def plot_r_z_plane(self): fig = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh(self.zeta_array, self.r_array, self.r_z_slice, cmap=plt.get_cmap('magma')) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax)'$\rho$', fontsize=14) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p r$', fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) filesuffix = '_t_%06.f' % (np.floor(self.g3d.get_time())) fileprefix = 'plasma_charge' saveformat = 'png' savepath = self.args.savepath mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) savename = fileprefix + filesuffix + '.' + saveformat fig.savefig(savepath + '/' + savename, format=saveformat, dpi=600) plt.close(fig) if self.args.verbose: print('Saved "' + savename + '" at: ' + self.args.savepath)
def plot_rb(self): fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(self.zeta_array, self.rb) plt.plot(self.zeta_array, self.rb_maxrho) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p r_b$', fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.legend([r'$r_b$ from zero crossing', r'$r_b$ from global maximum']) filesuffix = '_t_%06.f' % (np.floor(self.g3d.get_time())) fileprefix = 'plasma_charge_rb' saveformat = 'eps' savepath = self.args.savepath mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) savename = fileprefix + filesuffix + '.' + saveformat fig.savefig(savepath + '/' + savename, format=saveformat) if self.args.h5plot: h5lp = H5Plot() h5lp.inherit_matplotlib_line_plots(ax) h5lp.write(savepath + '/' + fileprefix + filesuffix + '.h5') if self.args.verbose: print('Saved "' + savename + '" at: ' + self.args.savepath) plt.close(fig)
def main(): parser = ps_parseopts() args = parser.parse_args() file = args.path slm = SliceMoms() if slm.get_h5order(file) > 0: if args.mom_order != None: mom_order = args.mom_order else: mom_order = slm.get_h5order(file) else: print('Error:\tMoment order in file <= 0!') sys.exit(1) if args.zeta_range != None: slm.truncate_zeta_region(args.zeta_range[0], args.zeta_range[1]) slm.shift_time(args.time_offset) mkdirs_if_nexist(args.savepath) if args.latexon: plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plot_curr_profile(slm, args.savepath, time = args.time, h5plot=args.h5plot) plot_save_slice_ene(slm, args.savepath, h5plot=args.h5plot) plot_save_slice_centroids(slm, args.savepath, h5plot=args.h5plot, zeta_pos=args.zeta_pos) plot_save_slice_ene_spread(slm, args.savepath, h5plot=args.h5plot, zeta_pos=args.zeta_pos) if mom_order > 1: plot_save_slice_rms(slm, args.savepath) plot_save_proj_rms( slm, \ args.savepath, \ axdir=args.axis, \ h5plot=args.h5plot,\ versus_gamma=args.versus_gamma) plot_save_slice_rms_lines(slm, args.savepath, time = args.time, axdir=args.axis, h5plot=args.h5plot) plot_save_ene_ene_spread(slm, args.savepath, t_is_z=args.t_is_z) if slm.get_if_xterms(): plot_xterms(slm, args.savepath, time = args.time, h5plot=args.h5plot) if mom_order > 3: plot_save_slice_exkurtosis_lines(slm, args.savepath, time = args.time, axdir=args.axis, h5plot=args.h5plot) plot_save_slice_quad_corr_lines(slm, args.savepath, time = args.time, axdir=args.axis, h5plot=args.h5plot)
def saveas_png(fig, savepath, savename, verbose=True, dpi=600): fformat = 'png' if savepath != None: mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) fig.savefig(savepath + '/' + savename + '.' + fformat, format=fformat, dpi=dpi) if verbose: sys.stdout.write('Saved "%s.%s" at: %s/\n' % (savename, fformat, savepath)) sys.stdout.flush()
def plot_r_lines(self): if not hasattr(self, 'r_z_slice_model'): self.gen_model_sheath() z_inds = np.int16(np.linspace(0, self.Nzeta - 1, 10)) fig = plt.figure() for z_ind in z_inds: p = plt.plot(self.r_array, self.r_z_slice[:, z_ind]) plt.plot(self.r_array, self.r_z_slice_model[:, z_ind], color=p[0].get_color(), linestyle='--') plt.plot(self.r_array, self.r_z_slice_model_flocmax[:, z_ind], color=p[0].get_color(), linestyle='-.') ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'$\rho$', fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p r$', fontsize=14) filesuffix = '_t_%06.f' % (np.floor(self.g3d.get_time())) fileprefix = 'plasma_charge_r' saveformat = 'eps' savepath = self.args.savepath mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) savename = fileprefix + filesuffix + '.' + saveformat fig.savefig(savepath + '/' + savename, format=saveformat) plt.close(fig) if self.args.h5plot: h5lp = H5Plot() h5lp.inherit_matplotlib_line_plots(ax) h5lp.write(savepath + '/' + fileprefix + filesuffix + '.h5') if self.args.verbose: print('Saved "' + savename + '" at: ' + self.args.savepath)
def saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, savename, h5plot=True, verbose=True, fformat='pdf', transparent=True): fformat_list = ['eps', 'pdf'] if fformat not in fformat_list: print("Error: fformat must be one of: " + fformat_list) if savepath != None: if savepath == '': savepath = '.' else: mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) fig.savefig(savepath + '/' + savename + '.' + fformat, format=fformat, transparent=transparent) if verbose: sys.stdout.write('Saved "%s.%s" at: %s/\n' % (savename, fformat, savepath)) sys.stdout.flush() if h5plot: h5lp = H5Plot() h5lp.inherit_matplotlib_line_plots(plt.gca()) h5lp.write(savepath + '/' + savename + '.h5') if verbose: sys.stdout.write('Saved "%s.h5" at: %s/\n' % (savename, savepath)) sys.stdout.flush()
def calc_transversal_probability_density(r_max, nx, nb, ni, rbunch, lbunch): ELECTRON_CHARGE_IN_COUL = 1.60217657e-19 ELECTRON_MASS_IN_KG = 9.10938291e-31 VAC_PERMIT_FARAD_PER_M = 8.854187817e-12 SPEED_OF_LIGHT_IN_M_PER_S = 299792458 omega_alpha = 4.13e16 # [s^-1] E_alpha = 5.1e11 # [V/m] elec_density = 1e+23 # [1/m^3] omega_p = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi * elec_density * (ELECTRON_CHARGE_IN_COUL**2) / (VAC_PERMIT_FARAD_PER_M * ELECTRON_MASS_IN_KG)) E_0 = omega_p * ELECTRON_MASS_IN_KG * SPEED_OF_LIGHT_IN_M_PER_S / ELECTRON_CHARGE_IN_COUL #Use zeta array in order to calculate delta t savepath = './plots/g3d-line/' mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) bunch_array = np.arange(0, lbunch + lbunch / 10, lbunch / 10) bunch_array_sum = np.cumsum(bunch_array) deltat = np.abs(bunch_array_sum) / omega_p vcalc_ion_rate = np.vectorize(calc_ion_rate) r_array = np.arange(0, r_max + r_max / nx, r_max / nx) c1prime = -1 / 2 * nb c3prime = -1 / 2 * rbunch**2 * (nb) savename = 'Ex_analytic' E = np.zeros(shape=np.shape(r_array)) for i in range(len(r_array)): if (r_array[i] <= rbunch): E[i] = np.real(c1prime) * r_array[i] else: E[i] = np.real(c3prime) / r_array[i] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(np.append(-r_array[::-1], r_array), np.append(-(E[::-1]), E[:])) x, Ex = plot_hipace_Ex(-0.2) # input = zeta pos ax.plot(x, Ex) h5lp = H5Plot() h5lp.inherit_matplotlib_line_plots(ax) h5lp.write(savepath + '/' + savename + '.h5') #use zeta array for shaping the elctric field to get the same spacing etc. #print(Earray) ionization_rate = np.zeros(shape=np.shape(r_array)) ionization_rate[:] = vcalc_ion_rate(E * E_0, 1, 13.659843449, 13.659843449, 0, 0) # complete formulae for hydrogen #print(ionization_rate[1]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #print('Deltat is %0.3e' %deltat) #computing the ionization probability savename = 'ion_probability_test' ion_probability = np.zeros(shape=(len(bunch_array) - 1, len(ionization_rate))) for i in range(1, 2): #len(bunch_array)): ion_probability[i - 1, :] = 1.0 - np.exp(-ionization_rate[:] * deltat[i]) ax.plot(np.append(-r_array[::-1], r_array), np.append((ion_probability[i - 1, ::-1]), ion_probability[i - 1, :]), label=('prob at lb: ' + str(np.around(bunch_array[i], decimals=1)))) #ax.legend() h5lp = H5Plot() h5lp.inherit_matplotlib_line_plots(ax) h5lp.write(savepath + '/' + savename + '.h5')
