def main(): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, setup_logging from polar2grid.core.containers import SwathScene parser = create_basic_parser(description="Remap a SwathScene to the provided grids") subgroup_titles = add_remap_argument_groups(parser) parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True, help="JSON SwathScene filename to be remapped") parser.add_argument('-o', dest="output_filename", default="gridded_scene_{grid_name}.json", help="Output filename for JSON scene (default is to 'gridded_scene_{grid_name}.json')") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles, global_keywords=global_keywords) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) if args.output_filename and args.output_filename != "-" and os.path.isfile(args.output_filename): LOG.error("JSON file '%s' already exists, will not overwrite." % (args.output_filename,)) raise RuntimeError("JSON file '%s' already exists, will not overwrite." % (args.output_filename,)) scene = SwathScene.load(args.scene) remapper = Remapper(**args.subgroup_args["Remapping Initialization"]) remap_kwargs = args.subgroup_args["Remapping"] for grid_name in remap_kwargs.pop("forced_grids", ["wgs84_fit"]): gridded_scene = remapper.remap_scene(scene, grid_name, **remap_kwargs) if args.output_filename is None or args.output_filename == "-": print(gridded_scene.dumps(persist=True)) else: fn = args.output_filename.format(grid_name=grid_name)"Saving gridded scene to file: %s", fn)
def main(): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_basic_parser, setup_logging, create_exc_handler parser = create_basic_parser(description="Extract image data from MIRS files and print JSON scene dictionary") subgroup_titles = add_frontend_argument_groups(parser) parser.add_argument('-f', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], help="List of data files and directories to get extract data from") parser.add_argument('-o', dest="output_filename", default=None, help="Output filename for JSON scene (default is to stdout)") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles, global_keywords=global_keywords) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop("list_products") f = Frontend(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) if list_products: print("\n".join(f.available_product_names)) return 0 scene = f.create_scene(**args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) json_str = scene.dumps(persist=True) if args.output_filename: with open(args.output_filename, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(json_str) else: print(json_str) return 0
def main(): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, setup_logging from polar2grid.core.containers import GriddedScene, GriddedProduct parser = create_basic_parser( description= "Create HDF5 files from provided gridded scene or product data") subgroup_titles = add_backend_argument_groups(parser) parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True, help="JSON SwathScene filename to be remapped") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles, global_keywords=global_keywords) # Logs are renamed once data the provided start date is known levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler("Loading scene or product...") gridded_scene = GriddedScene.load(args.scene)"Initializing backend...") backend = Backend(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) if isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedScene): backend.create_output_from_scene( gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) elif isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedProduct): backend.create_output_from_product( gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown Polar2Grid object provided")
def main(): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, setup_logging from polar2grid.core.containers import GriddedScene, GriddedProduct parser = create_basic_parser(description="Create NinJo files from provided gridded scene or product data") subgroup_titles = add_backend_argument_groups(parser) parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True, help="JSON SwathScene filename to be remapped") parser.add_argument("-t", "--test", dest="run_test", default=None, help="Run specified test [test_write, test_write_tags, etc]") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles, global_keywords=global_keywords) # Logs are renamed once data the provided start date is known levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( if args.run_test is not None: if args.run_test not in TESTS: parser.print_usage() print "Available tests:\n\t%s" % ("\n\t".join(TESTS.keys())) return -1 return TESTS[args.run_test](*args)"Loading scene or product...") gridded_scene = GriddedScene.load(args.scene)"Initializing backend...") backend = Backend(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) if isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedScene): backend.create_output_from_scene(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) elif isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedProduct): backend.create_output_from_product(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown Polar2Grid object provided")
def main(): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, setup_logging from polar2grid.core.containers import GriddedScene, GriddedProduct parser = create_basic_parser(description="Create HDF5 files from provided gridded scene or product data") subgroup_titles = add_backend_argument_groups(parser) parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True, help="JSON SwathScene filename to be remapped") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles, global_keywords=global_keywords) # Logs are renamed once data the provided start date is known levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler("Loading scene or product...") gridded_scene = GriddedScene.load(args.scene)"Initializing backend...") backend = Backend(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) if isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedScene): backend.create_output_from_scene(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) elif isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedProduct): backend.create_output_from_product(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown Polar2Grid object provided")
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler from polar2grid.core.containers import GriddedScene parser = create_basic_parser(description="Extract swath data, remap it, and write it to a new file format") parser.add_argument("--compositor-configs", nargs="*", default=None, help="Specify alternative configuration file(s) for compositors") # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) # Load compositor information (we can't know the compositor choices until we've loaded the configuration) compositor_manager = CompositorManager(config_files=args.compositor_configs) # Hack: argparse doesn't let you use choices and nargs=* on a positional argument parser.add_argument("compositors", choices=compositor_manager.keys() + [[]], nargs="*", help="Specify the compositors to apply to the provided scene (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)") parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True, help="JSON SwathScene filename to be remapped") parser.add_argument("-o", dest="output_filename", help="Specify the filename for the newly modified scene (default: original_fn + 'composite')") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting compositor script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Compositor validation compositor_objects = {} for c in args.compositors: if c not in compositor_manager: LOG.error("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c,)) raise RuntimeError("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c,)) compositor_objects[c] = compositor_manager.get_compositor(c, **args.global_kwargs) scene = GriddedScene.load(args.scene) for c, comp in compositor_objects.items(): try: scene = comp.modify_scene(scene, **args.subgroup_args[c + " Modification"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Compositor Error: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c,)) if args.exit_on_error: raise RuntimeError("Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c,)) if args.output_filename is None: stem, ext = os.path.splitext(args.scene) args.output_filename = stem + "_composite" + ext
def main(): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, setup_logging parser = create_basic_parser(description="Extract DR-RTV swath data into binary files") subgroup_titles = add_frontend_argument_groups(parser) parser.add_argument( "-f", dest="data_files", nargs="+", default=[], help="List of data files or directories to extract data from" ) parser.add_argument( "-o", dest="output_filename", default=None, help="Output filename for JSON scene (default is to stdout)" ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--test", dest="run_test", default=None, help="Run specified test [test_write, test_write_tags, etc]" ) global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles, global_keywords=global_keywords) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) if args.self_test: import doctest doctest.testmod() sys.exit(2) list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop("list_products") f = Frontend(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) if list_products: print("\n".join(sorted(f.available_product_names))) return 0 if args.output_filename and os.path.isfile(args.output_filename): LOG.error("JSON file '%s' already exists, will not overwrite." % (args.output_filename,)) raise RuntimeError("JSON file '%s' already exists, will not overwrite." % (args.output_filename,)) scene = f.create_scene(**args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) json_str = scene.dumps(persist=True) if args.output_filename: with open(args.output_filename, "w") as output_file: output_file.write(json_str) else: print(json_str) return 0
def main(): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, setup_logging from polar2grid.core.containers import GriddedScene, GriddedProduct parser = create_basic_parser( description= "Create NinJo files from provided gridded scene or product data") subgroup_titles = add_backend_argument_groups(parser) parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True, help="JSON SwathScene filename to be remapped") parser.add_argument( "-t", "--test", dest="run_test", default=None, help="Run specified test [test_write, test_write_tags, etc]") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles, global_keywords=global_keywords) # Logs are renamed once data the provided start date is known levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( if args.run_test is not None: if args.run_test not in TESTS: parser.print_usage() print "Available tests:\n\t%s" % ("\n\t".join(TESTS.keys())) return -1 return TESTS[args.run_test](*args)"Loading scene or product...") gridded_scene = GriddedScene.load(args.scene)"Initializing backend...") backend = Backend(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) if isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedScene): backend.create_output_from_scene( gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) elif isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedProduct): backend.create_output_from_product( gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown Polar2Grid object provided")
