예제 #1
                    public_key = file_content
                    public_key = ''.join(public_key.split()) 
                    errors.append('Please upload a valid RSA public key.')

            #b = PendingUser(first_name=reg_fname, last_name=reg_lname, affiliation=reg_aff, 
            #                email=reg_email, password=request.POST['password'], keypair=keypair)
            #saving to django db 'portal_pendinguser' table
            if not errors:
                b = PendingUser(
                    first_name    = reg_fname, 
                    last_name     = reg_lname, 
                    #affiliation  = reg_aff,
                    authority_hrn = reg_auth,
                    #login         = reg_login,
                    email         = reg_email, 
                    password      = request.POST['password'],
                    keypair       = account_config,
                    pi            = '',
                # saves the user to django auth_user table [needed for password reset]
                user = User.objects.create_user(reg_email, reg_email, request.POST['password'])
                #creating user to manifold local:user
                user_config = '{"firstname":"'+ reg_fname + '", "lastname":"'+ reg_lname + '", "authority":"'+ reg_auth + '"}'
                user_params = {'email': reg_email, 'password': request.POST['password'], 'config': user_config, 'status': 1}
                #creating local:account in manifold
                user_id = user_detail['user_id']+1 # the user_id for the newly created user in local:user
                account_params = {'platform_id': 5, 'user_id': user_id, 'auth_type': auth_type, 'config': account_config}