예제 #1
def define_partition(dom):
    p = dict()
    p["a"] = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 10.0], [15.0, 18.0]])
    p["b"] = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 20.0]])

    ppp = abstract.prop2part(dom, p)
    ppp, new2old_reg = abstract.part2convex(ppp)
    return ppp
예제 #2
def test_plot_transition_arrow():
    p0 = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 2.0]])
    p1 = pc.box2poly([[0.1, 2.0], [0.0, 2.0]])
    # matplotlib.patches is loaded also by matplotlib.pyplot
    # and .figures, so instantiating real Axes w/o
    # loading patches is impossible
    ax = Axes()
    arrow = plot.plot_transition_arrow(p0, p1, ax=ax)
    assert(isinstance(arrow, matplotlib.patches.Arrow))
예제 #3
def subsys1():
    dom = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 3.0], [0.0, 2.0]])

    A = np.eye(2)
    B = np.eye(2)

    U = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0]])

    sys_dyn = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, Uset=U, domain=dom)

    return sys_dyn
예제 #4
def define_dynamics(dom):
    A = np.eye(2)

    B = np.array([[1.0, -1.0], [0.0, +1.0]])

    U = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 3.0], [-3.0, 3.0]])

    E = np.array([[0.0], [-1.0]])

    W = pc.box2poly([[-1.0, 1.0]])

    K = np.array([[0.0], [-0.4]])

    sys = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, E, K, U, W, dom)
    return sys
def subsys1(h):
    A = np.array([[0.9948, 0.], [0., 1.1052]])
    B = np.array([[-1.1052, 0.], [0., 1.1052]])
    E = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    U = box2poly([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
    W = box2poly([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
    dom = box2poly([[0., 3.], [0., h]])
    sys_dyn = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, E, None, U, W, dom)
    return sys_dyn
예제 #6
    def cont_predicates():
        p = dict()
        p["safe"] = pc.box2poly([[0.5, 3.5], [0.5, 2.5]])

        ppp = abstract.prop2part(dom, p)
        ppp, new2old_reg = abstract.part2convex(ppp)
        return ppp
예제 #7
def subsys0():
    A = np.array([[1.1052, 0.], [ 0., 1.1052]])
    B = np.array([[1.1052, 0.], [ 0., 1.1052]])
    E = np.array([[1,0], [0,1]])
    U = box2poly([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
    W = box2poly([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
    dom = box2poly([[0., 3.], [0.5, 2.]])
    sys_dyn = LtiSysDyn(A, B, E, None, U, W, dom)
    return sys_dyn
예제 #8
def switched_system_test():
    subsystems = []
    # subsystem 0
    A = np.eye(2)
    B = np.eye(2)
    Uset = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
    domain0 = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 2.0], [0.0, 2.0]])
    subsystems += [hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, Uset=Uset, domain=domain0)]
    # subsystem 1
    domain1 = pc.box2poly([[2.0, 4.0], [0.0, 2.0]])
    subsystems += [hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, Uset=Uset, domain=domain1)]
    # PWA system
    domain = domain0.union(domain1)
    pwa = hybrid.PwaSysDyn(subsystems, domain)
    # Switched system (mode dynamics the same, just testing code)
    dom = (2, 2)
    dyn = {
        ('a', 'c'):pwa,
        ('a', 'd'):pwa,
        ('b', 'c'):pwa,
    env_labels = ['a', 'b']
    sys_labels = ['c', 'd']
    hyb = hybrid.SwitchedSysDyn(
    assert(hyb.disc_domain_size == dom)
    assert(hyb.dynamics == dyn)
    assert(hyb.env_labels == env_labels)
    assert(hyb.disc_sys_labels == sys_labels)
    assert(hyb.cts_ss == domain)
예제 #9
    def drifting_dynamics():
        A = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])

        B = np.array([[1.0], [0.0]])

        U = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 1.0]])

        K = np.array([[-100.0], [0.0]])

        sys = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, None, K, U, None, dom)
        return sys
예제 #10
def test_abstract_the_dynamics():
    dom = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 10.0], [0.0, 20.0]])
    ppp = define_partition(dom)
    sys = define_dynamics(dom)

    disc_options = {"N": 3, "trans_length": 2, "min_cell_volume": 1.5}

    ab = abstract.discretize(ppp, sys, plotit=False, save_img=False, **disc_options)
    assert ab.ppp.compute_adj()
    assert ab.ppp.is_partition()
예제 #11
def test_transient_regions():
    """drift is too strong, so no self-loop must exist
    This bug caused when running union is taken between Presets
    during solve_feasible, as happened with old use_all_horizon,
        - 5b1e9681918739b276a221fcc1fd6eebfd058ce3
        - f5f4934ab9d21062f633eef3861ad935c3d3b54b
    dom = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 4.0], [0.0, 3.0]])

    def cont_predicates():
        p = dict()
        p["safe"] = pc.box2poly([[0.5, 3.5], [0.5, 2.5]])

        ppp = abstract.prop2part(dom, p)
        ppp, new2old_reg = abstract.part2convex(ppp)
        return ppp

    def drifting_dynamics():
        A = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])

        B = np.array([[1.0], [0.0]])

        U = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 1.0]])

        K = np.array([[-100.0], [0.0]])

        sys = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, None, K, U, None, dom)
        return sys

    ppp = cont_predicates()
    sys = drifting_dynamics()

    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        ab = abstract.discretize(ppp, sys, N=1, use_all_horizon=True, trans_length=1)

    ab = abstract.discretize(ppp, sys, N=1, use_all_horizon=False, trans_length=1)

    self_loops = {i for i, j in ab.ts.transitions() if i == j}
    logger.debug("self loops at states: " + str(self_loops))

    assert not self_loops
예제 #12
    def generateObservedDynamics(self, L, epsilon):
        """Generates the dynamics of the linear observer::
	\hat{s}[t+1] = (A-LC)\hat{s}[t] + Bu[t] + K + Ly[t]

	where L is an observer chosen so as to guarantee that
	|A-LC| <= 1-max(E\delta)/epsilon.
        n = self.A.shape[0]
        xbounds = [-epsilon, epsilon]
        for i in range(n - 1):
            xbounds = np.vstack((xbounds, [-epsilon, epsilon]))
        Wset = pc.box2poly(xbounds)
        return LtiSysDyn(
            E=np.dot(L, self.C),
예제 #13
파일: orthotopes.py 프로젝트: johnyf/omega
def plot_orthotopes(u, abx, axvars, fol, ax):
    """Plot a polytope for each orthotope in `u`.

