def test_product_customer_update_info(client, web2py): """ Test as JSON Is the attendance info ajaj backend working? """ populate_workshops_with_activity(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) web2py.db.workshops_products_customers.insert(workshops_products_id=1, auth_customer_id=1001) web2py.db.commit() url = '/events/ticket_customer_update_info.json' data = dict(id='1', WorkshopInfo='on'), data=data) assert client.status == 200 assert 'success' in client.text assert web2py.db.workshops_products_customers(1).WorkshopInfo == True # unset info and payment confirmation. url = '/events/ticket_customer_update_info.json' data = dict(id='1'), data=data) assert client.status == 200 assert 'success' in client.text assert web2py.db.workshops_products_customers(1).WorkshopInfo == False
def test_list_invoices_status_filter(client, web2py): """ Test if the status filter for list_invoices works """ url = '/finance/invoices' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_customers(web2py, 10) populate_invoices(web2py) # change invoice 1 to paid and set a recognizable description so we can check the list description = 'Grapefruit' invoice = web2py.db.invoices(1) invoice.Description = description invoice.Status = 'draft' invoice.update_record() web2py.db.commit() post_url = '/finance/invoices' data = {'status': 'draft'}, data=data) assert client.status == 200 assert description in client.text
def test_invoice_paid(client, web2py): """ Is a payment added when an invoice is paid? """ url = '/default/user/login' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_customers(web2py, 1) populate_invoices(web2py) populate_invoices_items(web2py) amounts = web2py.db.invoices_amounts(1) price = str(amounts.TotalPriceVAT) mollie_id = 'tr_test' date = '2014-01-01' url = '/mollie/test_webhook_invoice_paid?iID=1&payment_amount=' + price + '&payment_date=' + date + '&mollie_payment_id=' + mollie_id client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 payment = web2py.db.invoices_payments(1) print(payment) assert payment.Amount == amounts.TotalPriceVAT assert payment.mollie_payment_id == mollie_id assert str(payment.PaymentDate) == date
def test_invoice_payment_add_set_status_paid(client, web2py): """ Set status to paid after adding a payment >= invoice amount """ url = '/finance/invoices' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_customers(web2py, 10) populate_invoices(web2py) amounts = web2py.db.invoices_amounts(1) amounts.TotalPrice = 20 amounts.VAT = 2 amounts.TotalPriceVAT = 22 amounts.Paid = 0 amounts.Balance = 22 amounts.update_record() web2py.db.commit() url = '/invoices/payment_add?iID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 data = { 'invoices_id': 1, 'Amount': 20, 'PaymentDate': '2014-01-01', 'payment_methods_id': 3, 'Note': 'first payment using bananas' }, data=data) assert client.status == 200 client.get('/invoices/invoice_payments?iID=1') assert client.status == 200 assert data['Note'] in client.text invoice = web2py.db.invoices(1) assert invoice.Status == 'sent' # go back to the page where we want to submit payments client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 data = { 'invoices_id': 1, 'Amount': 2, 'PaymentDate': '2014-01-02', 'payment_methods_id': 3, 'Note': 'second payment using bananas' }, data=data) assert client.status == 200 invoice = web2py.db.invoices(1) assert invoice.Status == 'paid'
def test_customer_bankaccount_delete(client, web2py): """ Is the delete permission for payment info under customers working? """ # get random url to init payment methods in db url = '/default/user/login' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 setup_permission_tests(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) web2py.db.customers_payment_info.insert( auth_customer_id = 1001, AccountNumber ='123456', payment_methods_id = 1) web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'read', 'customers_payment_info', 0) web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'read', 'customers_payments', 0) web2py.db.commit() url = '/customers/bankaccount?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert not 'fa-times' in client.text # grant permission and check again web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'delete', 'customers_payment_info', 0) web2py.db.commit() client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'fa-times' in client.text
def test_customer_notes_delete(client, web2py): """ Is the delete permission for notes under customers working? """ # get random url to populate db.auth_user with admin client.get('/default/user/login') assert client.status == 200 setup_permission_tests(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) web2py.db.customers_notes.insert(auth_customer_id=1001, auth_user_id=1, BackofficeNote=True, NoteDate='2014-01-01', NoteTime="12:00", Note='Strawberry') web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'read', 'customers_notes', 0) web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'read', 'customers_notes_backoffice', 0) web2py.db.commit() url = '/customers/notes?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert not 'fa-times' in client.text # grant permission and check again web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'delete', 'customers_notes', 0) web2py.db.commit() client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'Delete</a>' in client.text
