potential_move[0]][potential_move[1]]
                if human_distance[potential_move[0]][potential_move[1]] < min_distance:
                    min_distance = human_distance[potential_move[0]][potential_move[1]]
            for potential_move in potential_moves_dict:
                if potential_moves_dict[potential_move] == min_distance:
            final_move = correct_moves_list[random.randrange(len(correct_moves_list))]
            self._zombie_list[index] = final_move

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(30, 40, None, [(14,15)],[(2,12)]))

            zombie_distance_field[neighbor[0], neighbor[1]]
            for neighbor in self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1])

        # for zombie in self.zombies():
        #     for neighbor in self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1]):
        #         if human_distance_field[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] < best_location and self.is_empty(neighbor[0],neighbor[1]):
        #             best_location = (neighbor[0], neighbor[1])
        # move human to neighboring location furthest from any zombies
        self._zombie_list[self._zombie_list.index(zombie)] = best_location

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Apocalypse(10, 8))
Testing Apparatus for Zombie Apocalypse mini-project
# import poc_simpletest
# import zombie_apocalypse

def run_suite(format_function):
    Some informal testing code
    # create a TestSuite object
    suite = poc_simpletest.TestSuite()
    # create an instance of the Apocalypse class
    # obstacle_list = []
    '321': (offset[0] - 20, offset[1]),
    '322': (offset[0] - 21, offset[1]),
    '323': (offset[0] - 22, offset[1]),
    '324': (offset[0] - 23, offset[1]),
    '325': (offset[0] - 24, offset[1]),
    '326': (offset[0] - 25, offset[1])

#combine all lists of cabinet coordinates

#create the reverse-lookup cabinet list
hall1_reverse_cabinet_list = me1.invert_dictionary(hall_1_cabinet_list)

#add the hall dictionaries to the 'all' lists

#Starting points for a + z sides
starting_a = [27, 54]
starting_z = me1._all_hall_cabinet_list[0][me1._z_side_list[-1]]
me1.set_aside(starting_a[0], starting_a[1])
me1.set_zside(starting_z[0], starting_z[1])

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(me1, tile_size=5, adjustment_speed=1)
                        start = max((col + length) * direction, 0)
                        end = col
                    for dummy_idx in range(start, end, direction):
                        if dummy_idx < 0 or dummy_idx > width:
                            raise ValueError, "width out of bounds: " + str(
                        test_site.set_empty(row, dummy_idx)
                if col + 1 < width:
                    col += 1
                if row + 1 < height:
                    row += 1

            #random tiles
            if random.randrange(1000) < 200:
                test_site.set_empty(row, col)

hall_dict = {
    1: ((border, border), (height - (2 * border), width - (2 * border))),
    2: ((height + border, border), (height - 2 * border, width - 2 * border))

def print_halls():
    for item in hall_dict:
        print item, ":"
        print hall_dict[item][0]
        print hall_dict[item][1]


#create the reverse-lookup cabinet list
hall1_reverse_cabinet_list = simulation.invert_dictionary(hall_1_cabinet_list)

#add the hall dictionaries to the 'all' lists

#Starting points for a + z sides
starting_a = [27, 54]
starting_z = simulation._all_hall_cabinet_list[0][simulation._z_side_list[-1]]
simulation.set_aside(starting_a[0], starting_a[1])
simulation.set_zside(starting_z[0], starting_z[1])

#    poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Apocalypse(30, 40))
#    print "gui initialization failed"
#test = Apocalypse(30, 40)
(27, 46) (2, 46) = 801 - 826
(27, 49) (2, 49) = 701 - 726
(27, 54) (2, 54) = 601 - 626
(27, 57) (2, 57) = 501 - 526
(14, 62) (2, 62) = 414 - 426
(14, 65) (2, 65) = 314 - 326

(27, 70) (16, 70) = 201 - 209 (9 cabinets / 12 tiles)
(27, 73) (16, 73) = 101 - 109 (9 cabinets / 12 tiles)
    '321': (offset[0] - 20, offset[1]),
    '322': (offset[0] - 21, offset[1]),
    '323': (offset[0] - 22, offset[1]),
    '324': (offset[0] - 23, offset[1]),
    '325': (offset[0] - 24, offset[1]),
    '326': (offset[0] - 25, offset[1])

#combine all lists of cabinet coordinates

#create the reverse-lookup cabinet list
hall1_reverse_cabinet_list = me10101.invert_dictionary(hall_1_cabinet_list)

#add the hall dictionaries to the 'all' lists

#Starting points for a + z sides
starting_a = [27, 54]
starting_z = me10101._all_hall_cabinet_list[0][me10101._z_side_list[-1]]
me10101.set_aside(starting_a[0], starting_a[1])
me10101.set_zside(starting_z[0], starting_z[1])

예제 #14
파일: 프로젝트: MLWhiz/RICE
                if neigh_dis>best_dis and self.is_empty(neighbour[0],neighbour[1]):
                    best_dis = neigh_dis
                    best_pos = neighbour
            self._human_list[index] = best_pos

    def move_zombies(self, human_distance_field):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        for index in range(len(self._zombie_list)):
            zombie = self._zombie_list[index]
            zombie_distance = human_distance_field[zombie[0]][zombie[1]]
            best_pos = zombie
            best_dis = zombie_distance
            for neighbour in neighbours:
                neigh_dis = human_distance_field[neighbour[0]][neighbour[1]]
                if neigh_dis<best_dis and self.is_empty(neighbour[0],neighbour[1]):
                    best_dis = neigh_dis
                    best_pos = neighbour
            self._zombie_list[index] = best_pos

