예제 #1
def getp_fromapbp(fileAP):
    nz = len(aps)
    print("info: read apbp.txt")
    ap,bp = np.loadtxt("apbp.txt",unpack=True)
    nz = len(ap)
    aps = 0.5*(ap[0:nz-1]+ap[1:nz])
    bps = 0.5*(bp[0:nz-1]+bp[1:nz])
    nz = len(aps)
  #print("... ps")
  nt,ny,nx = ps.shape
  p = np.zeros((nt,nz,ny,nx))
  if method == 1:
    p = np.zeros((nt,nz,ny))
  #print("... compute p")
  for tt in range(nt):
   for kk in range(nz):
    if method == 1:
      p[tt,kk,:] = aps[kk]+bps[kk]*ps[tt,:]
    elif method == 2:
      p[tt,kk,:,:] = aps[kk]+bps[kk]*ps[tt,:,:]
  return p
예제 #2
def calculate_bounds(field,vmin=None,vmax=None,sigma=None):
    # prescribed cases first
    zevmin = vmin
    zevmax = vmax
    # particular case: only nan in field
    if False not in np.isnan(field):
      zevmin = np.nan
      zevmax = np.nan
    # GENERAL cases to be computed
     if zevmin is None or zevmax is None:
       # calculate min and max
       ind = np.where(np.abs(field) < 9e+35) # select values
       fieldcalc = field[ ind ] # field must be a numpy array
       amin = ppcompute.min(field)
       amax = ppcompute.max(field)
       # default case: sigma is None, take min and max
       if sigma is None:
          zevmin = amin
          zevmax = amax
       # if sigma not None: calculate stdev and mean
          dev = np.std(fieldcalc)*sigma
          damean = ppcompute.mean(fieldcalc)
          # fill min/max if needed
          if vmin is None: zevmin = damean - dev
          if vmax is None: zevmax = damean + dev
          # special case: negative values with stddev while field is positive
          if zevmin < 0. and ppcompute.min(fieldcalc) >= 0.: zevmin = 0.
          # check that bounds are not too tight given the field
          if np.abs(amin) < 1.e-15: cmin = 0.
          else: cmin = 100.*np.abs((amin - zevmin)/amin)
          cmax = 100.*np.abs((amax - zevmax)/amax)
          if cmin > 150. or cmax > 150.:
            print "!! WARNING !! Bounds are a bit too tight. Might need to reconsider those."
            print "!! WARNING !! --> actual",amin,amax,"adopted",zevmin,zevmax
    return zevmin, zevmax    
예제 #3

print "compute transport"
# ---- e.g. Lebonnois et al. 2010 equation 19
# [(vq)bar] : total meridional transport
# [qbar][vbar]: by mean meridional circulation
# [(qstar)bar][(vstar)bar] : by stationary waves
# [(q'v')bar] : by transients (eddies) = [(vq)bar] - [qbar vbar]
# -----
# 0. the easy bit (MMC)
mmc_trans = meanu2D * meanv2D
# 1. compute bar (temporal mean)
tot_trans = v4D * u4D
eddy_trans = primv4D * primu4D
if timeaxis:
    tot_trans = ppcompute.mean(tot_trans, axis=0)
    eddy_trans = ppcompute.mean(eddy_trans, axis=0)
    statu = ppcompute.mean(staru4D, axis=0)
    statv = ppcompute.mean(starv4D, axis=0)
# 2. compute [] (zonal mean)
if vertaxis: zeaxis = 2
else: zeaxis = 1
tot_trans = ppcompute.mean(tot_trans, axis=zeaxis)
eddy_trans = ppcompute.mean(eddy_trans, axis=zeaxis)
if timeaxis:
    stat_trans = ppcompute.mean(statu, axis=zeaxis) * ppcompute.mean(
        statv, axis=zeaxis)
    stat_trans = None
# 3. multiply by mass/metric term (computed above)
tot_trans = tot_trans * massmetric
예제 #4
## -- method 1
#meanwind = ppcompute.meanbin(y,x,lats)
## -- method 2 (each dataset has same weight)
choi = ppcompute.meanbin(choiwind,choilat,lats)
sanch = ppcompute.meanbin(sanchwind,sanchlat,lats)
vasa = ppcompute.meanbin(vasawind,vasalat,lats)
gmcb = ppcompute.meanbin(gmcbwind,gmcblat,lats)
gmmt = ppcompute.meanbin(gmmtwind,gmmtlat,lats)
meanwind = []
for iii in range(len(choi)):
    #tab = [choi[iii],sanch[iii]]
    #tab = [choi[iii],sanch[iii],vasa[iii]]
    #tab = [choi[iii],sanch[iii],vasa[iii],gmcb[iii]]
    tab = [choi[iii],sanch[iii],vasa[iii],gmcb[iii],gmmt[iii]]
    comp = ppcompute.mean(tab)
    if np.abs(lats[iii]) >= 85.: comp = 0.
    if np.abs(lats[iii]) >= 80.: comp = comp/5.
    if np.abs(lats[iii]) >= 78.: comp = comp/2.
    if math.isnan(comp): meanwind.append(0.)
    else: meanwind.append(comp)

