예제 #1
def forgot():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        un = request.form.get('un',"")
        account = models.Account.pull(un)
        if account is None: account = models.Account.pull_by_email(un)
        if account is None:
            flash('Sorry, your account username / email address is not recognised. Please contact us.')
            newpass = util.generate_password()

            to = [account.data['email'],app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL']]
            fro = app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL']
            subject = app.config.get("SERVICE_NAME","") + "password reset"
            text = "A password reset request for account " + account.id + " has been received and processed.\n\n"
            text += "The new password for this account is " + newpass + ".\n\n"
            text += "If you are the user " + account.id + " and you requested this change, please login now and change the password again to something of your preference.\n\n"
            text += "If you are the user " + account.id + " and you did NOT request this change, please contact us immediately.\n\n"
                util.send_mail(to=to, fro=fro, subject=subject, text=text)
                flash('Your password has been reset. Please check your emails.')
                if app.config.get('DEBUG',False):
                    flash('Debug mode - new password was set to ' + newpass)
                flash('Email failed.')
                if app.config.get('DEBUG',False):
                    flash('Debug mode - new password was set to ' + newpass)

    return render_template('account/forgot.html')
예제 #2
def contact(ad_id):
    advert = models.Advert.pull(ad_id)
    owner = advert.owner
    title = advert.title
    ad_id = advert.id

    form = ContactForm(request.form)

    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():

        to = [owner, app.config["BCC_EMAIL"]]
        fro = current_user.id
        subject = form.about.data + " on " + app.config.get("SERVICE_NAME", "")
        text = form.message.data
            util.send_mail(to=to, fro=fro, subject=subject, text=text)
            flash("Email has been sent.")
            if app.config.get("DEBUG", False):
                flash(to[0] + " " + fro + " " + subject + " " + text)
            return redirect(url_for(".details", ad_id=ad_id))
        except Exception as e:
            flash("Hm, sorry - sending the email didn't work.", "error")
            if app.config.get("DEBUG", False):
                flash("Debug mode - email is " + to[0] + " " + fro + " " + subject + " " + text)

    return render_template("advert/contact.html", form=form, advert=advert, owner=owner, ad_id=ad_id, title=title)
예제 #3
def forgot():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        un = request.form.get('un', "")
        account = models.Account.pull(un)
        if account is None: account = models.Account.pull_by_email(un)
        if account is None:
                'Sorry, your account username / email address is not recognised. Please contact us.'
            newpass = util.generate_password()

            to = [account.data['email'], app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL']]
            fro = app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL']
            subject = app.config.get("SERVICE_NAME", "") + "password reset"
            text = "A password reset request for account " + account.id + " has been received and processed.\n\n"
            text += "The new password for this account is " + newpass + ".\n\n"
            text += "If you are the user " + account.id + " and you requested this change, please login now and change the password again to something of your preference.\n\n"

            text += "If you are the user " + account.id + " and you did NOT request this change, please contact us immediately.\n\n"
                util.send_mail(to=to, fro=fro, subject=subject, text=text)
                    'Your password has been reset. Please check your emails.')
                if app.config.get('DEBUG', False):
                    flash('Debug mode - new password was set to ' + newpass)
                flash('Email failed.')
                if app.config.get('DEBUG', False):
                    flash('Debug mode - new password was set to ' + newpass)

    return render_template('account/forgot.html')
예제 #4
def forgot():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # get hold of the user account
        un = request.form.get('un', "")
        account = models.Account.pull(un)
        if account is None:
            account = models.Account.pull_by_email(un)
        if account is None:
            util.flash_with_url('Your account email address is not recognised.', 'error')
            return render_template('account/forgot.html')

        if account.is_deleted():
            util.flash_with_url('Your account email address is not recognised.', 'error')
            return render_template('account/forgot.html')

        if account.is_banned():
            flash('This account is banned from the service', 'error')
            return render_template('account/forgot.html')

        if not account.data.get('email'):
            util.flash_with_url('Your account does not have an associated email address.', 'error')
            return render_template('account/forgot.html')

