예제 #1
	def enter(self):
		global doors
		print "You enter a bright and flickering orange room with every surface "
		print "flickering with multi varied shades of orange flame; it feels warm "
		print "in here, a little uncomfortable, but the flames are surface visuals "
		print "only - they do not burn. Behind you is a",doors['behind'], "door, to the left "
		print "is a",doors['left'], "door, straight ahead is a",doors['ahead'], "door, to the right is "
		print "a",doors['right'], "door, in the middle of the ceiling is a",doors['ceiling'], "door, and "
		print "in the middle of the floor is a",doors['floor'], "door. You notice one area of "
		print "the flames doesn't flicker randomly but rather seems regular. What "
		print "will you do? Open a door or examine the pattern?"
		global orangecount
		orangecount += 1
		action = raw_input("> ")
		if "red" in action or "Red" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'Black', 'left': 'Green', 'ahead': 'White', 'right': 'Yellow', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'red'
		elif "blue" in action or "Blue" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'Black', 'left': 'Yellow', 'ahead': 'White', 'right': 'Green', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'blue'
		elif "green" in action or "Green" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'Black', 'left': 'Blue', 'ahead': 'White', 'right': 'Red', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'green'
		elif "yellow" in action or "Yellow" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'Black', 'left': 'Red', 'ahead': 'White', 'right': 'Blue', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'yellow'
		elif "black" in action or "Black" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'Red', 'left': 'Yellow', 'ahead': 'Blue', 'right': 'Green', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'black'
		elif "white" in action or "White" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'Red', 'left': 'Green', 'ahead': 'Blue', 'right': 'Yellow', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'white'
		elif "pattern" in action or "Pattern" in action:
			orangecount -= 1
			raw_input("Back to room?" )
			return 'orange'
			print "\n"
			print "Aaaaaaand you still have a choice to make."
			print "\n"
			orangecount -= 1
			return 'orange'
예제 #2
	def enter(self):
		global doors
		print "You are in a completely white, cube-shaped room. The whiteness "
		print "gleams from every spotless surface and you cast no shadow. The "
		print doors['behind'],"door is behind you; on the left wall is a",doors['left'], "door, the wall "
		print "ahead has a",doors['ahead'], "door, on the right wall is a",doors['right'], "door. The ceiling "
		print "has a",doors['ceiling'], "door, and the floor has a",doors['floor'], "door. To the side of the "
		print "Blue door is a small terminal with a screen and keyboard. Choose a "
		print "door or examine the terminal?"
		global whitecount
		whitecount += 1
		action = raw_input("> ")
		if "red" in action or "Red" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'White', 'left': 'Yellow', 'ahead': 'Black', 'right': 'Green', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'red'
		elif "blue" in action or "Blue" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'White', 'left': 'Green', 'ahead': 'Black', 'right': 'Yellow', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'blue'
		elif "green" in action or "Green" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'White', 'left': 'Red', 'ahead': 'Black', 'right': 'Blue', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'green'
		elif "yellow" in action or "Yellow" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'White', 'left': 'Blue', 'ahead': 'Black', 'right': 'Red', 'ceiling': 'Orange', 'floor': 'Purple'}
			return 'yellow'
		elif "purple" in action or "Purple" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'Blue', 'left': 'Green', 'ahead': 'Red', 'right': 'Yellow', 'ceiling': 'Black', 'floor': 'White'}
			return 'purple'
		elif "orange" in action or "Orange" in action:
			doors = {'behind': 'Red', 'left': 'Yellow', 'ahead': 'Blue', 'right': 'Green', 'ceiling': 'White', 'floor': 'Black'}
			return 'orange'
		elif "terminal" in action or "Terminal" in action:
			return 'terminal'
			print "\n"
			print "Aaaaaaand you still have a choice to make."
			print "\n"
			whitecount -= 1
			return 'white'