예제 #1
    def __init__(
        db_filename: Union[Path, type(MEMORY_DB)],
        db_version: int = CURRENT_DB_VERSION,
        self.notifier = notifier  # Reference to app-level notification service
        self.db_path = db_filename
        self.channels_dir = channels_dir
        self.my_key = my_key
        self.my_public_key_bin = self.my_key.pub().key_to_bin()[10:]
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self._shutting_down = False
        self.batch_size = 10  # reasonable number, a little bit more than typically fits in a single UDP packet
        self.reference_timedelta = timedelta(milliseconds=100)
        self.sleep_on_external_thread = 0.05  # sleep this amount of seconds between batches executed on external thread

        # We have to dynamically define/init ORM-managed entities here to be able to support
        # multiple sessions in Tribler. ORM-managed classes are bound to the database instance
        # at definition.
        self._db = orm.Database()

        # This attribute is internally called by Pony on startup, though pylint cannot detect it
        # with the static analysis.
        # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        def sqlite_disable_sync(_, connection):
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL")
            cursor.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL")
            cursor.execute("PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY")
            cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")

            # Disable disk sync for special cases
            if disable_sync:
                # !!! ACHTUNG !!! This should be used only for special cases (e.g. DB upgrades), because
                # losing power during a write will corrupt the database.
                cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = 0")
                cursor.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = 0")
            # pylint: enable=unused-variable

        self.MiscData = misc.define_binding(self._db)

        self.TrackerState = tracker_state.define_binding(self._db)
        self.TorrentState = torrent_state.define_binding(self._db)

        self.ChannelNode = channel_node.define_binding(self._db, logger=self._logger, key=my_key)

        self.MetadataNode = metadata_node.define_binding(self._db)
        self.CollectionNode = collection_node.define_binding(self._db)
        self.TorrentMetadata = torrent_metadata.define_binding(self._db)
        self.ChannelMetadata = channel_metadata.define_binding(self._db)

        self.JsonNode = json_node.define_binding(self._db, db_version)
        self.ChannelDescription = channel_description.define_binding(self._db)

        self.BinaryNode = binary_node.define_binding(self._db, db_version)
        self.ChannelThumbnail = channel_thumbnail.define_binding(self._db)

        self.ChannelVote = channel_vote.define_binding(self._db)
        self.ChannelPeer = channel_peer.define_binding(self._db)
        self.Vsids = vsids.define_binding(self._db)

        self.ChannelMetadata._channels_dir = channels_dir  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        if db_filename is MEMORY_DB:
            create_db = True
            db_path_string = ":memory:"
            create_db = not db_filename.is_file()
            db_path_string = str(db_filename)

        self._db.bind(provider='sqlite', filename=db_path_string, create_db=create_db, timeout=120.0)
            create_tables=create_db, check_tables=check_tables
        )  # Must be run out of session scope
        if create_db:
            with db_session(ddl=True):

        if create_db:
            with db_session:
                self.MiscData(name="db_version", value=str(db_version))

        with db_session:
            default_vsids = self.Vsids.get(rowid=0)
            if not default_vsids:
                default_vsids = self.Vsids.create_default_vsids()
            self.ChannelMetadata.votes_scaling = default_vsids.max_val
예제 #2
def do_all_migrations(bind_database_function, folder_path, python_import):
    This will load and execute all needed migrations.
    Also it will return the latest database definition when done.
    :param bind_database_function: The function to bind to a database. Needs to include `db.bind(...)` and `db.generate_mapping(...)`  
    :param folder_path: the path of the folder where the versions are stored in.
                        Caution: If specified relative, it is relative to this file (pony_up.do_update).
                        Example: `"/path/to/migrations"`
    :param python_import: the python import path. This corespondes to the way you would import it normally.
                          Example: "somewhere.migrations" (like in `from somewhere.migrations import v0`)
    if bind_database_function is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Please provide a function accepting the database `pony.orm.Database` "
            "which will run `db.bind(...)` and `db.generate_mapping(...)`."
    # end if

    db = orm.Database()

    current_version_db = get_current_version(db)
    current_version = current_version_db.version
    start_version = current_version

