def check_gui_bindings(self): '''check for availability of SoGui bindings and removes the not available ones''' print(yellow('\ncheck_gui_bindings is not supported in this version')) print(yellow('soqt is build by default')) print(yellow('make sure you have installed the soqt library + headers\n')) return #TODO if sys.platform == "_win32": self.MODULES.pop('soxt', None) self.MODULES.pop('sogtk', None) print(blue("Checking for SoWin...")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getenv("COINDIR"), "include", "Inventor", "Win", "SoWin.h")): self.MODULES.pop('sowin', None) print(red("COINDIR\\include\\Inventor\\Win\\SoWin.h not found. (SoWin bindings won't be built)")) print(blue("Checking for QTDIR environment variable...")) if os.getenv("QTDIR"): print(blue(os.getenv("QTDIR"))) else: self.MODULES.pop('soqt', None) print(red("not set. (SoQt bindings won't be built)")) else: for gui in self.SOGUI: if gui not in self.MODULES: continue gui_config_cmd = self.MODULES[gui][1] if not self.check_cmd_exists(gui_config_cmd): self.MODULES.pop(gui, None) else: print(blue("Checking for %s version..." % gui)) version = self.do_os_popen("%s --version" % gui_config_cmd) print(blue("%s" % version))
def chk_updated_cfg_files(eroot, config_protect): target_root = eroot result = list( portage.util.find_updated_config_files(target_root, config_protect)) for x in result: writemsg_level("\n %s " % (colorize("WARN", "* " + _("IMPORTANT:"))), level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) if not x[1]: # it's a protected file writemsg_level(_("config file '%s' needs updating.\n") % x[0], level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) else: # it's a protected dir if len(x[1]) == 1: head, tail = os.path.split(x[1][0]) tail = tail[len("._cfg0000_"):] fpath = os.path.join(head, tail) writemsg_level(_("config file '%s' needs updating.\n") % fpath, level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) else: writemsg_level( _("%d config files in '%s' need updating.\n") % \ (len(x[1]), x[0]), level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) if result: print(" " + yellow("*") + " See the " + colorize("INFORM", _("CONFIGURATION FILES")) + " " + _("section of the") + " " + bold("emerge")) print(" " + yellow("*") + " " + _("man page to learn how to update config files."))
def get_best_match(cpv, cp, logger): """Tries to find another version of the pkg with the same slot as the deprecated installed version. Failing that attempt to get any version of the same app @param cpv: string @param cp: string @rtype tuple: ([cpv,...], SLOT) """ slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] logger.warning('\t%s "%s" %s.' % (yellow('* Warning:'), cpv,bold('ebuild not found.'))) logger.debug('\tget_best_match(); Looking for %s:%s' %(cp, slot)) try: match = portdb.match('%s:%s' %(cp, slot)) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: match = None if not match: logger.warning('\t' + red('!!') + ' ' + yellow( 'Could not find ebuild for %s:%s' %(cp, slot))) slot = [''] match = portdb.match(cp) if not match: logger.warning('\t' + red('!!') + ' ' + yellow('Could not find ebuild for ' + cp)) return match, slot
def chk_updated_cfg_files(eroot, config_protect): target_root = eroot result = list( portage.util.find_updated_config_files(target_root, config_protect)) for x in result: writemsg_level("\n %s " % (colorize("WARN", "* " + _("IMPORTANT:"))), level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) if not x[1]: # it's a protected file writemsg_level( _("config file '%s' needs updating.\n") % x[0], level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) else: # it's a protected dir if len(x[1]) == 1: head, tail = os.path.split(x[1][0]) tail = tail[len("._cfg0000_"):] fpath = os.path.join(head, tail) writemsg_level(_("config file '%s' needs updating.\n") % fpath, level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) else: writemsg_level( _("%d config files in '%s' need updating.\n") % \ (len(x[1]), x[0]), level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) if result: print(" " + yellow("*") + " See the " + colorize("INFORM", _("CONFIGURATION FILES")) + " and " + colorize("INFORM", _("CONFIGURATION FILES UPDATE TOOLS"))) print(" " + yellow("*") + " sections of the " + bold("emerge") + " " + _("man page to learn how to update config files."))
def check_with_cmake(self): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) cmake_command = ['cmake', dirname] try: cmake_command += ['-G', os.environ['GENERATOR']] except KeyError: pass print(yellow('calling: ' + cmake_command[0] + ' ' + cmake_command[1])) cmake = subprocess.Popen(cmake_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cmake_out, cmake_err = cmake.communicate() coin_vars = [ 'COIN_FOUND', 'COIN_VERSION', 'COIN_INCLUDE_DIR', 'COIN_LIB_DIR' ] soqt_vars = [ 'SOQT_FOUND', 'SOQT_VERSION', 'SOQT_INCLUDE_DIR', 'SOQT_LIB_DIR' ] config_dict = {} if cmake.returncode == 0: for line in cmake_out.decode("utf-8").split("\n"): for var in coin_vars + soqt_vars: if var in line: line = (line.replace('-- ' + var, '').replace(': ', '').replace('\n', '')) config_dict[var] = line print(yellow('\nchecking for COIN via cmake')) for key in coin_vars: if key in config_dict: print(blue(key + ': ' + config_dict[key])) print(yellow('\nchecking for SOQT via cmake')) for key in soqt_vars: if key in config_dict: print(blue(key + ': ' + config_dict[key])) if config_dict.get('SOQT_FOUND', 'false') == 'false': pivy_build.MODULES.pop('soqt') print(red("\ndisable soqt, because cmake couldn't find it")) else: try: import qtinfo self.QTINFO = qtinfo.QtInfo() except Exception as e: import traceback print( red("\ndisable soqt, because there was a problem running qtinfo (needs qmake)" )) print(red("-" * 60)) print(red(traceback.print_exc())) print(red("-" * 60)) pivy_build.MODULES.pop('soqt') self.cmake_config_dict = config_dict if self.cmake_config_dict.get('COIN_FOUND', 'false') == 'false': raise (RuntimeError( 'coin was not found, but you need coin to build pivy'))
def check_coin_version(self): "check the Coin version" if sys.platform == "win32": return if not self.check_cmd_exists("coin-config"): sys.exit(1) print blue("Coin version..."), version = self.do_os_popen("coin-config --version") print blue("%s" % version) if not version.startswith('3'): print yellow("** Warning: Pivy has only been tested with Coin " "versions Coin-dev 3.")
