def main(NUM_INPUTS,NUM_OUTPUTS,HIDDEN_UNITS, N, FILENAME): PROBLEM = poisson_problem.poisson_2d() neural_network = neural_network2.neural_network(NUM_INPUTS, NUM_OUTPUTS, HIDDEN_UNITS) int_var = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, NUM_INPUTS]) bou_var = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, NUM_INPUTS]) value_int = neural_network.value(int_var) value_bou = neural_network.value(bou_var) grad_grad= neural_network.second_derivatives(int_var) sol_int = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 1]) sol_bou = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 1]) sum_of_second_derivatives = 0.0 for i in range(NUM_INPUTS): sum_of_second_derivatives += grad_grad[i] loss_int = tf.square(sum_of_second_derivatives + sol_int) loss_bou = tf.square(value_bou-sol_bou) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss_int + loss_bou) saver = tf.train.Saver() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # def compute_fd_error(session, problem, N): # x = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) # y = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) # # mesh = np.array(np.meshgrid(x,y)).T.reshape(-1, 2) # fd_error = (, feed_dict={int_var: mesh})- problem.velocity(mesh))**2 # # sum_fd_error = np.sum(fd_error) # # return sum_fd_error/(N**2) def compute_fd_loss(session, problem, N): x = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) y = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) mesh = np.array(np.meshgrid(x,y)).T.reshape(-1, 2) sol = np.reshape(problem.rhs(mesh), ((N*N), 1)) fd_loss =, feed_dict={int_var: mesh, sol_int: sol}) sum_fd_loss = np.sum(fd_loss) return sum_fd_loss/(N**2) with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, FILENAME) print('Model restored.') #print('l2-loss:', np.sqrt(compute_fd_error(sess, PROBLEM, N))) print('l2-int-loss:', np.sqrt(compute_fd_loss(sess, PROBLEM, N)))
def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hn:f:N:",["n_layers=", "filename=", "N_points_per_dim="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print(' -n <n_layers> -f <filename> -N <N_points_per_dim>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(' -n <n_layers> -f <filename> -N <N_points_per_dim>') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-n", "--n_layers"): N_LAYERS = int(arg) elif opt in ("-f", "--filename"): FILENAME = arg elif opt in ("-N", "--N_points_per_dim"): N = int(arg) PROBLEM = poisson_problem.poisson_2d() NUM_INPUTS = 2 NUM_OUTPUTS = 1 HIDDEN_UNITS = [] for i in range(N_LAYERS): HIDDEN_UNITS.append(16) neural_network = neural_networks.neural_network(NUM_INPUTS, NUM_OUTPUTS, HIDDEN_UNITS) int_var = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, NUM_INPUTS]) bou_var = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, NUM_INPUTS]) value_int = neural_network.value(int_var) value_bou = neural_network.value(bou_var) grad = neural_network.first_derivatives(int_var) grad_grad= neural_network.second_derivatives(int_var) sol_int = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 1]) sol_bou = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 1]) sum_of_second_derivatives = 0.0 for i in range(NUM_INPUTS): sum_of_second_derivatives += grad_grad[i] loss_int = tf.square(sum_of_second_derivatives + sol_int) loss_bou = tf.square(value_bou-sol_bou) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss_int + loss_bou) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() def compute_fd_error(session, problem, N): x = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) y = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) mesh = np.array(np.meshgrid(x,y)).T.reshape(-1, 2) fd_error = (, feed_dict={int_var: mesh})- problem.velocity(mesh))**2 sum_fd_error = np.sum(fd_error) return sum_fd_error/(N**2) def compute_fd_loss(session, problem, N): x = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) y = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) mesh = np.array(np.meshgrid(x,y)).T.reshape(-1, 2) sol = np.reshape(problem.rhs(mesh), ((N*N), 1)) fd_loss =, feed_dict={int_var: mesh, sol_int: sol}) sum_fd_loss = np.sum(fd_loss) return sum_fd_loss/(N**2) def compute_fd_error_max(session, problem, N): x = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) y = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) mesh = np.array(np.meshgrid(x,y)).T.reshape(-1, 2) fd_error = (, feed_dict={int_var: mesh})- problem.velocity(mesh))**2 arg_max = np.argmax(fd_error) return fd_error[arg_max], mesh[arg_max] def compute_fd_loss_max(session, problem, N): x = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) y = np.linspace(problem.range[0], problem.range[1], N) mesh = np.array(np.meshgrid(x,y)).T.reshape(-1, 2) sol = np.reshape(problem.rhs(mesh), ((N*N), 1)) fd_loss =, feed_dict={int_var: mesh, sol_int: sol}) arg_max = np.argmax(fd_loss) return fd_loss[arg_max], mesh[arg_max] with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, FILENAME) print('Model restored.') print('l2-loss:', np.sqrt(compute_fd_error(sess, PROBLEM, N))) print('l2-int-loss:', np.sqrt(compute_fd_loss(sess, PROBLEM, N))) l_2_max, l_2_max_location = compute_fd_error_max(sess, PROBLEM, N) l_2_int_max, l_2_int_max_location = compute_fd_loss_max(sess, PROBLEM, N) print('l2-max:', np.sqrt(l_2_max), l_2_max_location) print('l2-int-max:', np.sqrt(l_2_int_max), l_2_int_max_location)