def main_backend(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, ExtendAction from polar2grid.core.containers import GriddedScene, GriddedProduct backends = available_backends() parser = create_basic_parser(description="Create image/output file from provided gridded scene using a typical Polar2Grid backend (see specific backend for other features)") parser.add_argument("backend", choices=sorted(backends.keys()), help="Specify the output generator to use (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)") parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True, help="JSON GriddedScene filename") parser.add_argument('-o', dest="output_filename", default=None, help="Output filename for JSON scene (default is to stdout)") parser.add_argument('-f', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="List of files or directories to extract data from") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) LOG = logging.getLogger(args.backend) barg_func = get_backend_argument_func(backends, args.backend) bcls = get_backend_class(backends, args.backend) subgroup_titles = [] subgroup_titles += barg_func(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords, subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv))"Loading scene or product...") gridded_scene = GriddedScene.load(args.scene)"Initializing writer...") backend = bcls(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) if isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedScene): result = backend.create_output_from_scene(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) elif isinstance(gridded_scene, GriddedProduct): result = backend.create_output_from_product(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown Polar2Grid object provided") import json print(json.dumps(result)) return 0
def main_frontend(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, ExtendAction frontends = available_frontends() parser = create_basic_parser(description="Extract swath data using the generic Polar2Grid frontend command line arguments (see specific frontend for other features)") parser.add_argument("frontend", choices=sorted(frontends.keys()), help="Specify the swath extractor to use to read data (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)") parser.add_argument('-o', dest="output_filename", default=None, help="Output filename for JSON scene (default is to stdout)") parser.add_argument('-f', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="List of files or directories to extract data from") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) LOG = logging.getLogger(args.frontend) farg_func = get_frontend_argument_func(frontends, args.frontend) fcls = get_frontend_class(frontends, args.frontend) subgroup_titles = [] subgroup_titles += farg_func(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords, subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG, TRACE_LEVEL] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(4, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) if levels[min(3, args.verbosity)] > logging.DEBUG: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop("list_products") f = fcls(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) if list_products: print("\n".join(f.available_product_names)) return 0 scene = f.create_scene(**args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) json_str = scene.dumps(persist=True) if args.output_filename: with open(args.output_filename, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(json_str) else: print(json_str) return 0
def main_frontend(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, ExtendAction frontends = available_frontends() parser = create_basic_parser(description="Extract swath data using the generic Polar2Grid frontend command line arguments (see specific frontend for other features)") parser.add_argument("frontend", choices=sorted(frontends.keys()), help="Specify the swath extractor to use to read data (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)") parser.add_argument('-o', dest="output_filename", default=None, help="Output filename for JSON scene (default is to stdout)") parser.add_argument('-f', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="List of files or directories to extract data from") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) LOG = logging.getLogger(args.frontend) farg_func = get_frontend_argument_func(frontends, args.frontend) fcls = get_frontend_class(frontends, args.frontend) subgroup_titles = [] subgroup_titles += farg_func(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords, subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop("list_products") f = fcls(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) if list_products: print("\n".join(f.available_product_names)) return 0 scene = f.create_scene(**args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) json_str = scene.dumps(persist=True) if args.output_filename: with open(args.output_filename, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(json_str) else: print(json_str) return 0
def main(): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, setup_logging parser = create_basic_parser(description="Extract DR-RTV swath data into binary files") subgroup_titles = add_frontend_argument_groups(parser) parser.add_argument('-f', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], help="List of data files or directories to extract data from") parser.add_argument('-o', dest="output_filename", default=None, help="Output filename for JSON scene (default is to stdout)") parser.add_argument("-t", "--test", dest="run_test", default=None, help="Run specified test [test_write, test_write_tags, etc]") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles, global_keywords=global_keywords) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) if args.self_test: import doctest doctest.testmod() sys.exit(2) list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop("list_products") f = Frontend(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) if list_products: print("\n".join(sorted(f.available_product_names))) return 0 if args.output_filename and os.path.isfile(args.output_filename): LOG.error("JSON file '%s' already exists, will not overwrite." % (args.output_filename,)) raise RuntimeError("JSON file '%s' already exists, will not overwrite." % (args.output_filename,)) scene = f.create_scene(**args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) json_str = scene.dumps(persist=True) if args.output_filename: with open(args.output_filename, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(json_str) else: print(json_str) return 0
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, rename_log_file, ExtendAction from polar2grid.compositors import CompositorManager frontends = available_frontends() backends = available_backends() parser = create_basic_parser( description= "Extract swath data, remap it, and write it to a new file format") parser.add_argument( "frontend", choices=sorted(frontends.keys()), help= "Specify the swath extractor to use to read data (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)" ) parser.add_argument( "backend", choices=sorted(backends.keys()), help= "Specify the backend to use to write data output (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)" ) parser.add_argument( "--compositor-configs", nargs="*", default=None, help="Specify alternative configuration file(s) for compositors") # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) glue_name = args.frontend + "2" + args.backend LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name) # Load compositor information (we can't know the compositor choices until we've loaded the configuration) compositor_manager = CompositorManager( config_files=args.compositor_configs) # Hack: argparse doesn't let you use choices and nargs=* on a positional argument parser.add_argument( "compositors", choices=compositor_manager.keys() + [[]], nargs="*", help= "Specify the compositors to apply to the provided scene (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)" ) # load the actual components we need farg_func = get_frontend_argument_func(frontends, args.frontend) fcls = get_frontend_class(frontends, args.frontend) barg_func = get_backend_argument_func(backends, args.backend) bcls = get_backend_class(backends, args.backend) # add_frontend_arguments(parser) subgroup_titles = [] subgroup_titles += farg_func(parser) subgroup_titles += add_remap_argument_groups(parser) subgroup_titles += barg_func(parser) parser.add_argument( '-f', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="List of files or directories to extract data from") parser.add_argument( '-d', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="Data directories to look for input data files (equivalent to -f)" ) global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords, subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles) if not args.data_files: # FUTURE: When the -d flag is removed this won't be needed because -f will be required parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "ERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n") # Logs are renamed once data the provided start date is known rename_log = False if args.log_fn is None: rename_log = True args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log" levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Keep track of things going wrong to tell the user what went wrong (we want to create as much as possible) status_to_return = STATUS_SUCCESS # Compositor validation for c in args.compositors: if c not in compositor_manager: LOG.error("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c, )) raise RuntimeError("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c, )) # Frontend try:"Initializing swath extractor...") list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop( "list_products") f = fcls(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Frontend exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error( "%s frontend failed to load and sort data files (see log for details)", args.frontend) return STATUS_FRONTEND_FAIL # Rename the log file if rename_log: rename_log_file(glue_name + f.begin_time.strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log")) if list_products: print("\n".join(sorted(f.available_product_names))) return STATUS_SUCCESS try:"Initializing remapping...") remapper = Remapper(**args.subgroup_args["Remapping Initialization"]) remap_kwargs = args.subgroup_args["Remapping"] except StandardError: LOG.debug("Remapping initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Remapping initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_REMAP_FAIL try:"Initializing backend...") backend = bcls(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Backend initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Backend initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_BACKEND_FAIL try:"Initializing compositor objects...") compositor_objects = {} for c in args.compositors: compositor_objects[c] = compositor_manager.get_compositor( c, **args.global_kwargs) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Compositor initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Compositor initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_COMP_FAIL try:"Extracting swaths from data files available...") scene = f.create_scene( **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) if not scene: LOG.error("No products were returned by the frontend") raise RuntimeError("No products were returned by the frontend") if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_swath_scene.json""Saving intermediate swath scene as '%s'", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Frontend data extraction exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Frontend data extraction failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_FRONTEND_FAIL # What grids should we remap to (the user should tell us or the backend should have a good set of defaults) known_grids = backend.known_grids LOG.debug("Backend known grids: %r", known_grids) grids = remap_kwargs.pop("forced_grids", None) LOG.debug("Forced Grids: %r", grids) if not grids and not known_grids: # the user didn't ask for any grids and the backend doesn't have specific defaults LOG.error("No grids specified and no known defaults") return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL elif not grids: # the user didn't tell us what to do, so let's try everything the backend knows how to do grids = known_grids elif known_grids is not None: # the user told us what to do, let's make sure the backend can do it grids = list(set(grids) & set(known_grids)) if not grids: LOG.error( "%s backend doesn't know how to handle any of the grids specified", args.backend) return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL LOG.debug("Grids that will be mapped to: %r", grids) # Remap gridded_scenes = {} for grid_name in grids: try:"Remapping to grid %s", grid_name) gridded_scene = remapper.remap_scene(scene, grid_name, **remap_kwargs) gridded_scenes[grid_name] = gridded_scene if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_gridded_scene_" + grid_name + ".json" LOG.debug("saving intermediate gridded scene as '%s'", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Remapping data exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Remapping data failed") status_to_return |= STATUS_REMAP_FAIL if args.exit_on_error: return status_to_return continue # Composition for c, comp in compositor_objects.items(): try:"Running gridded scene through '%s' compositor", c) gridded_scene = comp.modify_scene( gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args[c + " Modification"]) if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_gridded_scene_" + grid_name + ".json" LOG.debug( "Updating saved intermediate gridded scene (%s) after compositor", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Compositor Error: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error( "Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c, )) if args.exit_on_error: raise RuntimeError( "Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c, )) # Backend try:"Creating output from data mapped to grid %s", grid_name) backend.create_output_from_scene( gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Backend output creation exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Backend output creation failed (see log for details)") status_to_return |= STATUS_BACKEND_FAIL if args.exit_on_error: return status_to_return continue"Processing data for grid %s complete", grid_name) return status_to_return
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import ( setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, rename_log_file, ExtendAction, ) from polar2grid.compositors import CompositorManager frontends = available_frontends() backends = available_backends() parser = create_basic_parser(description="Extract swath data, remap it, and write it to a new file format") parser.add_argument( "frontend", choices=sorted(frontends.keys()), help="Specify the swath extractor to use to read data (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)", ) parser.add_argument( "backend", choices=sorted(backends.keys()), help="Specify the backend to use to write data output (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)", ) parser.add_argument( "--compositor-configs", nargs="*", default=None, help="Specify alternative configuration file(s) for compositors", ) # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) glue_name = args.frontend + "2" + args.backend LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name) # Load compositor information (we can't know the compositor choices until we've loaded the configuration) compositor_manager = CompositorManager(config_files=args.compositor_configs) # Hack: argparse doesn't let you use choices and nargs=* on a positional argument parser.add_argument( "compositors", choices=compositor_manager.keys() + [[]], nargs="*", help="Specify the compositors to apply to the provided scene (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)", ) # load the actual components we need farg_func = get_frontend_argument_func(frontends, args.frontend) fcls = get_frontend_class(frontends, args.frontend) barg_func = get_backend_argument_func(backends, args.backend) bcls = get_backend_class(backends, args.backend) # add_frontend_arguments(parser) subgroup_titles = [] subgroup_titles += farg_func(parser) subgroup_titles += add_remap_argument_groups(parser) subgroup_titles += barg_func(parser) parser.add_argument( "-f", dest="data_files", nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="List of files or directories to extract data from", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", dest="data_files", nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="Data directories to look for input data files (equivalent to -f)", ) global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords, subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles) if not args.data_files: # FUTURE: When the -d flag is removed this won't be needed because -f will be required parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "ERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n") # Logs are renamed once data the provided start date is known rename_log = False if args.log_fn is None: rename_log = True args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log" levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Keep track of things going wrong to tell the user what went wrong (we want to create as much as possible) status_to_return = STATUS_SUCCESS # Compositor validation for c in args.compositors: if c not in compositor_manager: LOG.error("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c,)) raise RuntimeError("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c,)) # Frontend try:"Initializing swath extractor...") list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop("list_products") f = fcls(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Frontend exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("%s frontend failed to load and sort data files (see log for details)", args.frontend) return STATUS_FRONTEND_FAIL # Rename the log file if rename_log: rename_log_file(glue_name + f.begin_time.strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log")) if list_products: print("\n".join(sorted(f.available_product_names))) return STATUS_SUCCESS try:"Initializing remapping...") remapper = Remapper(**args.subgroup_args["Remapping Initialization"]) remap_kwargs = args.subgroup_args["Remapping"] except StandardError: LOG.debug("Remapping initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Remapping initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_REMAP_FAIL try:"Initializing backend...") backend = bcls(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Backend initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Backend initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_BACKEND_FAIL try:"Initializing compositor objects...") compositor_objects = {} for c in args.compositors: compositor_objects[c] = compositor_manager.get_compositor(c, **args.global_kwargs) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Compositor initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Compositor initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_COMP_FAIL try:"Extracting swaths from data files available...") scene = f.create_scene(**args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) if not scene: LOG.error("No products were returned by the frontend") raise RuntimeError("No products were returned by the frontend") if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_swath_scene.json""Saving intermediate swath scene as '%s'", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Frontend data extraction exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Frontend data extraction failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_FRONTEND_FAIL # What grids should we remap to (the user should tell us or the backend should have a good set of defaults) known_grids = backend.known_grids LOG.debug("Backend known grids: %r", known_grids) grids = remap_kwargs.pop("forced_grids", None) LOG.debug("Forced Grids: %r", grids) if not grids and not known_grids: # the user didn't ask for any grids and the backend doesn't have specific defaults LOG.error("No grids specified and no known defaults") return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL elif not grids: # the user didn't tell us what to do, so let's try everything the backend knows how to do grids = known_grids elif known_grids is not None: # the user told us what to do, let's make sure the backend can do it grids = list(set(grids) & set(known_grids)) if not grids: LOG.error("%s backend doesn't know how to handle any of the grids specified", args.backend) return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL LOG.debug("Grids that will be mapped to: %r", grids) # Remap gridded_scenes = {} for grid_name