def check_with_cmake(self): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) cmake_command = ['cmake', dirname] try: cmake_command += ['-G', os.environ['GENERATOR']] except KeyError: pass print(yellow('calling: ' + cmake_command[0] + ' ' + cmake_command[1])) cmake = subprocess.Popen(cmake_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cmake_out, _ = cmake.communicate() coin_vars = [ 'COIN_FOUND', 'COIN_VERSION', 'COIN_INCLUDE_DIR', 'COIN_LIB_DIR' ] soqt_vars = [ 'SOQT_FOUND', 'SOQT_VERSION', 'SOQT_INCLUDE_DIR', 'SOQT_LIB_DIR' ] config_dict = {} if cmake.returncode == 0: for line in cmake_out.decode("utf-8").split("\n"): for var in coin_vars + soqt_vars: if var in line: line = (line.replace('-- ' + var, '').replace(': ', '').replace('\n', '')) config_dict[var] = line # Added overwrite of SOQT_INCLUDE_DIR, because cmake is identifying it incorrectly config_dict["SOQT_INCLUDE_DIR"] = "/usr/local/include" ########## print(yellow('\nchecking for COIN via cmake')) for key in coin_vars: if key in config_dict: print(blue(key + ': ' + config_dict[key])) print(yellow('\nchecking for SOQT via cmake')) for key in soqt_vars: if key in config_dict: print(blue(key + ': ' + config_dict[key])) if config_dict['SOQT_FOUND'] == 'false': pivy_build.MODULES.pop('soqt') print(red("\ndisable soqt, because cmake couldn't find it")) self.cmake_config_dict = config_dict if not bool(self.cmake_config_dict['COIN_FOUND']): raise (RuntimeError( 'coin was not found, but you need coin to build pivy')) if not bool(self.cmake_config_dict['SOQT_FOUND']): raise (RuntimeError( 'soqt was not found, but you need soqt to build pivy'))
def check_simvoleon_version(self): "return if SIMVoleon is available and check the version" if sys.platform == "win32" or not self.check_cmd_exists("simvoleon-config"): self.MODULES.pop('simvoleon', None) return False print blue("SIMVoleon version..."), version = self.do_os_popen("simvoleon-config --version") print blue("%s" % version) if not version.startswith('2.0'): print yellow("** Warning: Pivy has only been tested with SIMVoleon " "versions 2.0.x.") return True
def check_swig_version(self, swig): "check for the swig version" global SWIG_VERSION if not self.check_cmd_exists(swig): sys.exit(1) print blue("Checking for SWIG version..."), p = subprocess.Popen("%s -version" % swig, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) version = p.stdout.readlines()[1].strip().split(" ")[2] p.stdout.close() print blue("%s" % version) SWIG_VERSION = version if not version in self.SUPPORTED_SWIG_VERSIONS: print yellow("Warning: Pivy has only been tested with the following " + \ "SWIG versions: %s." % " ".join(self.SUPPORTED_SWIG_VERSIONS))
def get_coin_features(self): ''' set the global variable SWIG_COND_SYMBOLS needed for conditional wrapping ''' print(yellow('\ncoin-features are not supported in this version')) return #TODO if sys.platform == "win32": return print(blue("Checking for Coin features...")) if not os.system("coin-config --have-feature 3ds_import"): self.SWIG_COND_SYMBOLS.append("-DHAVE_FEATURE_3DS_IMPORT") print(green("3ds import ")) if not os.system("coin-config --have-feature vrml97"): self.SWIG_COND_SYMBOLS.append("-DHAVE_FEATURE_VRML97") print(green("vrml97 ")) if not os.system("coin-config --have-feature sound"): self.SWIG_COND_SYMBOLS.append("-DHAVE_FEATURE_SOUND") print(green("sound ")) if not os.system("coin-config --have-feature superglu"): self.SWIG_COND_SYMBOLS.append("-DHAVE_FEATURE_SUPERGLUE") print(green("superglu ")) if not os.system("coin-config --have-feature threads"): self.SWIG_COND_SYMBOLS.append("-DHAVE_FEATURE_THREADS") print(green("threads ")) if not os.system("coin-config --have-feature threadsafe"): self.SWIG_COND_SYMBOLS.append("-DHAVE_FEATURE_THREADSAFE") print(green("threadsafe ")) print()
def rebuild(logger, assigned, settings): """rebuilds the assigned pkgs""" args = settings['pass_through_options'] if settings['EXACT']: emerge_command = '=' + ' ='.join(assigned) else: emerge_command = ' '.join(get_slotted_cps(assigned, logger)) if settings['PRETEND']: args += ' --pretend' if settings['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: args += ' --verbose' elif settings['VERBOSITY'] < 1: args += ' --quiet' if settings['nocolor']: args += ' --color n' if len(emerge_command) == 0: logger.warn(bold('\nThere is nothing to emerge. Exiting.')) return 0 emerge_command = emerge_command logger.warn(yellow( '\nemerge') + args + ' --oneshot --complete-graph=y ' + bold(emerge_command)) success = os.system( 'emerge ' + args + ' --oneshot --complete-graph=y ' + emerge_command) return success
def __init__(self, scanned_files, logger, searchlibs=None, searchbits=None, all_masks=None, masked_dirs=None): '''LibCheck init function. @param scanned_files: optional dictionary if the type created by scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files @param logger: python style Logging function to use for output. @param searchlibs: optional set() of libraries to search for. If defined it toggles several settings to configure this class for a target search rather than a broken libs search. ''' self.scanned_files = scanned_files self.logger = logger self.searchlibs = searchlibs self.searchbits = sorted(searchbits) or ['32', '64'] self.all_masks = all_masks self.masked_dirs = masked_dirs self.logger.debug("\tLibCheck.__init__(), new searchlibs: %s" %(self.searchbits)) if searchlibs: self.smsg = '\, Checking for %s bit dependants' self.pmsg = yellow(" * ") + 'Files that depend on: %s (%s bits)' self.setlibs = self._setslibs self.check = self._checkforlib else: self.smsg = '\, Checking for broken %s bit libs' self.pmsg = green(' * ') + bold('Broken files that require:') + ' %s (%s bits)' self.setlibs = self._setlibs self.check = self._checkbroken self.sfmsg = "\; Total found: %(count)d libs, %(deps)d files in %(time)d milliseconds" self.alllibs = None
def check_simvoleon_version(self): '''return if SIMVoleon is available and check the version''' print(yellow('\ncheck_simvoleon_version is not supported in this version')) return #TODO if sys.platform == "win32" or not self.check_cmd_exists("simvoleon-config"): self.MODULES.pop('simvoleon', None) return False print(blue("SIMVoleon version...")) version = self.do_os_popen("simvoleon-config --version") print(blue("%s" % version)) if not version.startswith('2.0'): print(yellow("** Warning: Pivy has only been tested with SIMVoleon " "versions 2.0.x.")) return True
def rebuild(logger, assigned, settings): """rebuilds the assigned pkgs""" args = list(settings["pass_through_options"]) if settings["EXACT"]: _assigned = filter_masked(assigned, logger) emerge_command = ["=" + a for a in _assigned] else: _assigned = get_slotted_cps(assigned, logger) emerge_command = [a for a in _assigned] if settings["PRETEND"]: args.append("--pretend") if settings["VERBOSITY"] >= 2: args.append("--verbose") elif settings["VERBOSITY"] < 1: args.append("--quiet") if settings["nocolor"]: args.extend(["--color", "n"]) if len(emerge_command) == 0: logger.warning(bold("\nThere is nothing to emerge. Exiting.")) return 0 logger.warning( yellow("\nemerge") + " " + " ".join(args) + " --oneshot --complete-graph=y " + bold(" ".join(emerge_command))) stime = current_milli_time() _args = ["emerge"] + args + ["--oneshot", "--complete-graph=y" ] + emerge_command success = ftime = current_milli_time() logger.debug("\trebuild(); emerge call for %d ebuilds took: %s seconds" % (len(_assigned), str((ftime - stime) / 1000.0))) return success
def rebuild(logger, assigned, settings): """rebuilds the assigned pkgs""" args = settings['pass_through_options'] if settings['EXACT']: _assigned = filter_masked(assigned, logger) emerge_command = '=' + ' ='.join(_assigned) else: _assigned = get_slotted_cps(assigned, logger) emerge_command = ' '.join(_assigned) if settings['PRETEND']: args += ' --pretend' if settings['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: args += ' --verbose' elif settings['VERBOSITY'] < 1: args += ' --quiet' if settings['nocolor']: args += ' --color n' if len(emerge_command) == 0: logger.warning(bold('\nThere is nothing to emerge. Exiting.')) return 0 logger.warning( yellow('\nemerge') + args + ' --oneshot --complete-graph=y ' + bold(emerge_command)) stime = current_milli_time() _args = 'emerge ' + args + ' --oneshot --complete-graph=y ' + emerge_command _args = _args.split() success = ftime = current_milli_time() logger.debug("\trebuild(); emerge call for %d ebuilds took: %s seconds" % (len(_assigned), str((ftime - stime) / 1000.0))) return success
def check_swig_version(self, swig): "check for the swig version" global SWIG_VERSION if not self.check_cmd_exists(swig): # on some systems there is only a swig3.0 so check for this and # set SWIG to "swig3.0" swig = "swig3.0" if not self.check_cmd_exists(swig): sys.exit(1) else: self.SWIG = swig print(blue("Checking for SWIG version...")) p = subprocess.Popen("%s -version" % swig, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) version = str(p.stdout.readlines()[1].strip()).split(" ")[2] if version[-1] == "'": version = version[:-1] p.stdout.close() print(blue("%s" % version)) SWIG_VERSION = version if version not in self.SUPPORTED_SWIG_VERSIONS: print( yellow( "Warning: Pivy has only been tested with the following " + "SWIG versions: %s." % " ".join(self.SUPPORTED_SWIG_VERSIONS)))
def check_coin_version(self): ''' check the Coin version ''' print(yellow('\ncheck_coin_version is not supported in this version')) print(yellow('coin-bindings are build by default')) print(yellow('checks have been disabled because of missing config files')) print(yellow('make sure you have installed the coin library + headers!')) return #TODO if sys.platform == "win32": return if not self.check_cmd_exists("coin-config"): sys.exit(1) print(blue("Coin version...")) version = self.do_os_popen("coin-config --version") print(blue("%s" % version))
def chk_updated_cfg_files(self, eroot, config_protect): target_root = eroot result = list(portage.util.find_updated_config_files(target_root, config_protect)) print("DEBUG: scanning /etc for config files....") for x in result: print("\n"+colorize("WARN", " * IMPORTANT:"), end=' ') if not x[1]: # it's a protected file print("config file '%s' needs updating." % x[0]) else: # it's a protected dir print("%d config files in '%s' need updating." % (len(x[1]), x[0])) if result: print(" "+yellow("*")+" See the "+colorize("INFORM","CONFIGURATION FILES")\ + " section of the " + bold("emerge")) print(" "+yellow("*")+" man page to learn how to update config files.")