        # if we get to here, we have a user account to reset
        reset_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
        account.set_reset_token(reset_token, app.config.get("PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT", 86400))

        sep = "/"
        if request.url_root.endswith("/"):
            sep = ""
        reset_url = request.url_root + sep + "account/reset/" + reset_token

        to = [account.data['email'], app.config['FEEDBACK_EMAIL']]
        fro = app.config['FEEDBACK_EMAIL']
        subject = app.config.get("SERVICE_NAME", "") + " - password reset"
        text = "A password reset request for account '" + account.id + "' has been received and processed.\n\n"
        text += "Please visit " + reset_url + " and enter your new password.\n\n"
        text += "If you are the user " + account.id + " and you requested this change, please visit that link now and set the password to something of your preference.\n\n"
        text += "If you are the user " + account.id + " and you did not request this change, you can ignore this email.\n\n"
        text += "Regards, The UniBoard Team"
            util.send_mail(to=to, fro=fro, subject=subject, text=text)
            flash('Instructions to reset your password have been sent to you. Please check your emails.', "success")
            if app.config.get('DEBUG', False):
                flash('Debug mode - url for reset is ' + reset_url, "error")
        except Exception as e:
            flash('Hm, sorry - sending the password reset email didn\'t work.', 'error')
            if app.config.get('DEBUG', False):
                flash('Debug mode - url for reset is' + reset_url, "error")
                # app.logger.error(magic + "\n" + repr(e))

    return render_template('account/forgot.html')
예제 #5
def forgot():
    if request.method == "POST":
        # get hold of the user account
        un = request.form.get("un", "")
        account = models.Account.pull(un)
        if account is None:
            account = models.Account.pull_by_email(un)
        if account is None:
            util.flash_with_url("Hm, sorry, your account username / email address is not recognised.", "error")
            return render_template("account/forgot.html")

        if not account.data.get("email"):
            util.flash_with_url("Hm, sorry, your account does not have an associated email address.", "error")
            return render_template("account/forgot.html")

        # if we get to here, we have a user account to reset
        reset_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
        account.set_reset_token(reset_token, app.config.get("PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT", 86400))

        sep = "/"
        if request.url_root.endswith("/"):
            sep = ""
        reset_url = request.url_root + sep + "account/reset/" + reset_token

        to = [account.data["email"], app.config["ADMIN_EMAIL"]]
        fro = app.config["ADMIN_EMAIL"]
        subject = app.config.get("SERVICE_NAME", "") + " - password reset"
        text = "A password reset request for account '" + account.id + "' has been received and processed.\n\n"
        text += "Please visit " + reset_url + " and enter your new password.\n\n"
        text += (
            "If you are the user '"
            + account.id
            + "' and you requested this change, please visit that link now and set the password to something of your preference.\n\n"
        text += (
            "If you are the user '"
            + account.id
            + "' and you did not request this change, you can ignore this email.\n\n"
        text += "Regards, The OpenDOAR Team"
            util.send_mail(to=to, fro=fro, subject=subject, text=text)
            flash("Instructions to reset your password have been sent to you. Please check your emails.")
            if app.config.get("DEBUG", False):
                flash("Debug mode - url for reset is " + reset_url)
        except Exception as e:
            flash("Hm, sorry - sending the password reset email didn't work.", "error")
            if app.config.get("DEBUG", False):
                flash("Debug mode - url for reset is" + reset_url)
            # app.logger.error(magic + "\n" + repr(e))

    return render_template("account/forgot.html")
예제 #6
def mailer():
    if request.method == 'GET':
    elif request.method == 'POST':
            if request.values.get('message',False) and not request.values.get('not',False):
                    [app.config['ADMIN_NAME'] + ' <' + app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL'] + '>'],
                    request.values.get('email',app.config['ADMIN_NAME'] + ' <' + app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL'] + '>'),
                    'website enquiry',
                return ''
예제 #7
파일: forms.py 프로젝트: CottageLabs/leaps
def student():

    # for forms requiring auth, add an auth check here

    if request.method == "GET":
        # TODO: if people are logged in it may be necessary to render a form with previously submitted data
        selections = {
            "schools": dropdowns("school"),
            "subjects": dropdowns("subject"),
            "advancedsubjects": dropdowns("advancedsubject"),
            "levels": dropdowns("level"),
            "grades": dropdowns("grade"),
            "institutions": dropdowns("institution"),
            "advancedlevels": dropdowns("advancedlevel"),
        if current_user.is_anonymous() or not current_user.do_admin:
            if "TEST" in selections["schools"]:
                selections["schools"] = [i for i in selections["schools"] if i != "TEST"]
            if "TEST" in selections["institutions"]:
                selections["institutions"] = [i for i in selections["institutions"] if i != "TEST"]
        response = make_response(render_template("leaps/survey/survey.html", selections=selections, data={}))
        response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0"
        response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
        return response

    if request.method == "POST":
        student = models.Student()

            to = [app.config["LEAPS_EMAIL"]]
            if app.config.get("ADMIN_EMAIL", False):
            fro = app.config["LEAPS_EMAIL"]
            subject = "New student survey submitted"
            text = "A student has just submitted a survey. View it in the admin interfacet at "
            text += '<a href="http://leapssurvey.org/admin/student/' + student.id
            text += '">http://leapssurvey.org/admin/student/' + student.id + "</a>."
            util.send_mail(to=to, fro=fro, subject=subject, text=text)
            flash("Email failed.")

