예제 #1
 def CalcTorqueCoef(self):
     self.rpm = toRPM(self.angVel)
     self.rps = self.rpm / 60
     self.J = self.vInf / (self.rps * self.diameter / 12)
     a = fit.poly_func(self.powerCoefs.T, self.rpm)
     if (a[-1] > 0):  #Quadratic coefficient should always be non-positive
         a[-1] = 0
     self.Cl = fit.poly_func(a, self.J) / 2 * np.pi
예제 #2
 def CalcThrustCoef(self):
     self.rpm = toRPM(self.angVel)
     self.rps = self.rpm/60
     if abs(self.rps)<1e-10:
         self.J = 10000 #To prevent errors. Since angular velocity is 0, actual value w_ill also be 0.
         self.J = self.v_inf/(self.rps*self.diameter/12)
     a = fit.poly_func(self.thrustCoefs.T, self.rpm)
     if(a[-1]>0):#Quadratic coefficient should always be non-positive
         a[-1] = 0
     self.Ct = fit.poly_func(a, self.J)
    def __init__(self, name, dia, pitch, coefs):

        self.name = name
        self.diameter = float(dia) * 0.0254
        self.pitch = float(pitch) * 0.0254
        self.thrustFitOrder = int(coefs[0])
        self.fitOfThrustFitOrder = int(coefs[1])
        self.powerFitOrder = int(coefs[2])
        self.fitOfPowerFitOrder = int(coefs[3])

        numThrustCoefs = (self.thrustFitOrder +
                          1) * (self.fitOfThrustFitOrder + 1)
        self.thrustCoefs = coefs[4:numThrustCoefs + 4].reshape(
            (self.thrustFitOrder + 1,
             self.fitOfThrustFitOrder + 1)).astype(np.float)
        self.powerCoefs = coefs[numThrustCoefs + 4:].reshape(
            (self.powerFitOrder + 1,
             self.fitOfPowerFitOrder + 1)).astype(np.float)

        #These parameters will be set by later functions
        self.vInf = 0.0
        self.angVel = 0.0

        #Plot thrust and torque coefficients
        rpms = np.linspace(0, 6000, 10)
        Js = np.linspace(0, 1.4, 10)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(1.))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')

        for rpm in rpms:
            a = fit.poly_func(self.thrustCoefs.T, rpm)
            thrust = fit.poly_func(a, Js)
            rpmForPlot = np.full(len(thrust), rpm)
            ax.plot(Js, rpmForPlot, thrust, 'r-')

        ax.set_title("Predicted Thrust")
        ax.set_xlabel("Advance Ratio")
        ax.set_zlabel("Thrust Coefficient")

        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')

        for rpm in rpms:
            a = fit.poly_func(self.powerCoefs.T, rpm)
            power = fit.poly_func(a, Js)
            rpmForPlot = np.full(len(power), rpm)
            ax.plot(Js, rpmForPlot, power, 'r-')

        ax.set_title("Predicted Power")
        ax.set_xlabel("Advance Ratio")
        ax.set_zlabel("Power Coefficient")
예제 #4
    def PlotCoefs(self):
        #Plot thrust and torque coefficients
        rpms = np.linspace(0, 6000, 10)
        Js = np.linspace(0, 1.4, 10)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(1.))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')

        for rpm in rpms:
            a = fit.poly_func(self.thrustCoefs.T, rpm)
            if (a[-1] >
                    0):  #Quadratic coefficient should always be non-positive
                a[-1] = 0
            thrust = fit.poly_func(a, Js)
            rpmForPlot = np.full(len(thrust), rpm)
            ax.plot(Js, rpmForPlot, thrust, 'r-')

        ax.set_title("Predicted Thrust")
        ax.set_xlabel("Advance Ratio")
        ax.set_zlabel("Thrust Coefficient")

        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')

        for rpm in rpms:
            a = fit.poly_func(self.powerCoefs.T, rpm)
            if (a[-1] >
                    0):  #Quadratic coefficient should always be non-positive
                a[-1] = 0
            power = fit.poly_func(a, Js)
            rpmForPlot = np.full(len(power), rpm)
            ax.plot(Js, rpmForPlot, power, 'r-')

        ax.set_title("Predicted Power")
        ax.set_xlabel("Advance Ratio")
        ax.set_zlabel("Power Coefficient")
 def CalcThrustCoef(self):
     self.rpm = toRPM(self.angVel)
     self.J = self.vInf / (self.rpm * self.diameter)
     a = fit.poly_func(self.thrustCoefs.T, self.rpm)
     self.Ct = fit.poly_func(a, self.J)
 def CalcTorqueCoef(self):
     self.rpm = toRPM(self.angVel)
     self.J = self.vInf / (self.rpm * self.diameter)
     a = fit.poly_func(self.powerCoefs.T, self.rpm)
     self.Cl = fit.poly_func(a, self.J) / 2 * np.pi
            plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
            plt.plot(staticArray[:, 0], staticArray[:, 2])
            plt.ylabel("Power Coef")
            plt.suptitle("Static data for " + propFolder)

        #Fit dynamic data
        thrustFitArray = np.zeros((rpmCount, thrustFitOrder + 1))
        powerFitArray = np.zeros((rpmCount, powerFitOrder + 1))

        propCoefDict = {}

        for rpmIndex in range(rpmCount):

            staticThrust = fit.poly_func(staticThrustFit, rpms[rpmIndex])
            staticPower = fit.poly_func(staticPowerFit, rpms[rpmIndex])

            advRatioInit = np.append(0, coefArray[rpmIndex, :, 0])
            thrustInit = np.append(staticThrust, coefArray[rpmIndex, :, 2])
            powerInit = np.append(staticPower, coefArray[rpmIndex, :, 3])

            good = np.where((thrustInit != 0.) & (powerInit != 0.))

            advRatio = advRatioInit[good]
            thrust = thrustInit[good]
            power = powerInit[good]

            propCoefDict[rpms[rpmIndex]] = np.asarray(
                [advRatio, np.zeros(len(advRatio)), thrust, power]).T