    @param axvars: `list` that defines which variable
        spans each dimension of the plot.
        import polytope as poly
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError(
            '`orthotopes` failed to import `polytope`.\n'
            'No plotting of orthotopes.')
    c = _orthotopes_iter(u, fol)
    eps = 0.1
    cycol = cycle('bgrcmk')
    for product in c:
        x, y = axvars
        a_x = abx[x]['a']
        b_x = abx[x]['b']
        a_y = abx[y]['a']
        b_y = abx[y]['b']
        xmin = product[a_x]
        xmax = product[b_x]
        ymin = product[a_y]
        ymax = product[b_y]
        # if a = b add a small amount
        if xmin == xmax:
            xmin -= eps
            xmax += eps
        if ymin == ymax:
            ymin -= eps
            ymax += eps
        size = [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]
        p = poly.box2poly(size)
        color = next(cycol)
        p.plot(ax=ax, color=color, alpha=0.5)
예제 #14
def specify_discretize_synthesize():
    """Return PWA partition and controller, dump them to pickle files."""
    # Problem parameters
    input_bound = 1.0
    uncertainty = 0.01

    # Continuous state space
    cont_state_space = box2poly([[0., 3.], [0., 2.]])

    # Continuous dynamics
    A = np.array([[1.0, 0.], [0., 1.0]])
    B = np.array([[0.1, 0.], [0., 0.1]])
    E = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]])

    # Available control, possible disturbances
    U = input_bound * np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
    W = uncertainty * np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])

    # Convert to polyhedral representation
    U = box2poly(U)
    W = box2poly(W)

    # Construct the LTI system describing the dynamics
    sys_dyn = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, E, None, U, W, cont_state_space)

    # Define atomic propositions for relevant regions of state space
    cont_props = {}
    cont_props['home'] = box2poly([[0., 1.], [0., 1.]])
    cont_props['lot'] = box2poly([[2., 3.], [1., 2.]])

    # Compute proposition preserving partition of the continuous state space
    cont_partition = prop2part(cont_state_space, cont_props)

    pwa = discretize(
        cont_partition, sys_dyn, closed_loop=True,
        N=8, min_cell_volume=0.1, plotit=False)

    # Environment variables and assumptions
    env_vars = {'park'}
    env_init = set()
    env_prog = '!park'
    env_safe = set()

    # System variables and requirements
    sys_vars = {'X0reach'}
    sys_init = {'X0reach'}
    sys_prog = {'home'}  # []<>home
    sys_safe = {'(X(X0reach) <-> lot) || (X0reach && !park)'}
    sys_prog |= {'X0reach'}

    # Create the specification
    specs = spec.GRSpec(env_vars, sys_vars, env_init, sys_init,
                        env_safe, sys_safe, env_prog, sys_prog)
    specs.qinit = '\A \E'
    specs.moore = False
    specs.plus_one = False

    ctrl = synth.synthesize(
        specs, sys=pwa.ts, ignore_sys_init=True, solver='gr1c')

    # store the result for future use
    if len(BUILDDIR) > 0 and not os.path.exists(BUILDDIR):
    pickle.dump(ctrl, open(BUILDDIR + 'FSM.p', 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(pwa, open(BUILDDIR + 'AbstractPwa.p', 'wb'))
    return pwa, ctrl
import polytope as pc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

print('Initialise values')
# Define the linear time invariant system
A = np.array([[0, -0.8572], [0.1, 0.5]])
B = np.eye(2)  #array([[1],[0.1]])
C = np.eye(
    2)  # defines metric for error (||y_finite-y||< epsilon with y= cx   )

sys = LTI(A, B, C, None)  # LTI system with   D = None
# define noise (Diagonal ONLY!)
sys.setBw(np.array([[.9, 0], [0.0, .9]]))

# Define spaces
poly = pc.box2poly(np.kron(np.ones((sys.dim, 1)), np.array([[-15, 15]])))
sys.setX(poly)  # X space

sys.setU(pc.box2poly(np.kron(np.ones((sys.m, 1)), np.array([[-3, 3]]))))
# continuous set of inputs
Dist = pc.box2poly(np.kron(np.ones((sys.dim, 1)), np.array([[-.1, .1]])))

## step 1: tune gridding ratio (find optimal horizontal d_1, and vertical d_2)
# currently only available for 2D
print('1.  Tune gridding ratio')
d_opt, d_vals, eps_values = tune_dratio(sys)
# d_opt has optimal ratio with grid diameter of 1
# choose grid sizes (factor of d_opt)
d = 1 * d_opt  #  with distance measure
print('Choose grid ribs as', d)
예제 #16



B_zero= np.array([[0., 0.], [ 0., 0.]])

cont_state_space = box2poly([[15., 24.],[15., 24.]])
cont_props = {}
cont_props['LOW'] = box2poly([[17., 19.], [20., 22.]])
cont_props['HIGH'] = box2poly([[21., 22.], [20., 22.]])
cont_props['OUTSIDE'] = box2poly([[24.,25.],[24.,25.]])

sdyn_off = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A_off,  B_zero, None, K_off, None, None, cont_state_space)
sdyn_heat = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A_heat,  B_zero, None, K_heat, None, None, cont_state_space)
sdyn_cool = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A_cool,B_zero, None, K_cool, None, None, cont_state_space)
sdyn_on = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A_on,  B_zero, None, K_on, None, None, cont_state_space)

pwa_off = hybrid.PwaSysDyn(list_subsys=[sdyn_off],domain=cont_state_space)#,time_semantics='sampled',timestep=0.1)
예제 #17
from tulip.abstract.plot import plot_strategy
from tulip.hybrid import LtiSysDyn
from tulip.hybrid import PwaSysDyn
from tulip import spec
from tulip import synth

# set to `True` if `matplotlib.pyplot` is available
plotting = False

# Problem parameters
input_bound = 0.4
uncertainty = 0.05

# Continuous state space
cont_state_space = box2poly([[0., 3.], [0., 2.]])

# Assume, for instance, our robot is traveling on
# a nonhomogenous surface (xy plane),
# resulting in different dynamics at different
# parts of the plane.
# Since the continuous state space in this example
# is just xy position, different dynamics in
# different parts of the surface can be modeled
# using LtiSysDyn subsystems subsys0 and subsys1.
# Together they comprise a Piecewise Affine System:

# @subsystem0@
def subsys0():
예제 #18
def transition_directions_test():
    unit test for correctness of abstracted transition directions, with:
      - uni-directional control authority
      - no disturbance
    modes = []
    modes.append(('normal', 'fly'))
    modes.append(('refuel', 'fly'))
    env_modes, sys_modes = zip(*modes)
    cont_state_space = pc.box2poly([[0., 3.], [0., 2.]])
    pwa_sys = dict()
    pwa_sys[('normal', 'fly')] = hybrid.PwaSysDyn(
        [subsys0()], cont_state_space
    pwa_sys[('refuel', 'fly')] = hybrid.PwaSysDyn(
        [subsys1()], cont_state_space
    switched_dynamics = hybrid.SwitchedSysDyn(
        disc_domain_size=(len(env_modes), len(sys_modes)),
    cont_props = {}
    cont_props['home'] = pc.box2poly([[0., 1.], [0., 1.]])
    cont_props['lot'] = pc.box2poly([[2., 3.], [1., 2.]])
    ppp = abstract.prop2part(cont_state_space, cont_props)
    ppp, new2old = abstract.part2convex(ppp)
    N = 8
    disc_params = {}
    for mode in modes:
        disc_params[mode] = {'N':N, 'trans_length':trans_len}
    swab = abstract.discretize_switched(
        ppp, switched_dynamics, disc_params,
        plot=True, show_ts=True, only_adjacent=False
    ts = swab.modes[('normal', 'fly')].ts
    edges = {(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3),
             (4, 4), (5, 5),
             (1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 5),
             (2, 3), (2, 5), (2, 0),
             (3, 0),
             (4, 5),
             (5, 0)}
    logger.debug(set(ts.edges() ).symmetric_difference(edges) )
    assert(set(ts.edges() ) == edges)
    ts = swab.ts
    assert(set(ts.edges() ) == edges)
    for i, j in edges:
        assert(ts[i][j][0]['env_actions'] == 'normal')
        assert(ts[i][j][0]['sys_actions'] == 'fly')
예제 #19
def main():

    print('Initialise values')
    # Define the linear time invariant system
    #A = np.array([[0,-0.8572],[0.1,0.5]])
    dim = 2
    A = np.eye(2)  #np.array([[.9,-0.32],[0.1,0.9]])
    B = np.eye(dim)  #array([[1], [0.1]])
    Tr = .5 * np.array([[-1, 1], [1, -1]])
    W = 2 * Tr.dot(np.eye(dim)).dot(Tr)  # noise on transitions