def test_invoice_item_delete(client, web2py): """ Can we delete an item from an invoice? """ populate_customers(web2py, 3) url = '/customers/invoices?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_invoices(web2py) populate_invoices_items(web2py) # Is the confirmation page showing? url = '/invoices/item_delete_confirm?iID=1&iiID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 url = '/invoices/item_delete?iID=1&iiID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert web2py.db.invoices_items(1) is None # check amounts amounts = web2py.db.invoices_amounts(1) assert amounts.TotalPriceVAT == 0
def test_customer_documents_delete(client, web2py): """ Is the delete permission for documents under customers working? """ setup_permission_tests(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) web2py.db.customers_documents.insert(auth_customer_id=1001, Description='test', DocumentFile='file.txt') web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'read', 'customers_documents', 0) web2py.db.commit() url = '/customers/documents?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert not 'fa-times' in client.text # grant permission and check again web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'delete', 'customers_documents', 0) web2py.db.commit() client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'fa-times' in client.text
def test_reports_trialclasses(client, web2py): """ Is the page listing drop in classes for a month working? """ populate_customers(web2py) populate_classes(web2py, with_otc=True) web2py.db.classes_attendance.insert( classes_id=1, ClassDate='2014-01-06', auth_customer_id=1001, AttendanceType=1, ) web2py.db.commit() url = '/reports/trialclasses?year=2014&month=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 location = web2py.db.school_locations(2).Name.split(' ')[0] assert location in client.text classtype = web2py.db.school_classtypes(2).Name.split(' ')[0] assert classtype in client.text
def test_customers_contact_info(client, web2py): """ Check if the customers_info update permission works """ setup_permission_tests(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) url = '/customers/edit/1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert "Insufficient privileges" in client.text gid = 2 web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'read', 'auth_user', 0) web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'update', 'auth_user', 0) web2py.db.commit() str_check = '<label>Telephone</label>' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert not str_check in client.text web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'update', 'customers_contact', 0) web2py.db.commit() client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert str_check in client.text
def test_invoice_add_from_customer(client, web2py): """ Can we add an invoice from a customer? """ populate_customers(web2py, 1) url = '/customers/invoices?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 data = {'invoices_groups_id': 100, 'Description': 'one crate of bananas'}, data=data) assert client.status == 200 # verify entry of data assert data['Description'] in client.text assert web2py.db(web2py.db.invoices).count() == 1 # check setting of enddate and InvoiceID invoice = web2py.db.invoices(1) today = delta = datetime.timedelta(days=web2py.db.invoices_groups(100).DueDays) due = today + delta # verify redirection assert invoice.InvoiceID in client.text assert invoice.DateCreated == today assert invoice.DateDue == due assert invoice.InvoiceID == 'INV' + str(today.year) + '1'
def test_osmail_render_sys_notification_order_created(client, web2py): """ Is the order created mail rendered correctly? """ url = '/default/user/login' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_customers(web2py, 10) populate_customers_orders(web2py) populate_customers_orders_items(web2py) url = '/test_os_mail/test_osmail_render_sys_notification?sys_notification=order_created&customers_orders_id=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 # Check title assert "New order" in client.text # Check content oi = web2py.db.customers_orders_items(1) assert oi.ProductName in client.text assert oi.Description in client.text assert unicode(oi.TotalPriceVAT).encode('utf8') in client.text # Check comments / customer note order = web2py.db.customers_orders(1) assert order.CustomerNote in client.text
def test_invoice_item_edit(client, web2py): """ Can we edit an item in an invoice? """ populate_customers(web2py, 3) url = '/customers/invoices?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_invoices(web2py) populate_invoices_items(web2py) url = '/invoices/item_edit?iID=1&iiID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 data = { 'id' : 1, 'ProductName' : 'Cherries' }, data=data) assert client.status == 200 assert data['ProductName'] in client.text
