예제 #1
def assign_submit():
    """Finalize assignment of assignments to a session with a due date"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get all the necessary form data
        date = request.form['date']
        assign_id = request.form['assign_id']
        session_id = request.form['session_id']

        # Validate all of the data
        if (validate(assign_id, 'assignments')
                and validate(session_id, 'sessions') and validate_date(date)):
            # If validation succeeds, add the new session assignment to the database
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        INSERT INTO session_assignments (session_id, assignment_id, due_date)
                        VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
                    """, (session_id, assign_id, date))
                    # Add a default assignment grade for each student of 0
                        INSERT INTO assignment_grades(owner_id, assigned_id, grades)
                        VALUES((SELECT DISTINCT student_id FROM roster WHERE session_id = %s),
                        (SELECT DISTINCT work_id FROM session_assignments WHERE session_id = %s AND assignment_id = %s),
                        SELECT * FROM assignment_grades
                        """, (session_id, session_id, assign_id, 0))
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash('Something went wrong.')
    return redirect(url_for('teacher.sessions'))
예제 #2
def session_remove():
    """Remove students from a session roster during creation or editing"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if session.get('class_session'):

            ids = []
            error = None

            # Confirm that each checked box is a valid student user
            for id in request.form.getlist('id'):
                if validate(id, 'users'):
                    # If any id fails validation, prepare an error and stop looping
                    error = "Something went wrong."

            # If validation passes, delete students from the roster in the DB
            if not error:
                with db.get_db() as con:
                    with con.cursor() as cur:
                            DELETE FROM roster
                            WHERE student_id = ANY(%s) AND session_id = %s
                        """, (ids, session['class_session']))
                # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user

    if not session.get('edit'):
        return redirect(url_for('teacher.make_session'))
        return redirect(url_for('teacher.session_edit'))
예제 #3
def submit_assignments():
    """Finalize edits on an assignment and update the database"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Grab all the necessary form data
        name = request.form['name']
        desc = request.form['description']
        points = request.form['points']
        id = request.form['submit']
        # Validate all of the submitted data
        if (validate(id, 'assignments') and validate_text(name, 50)
                and validate_text(desc, 300)
                and validate_number(points, 100000)):
            # If validation passes, update the database
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        UPDATE assignments
                        SET name = %s, description = %s, points = %s
                        WHERE id = %s
                    """, (name, desc, points, id))
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash('Something went wrong.')

    return redirect(url_for('teacher.assignments'))
예제 #4
def view_assignments():
    # TODO: add docstring / comments
    if request.method == 'POST':
        code = request.form['view-grade']
        if validate(code, 'sessions'):
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        SELECT a.name, a.description, a.points, c.course_name, a.id, p.work_id
                        FROM sessions s JOIN session_assignments p
                        ON s.id = p.session_id
                        JOIN assignments a
                        ON p.assignment_id = a.id
                        JOIN courses c
                        ON c.id = s.course_id
                        WHERE s.id = %s
                    """, (code, ))
                    assignments = cur.fetchall()
            return render_template(
            flash("Something went wrong.")
    return redirect(url_for('teacher.courses'))
예제 #5
def grade():
    """Display a students assignment information so a teacher can grade the student"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get the assignment_id from the form
        code = request.form['grade']
        # Validate that a correct id is being used
        if validate(code, 'assignments'):
            # If validation succeeds, select neccessary data for an assignment to allow a teacher to give a student a grade
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        SELECT r.name, r.description, r.points, u.first_name, u.last_name, u.id, a.work_id
                        FROM session_assignments a JOIN assignments r
                        ON a.assignment_id = r.id
                        JOIN roster d
                        ON a.session_id = d.session_id
                        JOIN users u
                        ON d.student_id = u.id
                        WHERE a.assignment_id = %s
                    """, (code, ))
                    informations = cur.fetchall()
            return render_template(