## smooth a little bit    
meanwind = ( np.roll(meanwind,-1) + meanwind + np.roll(meanwind,1) ) / 3.

unat = np.tile(meanwind,(nlon,1)).transpose()
nz = press.shape[0]
unat = np.tile(unat,(nz,1,1)).transpose()

if writefile:
예제 #5
        press = pp(var="presnivs",
    lat = np.linspace(-90., 90., up.shape[1])

    print press

    # compute <u'v'> (zonal mean)
    vptpm = mean(vp * tp, axis=2)
    upvpm = mean(up * vp, axis=2)

    # plot
    p = plot2d()
    p.f = upvpm
    p.c = vptpm
    p.x = lat
    p.y = press / 100.
    p.title = r'$\overline{u^\prime v^\prime}$ (shaded)    $\overline{v^\prime t^\prime}$ (contours)'
    p.xlabel = "Latitude"
    p.ylabel = "Pressure (mb)"
    p.units = r'$m^{2}s^{-2}$'
    p.invert = True
    p.logy = True
    p.colorbar = "RdBu_r"
예제 #6
    def make(self):
        # get what is done in the parent class...
        if self.fmt is None: self.fmt = "%.1e"
        # ... then add specific stuff
        ### PRE-SETTINGS
        # if projection is set, set mapmode to True
        if self.proj is not None:
            self.mapmode = True
        # set dummy xy axis if not defined
        if self.x is None: 
            self.x = np.array(range(self.f.shape[0]))
            self.mapmode = False
            print "!! WARNING !! dummy coordinates on x axis"
        if self.y is None: 
            self.y = np.array(range(self.f.shape[1]))
            self.mapmode = False
            print "!! WARNING !! dummy coordinates on y axis"
        # check sizes
        if self.c is not None:
            if self.c.ndim != 2:
                print "!! WARNING !! Contour is not a 2D field. No contour.",self.c.ndim
                self.c = None
        if self.f.ndim != 2:
            print "!! ERROR !! Field is not two-dimensional" ; exit()
        # transposing if necessary
        shape = self.f.shape
        if shape[0] != shape[1]:
         if len(self.x) == shape[0] and len(self.y) == shape[1]:
            #print "!! WARNING !! Transposing axes"
            self.f = np.transpose(self.f)
            if self.c is not None: 
              self.c = np.transpose(self.c)
        # bound field
        zevmin, zevmax = calculate_bounds(self.f,vmin=self.vmin,vmax=self.vmax,sigma=self.sigma)
        what_I_plot = bounds(self.f,zevmin,zevmax)
        # define contour field levels. define color palette
        ticks = self.div + 1
        zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,ticks)
        palette = get_cmap(name=self.colorbar)
        # do the same thing for possible contourline entries
        if self.c is not None:
            # if masked array, set masked values to filled values (e.g. np.nan) for plotting purposes
            if type(self.c).__name__ in 'MaskedArray':
               self.c[self.c.mask] = self.c.fill_value
            # set levels for contour lines
            if self.clev is None:
              zevminc, zevmaxc = calculate_bounds(self.c)
              what_I_contour = bounds(self.c,zevminc,zevmaxc)
              ticks = self.div + 1
              self.clev = np.linspace(zevminc,zevmaxc,ticks)
              what_I_contour = self.c
            # formatting
            ft = int(mpl.rcParams['font.size']*0.55)
            if self.cfmt is None: self.cfmt = "%.2g"
        ### MAIN PLOT
        ### NB: contour lines are done before contour shades otherwise colorar error
        if not self.mapmode:
            ## A SIMPLE 2D PLOT
            # swapping if requested
            if self.swap:  x = self.y ; y = self.x
            else:          x = self.x ; y = self.y
            # coefficients on axis
            if self.xcoeff is not None: x=x*self.xcoeff
            if self.ycoeff is not None: y=y*self.ycoeff
            # make shaded and line contours
            if self.c is not None: 
                objC = mpl.contour(x, y, what_I_contour, \
                            self.clev, colors = self.ccol, linewidths = cline)
                ft = int(mpl.rcParams['font.size']*0.55)
                mpl.clabel(objC, inline=1, fontsize=ft,\
            mpl.contourf(x, y, \
                         self.f, \
                         zelevels, cmap=palette)
            #             self.f, \
            #             cmap=palette)
            # make log axes and/or invert ordinate
            ax = mpl.gca()
            if self.xdate:
              import matplotlib.dates as mdates
              ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%m/%d/%y %Hh'))