def plot_deltarho_rhomax_sheathcharge(self): if not hasattr(self, 'rb'): self.calc_rb() if not hasattr(self, 'rho_max'): self.calc_deltarho_rhomax_sheathcharge() fig_charge = plt.figure() plt.plot(self.zeta_array, self.charge) ax_charge = plt.gca() ax_charge.set_ylabel(r'$\lambda=\int_{r_b}^\infty r \rho(r) dr$', fontsize=14) ax_charge.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) charge_fileprefix = 'charge' fig_rhomax = plt.figure() plt.plot(self.zeta_array, self.rho_max) plt.plot(self.zeta_array, self.rho_flocmax) ax_rhomax = plt.gca() ax_rhomax.legend( [r'using global maximum', r'using first local maximum']) ax_rhomax.set_ylabel(r'$\rho_\mathrm{max}$', fontsize=14) ax_rhomax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) rhomax_fileprefix = 'rho_max' fig_deltarho = plt.figure() plt.plot(self.zeta_array, self.delta_rho) plt.plot(self.zeta_array, self.delta_rho_flocmax) ax_deltarho = plt.gca() ax_deltarho.legend( [r'using global maximum', r'using first local maximum']) ax_deltarho.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta_\rho$', fontsize=14) ax_deltarho.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) deltarho_fileprefix = 'delta_rho' filesuffix = '_t_%06.f' % (np.floor(self.g3d.get_time())) saveformat = 'eps' savepath = self.args.savepath mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) charge_savename = charge_fileprefix + filesuffix + '.' + saveformat rhomax_savename = rhomax_fileprefix + filesuffix + '.' + saveformat deltarho_savename = deltarho_fileprefix + filesuffix + '.' + saveformat fig_charge.savefig(savepath + '/' + charge_savename, format=saveformat) if self.args.verbose: print('Saved "' + charge_savename + '" at: ' + self.args.savepath) fig_rhomax.savefig(savepath + '/' + rhomax_savename, format=saveformat) if self.args.verbose: print('Saved "' + rhomax_savename + '" at: ' + self.args.savepath) fig_deltarho.savefig(savepath + '/' + deltarho_savename, format=saveformat) if self.args.verbose: print('Saved "' + deltarho_savename + '" at: ' + self.args.savepath) if self.args.h5plot: h5lp = H5Plot() h5lp.inherit_matplotlib_line_plots(ax_charge) h5lp.write(savepath + '/' + charge_fileprefix + filesuffix + '.h5') h5lp = H5Plot() h5lp.inherit_matplotlib_line_plots(ax_rhomax) h5lp.write(savepath + '/' + rhomax_fileprefix + filesuffix + '.h5') h5lp = H5Plot() h5lp.inherit_matplotlib_line_plots(ax_deltarho) h5lp.write(savepath + '/' + deltarho_fileprefix + filesuffix + '.h5')
def main(): parser = binSlab_parser() args = parser.parse_args() # NHC=2 slice_suffix_str = '_sl_' # grid_info = np.zeros((3, 3)) # with open(args.outsumfile, 'r') as csvfile: # csvread = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t') # i=0 # for line in csvread: # if (i<3): # for j in range(len(line)): # grid_info[i,j] = float(line[j]) # i += 1 # print(grid_info) # Nx = int(grid_info[1,2]) # Ny = int(grid_info[2,2]) # dx=(grid_info[1,1] - grid_info[1,0]) / (Nx - 1) # Check this!!!! # dy=(grid_info[2,1] - grid_info[2,0]) / (Ny - 1) # Check this!!!! # Nx_incl_halo = Nx + 2*NHC; # Ny_incl_halo = Ny + 2*NHC; for filepath in args.path: # if args.nohalo: # nhc = 0 # else: # nhc = NHC i_sl =[(filepath.find(slice_suffix_str)+len(slice_suffix_str)):len(filepath)]) # IDx =[2])) # IDy = slID - args.partition[2] * IDx # ix_start = * IDx/args.partition[1])) # ix_end = * (IDx+1)/args.partition[1])) # iy_start = * IDy/args.partition[2])) # iy_end = * (IDy+1)/args.partition[2])) #[1] + 2*nhc ) #[2] + 2*nhc ) # my_x_array = np.linspace( grid_info[1,0] + ix_start*dx - nhc*dx, # grid_info[1,0] + ix_end*dx + nhc*dx, # my_Nx) # my_y_array = np.linspace( grid_info[2,0] + iy_start*dy - nhc*dy, # grid_info[2,0] + iy_end*dy + nhc*dy, # my_Ny) if i_sl == 0: filepath_base = filepath[0:(filepath.find(slice_suffix_str)+len(slice_suffix_str))] Nsl = len(glob.glob(filepath_base + '*')) array = np.empty(0) for i in range(0,Nsl): filepath_slice = '%s%04d' % (filepath_base, i ) print('Reading: %s' % filepath_slice) array = np.append(array,np.fromfile(filepath_slice,dtype=np.float32)) fig = plt.figure() cax = plt.plot( array) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'$\eta (\zeta)$', fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) if args.ifshow: head, savename = os.path.split(filepath) mkdirs_if_nexist(args.savepath) print('Saving: ' + args.savepath + '/' + savename + '.eps') fig.savefig( args.savepath + '/' + savename + '.eps', format='eps') plt.close(fig)