def test_customer_direct_debit_extra_delete(client, web2py): """ Is the delete permission for alternative under customers working? """ setup_permission_tests(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) web2py.db.alternativepayments.insert(auth_customer_id=1001, PaymentYear=2014, PaymentMonth=1, Amount=100, Description='test') web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'read', 'customers_payment_info', 0) web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'read', 'alternativepayments', 0) web2py.db.commit() url = '/customers/direct_debit_extra?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert not 'fa-times' in client.text # grant permission and check again web2py.auth.add_permission(200, 'delete', 'alternativepayments', 0) web2py.db.commit() client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'fa-times' in client.text
def test_ticket_sell_to_customer_create_invoice_and_cancel_orders_when_sold_out(client, web2py): """ Test if we can sell a ticket to a customer and if an invoice is created """ populate_workshops_with_activity(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) populate_customers_orders(web2py) populate_customers_orders_items(web2py, workshops_products=True) url = '/events/ticket_sell_to_customer?cuID=1001&wsID=1&wspID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert web2py.db(web2py.db.workshops_products_customers).count() == 1 assert web2py.db(web2py.db.invoices).count() == 1 invoice = web2py.db.invoices(1) assert invoice.invoices_groups_id == 100 ii_wsp = web2py.db.invoices_items_workshops_products_customers(1) assert ii_wsp.workshops_products_customers_id == 1 # check invoice amount price = web2py.db.workshops_products(1).Price amounts = web2py.db.invoices_amounts(1) assert amounts.TotalPriceVAT == price # check if all orders get cancelled assert web2py.db(web2py.db.customers_orders.Status == 'cancelled').count() > 0 # Check that a mail is sent (or at least it tried) assert web2py.db(web2py.db.messages).count() == 1 assert web2py.db(web2py.db.customers_messages).count() == 1
def test_invoice_item_add(client, web2py): """ Can we add an item to an invoice? """ populate_customers(web2py, 3) url = '/customers/invoices?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_invoices(web2py) url = '/invoices/list_items?iID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 data = { 'ProductName': 'Fruits', 'Description': 'Mangoes', 'Quantity': 10, 'Price': 1234, 'tax_rates_id': 1, }, data=data) assert client.status == 200 # Check DB assert web2py.db(web2py.db.invoices_items).count() == 1 # Check updated listing assert data['Description'] in client.text # Check sorting & prices in item item = web2py.db.invoices_items(1) # Sorting has no default value from the db, so if we get a 1, it's generating the sorting numbers correctly assert item.Sorting == 1 # calculate total incl. vat TotalPriceVAT = data['Quantity'] * data['Price'] assert item.TotalPriceVAT == TotalPriceVAT # calculate vat tax_rate = web2py.db.tax_rates(data['tax_rates_id']) percentage = tax_rate.Percentage / 100 VAT = round(TotalPriceVAT - (TotalPriceVAT / (1 + percentage)), 2) assert item.VAT == VAT # calculate total without vat TotalPrice = TotalPriceVAT - VAT assert item.TotalPrice == TotalPrice # Check amounts in Invoices_amounts amounts = web2py.db.invoices_amounts(1) assert amounts.TotalPrice == TotalPrice assert amounts.VAT == VAT assert amounts.TotalPriceVAT == TotalPriceVAT
def test_ticket_sell_to_customer_waitinglist(client, web2py): """ Test if we can sell a ticket to a customer """ populate_workshops_with_activity(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) url = '/events/ticket_sell_to_customer?cuID=1001&wsID=1&wspID=1&waiting=True' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert web2py.db.workshops_products_customers(1).Waitinglist == True
def test_customers_inactive_delete(client, web2py): """ Are customers without activity after a given date actually deleted? """ populate_customers(web2py,, 1, 1)) url = '/reports/customers_inactive_delete' data = {'date':}, data=data) assert client.status == 200 count = web2py.db( > 1).count() assert count == 0 # Only admin user remaining assert 'Deleted 10 customers' in client.text
def test_customers_inactive_dont_list_created_after_date(client, web2py): """ Can we list customers without activity after a given date? """ populate_customers(web2py,, 1, 1)) url = '/reports/customers_inactive' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 data = {'date':, 1, 1)}, data=data) assert client.status == 200 assert web2py.db.auth_user(1001).first_name not in client.text