    # Accuracy
    C = np.array([[
        1, 0
    ]])  # defines metric for error (||y_finite-y||< epsilon with y= cx   )

    sys = LTI(A, B, C, None, W=W)  # LTI system with   D = None

    # Define spaces
        (sys.m, 1)), np.array([[-3, 3]]))))  # continuous set of inputs
    sys.setX(pc.box2poly(np.kron(np.ones((sys.dim, 1)),
                                 np.array([[-10, 10]]))))  # X space

    # Define regions of interest for the labeling
    regions = dict()
    regions['target'] = pc.box2poly(
        np.kron(np.ones((2, 1)), np.array([[5, 10]])))
    # add avoid
    regions['avoid'] = pc.box2poly(np.array([[-5, 3], [-10, 5]]))

    print('1.  Transform to normalised state space')
    sys_n = sys.normalize()

    ## step 1: tune gridding ratio (find optimal horizontal d_1, and vertical d_2)
    # currently only available for 2D
    print('2.  Tune gridding ratio')
    d_opt, d_vals, eps_values = tune_dratio(sys_n)
    # d_opt has optimal ratio with grid diameter of 1
    # choose grid sizes (factor of d_opt)
    d = d_opt  #  with distance measure
    print('Choose grid ribs as', d)  # *Grid space

    print('3.  Grid Gaussian process')
    mdp_grid = sys_n.abstract_io(d, un=7, verbose=False)  # do the gridding
    print('--- done gridding')

    print('4.  Define formula and compute DFA')


    formula = '( ( ! avoid U target ) )'

    # figure out a map dict_input2prop from numeric inputs to name based inputs
    dfsa, init, final, dict_input2prop = formula_to_mdp(formula)

    mdp_grid.map_dfa_inputs(dict_input2prop, regions)
    mdp_grid.setdfa(dfsa, final)

    print('5. Compute recursions')

    V, policy, W = mdp_grid.reach_dfa(recursions=10)

    print('6. Plot normalized systen')

    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(*mdp_grid.srep)

    plt.pcolor(mdp_grid.sedge[0], mdp_grid.sedge[1], W[:-1].reshape(xi.shape,
    plt.xlim(np.array([mdp_grid.srep[0][0], mdp_grid.srep[0][-1]]))
    plt.ylim(np.array([mdp_grid.srep[1][0], mdp_grid.srep[1][-1]]))

    pol = Rpol(mdp_grid, V, W, policy)

    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(
        np.linspace(mdp_grid.srep[0][0], mdp_grid.srep[0][-1], 10),
        np.linspace(mdp_grid.srep[1][0], mdp_grid.srep[1][-1], 10))

    # compute inputs
    u = sys_n.b.dot(pol(np.block([[xi.flatten()], [yi.flatten()]])))
    delx = (-np.block([[xi.flatten()], [yi.flatten()]]) +
            sys_n.a.dot(np.block([[xi.flatten()], [yi.flatten()]])) +
            sys_n.b.dot(pol(np.block([[xi.flatten()], [yi.flatten()]]))))
    x_tr = (np.block([[xi.flatten()], [yi.flatten()]]))

    #plt.quiver(xi.flatten(), yi.flatten(),u[0],u[1])
    plt.quiver(x_tr[0], x_tr[1], delx[0], delx[1], color='r')

    print('6. Plot concrete systen')
    x_edge = np.linspace(-10, 10, 80)
    x_del = np.diff(x_edge).max()
    y_edge = np.linspace(-10, 10, 80)
    y_del = np.diff(y_edge).max()

    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(x_edge[:-1] + x_del / 2, y_edge[:-1] + y_del / 2)

    values = pol.val_concrete(np.block([[xi.flatten()], [yi.flatten()]]))
    plt.pcolor(x_edge, y_edge, values.reshape(xi.shape))
    plt.xlim(np.array([-10, 10]))
    plt.ylim(np.array([-10, 10]))

예제 #20
  def __init__(self, lti_syst, eta, un=3, T2x=None, MKeps=None):
    '''Construct a grid abstraction of a LTI Gaussian system
    :param lti_syst: A LTI system (noise matrix must be diagonal)
    :param eta: abstraction grid size (one for each dimension)
    :param un: number of discrete inputs per dimension
    :param T2x=None: transformation matrix (use for rotated systems for easy access to original coordinates)
    :param MKeps=None: tuple (M, K, eps) defining a simulation relation. if None one will be computed
    # check that W is diagonal
    if not np.all(lti_syst.W == np.diag(np.diagonal(lti_syst.W))):
      raise Exception('system noise must be diagonal')
    # store state transformation matrix
    if lti_syst.T2x is None:
      self.T2x = np.eye(lti_syst.dim)  # identity
      self.T2x = lti_syst.T2x

    # compute/store simulation relation
    if MKeps is None:
      dist = pc.box2poly(np.diag(eta).dot(np.kron(np.ones((lti_syst.dim, 1)), np.array([[-1, 1]]))))
      self.M, self.K, self.eps = eps_err(lti_syst, dist)
      self.M = MKeps[0]
      self.K = MKeps[1]
      self.eps = MKeps[2]

    # state discretization information
    lx, ux = pc.bounding_box(lti_syst.X)
    lx = lx.flatten()
    ux = ux.flatten()

    remainx = eta - np.remainder(ux-lx, eta)  # center slack
    lx -= remainx/2
    ux += remainx/2

    self.x_low = lx
    self.x_up = ux

    self.eta_list = eta.flatten()
    self.n_list = tuple(np.ceil((self.x_up - self.x_low)/self.eta_list).astype(int))

    # save input discretization information: place inputs on boundary
    # NOTE: bounding box may give infeasible inputs..
    lu, uu = pc.bounding_box(lti_syst.U)  

    self.u_low = lu.flatten()
    self.m_list = tuple(un for i in range(lti_syst.m))
    self.eta_u_list = (uu.flatten() - self.u_low)/(np.array(self.m_list)-1)

    transition_list = [np.zeros((self.N+1, self.N+1)) for m in range(prod(self.m_list))]  # one dummy state

    # extract all transitions
    for ud in range(prod(self.m_list)):

      Pmat = np.zeros((self.N+1, self.N+1))
      for s in range(self.N):

        s_diag = super(LTIGrid, self).s_to_x(s)
        mean = np.dot(lti_syst.a, s_diag) + np.dot(lti_syst.b, self.ud_to_u(ud))  # Ax

        P = np.ravel(grid_cdf_nd(mean, lti_syst.W, self.x_low, self.x_up, self.eta_list))

        Pmat[s, 0:self.N] = P
        Pmat[s, self.N] = 1 - sum(P) 