              #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S'))
              mpl.setp(mpl.xticks()[1], rotation=30, ha='right') # rotate the x labels
            if self.logx: mpl.semilogx()
            if self.logy: mpl.semilogy()
            if self.invert: ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1])
            if self.xmin is not None and self.xmax is not None:
              if self.xmin > self.xmax: 
                self.xmin,self.xmax = self.xmax,self.xmin
            if self.xmin is not None: ax.set_xbound(lower=self.xmin)
            if self.xmax is not None: ax.set_xbound(upper=self.xmax)
            if self.ymin is not None: ax.set_ybound(lower=self.ymin)
            if self.ymax is not None: ax.set_ybound(upper=self.ymax)
            # use back attributes to set a background
            if self.back is not None: ax.set_axis_bgcolor(self.back)
            # set the number of ticks
            if not self.logx:
                #print "!! WARNING. in logx mode, ticks are set automatically."
            if not self.logy:
                #print "!! WARNING. in logy mode, ticks are set automatically."
            ## specific modulo labels
            if self.modx is not None:
                ax = labelmodulo(ax,self.modx)
            ## A 2D MAP USING PROJECTIONS (basemap)
            mpl.xlabel("") ; mpl.ylabel("")
            # additional security in case self.proj is None here
            # ... we set cylindrical projection (the simplest one)
            if self.proj is None: self.proj = "cyl"
            # get lon and lat in 2D version.
            # (but first ensure we do have 2D coordinates)
            if self.x.ndim == 1:  [self.x,self.y] = np.meshgrid(self.x,self.y)
            elif self.x.ndim > 2: print "!! ERROR !! lon and lat arrays must be 1D or 2D"
            # get lat lon intervals and associated settings
            wlon = [np.min(self.x),np.max(self.x)]
            wlat = [np.min(self.y),np.max(self.y)]
            # -- area presets are in set_area.txt
            if self.area is not None:
             if self.area in area.keys():
                wlon, wlat = area[self.area]
            # -- user-defined limits
            if self.xmin is not None: wlon[0] = self.xmin
            if self.xmax is not None: wlon[1] = self.xmax
            if self.ymin is not None: wlat[0] = self.ymin
            if self.ymax is not None: wlat[1] = self.ymax
            # -- settings for meridians and parallels
            steplon = int(abs(wlon[1]-wlon[0])/3.)
            steplat = int(abs(wlat[1]-wlat[0])/3.)
            #mertab = np.r_[wlon[0]:wlon[1]:steplon] ; merlab = [0,0,0,1]
            #partab = np.r_[wlat[0]:wlat[1]:steplat] ; parlab = [1,0,0,0]
            if steplon < 1: steplon = 1
            if steplat < 1: steplat = 1
            if np.abs(wlon[0]) < 180.1 and np.abs(wlon[1]) < 180.1:
                mertab = np.r_[-180.:180.:steplon]
                mertab = np.r_[0.:360.:steplon]
            merlab = [0,0,0,1]
            partab = np.r_[-90.:90.+steplat:steplat] ; parlab = [1,0,0,0]
            format = '%.1f'
            # -- center of domain and bounding lats
            lon_0 = 0.5*(wlon[0]+wlon[1])
            lat_0 = 0.5*(wlat[0]+wlat[1])
            # some tests, bug fixes, and good-looking settings
            # ... cyl is good for global and regional
            if self.proj == "cyl":
                format = '%.0f'
                partab = np.r_[-90.:90.+15.:15.]
            # ... global projections
            elif self.proj in ["ortho","moll","robin"]:
                wlat[0] = None ; wlat[1] = None ; wlon[0] = None ; wlon[1] = None
                lon_0 = np.ceil(lon_0) # reverse map if lon_0 is slightly below 180 with [0,360]
                steplon = 30. ; steplat = 30.
                if self.proj in ["moll"]: steplon = 60.
                if self.proj in ["robin"]: steplon = 90.
                mertab = np.r_[-360.:360.:steplon]
                #partab = np.r_[-90.:90.+steplat:steplat]
                partab = np.r_[-60.,-30.,0.,30.,60.]
                if self.proj == "ortho": 
                    merlab = [0,0,0,0] ; parlab = [0,0,0,0]
                    # in ortho projection, blon and blat can be used to set map center
                    if self.blon is not None: lon_0 = self.blon
                    if self.blat is not None: lat_0 = self.blat
                elif self.proj == "moll":
                    merlab = [0,0,0,0]