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Apocalypse(50, 50))
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        for index,zombie in enumerate(self._zombie_list):
            #find options for zombies to move
            for zomb in near_cells:
                if self.is_empty(zomb[0],zomb[1]):
            #Compare possible moves to nearest human to find best move
            min_dist = 10000
            for move in move_options:
                if human_distance[move[0]][move[1]]<min_dist:
                elif human_distance[move[0]][move[1]]==min_dist:
            #final move is a random choice between best moves
            #update human position to final move

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(3, 3, [], [(1, 1)], [(2, 2)]))

예제 #16
            hum_max = hum_val
            max_loc = ()
            for cell in neighbors:
                if zombie_distance[cell[0]][cell[1]]>hum_max:
                    hum_max = zombie_distance[cell[0]][cell[1]]
                    max_loc = cell                    
            if (max_loc not in self._human_list) and (max_loc != () ) and (self.is_empty(max_loc[0], max_loc[1])):
                self._human_list[self._human_list.index(hum)] = max_loc
        return self._human_list

    def move_zombies(self, human_distance):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        for zom in self._zombie_list:
            neighbors = self.four_neighbors(zom[0], zom[1])
            zom_val = human_distance[zom[0]][zom[1]]
            zom_min = zom_val
            min_loc = ()
            for cell in neighbors:
                if human_distance[cell[0]][cell[1]]<zom_min:
                    zom_min = human_distance[cell[0]][cell[1]]
                    min_loc = cell
            if (min_loc not in self._zombie_list) and (min_loc != () ) and (self.is_empty(min_loc[0], min_loc[1])):
                self._zombie_list[self._zombie_list.index(zom)] = min_loc
        return self._zombie_list
# start up gui for simulation
poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(20, 30, [(4, 15), (5, 15), (6, 15), (7, 15), (8, 15), (9, 15), (10, 15), (11, 15), (12, 15), (13, 15), (14, 15), (15, 15), (15, 14), (15, 13), (15, 12), (15, 11), (15, 10)], [(12, 12), (7, 12)], []))
예제 #17
        distance_field[boundary.__iter__()[0]][boundary.__iter__()[1]] = EMPTY
        curr_cell = boundary.dequeue()
        neighbors = poc_grid.Grid.four_neighbors(self, curr_cell[0],
        for cell in neighbors:
            if visited[cell[0]][cell[1]] == 0:
                visited[cell[0]][cell[1]] = FULL
                distance_field[cell[0]][cell[1]] += 1
        return distance_field

    def move_humans(self, zombie_distance_field):
        Function that moves humans away from zombies, diagonal moves
        are allowed

    def move_zombies(self, human_distance_field):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Apocalypse(30, 40))
예제 #18
            fake_potential_moves_list = self.four_neighbors(
                zombie[0], zombie[1])
            fake_potential_moves_list.append((zombie[0], zombie[1]))
            potential_moves_list = []
            for potential_move in fake_potential_moves_list:
                if self.is_empty(potential_move[0], potential_move[1]):

            min_distance = self._grid_width * self._grid_height
            potential_moves_dict = {}
            correct_moves_list = []
            for potential_move in potential_moves_list:
                potential_moves_dict[potential_move] = human_distance[
                if human_distance[potential_move[0]][
                        potential_move[1]] < min_distance:
                    min_distance = human_distance[potential_move[0]][
            for potential_move in potential_moves_dict:
                if potential_moves_dict[potential_move] == min_distance:
            final_move = correct_moves_list[random.randrange(
            self._zombie_list[index] = final_move

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(30, 40, None, [(14, 15)], [(2, 12)]))
예제 #19
            neighbors = self.eight_neighbors(human[0], human[1])
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                if zombie_distance[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] > maxdist:
                    maxdist = zombie_distance[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]
                    bestspot = neighbor
            self._human_list[idx] = bestspot

    def move_zombies(self, human_distance):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        for idx in range(len(self._zombie_list)):
            zombie = self._zombie_list[idx]
            bestspot = zombie
            bestdist = human_distance[zombie[0]][zombie[1]]
            neighbors = self.four_neighbors(zombie[0], zombie[1])
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                if human_distance[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] < bestdist:
                    bestdist = human_distance[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]
                    bestspot = neighbor
            self._zombie_list[idx] = bestspot

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(30, 40))
#obj = Zombie(20, 30, [(4, 15), (5, 15), (6, 15), (7, 15), (8, 15), (9, 15), (10, 15), (11, 15), (12, 15), (13, 15), (14, 15), (15, 15), (15, 14), (15, 13), (15, 12), (15, 11), (15, 10)], [], [(18, 14), (18, 20), (14, 24), (7, 24), (2, 22)])
#obj = Zombie(3,3,[(1,1)],[],[(2,2)])
#print obj.compute_distance_field('human')
            points_passable = [point for point in points if self.is_empty(point[0], point[1])]
            dists = [zombie_distance[point[0]][point[1]] for point in points_passable]
            dists_max_dist = max(dists)
            dists_max_points = [point for point in points_passable if zombie_distance[point[0]][point[1]]==dists_max_dist]
            new_item = random.choice(dists_max_points)
            self._human_list[item[0]] = new_item

    def move_zombies(self, human_distance):
        Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves
        are allowed
        b_list = [[i,self._zombie_list[i]] for i in range(len(self._zombie_list))]
        for item in b_list:
            points = []
            cell = (item[1][0], item[1][1])
            points = self.four_neighbors(cell[0], cell[1])
            points_passable = [point for point in points if self.is_empty(point[0], point[1])]
            dists = [human_distance[point[0]][point[1]] for point in points_passable]
            dists_min_dist = min(dists)
            dists_min_points = [point for point in points_passable if human_distance[point[0]][point[1]]==dists_min_dist]
            new_item = random.choice(dists_min_points)
            self._zombie_list[item[0]] = new_item

# Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above
# before this will work without errors

poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(40, 30))