      Pmat[self.N, self.N] = 1

      transition_list[ud] = Pmat

    self.mdp = POMDP(transition_list, input_names=['u_d'], state_name='s', 
                     output_trans=lambda s: (s, self.s_to_x(s)), output_name='(s,xc)')
예제 #21
def define_dynamics_dual():
    # Continuous state space
    cont_state_space = pc.box2poly([[-1.5, 1.5]])

    # Continuous dynamics
    # (continuous-state, discrete-time)
    A = np.array([[2]])
    B = np.array([[1]])

    # Available control, possible disturbances
    U = np.array([[-2.0, 2.0]])

    # Convert to polyhedral representation
    U = pc.box2poly(U)

    # Construct the LTI system describing the dynamics
    sys_dyn = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, None, None, U, None, cont_state_space)
    # @dynamics_section_end@

    # @partition_section@
    # Define atomic propositions for relevant regions of state space
    cont_props = {}
    cont_props['a'] = pc.box2poly([[-1.5, -1]])
    cont_props['b'] = pc.box2poly([[-1, 1]])
    cont_props['c'] = pc.box2poly([[1, 1.5]])

    part = []
    part.append(pc.box2poly([[-1.5, -1]]))
    part.append(pc.box2poly([[-1, 1]]))
    part.append(pc.box2poly([[1, 1.5]]))
    part.append(pc.box2poly([[-1, 0.5]]))
    part.append(pc.box2poly([[-0.5, 1]]))
    part.append(pc.box2poly([[-0.5, 0.5]]))
    part.append(pc.box2poly([[-1.25, -1]]))
    part.append(pc.box2poly([[1, 1.25]]))
    # Compute the proposition preserving partition of the continuous state
    # space
    cont_partition = abstract.prop2part(cont_state_space, cont_props)
    return sys_dyn, cont_partition, part
예제 #22
def find_equilibria(ssd, eps=0):
    """ Finds the polytope that contains the equilibrium points

    @param ssd: The dynamics of the switched system
    @type ssd: L{SwitchedSysDyn}

    @param eps: The value by which the width of all polytopes
    containing equilibrium points is increased.
    @type eps: float

    @return param cont_props: The polytope representations of the atomic 
    propositions of the state space to be used in partitiong 
    @type cont_props: dict of polytope.Polytope

    Warning: Currently, there is no condition for points where 
    the polytope is critically stable. 

    Warning: if there is a region outside the domain, then it is
    unstable. It seems to ignore the regions outside the domain.

    def normalize(A, B):
        """ Normalizes set of equations of the form Ax<=B
        if A.size > 0:
            Anorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(A * A, 1)).flatten()
            pos = np.nonzero(Anorm > 1e-10)[0]
            A = A[pos, :]
            B = B[pos]
            Anorm = Anorm[pos]
            mult = 1 / Anorm
            for i in xrange(A.shape[0]):
                A[i, :] = A[i, :] * mult[i]
            B = B.flatten() * mult
        return A, B

    cont_ss = ssd.cts_ss
    min_outx = cont_ss.b[0]
    min_outy = cont_ss.b[1]
    max_outx = min_outx + 1
    max_outy = min_outy + 1
    abs_tol = 1e-7

    cont_props = dict()

    for mode in ssd.modes:
        cont_dyn = ssd.dynamics[mode].list_subsys[0]
        A = cont_dyn.A
        K = cont_dyn.K.T[0]
        I = np.eye(len(A), dtype=float)
        rank_IA = np.linalg.matrix_rank(I - A)
        concat = np.hstack((I - A, K.reshape(len(A), 1)))
        rank_concat = np.linalg.matrix_rank(concat)
        soln = pc.Polytope()
        props_sym = "eqpnt_" + str(mode[1])

        if rank_IA == rank_concat:
            if rank_IA == len(A):
                equil = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(I - A), K)
                if (
                    equil[0] >= (-cont_ss.b[2])
                    and equil[0] <= cont_ss.b[0]
                    and equil[1] >= (-cont_ss.b[3])
                    and equil[1] <= cont_ss.b[1]
                    delta = eps + equil / 100
                    soln = pc.box2poly(
                        [[equil[0] - delta[0], equil[0] + delta[0]], [equil[1] - delta[1], equil[1] + delta[1]]]
                    soln = pc.box2poly([[min_outx, max_outx], [min_outy, max_outy]])

            elif rank_IA < len(A):
                if eps == 0:
                    eps = abs(min(np.amin(-K), np.amin(A - I)))
                IAn, Kn = normalize(I - A, K)
                soln = pc.Polytope(np.vstack((IAn, -IAn)), np.hstack((Kn + eps, -Kn + eps)))
                relevantsoln = pc.intersect(soln, cont_ss, abs_tol)
                if pc.is_empty(relevantsoln) & ~pc.is_empty(soln):
                    soln = pc.box2poly([[min_outx, max_outx], [min_outy, max_outy]])
                    soln = relevantsoln

            # Assuming trajectories go to infinity as there are no
            # equilibrium points
            soln = pc.box2poly([[min_outx, max_outx], [min_outy, max_outy]])
            print str(mode) + " trajectories go to infinity! No solution"

        cont_props[props_sym] = soln

    return cont_props
예제 #23
from tulip.abstract.plot import plot_partition
from tulip.abstract.prop2partition import shrinkPartition, shrinkPoly
from tulip.hybrid import generateFilter
from cvxopt import matrix
# @import_section_end@

show = False

# @dynamics_section@
# Problem parameters
input_bound = 6.0
uncertainty = 0.001
epsilon = 0.02
filter_bound = 1 - uncertainty / epsilon
# Continuous state space
cont_state_space = box2poly([[0., 3.], [0., 2.]])

# Continuous dynamics
A = np.array([[0.95, 0.2], [0., 0.95]])  #need (A,C) observable
B = np.array([[0.2, 0.], [0., 0.2]])
C = np.array([[1.0, 1.0]])
E = np.array([[1.0, 0.], [0., 1.0]])

# Available control, possible disturbances
U = input_bound * np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
W = uncertainty * np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])

# Convert to polyhedral representation
U = box2poly(U)
W = box2poly(W)
예제 #24
from tulip.abstract.plot import plot_partition
from tulip.abstract.prop2partition import shrinkPartition, shrinkPoly
from tulip.hybrid import generateFilter
from cvxopt import matrix
# @import_section_end@

show = False

# @dynamics_section@
# Problem parameters
input_bound = 6.0
uncertainty = 0.001
epsilon = 0.02
filter_bound = 1 - uncertainty/epsilon
# Continuous state space
cont_state_space = box2poly([[0., 3.], [0., 2.]])

