def _isObserver(self, userId): """ 陈龙和才哥需求: 在德州和三张里观战时, 不能加好友。原因是好多恶意玩家用这个做宣传。 跟辉哥商量过了, 没什么好办法实现~ 只能在这里写死 gameId by WangTao """ locList = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(userId) gameIds = {8, 30} for onlineLoc in locList: roomId, tableId, seatId = onlineLoc onlineGameId = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(roomId) if onlineGameId not in gameIds: continue # 判断是否观战状态。 只适用三张和德州 if roomId and tableId and seatId: roomConf = gdata.getRoomConfigure(roomId) maxSeatN = roomConf['tableConf']['maxSeatN'] if seatId == maxSeatN + 1: # is observe "FriendTcpHandler._isObserver| is observer" "| userId, loc:", userId, onlineLoc) return True return False
def _isObserver(self, userId): """ 陈龙和才哥需求: 在德州和三张里观战时, 不能加好友。原因是好多恶意玩家用这个做宣传。 跟辉哥商量过了, 没什么好办法实现~ 只能在这里写死 gameId by WangTao """ locList = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(userId) gameIds = {8, 30} for onlineLoc in locList: roomId, tableId, seatId = onlineLoc onlineGameId = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(roomId) if onlineGameId not in gameIds: continue # 判断是否观战状态。 只适用三张和德州 if roomId and tableId and seatId: roomConf = gdata.getRoomConfigure(roomId) maxSeatN = roomConf['tableConf']['maxSeatN'] if seatId == maxSeatN + 1: # is observe"FriendTcpHandler._isObserver| is observer" "| userId, loc:", userId, onlineLoc) return True return False
def createFT(userId, nRound, playMode, canDouble, goodCard=0): ''' 创建自建桌 @param userId: 谁创建 @param conf: 桌子配置 ''' # 获取creatorConf creatorConf = getCreatorConf(userId) # 收取创建自建桌费用 if not creatorConf: raise TYBizException(-1, '不支持自建桌') roundConf = creatorConf.getRoundConf(nRound) if not roundConf: raise TYBizException(-1, '不支持的局数: %s' % (nRound)) playModeConf = creatorConf.getPlayModeConf(playMode) if not playModeConf: raise TYBizException(-1, '不支持的玩法: %s' % (playMode)) # check loc locList = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(userId) for loc in locList: roomId, _, _ = loc gameId = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(roomId) if gameId == DIZHU_GAMEID: raise TYBizException(-1, '正在其他桌游戏') ctrlRoomIds = collectCtrlRoomIdsByFTPlayMode(playMode) if not ctrlRoomIds: ftlog.warn('ft_service.createFT userId=', userId, 'nRound=', nRound, 'playMode=', playMode, 'canDouble=', canDouble) raise TYBizException(-1, '不支持的玩法: %s' % (playMode)) ctrlRoomId = ctrlRoomIds[random.randint(0, len(ctrlRoomIds) - 1)] if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('ft_service.createFT userId=', userId, 'nRound=', nRound, 'playMode=', playMode, 'canDouble=', canDouble, 'goodCard=', goodCard, 'ctrlRoomId=', ctrlRoomId, 'ctrlRoomIds=', ctrlRoomIds) fee = None if roundConf.fee > 0: fee = {'itemId':creatorConf.cardAssetKindId, 'count':roundConf.fee} return ft_room_remote.createFT(ctrlRoomId, userId, nRound, playModeConf.toDict(), canDouble, fee, goodCard)
def makeSitReq(cls, userId, shadowRoomId, tableId, clientId): mpSitReq = MsgPack() mpSitReq.setCmd("table") mpSitReq.setParam("action", "sit") mpSitReq.setParam("userId", userId) mpSitReq.setParam("roomId", shadowRoomId) mpSitReq.setParam("tableId", tableId) mpSitReq.setParam("clientId", clientId) mpSitReq.setParam("gameId", strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(shadowRoomId)) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug(str(mpSitReq), caller=cls) return mpSitReq