def density_inversion(r_nb, nb, r_psi, psi, zeta_pos, savepath='./plots/equilib', ifplot=True): psi_norm = psi - psi[0] psi_interp = np.interp(r_nb, r_psi, psi_norm) dnb = np.diff(nb) dpsi = np.diff(psi_interp) x = psi_interp[1:] F = -1 * np.divide(dnb, dpsi) / (2 * math.pi) popt, pcov = curve_fit(exp_func, x, F) if ifplot: mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(r_nb, nb) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p r$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$n_b/n_0$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, 'nb_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(r_nb[:-1], np.divide(dnb, np.diff(r_nb))) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p r$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$d(n_b/n_0)/(k_p dr)$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, 'dnb_dr_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(r_nb[:-1], np.divide(dpsi, np.diff(r_nb))) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p r$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$d(e\psi/mc^2)/(k_p dr)$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, 'dpsi_dr_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(psi_norm, r_nb) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p r$', fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r'$e\psi/mc^2$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, 'r_vs_psi_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(r_nb, psi_norm) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p r$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$e\psi/mc^2$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, 'psi_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(x, F, '-', label=r'F(x)') plt.plot(x, exp_func(x, *popt), '--', label=r'fit: $%0.2f \cdot exp(-%0.2f \cdot x)$' % tuple(popt)) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$F$', fontsize=14) plt.legend(frameon=False) saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, 'F_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) return x, F
def main(): basic_cols = ['#75b765', '#808080', '#ffd700'] basic_cols = ['#2020ff', '#808080', '#ff2020'] basic_cols = ['#0000ff', '#00ffff', '#808080', '#ffff00', '#ff0000'] my_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycmap', basic_cols) parser = binSlab_parser() args = parser.parse_args() modnum = args.modlines # NHC=2 proc_suffix_str = '_proc_' ppart_track_str = 'ppart_track' bin_fending = '.bin' for filepath in args.path: filename = '' slash = '/' if slash in filepath: dirname, filename = filepath.split('/') else: dirname = filepath array = np.empty(0) for files in os.listdir(dirname): if filename != '': if filename in files: print('Reading: %s/%s' % (dirname, files)) filepath = dirname + slash + files array = np.append(array, np.fromfile(filepath, dtype=np.float32)) else: print('Reading: %s/%s' % (dirname, files)) filepath = dirname + slash + files array = np.append(array, np.fromfile(filepath, dtype=np.float32)) ''' reshape the binary data to a matrix with particle tag information in each row''' array = np.reshape(array, (int(len(array) / 11), 11)) print(np.shape(array)) ''' set up figure for 3D plotting ''' ''' In order to simplify the splitting and plotting, the particle information matrix is sorted by the plasma species, the proc tag, then by the particle tag and finally by zeta ''' indizes = np.lexsort((array[:, 5], array[:, 6], array[:, 7], array[:, 9])) array = array[indizes] ''' split by different plasma species types ''' w = np.split(array, np.where(np.diff(array[:, 9]) != 0)[0] + 1) for k in range(len(w)): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ''' get min and max value for universal colorbar later ''' if args.track_color == "u_tot": cmin = min(w[k][:, 8]) cmax = max(w[k][:, 8]) chosencmap = cm.jet elif args.track_color == "beta_z": cmin = -1 cmax = 1 chosencmap = my_cmap elif args.track_color == "beta_y": cmin = -1 cmax = 1 chosencmap = my_cmap elif args.track_color == "none": print('no coloring option selected.') else: print("This attribute doesn't exist or is not implemented yet") break ''' Splitting the array into each particle