                format = '%.0f'
            # ... regional projections
            elif self.proj in ["lcc","laea","merc"]:
                if self.proj in ["lcc","laea"] and wlat[0] == -wlat[1]: 
                    print "!! ERROR !! with Lambert lat1 must be different than lat2" ; exit()
                if wlat[0] < -80. and wlat[1] > 80.:
                    print "!! ERROR !! set an area (not global)" ; exit()
                format = '%.0f'
            elif self.proj in ["npstere","spstere"]:
                # in polar projections, blat gives the bounding lat
                # if not set, set something reasonable
                if self.blat is None:   self.blat = 60.
                # help the user who forgets self.blat would better be negative in spstere
                # (this actually serves for the default setting just above)
                if self.proj == "spstere" and self.blat > 0: self.blat = -self.blat
                # labels
                mertab = np.r_[-360.:360.:15.]
                partab = np.r_[-90.:90.:5.]
            # ... unsupported projections
                print "!! ERROR !! unsupported projection. supported: "+\
                      "cyl, npstere, spstere, ortho, moll, robin, lcc, laea, merc"
            # finally define projection
	      from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
              print "!! ERROR !! basemap is not available."
	      print "... either install it or use another plot type."
            m = Basemap(projection=self.proj,\
            # in some case need to translated to the left for colorbar + labels
            # TBD: break stuff. a better solution should be found.
            if self.leftcorrect:
                ax = mpl.gca()
                pos = ax.get_position().bounds
                newpos = [0.,pos[1],pos[2],pos[3]]
            # draw meridians and parallels
            ft = int(mpl.rcParams['font.size']*3./4.)
            zelatmax = 85.
            # define background (see set_back.txt)
            if self.back is not None:
              if self.back in back.keys():
                 print "**** info: loading a background, please wait.",self.back
                 if self.back not in ["coast","sea"]:
                    try: m.warpimage(back[self.back],scale=0.75)
                    except: print "!! ERROR !! no background image could be loaded. probably not connected to the internet?"
                 elif self.back == "coast":
                 elif self.back == "sea":
                 print "!! ERROR !! requested background not defined. change name or fill in set_back.txt" ; exit()
            # define x and y given the projection
            x, y = m(self.x, self.y)
            # contour field. first line contour then shaded contour.
            if self.c is not None: 
                #zelevelsc = np.arange(900.,1100.,5.)
                objC2 = m.contour(x, y, what_I_contour, \
                            self.clev, colors = self.ccol, linewidths = cline)
                #mpl.clabel(objC2, inline=1, fontsize=10,manual=True,fmt='-%2.0f$^{\circ}$C',colors='r')
                #mpl.clabel(objC2, inline=0, fontsize=8, fmt='%.0f',colors='r', inline_spacing=0) 
            m.contourf(x, y, what_I_plot, zelevels, cmap = palette, alpha = self.trans, antialiased=True)
        ### COLORBAR
        if self.trans > 0. and self.showcb:
            ## draw colorbar. settings are different with projections. or if not mapmode.
            #if not self.mapmode: orientation=zeorientation ; frac = 0.075 ; pad = 0.03 ; lu = 0.5
            if not self.mapmode: orientation=zeorientation ; frac = 0.15 ; pad = 0.04 ; lu = 0.5
            elif self.proj in ['moll']: orientation="horizontal" ; frac = 0.08 ; pad = 0.03 ; lu = 1.0
            elif self.proj in ['robin']: orientation="horizontal" ; frac = 0.07 ; pad = 0.1 ; lu = 1.0
            elif self.proj in ['cyl']: orientation="vertical" ; frac = 0.023 ; pad = 0.03 ; lu = 0.5
            else: orientation = zeorientation ; frac = zefrac ; pad = 0.03 ; lu = 0.5
            if self.cbticks is None:
                self.cbticks = min([ticks/2+1,21])
            zelevpal = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=self.cbticks)
            zecb = mpl.colorbar(fraction=frac,pad=pad,\
            if zeorientation == "horizontal": zecb.ax.set_xlabel(self.title) ; self.title = ""
            # colorbar title --> units
            if self.units not in ["dimless",""]:

        ### VECTORS. must be after the colorbar. we could also leave possibility for streamlines.
        ### not expecting NaN in self.vx and self.vy. masked arrays is just enough.
        if self.vx is not None and self.vy is not None: 
                # vectors on map projection or simple 2D mapping
                if self.mapmode: 
                     #[vecx,vecy] = m.rotate_vector(self.vx,self.vy,self.x,self.y) # for metwinds only ?
                     vecx,vecy = self.vx,self.vy
                     print "!! ERROR !! Problem with field shapes for vector?" 
                     print self.vx.shape,self.vy.shape,self.x.shape,self.y.shape
                   vecx,vecy = self.vx,self.vy 
                   if x.ndim < 2 and y.ndim < 2: x,y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
                # reference vector is scaled
                if self.wscale is None:
                    self.wscale = ppcompute.mean(np.sqrt(self.vx*self.vx+self.vy*self.vy))
                # make vector field
                if self.mapmode: 
                    q = m.quiver( x[::self.svy,::self.svx],y[::self.svy,::self.svx],\
                                  scale=self.wscale*reducevec,width=widthvec )
                    q = mpl.quiver( x[::self.svy,::self.svx],y[::self.svy,::self.svx],\
                                    scale=self.wscale*reducevec,width=widthvec )
                # make vector key.
                #keyh = 1.025 ; keyv = 1.05 # upper right corner over colorbar
                keyh = 0.97 ; keyv = 1.06
                keyh = 0.97 ; keyv = 1.11
                #keyh = -0.03 ; keyv = 1.08 # upper left corner
                p = mpl.quiverkey(q,keyh,keyv,\
                                  fontproperties={'size': 'small'},\
                                  color='black',labelpos='S',labelsep = 0.07)
        ### TEXT. ANYWHERE. add_text.txt should be present with lines x ; y ; text ; color
            f = open("add_text.txt", 'r')
            for line in f:
              if "#" in line: pass
                  userx, usery, usert, userc = line.strip().split(';')
                  userc = userc.strip()
                  usert = usert.strip()
                  userx = float(userx.strip())
                  usery = float(usery.strip())
                  if self.mapmode: userx,usery = m(userx,usery)
                           color = userc,\
        except IOError:
예제 #7
  var[:] = fie4[iii]
  var = None