def lockUserForMatch(gameId, userId, bigRoomId, instId, ctrlRoomId, tableId, seatId, clientId): if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug("match_remote.lockUserForMatch gameId=", gameId, "userId=", userId, "bigRoomId=", bigRoomId, "instId=", instId, "ctrlRoomId=", ctrlRoomId, "tableId=", tableId, "seatId=", seatId, "clientId=", clientId) if not clientId: clientId = sessiondata.getClientId(userId) loc = None locList = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(userId) for roomId, tableId, seatId in locList: try: roomGameId = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(roomId) if (roomGameId == gameId and tableId != 0 and seatId != 0): loc = [roomGameId, roomId, tableId, seatId] except: ftlog.error("match_remote.lockUserForMatch userId=", userId, "gameId=", gameId, "clientId=", clientId, "roomId=", roomId) if loc: # 检查loc if strutil.getBigRoomIdFromInstanceRoomId(loc[1]) != bigRoomId: ftlog.debug("match_remote.lockUserForMatch Fail gameId=", gameId, "userId=", userId, "bigRoomId=", bigRoomId, "instId=", instId, "ctrlRoomId=", ctrlRoomId, "tableId=", tableId, "seatId=", seatId, "clientId=", clientId, "loc=", loc) return False userMatchInfo = loadUserMatchInfo(gameId, userId, bigRoomId) if not userMatchInfo: # 此处有异常,正常要有userMatchInfo userMatchInfo = UserMatchInfo(gameId, userId, bigRoomId) userMatchInfo.ctrlRoomId = ctrlRoomId userMatchInfo.instId = instId userMatchInfo.state = UserMatchInfo.ST_SIGNIN userMatchInfo.ctrlRoomId = ctrlRoomId userMatchInfo.state = UserMatchInfo.ST_PLAYING saveUserMatchInfo(userMatchInfo) room = gdata.rooms()[ctrlRoomId] player = room.match.findPlayer(userId) if not player or not player.isQuit: onlinedata.setBigRoomOnlineLoc(userId, ctrlRoomId, tableId, seatId)"match_remote.lockUserForMatch ok gameId=", gameId, "userId=", userId, "bigRoomId=", bigRoomId, "instId=", instId, "ctrlRoomId=", ctrlRoomId, "tableId=", tableId, "seatId=", seatId, "isQuit=", player.isQuit if player else -1, "clientId=", clientId) return True
def makeSitReq(cls, userId, shadowRoomId, tableId, clientId): """在子类中调用此方法""" mpSitReq = MsgPack() mpSitReq.setCmd("table") mpSitReq.setParam("action", "sit") mpSitReq.setParam("userId", userId) mpSitReq.setParam("roomId", shadowRoomId) mpSitReq.setParam("tableId", tableId) mpSitReq.setParam("clientId", clientId) mpSitReq.setParam("gameId", strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(shadowRoomId)) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug(str(mpSitReq), caller=cls) return mpSitReq
def getOnlineLocListByGameId(userId, gameId, clientId): ret = [] locList = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(userId) for roomId, tableId, seatId in locList: try: roomGameId = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(roomId) if (roomGameId == gameId and tableId != 0 and seatId != 0): ret.append((roomGameId, roomId, tableId, seatId)) except: ftlog.error('dizhuonlinedata.getOnlineLocListByGameId userId=', userId, 'gameId=', gameId, 'clientId=', clientId, 'roomId=', roomId) return ret
def makeTableManageReq(cls, userId, shadowRoomId, tableId, clientId, action, params=None): mpReq = MsgPack() mpReq.setCmd("table_manage") mpReq.setParam("action", action) mpReq.setParam("userId", userId) mpReq.setParam("gameId", strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(shadowRoomId)) mpReq.setParam("roomId", shadowRoomId) mpReq.setParam("tableId", tableId) mpReq.setParam("clientId", clientId) if params: mpReq.updateParam(params) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug(str(mpReq), caller=cls) return mpReq
def doTableCall2(self, userId, roomId, tableId, clientId): """渔场内的函数调用""" if strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(roomId) == FISH_GAMEID: table = None msg = runcmd.getMsgPack() try: room = gdata.rooms()[roomId] table = room.maptable[tableId] action = msg.getParam("action") seatId = msg.getParam("seatId", -1) # 旁观时没有seatId参数 assert isinstance(seatId, int) table.doTableCallOwn(msg, userId, seatId, action, clientId) except: ftlog.error("doTableCall2 error clear table", userId, msg, traceback.format_exc()) table and table._clearTable()
