예제 #1
def test_multi_shapes():
    m_ = 5
    n_ = 4
    p_ = 3
    inp_ = np.random.randint(1, 5, (m_, p_))
    w_ = np.random.randint(1, 5, (p_, n_))
    mapping = {"m": m_, "n": n_, "p": p_, "in": inp_, "w": w_}

    numpy_res1 = np.empty(shape=(m_, p_, n_))
    indices = []
    for i in range(m_):
        for k in range(p_):
            for j in range(n_):
                numpy_res1[i][k][j] = inp_[i][k] * w_[k][j]
                indices.append(tuple([i, k, j]))
    numpy_res = np.sum(numpy_res1)

    with pm.Node(name="mmul") as graph:
        m = pm.placeholder("m")
        n = pm.placeholder("n")
        p = pm.placeholder("p")
        inp = pm.placeholder("in", shape=(m, p))
        wts = pm.placeholder("w", shape=(p, n))
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        j = pm.index(0, n - 1, name="j")
        k = pm.index(0, p - 1, name="k")
        inp_ik = pm.var_index(inp, [i, k], name="in[i,k]")
        w_kj = pm.var_index(wts, [k, j], name="w[k,j]")
        slice_mul = (inp_ik * w_kj).set_name("w[i,k]*in[k,j]")
        out = pm.sum([i, k, j], slice_mul, name="out")
    graph_res = graph("out", mapping)
    assert graph_res == numpy_res
예제 #2
def test_flatten_result_length():
    with pm.Node(name="linear_reg") as graph:
        m = pm.placeholder("m", type_modifier="param")
        x = pm.placeholder("x", shape=(m), type_modifier="input")
        y = pm.placeholder("y", type_modifier="input")
        w = pm.placeholder("w", shape=(m), type_modifier="state")
        mu = pm.placeholder("mu", default_val=1.0, type_modifier="param")
        i = pm.index(0, (m - 1).set_name("m-1")).set_name("i")
        h = pm.sum([i], (x[i] * w[i]).set_name("x*w"), name="h")
        d = (h - y).set_name("h-y")
        g = (d * x[i]).set_name("d*x")
        w_ = (w[i] - (mu * g[i]).set_name("mu*g")).set_name(("w_out"))

    shape_val_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": 3})
    count_pass = CountNodes()
    flatten_pass = Lower({})

    new_graph = shape_val_pass(graph)

    flattened_g = flatten_pass(new_graph)
    x = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10)
    y = np.random.randint(0, 10, 1)[0]
    w = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10)

    orig_graph = count_pass(flattened_g)
예제 #3
def test_linear_deserialize():

    graph_name = "linear_reg1"
    with pm.Node(name=graph_name) as graph:
        m = pm.placeholder("m")
        x_ = pm.placeholder("x", shape=(m))
        y_ = pm.placeholder("y")
        w_ = pm.placeholder("w", shape=(m))
        mu = pm.parameter(name="mu", default=1.0)
        i = pm.index(0, (m - 1).set_name("m-1"), name="i")
        h = pm.sum([i], (x_[i] * w_[i]).set_name("x*w"), name="h")
        d = (h - y_).set_name("h-y")
        g = (d * x_[i]).set_name("d*x")
        mug = (mu * g[i]).set_name("mu*g[i]")
        w_ = ((w_[i]) - mug).set_name("w_out")
    x = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10)
    y = np.random.randint(0, 10, 1)[0]
    w = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10)

    graph_res = graph("w_out", {"x": x, "y": y, "w": w})
    actual_res = w - ((np.sum(x * w) - y) * x) * 1.0

    np.testing.assert_allclose(graph_res, actual_res)
    cwd = Path(f"{__file__}").parent
    base_path = f"{cwd}/pmlang_examples"
    full_path = f"{base_path}/outputs"
    pb_path = f"{full_path}/{graph_name}.srdfg"
    pm.pb_store(graph, full_path)
    node = pm.pb_load(pb_path)
    new_graph_res = node("w_out", {"x": x, "y": y, "w": w})
    np.testing.assert_allclose(graph_res, new_graph_res)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_res, new_graph_res)
예제 #4
def test_try_not_caught():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        a = pm.placeholder()
        b = pm.placeholder()
        c = pm.try_(a / b, [(ValueError, 'value-error')])