        return redirect(url_for(".complete"))
예제 #8
파일: contact.py 프로젝트: emanuil-tolev/cl
def mailer():
    if request.method == 'POST':
            if request.values.get('message',False) and not request.values.get('not',False):
                    [app.config['ADMIN_NAME'] + ' <' + app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL'] + '>'],
                    request.values.get('email',app.config['ADMIN_NAME'] + ' <' + app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL'] + '>'),
                    'website enquiry',
                flash('Thank you very much for you enquiry. We will get back to you as soon as possible.', 'success')
                flash('Sorry. Your message could not be delivered. Please try again.', 'error')
            if app.config.get('DEBUG',False):
                flash('Sorry, Your message failed. Probably because debug.', 'error')
                flash('Sorry. Your message failed. Please try again', 'error')

    return render_template('contact/index.html') 
예제 #9
def expire_email(testing=False):
    for item in Advert.get_by_expiration():
        if not item.is_deleted and not item.is_deactivated:
            if item.is_expired:
                print item.owner + " delete"
                if not testing:
                print item.owner
                if not testing:
                    activation_link = app.config['LOCALHOST_URL'] + "/advert/" + item.id + "/reactivate"
                    to = [item.owner, app.config['BCC_EMAIL']]
                    fro = app.config['FEEDBACK_EMAIL']
                    subject = app.config.get("SERVICE_NAME", "") + ': ' + item.title + " - expires soon"
                    text = "Hello, " + item.owner + "!\n\n"
                    text += "Your advert " + item.title + " expires soon."
                    text += "Please visit " + activation_link + " if you want to keep it up for another week.\n\n"
                    text += "Regards, The UniBoard Team"

                    util.send_mail(to=to, fro=fro, subject=subject, text=text)
예제 #10
def register():
    form = RegisterForm(request.form, csrf_enabled=False)

    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
        existing_account = models.Account.pull(form.email.data)
        account = None
        if existing_account is not None:
            if existing_account.is_banned():
                flash('You have been banned from using this service.', "error")
                return render_template('account/register.html', form=form)
            elif existing_account.is_deleted():
                flash('Your old account has been restored. Welcome back!', "success")
                existing_account.set_deleted(False, save=False)
                account = existing_account
                flash('This account already exists.')
                return redirect(url_for('.forgot'))

        if account is None:
            account = models.Account()

        account.id = form.email.data

        if form.degree.data:

        if form.postcode.data:

            results = Geocoder.geocode(form.postcode.data + ', United Kingdom')
            lat, lng = results[0].coordinates
            account.set_location(lat, lng)

        if form.phone.data:

        if form.graduation.data:

        # automatically set the user role to be "user"

        activation_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
        account.set_activation_token(activation_token, app.config.get("PASSWORD_ACTIVATE_TIMEOUT", 86400))
        account.refresh()  # refresh the index

        #sending the email with the activation link

        sep = "/"
        if request.url_root.endswith("/"):
            sep = ""
        activation_url = request.url_root + sep + "account/activate/" + activation_token

        to = [account.data['email'], app.config['FEEDBACK_EMAIL']]
        fro = app.config['FEEDBACK_EMAIL']
        subject = app.config.get("SERVICE_NAME", "") + " - new password"
        text = "Welcome to UniBoard, '" + account.email + "'!\n\n"
        text += "Please visit " + activation_url + " to set a password for your account.\n\n"
        text += "Regards, The UniBoard Team"
            util.send_mail(to=to, fro=fro, subject=subject, text=text)
            flash('Instructions to set up your password have been sent to you. Please check your emails.', "success")
            if app.config.get('DEBUG', False):
                flash('Debug mode - url for activation is ' + activation_url, "error")
        except Exception as e:
            magic = str(uuid.uuid1())
                #'Hm, sorry - sending the password reset email didn\'t work.' + CONTACT_INSTR + ' It would help us if you also quote this magic number: ' + magic + ' . Thank you!',
            if app.config.get('DEBUG', False):
                flash('Debug mode - url for reset is ' + activation_url, "error")
            app.logger.error(magic + "\n" + repr(e))

        return redirect('/account/register')  #TODO should be redirecting somewhere else
    if request.method == 'POST' and not form.validate():
        flash('Please correct the errors', 'error')
    return render_template('account/register.html', form=form)