예제 #1
 def _convert_obs(self):
     robot = self.soadrl_sim.robot
     # lidar obs
     lidar_pos = np.array([robot.px, robot.py, robot.theta], dtype=np.float32)
     ranges = np.ones((self.n_angles,), dtype=np.float32) * 25.
     angles = np.linspace(self.kLidarMergedMinAngle,
                          self.n_angles) + lidar_pos[2]
     render_contours_in_lidar(ranges, angles, self.flat_contours, lidar_pos[:2])
     # agents
     other_agents = []
     for i, human in enumerate(self.soadrl_sim.humans):
         pos = np.array([human.px, human.py, human.theta], dtype=np.float32)
         dist = self.distances_travelled_in_base_frame[i].astype(np.float32)
         vel = np.array([human.vx, human.vy], dtype=np.float32)
         if self.lidar_legs:
             agent = CSimAgent(pos, dist, vel)
             agent = CSimAgent(pos, dist, vel, type_="trunk", radius=human.radius)
     # apply through converter map (res 1., origin 0,0 -> i,j == x,y)
     self.converter_cmap2d.render_agents_in_lidar(ranges, angles, other_agents, lidar_pos[:2])
     self.lidar_scan = ranges
     self.lidar_angles = angles
     # robotstate obs
     # shape (n_agents, 5 [grx, gry, vx, vy, vtheta]) - all in base frame
     baselink_in_world = np.array([robot.px, robot.py, robot.theta])
     world_in_baselink = inverse_pose2d(baselink_in_world)
     robotvel_in_world = np.array([robot.vx, robot.vy, 0])  # TODO: actual robot rot vel?
     robotvel_in_baselink = apply_tf_to_vel(robotvel_in_world, world_in_baselink)
     goal_in_world = np.array([robot.gx, robot.gy, 0])
     goal_in_baselink = apply_tf_to_pose(goal_in_world, world_in_baselink)
     robotstate_obs = np.hstack([goal_in_baselink[:2], robotvel_in_baselink])
     obs = (self.lidar_scan, robotstate_obs)
     return obs
예제 #2
 def _update_dist_travelled(self):
     """ update dist travel var used for animating legs """
     # for each human, get vel in base frame
     for i, human in enumerate(self.soadrl_sim.humans):
         # dig up rotational velocity from past states log
         vrot = 0.
         if len(self.soadrl_sim.states) > 1:
             vrot = (self.soadrl_sim.states[-1][1][i].theta
                     - self.soadrl_sim.states[-2][1][i].theta) / self._get_dt()
         # transform world vel to base vel
         baselink_in_world = np.array([human.px, human.py, human.theta])
         world_in_baselink = inverse_pose2d(baselink_in_world)
         vel_in_world_frame = np.array([human.vx, human.vy, vrot])
         vel_in_baselink_frame = apply_tf_to_vel(vel_in_world_frame, world_in_baselink)
         self.distances_travelled_in_base_frame[i, :] += vel_in_baselink_frame * self._get_dt()
예제 #3
    def planner_routine(self, event=None):
        nowstamp = rospy.Time.now()
        if self.tf_wpt_in_fix is None:
            rospy.logwarn_throttle(10., "Global path not available yet")
        if self.tf_rob_in_fix is None:
            rospy.logwarn_throttle(10., "tf_rob_in_fix not available yet")
        if self.odom is None:
            rospy.logwarn_throttle(10., "odom not available yet")
        # remove old obstacles from buffer
        k2s = 2.
        with self.lock:
            tic = timer()
            dynamic_obstacles = []
            self.obstacles_buffer = [
                obst_msg for obst_msg in self.obstacles_buffer
                if nowstamp - obst_msg.header.stamp < rospy.Duration(k2s)
            # DEBUG remove
            #             for obst_msg in self.obstacles_buffer:
            for obst_msg in self.obstacles_buffer[-1:]:
            # take into account static obstacles if not old
            static_obstacles = []
            if self.static_obstacles_buffer is not None:
                if (nowstamp - self.static_obstacles_buffer.header.stamp
                    ) < rospy.Duration(k2s):
                    static_obstacles = self.static_obstacles_buffer.obstacles
            # vel to goal in fix
            goal_in_fix = np.array(Pose2D(self.tf_wpt_in_fix)[:2])
            toc = timer()
            print("Lock preproc {:.1f} ms".format((toc - tic) * 1000.))
            # robot position
            tf_rob_in_fix = self.tf_rob_in_fix

        tic = timer()

