예제 #1
	def scan_flow_scalar_non_spaces(self, start_mark):
		# See the specification for details.
		chunks = []
		while True:
			length = 0
			while self.peek(length) not in '\"\\\0 \t\n':
				length += 1
			if length:
			ch = self.peek()
			if ch == '\\':
				ch = self.peek()
				if ch in self.ESCAPE_REPLACEMENTS:
				elif ch in self.ESCAPE_CODES:
					length = self.ESCAPE_CODES[ch]
					for k in range(length):
						if self.peek(k) not in hexdigits:
							raise ScannerError(
								'while scanning a double-quoted scalar', start_mark,
								'expected escape sequence of %d hexdecimal numbers, but found %r' % (
									length, self.peek(k)),
					code = int(self.prefix(length), 16)
					if 0xD800 <= code <= 0xDC00:
						# Start of the surrogate pair
						next_char = self.prefix(6)
						if (
							next_char[0] != '\\'
							or next_char[1] != 'u'
							or not (set(next_char[2:]) < hexdigits_set)
							or not (0xDC00 <= int(next_char[2:], 16) <= 0xDFFF)
							raise ScannerError(
								'while scanning a double-quoted scalar', start_mark,
								'expected escape sequence with the next character in surrogate pair, but found %r' % (
						code = surrogate_pair_to_character(code, int(next_char[2:], 16))
					raise ScannerError(
						'while scanning a double-quoted scalar', start_mark,
						('found unknown escape character %r' % ch), self.get_mark()
				return chunks
예제 #2
파일: vterm.py 프로젝트: 8pockets/dotfiles
 def __init__(self, vtsc):
     for field in VTermScreenCellAttrs_s._fields_:
         field_name = field[0]
         setattr(self, field_name, getattr(vtsc.attrs, field_name))
     self.text = ''.join(
          for i in range(VTERM_MAX_CHARS_PER_CELL))).rstrip('\x00')
     self.width = next(tointiter(vtsc.width))
     self.fg = VTermColor(vtsc.fg)
     self.bg = VTermColor(vtsc.bg)
     self.cell_properties_key = (
예제 #3
	def __init__(self, vtsc):
		for field in VTermScreenCellAttrs_s._fields_:
			field_name = field[0]
			setattr(self, field_name, getattr(vtsc.attrs, field_name))
		self.text = ''.join((
			unichr(vtsc.chars[i]) for i in range(VTERM_MAX_CHARS_PER_CELL)
		self.width = next(tointiter(vtsc.width))
		self.fg = VTermColor(vtsc.fg)
		self.bg = VTermColor(vtsc.bg)
		self.cell_properties_key = (
예제 #4
파일: error.py 프로젝트: Tukeke/powerline
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)

import sys
import re

from powerline.lib.unicode import unichr

NON_PRINTABLE = re.compile('[^\t\n\x20-\x7E' + unichr(0x85) + (unichr(0xA0) + '-' + unichr(0xD7FF)) + (unichr(0xE000) + '-' + unichr(0xFFFD)) + ']')

def repl(s):
	return '<x%04x>' % ord(s.group())

def strtrans(s):
	return NON_PRINTABLE.sub(repl, s.replace('\t', '>---'))

class Mark:
	def __init__(self, name, line, column, buffer, pointer):
		self.name = name
		self.line = line
		self.column = column
		self.buffer = buffer
		self.pointer = pointer

	def copy(self):
		return Mark(self.name, self.line, self.column, self.buffer, self.pointer)
예제 #5
	def test_unichr(self):
		self.assertStringsIdentical('\U0010FFFF', plu.unichr(0x10FFFF))
		self.assertStringsIdentical('\uFFFF', plu.unichr(0xFFFF))
		self.assertStringsIdentical('\x20', plu.unichr(0x20))
예제 #6
 def test_unichr(self):
     self.assertStringsIdentical('\U0010FFFF', plu.unichr(0x10FFFF))
     self.assertStringsIdentical('\uFFFF', plu.unichr(0xFFFF))
     self.assertStringsIdentical('\x20', plu.unichr(0x20))
예제 #7
파일: renderer.py 프로젝트: ZyX-I/powerline
import re
import operator

from itertools import chain

from powerline.theme import Theme
from powerline.lib.unicode import unichr, strwidth_ucs_2, strwidth_ucs_4