# Continuous dynamics
A = np.array([[0.95, 0.2], [ 0., 0.95]]) #need (A,C) observable
B = np.array([[0.2, 0.], [ 0., 0.2]])
C = np.array([[1.0, 1.0]])
E = np.array([[1.0,0.], [0.,1.0]])

# Available control, possible disturbances
U = input_bound *np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
W = uncertainty *np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])

# Convert to polyhedral representation
U = box2poly(U)
W = box2poly(W)
def build_FTS(index):
    # build test FTS
    # simple test
    if index == 0:
        ts = FTS()
        ts.atomic_propositions.add_from({'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'})
        ts.states.add_from([('q1', {
            'ap': {'a'}
        }), ('q2', {
            'ap': {'a'}
        }), ('q3', {
            'ap': {'b'}
        }), ('q4', {
            'ap': {'b'}
        }), ('q5', {
            'ap': {'b'}
        }), ('q6', {
            'ap': {'c'}
        }), ('q7', {
            'ap': {'d'}
        ts.transitions.add('q1', 'q3')
        ts.transitions.add('q1', 'q4')
        ts.transitions.add('q3', 'q6')
        ts.transitions.add('q4', 'q6')
        ts.transitions.add('q2', 'q4')
        ts.transitions.add('q2', 'q5')
        ts.transitions.add('q5', 'q7')
        ts.transitions.add('q6', 'q6')
        ts.transitions.add('q7', 'q7')
    # FTS generated by continuous system
    elif index == 1:
        # Problem parameters
        input_bound = 1.0
        # Continuous state space
        cont_state_space = box2poly([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]])
        # Continuous dynamics
        # (continuous-state, discrete-time)
        A = np.array([[0.5, 1.0], [0.75, -1.0]])
        B = np.array([[1, 0.], [0., 1]])
        # Available control, possible disturbances
        U = input_bound * np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
        # Convert to polyhedral representation
        U = box2poly(U)
        # Construct the LTI system describing the dynamics
        sys_dyn = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, None, None, U, None, cont_state_space)
        # @dynamics_section_end@
        # @partition_section@
        # Define atomic propositions for relevant regions of state space
        cont_props = {}
        cont_props['a'] = box2poly([[-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]])
        cont_props['b'] = box2poly([[-1, -0.5], [-1, 1]])
        cont_props['c'] = box2poly([[-0.5, 1], [0.5, 1]])
        cont_props['d'] = box2poly([[0.5, 1], [-1, 0.5]])
        cont_props['e'] = box2poly([[-0.5, 0.5], [-1, -0.5]])
        # Compute the proposition preserving partition of the continuous state space
        cont_partition = prop2part(cont_state_space, cont_props)
        # @partition_section_end@
        # @discretize_section@
        # Given dynamics & proposition-preserving partition, find feasible transitions
        sys = discretize(cont_partition,
        ts = sys.ts
    return ts
예제 #26
def transition_directions_test():
    unit test for correctness of abstracted transition directions, with:
      - uni-directional control authority
      - no disturbance
    modes = []
    modes.append(("normal", "fly"))
    modes.append(("refuel", "fly"))
    env_modes, sys_modes = zip(*modes)

    cont_state_space = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 3.0], [0.0, 2.0]])
    pwa_sys = dict()
    pwa_sys[("normal", "fly")] = hybrid.PwaSysDyn([subsys0()], cont_state_space)
    pwa_sys[("refuel", "fly")] = hybrid.PwaSysDyn([subsys1()], cont_state_space)

    switched_dynamics = hybrid.SwitchedSysDyn(
        disc_domain_size=(len(env_modes), len(sys_modes)),

    cont_props = {}
    cont_props["home"] = pc.box2poly([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
    cont_props["lot"] = pc.box2poly([[2.0, 3.0], [1.0, 2.0]])

    ppp = abstract.prop2part(cont_state_space, cont_props)
    ppp, new2old = abstract.part2convex(ppp)

    N = 8
    trans_len = 1

    disc_params = {}
    for mode in modes:
        disc_params[mode] = {"N": N, "trans_length": trans_len}

    swab = abstract.discretize_switched(
        ppp, switched_dynamics, disc_params, plot=True, show_ts=True, only_adjacent=False

    ts = swab.modes[("normal", "fly")].ts
    edges = {
        (0, 0),
        (1, 1),
        (2, 2),
        (3, 3),
        (4, 4),
        (5, 5),
        (1, 2),
        (1, 4),
        (1, 5),
        (2, 3),
        (2, 5),
        (2, 0),
        (3, 0),
        (4, 5),
        (5, 0),

    assert set(ts.edges()) == edges

    ts = swab.ts

    assert set(ts.edges()) == edges
    for i, j in edges:
        assert ts[i][j][0]["env_actions"] == "normal"
        assert ts[i][j][0]["sys_actions"] == "fly"
예제 #27
def specify_discretize_synthesize():
    """Return PWA partition and controller, dump them to pickle files."""
    # Problem parameters
    input_bound = 1.0
    uncertainty = 0.01

    # Continuous state space
    cont_state_space = box2poly([[0., 3.], [0., 2.]])

    # Continuous dynamics
    A = np.array([[1.0, 0.], [0., 1.0]])
    B = np.array([[0.1, 0.], [0., 0.1]])
    E = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]])

    # Available control, possible disturbances
    U = input_bound * np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
    W = uncertainty * np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])

    # Convert to polyhedral representation
    U = box2poly(U)
    W = box2poly(W)

    # Construct the LTI system describing the dynamics
    sys_dyn = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, E, None, U, W, cont_state_space)

    # Define atomic propositions for relevant regions of state space
    cont_props = {}
    cont_props['home'] = box2poly([[0., 1.], [0., 1.]])
    cont_props['lot'] = box2poly([[2., 3.], [1., 2.]])

    # Compute proposition preserving partition of the continuous state space
    cont_partition = prop2part(cont_state_space, cont_props)

    pwa = discretize(cont_partition,
    # Environment variables and assumptions
    env_vars = {'park'}
    env_init = set()
    env_prog = '!park'
    env_safe = set()

    # System variables and requirements
    sys_vars = {'X0reach'}
    sys_init = {'X0reach'}
    sys_prog = {'home'}  # []<>home
    sys_safe = {'(X(X0reach) <-> lot) || (X0reach && !park)'}
    sys_prog |= {'X0reach'}

    # Create the specification
    specs = spec.GRSpec(env_vars, sys_vars, env_init, sys_init, env_safe,
                        sys_safe, env_prog, sys_prog)
    specs.qinit = r'\A \E'
    specs.moore = False
    specs.plus_one = False
    ctrl = synth.synthesize(specs,

    # store the result for future use
    if len(BUILDDIR) > 0 and not os.path.exists(BUILDDIR):
    pickle.dump(ctrl, open(BUILDDIR + 'FSM.p', 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(pwa, open(BUILDDIR + 'AbstractPwa.p', 'wb'))
    return pwa, ctrl
예제 #28
def test_find_controller_non_convex():
    """Test that it is enough that one polytope in the target region is
    # Continuous state space
    cont_state_space = pc.box2poly([[0., 1.], [0., 2.]])

    # System dynamics (continuous state, discrete time): simple double integrator
    # but no reversing.
    h = 1.0
    A = np.array([[1.0, h], [0., 1.0]])
    B = np.array([[h**2 / 2.0], [h]])
    E = None

    # Available control, no disturbances. Can brake or accelerate.
    U = pc.box2poly(np.array([[-1., 1.]]))
    W = None

    # Construct the LTI system describing the dynamics
    sys_dyn = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A, B, E, None, U, W, cont_state_space)

    # Define atomic propositions for relevant regions of state space
    cont_props = dict()
    cont_props['target'] = pc.box2poly([[0., 1.], [0., 2.]])

