def test_it_doesnt_crash(monkeypatch, porcusession): # the dialog calls .wait_window(), but that doesn't terminate until the # user closes the window... so we'll make the window close itself called = [0] # not sure if nonlocal could be used instead class FakeToplevel(tkinter.Toplevel): def wait_window(self): called[0] += 1 self.destroy() fake_tkinter = types.SimpleNamespace() fake_tkinter.__dict__.update(tkinter.__dict__) fake_tkinter.Toplevel = FakeToplevel monkeypatch.setattr(aboutdialog, 'tkinter', fake_tkinter) assert actions.get_action('Help/About Porcupine...').enabled actions.get_action('Help/About Porcupine...').callback() assert called == [1]
def test_add_command_and_stuff(porcusession, action_path): root = get_main_window() callback_ran = False def callback(): nonlocal callback_ran callback_ran = True with action_events() as (new_events, enable_events, disable_events): action = actions.add_command(action_path, callback, '<<Test>>') assert new_events.pop().data == action_path assert actions.get_action(action_path) is action assert action in actions.get_all_actions() assert action.path == action_path assert action.kind == 'command' assert action.binding == '<<Test>>' assert action.enabled assert action.callback is callback assert not hasattr(action, 'var') assert not hasattr(action, 'choices') assert (repr(action) == str(action) == "<Action object '" + action_path + "': kind='command', enabled=True>") action.enabled = False assert disable_events.pop().data == action_path assert 'enabled=False' in repr(action) action.enabled = False assert not disable_events action.enabled = True assert enable_events.pop().data == action_path assert 'enabled=True' in repr(action) action.enabled = True assert not enable_events with pytest.raises(TypeError): action.enabled = 1 action.enabled = False assert not callback_ran root.event_generate('<<Test>>') assert not callback_ran action.enabled = True root.event_generate('<<Test>>') assert callback_ran root.unbind('<<Test>>')
def test_start_pasting_with_actions(monkeypatch, filetab): called = [] class FakePaste: def __init__(self, pastebin_name, code, path): self.started = 0 assert code == '' assert path is None # because the filetab hasn't been saved self._pastebin_name = pastebin_name def start(self): called.append(self._pastebin_name) monkeypatch.setattr(pastebin_module, 'Paste', FakePaste) pastebin_names = list(pastebin_module.pastebins.keys()) random.shuffle(pastebin_names) for name in pastebin_names: action = actions.get_action('Share/%s' % name) assert action.enabled action.callback() assert called == pastebin_names
def on_enable_disable(self, action_path): action = actions.get_action(action_path) menu, index = self._items[action_path] menu.entryconfig(index, state=('normal' if action.enabled else 'disabled'))
def on_new_action(self, event): self.setup_action(actions.get_action(