    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        graph(c, {a: 1, b: 0})
예제 #5
def test_context():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        a = pm.placeholder(name='a')
        b = pm.placeholder(name='b')
        c = pm.placeholder(name='c')
        x = a * b + c
    actual = graph(x, {a: 4, 'b': 7}, c=9)
    assert actual == 37
예제 #6
def test_stack_trace():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        a = pm.placeholder()
        b = pm.placeholder()
        c = a / b

        graph(c, {a: 1, b: 0})
        raise RuntimeError("did not raise ZeroDivisionError")
    except ZeroDivisionError as ex:
        assert isinstance(ex.__cause__, pm.EvaluationError)
예제 #7
def test_conditional():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        x = pm.parameter(default=4)
        y = pm.placeholder(name='y')
        condition = pm.placeholder(name='condition')
        z = pm.predicate(condition, x, y)

    assert graph(z, condition=False, y=5) == 5
    # We expect a value error if we evaluate the other branch without a placeholder
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        print(graph(z, condition=False))
예제 #8
def test_try(context, expected):
    finally_reached = []

    with pm.Node() as graph:
        a = pm.placeholder('a')
        b = pm.placeholder('b')
        c = pm.try_(a / b, [(ZeroDivisionError, 'zero-division')],
                    pm.func_op(lambda: finally_reached.append('done')))

    assert graph(c, context) == expected
    assert finally_reached
예제 #9
def linear_reg():
    with pm.Node(name="linear_reg") as graph:
        m = pm.placeholder("m")
        x = pm.placeholder("x", shape=(m), type_modifier="input")
        y = pm.placeholder("y", type_modifier="input")
        w = pm.placeholder("w", shape=(m), type_modifier="state")
        mu = pm.parameter(name="mu", default=1.0)
        i = pm.index(0, (graph["m"]-1).set_name("m-1"), name="i")
        h = pm.sum([i], (x[i] * w[i]).set_name("x*w"), name="h")
        d = (h-y).set_name("h-y")
        g = (d*x).set_name("d*x")
        w_ = (w - (mu*g).set_name("mu*g")).set_name("w-mu*g")
예제 #10
def linear_reg_graph():
    graph_name = "linear_reg"
    with pm.Node(name="linear_reg") as graph:
        m = pm.placeholder("m")
        mu = pm.parameter(name="mu", default=1.0)
        x_ = pm.placeholder("x", shape=(m), type_modifier="input")
        y_ = pm.placeholder("y", type_modifier="input")
        w_ = pm.placeholder("w", shape=(m), type_modifier="state")
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        h = pm.sum([i], (x_[i] * w_[i]).set_name("x*w"), name="h")
        d = (h - y_).set_name("h-y")
        g = (d * x_[i]).set_name("d*x")
        w_out = (w_[i]) - mu * g[i]
    return graph
예제 #11
def test_conditional_with_length():
    def f(a):
        return a, a

    with pm.Node() as graph:
        x = pm.parameter(default=4)
        y = pm.placeholder(name='y')
        condition = pm.placeholder(name='condition')

        z1, z2 = pm.predicate(condition,
                              pm.func_op(f, x).set_name("xfunc"),
                              pm.func_op(f, y).set_name("yfunc"),

    assert graph([z1, z2], condition=True) == (4, 4)
    assert graph([z1, z2], condition=False, y=5) == (5, 5)
예제 #12
def test_contains():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        test = pm.placeholder()
        alphabet = pm.variable('abc')
        contains = pm.contains(alphabet, test)

    assert graph(contains, {test: 'a'})
    assert not graph(contains, {test: 'x'})
예제 #13
def test_assert_with_value():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        x = pm.placeholder(name='x')
        assertion = pm.assert_(x < 10, val=2 * x)

    assert graph(assertion, x=9) == 18
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        graph(assertion, x=11)
예제 #14
def test_duplicate_value():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        a = pm.placeholder('a')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        graph([], {a: 1}, a=1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        graph([], {a: 1, 'a': 1})
예제 #15
 def populate_placeholder(self, node):
     if node.shape != pm.DEFAULT_SHAPES[0]:
         indices = list(product(*tuple([np.arange(i) for i in node.shape])))
         for i in indices:
             x = pm.placeholder(graph=node,
                                shape=(1, ),
             self.stored_objects[id(x)] = x
예제 #16
def test_linear_embedded():