def test_ticket_list_customers_fullWS(client, web2py): """ Test listing of full workshop customers for a ticket """ populate_workshops_with_activity(web2py) populate_customers(web2py, 1) web2py.db.workshops_products_customers.insert(workshops_products_id=1, auth_customer_id=1001) web2py.db.commit() url = '/events/tickets_list_customers?wsID=1&wspID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'Full event' in client.text
def test_teacher_payments(client, web2py): """ Are teacher payment invoices listed correctly? """ url = '/default/user/login' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_customers(web2py) populate_invoices(web2py, teacher_fixed_price_invoices=True) url = '/finance/teacher_payments_invoices' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'INV1001' in client.text
def test_webhook_invoice_refund(client, web2py): """ Is a payment added when an invoice is paid with chargeback(s)? """ url = '/default/user/login' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_customers(web2py, 1) populate_invoices(web2py) populate_invoices_items(web2py) invoice = web2py.db.invoices(1) invoice.Status = 'paid' invoice.update_record() web2py.db.commit() amounts = web2py.db.invoices_amounts(1) price = str(amounts.TotalPriceVAT * -1) mollie_id = 'tr_test' refund_id = 're_test' date = '2014-01-01' url = '/mollie/test_webhook_invoice_refund?' + \ 'iID=1' +\ '&refund_amount=' + price + \ '&refund_date=' + date + \ '&mollie_payment_id=' + mollie_id + \ '&refund_id=' + refund_id + \ '&refund_details=refund' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 payment = web2py.db.invoices_payments(1) assert payment.Amount == amounts.TotalPriceVAT * -1 assert payment.mollie_payment_id == mollie_id assert payment.mollie_refund_id == refund_id assert str(payment.PaymentDate) == date assert payment.Note == 'refund' # Check status changes back to 'sent' invoice = web2py.db.invoices(1) assert invoice.Status == 'sent'
def test_employee_delete(client, web2py): """ Can we remove the employee status from a customer? """ populate_customers(web2py) row = web2py.db.auth_user(1001) row.employee = True row.update_record() web2py.db.commit() url = '/school_properties/employee_delete?uID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 row = web2py.db.auth_user(1001) assert row.employee == False
def test_teacher_delete(client, web2py): """ Can we remove the teacher status from a customer? """ populate_customers(web2py) row = web2py.db.auth_user(1001) row.teacher = True row.update_record() web2py.db.commit() url = '/teachers/delete?uID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 row = web2py.db.auth_user(1001) assert row.teacher == False
def test_reports_postcodes(client, web2py): """ Is the stats page counting correct? """ populate_customers(web2py) populate_postcode_groups(web2py) url = '/reports/postcodes' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 # check that count of groups postcodes is in the page data group = web2py.db.postcode_groups(1) query = (web2py.db.auth_user.postcode_asint >= group.PostcodeStart_AsInt) & \ (web2py.db.auth_user.postcode_asint <= group.PostcodeEnd_AsInt) count = web2py.db(query).count() assert '<td>' + str(count) + '</td>' in client.text
def test_invoice_edit(client, web2py): """ Can we edit an invoice? """ populate_customers(web2py, 3) url = '/customers/invoices?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_invoices(web2py) data = {'Description': 'Mangoes'}, data=data) assert client.status == 200 assert data['Description'] in client.text
def test_customers_inactive_dont_list_with_invoices(client, web2py): """ Customers with invoice after given date """ from populate_os_tables import populate_invoices url = '/reports/customers_inactive' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_customers(web2py,, 1, 1)) populate_invoices(web2py) data = {'date':, 1, 1)}, data=data) assert client.status == 200 assert web2py.db.auth_user(1001).first_name not in client.text
def test_invoice_show_duplicate_button(client, web2py): """ Does the Button show and doesn't when it shouldn't """ populate_customers(web2py, 3) url = '/customers/invoices?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_invoices(web2py) populate_invoices_items(web2py) url = '/invoices/edit?iID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'Duplicate' in client.text
def test_invoice_dont_show_duplicate_button_teacher_payment(client, web2py): """ DOes the button not show when teacher payment? """ populate_customers(web2py, 3) url = '/customers/invoices?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_invoices(web2py, teacher_fixed_price_invoices=True) populate_invoices_items(web2py) url = '/invoices/edit?iID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'Duplicate' not in client.text
def test_invoice_dont_show_duplicate_button_employee_claim(client, web2py): """ Does the Button not show when it is an employee Claim? """ populate_customers(web2py, 3) url = '/customers/invoices?cuID=1001' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 populate_invoices(web2py, employee_claim=True) populate_invoices_items(web2py) url = '/invoices/edit?iID=1' client.get(url) assert client.status == 200 assert 'Duplicate' not in client.text