예제 #1
def compute_model_ts(center_freq, sigma, spectrogram, freqs, target_times):

    # generate stimulus time-series
    rf = gaussian_1D(freqs, center_freq, sigma)
    # make sure sigma isn't too big
    # if np.any(np.round(rf[0],3) > 0):
    #     return np.inf
    # if np.any(np.round(rf[-1],3) > 0):
    #     return np.inf

    # create mask for speed
    distance = freqs - center_freq
    mask = np.zeros_like(distance, dtype='uint8')
    mask[distance < (5 * sigma)] = 1

    # extract the response
    stim = generate_rf_timeseries_1D(spectrogram, rf, mask)

    # recast the stimulus into a time-series that i can
    source_times = np.linspace(0, target_times[-1], len(stim), endpoint=True)
    f = interp1d(source_times, stim, kind='linear')
    new_stim = f(target_times)

    # hard-set the hrf_delay
    hrf_delay = 0

    # convolve it with the HRF
    hrf = utils.double_gamma_hrf(hrf_delay, 1.0, 10)
    stim_pad = np.tile(new_stim, 3)
    model = fftconvolve(stim_pad, hrf, 'same')[len(new_stim):len(new_stim) * 2]

    # normalize it
    model = utils.zscore(model)

    return model
예제 #2
파일: gabor.py 프로젝트: mekman/popeye
def compute_model_ts(x, y, sigma, hrf_delay, theta, phi, cpd,
                     deg_x, deg_y, stim_arr, tr_length, 
                     frames_per_tr, norm_func=utils.zscore):
    # otherwise generate a prediction
    ts_stim = MakeFastGaborPrediction(deg_x,
    # convolve it
    hrf = utils.double_gamma_hrf(hrf_delay, tr_length, frames_per_tr)
    # normalize it
    model = norm_func(ss.fftconvolve(ts_stim, hrf)[0:len(ts_stim)])

    # decimate it
    model = ss.decimate(model, int(frames_per_tr), 1)
    return model
예제 #3
파일: og.py 프로젝트: mekman/popeye
def compute_model_ts(x, y, sigma, beta, hrf_delay,
                     deg_x, deg_y, stim_arr, tr_length):
    The objective function for GaussianFi class.
    x : float
        The model estimate along the horizontal dimensions of the display.

    y : float
        The model estimate along the vertical dimensions of the display.

    sigma : float
        The model estimate of the dispersion across the the display.
    hrf_delay : float
        The model estimate of the relative delay of the HRF.  The canonical
        HRF is assumed to be 5 s post-stimulus [1]_.
    beta : float
        The model estimate of the amplitude of the BOLD signal.
    tr_length : float
        The length of the repetition time in seconds.
    model : ndarray
    The model prediction time-series.
    .. [1] Glover, GH. (1999). Deconvolution of impulse response in 
    event-related BOLD fMRI. NeuroImage 9: 416-429.
    # otherwise generate a prediction
    stim = generate_og_timeseries(deg_x, deg_y, stim_arr, x, y, sigma)
    # scale it
    stim *= beta
    # create the HRF
    hrf = utils.double_gamma_hrf(hrf_delay, tr_length)
    # convolve it with the stimulus
    model = fftconvolve(stim, hrf)[0:len(stim)]
    return model*beta
예제 #4
def test_double_gamma_hrf():

    # set the TR length ... this affects the HRF sampling rate ...
    tr_length = 1.0

    hrf_0 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(-1, tr_length)
    hrf_1 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(0, tr_length)
    hrf_2 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(1, tr_length)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(hrf_0.sum(), hrf_1.sum(), 3)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(hrf_0.sum(), hrf_2.sum(), 3)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(hrf_1.sum(), hrf_2.sum(), 3)

    hrf_0 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(-1, tr_length, integrator=None)
    hrf_1 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(0, tr_length, integrator=None)
    hrf_2 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(1, tr_length, integrator=None)
    npt.assert_array_less(hrf_0.sum(), hrf_1.sum())
    npt.assert_array_less(hrf_1.sum(), hrf_2.sum())
    npt.assert_array_less(hrf_0.sum(), hrf_2.sum())
예제 #5
def test_double_gamma_hrf():