in grids: try:"Remapping to grid %s", grid_name) gridded_scene = remapper.remap_scene(scene, grid_name, **remap_kwargs) gridded_scenes[grid_name] = gridded_scene if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_gridded_scene_" + grid_name + ".json" LOG.debug("saving intermediate gridded scene as '%s'", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Remapping data exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Remapping data failed") status_to_return |= STATUS_REMAP_FAIL if args.exit_on_error: return status_to_return continue # Composition for c, comp in compositor_objects.items(): try:"Running gridded scene through '%s' compositor", c) gridded_scene = comp.modify_scene(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args[c + " Modification"]) if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_gridded_scene_" + grid_name + ".json" LOG.debug("Updating saved intermediate gridded scene (%s) after compositor", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Compositor Error: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c,)) if args.exit_on_error: raise RuntimeError("Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c,)) # Backend try:"Creating output from data mapped to grid %s", grid_name) backend.create_output_from_scene(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Backend output creation exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Backend output creation failed (see log for details)") status_to_return |= STATUS_BACKEND_FAIL if args.exit_on_error: return status_to_return continue"Processing data for grid %s complete", grid_name) return status_to_return
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, rename_log_file, ExtendAction from polar2grid.compositors import CompositorManager frontends = available_frontends() backends = available_backends() parser = create_basic_parser( description= "Extract swath data, remap it, and write it to a new file format") parser.add_argument( "frontend", choices=sorted(frontends.keys()), help= "Specify the swath extractor to use to read data (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)" ) parser.add_argument( "backend", choices=sorted(backends.keys()), help= "Specify the backend to use to write data output (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)" ) parser.add_argument( "--compositor-configs", nargs="*", default=None, help="Specify alternative configuration file(s) for compositors") # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) glue_name = args.frontend + "2" + args.backend LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name) # Load compositor information (we can't know the compositor choices until we've loaded the configuration) compositor_manager = CompositorManager( config_files=args.compositor_configs) # Hack: argparse doesn't let you use choices and nargs=* on a positional argument parser.add_argument( "compositors", choices=compositor_manager.keys() + [[]], nargs="*", help= "Specify the compositors to apply to the provided scene (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)" ) # load the actual components we need farg_func = get_frontend_argument_func(frontends, args.frontend) fcls = get_frontend_class(frontends, args.frontend) barg_func = get_backend_argument_func(backends, args.backend) bcls = get_backend_class(backends, args.backend) # add_frontend_arguments(parser) subgroup_titles = [] subgroup_titles += farg_func(parser) subgroup_titles += add_remap_argument_groups(parser) subgroup_titles += barg_func(parser) parser.add_argument( '-f', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="List of files or directories to extract data from") parser.add_argument( '-d', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="Data directories to look for input data files (equivalent to -f)" ) global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords, subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles) if not args.data_files: # FUTURE: When the -d flag is removed this won't be needed because -f will be required parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "ERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n") # Logs are renamed once data the provided start date is known rename_log = False if args.log_fn is None: rename_log = True args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log" levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Keep track of things going wrong to tell the user what went wrong (we want to create as much as possible) status_to_return = STATUS_SUCCESS # Compositor validation # XXX: Hack to make ` crefl gtiff` work like legacy script if args.subgroup_args['Frontend Swath Extraction'].get('no_compositors'): LOG.debug("Removing all compositors") args.compositors = [] elif args.frontend == 'crefl': if args.backend == 'awips': LOG.debug("Adding 'crefl_sharpen' compositor") args.compositors.append('crefl_sharpen') else: LOG.debug("Adding 'true_color' compositor") args.compositors.append('true_color') if '--true-color' in sys.argv and 'true_color' not in args.compositors: LOG.debug("Adding 'true_color' compositor") args.compositors.append('true_color') if '--false-color' in sys.argv and 'false_color' not in args.compositors: LOG.debug("Adding 'false_color' compositor") args.compositors.append('false_color') # if "--true-color" in for c in args.compositors: if c not in compositor_manager: LOG.error("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c, )) raise RuntimeError("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c, )) # Frontend try:"Initializing reader...") list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop( "list_products") f = fcls(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Frontend exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error( "%s frontend failed to load and sort data files (see log for details)", args.frontend) return STATUS_FRONTEND_FAIL # Rename the log file if rename_log: rename_log_file(glue_name + f.begin_time.strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log")) if list_products: print("\n".join(sorted(f.available_product_names))) return STATUS_SUCCESS try:"Initializing remapping...") remapper = Remapper(**args.subgroup_args["Remapping Initialization"]) remap_kwargs = args.subgroup_args["Remapping"] except StandardError: LOG.debug("Remapping initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Remapping initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_REMAP_FAIL try:"Initializing backend...") backend = bcls(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Backend initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Backend initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_BACKEND_FAIL try:"Initializing compositor objects...") compositor_objects = {} for c in args.compositors: compositor_objects[c] = compositor_manager.get_compositor( c, **args.global_kwargs) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Compositor initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Compositor initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_COMP_FAIL try:"Extracting swaths from data files available...") scene = f.create_scene( **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) # Determine if we have a satpy scene if we should convert it to # a P2G Scene to continue processing resample_method = args.subgroup_args["Remapping"].get("remap_method") is_satpy_resample_method = resample_method in SATPY_RESAMPLERS if is_satpy_resample_method and not isinstance(scene, Scene): raise RuntimeError( "Resampling method '{}' only supports 'satpy' readers".format( resample_method)) elif not is_satpy_resample_method and isinstance(scene, Scene): # convert satpy scene to P2G Scene to be compatible with old P2G resamplers scene = convert_satpy_to_p2g_swath(f, scene) if isinstance(scene, Scene): if not scene.datasets: LOG.error("No products were returned by the frontend") raise RuntimeError("No products were returned by the frontend") if args.keep_intermediate: raise RuntimeError( "satpy readers do not currently support saving intermediate files" ) else: if (isinstance(scene, Scene) and not scene.datasets) or not scene: LOG.error("No products were returned by the frontend") raise RuntimeError("No products were returned by the frontend") if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_swath_scene.json""Saving intermediate swath scene as '%s'", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Frontend data extraction exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Frontend data extraction failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_FRONTEND_FAIL # What grids should we remap to (the user should tell us or the backend should have a good set of defaults) known_grids = backend.known_grids LOG.debug("Backend known grids: %r", known_grids) grids = remap_kwargs.pop("forced_grids", None) LOG.debug("Forced Grids: %r", grids) if resample_method == "sensor" and grids != ["sensor"]: LOG.error("'sensor' resampling method only supports the 'sensor' grid") return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL if not grids and not known_grids: # the user didn't ask for any grids and the backend doesn't have specific defaults LOG.error("No grids specified and no known defaults") return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL elif not grids: # the user didn't tell us what to do, so let's try everything the backend knows how to do grids = known_grids elif known_grids is not None: # the user told us what to do, let's make sure the backend can do it grids = list(set(grids) & set(known_grids)) if not grids: LOG.error( "%s backend doesn't know how to handle any of the grids specified", args.backend) return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL LOG.debug("Grids that will be mapped to: %r", grids) # Remap gridded_scenes = {} for grid_name in grids:"Remapping to grid %s", grid_name) try: gridded_scene = remapper.remap_scene(scene, grid_name, **remap_kwargs) gridded_scenes[grid_name] = gridded_scene if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_gridded_scene_" + grid_name + ".json" LOG.debug("saving intermediate gridded scene as '%s'", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Remapping data exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Remapping data failed") status_to_return |= STATUS_REMAP_FAIL if args.exit_on_error: return status_to_return continue if not isinstance(scene, Scene): # Composition for c, comp in compositor_objects.items(): try:"Running gridded scene through '%s' compositor", c) gridded_scene = comp.modify_scene( gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args[c + " Modification"]) if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_gridded_scene_" + grid_name + ".json" LOG.debug( "Updating saved intermediate gridded scene (%s) after compositor", filename) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Compositor