            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash('Something went wrong.')
    return redirect(url_for('teacher.courses'))
예제 #6
def assign_work():
    """Display all of the assignments that can be assigned to selected session"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get the id for the target session from the form
        session_id = request.form['session_id']
        # Confirm that the teacher owns the target session
        if validate(session_id, 'sessions'):
            # On validation success, collect all valid assignments for target session
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        SELECT * FROM assignments
                        WHERE course_id IN (SELECT course_id FROM sessions WHERE id = %s)
                        AND id NOT IN (SELECT assignment_id FROM session_assignments
                                       WHERE session_id = %s)
                    """, (session_id, session_id))
                    assigns = cur.fetchall()
            return render_template(
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash('Something went wrong.')

    return redirect(url_for('teacher.sessions'))
예제 #7
def view_assignments():
    """Display a list of assignments for a specific session"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get the session_id from the form
        code = request.form['view-grade']
        # Validate that a valid session id is being used
        if validate(code, 'sessions'):
            # If validation succeeds, grab the details for each assignment that belongs to a specific session
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        SELECT a.name, a.description, a.points, c.course_name, a.id, p.work_id
                        FROM sessions s JOIN session_assignments p
                        ON s.id = p.session_id
                        JOIN assignments a
                        ON p.assignment_id = a.id
                        JOIN courses c
                        ON c.id = s.course_id
                        WHERE s.id = %s
                    """, (code, ))
                    assignments = cur.fetchall()
            return render_template(
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash("Something went wrong.")
    return redirect(url_for('teacher.courses'))
예제 #8
def grade():
    # TODO: add docstring / comments
    if request.method == 'POST':
        code = request.form['grade']

        if validate(code, 'assignments'):
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        SELECT r.name, r.description, r.points, u.first_name, u.last_name, u.id, a.work_id
                        FROM session_assignments a JOIN assignments r
                        ON a.assignment_id = r.id
                        JOIN roster d
                        ON a.session_id = d.session_id
                        JOIN users u
                        ON d.student_id = u.id
                        WHERE a.assignment_id = %s
                    """, (code, ))
                    informations = cur.fetchall()
            return render_template(

            flash('Something went wrong.')
    return redirect(url_for('teacher.courses'))
예제 #9
def sessions():
    """Display a list of sessions that the logged-in user owns and can delete"""
    if request.method == 'POST':

        items = []
        error = None

        # Collect all the checked form items and validate ownership
        for item in request.form.getlist('id'):
            if validate(item, 'sessions'):
                # If validation fails, set an error and stop the loop
                error = 'Something went wrong.'

        # If all validation succeeds, delete selected sessions from the DB
        if not error:
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        DELETE FROM sessions
                        WHERE id = ANY(%s)
                    """, (items, ))
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user

    # Grab all sessions that the teacher owns from the DB along with associated
    # course information
    with db.get_db() as con:
        with con.cursor() as cur:
                SELECT s.id, s.session_name, c.course_code, c.course_name, c.major
                FROM sessions s JOIN courses c
                ON s.course_id = c.id
                WHERE c.teacher_id = %s
                ORDER BY c.major, s.session_name
            """, (g.user['id'], ))
            sessions = cur.fetchall()
    return render_template('layouts/teacher/sessions/sessions.html',
예제 #10
def assignments():
    """Display owned assignments to logged in teachers and allow deletion of assignments"""
    if request.method == 'POST':

        items = []
        error = None

        # Collect and validate each checked item from form
        for item in request.form.getlist('id'):
            if validate(item, 'assignments'):
                # If any id fails validation, set an error and stop looping
                error = 'Something went wrong.'

        # If validation passes, delete selected items from DB
        if not error:
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        DELETE FROM assignments
                        WHERE id = ANY(%s)
                    """, (items, ))
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user

    # Grab assignment information from the database
    with db.get_db() as con:
        with con.cursor() as cur:
                SELECT c.course_name, a.name, a.id
                FROM assignments a JOIN courses c
                ON a.course_id = c.id
                WHERE c.teacher_id = %s
                ORDER BY a.id
            """, (g.user['id'], ))
            assignments = cur.fetchall()

    return render_template('layouts/teacher/assignments/assignments.html',
예제 #11
def course_edit(id):
    """Update course information using user input as data"""
    if validate(id, 'courses'):
        if request.method == "POST":
            class_code = request.form['code']
            class_name = request.form['name']
            class_subject = request.form['major']
            class_description = request.form['description']
            if (
                validate_text(class_code, 10) and
                validate_text(class_name, 50) and
                validate_text(class_subject, 5) and
                validate_text(class_description, 150)
                # If all data is successfully validated, update the DB
                with db.get_db() as con:
                    with con.cursor() as cur:
                        UPDATE courses
                        SET course_code = %s, course_name = %s , major= %s, description= %s, teacher_id= %s
                        WHERE id = %s
                        (class_code, class_name, class_subject, class_description, g.user['id'], id)
                return redirect(url_for('teacher.courses'))
                # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
                flash("Something went wrong.")