def main(argv): # DEFAULT SENSOR_DATA = False N_LAYERS = 1 BATCHSIZE = 1000 max_iter = 20000 seed = 42 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hb:n:m:s:r:", [ "batchsize=", "n_layers=", "max_iterations=", "sensor_data=", "random_seed=" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print( ' -b <batchsize> -n <n_layers> -m <max_iterations> -s <sensor_data> -r <random_seed>' ) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print( ' -b <batchsize> -n <n_layers> -m <max_iterations> -s <sensor_data> -r <random_seed>' ) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-b", "--batchsize"): BATCHSIZE = int(arg) elif opt in ("-n", "--n_layers"): N_LAYERS = int(arg) elif opt in ("-m", "--max_iterations"): max_iter = int(arg) elif opt in ("-s", "--sensor_data"): if (int(arg) == 1): SENSOR_DATA = True elif opt in ("-r", "--random_seed"): seed = int(arg) tf.set_random_seed(seed) HIDDEN_UNITS = [] for i in range(N_LAYERS): HIDDEN_UNITS.append(16) do_save = True if (SENSOR_DATA): save_name = 'test_model/' + str( len(HIDDEN_UNITS)) + '_layer_sq_loss_' + str( BATCHSIZE) + '_m_iter_' + str(max_iter) + '_rs_' + str( seed) + '_wsd' else: save_name = 'test_model/' + str( len(HIDDEN_UNITS)) + '_layer_sq_loss_' + str( BATCHSIZE) + '_m_iter_' + str(max_iter) + '_rs_' + str(seed) problem = poisson_problem.poisson_2d() sampler = sampling_from_dataset('datasets/' + str(BATCHSIZE), BATCHSIZE) sampler.load_dataset() NUM_INPUTS = 2 neural_network = neural_networks.neural_network(NUM_INPUTS, 1, HIDDEN_UNITS) int_var = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, NUM_INPUTS]) bou_var = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, NUM_INPUTS]) sensor_var = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, NUM_INPUTS]) value_int = neural_network.value(int_var) value_bou = neural_network.value(bou_var) value_sensor = neural_network.value(sensor_var) grad = neural_network.first_derivatives(int_var) grad_grad = neural_network.second_derivatives(int_var) grad_grad_sensor = neural_network.second_derivatives(sensor_var) sol_int = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 1]) sol_bou = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 1]) sum_of_second_derivatives = 0.0 sum_of_second_derivatives_sensor = 0.0 for i in range(NUM_INPUTS): sum_of_second_derivatives += grad_grad[i] sum_of_second_derivatives_sensor += grad_grad_sensor[i] loss_int = tf.square(sum_of_second_derivatives + sol_int) loss_bou = tf.square(value_bou - sol_bou) loss_sensor_int = tf.square(sum_of_second_derivatives_sensor) loss_sensor_bou = tf.square(value_sensor) loss = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(loss_int + loss_bou)) sensor_loss = tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_mean(loss_int) + tf.reduce_mean(loss_bou) + tf.reduce_mean(loss_sensor_int) + tf.reduce_mean(loss_sensor_bou)) train_scipy = tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface(loss, method='BFGS', options={ 'gtol': 1e-14, 'disp': True, 'maxiter': max_iter }) train_scipy_sensor = tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface(sensor_loss, method='BFGS', options={ 'gtol': 1e-14, 'disp': True, 'maxiter': max_iter }) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: int_draw_x, int_draw_y = sampler.interior_samples(BATCHSIZE) int_draw_x = np.reshape(int_draw_x, (BATCHSIZE, 1)) int_draw_y = np.reshape(int_draw_y, (BATCHSIZE, 1)) boundary_draw_x, boundary_draw_y = sampler.boundary_samples(BATCHSIZE) boundary_draw_x = np.reshape(boundary_draw_x, (BATCHSIZE, 1)) boundary_draw_y = np.reshape(boundary_draw_y, (BATCHSIZE, 1)) int_draw = np.concatenate([int_draw_x, int_draw_y], axis=1) bou_draw = np.concatenate([boundary_draw_x, boundary_draw_y], axis=1) f = problem.rhs(int_draw) f = np.reshape(np.array(f), (BATCHSIZE, 1)) bou = problem.velocity(bou_draw) bou = np.reshape(np.array(bou), (BATCHSIZE, 1)) if (SENSOR_DATA): sensor_points_x = np.reshape(np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]), (4, 1)) sensor_points_y = np.reshape(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]), (4, 1)) sensor_points = np.concatenate([sensor_points_x, sensor_points_y], axis=1) print(sensor_points) train_scipy_sensor.minimize(sess, feed_dict={ sol_int: f, sol_bou: bou, int_var: int_draw, bou_var: bou_draw, sensor_var: sensor_points }) else: train_scipy.minimize(sess, feed_dict={ sol_int: f, sol_bou: bou, int_var: int_draw, bou_var: bou_draw }) if do_save: save_path =, save_name) print("Model saved in path: %s" % save_path)
for i in draw_perimeter: if i < a: draw.append([i + self.x_range[0], self.y_range[0]]) elif a <= i and i < a + b: draw.append([self.x_range[1], (i - a) + self.y_range[0]]) elif a + b <= i and i < 2 * a + b: draw.append([self.x_range[1] - (i - (a + b)), self.y_range[1]]) elif 2 * a + b <= i and i <= 2 * a + 2 * b: draw.append( [self.x_range[0], self.y_range[1] - (i - (2 * a + b))]) return np.array(draw)[:, 0], np.array(draw)[:, 1] problem = poisson_problem.poisson_2d() sampler = sampling_from_rectangle(problem.range, problem.range) filename = 'datasets/' def main(): with open(filename + str(N) + extension, mode='w') as f: csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) int_draw_x, int_draw_y = sampler.interior_samples(N) bou_draw_x, bou_draw_y = sampler.boundary_samples(N)