    # Compute the proposition preserving partition of the continuous state space
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    cont_partition = abstract.prop2part(cont_state_space, cont_props)

    # Abstraction
    disc_dynamics = abstract.discretize(cont_partition,

    # Setup a start point and a target point in a region that are problematic
    c_start_state = np.array([0.5, 0.0])
    c_end_desired = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
    # Find the discrete states of the start state and the target region
    d_start_state = abstract.find_discrete_state(c_start_state,
    d_end_state = abstract.find_discrete_state(c_end_desired,
    # Try to find a control policy
    u = abstract.find_controller.get_input(x0=c_start_state,
    assert 0.5 <= u <= 1.0, "u was " + str(u)
    # Try to find a control policy in the other direction and ascertain
    # an error is thrown
예제 #29
def add_grid(ppp, grid_size=None, num_grid_pnts=None, abs_tol=1e-10):
    """ This function takes a proposition preserving partition ppp and the size 
    of the grid or the number of grids, and returns a refined proposition 
    preserving partition with grids.
      - `ppp`: a L{PropPreservingPartition} object
      - `grid_size`: the size of the grid,
          type: float or list of float
      - `num_grid_pnts`: the number of grids for each dimension,
          type: integer or list of integer
      - A L{PropPreservingPartition} object with grids
    Note: There could be numerical instabilities when the continuous 
    propositions in ppp do not align well with the grid resulting in very small 
    regions. Performace significantly degrades without glpk.
    if (grid_size!=None)&(num_grid_pnts!=None):
        raise Exception("add_grid: Only one of the grid size or number of \
                        grid points parameters is allowed to be given.")
    if (grid_size==None)&(num_grid_pnts==None):
        raise Exception("add_grid: At least one of the grid size or number of \
                         grid points parameters must be given.")
    domain_bb = ppp.domain.bounding_box
    if grid_size!=None:
        if isinstance( grid_size, list ):
            if len(grid_size) == dim:
                raise Exception(
                    "add_grid: grid_size isn't given in a correct format."
        elif isinstance( grid_size, float ):
            for i in xrange(dim):
            raise Exception("add_grid: "
                "grid_size isn't given in a correct format.")
        if isinstance( num_grid_pnts, list ):
            if len(num_grid_pnts) == dim:
                for i in xrange(dim):
                    if isinstance( num_grid_pnts[i], int ):
                                float(domain_bb[1][i]) -float(domain_bb[0][i])
                            ) /num_grid_pnts[i]
                        raise Exception("add_grid: "
                            "num_grid_pnts isn't given in a correct format.")
                raise Exception("add_grid: "
                    "num_grid_pnts isn't given in a correct format.")
        elif isinstance( num_grid_pnts, int ):
            for i in xrange(dim):
                    ) /num_grid_pnts
            raise Exception("add_grid: "
                "num_grid_pnts isn't given in a correct format.")
    while j<dim:
        list_grid[j] = compute_interval(
        if j>0:
            if j==1:
                re_list=product_interval(re_list, list_grid[j])
                re_list=product_interval(re_list, list_grid[j])
    new_list = []
    parent = []
    for i in xrange(len(re_list)):
        while j<dim*2:
        for j in xrange(len(ppp.regions)):
            tmp = pc.box2poly(temp_list)
            isect = tmp.intersect(ppp.regions[j], abs_tol)
            #if pc.is_fulldim(isect):
            rc, xc = pc.cheby_ball(isect)
            if rc > abs_tol/2:
                if rc < abs_tol:
                    print("Warning: "
                        "One of the regions in the refined PPP is too small"
                        ", this may cause numerical problems")
                if len(isect) == 0:
                    isect = pc.Region([isect], [])
                isect.props = ppp.regions[j].props.copy()
    adj = sp.lil_matrix((len(new_list), len(new_list)), dtype=np.int8)
    for i in xrange(len(new_list)):
        adj[i,i] = 1
        for j in xrange(i+1, len(new_list)):
            if (ppp.adj[parent[i], parent[j]] == 1) or \
                    (parent[i] == parent[j]):
                if pc.is_adjacent(new_list[i], new_list[j]):
                    adj[i,j] = 1
                    adj[j,i] = 1
    return PropPreservingPartition(
        domain = ppp.domain,
        regions = new_list,
        adj = adj,
        prop_regions = ppp.prop_regions
예제 #30
 def add_collection(self, unit_regions, label=None):
     # check if already existing
     if label in self.index:
         if 1<len(self.index):
             raise RuntimeError('cannot overwrite a collection if other collections have already been defined')
     i0 = len(self.unit_region)
     self.unit_region += list(unit_regions)
     # first group overlapping unit regions in the collection
     current_index = max(self.group.keys())+1 if self.group else 0
     not_an_index = -1
     n = len(unit_regions)
     assignment = np.full(n, not_an_index, dtype=int)
     groups = dict()
     for i in range(n):
         region_i = unit_regions[i]
         if isinstance(region_i, pt.Polytope):
             region_i = pt.Region([region_i])
             _min_i = _max_i = None
         elif isinstance(region_i, pt.Region):
             _min_i = _max_i = None
         else:#if isinstance(region_i, (tuple, list)):
             _min_i, _max_i = region_i
             region_i = None
         group_with = set()
         if assignment[i] == not_an_index:
             group_index = current_index
             group = set([i0+i])
             group_index = assignment[i]
             group = groups[group_index]
             assert i0+i in group
         for j in range(i+1,n):
             if i0+j in group:
             region_j = unit_regions[j]
             if isinstance(region_j, (pt.Polytope, pt.Region)):
                 if region_i is None:
                     region_i = pt.box2poly(list(zip(_min_i,_max_i)))
                     self._unit_polytope[i0+i] = region_i
                 i_and_j_are_adjacent = pt.is_adjacent(region_i, region_j)
             else:#if isinstance(region_j, (tuple, list)):
                 _min_j,_max_j = region_j
                 if _min_i is None:
                     region_j = pt.box2poly(list(zip(_min_j,_max_j)))
                     self._unit_polytope[i0+j] = region_j
                     i_and_j_are_adjacent = pt.is_adjacent(region_i, region_j)
                     i_and_j_are_adjacent = np.all(_min_i<=_max_j) and np.all(_min_j<=_max_i)
             if i_and_j_are_adjacent:
                 if assignment[j]==not_an_index:
                     other_group_index = assignment[j]
                     group |= groups.pop(other_group_index)
         if group_with:
             group_index = min(group_with)
             current_index += 1
         groups[group_index] = group
         group = np.array(list(group)) - i0 # indices in `assignment`
         assignment[group] = group_index
     # merge the new and existing groups together
     for g in list(groups.keys()):
         adjacent = set()
         for h in self.group:
             g_and_h_are_adjacent = False
             for i in groups[g]:
                 for j in self.group[h]:
                     if self.adjacent(i,j):
                         g_and_h_are_adjacent = True
                 if g_and_h_are_adjacent:
         if adjacent:
             h = min(adjacent)
             for i in adjacent - {h}:
                 self.group[h] |= self.group.pop(i)
             self.group[h] |= groups.pop(g)
             assignment[assignment==g] = h
     if groups:
     if label is None:
         label = ''
     self.index[label] = assignment
     self.reverse_index = np.c_[
             np.repeat(np.arange(len(self.index)), [ len(self.index[s]) for s in self.index ]),
             np.concatenate([ np.arange(len(self.index[s])) for s in self.index ]) ]
예제 #31
파일: Alice.py 프로젝트: shaesaert/C-TuLiP
Red_trans = ()
for Case in Cases:

        "----------------------------------\n System Constants \n----------------------------------"

    epsilon = 1.
    input_bound = 2
    disturbance_bound = 0.01

    A = np.array([[1.]])
    B = np.array([[1.]])
    E = np.array([[1.]])