Error: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error( "Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c, )) if args.exit_on_error: raise RuntimeError( "Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c, )) if isinstance(f, ReaderWrapper) and not isinstance(gridded_scene, Scene): this_grid_definition = None # HACK: Create SatPy composites that were either separated before # resampling or needed resampling to be created rgbs = {} for product_name in gridded_scene.keys(): rgb_name = product_name[:-6] # Keep track of one of the grid definitions if this_grid_definition is None: this_grid_definition = gridded_scene[product_name][ "grid_definition"] if product_name.endswith("rgb_0") or product_name.endswith( "rgb_1") or product_name.endswith("rgb_2"): if rgb_name not in rgbs: rgbs[rgb_name] = [None, None, None] chn_idx = int(product_name[-1]) rgbs[rgb_name][chn_idx] = product_name LOG.debug("Putting RGBs back together again") for rgb_name, v in rgbs.items(): r = gridded_scene.pop(v[0]) g = gridded_scene.pop(v[1]) b = gridded_scene.pop(v[2]) new_info = r.copy() new_info["grid_data"] = new_info["grid_data"].replace( v[0], rgb_name) new_info["product_name"] = rgb_name data = np.memmap(new_info["grid_data"], dtype=new_info["data_type"], mode="w+", shape=(3, new_info["grid_definition"]["height"], new_info["grid_definition"]["width"])) data[0] = r.get_data_array()[:] data[1] = g.get_data_array()[:] data[2] = b.get_data_array()[:] gridded_scene[rgb_name] = new_info # Create composites that satpy couldn't complete until after remapping composite_names = [ x for x in f.wishlist if not isinstance(x, DatasetID) ] if composite_names: tmp_scene = Scene() for k, v in gridded_scene.items(): if not isinstance(v["sensor"], set): v["sensor"] = set([ v["sensor"] ]) # turn sensor back in to a set to match satpy usage tmp_scene[v["id"]] = Dataset(v.get_data_array(), **v) tmp_scene[v["id"]].info[ "area"] = this_grid_definition.to_satpy_area() # tmp_scene[v["id"]].info = {} if v["sensor"] not in["sensor"]:["sensor"].extend(v["sensor"]) # Overwrite the wishlist that will include the above assigned datasets tmp_scene.wishlist = f.wishlist for cname in composite_names: tmp_scene.compositors[ cname] = tmp_scene.cpl.load_compositor( cname,["sensor"]) tmp_scene.compute() tmp_scene.unload() # Add any new Datasets to our P2G Scene if SatPy created them for ds in tmp_scene: if["id"].name not in gridded_scene: LOG.debug("Adding Dataset from SatPy Commpositing: %s",["id"]) gridded_scene[["id"]. name] = dataset_to_gridded_product(ds) gridded_scene[["id"].name][ "grid_definition"] = this_grid_definition # Remove any Products from P2G Scene that SatPy decided it didn't need anymore for k, v in list(gridded_scene.items()): if v["id"].name not in tmp_scene: LOG.debug( "Removing Dataset that is no longer used: %s", k) del gridded_scene[k] if isinstance(gridded_scene, Scene): LOG.debug("Converting satpy Scene to P2G Gridded Scene") # Convert it to P2G Gridded Scene gridded_scene = convert_satpy_to_p2g_gridded(f, gridded_scene) # Backend try:"Creating output from data mapped to grid %s", grid_name) backend.create_output_from_scene( gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Backend output creation exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Backend output creation failed (see log for details)") status_to_return |= STATUS_BACKEND_FAIL if args.exit_on_error: return status_to_return continue"Processing data for grid %s complete", grid_name) return status_to_return
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): global LOG from satpy import Scene from satpy.writers import compute_writer_results from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar from polar2grid.core.script_utils import ( setup_logging, rename_log_file, create_exc_handler, ) import argparse add_polar2grid_config_paths() USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS = bool( int(os.environ.setdefault("USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS", "1"))) BINARY_NAME = "polar2grid" if USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS else "geo2grid" prog = os.getenv("PROG_NAME", sys.argv[0]) # "usage: " will be printed at the top of this: usage = """ %(prog)s -h see available products: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> --list-products -f file1 [file2 ...] basic processing: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -f file1 [file2 ...] basic processing with limited products: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -p prod1 prod2 -f file1 [file2 ...] """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=prog, usage=usage, fromfile_prefix_chars="@", description="Load, composite, resample, and save datasets.", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbosity", action="count", default=0, help="each occurrence increases verbosity 1 level through " "ERROR-WARNING-INFO-DEBUG (default INFO)", ) parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", dest="log_fn", default=None, help="specify the log filename") parser.add_argument( "--progress", action="store_true", help="show processing progress bar (not recommended for logged output)", ) parser.add_argument( "--num-workers", type=int, default=os.getenv("DASK_NUM_WORKERS", 4), help="specify number of worker threads to use (default: 4)", ) parser.add_argument( "--match-resolution", dest="preserve_resolution", action="store_false", help="When using the 'native' resampler for composites, don't save data " "at its native resolution, use the resolution used to create the " "composite.", ) parser.add_argument( "--list-products", dest="list_products", action="store_true", help="List available {} products and exit".format(BINARY_NAME), ) parser.add_argument( "--list-products-all", dest="list_products_all", action="store_true", help="List available {} products and custom/Satpy products and exit". format(BINARY_NAME), ) reader_group = add_scene_argument_groups( parser, is_polar2grid=USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS)[0] resampling_group = add_resample_argument_groups( parser, is_polar2grid=USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS)[0] writer_group = add_writer_argument_groups(parser)[0] argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] _retitle_optional_arguments(parser) args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) os.environ["DASK_NUM_WORKERS"] = str(args.num_workers) # get the logger if we know the readers and writers that will be used if args.readers is not None and args.writers is not None: glue_name = args.readers[0] + "_" + "-".join(args.writers or []) LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name) reader_subgroups = _add_component_parser_args(parser, "readers", args.readers or []) writer_subgroups = _add_component_parser_args(parser, "writers", args.writers or []) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.readers is None: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nERROR: Reader must be provided (-r flag).\n" "Supported readers:\n\t{}\n".format("\n\t".join( ["abi_l1b", "ahi_hsd", "hrit_ahi"])), ) elif len(args.readers) > 1: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nMultiple readers is not currently supported. Got:\n\t" "{}\n".format("\n\t".join(args.readers)), ) return -1 if args.writers is None: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nERROR: Writer must be provided (-w flag) with one or more writer.\n" "Supported writers:\n\t{}\n".format("\n\t".join(["geotiff"])), ) reader_args = _args_to_dict(args, reader_group._group_actions) reader_names = reader_args.pop("readers") scene_creation, load_args = _get_scene_init_load_args( args, reader_args, reader_names, reader_subgroups) resample_args = _args_to_dict(args, resampling_group._group_actions) writer_args = _args_to_dict(args, writer_group._group_actions) writer_specific_args = _parse_writer_args(writer_args["writers"], writer_subgroups, reader_names, args) writer_args.update(writer_specific_args) if not args.filenames: parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n") # Prepare logging rename_log = False if args.log_fn is None: rename_log = True args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log" levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) logging.getLogger("rasterio").setLevel(levels[min(2, args.verbosity)]) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( if levels[min(3, args.verbosity)] > logging.DEBUG: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Set up dask and the number of workers if args.num_workers: dask.config.set(num_workers=args.num_workers) # Create a Scene, analyze the provided files"Sorting and reading input files...") try: scn = Scene(**scene_creation) except ValueError as e: LOG.error( "{} | Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details.". format(str(e))) LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True) return -1 except OSError: LOG.error( "Could not open files. Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details." ) LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True) return -1 # Rename the log file if rename_log: rename_log_file(glue_name + scn.attrs["start_time"].strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log")) # Load the actual data arrays and metadata (lazy loaded as dask arrays)"Loading product metadata from files...") reader_info = ReaderProxyBase.from_reader_name(scene_creation["reader"], scn, load_args["products"]) if args.list_products or args.list_products_all: _print_list_products(reader_info, p2g_only=not args.list_products_all) return 0 load_args["products"] = reader_info.get_satpy_products_to_load() if not load_args["products"]: return -1 scn.load(load_args["products"]) ll_bbox = resample_args.pop("ll_bbox") if ll_bbox: scn = scn.crop(ll_bbox=ll_bbox) scn = filter_scene( scn, reader_names, sza_threshold=reader_args["sza_threshold"], day_fraction=reader_args["filter_day_products"], night_fraction=reader_args["filter_night_products"], ) if scn is None:"No remaining products after filtering.") return 0 to_save = [] areas_to_resample = resample_args.pop("grids") if "ewa_persist" in resample_args: resample_args["persist"] = resample_args.pop("ewa_persist") scenes_to_save = resample_scene( scn, areas_to_resample, preserve_resolution=args.preserve_resolution, is_polar2grid=USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS, **resample_args) for scene_to_save, products_to_save in scenes_to_save: overwrite_platform_name_with_aliases(scene_to_save) reader_info.apply_p2g_name_to_scene(scene_to_save) to_save = write_scene( scene_to_save, writer_args["writers"], writer_args, products_to_save, to_save=to_save, ) if args.progress: pbar = ProgressBar() pbar.register()"Computing products and saving data to writers...") compute_writer_results(to_save)"SUCCESS") return 0