    # get the versions modules
    file_names_found = enumerate_migrations(folder_path)
    logger.debug("found the following migration files: {!r}".format(file_names_found))
    max_version = 0
    # iterate through the folder with versions
    for name, file_name in dict.items(file_names_found):
        logger.debug("name {!r}, file_name {!r}".format(name, file_name))
        if not name.startswith("v"):
            logger.debug("skipping module, format wrong.\nExpected format 'v{{number}}', got {module_name!r}".format(module_name=name))
        # end def
            version = int(name[1:])
            if version > max_version:
                max_version = version
            # end if
            logger.debug("skipping module, version int malformatted.\nExpected format 'v{{number}}', got {module_name!r}".format(module_name=name))
        # end try
        if version < current_version:
            logger.debug("skipping module, version {load!r} smaller than current {db!r}.".format(load=version, db=current_version))
        # end def
        module = importlib.import_module(python_import + "." + name)
        logger.debug("found module {m!r} (name: {n!r}, file_name: {f!r}, version parsed: {v!r}), ".format(v=version, n=name, f=file_name, m=module.__name__))
        migrations[version] = module
    # end for

    db = None
    # iterate though the versions in ascending version order, and run them.
    for v, module in sorted(migrations.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
        logger.debug("preparing update from version {v!r}".format(v=v))
        if current_version > v:
            logger.warn("skipping migration (needs database version {v}). We already have version {curr_v}.".format(
                v=v, curr_v=current_version
        # end if
        if current_version != v:
            raise MigrationVersionWrong(  # database version < migration start version
                "Next migration starts with database version {loaded_v}, "
                "but the database is still at version {curr_v}.\n"
                "This means a migration must be missing.".format(
                    loaded_v=v, curr_v=current_version
        # end if
        db, version_and_meta = do_version(module, bind_database_function, current_version, old_db=db)
        if not version_and_meta:  # is None if no manual execution was run (only the schema loaded)
            logger.info("loaded only the schema schema {v!r}".format(v=current_version))
            if current_version < max_version:
                logger.debug("storing as version {new_v!r}, there are more versions to load (curr: {v}, max: {max})".format(
                    new_v=current_version + 1, max=max_version, v=current_version
                version_and_meta = (current_version + 1, {"message": "automated update (only schema provided)"})
                logger.debug("version {v!r} this is the newest we have, just loading schema.".format(v=current_version))
            # end if
        new_version, meta = version_and_meta
        new_version_db = store_new_version(db, new_version, meta)
        # Save version for next loop.
        current_version_db = new_version_db
        current_version = new_version
            "upgraded from version {old_v!r} to v{new_v!r}{meta_message}".format(
                old_v=v, new_v=new_version, meta_message=(
                    (": " + repr(meta["message"])) if "message" in meta else " - Metadata: " + repr(meta)
        if new_version != v + 1:
                "migrated from version {old_v!r} to v{new_v!r} "
                "(instead of v{should_v!r}, it skipped {diff!r} versions)".format(
                    old_v=v, new_v=new_version, should_v=v + 1, diff=new_version - (v + 1)
            # end if
        # end if
    # end for
    logger.success("migration from version {v_old!r} to version {v_new!r} done.".format(
        v_old=start_version, v_new=current_version
    return db
예제 #3
from datetime import datetime
from os import makedirs
from os.path import join
from textwrap import dedent

from pony import orm
from slugify import slugify

from .helpers import get_config

db = orm.Database()
config = get_config()

[{n}](topic_url) {result_text}

layout: page
title: {title}

# {title}


class SlugifiedMixin:
예제 #4
def do_version(version_module, bind_database_function, old_version, old_db=None):  # todo rename "run_version"
    Creates a new db, registers vNEW model, and runs `migrate.do_update(old_db, vNEW_db)`
    First loads the new schema (`.model`) if existent, else uses the provided `old_db`.
    If there are migrations (`.migrate`), they are run too.
    Returns a tuple with the most recent schema in the first slot,
    and the result of the migration function or `None` if not migrated as the second slot.
    :param version_module: the module, with a `.model` and optionally a `.migrate`
    :param bind_database_function: The function to bind to a database. Needs to include `db.bind(...)` and `db.generate_mapping(...)`
    :param old_version: the version before loading a new schema (`.model`)
    :type  old_version: int
    :param old_db: the database before the migration, so you can copy from one to another.
                   This will be None for the first migration (e.g. v0).
    :type  old_db: None | orm.core.Database
    :return: Tuple (db, do_update_result).
             `db` being the new version (mapping) of the database,
             `do_update_result` is `None` if no migration was run. In case of migration happening, it is the result of calling `version_module.migrate.do_update(db, old_db)`. Should be a tuple of it's own, `(new_version:int, metadata:dict)`.
    :rtype: tuple( orm.core.Database, None | tuple(int, dict) )
    if bind_database_function is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Please provide a function accepting the database `pony.orm.Database` "
            "which will run `db.bind(...)` and `db.generate_mapping(...)`."
    # end if
    model = None
    if hasattr(version_module, "model"):
        logger.debug("found .model as attribute")
        model = version_module.model
            model = importlib.import_module(version_module.__name__ + ".model")
            logger.debug("found .model as import")
        except ImportError:
        # end try
    # end if
    migrate = None
    if hasattr(version_module, "migrate"):
        logger.debug("found .migrate as attribute")
        migrate = version_module.model
            migrate = importlib.import_module(version_module.__name__ + ".migrate")
            logger.debug("found .migrate as import")
        except ImportError:
        # end try
    # end if
    if model:
        logger.info("loading model version {v!r}.".format(v=old_version))
        new_db = orm.Database()
        setattr(new_db, "pony_up__version", old_version)
        logger.debug("adding version table to model version {v!r}.".format(v=old_version))