trajectory by proc tag''' d = np.split(w[k], np.where(np.diff(w[k][:, 7]) != 0)[0] + 1) for i in range(len(d)): ''' Splitting the array into each particle trajectory by part tag''' e = np.split(d[i], np.where(np.diff(d[i][:, 6]) != 0)[0] + 1) number = int(np.floor(len(e) / modnum)) cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') colors = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, number)] colors2 = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 10000)] start_segments = np.linspace(args.track_range[0], args.track_range[1], 10000) for j in range(int(np.floor(len(e) / modnum))): x = e[modnum * j][:, 0] y = e[modnum * j][:, 1] z = e[modnum * j][:, 5] if args.track_color == "u_tot": c = e[modnum * j][:, 8] elif args.track_color == "beta_z": c = e[modnum * j][:, 4] / np.sqrt(1 + e[modnum * j][:, 8]**2) elif args.track_color == "beta_y": c = e[modnum * j][:, 2] / np.sqrt(1 + e[modnum * j][:, 8]**2) print("laenge track proc tag %i part tag %i ist %i" % (i, modnum * j, len(z))) if args.track_color == "u_tot": plot_3D_colourline(z, x, y, c, cmin, cmax) elif args.track_color == "beta_z": plot_3D_colourline_beta(z, x, y, c) elif args.track_color == "beta_y": plot_3D_colourline_beta(z, x, y, c) else: plot_3D_colourline(z, x, y, c, cmin, cmax) ''' Set colorbar ''' if args.track_color != "none": norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.min(cmin), vmax=np.max(cmax)) # choose a colormap c_m = chosencmap # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m =, norm=norm) s_m.set_array([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(s_m) else: # norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin= 0, vmax=6) # choose a colormap c_m = cm.jet # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m = s_m.set_array([args.track_range[0], args.track_range[1]]) cbar = plt.colorbar(s_m) if args.track_color == "u_tot":'$|u|$', fontsize=18) elif args.track_color == "beta_z":'$\beta_z$', fontsize=18) elif args.track_color == "beta_y":'$\beta_y$', fontsize=18) else:'$k_p\,x_0$', fontsize=18) #ax.set_xlim(-8, 0) # # ax.set_xlim(0, 300) #ax.set_ylim(-1/2, 6) if args.xlim: ax.set_ylim(args.xlim[0], args.xlim[1]) if args.ylim: ax.set_zlim(args.ylim[0], args.ylim[1]) ax.set_zlabel(r'$k_p\,y$', fontsize=18) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p\,\zeta$', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p\,x$', fontsize=18) savepath = 'plots/g3d-slice' mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) save_path_name = savepath + '/ionized_electron_density_tracked' + '.png' print('Saving figure...') fig.savefig(save_path_name, format='png', dpi=400) print('Writing file...') if args.verbose: sys.stdout.write('Saved: %s\n' % save_path_name) sys.stdout.flush() plt.close(fig) print('Done!')
def main(): parser = binSlab_parser() args = parser.parse_args() NHC = 2 slID_str = 'slID_' #cblims = [-1e-1 1e-1]; grid_info = np.zeros((3, 3)) with open(args.outsumfile, 'r') as csvfile: csvread = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t') i = 0 for line in csvread: if (i < 3): for j in range(len(line)): grid_info[i, j] = float(line[j]) i += 1 print(grid_info) Nx = int(grid_info[1, 2]) Ny = int(grid_info[2, 2]) dx = (grid_info[1, 1] - grid_info[1, 0]) / (Nx - 1) # Check this!!!! dy = (grid_info[2, 1] - grid_info[2, 0]) / (Ny - 1) # Check this!!!! Nx_incl_halo = Nx + 2 * NHC Ny_incl_halo = Ny + 2 * NHC for filepath in args.path: if args.nohalo: nhc = 0 else: nhc = NHC slID =[(filepath.find(slID_str) + len(slID_str)):len(filepath)]) IDx = / args.partition[2])) IDy = slID - args.partition[2] * IDx ix_start = * IDx / args.partition[1])) ix_end = * (IDx + 1) / args.partition[1])) iy_start = * IDy / args.partition[2])) iy_end = * (IDy + 1) / args.partition[2])) my_Nx = / args.partition[1] + 2 * nhc) my_Ny = / args.partition[2] + 2 * nhc) my_x_array = np.linspace(grid_info[1, 0] + ix_start * dx - nhc * dx, grid_info[1, 0] + ix_end * dx + nhc * dx, my_Nx) my_y_array = np.linspace(grid_info[2, 0] + iy_start * dy - nhc * dy, grid_info[2, 0] + iy_end * dy + nhc * dy, my_Ny) array_flat = np.fromfile(filepath, dtype=np.float32) M = np.transpose(array_flat.reshape((my_Nx, my_Ny))) cblim = [0.0, 0.0] if np.amin(M) < 0 and np.amax(M) > 0: cblim[0] = -max(abs(np.amin(M)), np.amax(M)) cblim[1] = max(abs(np.amin(M)), np.amax(M)) colormap = cm.BrBG elif np.amin(M) < 0 and np.amax(M) <= 0: cblim[0] = np.amin(M) cblim[1] = 0 colormap = cm.gist_yarg elif np.amin(M) >= 0 and np.amax(M) > 0: cblim[0] = 0 cblim[1] = np.amax(M) colormap = cm.gist_gray else: cblim[0] = np.amin(M) cblim[1] = np.amax(M) colormap = cm.PuBu fig = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh(my_x_array, my_y_array, M, vmin=cblim[0], vmax=cblim[1], cmap=colormap) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p y$', fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p x$', fontsize=14) ax.set_aspect('equal') cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) if args.ifshow: head, savename = os.path.split(filepath) mkdirs_if_nexist(args.savepath) fig.savefig(args.savepath + '/' + savename + '.png', format='png', dpi=600)
def main(): basic_cols = ['#75b765', '#808080', '#ffd700'] basic_cols = ['#2020ff', '#808080', '#ff2020'] basic_cols = ['#0000ff', '#00ffff', '#808080', '#ffff00', '#ff0000'] my_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycmap', basic_cols) parser = binSlab_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.latexfont: plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') modnum = args.modlines density_path = args.dens_data if not args.tracksoff and not args.track_range: print( 'ERROR: tracks not turned off, but no tracking range given. Provide tracking range with --track_range to get correct colormap.' ) # NHC=2 proc_suffix_str = '_proc_' ppart_track_str = 'ppart_track' bin_fending = '.bin' for density_files in args.dens_data: ionized_density_g3d1 = Grid3d(density_files) ionized_density = np.transpose( print(density_files) timestamp = density_files.split("_")[-1].split(".h5")[0] if args.old_timestamp: timestamp = timestamp.split(".")[0] if args.beam_data: for beam_density_files in args.beam_data: if timestamp in beam_density_files: beam_density_g3d1 = Grid3d(beam_density_files) beam_density = np.transpose( for filepath in args.path: filename = '' slash = '/' if slash in filepath: dirname, filename = filepath.split('/') else: dirname = filepath array = np.empty(0) for files in os.listdir(dirname): if filename != '': if filename in files: if (timestamp in files) or args.manual: print('Reading: %s/%s' % (dirname, files)) filepath = dirname + slash + files array = np.append( array, np.fromfile(filepath, dtype=np.float32)) else: if (timestamp in files) or args.manual: print('Reading: %s/%s' % (dirname, files)) filepath = dirname + slash + files array = np.append( array, np.fromfile(filepath, dtype=np.float32)) ''' reshape the binary data to a matrix with particle tag information in each row''' array = np.reshape(array, (int(len(array) / 11), 11)) print(np.shape(array)) ''' set up figure for 3D plotting ''' ''' In order to simplify the splitting and plotting, the particle information matrix is sorted by the plasma species, the proc tag, then by the particle tag and finally by zeta ''' indizes = np.lexsort( (array[:, 5], array[:, 6], array[:, 7], array[:, 9])) array = array[indizes] ''' split by different plasma species types ''' w = np.split(array, np.where(np.diff(array[:, 9]) != 0)[0] + 1) for k in range(len(w)): # if not args.tracksoff and args.dens_data and args.beam_data: # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,5)) # else: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ''' get min and max value for universal colorbar later ''' max_density = np.max(np.abs(ionized_density)) min_density = 0 if args.clim: levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=512).tick_values( args.clim[0], args.clim[1]) max_level = max_density vmin = args.clim[0] vmax = args.clim[1] #selecting correct extend method if min_density < args.clim[0] and max_density > args.clim[ 1]: extend = 'both' elif min_density < args.clim[ 0] and max_density <= args.clim[1]: extend = 'min' elif min_density >= args.clim[ 0] and max_density > args.clim[1]: extend = 'max' elif min_density >= args.clim[ 0] and max_density <= args.clim[1]: extend = 'neither' else: print( 'Error: unexpected case, couldn\'t extend in the correct way!' ) extend = 'neither' else: levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=512).tick_values(0, max_density) max_level = max_density vmin = min_density vmax = max_density extend = 'neither' if args.ptype == 'pcolormesh': plot1 = plt.pcolormesh(ionized_density_g3d1.get_zeta_arr(), ionized_density_g3d1.get_x_arr(2), np.abs(ionized_density), cmap=cm.PuBu, alpha=1) # elif args.ptype == 'contourf': plot1 = plt.contourf(ionized_density_g3d1.get_zeta_arr(), ionized_density_g3d1.get_x_arr(2), np.abs(ionized_density), cmap=cm.PuBu, levels=levels, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, extend=extend) else: print('This type is not implemented yet') cbarmap = cbarmap.set_array(np.abs(ionized_density)) if args.clim: cbarmap.set_clim(args.clim[0], args.clim[1]) cbar1 = plt.colorbar(cbarmap, boundaries=np.arange( args.clim[0], args.clim[1] + 0.0002, 0.0001), extend=extend, fraction=0.046, pad=0.1) ticks = MaxNLocator(5).tick_values(vmin, vmax) cbar1.set_ticks(ticks) plot1.set_clim([args.clim[0], args.clim[1]]) else: cbarmap.set_clim([0, max_density]) cbar1 = plt.colorbar(cbarmap, boundaries=np.arange( 0, max_density + 0.0002, 0.0001), extend=extend, fraction=0.046, pad=0.1) ticks = MaxNLocator(5).tick_values(vmin, vmax) cbar1.set_ticks(ticks) plot1.set_clim([0, max_density]) if args.xlim: plt.xlim(args.xlim[0], args.xlim[1]) if args.ylim: plt.ylim(args.ylim[0], args.ylim[1])'$n_p/n_0$', fontsize=16, pad=args.cbarpad) if args.beam_data: max_density = np.max(np.abs(beam_density)) cmap = # Get the colormap colors my_cmap = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N)) # Set alpha my_cmap[:, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1, cmap.N) # Create new colormap my_cmap = ListedColormap(my_cmap) if args.cblim: levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=512).tick_values( args.cblim[0], args.cblim[1]) max_level = max_density vmin = args.cblim[0] vmax = args.cblim[1] #selecting correct extend method if min_density < args.cblim[ 0] and max_density > args.cblim[1]: extend = 'both' elif min_density < args.cblim[ 0] and max_density <= args.cblim[1]: extend = 'min' elif min_density >= args.cblim[ 0] and max_density > args.cblim[1]: extend = 'max' elif min_density >= args.cblim[ 0] and max_density <= args.cblim[1]: extend = 'neither' else: print( 'Error: unexpected case, couldn\'t extend in the correct way!' ) extend = 'neither' else: levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=512).tick_values( 0, max_density) max_level = max_density vmin = 0 vmax = max_density extend = 'neither' if args.ptype == 'pcolormesh': plt.pcolormesh(beam_density_g3d1.get_zeta_arr(), beam_density_g3d1.get_x_arr(2), np.abs(beam_density), cmap=my_cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) elif args.ptype == 'contourf': plt.contourf(beam_density_g3d1.get_zeta_arr(), beam_density_g3d1.get_x_arr(2), np.abs(beam_density), cmap=my_cmap, levels=levels, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, extend=extend) else: print('This type is not implemented yet') cbarmap = cbarmap.set_array(np.abs(beam_density)) if args.cblim: # Note on colorbar: boundaries have to be set manually, because otherwise there will be ugly stripes # afterwards the ticks have to set manually as well, set them at the correct place cbarmap.set_clim(args.cblim[0], args.cblim[1]) cbar2 = plt.colorbar(cbarmap, boundaries=np.arange( args.cblim[0], args.cblim[1] + 0.0002, 0.0001), extend=extend, fraction=0.046, pad=0.1) ticks = MaxNLocator(5).tick_values(vmin, vmax) cbar2.set_ticks(ticks) cbar2.set_clim([args.cblim[0], args.cblim[1]]) else: #cbarmap.set_clim(0, max_density) cbar2 = plt.colorbar(cbarmap, boundaries=np.arange( 0, max_density + 0.0001, 0.0001), fraction=0.046, pad=0.1) ticks = MaxNLocator().tick_values(vmin, vmax) cbar2.set_ticks(ticks) cbar2.set_clim([0, max_density])'$n_b/n_0$', pad=args.cbarpad) if not args.tracksoff: if