ustart = pp(file=fileAP,var="u"    ,t=0   ,x=charx).getf()
uend   = pp(file=fileAP,var="u"    ,t=1e10,x=charx).getf()
dudt = (uend - ustart) / (1000.*38052.)

up  = pp(file=fileAP,var="u"    ,compute="pert_t").getf() ; etape("up",time0)
print up.shape
vp  = pp(file=fileAP,var="v"    ,compute="pert_t").getf() ; etape("vp",time0)
upvpb  = ppcompute.mean(up*vp ,axis=0) ; etape("upvpb" ,time0) ; del up ; del vp
print upvpb.shape
upvpbc = ppcompute.mean(upvpb ,axis=2) ; etape("upvpbc",time0) ; del upvpb

### stationary: negligible
#us  = pp(file=fileAP,var="u"    ,compute="pert_x").getf() ; etape("us",time0)
#vs  = pp(file=fileAP,var="v"    ,compute="pert_x").getf() ; etape("vs",time0)
#us_b  = ppcompute.mean(us    ,axis=0) ; etape("usb"  ,time0) ; del us
#vs_b  = ppcompute.mean(vs    ,axis=0) ; etape("vsb"  ,time0) ; del vs
#usvsbc = ppcompute.mean(us_b,axis=2)*ppcompute.mean(vs_b,axis=2) ; etape("usvsbc",time0)
#usvsbc = interpolate(targetp1d,press,usvsbc) ; etape("usvsbc",time0)

print "... interpolating !"
ubc    = interpolate(targetp1d,press,ubc)    ; etape("ubc"   ,time0) ; addvar(outfile,nam4,'ubc',ubc)
예제 #8
   if is_omega:
     o=pp(file=fileAP,var="omega",x=charx).getf() ; etape("omega",time0)
   if is_gwdparam:
     east_gwstress=pp(file=fileAP,var="east_gwstress",x=charx).getf() ; etape("east_gwstress",time0)
     west_gwstress=pp(file=fileAP,var="west_gwstress",x=charx).getf() ; etape("west_gwstress",time0)
   print("... coupled terms")
   if charx == "999":
     vpup=pp(file=fileAP,var="vpup",x=charx).getf() ; etape("vpup",time0)
     vptp=pp(file=fileAP,var="vptp",x=charx).getf() ; etape("vptp",time0)
     upup=pp(file=fileAP,var="upup",x=charx).getf() ; etape("upup",time0)
     vpvp=pp(file=fileAP,var="vpvp",x=charx).getf() ; etape("vpvp",time0)
     staru4D=pp(file=fileAP,var="u",compute="pert_x",x=charx).getf() ; etape("staru4D",time0)
     starv4D=pp(file=fileAP,var="v",compute="pert_x",x=charx).getf() ; etape("starv4D",time0)
     start4D=pp(file=fileAP,var=vartemp,compute="pert_x",x=charx).getf() ; etape("start4D",time0)
     vpup=ppcompute.mean(starv4D*staru4D,axis=3) ; etape("vpup",time0)
     vptp=ppcompute.mean(starv4D*start4D,axis=3) ; etape("vptp",time0)
     upup=ppcompute.mean(staru4D*staru4D,axis=3) ; etape("upup",time0)
     vpvp=ppcompute.mean(starv4D*starv4D,axis=3) ; etape("vpvp",time0)
     if is_omega:
       staro4D=pp(file=fileAP,var="omega",compute="pert_x",x=charx).getf() ; etape("staro4D",time0)
       opup=ppcompute.mean(staro4D*staru4D,axis=3) ; etape("opup",time0)
       optp=ppcompute.mean(staro4D*start4D,axis=3) ; etape("optp",time0)
       del staro4D
     del staru4D ; del starv4D ; del start4D