NBSP = " "

np_control_character_translations = dict(
        # Control characters: ^@ … ^Y
        (i1, "^" + unichr(i1 + 0x40))
        for i1 in range(0x20)
"""Control character translations

Dictionary that maps characters in range 0x00–0x1F (inclusive) to strings 
``'^@'``, ``'^A'`` and so on.

.. note: maps tab to ``^I`` and newline to ``^J``.

np_invalid_character_translations = dict(
        # Invalid unicode characters obtained using 'surrogateescape' error
        # handler.
예제 #8
파일: renderer.py 프로젝트: jcronq/linuxEnv
import sys
import os
import re
import operator

from itertools import chain

from powerline.theme import Theme
from powerline.lib.unicode import unichr, strwidth_ucs_2, strwidth_ucs_4

NBSP = ' '

np_control_character_translations = dict((
    # Control characters: ^@ … ^Y
    (i1, '^' + unichr(i1 + 0x40)) for i1 in range(0x20)))
'''Control character translations

Dictionary that maps characters in range 0x00–0x1F (inclusive) to strings
``'^@'``, ``'^A'`` and so on.

.. note: maps tab to ``^I`` and newline to ``^J``.

np_invalid_character_translations = dict((
    # Invalid unicode characters obtained using 'surrogateescape' error
    # handler.
    (i2, '<{0:02x}>'.format(i2 - 0xDC00)) for i2 in range(0xDC80, 0xDD00)))
'''Invalid unicode character translations

When using ``surrogateescape`` encoding error handling method characters in
예제 #9
파일: vim.py 프로젝트: Ahed91/powerline
import vim

from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_get_func, vim_getoption, environ, current_tabpage
from powerline.renderer import Renderer
from powerline.colorscheme import ATTR_BOLD, ATTR_ITALIC, ATTR_UNDERLINE
from powerline.theme import Theme
from powerline.lib.unicode import unichr, register_strwidth_error

vim_mode = vim_get_func('mode', rettype='unicode')
if int(vim.eval('v:version')) >= 702:
	_vim_mode = vim_mode
	vim_mode = lambda: _vim_mode(1)

mode_translations = {
	unichr(ord('V') - 0x40): '^V',
	unichr(ord('S') - 0x40): '^S',

class VimRenderer(Renderer):
	'''Powerline vim segment renderer.'''

	character_translations = Renderer.character_translations.copy()
	character_translations[ord('%')] = '%%'

	segment_info = Renderer.segment_info.copy()

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		if not hasattr(vim, 'strwidth'):
예제 #10
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import,

import sys
import re

from powerline.lib.unicode import unichr

NON_PRINTABLE = re.compile('[^\t\n\x20-\x7E' + unichr(0x85) +
                           (unichr(0xA0) + '-' + unichr(0xD7FF)) +
                           (unichr(0xE000) + '-' + unichr(0xFFFD)) + ']')

def repl(s):
    return '<x%04x>' % ord(s.group())

def strtrans(s):
    return NON_PRINTABLE.sub(repl, s.replace('\t', '>---'))

class Mark:
    def __init__(self, name, line, column, buffer, pointer):
        self.name = name
        self.line = line
        self.column = column
        self.buffer = buffer
        self.pointer = pointer

    def copy(self):
예제 #11
import vim

from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_get_func, vim_getoption, environ, current_tabpage, get_vim_encoding
from powerline.renderer import Renderer
from powerline.colorscheme import ATTR_BOLD, ATTR_ITALIC, ATTR_UNDERLINE
from powerline.theme import Theme
from powerline.lib.unicode import unichr, register_strwidth_error

vim_mode = vim_get_func('mode', rettype='unicode')
if int(vim.eval('v:version')) >= 702:
	_vim_mode = vim_mode
	vim_mode = lambda: _vim_mode(1)

mode_translations = {
	unichr(ord('V') - 0x40): '^V',
	unichr(ord('S') - 0x40): '^S',

class VimRenderer(Renderer):
	'''Powerline vim segment renderer.'''