    with pm.Node(name="linear_reg") as graph:
        m = pm.placeholder("m")
        x = pm.placeholder("x", shape=(m), type_modifier="input")
        y = pm.placeholder("y", type_modifier="input")
        w = pm.placeholder("w", shape=(m), type_modifier="state")
        mu = pm.parameter(name="mu", default=1.0)
        i = pm.index(0, (graph["m"] - 1).set_name("m-1"), name="i")
        h = pm.sum([i], (x[i] * w[i]).set_name("x*w"), name="h")
        d = (h - y).set_name("h-y")
        g = (d * x).set_name("d*x")
        w_ = (w - (mu * g).set_name("mu*g")).set_name("w-mu*g")
    x = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5)
    y = np.random.randint(0, 10, 1)[0]
    w = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5)

    graph_res = graph("w-mu*g", {"x": x, "y": y, "w": w})
    actual_res = w - ((np.sum(x * w) - y) * x) * 1.0
    np.testing.assert_allclose(graph_res, actual_res)
예제 #17
def test_graph_pickle():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        x = pm.placeholder('x')
        y = pm.pow_(x, 3, name='y')

    _x = random.uniform(0, 1)
    desired = graph('y', x=_x)

    pickled = pickle.dumps(graph)
    graph = pickle.loads(pickled)
    actual = graph('y', x=_x)
    assert desired == actual
예제 #18
def test_second():
    test_a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    test_b = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8])
    with pm.Node(name="main") as graph:
        a = pm.parameter(default=6, name="a")
        b = pm.parameter(default=5, name="b")
        a = (a + b).set_name("a_mul_b")
        with pm.Node(name="graph2") as graph2:
            n = pm.placeholder("n")
            b = pm.placeholder("b")
            e = pm.parameter(default=6, name="e")
            l = pm.state("test", shape=(n, b))
            i = pm.index(0, graph2["n"] - 1)
            j = pm.index(0, graph2["b"] - 1)
            lij = pm.var_index(l, [i, j], "lij")

            x = (l * e).set_name("placeholdermult")

        _ = graph2("test", {l: np.arange(16).reshape((-1, 4))})
        _ = graph2("lij", {l: np.arange(16).reshape((-1, 4))})
        _ = graph2("placeholdermult", {l: np.arange(16).reshape((-1, 4))})
예제 #19
def test_new():
    test_a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    test_b = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8])
    test_placeholder = pm.placeholder("hello")
    with pm.Node(name="main") as graph:
        a = pm.parameter(default=6, name="a")
        b = pm.parameter(default=5, name="b")
        a = (a + b).set_name("a_mul_b")
        with pm.Node(name="graph2") as graph2:
            c = pm.variable([[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]],
                             [[9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17]],
                             [[18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23], [24, 25, 26]]],
            c_2 = (c * 2).set_name(name="c2")
            e = pm.parameter(default=4, name="e")
            l = pm.placeholder("test")
            x = (l * e).set_name("placeholdermult")
            i = pm.index(0, 1, name="i")
            j = pm.index(0, 1, name="j")
            k = pm.index(0, 2, name="k")
            e_i = pm.var_index(c, [i, j, k], "e_i")
예제 #20
def test_invalid_fetches():
    with pm.Node():
        a = pm.placeholder()
    graph = pm.Node()

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #21
def test_try_callback():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        a = pm.placeholder('a')
        b = pm.assert_((a > 0).set_name('condition'), val=a, name='b')
        c = pm.try_(
            b, [(AssertionError,
                 (pm.identity(41, name='41') + 1).set_name('alternative'))])

    tracer = pm.Profiler()
    graph(c, {a: 3}, callback=tracer) == 3
    assert len(tracer.times) == 4

    graph(c, {a: -2}, callback=tracer) == 42
    assert len(tracer.times) == 6
예제 #22
def test_conditional_callback():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        a = pm.parameter(default=1)
        b = pm.parameter(default=2)
        c = pm.placeholder()
        d = pm.predicate(c, a, b + 1)

    # Check that we have "traced" the correct number of operation evaluations
    tracer = pm.Profiler()
    assert graph(d, {c: True}, callback=tracer) == 1
    assert len(tracer.times) == 3
    tracer = pm.Profiler()
    assert graph(d, {c: False}, callback=tracer) == 3
    assert len(tracer.times) == 4
예제 #23
def test_assert_with_dependencies(message):
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        x = pm.placeholder(name='x')
        if message:
            assertion = pm.assert_(x < 10, message, 10, x)
            assertion = pm.assert_(x < 10)
        with pm.control_dependencies([assertion]):
            y = 2 * x

    assert len(y.dependencies) == 1
    assert graph(y, x=9) == 18
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as exc_info:
        graph(y, x=11)