print("... interpolating !")
if method == 1:
  u = interpolate(targetp1d,press,u,spline=use_spline) ; etape("u",time0)
  #temp = interpolate(targetp1d,press,temp,spline=use_spline) ; etape(vartemp,time0)
예제 #9
     vp = vp[itemindex,:,:,:]
     tp = tp[itemindex,:,:,:]

   # coordinates
     press = pp(var="p",file=fi,t=tt,x=0,y=0,changetime="correctls_noadd").getf()
     press = pp(var="presnivs",file=fi,x=0,y=0,changetime="correctls_noadd").getf()
   lat = np.linspace(-90.,90.,up.shape[1])

   print press

   # compute <u'v'> (zonal mean)
   vptpm = mean(vp*tp,axis=2)
   upvpm = mean(up*vp,axis=2)

   # plot
   p = plot2d()
   p.f = upvpm
   p.c = vptpm
   p.x = lat
   p.y = press/100.
   p.title = r'$\overline{u^\prime v^\prime}$ (shaded)    $\overline{v^\prime t^\prime}$ (contours)'
   p.xlabel = "Latitude"
   p.ylabel = "Pressure (mb)"
   p.units = r'$m^{2}s^{-2}$'
   p.invert = True
   p.logy = True
   p.colorbar = "RdBu_r"
예제 #10

print "get 4D fields (zonal anomaly"

print "get 4D fields (temporal mean)"

print "compute transport"
# [(vq)bar]   : transport total 
# [qbar][vbar]: transport mmc
# [(q'v')bar] : transport trs = [(vq)bar] - [qbar vbar]
tot_trans = ppcompute.mean(ppcompute.mean(v4D*temp4D,axis=3),axis=0)
mmc_trans = meantemp4D*meanv4D
eddy_trans = ppcompute.mean(ppcompute.mean(anov4D*anotemp4D,axis=3),axis=0)

print "make plot"
fig = ppplot.figuref(x=20,y=6)
subv,subh = ppplot.definesubplot(3, fig)

pl = ppplot.plot2d()
pl.invert = True
pl.logy = True
pl.fmt = "%.1f"
pl.vmin = -2
pl.vmax = +2
pl.colorbar = "RdBu_r"
예제 #11

print "compute transport"
# ---- e.g. Lebonnois et al. 2010 equation 19
# [(vq)bar] : total meridional transport
# [qbar][vbar]: by mean meridional circulation
# [(qstar)bar][(vstar)bar] : by stationary waves
# [(q'v')bar] : by transients (eddies) = [(vq)bar] - [qbar vbar]
# -----
# 0. the easy bit (MMC)
mmc_trans = meanu2D*meanv2D
# 1. compute bar (temporal mean)
tot_trans = v4D*u4D
eddy_trans = primv4D*primu4D
if timeaxis:
  tot_trans = ppcompute.mean(tot_trans,axis=0)
  eddy_trans = ppcompute.mean(eddy_trans,axis=0)
  statu = ppcompute.mean(staru4D,axis=0)
  statv = ppcompute.mean(starv4D,axis=0)
# 2. compute [] (zonal mean)
if vertaxis: zeaxis=2
else: zeaxis=1
tot_trans = ppcompute.mean(tot_trans,axis=zeaxis)
eddy_trans = ppcompute.mean(eddy_trans,axis=zeaxis)
if timeaxis:
  stat_trans = ppcompute.mean(statu,axis=zeaxis)*ppcompute.mean(statv,axis=zeaxis)
  stat_trans = None
# 3. multiply by mass/metric term (computed above)
tot_trans = tot_trans*massmetric
mmc_trans = mmc_trans*massmetric