	character_translations = Renderer.character_translations.copy()
	character_translations[ord('%')] = '%%'

	segment_info = Renderer.segment_info.copy()

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		if not hasattr(vim, 'strwidth'):
예제 #12
import sys
import os
import re

from itertools import chain

from powerline.theme import Theme
from powerline.lib.unicode import unichr, strwidth_ucs_2, strwidth_ucs_4

NBSP = ' '

np_control_character_translations = dict((
	# Control characters: ^@ … ^Y
	(i1, '^' + unichr(i1 + 0x40)) for i1 in range(0x20)
'''Control character translations

Dictionary that maps characters in range 0x00–0x1F (inclusive) to strings 
``'^@'``, ``'^A'`` and so on.

.. note: maps tab to ``^I`` and newline to ``^J``.

np_invalid_character_translations = dict((
	# Invalid unicode characters obtained using 'surrogateescape' error 
	# handler.
	(i2, '<{0:02x}>'.format(i2 - 0xDC00)) for i2 in range(0xDC80, 0xDD00)
'''Invalid unicode character translations
예제 #13
class Renderer(object):
    '''Object that is responsible for generating the highlighted string.

	:param dict theme_config:
		Main theme configuration.
	:param local_themes:
		Local themes. Is to be used by subclasses from ``.get_theme()`` method, 
		base class only records this parameter to a ``.local_themes`` attribute.
	:param dict theme_kwargs:
		Keyword arguments for ``Theme`` class constructor.
	:param PowerlineLogger pl:
		Object used for logging.
	:param int ambiwidth:
		Width of the characters with east asian width unicode attribute equal to 
		``A`` (Ambigious).
	:param dict options:
		Various options. Are normally not used by base renderer, but all options 
		are recorded as attributes.

    segment_info = {
        'environ': os.environ,
        'getcwd': getattr(os, 'getcwdu', os.getcwd),
        'home': os.environ.get('HOME'),
    '''Basic segment info. Is merged with local segment information by 
	``.get_segment_info()`` method. Keys:

		Object containing environment variables. Must define at least the 
		following methods: ``.__getitem__(var)`` that raises ``KeyError`` in 
		case requested environment variable is not present, ``.get(var, 
		default=None)`` that works like ``dict.get`` and be able to be passed to 

		Function that returns current working directory. Will be called without 
		any arguments, should return ``unicode`` or (in python-2) regular 

		String containing path to home directory. Should be ``unicode`` or (in 
		python-2) regular string or ``None``.

    character_translations = {}
    '''Character translations for use in escape() function.

	See documentation of ``unicode.translate`` for details.

    np_character_translations = dict(
        ((i, '^' + unichr(i + 0x40)) for i in range(0x20)))
    '''Non-printable character translations

	These are used to transform characters in range 0x00—0x1F into ``^@``, 
	``^A`` and so on. Unilke with ``.escape()`` method (and 
	``character_translations``) result is passed to ``.strwidth()`` method.