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler, rename_log_file, ExtendAction from polar2grid.compositors import CompositorManager frontends = available_frontends() backends = available_backends() parser = create_basic_parser(description="Extract swath data, remap it, and write it to a new file format") parser.add_argument("frontend", choices=sorted(frontends.keys()), help="Specify the swath extractor to use to read data (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)") parser.add_argument("backend", choices=sorted(backends.keys()), help="Specify the backend to use to write data output (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)") parser.add_argument("--compositor-configs", nargs="*", default=None, help="Specify alternative configuration file(s) for compositors") # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) glue_name = args.frontend + "2" + args.backend LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name) # Load compositor information (we can't know the compositor choices until we've loaded the configuration) compositor_manager = CompositorManager(config_files=args.compositor_configs) # Hack: argparse doesn't let you use choices and nargs=* on a positional argument parser.add_argument("compositors", choices=list(compositor_manager.keys()) + [[]], nargs="*", help="Specify the compositors to apply to the provided scene (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)") # load the actual components we need farg_func = get_frontend_argument_func(frontends, args.frontend) fcls = get_frontend_class(frontends, args.frontend) barg_func = get_backend_argument_func(backends, args.backend) bcls = get_backend_class(backends, args.backend) # add_frontend_arguments(parser) subgroup_titles = [] subgroup_titles += farg_func(parser) subgroup_titles += add_remap_argument_groups(parser) subgroup_titles += barg_func(parser) parser.add_argument('-f', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="List of files or directories to extract data from") parser.add_argument('-d', dest='data_files', nargs="+", default=[], action=ExtendAction, help="Data directories to look for input data files (equivalent to -f)") global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords, subgroup_titles=subgroup_titles) if not args.data_files: # FUTURE: When the -d flag is removed this won't be needed because -f will be required parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "ERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n") # Logs are renamed once data the provided start date is known rename_log = False if args.log_fn is None: rename_log = True args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log" levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Keep track of things going wrong to tell the user what went wrong (we want to create as much as possible) status_to_return = STATUS_SUCCESS # Compositor validation # XXX: Hack to make ` crefl gtiff` work like legacy script if args.subgroup_args['Frontend Swath Extraction'].get('no_compositors'): LOG.debug("Removing all compositors") args.compositors = [] elif args.frontend == 'crefl': if args.backend in ['awips', 'scmi']: LOG.debug("Adding 'crefl_sharpen' compositor") args.compositors.append('crefl_sharpen' if args.backend == 'scmi' else 'crefl_sharpen_awips') else: LOG.debug("Adding 'true_color' compositor") args.compositors.append('true_color') if '--true-color' in sys.argv and 'true_color' not in args.compositors: LOG.debug("Adding 'true_color' compositor") args.compositors.append('true_color') if '--false-color' in sys.argv and 'false_color' not in args.compositors: LOG.debug("Adding 'false_color' compositor") args.compositors.append('false_color') # if "--true-color" in for c in args.compositors: if c not in compositor_manager: LOG.error("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c,)) raise RuntimeError("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c,)) # Frontend try:"Initializing reader...") list_products = args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"].pop("list_products") f = fcls(search_paths=args.data_files, **args.subgroup_args["Frontend Initialization"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): LOG.debug("Frontend exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("%s frontend failed to load and sort data files (see log for details)", args.frontend) return STATUS_FRONTEND_FAIL # Rename the log file if rename_log: rename_log_file(glue_name + f.begin_time.strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log")) if list_products: print("\n".join(sorted(f.available_product_names))) return STATUS_SUCCESS try:"Initializing remapping...") remapper = Remapper(**args.subgroup_args["Remapping Initialization"]) remap_kwargs = args.subgroup_args["Remapping"] except (ValueError, KeyError): LOG.debug("Remapping initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Remapping initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_REMAP_FAIL try:"Initializing backend...") backend = bcls(**args.subgroup_args["Backend Initialization"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): LOG.debug("Writer initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Writer initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_BACKEND_FAIL try:"Initializing compositor objects...") compositor_objects = {} for c in args.compositors: compositor_objects[c] = compositor_manager.get_compositor(c, **args.global_kwargs) except (ValueError, KeyError): LOG.debug("Compositor initialization exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Compositor initialization failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_COMP_FAIL try:"Extracting swaths from data files available...") scene = f.create_scene(**args.subgroup_args["Frontend Swath Extraction"]) # Determine if we have a satpy scene if we should convert it to # a P2G Scene to continue processing resample_method = args.subgroup_args["Remapping"].get("remap_method") is_satpy_resample_method = resample_method in SATPY_RESAMPLERS if is_satpy_resample_method and not isinstance(scene, Scene): raise RuntimeError("Resampling method '{}' only supports 'satpy' readers".format(resample_method)) elif not is_satpy_resample_method and isinstance(scene, Scene): # convert satpy scene to P2G Scene to be compatible with old P2G resamplers scene = convert_satpy_to_p2g_swath(f, scene) if isinstance(scene, Scene): if not scene.datasets: LOG.error("No products were returned by the frontend") raise RuntimeError("No products were returned by the frontend") if args.keep_intermediate: raise RuntimeError("satpy readers do not currently support saving intermediate files") else: if (isinstance(scene, Scene) and not scene.datasets) or not scene: LOG.error("No products were returned by the frontend") raise RuntimeError("No products were returned by the frontend") if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_swath_scene.json""Saving intermediate swath scene as '%s'", filename) except (ValueError, KeyError): LOG.debug("Frontend data extraction exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Frontend data extraction failed (see log for details)") return STATUS_FRONTEND_FAIL # What grids should we remap to (the user should tell us or the backend should have a good set of defaults) known_grids = backend.known_grids LOG.debug("Writer known grids: %r", known_grids) grids = remap_kwargs.pop("forced_grids", None) LOG.debug("Forced Grids: %r", grids) if resample_method == "sensor" and grids != ["sensor"]: LOG.error("'sensor' resampling method only supports the 'sensor' grid") return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL if not grids and not known_grids: # the user didn't ask for any grids and the backend doesn't have specific defaults LOG.error("No grids specified and no known defaults") return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL elif not grids: # the user didn't tell us what to do, so let's try everything the backend knows how to do grids = known_grids elif known_grids is not None: # the user told us what to do, let's make sure the backend can do it grids = list(set(grids) & set(known_grids)) if not grids: LOG.error("%s backend doesn't know how to handle any of the grids specified", args.backend) return STATUS_GDETER_FAIL LOG.debug("Grids that will be mapped to: %r", grids) # Remap for grid_name in grids:"Remapping to grid %s", grid_name) try: gridded_scene = remapper.remap_scene(scene, grid_name, **remap_kwargs) if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_gridded_scene_" + grid_name + ".json" LOG.debug("saving intermediate gridded scene as '%s'", filename) except (ValueError, KeyError): LOG.debug("Remapping data exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Remapping data failed") status_to_return |= STATUS_REMAP_FAIL if args.exit_on_error: return status_to_return continue if not isinstance(scene, Scene): # Composition for c, comp in compositor_objects.items(): try:"Running gridded scene through '%s' compositor", c) gridded_scene = comp.modify_scene(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args[c + " Modification"]) if args.keep_intermediate: filename = glue_name + "_gridded_scene_" + grid_name + ".json" LOG.debug("Updating saved intermediate gridded scene (%s) after compositor", filename) except (KeyError, ValueError): LOG.debug("Compositor Error: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c,)) if args.exit_on_error: raise RuntimeError("Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c,)) if isinstance(f, ReaderWrapper) and not isinstance(gridded_scene, Scene): this_grid_definition = None # HACK: Create SatPy composites that were either separated before # resampling or needed resampling to be created rgbs = {} for product_name in gridded_scene.keys(): rgb_name = product_name[:-6] # Keep track of one of the grid definitions if this_grid_definition is None: this_grid_definition = gridded_scene[product_name]["grid_definition"] if product_name.endswith("rgb_0") or product_name.endswith("rgb_1") or product_name.endswith("rgb_2"): if rgb_name not in rgbs: rgbs[rgb_name] = [None, None, None] chn_idx = int(product_name[-1]) rgbs[rgb_name][chn_idx] = product_name LOG.debug("Putting RGBs back together again") for rgb_name, v in rgbs.items(): r = gridded_scene.pop(v[0]) g = gridded_scene.pop(v[1]) b = gridded_scene.pop(v[2]) new_info = r.copy() new_info["grid_data"] = new_info["grid_data"].replace(v[0], rgb_name) new_info["product_name"] = rgb_name data = np.memmap(new_info["grid_data"], dtype=new_info["data_type"], mode="w+", shape=(3, new_info["grid_definition"]["height"], new_info["grid_definition"]["width"])) data[0] = r.get_data_array()[:] data[1] = g.get_data_array()[:] data[2] = b.get_data_array()[:] gridded_scene[rgb_name] = new_info del data, new_info # Create composites that satpy couldn't complete until after remapping composite_names = [x for x in f.wishlist if not isinstance(x, DatasetID)] if composite_names: tmp_scene = Scene() for k, v in gridded_scene.items(): if not isinstance(v["sensor"], set): v["sensor"] = set([v["sensor"]]) # turn sensor back in to a set to match satpy usage tmp_scene[v["id"]] = DataArray(v.get_data_array(), attrs=v) tmp_scene[v["id"]].attrs["area"] = this_grid_definition.to_satpy_area() # tmp_scene[v["id"]].info = {} if v["sensor"] not in tmp_scene.attrs["sensor"]: tmp_scene.attrs["sensor"].extend(v["sensor"]) # Overwrite the wishlist that will include the above assigned datasets tmp_scene.wishlist = f.wishlist for cname in composite_names: tmp_scene.compositors[cname] = tmp_scene.cpl.load_compositor(cname, tmp_scene.attrs["sensor"]) tmp_scene.compute() tmp_scene.unload() # Add any new Datasets to our P2G Scene if SatPy created them for ds in tmp_scene: ds_id = DatasetID.from_dict(ds.attrs) if not in gridded_scene: LOG.debug("Adding Dataset from SatPy Commpositing: %s", ds_id) gridded_scene[] = dataarray_to_gridded_product(ds) gridded_scene[]["grid_definition"] = this_grid_definition # Remove any Products from P2G Scene that SatPy decided it didn't need anymore for k, v in list(gridded_scene.items()): if v["id"].name not in tmp_scene: LOG.debug("Removing Dataset that is no longer used: %s", k) del gridded_scene[k] del tmp_scene, v if isinstance(gridded_scene, Scene): LOG.debug("Converting satpy Scene to P2G Gridded Scene") # Convert it to P2G Gridded Scene gridded_scene = convert_satpy_to_p2g_gridded(f, gridded_scene) # Writer try:"Creating output from data mapped to grid %s", grid_name) backend.create_output_from_scene(gridded_scene, **args.subgroup_args["Backend Output Creation"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): LOG.debug("Writer output creation exception: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Writer output creation failed (see log for details)") status_to_return |= STATUS_BACKEND_FAIL if args.exit_on_error: return status_to_return continue"Processing data for grid %s complete", grid_name) # Force deletion and eventual garbage collection of the scene objects del gridded_scene del scene return status_to_return
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): global LOG from satpy import Scene from satpy.resample import get_area_def from satpy.writers import compute_writer_results from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar from polar2grid.core.script_utils import ( setup_logging, rename_log_file, create_exc_handler) import argparse prog = os.getenv('PROG_NAME', sys.argv[0]) # "usage: " will be printed at the top of this: usage = """ %(prog)s -h see available products: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> --list-products -f file1 [file2 ...] basic processing: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -f file1 [file2 ...] basic processing with limited products: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -p prod1 prod2 -f file1 [file2 ...] """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, usage=usage, description="Load, composite, resample, and save datasets.") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbosity', action="count", default=0, help='each occurrence increases verbosity 1 level through ERROR-WARNING-INFO-DEBUG (default INFO)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', dest="log_fn", default=None, help="specify the log filename") parser.add_argument('--progress', action='store_true', help="show processing progress bar (not recommended for logged output)") parser.add_argument('--num-workers', type=int, default=4, help="specify number of worker threads to use (default: 4)") parser.add_argument('--match-resolution', dest='preserve_resolution', action='store_false', help="When using the 'native' resampler for composites, don't save data " "at its native resolution, use the resolution used to create the " "composite.") parser.add_argument('-w', '--writers', nargs='+', help='writers to save datasets with') parser.add_argument("--list-products", dest="list_products", action="store_true", help="List available reader products and exit") subgroups = add_scene_argument_groups(parser) subgroups += add_resample_argument_groups(parser) argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) # get the logger if we know the readers and writers that will be used if args.reader is not None and args.writers is not None: glue_name = args.reader + "_" + "-".join(args.writers or []) LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name) # add writer arguments if args.writers is not None: for writer in (args.writers or []): parser_func = WRITER_PARSER_FUNCTIONS.get(writer) if parser_func is None: continue subgroups += parser_func(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.reader is None: parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: Reader must be provided (-r flag).\n" "Supported readers:\n\t{}\n".format('\n\t'.join(['abi_l1b', 'ahi_hsd', 'hrit_ahi']))) if args.writers is None: parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: Writer must be provided (-w flag) with one or more writer.\n" "Supported writers:\n\t{}\n".format('\n\t'.join(['geotiff']))) def _args_to_dict(group_actions): return {ga.dest: getattr(args, ga.dest) for ga in group_actions if hasattr(args, ga.dest)} scene_args = _args_to_dict(subgroups[0]._group_actions) load_args = _args_to_dict(subgroups[1]._group_actions) resample_args = _args_to_dict(subgroups[2]._group_actions) writer_args = {} for idx, writer in enumerate(args.writers): sgrp1, sgrp2 = subgroups[3 + idx * 2: 5 + idx * 2] wargs = _args_to_dict(sgrp1._group_actions) if sgrp2 is not None: wargs.update(_args_to_dict(sgrp2._group_actions)) writer_args[writer] = wargs # get default output filename if 'filename' in wargs and wargs['filename'] is None: wargs['filename'] = get_default_output_filename(args.reader, writer) if not args.filenames: parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n") # Prepare logging rename_log = False if args.log_fn is None: rename_log = True args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log" levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) logging.getLogger('rasterio').setLevel(levels[min(2, args.verbosity)]) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( if levels[min(3, args.verbosity)] > logging.DEBUG: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Set up dask and the number of workers if args.num_workers: from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool dask.config.set(pool=ThreadPool(args.num_workers)) # Parse provided files and search for files if provided directories scene_args['filenames'] = get_input_files(scene_args['filenames']) # Create a Scene, analyze the provided files"Sorting and reading input files...") try: scn = Scene(**scene_args) except ValueError as e: LOG.error("{} | Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details.".format(str(e))) LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True) return -1 except OSError: LOG.error("Could not open files. Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details.") LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True) return -1 if args.list_products: print("\n".join(sorted(scn.available_dataset_names(composites=True)))) return 0 # Rename the log file if rename_log: rename_log_file(glue_name + scn.attrs['start_time'].strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log")) # Load the actual data arrays and metadata (lazy loaded as dask arrays) if load_args['products'] is None: try: reader_mod = importlib.import_module('polar2grid.readers.' + scene_args['reader']) load_args['products'] = reader_mod.DEFAULT_PRODUCTS"Using default product list: {}".format(load_args['products'])) except (ImportError, AttributeError): LOG.error("No default products list set, please specify with `--products`.") return -1"Loading product metadata from files...") scn.load(load_args['products']) resample_kwargs = resample_args.copy() areas_to_resample = resample_kwargs.pop('grids') grid_configs = resample_kwargs.pop('grid_configs') resampler = resample_kwargs.pop('resampler') if areas_to_resample is None and resampler in [None, 'native']: # no areas specified areas_to_resample = ['MAX'] elif areas_to_resample is None: raise ValueError("Resampling method specified (--method) without any destination grid/area (-g flag).") elif not areas_to_resample: # they don't want any resampling (they used '-g' with no args) areas_to_resample = [None] has_custom_grid = any(g not in ['MIN', 'MAX', None] for g in areas_to_resample) if has_custom_grid and resampler == 'native': LOG.error("Resampling method 'native' can only be used with 'MIN' or 'MAX' grids " "(use 'nearest' method instead).") return -1 p2g_grid_configs = [x for x in grid_configs if x.endswith('.conf')] pyresample_area_configs = [x for x in grid_configs if not x.endswith('.conf')] if not grid_configs or p2g_grid_configs: # if we were given p2g grid configs or we weren't given any to choose from from polar2grid.grids import GridManager grid_manager = GridManager(*p2g_grid_configs) else: grid_manager = {} if pyresample_area_configs: from pyresample.utils import parse_area_file custom_areas = parse_area_file(pyresample_area_configs) custom_areas = {x.area_id: x for x in custom_areas} else: custom_areas = {} ll_bbox = resample_kwargs.pop('ll_bbox') if ll_bbox: scn = scn.crop(ll_bbox=ll_bbox) wishlist = scn.wishlist.copy() preserve_resolution = get_preserve_resolution(args, resampler, areas_to_resample) if preserve_resolution: preserved_products = set(wishlist) & set(scn.datasets.keys()) resampled_products = set(wishlist) - preserved_products # original native scene to_save = write_scene(scn, args.writers, writer_args, preserved_products) else: preserved_products = set() resampled_products = set(wishlist) to_save = [] LOG.debug("Products to preserve resolution for: {}".format(preserved_products)) LOG.debug("Products to use new resolution for: {}".format(resampled_products)) for area_name in areas_to_resample: if area_name is None: # no resampling area_def = None elif area_name == 'MAX': area_def = scn.max_area() elif area_name == 'MIN': area_def = scn.min_area() elif area_name in custom_areas: area_def = custom_areas[area_name] elif area_name in grid_manager: from pyresample.geometry import DynamicAreaDefinition p2g_def = grid_manager[area_name] area_def = p2g_def.to_satpy_area() if isinstance(area_def, DynamicAreaDefinition) and p2g_def['cell_width'] is not None: area_def = area_def.freeze(scn.max_area(), resolution=(abs(p2g_def['cell_width']), abs(p2g_def['cell_height']))) else: area_def = get_area_def(area_name) if resampler is None and area_def is not None: rs = 'native' if area_name in ['MIN', 'MAX'] else 'nearest' LOG.debug("Setting default resampling to '{}' for grid '{}'".format(rs, area_name)) else: rs = resampler if area_def is not None:"Resampling data to '%s'", area_name) new_scn = scn.resample(area_def, resampler=rs, **resample_kwargs) elif not preserve_resolution: # the user didn't want to resample to any areas # the user also requested that we don't preserve resolution # which means we have to save this Scene's datasets # because they won't be saved new_scn = scn to_save = write_scene(new_scn, args.writers, writer_args, resampled_products, to_save=to_save) if args.progress: pbar = ProgressBar() pbar.register()"Computing products and saving data to writers...") compute_writer_results(to_save)"SUCCESS") return 0