        # RVO set up
        positions = []
        radii = []
        velocities = []
        obstacles = []
        metadata = []  # agent metadata

        # create agents for RVO
        # first agent is the robot
            [self.odom.twist.twist.linear.x, self.odom.twist.twist.linear.y])
        metadata.append({'source': 'robot'})
        # create agent for every dynamic obstacle
        for obst in dynamic_obstacles:
                [obst.polygon.points[0].x, obst.polygon.points[0].y])
                obst.velocities.twist.linear.x, obst.velocities.twist.linear.y
            metadata.append({'source': 'dynamic'})
        # create agents for local static obstacles (table leg, chair, etc)
        for obst in static_obstacles:
            if obst.radius > 0.5:
                continue  # TODO big walls make big circles : but dangerous to do this!
                [obst.polygon.points[0].x, obst.polygon.points[0].y])
                obst.velocities.twist.linear.x, obst.velocities.twist.linear.y
            metadata.append({'source': 'nonleg'})

        # create static obstacle vertices from refmap if available (walls, etc)
        if self.refmap_manager.tf_frame_in_refmap is not None:
            kMapObstMaxDist = 3.
            obstacles_in_ref = self.refmap_manager.map_as_closed_obstacles
            pose2d_ref_in_fix = inverse_pose2d(
            near_obstacles = [
                apply_tf(vertices, pose2d_ref_in_fix)
                for vertices in obstacles_in_ref if len(vertices) > 1
            near_obstacles = [
                vertices for vertices in near_obstacles if np.mean(
                    np.linalg.norm(vertices - np.array(positions[0]), axis=1))
                < kMapObstMaxDist
            obstacles = near_obstacles

        toc = timer()
        print("Pre-RVO {:.1f} ms".format((toc - tic) * 1000.))
        tic = timer()

        # RVO ----------------
        import rvo2
        t_horizon = 10.
        DT = 1 / 10.
        #RVOSimulator(timeStep, neighborDist, maxNeighbors, timeHorizon, timeHorizonObst, radius, maxSpeed, velocity = [0,0]);
        sim = rvo2.PyRVOSimulator(DT, 1.5, 5, 1.5, 2, 0.4, 2)

        # Pass either just the position (the other parameters then use
        # the default values passed to the PyRVOSimulator constructor),
        # or pass all available parameters.
        agents = []
        for p, v, r, m in zip(positions, velocities, radii, metadata):
            #addAgent(posxy, neighborDist, maxNeighbors, timeHorizon, timeHorizonObst, radius, maxSpeed, velocity = [0,0]);
            a = sim.addAgent(tuple(p), radius=r, velocity=tuple(v))
            # static agents can't move
            if m['source'] != 'robot' and np.linalg.norm(v) == 0:
                sim.setAgentMaxSpeed(a, 0)

        # Obstacle(list of vertices), anticlockwise (clockwise for bounding obstacle)
        for vert in obstacles:
            o1 = sim.addObstacle(list(vert))

        toc = timer()
        print("RVO init {:.1f} ms".format((toc - tic) * 1000.))
        tic = timer()

        n_steps = int(t_horizon / DT)
        pred_tracks = [[] for a in agents]
        pred_vels = [[] for a in agents]
        pred_t = []
        for step in range(n_steps):
            for i in range(len(agents)):
                # TODO: early stop if agent 0 reaches goal
                a = agents[i]
                pref_vel = velocities[
                    i]  # assume agents want to keep initial vel
                if i == 0:
                    vector_to_goal = goal_in_fix - np.array(
                    pref_vel = self.kIdealVelocity * vector_to_goal / np.linalg.norm(
                sim.setAgentPrefVelocity(a, tuple(pref_vel))
            pred_t.append(1. * step * DT)
        # -------------------------
        toc = timer()
        print("RVO steps {} - {} agents - {} obstacles".format(
            step, len(agents), len(obstacles)))
        print("RVO sim {:.1f} ms".format((toc - tic) * 1000.))