def _validate_rsync_opts(self, rsync_opts, syncuri): # The below validation is not needed when using the above hardcoded # defaults. portage.writemsg( "Using PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS instead of hardcoded defaults\n", 1) rsync_opts.extend( portage.util.shlex_split( self.settings.get("PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS", ""))) for opt in ("--recursive", "--times"): if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg( yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option " + "%s not included in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS\n" % opt) rsync_opts.append(opt) for exclude in ("distfiles", "local", "packages"): opt = "--exclude=/%s" % exclude if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg( yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option %s not included in " % opt + "PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS (can be overridden with --exclude='!')\n" ) rsync_opts.append(opt) if syncuri.rstrip("/").endswith(""): def rsync_opt_startswith(opt_prefix): for x in rsync_opts: if x.startswith(opt_prefix): return (1, False) return (0, False) if not rsync_opt_startswith("--timeout="): rsync_opts.append("--timeout=%d" % self.timeout) for opt in ("--compress", "--whole-file"): if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg( yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option " + "%s not included in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS\n" % opt) rsync_opts.append(opt) return rsync_opts
def _validate_rsync_opts(self, rsync_opts, syncuri): # The below validation is not needed when using the above hardcoded # defaults. portage.writemsg("Using PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS instead of hardcoded defaults\n", 1) rsync_opts.extend(portage.util.shlex_split(self.settings.get("PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS", ""))) for opt in ("--recursive", "--times"): if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg( yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option " + "%s not included in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS\n" % opt ) rsync_opts.append(opt) for exclude in ("distfiles", "local", "packages"): opt = "--exclude=/%s" % exclude if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg( yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option %s not included in " % opt + "PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS (can be overridden with --exclude='!')\n" ) rsync_opts.append(opt) if syncuri.rstrip("/").endswith(""): def rsync_opt_startswith(opt_prefix): for x in rsync_opts: if x.startswith(opt_prefix): return (1, False) return (0, False) if not rsync_opt_startswith("--timeout="): rsync_opts.append("--timeout=%d" % self.timeout) for opt in ("--compress", "--whole-file"): if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg( yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option " + "%s not included in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS\n" % opt ) rsync_opts.append(opt) return rsync_opts
def check_coin_version(self): "check the Coin version" if sys.platform == "win32": return if not self.check_cmd_exists("coin-config"): sys.exit(1) print(blue("Coin version...")) version = self.do_os_popen("coin-config --version") print(blue("%s" % version)) if not version.startswith('3'): print( yellow("** Warning: Pivy has only been tested with Coin " "versions Coin-dev 3."))
def extract_dependencies_from_la(la, libraries, to_check, logger): broken = [] libnames = [] for lib in libraries: match = re.match(r".+\/(.+)\.(so|la|a)(\..+)?", lib) if match is not None: libname = if libname not in libnames: libnames += [ libname, ] for _file in la: if not os.path.exists(_file): continue for line in open( _unicode_encode(_file, encoding=_encodings["fs"]), mode="r", encoding=_encodings["content"], ).readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("dependency_libs="): match = re.match(r"dependency_libs='([^']+)'", line) if match is not None: for el in" "): el = el.strip() if len(el) < 1 or el.startswith("-L") or el.startswith( "-R"): continue if el.startswith("-l") and "lib" + el[2:] in libnames: pass elif el in la or el in libraries: pass else: if to_check: _break = False for tc in to_check: if tc in el: _break = True break if not _break: continue"\t" + yellow(" * ") + _file + " is broken (requires: " + bold(el) + ")") broken.append(_file) return broken
def _get_installed_best(self, pkg, pkg_info): """ we need to use "--emptrytree" testing here rather than "empty" param testing because "empty" param is used for -u, where you still *do* want to see when something is being upgraded. @param pkg: _emerge.Package.Package instance @param pkg_info: dictionay @rtype addl, myoldbest: list, myinslotlist: list Modifies self.counters.reinst, self.counters.binary, """ myoldbest = [] myinslotlist = None installed_versions = self.vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.cp) if self.vardb.cpv_exists(pkg.cpv): addl = " "+yellow("R")+pkg_info.fetch_symbol+" " installed_version = self.vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.cpv)[0] if not self.quiet_repo_display and installed_version.repo != pkg.repo: myoldbest = [installed_version] if pkg_info.ordered: if pkg_info.merge: self.counters.reinst += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 elif pkg_info.operation == "uninstall": self.counters.uninst += 1 # filter out old-style virtual matches elif installed_versions and \ installed_versions[0].cp == pkg.cp: myinslotlist = self.vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.slot_atom) # If this is the first install of a new-style virtual, we # need to filter out old-style virtual matches. if myinslotlist and \ myinslotlist[0].cp != pkg.cp: myinslotlist = None if myinslotlist: myoldbest = myinslotlist[:] addl = self._insert_slot(pkg, pkg_info, myinslotlist) else: myoldbest = installed_versions addl = self._new_slot(pkg, pkg_info) if self.conf.changelog: self.do_changelog(pkg, pkg_info) else: addl = " " + green("N") + " " + pkg_info.fetch_symbol + " " if pkg_info.ordered: += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 return addl, myoldbest, myinslotlist
def _get_installed_best(self, pkg, pkg_info): """ we need to use "--emptrytree" testing here rather than "empty" param testing because "empty" param is used for -u, where you still *do* want to see when something is being upgraded. @param pkg: _emerge.Package.Package instance @param pkg_info: dictionay @rtype addl, myoldbest: list, myinslotlist: list Modifies self.counters.reinst, self.counters.binary, """ myoldbest = [] myinslotlist = None installed_versions = self.vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.cp) if self.vardb.cpv_exists(pkg.cpv): addl = " " + yellow("R") + pkg_info.fetch_symbol + " " installed_version = self.vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.cpv)[0] if not self.quiet_repo_display and installed_version.repo != pkg.repo: myoldbest = [installed_version] if pkg_info.ordered: if pkg_info.merge: self.counters.reinst += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 elif pkg_info.operation == "uninstall": self.counters.uninst += 1 # filter out old-style virtual matches elif installed_versions and \ installed_versions[0].cp == pkg.cp: myinslotlist = self.vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.slot_atom) # If this is the first install of a new-style virtual, we # need to filter out old-style virtual matches. if myinslotlist and \ myinslotlist[0].cp != pkg.cp: myinslotlist = None if myinslotlist: myoldbest = myinslotlist[:] addl = self._insert_slot(pkg, pkg_info, myinslotlist) else: myoldbest = installed_versions addl = self._new_slot(pkg, pkg_info) if self.conf.changelog: self.do_changelog(pkg, pkg_info) else: addl = " " + green("N") + " " + pkg_info.fetch_symbol + " " if pkg_info.ordered: += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 return addl, myoldbest, myinslotlist