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): global LOG import satpy from satpy import Scene from satpy.writers import compute_writer_results from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar from polar2grid.core.script_utils import (setup_logging, rename_log_file, create_exc_handler) import argparse dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('polar2grid') if dist_is_editable(dist): p2g_etc = os.path.join(dist.module_path, 'etc') else: p2g_etc = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'etc', 'polar2grid') config_path = satpy.config.get('config_path') if p2g_etc not in config_path: satpy.config.set(config_path=config_path + [p2g_etc]) USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS = bool( int(os.environ.setdefault("USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS", "1"))) prog = os.getenv('PROG_NAME', sys.argv[0]) # "usage: " will be printed at the top of this: usage = """ %(prog)s -h see available products: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> --list-products -f file1 [file2 ...] basic processing: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -f file1 [file2 ...] basic processing with limited products: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -p prod1 prod2 -f file1 [file2 ...] """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=prog, usage=usage, fromfile_prefix_chars="@", description="Load, composite, resample, and save datasets.") parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbosity', action="count", default=0, help='each occurrence increases verbosity 1 level through ' 'ERROR-WARNING-INFO-DEBUG (default INFO)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', dest="log_fn", default=None, help="specify the log filename") parser.add_argument( '--progress', action='store_true', help="show processing progress bar (not recommended for logged output)" ) parser.add_argument( '--num-workers', type=int, default=os.getenv('DASK_NUM_WORKERS', 4), help="specify number of worker threads to use (default: 4)") parser.add_argument( '--match-resolution', dest='preserve_resolution', action='store_false', help="When using the 'native' resampler for composites, don't save data " "at its native resolution, use the resolution used to create the " "composite.") parser.add_argument("--list-products", dest="list_products", action="store_true", help="List available reader products and exit") reader_group = add_scene_argument_groups( parser, is_polar2grid=USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS)[0] resampling_group = add_resample_argument_groups( parser, is_polar2grid=USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS)[0] writer_group = add_writer_argument_groups(parser)[0] subgroups = [reader_group, resampling_group, writer_group] argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] _retitle_optional_arguments(parser) args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) os.environ['DASK_NUM_WORKERS'] = str(args.num_workers) # get the logger if we know the readers and writers that will be used if args.readers is not None and args.writers is not None: glue_name = args.readers[0] + "_" + "-".join(args.writers or []) LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name) # add writer arguments for writer in (args.writers or []): parser_func = WRITER_PARSER_FUNCTIONS.get(writer) if parser_func is None: continue subgroups += parser_func(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.readers is None: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nERROR: Reader must be provided (-r flag).\n" "Supported readers:\n\t{}\n".format('\n\t'.join( ['abi_l1b', 'ahi_hsd', 'hrit_ahi']))) elif len(args.readers) > 1: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nMultiple readers is not currently supported. Got:\n\t" "{}\n".format('\n\t'.join(args.readers))) return -1 if args.writers is None: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nERROR: Writer must be provided (-w flag) with one or more writer.\n" "Supported writers:\n\t{}\n".format('\n\t'.join(['geotiff']))) def _args_to_dict(group_actions, exclude=None): if exclude is None: exclude = [] return { ga.dest: getattr(args, ga.dest) for ga in group_actions if hasattr(args, ga.dest) and ga.dest not in exclude } reader_args = _args_to_dict(reader_group._group_actions) reader_names = reader_args.pop('readers') scene_creation = { 'filenames': reader_args.pop('filenames'), 'reader': reader_names[0], } load_args = { 'products': reader_args.pop('products'), } # anything left in 'reader_args' is a reader-specific kwarg resample_args = _args_to_dict(resampling_group._group_actions) writer_args = _args_to_dict(writer_group._group_actions) # writer_args = {} subgroup_idx = 3 for idx, writer in enumerate(writer_args['writers']): sgrp1, sgrp2 = subgroups[subgroup_idx + idx * 2:subgroup_idx + 2 + idx * 2] wargs = _args_to_dict(sgrp1._group_actions) if sgrp2 is not None: wargs.update(_args_to_dict(sgrp2._group_actions)) writer_args[writer] = wargs # get default output filename if 'filename' in wargs and wargs['filename'] is None: wargs['filename'] = get_default_output_filename( args.readers[0], writer) if not args.filenames: parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n") # Prepare logging rename_log = False if args.log_fn is None: rename_log = True args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log" levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) logging.getLogger('rasterio').setLevel(levels[min(2, args.verbosity)]) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( if levels[min(3, args.verbosity)] > logging.DEBUG: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Set up dask and the number of workers if args.num_workers: dask.config.set(num_workers=args.num_workers) # Parse provided files and search for files if provided directories scene_creation['filenames'] = get_input_files(scene_creation['filenames']) # Create a Scene, analyze the provided files"Sorting and reading input files...") try: scn = Scene(**scene_creation) except ValueError as e: LOG.error( "{} | Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details.". format(str(e))) LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True) return -1 except OSError: LOG.error( "Could not open files. Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details." ) LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True) return -1 if args.list_products: print("\n".join(sorted(scn.available_dataset_names(composites=True)))) return 0 # Rename the log file if rename_log: rename_log_file(glue_name + scn.attrs['start_time'].strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log")) # Load the actual data arrays and metadata (lazy loaded as dask arrays)"Loading product metadata from files...") load_args['products'] = _apply_default_products_and_aliases( scn, scene_creation['reader'], load_args['products']) if not load_args['products']: return -1 scn.load(load_args['products']) ll_bbox = resample_args.pop('ll_bbox') if ll_bbox: scn = scn.crop(ll_bbox=ll_bbox) scn = filter_scene( scn, reader_names, sza_threshold=reader_args['sza_threshold'], day_fraction=reader_args['filter_day_products'], night_fraction=reader_args['filter_night_products'], ) if scn is None:"No remaining products after filtering.") return 0 to_save = [] areas_to_resample = resample_args.pop("grids") if 'ewa_persist' in resample_args: resample_args['persist'] = resample_args.pop('ewa_persist') scenes_to_save = resample_scene( scn, areas_to_resample, preserve_resolution=args.preserve_resolution, is_polar2grid=USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS, **resample_args) for scene_to_save, products_to_save in scenes_to_save: overwrite_platform_name_with_aliases(scene_to_save) to_save = write_scene(scene_to_save, writer_args['writers'], writer_args, products_to_save, to_save=to_save) if args.progress: pbar = ProgressBar() pbar.register()"Computing products and saving data to writers...") compute_writer_results(to_save)"SUCCESS") return 0
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): from polar2grid.core.script_utils import setup_logging, create_basic_parser, create_exc_handler from polar2grid.core.containers import GriddedScene parser = create_basic_parser( description= "Extract swath data, remap it, and write it to a new file format") parser.add_argument( "--compositor-configs", nargs="*", default=None, help="Specify alternative configuration file(s) for compositors") # don't include the help flag argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) # Load compositor information (we can't know the compositor choices until we've loaded the configuration) compositor_manager = CompositorManager( config_files=args.compositor_configs) # Hack: argparse doesn't let you use choices and nargs=* on a positional argument parser.add_argument( "compositors", choices=compositor_manager.keys() + [[]], nargs="*", help= "Specify the compositors to apply to the provided scene (additional arguments are determined after this is specified)" ) parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True, help="JSON SwathScene filename to be remapped") parser.add_argument( "-o", dest="output_filename", help= "Specify the filename for the newly modified scene (default: original_fn + 'composite')" ) global_keywords = ("keep_intermediate", "overwrite_existing", "exit_on_error") args = parser.parse_args(argv, global_keywords=global_keywords) levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( LOG.debug("Starting compositor script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) # Compositor validation compositor_objects = {} for c in args.compositors: if c not in compositor_manager: LOG.error("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c, )) raise RuntimeError("Compositor '%s' is unknown" % (c, )) compositor_objects[c] = compositor_manager.get_compositor( c, **args.global_kwargs) scene = GriddedScene.load(args.scene) for c, comp in compositor_objects.items(): try: scene = comp.modify_scene( scene, **args.subgroup_args[c + " Modification"]) except StandardError: LOG.debug("Compositor Error: ", exc_info=True) LOG.error("Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c, )) if args.exit_on_error: raise RuntimeError( "Could not properly modify scene using compositor '%s'" % (c, )) if args.output_filename is None: stem, ext = os.path.splitext(args.scene) args.output_filename = stem + "_composite" + ext