        # PLOT ---------------------------
        #         self.transport_data = (sim, agents, metadata, radii, obstacles, pred_tracks)
        # -----------------------------

        # publish predicted tracks as paths
        rob_track = pred_tracks[0]
        pub = rospy.Publisher("/rvo_robot_plan", Path, queue_size=1)
        path_msg = Path()
        path_msg.header.stamp = nowstamp
        path_msg.header.frame_id = self.kFixedFrame
        for pose, t in zip(rob_track, pred_t):
            pose_msg = PoseStamped()
            pose_msg.header.stamp = nowstamp + rospy.Duration(t)
            pose_msg.header.frame_id = path_msg.header.frame_id
            pose_msg.pose.position.x = pose[0]
            pose_msg.pose.position.y = pose[1]

        # publish tracks
        pub = rospy.Publisher("/rvo_simulated_tracks",
        ma = MarkerArray()
        id_ = 0
        end_x = [sim.getAgentPosition(agent_no)[0] for agent_no in agents]
        end_y = [sim.getAgentPosition(agent_no)[1] for agent_no in agents]
        end_t = pred_t[-1]
        for i in range(len(agents)):
            color = (0, 0, 0, 1)  # black
            color = (1, .8, 0,
                     1) if metadata[i]['source'] == 'robot' else color  # green
            color = (1, 0, 0,
                     1) if metadata[i]['source'] == 'dynamic' else color  # red
            color = (0, 0, 1,
                     1) if metadata[i]['source'] == 'nonleg' else color  # blue
            # track line
            mk = Marker()
            mk.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0.1)
            mk.header.frame_id = self.kFixedFrame
            mk.ns = "tracks"
            mk.id = i
            mk.type = 4  # LINE_STRIP
            mk.action = 0
            mk.scale.x = 0.02
            mk.color.r = color[0]
            mk.color.g = color[1]
            mk.color.b = color[2]
            mk.color.a = color[3]
            mk.frame_locked = True
            xx = np.array(pred_tracks[i])[:, 0]
            yy = np.array(pred_tracks[i])[:, 1]
            for x, y, t in zip(xx, yy, pred_t):
                pt = Point()
                pt.x = x
                pt.y = y
                pt.z = t / t_horizon
            # endpoint
            r = radii[i]
            mk = Marker()
            mk.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0.1)
            mk.header.frame_id = self.kFixedFrame
            mk.ns = "endpoints"
            mk.id = i
            mk.type = 3  # CYLINDER
            mk.action = 0
            mk.scale.x = r * 2.
            mk.scale.y = r * 2.
            mk.scale.z = 0.1
            mk.color.r = color[0]
            mk.color.g = color[1]
            mk.color.b = color[2]
            mk.color.a = color[3]
            mk.frame_locked = True
            mk.pose.position.x = end_x[i]
            mk.pose.position.y = end_y[i]
            mk.pose.position.z = end_t / t_horizon

        pred_rob_vel_in_fix = np.array(
            [1])  # 2 is a cheat because 0 is usually the current speed
        pred_end_in_fix = np.array([end_x[0], end_y[0]])
        # in robot frame
        pose2d_fix_in_rob = inverse_pose2d(Pose2D(tf_rob_in_fix))
        pred_rob_vel_in_rob = apply_tf_to_vel(
            np.array(list(pred_rob_vel_in_fix) + [0]), pose2d_fix_in_rob)[:2]
        pred_end_in_rob = apply_tf(pred_end_in_fix, pose2d_fix_in_rob)
        # resulting command vel, and path
        best_u, best_v = pred_rob_vel_in_rob
        # check if goal is reached
        if np.linalg.norm(pred_end_in_rob) < 0.1:
            best_u, best_v = (0, 0)

        # Slow turn towards goal
        # TODO
        best_w = 0
        WMAX = 0.5
        gx, gy = pred_end_in_rob
        angle_to_goal = np.arctan2(gy, gx)  # [-pi, pi]
        if np.sqrt(gx * gx + gy * gy) > 0.5:  # turn only if goal is far away
            if np.abs(angle_to_goal) > (np.pi / 4 / 10):  # deadzone
                best_w = np.clip(angle_to_goal, -WMAX, WMAX)  # linear ramp

        cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1)
        if not self.STOP:
            # publish cmd_vel
            cmd_vel_msg = Twist()
            cmd_vel_msg.linear.x = best_u
            cmd_vel_msg.linear.y = best_v
            cmd_vel_msg.angular.z = best_w