예제 #1
def share_default_templates(portal, templateType, groupOwner, groupTitle):
    func_results = {'success': True}

    # Get a list of template ids for items shared with the "default" template group
    printStatement = '\t-Retrieving list of items in default {} group...'

    if templateType == 'WEBAPPS':

        templateTypeStr = 'web app templates'
        print printStatement.format(templateTypeStr)
        templateIDs = unpack(portal.webmap_templates(['id']))

    elif templateType == 'GALLERY':

        templateTypeStr = 'gallery templates'
        print printStatement.format(templateTypeStr)
        templateIDs = unpack(portal.gallery_templates(['id']))

        # Template type value is invalid
        func_results['success'] = False
            'message'] = 'Invalid templateType value "{}"; must be WEBAPPS or GALLERY.'.format(
        return func_results

    if not templateIDs:
        func_results['success'] = False
            'message'] = '{} portal property not set to use "Default" group.'.format(
        return func_results

    # Get the group id for the group to share the template items
    groupID = getGroupID(portal, groupOwner, groupTitle)

    if not groupID:
        func_results['success'] = False
            'message'] = 'Could not find group where owner = "{}" and title = "{}"'.format(
                groupOwner, groupTitle)
        return func_results

    # Share templates with group
    print '\t-Sharing web templates with group {} ({})...'.format(
        groupTitle, groupOwner)
    results = share_template_items(portal, templateIDs, [groupID])
    if not results['success']:
        func_results['success'] = False
        print results['message']

    return func_results
예제 #2
def feature_groups(portal, group_ids, clear_existing=False):
    featured_groups = []
    group_ids = unpack(group_ids, 'id')

    # If we're not clearing all existing groups, get the current set of featured
    # groups and check to see which groups are already featured. If a group is
    # already featured, remove it from the list.
    if not clear_existing:
        featured_groups = portal.properties().get('featuredGroups')
        already_featured_ids = []
        if featured_groups:
            for featured_group in featured_groups:
                if featured_group['id'] in group_ids:
                    _log.info('Group ' + featured_group['id'] +
                              ' is already featured')
        group_ids = [id for id in group_ids if id not in already_featured_ids]

    # Add the featured group entries to the array of featured groups (requires
    # fetching owner and title from the portal)
    for id in group_ids:
        group = portal.group(id)
            'owner': group['owner'],
            'id': id,
            'title': group['title']

    # Update the featured groups property
    if featured_groups:
        portal.update_property('featuredGroups', featured_groups)
예제 #3
def feature_groups(portal, group_ids, clear_existing=False):
    featured_groups = []
    group_ids = unpack(group_ids, 'id')

    # If we're not clearing all existing groups, get the current set of featured
    # groups and check to see which groups are already featured. If a group is
    # already featured, remove it from the list.
    if not clear_existing:
        featured_groups = portal.properties().get('featuredGroups')
        already_featured_ids = []
        if featured_groups:
            for featured_group in featured_groups:
                if featured_group['id'] in group_ids:
                    _log.info('Group ' + featured_group['id'] + ' is already featured')
        group_ids = [id for id in group_ids if id not in already_featured_ids]

    # Add the featured group entries to the array of featured groups (requires
    # fetching owner and title from the portal)
    for id in group_ids:
        group = portal.group(id)
        featured_groups.append({'owner': group['owner'], 'id': id,
                                'title': group['title']})

    # Update the featured groups property
    if featured_groups:
        portal.update_property('featuredGroups', featured_groups)
예제 #4
def count_tags():
    portal = Portal('http://www.geoplatform.gov')
    results = portal.search(['tags'])
    tags = unpack(results, flatten=True)
    counts = dict((tag, tags.count(tag)) for tag in tags)
    sorted_counts = sorted(counts.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    pprint(sorted_counts, indent=2)
예제 #5
def count_tags():
    portal = Portal('http://www.geoplatform.gov')
    results = portal.search(['tags'])
    tags = unpack(results, flatten=True)
    counts = dict((tag, tags.count(tag)) for tag in tags)
    sorted_counts = sorted(counts.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    pprint(sorted_counts, indent=2)
예제 #6
def share_default_templates(portal, templateType, groupOwner, groupTitle):
    func_results = {'success': True}
    # Get a list of template ids for items shared with the "default" template group
    printStatement = '\t-Retrieving list of items in default {} group...'
    if templateType == 'WEBAPPS':
        templateTypeStr = 'web app templates'
        print printStatement.format(templateTypeStr)
        templateIDs = unpack(portal.webmap_templates(['id']))
    elif templateType == 'GALLERY':
        templateTypeStr = 'gallery templates'
        print printStatement.format(templateTypeStr)
        templateIDs = unpack(portal.gallery_templates(['id']))
        # Template type value is invalid
        func_results['success'] = False
        func_results['message'] = 'Invalid templateType value "{}"; must be WEBAPPS or GALLERY.'.format(templateType)
        return func_results
    if not templateIDs:
        func_results['success'] = False
        func_results['message'] = '{} portal property not set to use "Default" group.'.format(templateTypeStr.capitalize())
        return func_results
    # Get the group id for the group to share the template items
    groupID = getGroupID(portal, groupOwner, groupTitle)
    if not groupID:
        func_results['success'] = False
        func_results['message'] = 'Could not find group where owner = "{}" and title = "{}"'.format(groupOwner, groupTitle)
        return func_results
    # Share templates with group
    print '\t-Sharing web templates with group {} ({})...'.format(groupTitle, groupOwner)
    results = share_template_items(portal, templateIDs, [groupID])
    if not results['success']:
        func_results['success'] = False
        print results['message']
    return func_results
예제 #7
def feature_items_query(portal, q, gallery=True, home_page=True,