    # set the TR length ... this affects the HRF sampling rate ...
    tr_length = 1.0

    hrf_0 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(-1, tr_length)
    hrf_1 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(0, tr_length)
    hrf_2 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(1, tr_length)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(hrf_0.sum(), hrf_1.sum(), 3)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(hrf_0.sum(), hrf_2.sum(), 3)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(hrf_1.sum(), hrf_2.sum(), 3)

    hrf_0 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(-1, tr_length, integrator=None)
    hrf_1 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(0, tr_length, integrator=None)
    hrf_2 = utils.double_gamma_hrf(1, tr_length, integrator=None)
예제 #6
def compute_model_ts(center_freq, sigma,
                     spectrogram, freqs, target_times):
    # generate stimulus time-series
    rf = gaussian_1D(freqs, center_freq, sigma)
    # make sure sigma isn't too big
    # if np.any(np.round(rf[0],3) > 0):
    #     return np.inf
    # if np.any(np.round(rf[-1],3) > 0):
    #     return np.inf
    # create mask for speed
    distance = freqs - center_freq
    mask = np.zeros_like(distance, dtype='uint8')
    mask[distance < (5*sigma)] = 1
    # extract the response
    stim = generate_rf_timeseries_1D(spectrogram,rf,mask)
    # recast the stimulus into a time-series that i can 
    source_times = np.linspace(0,target_times[-1],len(stim),endpoint=True)
    f = interp1d(source_times,stim,kind='linear')
    new_stim = f(target_times)
    # hard-set the hrf_delay
    hrf_delay = 0
    # convolve it with the HRF
    hrf = utils.double_gamma_hrf(hrf_delay, 1.0, 10)
    stim_pad = np.tile(new_stim,3)
    model = fftconvolve(stim_pad, hrf,'same')[len(new_stim):len(new_stim)*2]
    # normalize it
    model = utils.zscore(model)
    return model
예제 #7
파일: og.py 프로젝트: mekman/popeye
 def hemodynamic_response(self):
     return utils.double_gamma_hrf(self.hrf_delay, self.tr_length)
예제 #8
파일: dog.py 프로젝트: mekman/popeye
def compute_model_ts(x, y, sigma_center, sigma_surround, beta_center, beta_surround, hrf_delay,
                     deg_x, deg_y, stim_arr, tr_length):
    The objective function for GaussianFi class.
    x : float
        The model estimate along the horizontal dimensions of the display.
    y : float
        The model estimate along the vertical dimensions of the display.
    sigma_center : float
        The model estimate of the dispersion of the excitatory center.
    sigma_surround : float
        The model estimate of the dispersion of the inhibitory surround.
    beta_center : float
        The amplitude of the excitatory center.
    beta_surround : float
        The amplitude of the inhibitory surround.
    hrf_delay : float
        The model estimate of the relative delay of the HRF.  The canonical
        HRF is assumed to be 5 s post-stimulus [1]_.
    tr_length : float
        The length of the repetition time in seconds.
    model : ndarray
    The model prediction time-series.
    .. [1] Glover, GH. (1999). Deconvolution of impulse response in 
    event-related BOLD fMRI. NeuroImage 9: 416-429.
    # limiting cases for a center-surround receptive field
    if sigma_center >= sigma_surround:
        return np.inf
    if beta_center <= beta_surround:
        return np.inf
    # METHOD 1
    # time-series for the center and surround
    stim_center, stim_surround = generate_dog_timeseries(deg_x, deg_y, stim_arr, x, y, sigma_center, sigma_surround)
    # scale them by betas
    stim_center *= beta_center
    stim_surround *= beta_surround
    # differnce them
    stim_dog = stim_center - stim_surround
    # # METHOD 2
    # # scale the RFs, combine, then extract ts
    # rf_center = generate_og_receptive_field(deg_x, deg_y, x, y, sigma_center)
    # rf_center /= rf_center.max()
    # rf_center *= beta_center
    # rf_surround = generate_og_receptive_field(deg_x, deg_y, x, y, sigma_surround)
    # rf_surround /= rf_surround.max()
    # rf_surround *= beta_surround
    # rf_dog = rf_center - rf_surround
    # stim_dog = np.sum(np.sum(stim_arr * rf_dog[:,:,np.newaxis],axis=0),axis=0)
    # generate the hrf
    hrf = utils.double_gamma_hrf(hrf_delay, tr_length)
    # convolve it with the stimulus timeseries
    model = fftconvolve(stim_dog, hrf)[0:len(stim_dog)]
    return model