args.track_color == "u_tot": cmin = min(w[k][:, 8]) cmax = max(w[k][:, 8]) chosencmap = cm.jet elif args.track_color == "beta_z": cmin = -1 cmax = 1 chosencmap = my_cmap elif args.track_color == "beta_y": cmin = -1 cmax = 1 chosencmap = my_cmap elif args.track_color == "none": print('no coloring option selected.') else: print( "This attribute doesn't exist or is not implemented yet" ) break ''' Splitting the array into each particle trajectory by proc tag''' d = np.split(w[k], np.where(np.diff(w[k][:, 7]) != 0)[0] + 1) for i in range(len(d)): ''' Splitting the array into each particle trajectory by part tag''' e = np.split(d[i], np.where(np.diff(d[i][:, 6]) != 0)[0] + 1) number = int(np.floor(len(e) / modnum)) cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') colors = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, number)] colors2 = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 10000)] start_segments = np.linspace(args.track_range[0], args.track_range[1], 10000) for j in range(int(np.floor(len(e) / modnum))): x = e[modnum * j][:, 0] y = e[modnum * j][:, 1] z = e[modnum * j][:, 5] if args.track_color == "u_tot": c = e[modnum * j][:, 8] elif args.track_color == "beta_z": c = e[modnum * j][:, 4] / np.sqrt( 1 + e[modnum * j][:, 8]**2) elif args.track_color == "beta_y": c = e[modnum * j][:, 2] / np.sqrt( 1 + e[modnum * j][:, 8]**2) print( "laenge track proc tag %i part tag %i ist %i" % (i, modnum * j, len(z))) if args.track_color == "u_tot": plot_2D_colourline(z, x, c, cmin, cmax, args.linewidth) elif args.track_color == "beta_z": plot_2D_colourline_beta( z, x, c, args.linewidth) elif args.track_color == "beta_y": plot_2D_colourline_beta( z, x, c, args.linewidth) elif args.track_color == 'none': if len(x) > 0: index = np.argmin( abs(start_segments - x[-1])) # print('index : %i' %index) # print('x0 ist %f' %x[-1]) ax.plot(z, x, color=colors2[index], linewidth=0.3) ''' Set colorbar ''' if args.track_color != "none": norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.min(cmin), vmax=np.max(cmax)) # choose a colormap c_m = chosencmap # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m =, norm=norm) s_m.set_array([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(s_m, fraction=0.052, pad=0.06) else: # norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin= 0, vmax=6) # choose a colormap c_m = cm.jet # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m = s_m.set_array( [args.track_range[0], args.track_range[1]]) cbar = plt.colorbar(s_m, fraction=0.052, pad=0.06) if args.track_color == "u_tot":'$|u|$', pad=args.cbarpad) elif args.track_color == "beta_z":'$\beta_z$', pad=args.cbarpad) elif args.track_color == "beta_y":'$\beta_y$', pad=args.cbarpad) else:'$k_p\,X_0$', fontsize=16, pad=args.cbarpad) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p\,\zeta$', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p\,x$', fontsize=16, labelpad=-5) ax.tick_params(labelsize=args.axticklabelsize) if args.adjust_bottom: fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=args.adjust_bottom) savepath = 'plots/g3d-slice' mkdirs_if_nexist(savepath) if not args.tracksoff: tracked = 'tracked_' else: tracked = '' if args.savename: savename = '/' + args.savename + '_' else: savename = '/ionized_electron_density_' if args.file_format == 'eps': save_path_name = savepath + savename + tracked + timestamp + '.eps' print('Saving figure...') fig.savefig(save_path_name, format='eps', dpi=args.dpi) print('Writing file...') elif args.file_format == 'pdf': save_path_name = savepath + savename + tracked + timestamp + '.pdf' print('Saving figure...') fig.savefig(save_path_name, format='pdf', dpi=args.dpi) print('Writing file...') elif args.file_format == 'png': save_path_name = savepath + savename + tracked + timestamp + '.png' print('Saving figure...') fig.savefig(save_path_name, format='png', dpi=args.dpi) print('Writing file...') else: print( 'ERROR: unknown file output format. Please choose from eps, pdf or png' ) if args.verbose: sys.stdout.write('Saved: %s\n' % save_path_name) sys.stdout.flush() plt.close(fig) print('Done!')