예제 #1
    def find_best_candidate(
        package_name,  # type: str
        target_package_version=None,  # type:  Union[str, None]
        allow_prereleases=False,  # type: bool
    ):  # type: (...) -> Union[Package, bool]
        Given a package name and optional version,
        returns the latest Package that matches
        if target_package_version:
            constraint = parse_constraint(target_package_version)
            constraint = parse_constraint("*")

        candidates = self._pool.find_packages(
            package_name, constraint, allow_prereleases=allow_prereleases

        if not candidates:
            return False

        dependency = Dependency(package_name, constraint)

        # Select highest version if we have many
        package = candidates[0]
        for candidate in candidates:
            if candidate.is_prerelease() and not dependency.allows_prereleases():

            # Select highest version of the two
            if package.version < candidate.version:
                package = candidate

        return package
예제 #2
    def find_best_candidate(
            package_name,  # type: str
            target_package_version=None,  # type:  Union[str, None]
            allow_prereleases=False,  # type: bool
    ):  # type: (...) -> Union[Package, bool]
        Given a package name and optional version,
        returns the latest Package that matches
        if target_package_version:
            constraint = parse_constraint(target_package_version)
            constraint = parse_constraint("*")

        candidates = self._pool.find_packages(
            package_name, constraint, allow_prereleases=allow_prereleases)

        if not candidates:
            return False

        dependency = Dependency(package_name, constraint)

        # Select highest version if we have many
        package = candidates[0]
        for candidate in candidates:
            if candidate.is_prerelease(
            ) and not dependency.allows_prereleases():

            # Select highest version of the two
            if package.version < candidate.version:
                package = candidate

        return package
예제 #3
파일: provider.py 프로젝트: bersace/poetry
    def is_requirement_satisfied_by(self, requirement: Dependency,
                                    activated: DependencyGraph,
                                    package: Package) -> bool:
        Determines whether the given requirement is satisfied by the given
        spec, in the context of the current activated dependency graph.
        if isinstance(requirement, Package):
            return requirement == package

        if not requirement.accepts(package):
            return False

        if package.is_prerelease() and not requirement.allows_prereleases():
            vertex = activated.vertex_named(package.name)

            if not any([r.allows_prereleases() for r in vertex.requirements]):
                return False

        return self._package.python_constraint.matches(