    # Query for the items to feature
    items = portal.search(['id'], q)
    item_ids = unpack(items)

    # Call the feature_items function using with the query results
    return feature_items(portal, item_ids, gallery, home_page, clear_existing)
예제 #8
def feature_items_query(portal,

    # Query for the items to feature
    items = portal.search(['id'], q)
    item_ids = unpack(items)

    # Call the feature_items function using with the query results
    return feature_items(portal, item_ids, gallery, home_page, clear_existing)
예제 #9
def clear_featured_items(portal, gallery=True, home_page=True):

    # Retrieve the IDs of the gallery groups to unshare with
    group_ids = _get_featured_group_ids(portal, gallery, home_page)

    # If there are gallery group(s) to unshare with, get the list of items in
    # those group(s) and then unshare each item from the gallery group(s)
    if group_ids:
        item_query = ' OR '.join('group:"%s"' % id for id in group_ids)
        items = portal.search(['id'], item_query)
        item_ids = unpack(items)
        for item_id in item_ids:
            portal.share_item(item_id, group_ids)
예제 #10
def clear_featured_items(portal, gallery=True, home_page=True):

    # Retrieve the IDs of the gallery groups to unshare with
    group_ids = _get_featured_group_ids(portal, gallery, home_page)

    # If there are gallery group(s) to unshare with, get the list of items in
    # those group(s) and then unshare each item from the gallery group(s)
    if group_ids:
        item_query = ' OR '.join('group:"%s"' % id for id in group_ids)
        items = portal.search(['id'], item_query)
        item_ids = unpack(items)
        for item_id in item_ids:
            portal.share_item(item_id, group_ids)
예제 #11
def create_basemap_gallery_group(portal,

    # If it's a single tenant portal change 'org' access to 'public' access
    if not portal.is_multitenant() and access == 'org':
        access = 'public'

    # Prepare the group object
    group = {
        'title': title,
        'tags': tags,
        'access': access,
        'isinvitationonly': invitation_only
    if desc:
        group['description'] = desc
    if snippet:
        group['snippet'] = snippet
    if phone:
        group['phone'] = phone

    # Create the group
    group_id = portal.create_group(group, thumbnail)
    if not group_id:
        raise PortalError('Unable to create basemap group: ' + title)

    # Share the contents of the current basemap group, if directed to do so
    if copy:
        old_group_id = _prop_to_group_id(portal, 'basemapGalleryGroupQuery')
        if old_group_id:
            item_query = 'group:' + old_group_id
            if copy_filter:
                item_query += ' ' + copy_filter
                item_ids = unpack(
                    portal.search(['id'], item_query, scope='public'))
                for item_id in item_ids:
                    portal.share_item(item_id, [group_id])

    # Update the portal to use the new basemap gallery group
    portal.update_property('basemapGalleryGroupQuery', 'id:' + group_id)
    return group_id
예제 #12
def feature_items(portal, item_ids, gallery=True, home_page=True,
    item_ids = unpack(item_ids, 'id')

    # Clear existing featured items (if directed to)
    if clear_existing:
        clear_featured_items(portal, gallery, home_page)

    # Retrieve the IDs of the gallery groups to share with
    group_ids = _get_featured_group_ids(portal, gallery, home_page)

    # If there are gallery groups to share with, share each item with the
    # gallery group(s)
    if group_ids:
        for item_id in item_ids:
            portal.share_item(item_id, group_ids)
예제 #13
def group_item_stats(portal, sample_size=100):
    results = portal.groups(['id'])
    group_ids = unpack(results)
    group_ids_sample = random.sample(group_ids, min(sample_size, len(group_ids)))