        logger.debug("binding model version {v!r} to database.".format(v=old_version))

        if migrate:
            # A: model + migrate (both | See "v0" or "v1" in Fig.1)
            logger.info("migrating from version {v!r}".format(v=old_version))
            migrator = Migrator(old_db, new_db, bind_database_function, old_version, has_new_schema=True)
            with orm.db_session:
                return new_db, version_module.migrate.do_update(migrator)
            # end with
            logger.debug("no migration for version {v!r}".format(v=old_version))
            # B: model + _______ (model only | See "v3" or "v4" in Fig.1))
            return new_db, None
        # end def
        logger.info("using old model version {v!r}".format(v=old_version))
        if migrate:
            # C: _____ + migrate (only migrate | See "v2" in Fig.1))
            logger.info("migrating from version {v!r}".format(v=old_version))
            migrator = Migrator(old_db, None, bind_database_function, old_version=old_version, has_new_schema=True)
            with orm.db_session:
                return old_db, version_module.migrate.do_update(migrator)
            # end with
            # D: _____ + _____ (nothing)
            logger.debug("no migration for version {v!r}".format(v=old_version))
            raise ValueError(
                "The given `version_module` does neither has a `.model` nor a `.migrate` attribute.\n"
                "Maybe you need a `from . import model, migrate` in the `__init__.py` file?"
예제 #5
파일: entities.py 프로젝트: andgein/pony
from pony import orm

db = orm.Database('mysql', db='testdb', host='localhost', passwd='ponytest', user='******')

class Activity(db.Entity):
    descr = orm.Required(str)
예제 #6
from pony import orm

cleandb = orm.Database()

class Student(cleandb.Entity):
    rollno = orm.Required(int)
    name = orm.Required(str)
    father = orm.Required(str)
    result = orm.Required(str)
    institute = orm.Required(str)
    remarks = orm.Optional(str)
    subjects = orm.Set('Result')

class Result(cleandb.Entity):
    student = orm.Required(Student)
    subject = orm.Required(str)
    part = orm.Optional(str)
    theory = orm.Required(int)
    practical = orm.Optional(int, nullable=True)
예제 #7
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 _*-
@license: Apache Licence 
@file: db_conf.py 
@time: 2020/12/11
@contact: [email protected]
@site: xxxx.suizhu.net
@software: PyCharm 

from pony import orm

# 创建数据库对象
pony_db = orm.Database()
# 建立数据库连接

# 官方文档地址
# https://docs.ponyorm.org/
예제 #8
# Job statuses
class JobStatus:
    Submitted, Running, Done, Error, Expired = range(1, 6)

# Job steps
class JobStep:
    GetData, FindingNodesEdges, ClusteringNodes, SquarifiedTreemap, FruchtermanReingoldLayout, WriteJSON = range(
        0, 6)

#db = pny.Database("sqlite", "correlation_network_jobs.db", create_db=True)
db = pny.Database('mysql',

class CorrelationNetworkJob(db.Entity):
    # Basic job data
    dataset = pny.Required(str)
    candidates = pny.Optional(str)
    columns = pny.Optional(str)
    verbose = pny.Required(bool, default=False)
    threshold = pny.Required(float)
    minimum_cluster_size = pny.Required(int)
    submit_time = pny.Required(dt.datetime, sql_default='CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')
    start_time = pny.Optional(dt.datetime)
    end_time = pny.Optional(dt.datetime)