예제 #1
def combineseries(clouds = 'case', trans = 'bear1301126296.mat', \
start = 0, numframe = None, mean = np.array([-0.02, 0, 0.8]), connectends = 0):
  global tss

  totalcloud = pointcloud.pointcloud()

  mats = scipy.io.loadmat('trans/%s' % trans)
  Rs = mats['Rs']; ts = mats['ts']
  if connectends: Rs,ts2 = combiner.makeprodidentity(Rs,ts,connectends)

  if start == 0 and numframe == None: numframe = Rs.shape[0]
  tss = np.zeros((Rs.shape[0],1,3))
  Rss = np.zeros((Rs.shape[0],3,3))
  pointclouds = []
  Rc = np.diag([1.,1.,1.])
  tc = np.array([0.,0.,0.])[None,:]
  for i in range(0,Rs.shape[0]):
    print 'iteration %d' % i
    tss[i] = tc
    Rss[i] = Rc
    tc = np.dot(ts[i].T, Rc) + tc
    Rc = np.dot(Rs[i].T, Rc)

  if connectends:
    diff = tss[0] - tss[numframe-1]
    for i in range(0, numframe):
      tss[i] = tss[i] + (i+1)*diff/(numframe)
  for j in range(0,numframe):
    i = j+start
    fname = 'data/%s/f%d.mat' % (clouds, i % numframe + 1)
    mat = scipy.io.loadmat(fname)
    newcloud = pointcloud.pointcloud(mat['depth'],  mat['rgb'])
    newcloud.vertex -= mean
    newcloud.clipCube(bottom = 0.05, left = -.3, right = .3)
    newcloud.vertex = np.dot(newcloud.vertex, Rss[i]) + tss[i]
    pointclouds += [newcloud]

  totalcloud = pointcloud.pointcloud()
  for cloud in pointclouds:
    totalcloud += cloud

  serial = time.time()
  f = open('poly/poly%d.ply' % serial,'w')
예제 #2
        def databaseType(db_type: int, points):
			Returns db object depended on db type
            if db_type == 0:
                return pointcloud(points)
            elif db_type == 1:
                return eqlcells(points)
            elif db_type == 2:
                return kdtree(points, False, 10)
예제 #3
def combine(mean = np.array([-0.02, 0.8]), angle = 45.):
  totalcloud = pointcloud.pointcloud()

  xz = np.array([0,2])

  for i in range(8):
    fname = 'data/soysauce/f%d.mat' % (i+1)
    rot = -angle*np.pi/180
    rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(i*rot), -np.sin(i*rot)],
                        [np.sin(i*rot),  np.cos(i*rot)]] )
    mat = scipy.io.loadmat(fname)
    newcloud = pointcloud.pointcloud(mat['depth'], mat['rgb'])
    newcloud.clipCube(bottom = -0.01)
    newcloud.vertex[:,xz] = np.dot(newcloud.vertex[:,xz] - mean, rotmat)
    totalcloud += newcloud
  serial = time.time()
  f = open('poly/poly%d.ply' % serial,'w')
  totalcloud.clipCube(bottom = -0.01)
예제 #4
	def databaseType(db_type: int, points):
		Creates database from points according to id given and points

		:param points: ndarray, points xyz nx3
		:param db_type: 0 = pointcloud, 1 = equalcells, 2 = kdtree
		:return: Database object

		if db_type == 0:
			return pointcloud(points)
		elif db_type == 1:
			return eqlcells(points)
		elif db_type == 2:
			return kdtree(points, False, 10)
예제 #5
def gettransform(mean = np.array([-0.02, 0, 0.8]), angle = 45., dataset = 'bear'):
  global Pi, pointclouds
  # confidence in initial guess
  confidence = 5
  numframe = 18
  pointclouds = []
  numsample = 5000

  Rs = np.zeros((numframe, 3, 3))   
  ts = np.zeros((numframe, 3, 1))
  for i in range(0,numframe+1):
    print 'iteration %d' % i
    fname = 'data/%s/f%d.mat' % (dataset, i % numframe + 1)

    mat = scipy.io.loadmat(fname)
    newcloud = pointcloud.pointcloud(mat['depth'],  mat['rgb'])
    newcloud.vertex -= mean
    newcloud.clipCube(bottom = 0.06, left = -.3, right = .3)  

    if i > 0:
      i1 = prevcloud.vertex.shape[0]
      r1 = (np.random.rand(numsample) * i1).astype(int)
      i2 = newcloud.vertex.shape[0]
      r2 = (np.random.rand(numsample) * i2).astype(int)
      prevsample = prevcloud.vertex[r1,:]
      nextsample = newcloud.vertex[r2,:]

      R, t = combiner.probcombine(prevsample.T,\
             nextsample.T, conf = confidence)

      Rs[i-1] = R; ts[i-1] = t
    pointclouds += [newcloud]
    prevcloud = newcloud
  # end for

  serial = time.time()
  scipy.io.savemat('trans/%s%d.mat' % (dataset, serial), {'Rs':Rs, 'ts':ts});
예제 #6
def testcombine(mean = np.array([-0.02, 0, 0.8]), angle = 45.):
  global Pi, pointclouds
  # confidence in initial guess
  confidence = 1
  pointclouds = []
  Rc = np.diag([1.,1.,1.])
  tc = np.array([0.,0.,0.])[None,:]
  for i in range(0,20):
    print 'iteration %d' % i
    fname = 'data/case/f%d.mat' % (i+1)
    rot = -angle*np.pi/180
    rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(i*rot), 0, -np.sin(i*rot)],
                        [0 , 1, 0],
                        [np.sin(i*rot), 0,  np.cos(i*rot)]] )

    mat = scipy.io.loadmat(fname)

    cref = np.zeros((480,640,3))
    if i == 0:
      cref[:,:,0] = 255
      cref[:,:,2] = 255

    newcloud = pointcloud.pointcloud(mat['depth'],  mat['rgb'])
    newcloud.vertex -= mean
    newcloud.clipCube(bottom = 0.0, left = -.3, right = .3)  

    if i > 0:
      newcloud.vertex = np.dot(newcloud.vertex, Rc) + tc
      i1 = prevcloud.vertex.shape[0]
      r1 = (np.random.rand(2000) * i1).astype(int)
      i2 = newcloud.vertex.shape[0]
      r2 = (np.random.rand(2000) * i2).astype(int)
      prevsample = prevcloud.vertex[r1,:]
      nextsample = newcloud.vertex[r2,:]

      R, t = combiner.probcombine(prevsample.T,\
             nextsample.T, conf = confidence)

      Rc = np.dot(Rc, R.T)
      tc = np.dot(tc, R.T) + t.T
      newcloud.vertex = np.dot(newcloud.vertex, R.T) + t.T
      #newcloud.color[r2,:] *= Pi[:,None]/Pi.max()
      #totalcloud.vertex = totalsample
    pointclouds += [newcloud]
    prevcloud = newcloud
  # end for

  totalcloud = pointcloud.pointcloud()
  for cloud in pointclouds:
    totalcloud += cloud

  serial = time.time()
  f = open('poly/poly%d.ply' % serial,'w')