	Note: transforms tab into ``^I``.
    def __init__(self,
        self.theme_config = theme_config
        theme_kwargs['pl'] = pl
        self.pl = pl
        if theme_config.get('use_non_breaking_spaces', True):
            self.character_translations = self.character_translations.copy()
            self.character_translations[ord(' ')] = NBSP
        self.theme = Theme(theme_config=theme_config, **theme_kwargs)
        self.local_themes = local_themes
        self.theme_kwargs = theme_kwargs
        self.width_data = {
            'N': 1,  # Neutral
            'Na': 1,  # Narrow
            'A': ambiwidth,  # Ambigious
            'H': 1,  # Half-width
            'W': 2,  # Wide
            'F': 2,  # Fullwidth

    def strwidth(self, string):
        '''Function that returns string width.

		Is used to calculate the place given string occupies when handling 
		``width`` argument to ``.render()`` method. Must take east asian width 
		into account.

		:param unicode string:
			String whose width will be calculated.

		:return: unsigned integer.
        return sum((0 if combining(symbol) else
                    for symbol in string))

    def get_theme(self, matcher_info):
        '''Get Theme object.

		Is to be overridden by subclasses to support local themes, this variant 
		only returns ``.theme`` attribute.

		:param matcher_info:
			Parameter ``matcher_info`` that ``.render()`` method received. 
        return self.theme

    def shutdown(self):
        '''Prepare for interpreter shutdown. The only job it is supposed to do 
		is calling ``.shutdown()`` method for all theme objects. Should be 
		overridden by subclasses in case they support local themes.

    def get_segment_info(self, segment_info, mode):
        '''Get segment information.

		Must return a dictionary containing at least ``home``, ``environ`` and 
		``getcwd`` keys (see documentation for ``segment_info`` attribute). This 
		implementation merges ``segment_info`` dictionary passed to 
		``.render()`` method with ``.segment_info`` attribute, preferring keys 
		from the former. It also replaces ``getcwd`` key with function returning 
		``segment_info['environ']['PWD']`` in case ``PWD`` variable is 

		:param dict segment_info:
			Segment information that was passed to ``.render()`` method.

		:return: dict with segment information.
        r = self.segment_info.copy()
        r['mode'] = mode
        if segment_info:
        if 'PWD' in r['environ']:
            r['getcwd'] = lambda: r['environ']['PWD']
        return r

    def render_above_lines(self, **kwargs):
        '''Render all segments in the {theme}/segments/above list

		Rendering happens in the reversed order. Parameters are the same as in 
		.render() method.

		:yield: rendered line.

        theme = self.get_theme(kwargs.get('matcher_info', None))
        for line in range(theme.get_line_number() - 1, 0, -1):
            yield self.render(side=None, line=line, **kwargs)

    def render(self,
        '''Render all segments.

		When a width is provided, low-priority segments are dropped one at 
		a time until the line is shorter than the width, or only segments 
		with a negative priority are left. If one or more segments with 
		``"width": "auto"`` are provided they will fill the remaining space 
		until the desired width is reached.

		:param str mode:
			Mode string. Affects contents (colors and the set of segments) of 
			rendered string.
		:param int width:
			Maximum width text can occupy. May be exceeded if there are too much 
			non-removable segments.
		:param str side:
			One of ``left``, ``right``. Determines which side will be rendered. 
			If not present all sides are rendered.
		:param int line:
			Line number for which segments should be obtained. Is counted from 
			zero (botmost line).
		:param bool output_raw:
			Changes the output: if this parameter is ``True`` then in place of 
			one string this method outputs a pair ``(colored_string, 
		:param bool output_width:
			Changes the output: if this parameter is ``True`` then in place of 
			one string this method outputs a pair ``(colored_string, 
			string_width)``. Returns a three-tuple if ``output_raw`` is also 
			``True``: ``(colored_string, colorless_string, string_width)``.
		:param dict segment_info:
			Segment information. See also ``.get_segment_info()`` method.
		:param matcher_info:
			Matcher information. Is processed in ``.get_theme()`` method.
        theme = self.get_theme(matcher_info)
        return self.do_render(