def assign_packages(broken, logger, settings): ''' Finds and returns packages that owns files placed in broken. Broken is list of files ''' assigned = set() for group in os.listdir(settings['PKG_DIR']): if group in IGNORED: continue elif os.path.isfile(settings['PKG_DIR'] + group): if not group.startswith('.keep_'): logger.warn(yellow(" * Invalid category found in the installed pkg db: ") + bold(settings['PKG_DIR'] + group)) continue for pkg in os.listdir(settings['PKG_DIR'] + group): if '-MERGING-' in pkg: logger.warn(yellow(" * Invalid/incomplete package merge found in the installed pkg db: ") + bold(settings['PKG_DIR'] + pkg)) continue _file = settings['PKG_DIR'] + group + '/' + pkg + '/CONTENTS' if os.path.exists(_file): try: with open(_file, 'r') as cnt: for line in cnt: matches = re.match('^obj (/[^ ]+)', line) if matches is not None: match = if match in broken: found = group+'/'+pkg if found not in assigned: assigned.add(found)'\t' + match + ' -> ' + bold(found)) except Exception as ex: logger.warn(red(' !! Failed to read ' + _file) + " Original exception was:\n" + str(ex)) return assigned
def extract_dependencies_from_la(la, libraries, to_check, logger): broken = [] libnames = [] for lib in libraries: match = re.match('.+\/(.+)\.(so|la|a)(\..+)?', lib) if match is not None: libname = if libname not in libnames: libnames += [ libname, ] for _file in la: if not os.path.exists(_file): continue for line in open(_unicode_encode(_file, encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['content']).readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('dependency_libs='): match = re.match("dependency_libs='([^']+)'", line) if match is not None: for el in' '): el = el.strip() if (len(el) < 1 or el.startswith('-L') or el.startswith('-R')): continue if el.startswith('-l') and 'lib' + el[2:] in libnames: pass elif el in la or el in libraries: pass else: if to_check: _break = False for tc in to_check: if tc in el: _break = True break if not _break: continue'\t' + yellow(' * ') + _file + ' is broken (requires: ' + bold(el) + ')') broken.append(_file) return broken
def collect_binaries_from_dir(dirs, mask, logger): ''' Collects all binaries from specified list of directories. mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning, can be eighter single file or entire directory Returns list of binaries ''' # contains list of directories found # allows us to reduce number of fnc calls found_directories = [] found_files = [] for _dir in dirs: if _dir in mask: continue try: for listing in os.listdir(_dir): listing = os.path.join(_dir, listing) if listing in mask: continue if os.path.isdir(listing): if os.path.islink(listing): #we do not want scan symlink-directories pass else: found_directories.append(listing) elif os.path.isfile(listing): # we're looking for binaries # and with binaries we do not need links # thus we can optimize a bit if not os.path.islink(listing): prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE] if prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR or \ prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP or \ prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH: found_files.append(listing) except Exception as ex: logger.debug( yellow('Exception during binaries collecting: ' + blue('%s') % str(ex))) if found_directories: found_files += collect_binaries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger) return found_files
def masking(mask): """Returns a 'masked by' string.""" if 'package.mask' in mask or 'profile' in mask: # use porthole wrap style to help clarify meaning return"M["+mask[0]+"]") if mask is not []: for status in mask: if 'keyword' in status: # keyword masked | " [missing keyword] " <=looks better return"["+status+"]") if status in archlist: return if 'unknown' in status: return output.yellow(status) return return ''
def main_checks(found_libs, broken_list, dependencies, logger): ''' Checks for broken dependencies. found_libs have to be the same as returned by prepare_checks broken_list is list of libraries found by scanelf dependencies is the value returned by prepare_checks ''' broken_pathes = [] for broken in broken_list: found = found_libs[broken]'Broken files that requires: ' + bold(found)) for dep_path in dependencies[broken]:' * ') + dep_path) broken_pathes.append(dep_path) return broken_pathes
def main_checks(found_libs, broken_list, dependencies, logger): """ Checks for broken dependencies. found_libs have to be the same as returned by prepare_checks broken_list is list of libraries found by scanelf dependencies is the value returned by prepare_checks """ broken_pathes = [] for broken in broken_list: found = found_libs[broken]"Broken files that requires: " + bold(found)) for dep_path in dependencies[broken]:" * ") + dep_path) broken_pathes.append(dep_path) return broken_pathes
def masking(mask): """Returns a 'masked by' string.""" if "package.mask" in mask or "profile" in mask: # use porthole wrap style to help clarify meaning return"M[" + mask[0] + "]") if mask is not []: for status in mask: if "keyword" in status: # keyword masked | " [missing keyword] " <=looks better return"[" + status + "]") if status in archlist: return if "unknown" in status: return output.yellow(status) return return ""
def collect_binaries_from_dir(dirs, mask, logger): ''' Collects all binaries from specified list of directories. mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning, can be eighter single file or entire directory Returns list of binaries ''' # contains list of directories found # allows us to reduce number of fnc calls found_directories = [] found_files = [] for _dir in dirs: if _dir in mask: continue try: for listing in os.listdir(_dir): listing = os.path.join(_dir, listing) if listing in mask: continue if os.path.isdir(listing): if os.path.islink(listing): #we do not want scan symlink-directories pass else: found_directories.append(listing) elif os.path.isfile(listing): # we're looking for binaries # and with binaries we do not need links # thus we can optimize a bit if not os.path.islink(listing): prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE] if prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR or \ prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP or \ prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH: found_files.append(listing) except Exception as ex: logger.debug( yellow('Exception during binaries collecting: '+ blue('%s') %str(ex))) if found_directories: found_files += collect_binaries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger) return found_files
def __str__(self): output = [] if self.interactive: output.append(colorize("WARN", "I")) else: output.append(" ") if or self.force_reinstall: if self.force_reinstall: output.append(red("r")) else: output.append(green("N")) else: output.append(" ") if self.new_slot or self.replace: if self.replace: output.append(yellow("R")) else: output.append(green("S")) else: output.append(" ") if self.fetch_restrict or self.fetch_restrict_satisfied: if self.fetch_restrict_satisfied: output.append(green("f")) else: output.append(red("F")) else: output.append(" ") if self.new_version: output.append(turquoise("U")) else: output.append(" ") if self.downgrade: output.append(blue("D")) else: output.append(" ") if self.mask is not None: output.append(self.mask) return "".join(output)
def extract_dependencies_from_la(la, libraries, to_check, logger): broken = [] libnames = [] for lib in libraries: match = re.match('.+\/(.+)\.(so|la|a)(\..+)?', lib) if match is not None: libname = if libname not in libnames: libnames += [libname, ] for _file in la: if not os.path.exists(_file): continue for line in open(_unicode_encode(_file, encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['content']).readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('dependency_libs='): match = re.match("dependency_libs='([^']+)'", line) if match is not None: for el in' '): el = el.strip() if (len(el) < 1 or el.startswith('-L') or el.startswith('-R') ): continue if el.startswith('-l') and 'lib'+el[2:] in libnames: pass elif el in la or el in libraries: pass else: if to_check: _break = False for tc in to_check: if tc in el: _break = True break if not _break: continue'\t' + yellow(' * ') + _file + ' is broken (requires: ' + bold(el)+')') broken.append(_file) return broken
