예제 #1
def get_sim_data(input_files):
    ''' parse polimi log data.  generates numpy arrays of simulation histograms.
        if npy files exist, they are loaded instead of the polimi log file.
    if os.path.exists(sim_dir+input_files[1]):
        print 'loaded '+input_files[1]
        return np.load(sim_dir+input_files[1])

        print 'did not find spectrum numpy array.\nmaking array...'
        collision = polimi_parse.fromfile(sim_dir+input_files[0])
        histories = np.unique(collision.history)

        for history in histories:
            #print history
            unique_hist_array = collision[np.where(collision.history == history)]
            delta_e = np.sum(unique_hist_array.deltaenergy)
        energy_deposition = np.asarray(energy_deposition)

        max_data = 1.5
        bin_width = max_data/500. # changing this doesn't seem to make a difference (1/31/19)
        #make bin centers in the same x location for any spectrum
        sim_hist, sim_bin_edges = np.histogram(energy_deposition,
                                               bins=np.arange(0, max_data + bin_width, bin_width))
        sim_bin_centers = (sim_bin_edges[:-1] + sim_bin_edges[1:])/2
        sim_data = np.array((sim_bin_centers, sim_hist))
        np.save(sim_dir+input_files[1],sim_data) # save to npy for quick loading
        print 'spectra saved to ' + sim_dir+input_files[1]
        return sim_data
예제 #2
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import polimi_parse

cwd = os.getcwd()
sim_dir = cwd + '/plots/'
input_file = 'cs_spec_polimi.log'

collision = polimi_parse.fromfile(sim_dir + input_file)
histories = np.unique(collision.history)
energy_deposition = []

for history in histories:
    #print history
    unique_hist_array = collision[np.where(collision.history == history)]
    delta_e = np.sum(unique_hist_array.deltaEnergy)
energy_deposition = np.asarray(energy_deposition)

max_data = 1.5
bin_width = max_data / 500.  # changing this doesn't seem to make a difference (1/31/19)
#make bin centers in the same x location for any spectrum
sim_hist, sim_bin_edges = np.histogram(energy_deposition,
                                       bins=np.arange(0, max_data + bin_width,
sim_bin_centers = (sim_bin_edges[:-1] + sim_bin_edges[1:]) / 2
sim_data = np.array((sim_bin_centers, sim_hist))

plt.plot(sim_bin_centers, sim_hist)