    if message:
        exc_info.match(message % (10, 11))
예제 #24
def reco(m_=3, n_=3, k_=2):
    with pm.Node(name="recommender") as graph:
        mu = pm.placeholder("mu")
        m = pm.placeholder("m")
        n = pm.placeholder("n")
        k = pm.placeholder("k")
        x1 = pm.placeholder("x1", shape=k)
        x2 = pm.placeholder("x2", shape=k)

        r1 = pm.placeholder("r1", shape=m)
        y1 = pm.placeholder("y1", shape=m)

        r2 = pm.placeholder("r2", shape=n)
        y2 = pm.placeholder("y2", shape=n)

        w1 = pm.placeholder("w1", shape=(m, k))
        w2 = pm.placeholder("w2", shape=(n, k))
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        j = pm.index(0, n - 1, name="j")
        l = pm.index(0, k - 1, name="l")
        h1_sum = pm.sum([l], (w1[i, l] * x2[l]).set_name("w1*x2")).set_name("h1_sum")
        h1 = (h1_sum[i] * r1[i]).set_name("h1")
        h2_sum = pm.sum([l], (x1[l] * w2[j, l]).set_name("x1*w2")).set_name("h2_sum")
        h2 = (h2_sum[j] * r2[j]).set_name("h2")
        d1 = (h1[i] - y1[i]).set_name("d1")
        d2 = (h2[j] - y2[j]).set_name("d2")
        g1 = (d1[i] * x2[l]).set_name("g1")
        g2 = (d2[j] * x1[l]).set_name("g2")
        w1_ = (w1[i, l] - g1[i, l]).set_name("w1_")
        w2_ = (w2[i, l] - g2[i, l]).set_name("w2_")

    shape_val_pass = pm.NormalizeGraph({"m": m_, "n": n_, "k": k_})
    new_graph, res = shape_val_pass(graph)
    return new_graph
예제 #25
def test_bool():
    with pm.Node() as graph:
        a = pm.placeholder()

    assert a
예제 #26
def test_recommender():

    m_ = 3
    n_ = 3
    k_ = 2
    mu_ = 1
    x1_in = np.random.randint(1, 5, (k_))
    x2_in = np.random.randint(1, 5, (k_))

    r1_in = np.random.randint(1, 2, (m_))
    y1_in = np.random.randint(1, 5, (m_))

    r2_in = np.random.randint(1, 2, (n_))
    y2_in = np.random.randint(1, 5, (n_))

    w1_in = np.random.randint(1, 5, (m_, k_))
    w2_in = np.random.randint(1, 5, (n_, k_))
    input_dict = {
        "mu": mu_,
        "n": n_,
        "m": m_,
        "k": k_,
        "x1": x1_in,
        "x2": x2_in,
        "r1": r1_in,
        "y1": y1_in,
        "r2": r2_in,
        "y2": y2_in,
        "w1": w1_in,
        "w2": w2_in
    with pm.Node(name="recommender") as graph:
        mu = pm.placeholder("mu")
        m = pm.placeholder("m")
        n = pm.placeholder("n")
        k = pm.placeholder("k")
        x1 = pm.placeholder("x1", shape=k)
        x2 = pm.placeholder("x2", shape=k)

        r1 = pm.placeholder("r1", shape=m)
        y1 = pm.placeholder("y1", shape=m)

        r2 = pm.placeholder("r2", shape=n)
        y2 = pm.placeholder("y2", shape=n)

        w1 = pm.placeholder("w1", shape=(m, k))
        w2 = pm.placeholder("w2", shape=(n, k))
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        j = pm.index(0, n - 1, name="j")
        l = pm.index(0, k - 1, name="l")
        h1_sum = pm.sum([l], (w1[i, l] *
        h1 = (h1_sum[i] * r1[i]).set_name("h1")
        h2_sum = pm.sum([l], (x1[l] *
                              w2[j, l]).set_name("x1*w2")).set_name("h2_sum")
        h2 = (h2_sum[j] * r2[j]).set_name("h2")
        d1 = (h1[i] - y1[i]).set_name("d1")
        d2 = (h2[j] - y2[j]).set_name("d2")
        g1 = (d1[i] * x2[l]).set_name("g1")
        g2 = (d2[j] * x1[l]).set_name("g2")
        w1_ = (w1[i, l] - g1[i, l]).set_name("w1_")
        w2_ = (w2[i, l] - g2[i, l]).set_name("w2_")

    np_res = numpy_helper(input_dict)
    tout = graph(["w1_", "w2_"], input_dict)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tout[0], np_res[0])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tout[1], np_res[1])