        # Grab the current course information so the user knows what they're changing
        with db.get_db() as con:
            with con.cursor() as cur:
                    SELECT * FROM courses
                    WHERE id = %s
                """, (id,))
                course = cur.fetchone()

        return render_template('layouts/teacher/courses/edit-course.html', course=course)

    return redirect(url_for('teacher.courses'))
예제 #12
def create_assignments():
    """Display a form for creating new assignments and create them using user input"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Collect the necessary form data
        name = request.form['name']
        desc = request.form['description']
        points = request.form['points']
        course = request.form['course']
        # Validate the collected data
        if (validate_text(name, 50) and validate_text(desc, 300)
                and validate_number(points, 100000)
                and validate(course, 'courses')):
            # If validation succeeds, create a new record in the database
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        INSERT INTO assignments (name, description, points, course_id)
                        VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
                    """, (name, desc, points, course))

                    return redirect(url_for('teacher.assignments'))
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash("Something went wrong.")

    # Grab all of the logged in teacher's course information for select input
    with db.get_db() as con:
        with con.cursor() as cur:
                SELECT * FROM courses
                WHERE teacher_id = %s
            """, (g.user['id'], ))
            courses = cur.fetchall()

    return render_template(
        'layouts/teacher/assignments/create-assignments.html', courses=courses)
예제 #13
def courses():
    """Return a view that contains course information that can be deleted on POST"""
    if request.method == 'POST':

        ids =[]
        error = None

        # Get all ids from checked boxes and validate them
        for id in request.form.getlist('id'):
            if validate(id, 'courses'):
                # If any id fails validation, set an error and stop looping
                error = "Something went wrong."

        if not error:
            # If the validation went through, open a database connection and delete
            # the selected courses
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        DELETE FROM courses
                        WHERE id = ANY(%s)
                    """, (ids,))
            # If the validation produced an error, prepare it to be shown to the user

    # Open a DB connection and grab all the course information for logged in teacher
    with db.get_db() as con:
        with con.cursor() as cur:
                SELECT * FROM courses
                WHERE teacher_id = %s
            """, (g.user['id'],))
            courses = cur.fetchall()
    return render_template('layouts/teacher/courses/courses.html', courses=courses)
예제 #14
def edit_assignments():
    """Collect information on selected assignment to display edit form"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get the requested assignment ID from the form
        assignment_id = request.form['edit']
        # Check that the requested assignment belongs to the logged-in teacher
        if validate(assignment_id, 'assignments'):
            # Get the assignment information from the database
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        SELECT * FROM assignments
                        WHERE id = %s
                        """, (assignment_id, ))
                    info = cur.fetchone()
            return render_template(
                'layouts/teacher/assignments/edit-assignments.html', info=info)
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash('Something went wrong')

    return redirect(url_for('teacher.assignments'))
예제 #15
def session_add():
    """Add students to a session roster during creation or editing"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if session.get('class_session'):

            ids = []
            error = None

            # Confirm that every checked box id is for a valid student
            for id in request.form.getlist('id'):
                if validate(id, 'users'):
                    # If any id is not valid, set an error and stop the loop
                    error = "Something went wrong."