def parse_conf(conf_file, visited=None, logger=None): """Parses supplied conf_file for libraries pathes. conf_file is file or files to parse visited is set of files already parsed """ lib_dirs = set() to_parse = set() if isinstance(conf_file, str): conf_file = [conf_file] for conf in conf_file: try: with open( _unicode_encode(conf, encoding=_encodings["fs"]), encoding=_encodings["content"], ) as _file: for line in _file.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("#"): continue elif line.startswith("include"): include_line = line.split()[1:] for included in include_line: if not included.startswith("/"): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf), included) else: path = included to_parse.update(glob.glob(path)) else: lib_dirs.add(line) except EnvironmentError: logger.warn("\t" + yellow("Error when parsing file %s" % conf)) if visited is None: visited = set() visited.update(conf_file) to_parse = to_parse.difference(visited) if to_parse: lib_dirs.update(parse_conf(to_parse, visited, logger=logger)) return lib_dirs
def parse_conf(conf_file, visited=None, logger=None): ''' Parses supplied conf_file for libraries pathes. conf_file is file or files to parse visited is set of files already parsed ''' lib_dirs = set() to_parse = set() if isinstance(conf_file, _basestring): conf_file = [conf_file] for conf in conf_file: try: with open(_unicode_encode(conf, encoding=_encodings['fs']), encoding=_encodings['content']) as _file: for line in _file.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue elif line.startswith('include'): include_line = line.split()[1:] for included in include_line: if not included.startswith('/'): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf), \ included) else: path = included to_parse.update(glob.glob(path)) else: lib_dirs.add(line) except EnvironmentError: logger.warn('\t' + yellow('Error when parsing file %s' %conf)) if visited is None: visited = set() visited.update(conf_file) to_parse = to_parse.difference(visited) if to_parse: lib_dirs.update(parse_conf(to_parse, visited, logger=logger)) return lib_dirs
def parse_conf(conf_file, visited=None, logger=None): ''' Parses supplied conf_file for libraries pathes. conf_file is file or files to parse visited is set of files already parsed ''' lib_dirs = set() to_parse = set() if isinstance(conf_file, str): conf_file = [conf_file] for conf in conf_file: try: with open(conf) as _file: for line in _file: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue elif line.startswith('include'): include_line = line.split()[1:] for included in include_line: if not included.startswith('/'): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf), \ included) else: path = included to_parse.update(glob.glob(path)) else: lib_dirs.add(line) except EnvironmentError: logger.warn(yellow('Error when parsing file %s' % conf)) if visited is None: visited = set() visited.update(conf_file) to_parse.difference_update(visited) if to_parse: lib_dirs.update(parse_conf(to_parse, visited, logger=logger)) return lib_dirs
def extract_dependencies_from_la(la, libraries, to_check, logger): broken = [] libnames = [] for lib in libraries: match = re.match(".+\/(.+)\.(so|la|a)(\..+)?", lib) if match is not None: libname = if libname not in libnames: libnames += [libname] for _file in la: if not os.path.exists(_file): continue for line in open(_file, "r").readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("dependency_libs="): match = re.match("dependency_libs='([^']+)'", line) if match is not None: for el in" "): el = el.strip() if len(el) < 1 or el.startswith("-L") or el.startswith("-R"): continue if el.startswith("-l") and "lib" + el[2:] in libnames: pass elif el in la or el in libraries: pass else: if to_check: _break = False for tc in to_check: if tc in el: _break = True break if not _break: continue" * ") + _file + " is broken (requires: " + bold(el) + ")") broken.append(_file) return broken
def process_results(self, found_libs, scanned_files=None): '''Processes the search results, logs the files found @param found_libs: dictionary of the type returned by search() @param scanned_files: optional dictionary if the type created by scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files @ returns: list: of filepaths from teh search results. ''' stime = current_milli_time() if not scanned_files: scanned_files = self.scanned_files found_pathes = [] for bits, found in found_libs.items(): for lib, files in found.items(): % (bold(lib), bits)) for fp in sorted(files):'\t' +yellow('* ') + fp) found_pathes.append(fp) ftime = current_milli_time() self.logger.debug("\tLibCheck.process_results(); total filepaths found: " "%d in %d milliseconds" % (len(found_pathes), ftime-stime)) return found_pathes
def __init__( self, scanned_files, logger, searchlibs=None, searchbits=None, all_masks=None, masked_dirs=None, ): """LibCheck init function. @param scanned_files: optional dictionary if the type created by scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files @param logger: python style Logging function to use for output. @param searchlibs: optional set() of libraries to search for. If defined it toggles several settings to configure this class for a target search rather than a broken libs search. """ self.scanned_files = scanned_files self.logger = logger self.searchlibs = searchlibs self.searchbits = sorted(searchbits) or ["32", "64"] self.all_masks = all_masks self.masked_dirs = masked_dirs self.logger.debug("\tLibCheck.__init__(), new searchlibs: %s" % (self.searchbits)) if searchlibs: self.smsg = "\, Checking for %s bit dependants" self.pmsg = yellow(" * ") + "Files that depend on: %s (%s bits)" self.setlibs = self._setslibs self.check = self._checkforlib else: self.smsg = "\, Checking for broken %s bit libs" self.pmsg = (green(" * ") + bold("Broken files that require:") + " %s (%s bits)") self.setlibs = self._setlibs self.check = self._checkbroken self.sfmsg = "\; Total found: %(count)d libs, %(deps)d files in %(time)d milliseconds" self.alllibs = None
def process_results(self, found_libs, scanned_files=None): '''Processes the search results, logs the files found @param found_libs: dictionary of the type returned by search() @param scanned_files: optional dictionary if the type created by scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files @ returns: list: of filepaths from teh search results. ''' stime = current_milli_time() if not scanned_files: scanned_files = self.scanned_files found_pathes = [] for bits, found in found_libs.items(): for lib, files in found.items(): % (bold(lib), bits)) for fp in sorted(files):'\t' + yellow('* ') + fp) found_pathes.append(fp) ftime = current_milli_time() self.logger.debug( "\tLibCheck.process_results(); total filepaths found: " "%d in %d milliseconds" % (len(found_pathes), ftime - stime)) return found_pathes
def rebuild(logger, assigned, settings): """rebuilds the assigned pkgs""" args = settings['pass_through_options'] if settings['EXACT']: _assigned = filter_masked(assigned, logger) emerge_command = '=' + ' ='.join(_assigned) else: _assigned = get_slotted_cps(assigned, logger) emerge_command = ' '.join(_assigned) if settings['PRETEND']: args += ' --pretend' if settings['VERBOSITY'] >= 2: args += ' --verbose' elif settings['VERBOSITY'] < 1: args += ' --quiet' if settings['nocolor']: args += ' --color n' if len(emerge_command) == 0: logger.warning(bold('\nThere is nothing to emerge. Exiting.')) return 0 logger.warning(yellow( '\nemerge') + args + ' --oneshot --complete-graph=y ' + bold(emerge_command)) stime = current_milli_time() _args = 'emerge ' + args + ' --oneshot --complete-graph=y ' + emerge_command _args = _args.split() success = ftime = current_milli_time() logger.debug("\trebuild(); emerge call for %d ebuilds took: %s seconds" % (len(_assigned), str((ftime-stime)/1000.0))) return success