    X = box2poly([[0., 20]])
    U = box2poly(input_bound * np.array([[-1., 1]]))
    W = box2poly(disturbance_bound * np.array([[-1., 1]]))

    if Case == '1 Sensor':
        # -------------Simple specification
        #  example with only 4 labels
        cprops = dict()
        cprops["init"] = box2poly([[0., 5.]])
        cprops["slow"] = box2poly([[5.0, 10]])
        cprops["moderate"] = box2poly([[10.0, 15]])
        cprops["fast"] = box2poly([[15.0, 20]])

        env_vars = {'lidon'}  # one new environment variable
        env_init = {'!lidon'}
        env_safe, env_prog = set(), set()
예제 #32
    def abstract_io(self, d, un=3, verbose=True, Accuracy=True):
        from ApprxSimulation.LTI_simrel import eps_err

        ## Unpack LTI
        d = d.flatten()
        A = self.a
        B = self.b
        C = self.c
        #Bw = self.setBw()
        U = self.setU()

        # check that Bw is a diagonal
        # = np.sum(np.absolute(np.dot(Bw,Bw.transpose()))) - np.trace(np.absolute(np.dot(Bw,Bw.transpose())))
        assert np.sum(np.absolute(self.W)) - np.trace(np.absolute(self.W)) == 0
        vars = np.diag(self.W)

        X = self.setX()
        n = self.dim

        rad = LA.norm(d, 2)
        lx, ux = pc.bounding_box(
            self.X)  # lower and upperbounds over all dimensions
        remainx = np.remainder((ux - lx).flatten(), d.flatten())
        remainx = np.array([
            d.flatten()[i] - r if r != 0 else 0 for i, r in enumerate(remainx)
        lx = lx.flatten() - remainx / 2
        ux = ux.flatten() + d

        if Accuracy:
            Dist = pc.box2poly(
                    np.kron(np.ones((self.dim, 1)), np.array([[-1, 1]]))))

            M_min, K_min, eps_min = eps_err(self, Dist)
            M_min, K_min, eps_min = None, None, None

        if verbose == True and n == 2:
            # plot figure of x
            figure = plt.figure()
            axes = figure.axes[0]
            axes.axis('equal')  # sets aspect ration to 1

            # compute limits X
            plt.xlim(np.array([lx[0], ux[0]]))
            plt.ylim(np.array([lx[1], ux[1]]))

        # GRID state
        srep = tuple()
        sedge = tuple()
        for i, dval in enumerate(d):
            srep += (np.arange(lx[i], ux[i], dval) + dval / 2, )
            sedge += (np.arange(lx[i], ux[i] + dval, dval), )

        grid = np.meshgrid(*srep)
        xn = np.size(grid[0])  # number of finite states

        # grid input
        urep = tuple()
        lu, uu = pc.bounding_box(
            self.U)  # lower and upperbounds over all dimensions
        for i, low in enumerate(lu):
            urep += (np.linspace(lu[i], uu[i], un, endpoint=True), )

        ugrid = np.meshgrid(*urep)
        un = np.size(ugrid[0])  # number of finite states

        transition = np.zeros((un, xn + 1, xn + 1))
        # def tostate(self, s):
        #     state = tuple()
        #     for s, i in enumerate(srep):
        #         for xx in range(len(srep[i]))
        #         state += (srep[i][index] ,)
        #     print(np.prod(lengths[::-2]))
        #     print(s % (np.prod(lengths[::-2])) % (np.prod(lengths[::-3])))
        #     print(srep[2][s % (np.prod(lengths[0:2])) % (np.prod(lengths[1:2]))])
        #     print(srep[1][(s / lengths[2]) % (np.prod(lengths[::-3]))])
        #     print(srep[0][(s / lengths[1] / lengths[2])])

        # make dictionary

        for u_index, u in enumerate(itertools.product(*urep)):
            P = tuple()
            for s, sstate in enumerate(itertools.product(*srep)):
                # # print(np.prod(lengths[::-2]))
                # print(prod_len, lengths)
                # print(srep[0][(s/(lengths[1]*lengths[2]))]) #1
                # print(srep[1][(s/lengths[2])%lengths[1]])   #2
                # print(srep[2][(s %(lengths[1]*lengths[2])) %lengths[2]])

                mean = np.dot(A,
                              np.array(sstate).reshape(-1, 1)) + np.dot(
                                  np.array(u).reshape(-1, 1))  # Ax

                # compute probability in each dimension
                Pi = tuple()
                for i in range(n):
                    if vars[i] > np.finfo(np.float32).eps:
                        Pi += (np.diff(norm.cdf(sedge[i], mean[i],
                               )  # probabilities for different dimensions
                        abs_dis = np.array(
                            map(lambda s: abs(s - mean[i]), srep[i]))
                        p_loc = np.zeros(srep[i].shape)
                        p_loc[abs_dis.argmin()] = 1
                        Pi += (p_loc, )

                # multiply over dimensions
                P += (np.array([[
                    reduce(operator.mul, p, 1) for p in itertools.product(*Pi)
                ]]), )

            prob = np.concatenate(P, axis=0)
            p_local = np.block(
                [[prob, 1 - prob.dot(np.ones((prob.shape[1], 1)))],
                 [np.zeros((1, prob.shape[1])),
                  np.ones((1, 1))]])

            transition[u_index] = p_local

        # add dummy state that represents exiting the set of allowed states
        mdp_grid = Markov(transition,

        if verbose == True and n == 2:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                       label='Finite states',

            if Accuracy:
                patch = patch_ellips((eps_min**-2) * M_min,

                # if B is lower dimension than A, give some info on the stationary points.
                if self.m < self.dim:
                    A1 = np.eye(2) - self.a
                    AB = np.hstack((A1, self.b))
                    ratio = LA.inv(AB[:, 1:]).dot(AB[:, 0])
                    stablepoints = ratio[0] * srep[0]
                               label='Equilibrium states',

            # plt.tight_layout()


        return mdp_grid
예제 #33
def tune_dratio(lti):
    Quantify accuracy of simulation with respect to disturbance given as a polytope
    :param lti: contains dynamics matrix lti.a, lti.b
    :param Dist: The disturbance given as a polytope
    :return: Invariant set R and epsilon
    n = lti.dim
    m = lti.m
    A = lti.a
    B = lti.b
    C = lti.c

    Dist = pc.box2poly(np.kron(np.ones((lti.dim, 1)), np.array([[-1, 1]])))

