class ICPBase(object): """ Base class for traditional ICP and paralleled ICP - Sketches the ICP algorithm skeleton - Define common attributes and functions """ def __init__(self, src, dst, plot=True, reinit=False): """ Initialize ICPBase class object :param src: source PointCloud object :param dst: destination PointCloud object :param plot: visualize the registration or not :param reinit: re-initialize the current PointCloud when local minima is encounted, or not """ self.src = src self.dst = dst assert self.src.num == self.dst.num self.result = PointCloud(src) self.plot = plot self.reinit = reinit if self.plot: self.plotter = PointCloudPlotter(self.dst) def getPointCloudRegistration(self, target): """ Compute the PointCloud registration with correspondence. It is same for both ICP and ICPParallel. :param target: the target PointCloud to register with :return: R: Rotation between PointCloud result and target T: Translation between PointCloud result and target """ assert self.result and target assert self.result.num == target.num H =, target.normPoints) U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H) R =, U.T) # Consider reflection case if np.linalg.det(R) < 0: Vt[2,:] *= -1 R =, U.T) # Raise a warning if the SVD is not correctly performed if abs(np.linalg.det(R) - 1.0) > 0.0001: Warning("Direct Point Cloud registration unstable!") T = - return R, T def computeCorrespondence(self): """ Base function for finding correspondence. Assertion only. Detailed implementation varies. :return: total distance and updated PointCloud result """ assert self.result and self.dst assert self.result.num == self.dst.num def solve(self): """ Algorithmatic skeleton of ICP. It is common for both ICP and ICPParallel See PDF report or Besl's paper for more detials. :return: None """ print 'Solve ICP with', self.__class__.__name__ distanceThres, maxIteration, iteration = 0.001, 20, 0 # Perform the initial computation of correspondence currentDistance, target = self.computeCorrespondence() print "Init ICP, distance: %f" % currentDistance # ICP loop while currentDistance > distanceThres and iteration < maxIteration: if self.plot: self.plotter.plotData(self.result) # Compute tranformation between self.result and R, T = self.getPointCloudRegistration(target) # Appy transformation to self.result self.result.applyTransformation(R, T) # DEBUG if self.reinit: if np.amax(np.abs(R - np.identity(3))) < 0.000001 and np.amax(np.abs(T)) < 0.000001: self.result.applyTransformation(getRandomRotation(), getRandomTranslation()) # Compute point correspondence currentDistance, target = self.computeCorrespondence() # Update iteration += 1 print "Iteration: %5d, with total distance: %f" % (iteration, currentDistance)
from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-n', '--number', dest='pointNum', help='number of points in the point cloud', type='int', default=256) parser.add_option('-p', '--plot', dest='plot', action='store_true', help='visualize icp result', default=False) parser.add_option('-c', '--core', dest='coreNum', help='number of threads used in the cuda', type='int', default=0) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() pc1 = PointCloud() pc1.initFromRand(options.pointNum, 0, 1, 10, 20, 0, 1) pc2 = PointCloud(pc1) pc2.applyTransformation() icpSolver = ICPParallel(pc1, pc2, numCore=options.coreNum, plot=options.plot) icpSolver.solve()
'--number', dest='pointNum', help='number of points in the point cloud', type='int', default=256) parser.add_option('-p', '--plot', dest='plot', action='store_true', help='visualize icp result', default=False) parser.add_option('-c', '--core', dest='coreNum', help='number of threads used in the cuda', type='int', default=0) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() pc1 = PointCloud() pc1.initFromRand(options.pointNum, 0, 1, 10, 20, 0, 1) pc2 = PointCloud(pc1) pc2.applyTransformation(None, None) icpSolver = ICP(pc1, pc2, plot=options.plot) icpSolver.solve() print icpParallelSolver = ICPParallel(pc1, pc2, numCore=options.coreNum, plot=options.plot) icpParallelSolver.solve()