def _create_use_string(conf, name, cur_iuse, iuse_forced, cur_use, old_iuse, old_use, is_new, feature_flags, reinst_flags): if not conf.print_use_string: return "" enabled = [] if conf.alphabetical: disabled = enabled removed = enabled else: disabled = [] removed = [] cur_iuse = set(cur_iuse) enabled_flags = cur_iuse.intersection(cur_use) removed_iuse = set(old_iuse).difference(cur_iuse) any_iuse = cur_iuse.union(old_iuse) any_iuse = list(any_iuse) any_iuse.sort() for flag in any_iuse: flag_str = None isEnabled = False reinst_flag = reinst_flags and flag in reinst_flags if flag in enabled_flags: isEnabled = True if is_new or flag in old_use and \ (conf.all_flags or reinst_flag): flag_str = red(flag) elif flag not in old_iuse: flag_str = yellow(flag) + "%*" elif flag not in old_use: flag_str = green(flag) + "*" elif flag in removed_iuse: if conf.all_flags or reinst_flag: flag_str = yellow("-" + flag) + "%" if flag in old_use: flag_str += "*" flag_str = "(" + flag_str + ")" removed.append(flag_str) continue else: if is_new or flag in old_iuse and \ flag not in old_use and \ (conf.all_flags or reinst_flag): flag_str = blue("-" + flag) elif flag not in old_iuse: flag_str = yellow("-" + flag) if flag not in iuse_forced: flag_str += "%" elif flag in old_use: flag_str = green("-" + flag) + "*" if flag_str: if flag in feature_flags: flag_str = "{" + flag_str + "}" elif flag in iuse_forced: flag_str = "(" + flag_str + ")" if isEnabled: enabled.append(flag_str) else: disabled.append(flag_str) if conf.alphabetical: ret = " ".join(enabled) else: ret = " ".join(enabled + disabled + removed) if ret: ret = '%s="%s" ' % (name, ret) return ret
def main(settings=None, logger=None): """Main program operation method.... @param settings: dict. defaults to settings.DEFAULTS @param logger: python logging module defaults to init_logger(settings) @return boolean success/failure """ if settings is None: print("NO Input settings, using defaults...") settings = DEFAULTS.copy() if logger is None: logger = init_logger(settings) _libs_to_check = settings['library'] if not settings['stdout'].isatty() or settings['nocolor']: nocolor() #TODO: Development warning logger.warn(blue(' * ') + yellow('This is a development version, ' 'so it may not work correctly')) logger.warn(blue(' * ') + yellow('The original revdep-rebuild script is ' 'installed as')) if os.getuid() != 0 and not settings['PRETEND']: logger.warn(blue(' * ') + yellow('You are not root, adding --pretend to portage options')) settings['PRETEND'] = True if settings['library']: logger.warn(green(' * ') + "Looking for libraries: %s" % (bold(', '.join(settings['library'])))) if settings['USE_TMP_FILES'] \ and check_temp_files(settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR'], logger=logger): libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, binaries = read_cache( settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR']) assigned = analyse( settings=settings, logger=logger, libraries=libraries, la_libraries=la_libraries, libraries_links=libraries_links, binaries=binaries, _libs_to_check=_libs_to_check) else: assigned = analyse(settings, logger, _libs_to_check=_libs_to_check) if not assigned: logger.warn('\n' + bold('Your system is consistent')) # return the correct exit code return 0 has_masked = False tmp = [] for ebuild in assigned: if get_masking_status(ebuild): has_masked = True logger.warn('!!! ' + red('All ebuilds that could satisfy: ') + green(ebuild) + red(' have been masked')) else: tmp.append(ebuild) assigned = tmp if has_masked:' * ') + 'Unmask all ebuild(s) listed above and call revdep-rebuild ' 'again or manually emerge given packages.') success = rebuild(logger, assigned, settings) logger.debug("rebuild return code = %i" %success) return success
def globaloption(string): """Returns a global option string, i.e. the program global options.""" return output.yellow(string)
def _create_use_string( conf, name, cur_iuse, iuse_forced, cur_use, old_iuse, old_use, is_new, feature_flags, reinst_flags ): if not conf.print_use_string: return "" enabled = [] if conf.alphabetical: disabled = enabled removed = enabled else: disabled = [] removed = [] cur_iuse = set(cur_iuse) enabled_flags = cur_iuse.intersection(cur_use) removed_iuse = set(old_iuse).difference(cur_iuse) any_iuse = cur_iuse.union(old_iuse) any_iuse = list(any_iuse) any_iuse.sort() for flag in any_iuse: flag_str = None isEnabled = False reinst_flag = reinst_flags and flag in reinst_flags if flag in enabled_flags: isEnabled = True if is_new or flag in old_use and (conf.all_flags or reinst_flag): flag_str = red(flag) elif flag not in old_iuse: flag_str = yellow(flag) + "%*" elif flag not in old_use: flag_str = green(flag) + "*" elif flag in removed_iuse: if conf.all_flags or reinst_flag: flag_str = yellow("-" + flag) + "%" if flag in old_use: flag_str += "*" flag_str = "(" + flag_str + ")" removed.append(flag_str) continue else: if is_new or flag in old_iuse and flag not in old_use and (conf.all_flags or reinst_flag): flag_str = blue("-" + flag) elif flag not in old_iuse: flag_str = yellow("-" + flag) if flag not in iuse_forced: flag_str += "%" elif flag in old_use: flag_str = green("-" + flag) + "*" if flag_str: if flag in feature_flags: flag_str = "{" + flag_str + "}" elif flag in iuse_forced: flag_str = "(" + flag_str + ")" if isEnabled: enabled.append(flag_str) else: disabled.append(flag_str) if conf.alphabetical: ret = " ".join(enabled) else: ret = " ".join(enabled + disabled + removed) if ret: ret = '%s="%s" ' % (name, ret) return ret
def printUsage(_error=None, help=None): """Print help message. May also print partial help to stderr if an error from {'options','actions'} is specified.""" out = sys.stdout if _error: out = sys.stderr if not _error in ('actions', 'global-options', \ 'packages-options', 'distfiles-options', \ 'merged-packages-options', 'merged-distfiles-options', \ 'time', 'size'): _error = None if not _error and not help: help = 'all' if _error == 'time': print( pp.error("Wrong time specification"), file=out) print( "Time specification should be an integer followed by a"+ " single letter unit.", file=out) print( "Available units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), "+ "d (days) and h (hours).", file=out) print( "For instance: \"1y\" is \"one year\", \"2w\" is \"two"+ " weeks\", etc. ", file=out) return if _error == 'size': print( pp.error("Wrong size specification"), file=out) print( "Size specification should be an integer followed by a"+ " single letter unit.", file=out) print( "Available units are: G, M, K and B.", file=out) print("For instance: \"10M\" is \"ten megabytes\", \"200K\" "+ "is \"two hundreds kilobytes\", etc.", file=out) return if _error in ('global-options', 'packages-options', 'distfiles-options', \ 'merged-packages-options', 'merged-distfiles-options',): print( pp.error("Wrong option on command line."), file=out) print( file=out) elif _error == 'actions': print( pp.error("Wrong or missing action name on command line."), file=out) print( file=out) print( white("Usage:"), file=out) if _error in ('actions','global-options', 'packages-options', \ 'distfiles-options') or help == 'all': print( " "+turquoise(__productname__), yellow("[global-option] ..."), green("<action>"), yellow("[action-option] ..."), file=out) if _error == 'merged-distfiles-options' or help in ('all','distfiles'): print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+'-dist'), yellow("[global-option, distfiles-option] ..."), file=out) if _error == 'merged-packages-options' or help in ('all','packages'): print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+'-pkg'), yellow("[global-option, packages-option] ..."), file=out) if _error in ('global-options', 'actions'): print( " "+turquoise(__productname__), yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out) if help == 'all': print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+"(-dist,-pkg)"), yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out) if _error == 'merged-packages-options' or help == 'packages': print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+'-pkg'), yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out) if _error == 