            # If validation completes successfully, add all of the students to
            # to the roster
            if not error:
                with db.get_db() as con:
                    with con.cursor() as cur:
                        for id in ids:
                                INSERT INTO roster (student_id, session_id)
                                VALUES (%s, %s)
                            """, (id, session['class_session']))
                # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user

    if not session.get('edit'):
        return redirect(url_for('teacher.make_session'))
        return redirect(url_for('teacher.session_edit'))
예제 #16
def session_edit():
    """Set global session edit state and show the session edit form"""
    if request.method == "POST":
        # Get target session id from form
        session_id = request.form['edit']
        # Confirm that the logged-in teacher owns the session
        if validate(session_id, 'sessions'):
            # Set global session values to create session editing state
            session['class_session'] = session_id
            session['edit'] = True
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash('Something went wrong.')

    # If the session is in the edit state, fetch info from the DB to be shown
    # on the editing form
    if session.get('edit'):
        with db.get_db() as con:
            with con.cursor() as cur:
                    SELECT * FROM sessions s JOIN courses c
                    ON s.course_id = c.id
                    WHERE s.id = %s
                """, (session['class_session'], ))
                session_info = cur.fetchone()

                # As with creation, all students should be available to be added to
                # the roster for Gen. Ed. classes
                if session_info['course_id'] == 'GEN':
                        SELECT last_name, first_name, id FROM users
                        WHERE role = 'student'
                        AND id NOT IN (SELECT student_id FROM roster WHERE session_id = %s)
                    """, (session['class_session'], ))
                        SELECT last_name, first_name, id FROM users
                        WHERE role = 'student' AND major = %s
                        AND id NOT IN (SELECT student_id FROM roster WHERE session_id = %s)
                    """, (session_info['major'], session['class_session']))

                students = cur.fetchall()

                    SELECT u.last_name, u.first_name, u.id FROM roster r JOIN users u
                    ON r.student_id = u.id
                    WHERE r.session_id = %s
                """, (session['class_session'], ))

                roster = cur.fetchall()

        return render_template('layouts/teacher/sessions/edit-sessions.html',

    return redirect(url_for('teacher.home'))
예제 #17
def make_session():
    """Begin creation of a course session"""
    if request.method == "POST":
        # Obtain id of parent course for session
        course_id = request.form['course_id']

        # Validate that the teacher owns the parent course
        if validate(course_id, 'courses'):
            # Add the course ID to the global HTTP session variable
            session['course_id'] = course_id
            # Add an incomplete session entry to the database to enable roster creation;
            # then, select that new session.
            with db.get_db() as con:
                with con.cursor() as cur:
                        INSERT INTO sessions (course_id)
                        VALUES (%s);
                        SELECT * FROM sessions
                        WHERE course_id = %s
                        ORDER BY id DESC
                    """, (course_id, course_id))

                    # Get the new session ID and add it to the global session
                    # variable to create a session-creation state
                    session_id = cur.fetchone().get('id')
                    session['class_session'] = session_id
            # If validation fails, prepare an error to be shown to the user
            flash('Something went wrong.')

    # Check that session creation is currently underway
    if session.get('class_session'):
        # Get course information, valid student users, and students currently on
        # the session roster from the database
        with db.get_db() as con:
            with con.cursor() as cur:
                # Grab the parent course information from the database
                    SELECT * FROM courses
                    WHERE id = %s
                """, (session['course_id'], ))
                course = cur.fetchone()

                # If the parent course major is general education, select all students
                # not already on the roster; otherwise, select all students with the
                # same major as the parent course who are not already on the roster
                if course['major'] == 'GEN':
                        SELECT * FROM users
                        WHERE role = 'student' and id NOT IN (SELECT student_id from ROSTER WHERE session_id = %s)
                    """, (session['class_session'], ))
                        SELECT * FROM users
                        WHERE major = %s AND role = 'student' AND id NOT IN (SELECT student_id FROM roster WHERE session_id = %s)
                    """, (course['major'], session['class_session']))

                students = cur.fetchall()

                # Grab the current roster for the session
                    SELECT u.last_name, u.first_name, u.id FROM roster r JOIN users u
                    ON r.student_id = u.id
                    WHERE r.session_id = %s
                """, (session['class_session'], ))

                roster = cur.fetchall()

        return render_template('layouts/teacher/sessions/create-sessions.html',
        return redirect(url_for('teacher.courses'))
예제 #18
def test_validate():
    # Validate called with an unexpected table name should return False without
    # attempting to connect to database
    assert not validate(5, 'nonetable')