# acc_smo = np.gradient(v_avg_filter, 1/freq)
# acc_sg = np.gradient(v_avg_savgol, 1/freq)

# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.plot(acc_smo[50:85])
# ax.plot(acc_sg[50:85])
# ax.plot(acc[50:85])

# acc_max_sg = np.nanmax(np.abs(acc_sg))
# acc_max_smo = np.nanmax(np.abs(acc_smo))

path2 = 'C:\PIV_Processed\Fields_Smoothed\Smoothed_R_h1_f1200_1_p14'
v_values_smoothed = np.load(os.path.join(path2, 'v_values_smoothed.npy'))
x_tensor = np.load(os.path.join(path2, 'x_values.npy'))
Fol_Sol = 'C:\PIV_Processed\Images_Processed\Rise_64_16_peak2RMS\Results_R_h1_f1200_1_p14_64_16'
Fol_Raw = ppf.get_raw_folder(Fol_Sol)
Height, Width = ppf.get_img_shape(Fol_Raw)
Dt = 1 / 1200

test = v_values_smoothed[:, -5:, :]
test2 = x_tensor[0, -1, :]
v_avg = np.trapz(test, test2, axis=-1) / Width
# average along the vertical axis to get the average velocity as a
# function of time
v_mean = np.mean(v_avg, axis=1)
# smooth this velocity heavily
v_filter, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY = smo(v_mean, s=100, isrobust=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.plot(v_mean)
# calculate the acceleration
예제 #2
Dpi = 65  # dpi of the figures

################ iterate over all the runs ###################################

# for i in range(0,len(Run_List)):
for i in range(5, len(Run_List)):
    # for i in range(1,5):
    Run = ppf.cut_processed_name(Run_List[i])
    print('Exporting Run ' + Run)
    # give the input folder for the data
    Fol_Out = ppf.create_folder(Fol_PP + Run + os.sep)
    Fol_In = Data_Location + 'Images_Processed' + os.sep + 'Fall' + Settings +\
        '_peak2RMS'+ os.sep + 'Results_' + Run + Settings
    Fol_Raw = ppf.get_raw_folder(Fol_In)
    Fol_Smo = ppf.get_smo_folder(Fol_In)

    # load the smoothed data from the .npy files
    x_tensor = np.load(os.path.join(Fol_Smo, 'x_values.npy'))
    y_tensor = np.load(os.path.join(Fol_Smo, 'y_values.npy'))
    u_tensor = np.load(os.path.join(Fol_Smo, 'u_values.npy'))
    v_tensor_raw = np.load(os.path.join(Fol_Smo, 'v_values_raw.npy'))
    v_tensor_smo = np.load(os.path.join(Fol_Smo, 'v_values_smoothed.npy'))

    # set the constants of the images to go from px/frame to mm/s
    Height, Width = ppf.get_img_shape(Fol_Raw)  # image width in pixels
    Scale = Width / 5  # scaling factor in px/mm
    Dt = 1 / ppf.get_frequency(Fol_Raw)  # time between images
    Factor = 1 / (Scale * Dt)  # conversion factor to go from px/frame to mm/s