    # Find the item counts (max of sample_size groups)
    item_counts = []
    for index, group_id in enumerate(group_ids_sample):
        if index > sample_size:
        item_count = len(portal.search(['id'], 'group:' + group_id))

    # Calculate and return statistics
    if len(item_counts):
        mean = sum(item_counts) / len(item_counts)
        stdv = _stdv(item_counts, mean)
        return min(item_counts), mean, max(item_counts), stdv
    return 0, 0, 0, 0
예제 #14
def feature_items(portal,
    item_ids = unpack(item_ids, 'id')

    # Clear existing featured items (if directed to)
    if clear_existing:
        clear_featured_items(portal, gallery, home_page)

    # Retrieve the IDs of the gallery groups to share with
    group_ids = _get_featured_group_ids(portal, gallery, home_page)

    # If there are gallery groups to share with, share each item with the
    # gallery group(s)
    if group_ids:
        for item_id in item_ids:
            portal.share_item(item_id, group_ids)
예제 #15
def group_item_stats(portal, sample_size=100):
    results = portal.groups(['id'])
    group_ids = unpack(results)
    group_ids_sample = random.sample(group_ids, min(sample_size,

    # Find the item counts (max of sample_size groups)
    item_counts = []
    for index, group_id in enumerate(group_ids_sample):
        if index > sample_size:
        item_count = len(portal.search(['id'], 'group:' + group_id))

    # Calculate and return statistics
    if len(item_counts):
        mean = sum(item_counts) / len(item_counts)
        stdv = _stdv(item_counts, mean)
        return min(item_counts), mean, max(item_counts), stdv
    return 0, 0, 0, 0
예제 #16
def group_member_stats(portal, sample_size=100):
    results = portal.groups(['id'])
    group_ids = unpack(results)
    group_ids_sample = random.sample(group_ids, min(sample_size, len(group_ids)))

    # Find the member counts (max of sample_size groups)
    member_counts = []
    for index, group_id in enumerate(group_ids_sample):
        if index > sample_size:
        group_members = portal.group_members(group_id)
        member_count = len(group_members['admins']) + len(group_members['users'])

    # Calculate and return statistics
    if len(member_counts):
        mean = sum(member_counts) / len(member_counts)
        stdv = _stdv(member_counts, mean)
        return min(member_counts), mean, max(member_counts), stdv
    return 0, 0, 0, 0
예제 #17
def group_member_stats(portal, sample_size=100):
    results = portal.groups(['id'])
    group_ids = unpack(results)
    group_ids_sample = random.sample(group_ids, min(sample_size,

    # Find the member counts (max of sample_size groups)
    member_counts = []
    for index, group_id in enumerate(group_ids_sample):
        if index > sample_size:
        group_members = portal.group_members(group_id)
        member_count = len(group_members['admins']) + len(

    # Calculate and return statistics
    if len(member_counts):
        mean = sum(member_counts) / len(member_counts)
        stdv = _stdv(member_counts, mean)
        return min(member_counts), mean, max(member_counts), stdv
    return 0, 0, 0, 0
예제 #18
def create_basemap_gallery_group(portal, title, desc=None, snippet=None,
                                 tags='Basemap', phone=None, access='org',
                                 invitation_only=True, thumbnail=None,
                                 copy=True, copy_filter=None):

    # If it's a single tenant portal change 'org' access to 'public' access
    if not portal.is_multitenant() and access == 'org':
        access = 'public'

    # Prepare the group object
    group = { 'title': title, 'tags': tags, 'access': access,
              'isinvitationonly': invitation_only }
    if desc:
        group['description'] = desc
    if snippet:
        group['snippet'] = snippet
    if phone:
        group['phone'] = phone

    # Create the group
    group_id = portal.create_group(group, thumbnail)
    if not group_id:
        raise PortalError('Unable to create basemap group: ' + title)

    # Share the contents of the current basemap group, if directed to do so
    if copy:
        old_group_id = _prop_to_group_id(portal, 'basemapGalleryGroupQuery')
        if old_group_id:
            item_query = 'group:' + old_group_id
            if copy_filter:
                item_query += ' ' + copy_filter
                item_ids = unpack(portal.search(['id'], item_query, scope='public'))
                for item_id in item_ids:
                    portal.share_item(item_id, [group_id])

    # Update the portal to use the new basemap gallery group
    portal.update_property('basemapGalleryGroupQuery', 'id:' + group_id)
    return group_id