    def compute_divider_widths(self, theme):
        return {
            'left': {
                'hard': self.strwidth(theme.get_divider('left', 'hard')),
                'soft': self.strwidth(theme.get_divider('left', 'soft')),
            'right': {
                'hard': self.strwidth(theme.get_divider('right', 'hard')),
                'soft': self.strwidth(theme.get_divider('right', 'soft')),

    def do_render(self, mode, width, side, line, output_raw, output_width,
                  segment_info, theme):
        '''Like Renderer.render(), but accept theme in place of matcher_info
        segments = list(
            theme.get_segments(side, line,
                               self.get_segment_info(segment_info, mode),

        current_width = 0

        if not width:
            # No width specified, so we don't need to crop or pad anything
            if output_width:
                current_width = self._render_length(
                    theme, segments, self.compute_divider_widths(theme))
            return construct_returned_value(
                    for segment in self._render_segments(theme, segments)
                ]) + self.hlstyle(), segments, current_width, output_raw,

        divider_widths = self.compute_divider_widths(theme)

        # Create an ordered list of segments that can be dropped
        segments_priority = sorted(
             for segment in segments if segment['priority'] is not None),
            key=lambda segment: segment['priority'],
        no_priority_segments = filter(
            lambda segment: segment['priority'] is None, segments)
        current_width = self._render_length(theme, segments, divider_widths)
        if current_width > width:
            for segment in chain(segments_priority, no_priority_segments):
                if segment['truncate'] is not None:
                    segment['contents'] = segment['truncate'](
                        self.pl, current_width - width, segment)

            segments_priority = iter(segments_priority)
            if current_width > width and len(segments) > 100:
                # When there are too many segments use faster, but less correct
                # algorythm for width computation
                diff = current_width - width
                for segment in segments_priority:
                    diff -= segment['_len']
                    if diff <= 0:
                current_width = self._render_length(theme, segments,
            if current_width > width:
                # When there are not too much use more precise, but much slower
                # width computation. It also finishes computations in case
                # previous variant did not free enough space.
                for segment in segments_priority:
                    current_width = self._render_length(
                        theme, segments, divider_widths)
                    if current_width <= width:
        del segments_priority

        # Distribute the remaining space on spacer segments
        segments_spacers = [
            segment for segment in segments if segment['expand'] is not None
        if segments_spacers:
            distribute_len, distribute_len_remainder = divmod(
                width - current_width, len(segments_spacers))
            for segment in segments_spacers:
                segment['contents'] = (segment['expand'](
                    self.pl, distribute_len +
                    (1 if distribute_len_remainder > 0 else 0), segment))
                distribute_len_remainder -= 1
            # `_len` key is not needed anymore, but current_width should have an
            # actual value for various bindings.
            current_width = width
        elif output_width:
            current_width = self._render_length(theme, segments,

        rendered_highlighted = ''.join([
            for segment in self._render_segments(theme, segments)
        ]) + self.hlstyle()

        return construct_returned_value(rendered_highlighted, segments,
                                        current_width, output_raw,

    def _render_length(self, theme, segments, divider_widths):
        '''Update segments lengths and return them
        segments_len = len(segments)
        ret = 0
        divider_spaces = theme.get_spaces()
        for index, segment in enumerate(segments):
            side = segment['side']
            if segment['_contents_len'] is None:
                segment_len = segment['_contents_len'] = self.strwidth(
                segment_len = segment['_contents_len']

            prev_segment = segments[index -
                                    1] if index > 0 else theme.EMPTY_SEGMENT
            next_segment = segments[
                index + 1] if index < segments_len - 1 else theme.EMPTY_SEGMENT
            compare_segment = next_segment if side == 'left' else prev_segment
            divider_type = 'soft' if compare_segment['highlight'][
                'bg'] == segment['highlight']['bg'] else 'hard'

            outer_padding = int(
                bool((index == 0 and side == 'left')
                     or (index == segments_len - 1 and side == 'right')))

            draw_divider = segment['draw_' + divider_type + '_divider']
            segment_len += outer_padding
            if draw_divider:
                segment_len += divider_widths[side][
                    divider_type] + divider_spaces

            segment['_len'] = segment_len
            ret += segment_len
        return ret

    def _render_segments(self, theme, segments, render_highlighted=True):
        '''Internal segment rendering method.