    Vertices = pc.extreme(Dist)
    d = cvx.Parameter(2, 1)
    # define variables
    Minv = cvx.Semidef(n)
    L = cvx.Variable(m, n)
    eps2 = cvx.Semidef(1)
    lam = cvx.Parameter(sign="positive")
    basic = cvx.bmat([[
        cvx.diag(np.ones((n, 1)) * lam) * Minv,
        np.zeros((n, 1)), Minv * A.T + L.T * B.T
    ], [np.zeros((1, n)), (1 - lam) * eps2,
        np.zeros((1, n))], [A * Minv + B * L,
                            np.zeros((n, 1)), Minv]])

    cmat = cvx.bmat([[Minv, Minv * C.T], [C * Minv, np.eye(C.shape[0])]])
    constraintstup = (cmat >> 0, )

    ri = np.zeros((n, 1))
    for i in range(Vertices.shape[0]):
        ri = Vertices[i].reshape((n, 1))
        rmat = cvx.bmat(
            [[np.zeros((n, n)),
              np.zeros((n, 1)),
              np.zeros((n, n))],
             [np.zeros((1, n)),
              np.zeros((1, 1)), ri.T * cvx.diag(d)],
             [np.zeros((n, n)),
              cvx.diag(d) * ri,
              np.zeros((n, n))]])
        constraintstup += (basic + rmat >> 0, )
    constraints = list(constraintstup)

    obj = cvx.Minimize(eps2)
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)

    lam_vals = np.logspace(-.01, -2)  # values to try
    eps_values = []  # values for which there is a solution
    eps_min = []  # track minimum value
    M_min = []
    K_min = []
    optval = np.array([np.inf])
    d_opt = []
    d_vals = []  # values to try
    for alpha in np.linspace(0.01 * math.pi, 0.4 * math.pi, 20):
        eps_min = []
        d_val = np.array([[math.cos(alpha)], [math.sin(alpha)]])
        d.value = d_val
        for val in lam_vals:
            lam.value = val
            except cvx.error.SolverError:
                pass  #print('cvx.error.SolverError')
            # Use expr.value to get the numerical value of
            # an expression in the problem.
            if prob.status == cvx.OPTIMAL:
                if eps2.value**.5 < eps_min:
                    eps_min = eps2.value**.5
        cost = d_val[0]**-1 * d_val[1]**-1 * eps_min**2
        if cost[0] <= optval:
            optval = cost
            d_opt = d_val

    # Plot entries of x vs. gamma.
    plt.plot([dval[1] for dval in d_vals], [xi for xi in eps_values],

    plt.plot([dval[1] for dval in d_vals],
             [dval[0]**-1 * dval[1]**-1 * eps_values[i]**2 for dval in d_vals],
             label='Cost gridding a square')

    plt.xlabel(r'd[1]', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel(r'epsilon', fontsize=16)
    plt.title(r' Tune grid ratio ', fontsize=16)


    return d_opt, d_vals, eps_values
예제 #34
from tulip import spec, synth, hybrid
from polytope import box2poly
from tulip.abstract import prop2part, discretize, find_controller

# @import_section_end@

visualize = False
from tulip.abstract.plot import plot_partition

# @dynamics_section@
# Problem parameters
input_bound = 1.0
uncertainty = 0.01

# Continuous state space
cont_state_space = box2poly([[0.0, 3.0], [0.0, 2.0]])

# Continuous dynamics
A = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
B = np.array([[0.1, 0.0], [0.0, 0.1]])
E = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])

# Available control, possible disturbances
U = input_bound * np.array([[-1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0]])
W = uncertainty * np.array([[-1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0]])

# Convert to polyhedral representation
U = box2poly(U)
W = box2poly(W)

# Construct the LTI system describing the dynamics
예제 #35
from tulip import spec, synth, hybrid
from polytope import box2poly
from tulip.abstract import prop2part, discretize
# @import_section_end@

visualize = False
from tulip.abstract.plot import plot_partition

# @dynamics_section@
# Problem parameters
input_bound = 1.0
uncertainty = 0.01

# Continuous state space
cont_state_space = box2poly([[0., 3.], [0., 2.]])

# Continuous dynamics
A = np.array([[1.0, 0.], [ 0., 1.0]])
B = np.array([[0.1, 0.], [ 0., 0.1]])
E = np.array([[1,0], [0,1]])

# Available control, possible disturbances
U = input_bound *np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])
W = uncertainty *np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]])

# Convert to polyhedral representation
U = box2poly(U)
W = box2poly(W)

# Construct the LTI system describing the dynamics
예제 #36
def find_equilibria(ssd, eps=0):
    """ Finds the polytope that contains the equilibrium points

    @param ssd: The dynamics of the switched system
    @type ssd: L{SwitchedSysDyn}

    @param eps: The value by which the width of all polytopes
    containing equilibrium points is increased.
    @type eps: float

    @return param cont_props: The polytope representations of the atomic 
    propositions of the state space to be used in partitiong 
    @type cont_props: dict of polytope.Polytope

    Warning: Currently, there is no condition for points where 
    the polytope is critically stable. 

    Warning: if there is a region outside the domain, then it is
    unstable. It seems to ignore the regions outside the domain.
    def normalize(A, B):
        """ Normalizes set of equations of the form Ax<=B
        if A.size > 0:
            Anorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(A * A, 1)).flatten()
            pos = np.nonzero(Anorm > 1e-10)[0]
            A = A[pos, :]
            B = B[pos]
            Anorm = Anorm[pos]
            mult = 1 / Anorm
            for i in xrange(A.shape[0]):
                A[i, :] = A[i, :] * mult[i]
            B = B.flatten() * mult
        return A, B

    cont_ss = ssd.cts_ss
    min_outx = cont_ss.b[0]
    min_outy = cont_ss.b[1]
    max_outx = min_outx + 1
    max_outy = min_outy + 1
    abs_tol = 1e-7

    cont_props = dict()

    for mode in ssd.modes:
        cont_dyn = ssd.dynamics[mode].list_subsys[0]
        A = cont_dyn.A
        K = cont_dyn.K.T[0]
        I = np.eye(len(A), dtype=float)
        rank_IA = np.linalg.matrix_rank(I - A)
        concat = np.hstack((I - A, K.reshape(len(A), 1)))
        rank_concat = np.linalg.matrix_rank(concat)
        soln = pc.Polytope()
        props_sym = 'eqpnt_' + str(mode[1])

        if (rank_IA == rank_concat):
            if (rank_IA == len(A)):
                equil = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(I - A), K)
                if (equil[0] >= (-cont_ss.b[2]) and equil[0] <= cont_ss.b[0]
                        and equil[1] >= (-cont_ss.b[3])
                        and equil[1] <= cont_ss.b[1]):
                    delta = eps + equil / 100
                    soln = pc.box2poly(
                        [[equil[0] - delta[0], equil[0] + delta[0]],
                         [equil[1] - delta[1], equil[1] + delta[1]]])
                    soln = pc.box2poly([[min_outx, max_outx],
                                        [min_outy, max_outy]])

            elif (rank_IA < len(A)):
                if eps == 0:
                    eps = abs(min(np.amin(-K), np.amin(A - I)))
                IAn, Kn = normalize(I - A, K)
                soln = pc.Polytope(np.vstack((IAn, -IAn)),
                                   np.hstack((Kn + eps, -Kn + eps)))
                relevantsoln = pc.intersect(soln, cont_ss, abs_tol)
                if (pc.is_empty(relevantsoln) & ~pc.is_empty(soln)):
                    soln = pc.box2poly([[min_outx, max_outx],
                                        [min_outy, max_outy]])
                    soln = relevantsoln

            #Assuming trajectories go to infinity as there are no
            #equilibrium points
            soln = pc.box2poly([[min_outx, max_outx], [min_outy, max_outy]])
            print str(mode) + " trajectories go to infinity! No solution"

        cont_props[props_sym] = soln

    return cont_props