'merged-distfiles-options' or help == 'distfiles': print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+'-dist'), yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out) print(file=out) if _error in ('global-options', 'merged-packages-options', \ 'merged-distfiles-options') or help: print( "Available global", yellow("options")+":", file=out) print( yellow(" -C, --nocolor")+ " - turn off colors on output", file=out) print( yellow(" -d, --deep")+ " - only keep the minimum for a reinstallation", file=out) print( yellow(" -e, --exclude-file=<path>")+ " - path to the exclusion file", file=out) print( yellow(" -i, --interactive")+ " - ask confirmation before deletions", file=out) print( yellow(" -n, --package-names")+ " - protect all versions (when --deep)", file=out) print( yellow(" -p, --pretend")+ " - only display what would be cleaned", file=out) print( yellow(" -q, --quiet")+ " - be as quiet as possible", file=out) print( yellow(" -t, --time-limit=<time>")+ " - don't delete files modified since "+yellow("<time>"), file=out) print( " "+yellow("<time>"), "is a duration: \"1y\" is"+ " \"one year\", \"2w\" is \"two weeks\", etc. ", file=out) print( " "+"Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), "+ "d (days) and h (hours).", file=out) print( yellow(" -h, --help")+ \ " - display the help screen", file=out) print( yellow(" -V, --version")+ " - display version info", file=out) print( file=out) if _error == 'actions' or help == 'all': print( "Available", green("actions")+":", file=out) print( green(" packages")+ " - clean outdated binary packages from PKGDIR", file=out) print( green(" distfiles")+ " - clean outdated packages sources files from DISTDIR", file=out) print( file=out) if _error in ('packages-options','merged-packages-options') \ or help in ('all','packages'): print( "Available", yellow("options"),"for the", green("packages"),"action:", file=out) print( yellow(" -i, --ignore-failure")+ " - ignore failure to locate PKGDIR", file=out) print( file=out) if _error in ('distfiles-options', 'merged-distfiles-options') \ or help in ('all','distfiles'): print("Available", yellow("options"),"for the", green("distfiles"),"action:", file=out) print( yellow(" -f, --fetch-restricted")+ " - protect fetch-restricted files (when --deep)", file=out) print( yellow(" -s, --size-limit=<size>")+ " - don't delete distfiles bigger than "+yellow("<size>"), file=out) print( " "+yellow("<size>"), "is a size specification: "+ "\"10M\" is \"ten megabytes\", \"200K\" is", file=out) print( " "+"\"two hundreds kilobytes\", etc. Units are: "+ "G, M, K and B.", file=out) print( file=out) print( "More detailed instruction can be found in", turquoise("`man %s`" % __productname__), file=out)
def doAction(action,options,exclude={}, output=None): """doAction: execute one action, ie display a few message, call the right find* function, and then call doCleanup with its result.""" # define vocabulary for the output if action == 'packages': files_type = "binary packages" else: files_type = "distfiles" saved = {} deprecated = {} # find files to delete, depending on the action if not options['quiet']: output.einfo("Building file list for "+action+" cleaning...") if action == 'packages': clean_me = findPackages( options, exclude=exclude, destructive=options['destructive'], package_names=options['package-names'], time_limit=options['time-limit'], pkgdir=pkgdir, #port_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi), #var_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi), ) else: # accept defaults engine = DistfilesSearch(output=options['verbose-output'], #portdb=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi), #var_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi), ) clean_me, saved, deprecated = engine.findDistfiles( exclude=exclude, destructive=options['destructive'], fetch_restricted=options['fetch-restricted'], package_names=options['package-names'], time_limit=options['time-limit'], size_limit=options['size-limit'], deprecate = options['deprecated'] ) # initialize our cleaner cleaner = CleanUp(output.progress_controller) # actually clean files if something was found if clean_me: # verbose pretend message if options['pretend'] and not options['quiet']: output.einfo("Here are the "+files_type+" that would be deleted:") # verbose non-pretend message elif not options['quiet']: output.einfo("Cleaning " + files_type +"...") # do the cleanup, and get size of deleted files if options['pretend']: clean_size = cleaner.pretend_clean(clean_me) elif action in ['distfiles']: clean_size = cleaner.clean_dist(clean_me) elif action in ['packages']: clean_size = cleaner.clean_pkgs(clean_me, pkgdir) # vocabulary for final message if options['pretend']: verb = "would be" else: verb = "were" # display freed space if not options['quiet']:'normal', clean_size, len(clean_me), verb, action) # nothing was found elif not options['quiet']: output.einfo("Your "+action+" directory was already clean.") if saved and not options['quiet']: print() print( (pp.emph(" The following ") + yellow("unavailable") + pp.emph(" files were saved from cleaning due to exclusion file entries"))) output.set_colors('deprecated') clean_size = cleaner.pretend_clean(saved)'deprecated', clean_size, len(saved), verb, action) if deprecated and not options['quiet']: print() print( (pp.emph(" The following ") + yellow("unavailable") + pp.emph(" installed packages were found"))) output.set_colors('deprecated') output.list_pkgs(deprecated)
def doAction(action,options,exclude={}, output=None): """doAction: execute one action, ie display a few message, call the right find* function, and then call doCleanup with its result.""" # define vocabulary for the output if action == 'packages': files_type = "binary packages" else: files_type = "distfiles" saved = {} deprecated = {} # find files to delete, depending on the action if not options['quiet']: output.einfo("Building file list for "+action+" cleaning...") if action == 'packages': clean_me = findPackages( options, exclude=exclude, destructive=options['destructive'], package_names=options['package-names'], time_limit=options['time-limit'], pkgdir=pkgdir, #port_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi), #var_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi), ) else: # accept defaults engine = DistfilesSearch(output=options['verbose-output'], #portdb=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi), #var_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi), ) clean_me, saved, deprecated = engine.findDistfiles( exclude=exclude, destructive=options['destructive'], fetch_restricted=options['fetch-restricted'], package_names=options['package-names'], time_limit=options['time-limit'], size_limit=options['size-limit'], deprecate = options['deprecated'] ) # initialize our cleaner cleaner = CleanUp( output.progress_controller) # actually clean files if something was found if clean_me: # verbose pretend message if options['pretend'] and not options['quiet']: output.einfo("Here are the "+files_type+" that would be deleted:") # verbose non-pretend message elif not options['quiet']: output.einfo("Cleaning " + files_type +"...") # do the cleanup, and get size of deleted files if options['pretend']: clean_size = cleaner.pretend_clean(clean_me) elif action in ['distfiles']: clean_size = cleaner.clean_dist(clean_me) elif action in ['packages']: clean_size = cleaner.clean_pkgs(clean_me, pkgdir) # vocabulary for final message if options['pretend']: verb = "would be" else: verb = "were" # display freed space if not options['quiet']:'normal', clean_size, len(clean_me), verb, action) # nothing was found elif not options['quiet']: output.einfo("Your "+action+" directory was already clean.") if saved and not options['quiet']: print() print( (pp.emph(" The following ") + yellow("unavailable") + pp.emph(" files were saved from cleaning due to exclusion file entries"))) output.set_colors('deprecated') clean_size = cleaner.pretend_clean(saved)'deprecated', clean_size, len(saved), verb, action) if deprecated and not options['quiet']: print() print( (pp.emph(" The following ") + yellow("unavailable") + pp.emph(" installed packages were found"))) output.set_colors('deprecated') output.list_pkgs(deprecated)