def getOnlineLoc(userId, gameId, roomId=0, tableId=0, locList=None): if not locList: locList = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(userId) for onlineLoc in locList: if gameId != strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(onlineLoc[0]): continue if roomId == 0: return onlineLoc if gdata.getBigRoomId(onlineLoc[0]) == gdata.getBigRoomId(roomId): if tableId == 0: return onlineLoc if onlineLoc[1] == tableId: return onlineLoc return [0, 0, 0]
def _leaveFromMatchs(userId): from dizhu.servers.util.rpc import match_remote from dizhu.servers.util.rpc.match_remote import UserMatchInfo userMatchInfoMap = match_remote.loadAllUserMatchInfo(DIZHU_GAMEID, userId) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('dizhuonlinedata._leaveFromMatchs userId=', userId, 'infos=', [(rid, umi.state) for rid, umi in userMatchInfoMap.iteritems()]) for _, userMatchInfo in userMatchInfoMap.iteritems(): if userMatchInfo.state == UserMatchInfo.ST_SIGNIN: msg = MsgPack() msg.setCmdAction('room', 'leave') msg.setParam('userId', userId) msg.setParam('roomId', userMatchInfo.ctrlRoomId) msg.setParam( 'gameId', strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(userMatchInfo.ctrlRoomId)) msg.setParam('reason', TYRoom.LEAVE_ROOM_REASON_LOST_CONNECTION) router.sendRoomServer(msg, userMatchInfo.ctrlRoomId)
def checkUserQuitLoc(gameId, userId, roomId, clientId): gid = strutil.getBigRoomIdFromInstanceRoomId(roomId) ret = daobase.executeUserCmd( userId, 'HGET', 'quitol' + ':' + str(gameId) + ':' + str(userId), str(gid)) retDict = strutil.loads(ret) if ret else None if retDict: rid = retDict.get('roomId') tid = retDict.get('tableId') sid = retDict.get('seatId') gid = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(rid) if gid > 0 and rid > 0 and tid > 0: # 到具体的房间或桌子的服务上去查询, 是否是真的在桌子上 if tid == rid * 10000: # 玩家在队列房间或者比赛房间的等待队列中, 此处不做一致性检查,玩家发起quick_start时检查。 return 1 else: try: seatId, isObserving = roommgr.doCheckUserLoc( userId, gid, rid, tid, clientId) except: ftlog.error() return -1 ftlog.debug('_checkUserLoc->userId=', userId, 'seatId=', seatId, 'isObserving=', isObserving) if seatId > 0 or isObserving == 1: # 还在桌子上游戏 return 1 else: # 已经不再桌子上了, 清理所有的桌子带入金币 if sid > 0: from poker.entity.dao import userchip userchip.moveAllTableChipToChip( userId, gid, 'TABLE_TCHIP_TO_CHIP', 0, clientId, tid) # 清理当前的在线数据 _removeUserQuitLoc(gameId, userId, rid) return 0 else: # 到这儿, 数据是错误的, 删除处理 _removeUserQuitLoc(gameId, userId, rid) return 0
def doUserOffline(self, userId, clientId): evt = OnLineTcpChangedEvent(userId, HALL_GAMEID, 0) TGHall.getEventBus().publishEvent(evt) # 补发room_leave消息 olist = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(userId) ftlog.debug('doUserOffline onlines->', olist) for ol in olist: roomId, _, _ = ol[0], ol[1], ol[2] if roomId > 0: msg = MsgPack() msg.setCmdAction('room', 'leave') msg.setParam('userId', userId) msg.setParam('roomId', roomId) msg.setParam('gameId', strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(roomId)) msg.setParam('clientId', clientId) msg.setParam('reason', TYRoom.LEAVE_ROOM_REASON_LOST_CONNECTION) router.sendRoomServer(msg, roomId) # offline_geoc处理 onlinedata.setUserGeoOffline(userId, HALL_GAMEID) # 通知push服务 self._notifyPushUserOnlineStateChanged(userId, 0, clientId)