		This method loops through the segment array and compares the
		foreground/background colors and divider properties and returns the
		rendered statusline as a string.

		The method always renders the raw segment contents (i.e. without
		highlighting strings added), and only renders the highlighted
		statusline if render_highlighted is True.
        segments_len = len(segments)
        divider_spaces = theme.get_spaces()

        for index, segment in enumerate(segments):
            side = segment['side']
            prev_segment = segments[index -
                                    1] if index > 0 else theme.EMPTY_SEGMENT
            next_segment = segments[
                index + 1] if index < segments_len - 1 else theme.EMPTY_SEGMENT
            compare_segment = next_segment if side == 'left' else prev_segment
            outer_padding = int(
                bool((index == 0 and side == 'left') or
                     (index == segments_len - 1 and side == 'right'))) * ' '
            divider_type = 'soft' if compare_segment['highlight'][
                'bg'] == segment['highlight']['bg'] else 'hard'

            divider_highlighted = ''
            contents_raw = segment['contents']
            contents_highlighted = ''
            draw_divider = segment['draw_' + divider_type + '_divider']

            contents_raw = contents_raw.translate(

            # XXX Make sure self.hl() calls are called in the same order
            # segments are displayed. This is needed for Vim renderer to work.
            if draw_divider:
                divider_raw = self.escape(theme.get_divider(
                    side, divider_type))
                if side == 'left':
                    contents_raw = outer_padding + contents_raw + (
                        divider_spaces * ' ')
                    contents_raw = (divider_spaces *
                                    ' ') + contents_raw + outer_padding

                if divider_type == 'soft':
                    divider_highlight_group_key = 'highlight' if segment[
                        'divider_highlight_group'] is None else 'divider_highlight'
                    divider_fg = segment[divider_highlight_group_key]['fg']
                    divider_bg = segment[divider_highlight_group_key]['bg']
                    divider_fg = segment['highlight']['bg']
                    divider_bg = compare_segment['highlight']['bg']

                if side == 'left':
                    if render_highlighted:
                        contents_highlighted = self.hl(
                            self.escape(contents_raw), **segment['highlight'])
                        divider_highlighted = self.hl(divider_raw, divider_fg,
                                                      divider_bg, False)
                    segment['_rendered_raw'] = contents_raw + divider_raw
                        '_rendered_hl'] = contents_highlighted + divider_highlighted
                    if render_highlighted:
                        divider_highlighted = self.hl(divider_raw, divider_fg,
                                                      divider_bg, False)
                        contents_highlighted = self.hl(
                            self.escape(contents_raw), **segment['highlight'])
                    segment['_rendered_raw'] = divider_raw + contents_raw
                        '_rendered_hl'] = divider_highlighted + contents_highlighted
                if side == 'left':
                    contents_raw = outer_padding + contents_raw
                    contents_raw = contents_raw + outer_padding

                contents_highlighted = self.hl(self.escape(contents_raw),
                segment['_rendered_raw'] = contents_raw
                segment['_rendered_hl'] = contents_highlighted
            yield segment

    def escape(self, string):
        '''Method that escapes segment contents.
        return string.translate(self.character_translations)

    def hlstyle(fg=None, bg=None, attr=None):
        '''Output highlight style string.

		Assuming highlighted string looks like ``{style}{contents}`` this method 
		should output ``{style}``. If it is called without arguments this method 
		is supposed to reset style to its default.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def hl(self, contents, fg=None, bg=None, attr=None):
        '''Output highlighted chunk.

		This implementation just outputs ``.hlstyle()`` joined with 
        return self.hlstyle(fg, bg, attr) + (contents or '')