def ingest_image(image, exercise_over=False): global frames global exercise global joints_total # if frame is a "real" image -> process if not exercise_over: # frame to process new_frame = image # process frame joints_person, processed_frame = process_image(new_frame, show_joints=False) joints_total.append(joints_person) frames.append(processed_frame) if flag_debug_csv: frame_x = copy(new_frame) cmap = get_cmap('hsv') for i, point in enumerate(joints_total[-1]): if all(point): # is not (None, None): rgba = np.array(cmap(1 - i / 18. - 1. / 36)) rgba[0:3] *= 255 # cv2.putText(canvas, str(i), org=point, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=colors[i]), point[0:2], 4, colors[i], thickness=-1) cv2.imwrite( "images/" + str(number_frames) + "_" + str("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S")) + ".jpg", frame_x) # execution on angles only if frames >=3 (outliers & interpolation) if len(frames) >= 3: preprocessed_x = preprocess_angles(np.array(frames[-3:]), indexes=exercise.angles_index, mids=exercise.medians, cap_values=cap_values) joints = joints_total[-2] # debugging: TODO remove in production -> flag_debug_csv = False # file_debug defined in -> ingest_video() if flag_debug_csv: with open(file_debug, "a+") as file: for element in preprocessed_x[1, exercise.angles_index]: file.write(str(element) + ",") file.write("\n") try: # exceptions will be catched from super method calling this function exercise.process_frame(preprocessed_x[-2], exercise_over, joints=joints) finally: # remove unnecessary elements from angles and joints data structures frames = copy(list(preprocessed_x[-2:])) joints_total = copy(joints_total[-2:]) # stop signal -> process only last frames else: # exceptions will be catched from super method calling this function exercise.process_frame(None, exercise_over, joints=None)
def ingest_image_local(image): """ @param image: @return: """ global frames global exercise global number_frames global file global joints_total # aggiorno il client print(colored("Frame processing: " + str(number_frames), 'yellow')) number_frames += 1 new_frame = image # lo gestiamo separatamente all'arrivo di ogni frame senza il resto dello script? controllare i tempi di esecuzione joints_person, processed_frame = process_image(new_frame, show_joints=False) joints_total.append(joints_person) frames.append(processed_frame) if len(frames) >= 3: preprocessed_x = preprocess_angles(np.array(frames[-3:]), indexes=exercise.angles_index, mids=exercise.medians) print(preprocessed_x[1, exercise.angles_index]) # debugging: TODO remove in production -> flag_debug_csv = False if flag_debug_csv: with open(file_debug, "a+") as file: for element in preprocessed_x[1, exercise.angles_index]: file.write(str(element) + ",") file.write("\n") joints = joints_total[-2] try: exercise.process_frame(preprocessed_x[-2], joints=joints) except GoodRepetitionException: print(colored("Reps OK", 'green')) # send message to client per ripetizione corretta except CompleteExerciseException: print(colored("Esercizio completato: ripetizioni finite!", 'green')) except NoneRepetitionException: print(colored("Esercizio in timeout senza ripetizioni", 'red')) except BadRepetitionException as bre: message = str(bre) print(colored("Reps BAD: " + message, 'red')) except TimeoutError: print(colored("Timeout", 'red')) finally: frames = copy(frames[-2:]) joints_total = copy(joints_total[-2:])
def ingest_video(self, video): """ this function ingest video arrived from client """ global orientation # useful to reset system global frames global exercise global joints_total global number_frames # reps counters and delimiter global reps_ok, reps_wrong, reps_total global flag_break # useful for debugging global file_debug_dir, file_debug, file_debug_rep # prepare system for new ingest video -> erasing global vars -> not at the end of "ingest_video()" because if the clients disconnects, global vars never erased # resetting global variables self.__clean_global_vars__() # print(colored("> Erasing global variables", 'red')) # [client.write_message({'type': 'console', 'text': "Erasing global variables on server"}) for client in # self.connections] # # # orientation = None # frames = [] # joints_total = [] # number_frames = 1 # # # reps_ok = 0 # reps_wrong = 0 # reps_total = 0 # # flag break # flag_break = False # file debug save useful for save csv file_debug = file_debug_dir + str("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S")) + ".csv" file_debug_rep = file_debug_dir + str( "%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S")) + "_reps.csv" # saving file # update client [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'video_processing_updates_title', 'update': 'Saving file to server...' }) for client in self.connections ] file_name = video_processing_dir + time.strftime( "%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S") + "." + video['video_extension'] file = open(file_name, "wb") file.write(base64.b64decode(video['data'].split(",")[1])) file.close() # opening file capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_name) if not capture.isOpened(): # update client [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'error', 'text': 'Video file not valid' }) for client in self.connections ] # file not useful anymore -> removing capture.release() os.remove(file_name) raise Exception("Could not open video device") # get width/height from video width = capture.get(3) height = capture.get(4) # portrait or landscape if width > height: # landscape -> fixed width, calculating height w_video = int(width_resize_video) h_video = int(w_video * height / width) print( colored( "Landscape. w_video = " + str(w_video) + "; h_video = " + str(h_video), 'yellow')) else: # portrait -> fixed height, calculating width h_video = int(height_resize_video) w_video = int(h_video * width / height) print( colored( "Portrait. w_video = " + str(w_video) + "; h_video = " + str(h_video), 'yellow')) # start processing video [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'video_processing_updates_title', 'update': 'Detecting initial position...' }) for client in self.connections ] # read first frame success, image = # process first frame to check initial position try: # get images resized image = cv2.resize(image, (w_video, h_video)) joints, _ = process_image(image, accept_missing=False, no_features=True) orientation = get_orientation(joints[13], joints[10]) print( colored("> Person detected correctly: " + str(orientation), 'green')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'initial_position_detected', 'text': "Person detected correctly in video.", "orientation": "south-east" if orientation == "s_e" else "south-west" }) for client in self.connections ] # initialize exercise object once the position has been detected exercise = EXERCISE[exercise_name](config=None, side=orientation, fps=fps) except FeetException: print(colored("> Can't detect one or both foot.", 'red')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'initial_position_error', 'error': "Can't detect one or both foot." }) for client in self.connections ] except NotFoundPersonException: print(colored("> Can't detect enough body joints.", 'red')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'initial_position_error', 'error': "Can't detect enough body joints." }) for client in self.connections ] except Exception: print(colored("> Unexpected error.", 'red')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'error', 'text': "Unexpected error occured during video parsing." }) for client in self.connections ] # start processing video [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'video_processing_updates_title', 'update': 'Processing video...' }) for client in self.connections ] # counter to update client while success: print( colored("> Processing frames: " + str(number_frames), 'yellow')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'update_number_frame', 'number': str(number_frames) }) for client in self.connections ] [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'console', 'text': 'Processing frame: ' + str(number_frames) }) for client in self.connections ] # get images resized image = cv2.resize(image, (w_video, h_video)) # ingest images flag_break = flag_break or self.__try_catch_images__(image) # stop processing for overall timeout or total number of repetitions reached if flag_break: break number_frames += 1 # skip next frame according to fps capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, (number_frames * 1000 / fps)) success, image = if not flag_break: # processing last repetition _ = self.__try_catch_images__(image, last_one=True) # update client -> video terminated [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'video_processing_terminated', 'reps_total': reps_total, 'reps_ok': reps_ok, 'reps_wrong': reps_wrong }) for client in self.connections ] [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'console', 'text': "Reps Total: " + str(reps_total) + "; Reps OK: " + str(reps_ok) + "; Reps WRONG: " + str(reps_wrong) + ";" }) for client in self.connections ] print( colored( "Reps Total: " + str(reps_total) + "; Reps OK: " + str(reps_ok) + "; Reps WRONG: " + str(reps_wrong) + ";", 'green')) # file not useful anymore -> removing print(colored("> Removing video file from server", 'red')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'console', 'text': "Removing video file on server" }) for client in self.connections ] capture.release() capture.release() os.remove(file_name)
def __detect_initial_position__(self, image_data_url): """ method that ingests a single frame from WEBCAM to detect the initial position manages exceptions related to missing joints of the body and feet position @param image_data_url: data url of the image to be decoded @return: """ global orientation global exercise global flag_check_initial_position # TODO: ci penso se inserire il timeout dopo X tentativi #frame = frame in base64 #decode base64 -> image frame = cv2.cvtColor( np.array( BytesIO(base64.b64decode(image_data_url.split(",")[1])))), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) if flag_check_initial_position: # process image with pose estimation try: joints, _ = process_image(frame, accept_missing=False, no_features=True) orientation = get_orientation(joints[13], joints[10]) print(colored("> Person detected correctly.", 'green')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'initial_position_detected', 'text': "Person detected correctly.", "orientation": "south-east" if orientation == "s_e" else "south-west" }) for client in self.connections ] print( colored( "> Setting flag_check_initial_position to False. Skipping other possible frames sent by FE.", 'green')) flag_check_initial_position = False # initialize exercise object once the position has been detected exercise = EXERCISE[exercise_name](config=None, side=orientation, fps=fps) except FeetException: print(colored("> Can't detect one or both foot.", 'red')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'initial_position_error', 'error': "Can't detect one or both foot." }) for client in self.connections ] except NotFoundPersonException: print(colored("> Can't detect enough body joints.", 'red')) [ client.write_message({ 'type': 'initial_position_error', 'error': "Can't detect enough body joints. Try moving slowly." }) for client in self.connections ] except Exception: pass else: print( colored("> Skipping frame to detect initial position.", 'green'))
ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain(os.path.join("certificates", "server.crt"), os.path.join("certificates", "server.key")) return tornado.web.Application([(r"/alke", WebSocketHandler)], debug=True, websocket_ping_interval=0, websocket_max_message_size=1000000000, ssl_options=ssl_ctx) if __name__ == "__main__": # set up session logger set_logger(level='debug') # set up web application app = make_app() app.listen(5000, ssl_options={ "certfile": os.path.join("certificates", "server.crt"), "keyfile": os.path.join("certificates", "server.key"), }) # instantiate tf model before running the inference to prevent slow loading times instantiate_model() # inference first image -> otherwise first frame processed slowly img_first = cv2.imread("first_frame_instance_model.jpg") process_image(img_first) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()