def warn(msg, fatal=False, stdout=CONFIG['stdout']): print(yellow(" * Warning:"), msg, file=stdout) print('', file=stdout) if fatal: sys.exit(1)
def main(settings=None, logger=None): """Main program operation method.... @param settings: dict. defaults to settings.DEFAULTS @param logger: python logging module defaults to init_logger(settings) @return boolean success/failure """ if settings is None: print("NO Input settings, using defaults...") settings = DEFAULTS.copy() if logger is None: logger = init_logger(settings) _libs_to_check = settings['library'] if not settings['stdout'].isatty() or settings['nocolor']: nocolor() logger.warning(blue(' * ') + yellow('This is the new python coded version')) logger.warning(blue(' * ') + yellow('Please report any bugs found using it.')) logger.warning(blue(' * ') + yellow('The original revdep-rebuild script is ' 'installed as')) logger.warning(blue(' * ') + yellow('Please file bugs at: ' '')) if os.getuid() != 0 and not settings['PRETEND']: logger.warning(blue(' * ') + yellow('You are not root, adding --pretend to portage options')) settings['PRETEND'] = True logger.debug("\tmain(), _libs_to_check = %s" % str(_libs_to_check)) if settings['USE_TMP_FILES'] \ and check_temp_files(settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR'], logger=logger): libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, binaries = read_cache( settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR']) assigned, orphaned = analyse( settings=settings, logger=logger, libraries=libraries, la_libraries=la_libraries, libraries_links=libraries_links, binaries=binaries, _libs_to_check=_libs_to_check) else: assigned, orphaned = analyse(settings, logger, _libs_to_check=_libs_to_check) if not assigned and not orphaned: logger.warning('\n' + bold('Your system is consistent')) # return the correct exit code return 0 elif orphaned: # blank line for beter visibility of the following lines logger.warning('') if settings['library']: logger.warning(red(' !!! Dependant orphaned files: ') + bold('No installed package was found for the following:')) else: logger.warning(red(' !!! Broken orphaned files: ') + bold('No installed package was found for the following:')) for filename in orphaned: logger.warning(red('\t* ') + filename) success = rebuild(logger, assigned, settings) logger.debug("rebuild return code = %i" %success) return success
def collect_libraries_from_dir(dirs, mask, logger): ''' Collects all libraries from specified list of directories. mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning, can be eighter single file or entire directory Returns tuple composed of: list of libraries, list of symlinks, and toupe with pair (symlink_id, library_id) for resolving dependencies ''' # contains list of directories found # allows us to reduce number of fnc calls found_directories = [] found_files = [] found_symlinks = [] found_la_files = [] # la libraries symlink_pairs = [] # list of pairs symlink_id->library_id for _dir in dirs: if _dir in mask: continue try: for listing in os.listdir(_dir): listing = os.path.join(_dir, listing) if listing in mask: continue if os.path.isdir(listing): if os.path.islink(listing): #we do not want scan symlink-directories pass else: found_directories.append(listing) elif os.path.isfile(listing): if (listing.endswith('.so') or listing.endswith('.a') or '.so.' in listing ): if listing in found_files or listing in found_symlinks: continue if os.path.islink(listing): found_symlinks.append(listing) abs_path = os.path.realpath(listing) if abs_path in found_files: index = found_files.index(abs_path) else: found_files.append(abs_path) index = len(found_files)-1 symlink_pairs.append((len(found_symlinks)-1, index,)) else: found_files.append(listing) continue elif listing.endswith('.la'): if listing in found_la_files: continue found_la_files.append(listing) else: # sometimes there are binaries in libs' subdir, # for example in nagios if not os.path.islink(listing): if listing in found_files or listing in found_symlinks: continue prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE] if prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR or \ prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP or \ prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH: found_files.append(listing) except Exception as ex: logger.debug( yellow('Exception during collecting libraries: ' + blue('%s') %str(ex))) if found_directories: _file, la_file, link, pair = \ collect_libraries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger) found_files += _file found_la_files += la_file found_symlinks += link symlink_pairs += pair return (found_files, found_la_files, found_symlinks, symlink_pairs)
def updatedb(config=None): if not os.access(config['esearchdbdir'], os.W_OK): print(yellow("Warning:"), "You do not have sufficient permissions to save the index file in:", green(config['esearchdbdir']), file=config['stderr']) return False if config['verbose'] != -1 and "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS" in environ: print(yellow("Warning:"), "You have set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS in environment, this will result", file=config['stdout']) print(" in a modified index file", file=config['stdout']) ebuilds = portage.portdb.cp_all() numebuilds = len(ebuilds) if exists(config['tmpfile']): error("there is probably another eupdatedb running already.\n" + " If you're sure there is no other process, remove", config['tmpfile'], fatal=False) return False try: dbfd = open(config['tmpfile'], O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0o600) except OSError: error("Failed to open temporary file.", fatal=False) return False dbfile = fdopen(dbfd, "w") dbfile.write("dbversion = " + str(config['needdbversion']) + "\n") dbfile.write("db = (\n") if not config['verbose']: config['stdout'].write(green(" * ") + "indexing: ") config['stdout'].flush() nr = 0 nrchars = 0 elif config['verbose'] == 1: lastcat = False cattime = time() try: for pkg in ebuilds: masked = False if not config['verbose']: nr += 1 s = str(numebuilds - nr) + " ebuilds to go" config['stdout'].write((nrchars * "\b \b") + s) config['stdout'].flush() nrchars = len(s) pkgv = portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", pkg) if not pkgv: pkgv ="match-all", pkg)) if not pkgv: continue masked = True if len(pkgv) > 1: try: homepage, description, _license = portage.portdb.aux_get( pkgv, ["HOMEPAGE", "DESCRIPTION", "LICENSE"]) except KeyError: homepage, description, _license = "", "", "" pass if len(pkgv) > 1: filesize = getfetchsize(pkgv) else: filesize = '0' (curcat, pkgname) = pkg.split("/") if config['verbose'] == 1 and curcat != lastcat: if lastcat != False: print(duration(cattime), file=config['stdout']) print(bold(" * " + curcat) + ":", end=' ', file=config['stdout']) cattime = time() lastcat = curcat installed = pkg_version(VARTREE.dep_bestmatch(pkg)) if installed: installed = str(installed) dbfile.write(repr((str(pkgname), str(pkg), masked, str(pkg_version(pkgv)), installed, str(filesize), str(homepage), str(description), str(_license))) + str(",\n")) except KeyboardInterrupt: dbfile.close() unlink(config['tmpfile']) print("", file=config['stdout']) return False print("", file=config['stdout']) dbfile.write(")") dbfile.close() copyfile(config['tmpfile'], os.path.join(config['esearchdbdir'], config['esearchdbfile'])) unlink(config['tmpfile']) sys.path.insert(0, config['esearchdbdir']) import esearchdb # import the file, to generate pyc if exists( os.path.join(config['esearchdbdir'], config['esearchdbfile']) + "c"): config['esearchdbfile'] += "c" print(green(" *"), "esearch-index generated in", duration(start), file=config['stdout']) print(green(" *"), "indexed", bold(str(numebuilds)), "ebuilds", file=config['stdout']) print(green(" *"), "size of esearch-index:", bold(str(int(stat( os.path.join(config['esearchdbdir'], config['esearchdbfile']) )[6]/1024)) + " kB"), file=config['stdout']) return True