def _getFriendGameInfo(userId, gameIds, for_level_info, for_winchip, for_online_info=1): uid = int(userId) datas = {} gid, rid, tid, sid = 0, 0, 0, 0 state = daoconst.OFFLINE if for_online_info: loclist = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(uid) state = onlinedata.getOnlineState(uid) if len(loclist) > 0: _rid, _tid, _sid = loclist[0] # gid表示用户在哪个游戏中 gid = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(_rid) # 检查是否可加入游戏 if TYGame(gid).canJoinGame(userId, _rid, _tid, _sid): # rid/tid/sid表示用户所在的游戏是否可加入游戏 # 分享出来的都是可以加入游戏的牌桌信息 rid = _rid tid = _tid sid = _sid if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('getFriendGameInfo userId:', userId, ' gameId:', gid, ' roomId:', _rid, ' tableId:', _tid, ' seatId:', _sid, ' can not join game....') if state == daoconst.OFFLINE: offline_time = gamedata.getGameAttr(uid, HALL_GAMEID, 'offlineTime') if not offline_time: # 取不到离线时间,取上线时间 offline_time = userdata.getAttr(uid, 'authorTime') if offline_time: offline_time = pktimestamp.parseTimeMs(offline_time) delta = - offline_time delta = delta.days * 24 * 60 + delta.seconds / 60 # 分钟数 else: # 异常情况 delta = 24 * 60 datas['offline_time'] = delta if delta > 0 else 1 if rid > 0: try: room = gdata.roomIdDefineMap().get(rid, None) if room: datas['room_name'] = room.configure['name'] except: ftlog.error() # 构造回传给SDK的游戏数据 datas.update({ 'uid': uid, 'gid': gid, 'rid': rid, 'tid': tid, 'sid': sid, 'state': state }) if for_level_info: datas['level_game_id'] = 0 datas['level'] = 0 datas['level_pic'] = '' try: for gameId in gameIds: if gameId not in continue dashifen_info =[gameId].getDaShiFen(uid, '') if dashifen_info: level = dashifen_info['level'] if level > 0 and level > datas['level']: datas['level_game_id'] = gameId datas['level'] = level level_pic = dashifen_info.get('picbig') datas[ 'level_pic'] = level_pic if level_pic else dashifen_info.get( 'pic') except: ftlog.error() if for_winchip: datas['winchip'] = 0 datas['winchips'] = 0 try: for gameId in gameIds: winchips, todaychips = gamedata.getGameAttrs( userId, gameId, ['winchips', 'todaychips'], False) winchips = strutil.parseInts(winchips) yest_winchip = 0 todaychips = strutil.loads(todaychips, ignoreException=True) if todaychips and 'today' in todaychips and 'chips' in todaychips and 'last' in todaychips: if pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() == todaychips['today']: yest_winchip = todaychips['last'] elif pktimestamp.formatTimeYesterDayInt( ) == todaychips['today']: yest_winchip = todaychips['chips'] datas['winchip'] += yest_winchip datas['winchips'] += winchips except: ftlog.error() return datas
def _checkUserLoc(userId, clientId, matchGameId=0): '''Why: 玩家断线重连时,loc的信息可能与table不一致,conn server需要与table server通讯检查一致性; 导致不一致的原因:服务端重启(特别是roomId、tableId变更) 如果玩家在队列房间或者比赛房间的等待队列中, 此处不做一致性检查,等玩家发起quick_start时由room server检查 What: 与table server通讯检查桌子对象里是否有这个玩家的数据 如果不一致,则回收牌桌金币并清空loc; Return: 如果玩家在房间队列里,返回gameId.roomId.roomId*10000.1 如果玩家在座位上,返回gameId.roomId.tableId.seatId 如果玩家在旁观,返回gameId.roomId.tableId.0 玩家不在table对象里,返回0.0.0.0 ''' truelocs = [] loclist = _getOnlineLocList(userId) for locs in loclist: rid, tid, sid = locs[0], locs[1], locs[2] gid = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(rid) if gid > 0 and rid > 0 and tid > 0: # 到具体的房间或桌子的服务上去查询, 是否是真的在桌子上 if tid == rid * 10000: # 玩家在队列房间或者比赛房间的等待队列中, 此处不做一致性检查,玩家发起quick_start时检查。 truelocs.append('%d.%d.%d.%d' % (gid, rid, tid, sid)) else: seatId, isObserving = 0, 0 try: seatId, isObserving = roommgr.doCheckUserLoc( userId, gid, rid, tid, clientId) except: ftlog.error() continue ftlog.debug('_checkUserLoc->userId=', userId, 'seatId=', seatId, 'isObserving=', isObserving) if seatId > 0 or isObserving == 1: # 还在桌子上游戏, 返回断线重连的信息 if matchGameId > 0: if matchGameId == gid: truelocs.append('%d.%d.%d.%d' % (gid, rid, tid, seatId)) else: truelocs.append('%d.