def post(self, request): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """POST handler.""" data = json.loads(request.body) title = data['title'] members = data['members'] mgr = ProjectsManager(request.user) prj = mgr.create(title) project_id = prj.project_id for member in members: try: if member['access'] == 'owner': access = 'pi' elif member['access'] == 'edit': access = 'co_pi' else: raise ApiException("Unsupported access level") mgr.add_member(project_id, access, member['username']) except Exception: LOGGER.exception( "Project was created, but could not add {username}", username=member['username']) return JsonResponse({ 'status': 200, 'response':, }, encoder=mgr.systems_serializer_cls)
def getProjectSystems(self, user): mgr = ProjectsManager(user) projects = mgr.list() result = [] names = [] for project in projects: name = project.description # Resolve project name collisions if any([existing == name for existing in names]): name = "{name} ({id})".format(name=project.description, names.append(name) # Find a matching role, or return None role = next((role.role for role in project.roles.roles if role.username == user.username), None) if role == "OWNER" or role == "ADMIN": permissions = "rw" elif role == "GUEST": permissions = "ro" else: permissions = "ro" result.append({ "path": project.absolute_path, "mountPath": "/{namespace}/My Projects/{name}".format( namespace=settings.PORTAL_NAMESPACE, name=name), "pems": permissions }) return result
def get(self, request, project_id=None, system_id=None): """Retrieve single project instance. A project instance can be retrieved by project or system id. :param request: Request object. :param str project_id: Project Id. :param str system_id: System Id. """ mgr = ProjectsManager(request.user) prj = mgr.get_project(project_id, system_id) return JsonResponse({ 'status': 200, 'response': prj.metadata, }, encoder=ProjectsManager.meta_serializer_cls)
def transfer_ownership(self, request, project_id, **data): old_pi = data.get('oldOwner') new_pi = data.get('newOwner') res = ProjectsManager(request.user).transfer_ownership( project_id, old_pi, new_pi) return JsonResponse({ 'status': 200, 'response': res.metadata }, encoder=ProjectsManager.meta_serializer_cls)
def add_member(self, request, project_id, **data): """Add member to a project. In Shared Workspaces (CEPv2) members can only be added with "edit" access, which translates to co_pi """ username = data.get('username') res = ProjectsManager(request.user).add_member(project_id, 'co_pi', username) return JsonResponse({ 'status': 200, 'response': res.metadata }, encoder=ProjectsManager.meta_serializer_cls)
def remove_member(self, request, project_id, **data): """Remove member from project. :param request: Request object. :param str project_id: Project id. :param dict data: Data. """ username = data.get('username') prj = ProjectsManager(request.user).remove_member( project_id=project_id, member_type='co_pi', username=username) return JsonResponse({ 'status': 200, 'response': prj.metadata, }, encoder=ProjectsManager.meta_serializer_cls)
def patch(self, request, project_id=None, system_id=None): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Update one or multiple fields. This method should be used to update metadata values **mainly**. The updated values must live in the POST body of the request. .. example:: POST data to update a project's title. ```json { "title": "New title" } ``` POST data to update a project's title and description. ```json { "title": "New Title", "description": "New Description" } .. warning:: This method will not update any team members on a project. That should be handled through permissions. :param request: Request object :param str project_id: Project Id. """ mgr = ProjectsManager(request.user) data = json.loads(request.body) LOGGER.debug('data: %s', data) prj = mgr.update_prj(project_id, system_id, **data) return JsonResponse({ 'status': 200, 'response': prj.metadata }, encoder=mgr.meta_serializer_cls)
def get(self, request): """GET handler. If no 'query_string' is present this view will return a list of every project where the requesting user is a part of. If a `query_string` value is present (e.g. ``GET /api/projects/?query_string="vertigo"```) then the list of projects returned are the projects where the requesting user is a part of AND the query string is present in any of its fields. Sample response: ```json {"response": [{ "absolutePath": "/corral-repl/tacc/aci/CEP/projects/CEP-7", "available": true, "default": false, "description": "Project Title", "globalDefault": false, "id": "cep.project.CEP-7", "name": "CEP-7", "owner": null, "public": false, "revision": null, "site": null, "status": "UP", "storage": { "auth": { "password": null, "privateKey": null, "publicKey": null, "type": null, "username": null }, "homeDir": null, "host": null, "mirror": false, "port": null, "protocol": null, "proxy": null, "publicAppsDir": null, "rootDir": null }, "type": "STORAGE", "uuid": null }, ... ], "status": 200 } ``` """ query_string = request.GET.get('query_string') offset = int(request.GET.get('offset', 0)) limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', 100)) mgr = ProjectsManager(request.user) if query_string is not None: res =, offset=offset, limit=limit) else: res = mgr.list(offset=offset, limit=limit) return JsonResponse({ 'status': 200, 'response': res }, encoder=ProjectsManager.systems_serializer_cls)
def project_manager(mocker, authenticated_user): mocker.patch('portal.apps.projects.managers.base.ProjectsManager.get_project') project = ProjectsManager(authenticated_user) project.get_project().project_id = "PRJ-123" project.get_project() = os.path.join(settings.PORTAL_PROJECTS_ROOT_DIR, "PRJ-123") return project