%d.%d.%d' % (gid, rid, tid, seatId)) else: # 已经不再桌子上了, 清理所有的桌子带入金币 if sid > 0: from poker.entity.dao import userchip userchip.moveAllTableChipToChip( userId, gid, 'TABLE_TCHIP_TO_CHIP', 0, clientId, tid) # 清理当前的在线数据 _removeOnlineLoc(userId, rid, tid) else: # 到这儿, 数据是错误的, 删除处理 _removeOnlineLoc(userId, rid, tid) ftlog.debug('_checkUserLoc->', userId, clientId, truelocs) if pokerconf.isOpenMoreTable(clientId): # 新的客户端协议, 对于断线重连支持的时列表格式, 即客户端可以进行多开 return strutil.dumps(truelocs) else: # 老的客户端, 只支持一个桌子 if truelocs: return truelocs[0] return ''
def _getFriendGameInfo(userId, gameIds, for_level_info, for_winchip, for_online_info=1): uid = int(userId) datas = {} gid, rid, tid, sid = 0, 0, 0, 0 state = daoconst.OFFLINE if for_online_info: loclist = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(uid) state = onlinedata.getOnlineState(uid) if len(loclist) > 0: _rid, _tid, _sid = loclist[0] # gid表示用户在哪个游戏中 gid = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(_rid) # 检查是否可加入游戏 if TYGame(gid).canJoinGame(userId, _rid, _tid, _sid): # rid/tid/sid表示用户所在的游戏是否可加入游戏 # 分享出来的都是可以加入游戏的牌桌信息 rid = _rid tid = _tid sid = _sid if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('getFriendGameInfo userId:', userId, ' gameId:', gid, ' roomId:', _rid, ' tableId:', _tid, ' seatId:', _sid, ' can not join game....') if state == daoconst.OFFLINE: offline_time = gamedata.getGameAttr(uid, HALL_GAMEID, 'offlineTime') if not offline_time: # 取不到离线时间,取上线时间 offline_time = userdata.getAttr(uid, 'authorTime') if offline_time: offline_time = pktimestamp.parseTimeMs(offline_time) delta = - offline_time delta = delta.days * 24 * 60 + delta.seconds / 60 # 分钟数 else: # 异常情况 delta = 24 * 60 datas['offline_time'] = delta if delta > 0 else 1 if rid > 0: try: room = gdata.roomIdDefineMap().get(rid, None) if room: datas['room_name'] = room.configure['name'] except: ftlog.error() # 构造回传给SDK的游戏数据 datas.update({'uid': uid, 'gid': gid, 'rid': rid, 'tid': tid, 'sid': sid, 'state': state}) if for_level_info: datas['level_game_id'] = 0 datas['level'] = 0 datas['level_pic'] = '' try: for gameId in gameIds: if gameId not in continue dashifen_info =[gameId].getDaShiFen(uid, '') if dashifen_info: level = dashifen_info['level'] if level > 0 and level > datas['level']: datas['level_game_id'] = gameId datas['level'] = level level_pic = dashifen_info.get('picbig') datas['level_pic'] = level_pic if level_pic else dashifen_info.get('pic') except: ftlog.error() if for_winchip: datas['winchip'] = 0 datas['winchips'] = 0 try: for gameId in gameIds: winchips, todaychips = gamedata.getGameAttrs(userId, gameId, ['winchips', 'todaychips'], False) winchips = strutil.parseInts(winchips) yest_winchip = 0 todaychips = strutil.loads(todaychips, ignoreException=True) if todaychips and 'today' in todaychips and 'chips' in todaychips and 'last' in todaychips: if pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() == todaychips['today']: yest_winchip = todaychips['last'] elif pktimestamp.formatTimeYesterDayInt() == todaychips['today']: yest_winchip = todaychips['chips'] datas['winchip'] += yest_winchip datas['winchips'] += winchips except: ftlog.error() return datas
def onCmdQuickStart(cls, msg, userId, gameId, roomId, tableId, clientId, kindId): """UT server中处理来自客户端的quick_start请求 Args: msg cmd : quick_start if roomId == 0: 表示快速开始,服务器为玩家选择房间,然后将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId == 0 : 表示玩家选择了房间,将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId == roomId * 10000 : 表示玩家在队列里断线重连,将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId > 0: if onlineSeatId > 0: 表示玩家在牌桌里断线重连,将请求转给GT else: 表示玩家选择了桌子,将请求转给GR """ assert isinstance(userId, int) and userId > 0 assert isinstance(roomId, int) and roomId >= 0 assert isinstance(tableId, int) and tableId >= 0 if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug("onCmdQuickStart->", userId, "msg =", msg, "roomId =", roomId, "tableId =", tableId, "clientId =", clientId) isRobot = userId < config.ROBOT_MAX_USER_ID if not isRobot and not util.isUsableClientVersion(userId): cls.onQuickStartFailed(cls.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_VERSION_DISABLE, userId, clientId, roomId) return # 单开, 无论何时quick_start进入都检查loc if not pokerconf.isOpenMoreTable(clientId): locList = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(userId) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug("onCmdQuickStart->getOnlineLocList->", userId, locList) try: for lRoomId, lTableId, lSeatId in locList: roomGameId = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(lRoomId) if roomGameId == FISH_GAMEID: roomId = lRoomId tableId = lTableId "onCmdQuickStart->reconnect roomId, tableId->", userId, roomId, tableId) else: cls.onQuickStartFailed( cls.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_STATE_ERROR, userId, clientId, roomId) return break except: ftlog.warn("onCmdQuickStart->error", userId, roomId, tableId) redState = gamedata.getGameAttrInt(userId, FISH_GAMEID, GameData.redState) if isRobot is False and redState == 0: ctrlRoomId = config.getCommonValueByKey("newbieRoomId") chosenTableId = 0 shadowRoomId = None if gdata.getBigRoomId(roomId) == gdata.getBigRoomId( ctrlRoomId) and tableId: chosenTableId = tableId shadowRoomId = tableId / 10000 TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq( msg, ctrlRoomId, chosenTableId, shadowRoomId=shadowRoomId) # 请求转给GR return if roomId == 0: # 玩家点击快速开始 chosenRoomId, reason = cls._chooseRoom(userId, gameId)"onCmdQuickStart->chosenRoomId", chosenRoomId, "userId =", userId, "reason =", reason) if reason == cls.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_OK: TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, chosenRoomId, 0) # 请求转给GR else: cls.onQuickStartFailed(reason, userId, clientId, roomId) return if tableId == 0: # 玩家只选择了房间 bigRoomId = gdata.getBigRoomId(roomId) if bigRoomId == 0: cls.onQuickStartFailed(cls.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_ROOM_ID_ERROR, userId, clientId, roomId) return ctrlRoomIds = gdata.bigRoomidsMap()[bigRoomId] ctrlRoomId = ctrlRoomIds[userId % len(ctrlRoomIds)] reason = cls.canQuickEnterRoom(userId, gameId, ctrlRoomId, kindId) if reason == cls.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_OK: roomConf = gdata.roomIdDefineMap()[roomId].configure fee = roomConf.get("fee_%s" % kindId, {}) or roomConf.get( "fee", {}) rewards = fee.get("rewards", []) if fee: _consume = [{"name": fee["kindId"], "count": fee["count"]}] ret = util.consumeItems(userId, _consume, "ROOM_GAME_FEE") if ret and rewards: util.addRewards(userId, rewards, "BI_NFISH_VOUCHER_REWARDS", kindId) TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, ctrlRoomId, 0) # 请求转给GR或GT else: cls.onQuickStartFailed(reason, userId, clientId, roomId) return if tableId == roomId * 10000: # 玩家在队列里断线重连 TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, roomId, tableId) # 请求转给GR return onlineSeat = onlinedata.getOnlineLocSeatId(userId, roomId, tableId) if onlineSeat: TYRoomMixin.querySitReq(userId, roomId, tableId, clientId, {"seatId": onlineSeat}) # 玩家断线重连,请求转给GT else: # 玩家选择了桌子 shadowRoomId = tableId / 10000 ctrlRoomId = gdata.roomIdDefineMap()[shadowRoomId].parentId TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq( msg, ctrlRoomId, tableId, shadowRoomId=shadowRoomId) # 请求转给GR