def LogCallStack(level, *args): """ LogCallStack(level, *args) => View the whole call stack for the specified call """ if LOG_LEVEL and level <= LOG_LEVEL: if not level in LOG_PROCESSOR.keys(): raise ValueError, "Invalid log level :", level stack = string.join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack()[:-1])) pr = "%8s %s:\n%s\n" % ( LOG_LABEL[level], time.ctime(time.time()), stack ) for data in args: try: if "\n" in data: data = data else: data = pprint.pformat(data) except: data = pprint.pformat(data) pr = pr + data + " " LOG_PROCESSOR[level](level, LOG_LABEL[level], pr, )
def diff_dicts(dict1, dict2): """Compares two dicts and returns the difference as a string, if there is any. Sorts two dicts (including sorting of the lists!!) and then diffs them. This will ignore string types ('unicode' vs 'string'). args: dict1: First dict dict2: Second dict returns: A diff string if there's any difference, otherwise None. """ dict1 = order_dict(dict1) dict2 = order_dict(dict2) if dict1 == dict2: return dict1 = pprint.pformat(dict1).splitlines() dict2 = pprint.pformat(dict2).splitlines() # Remove unicode identifiers. dict1 = map(lambda line: line.replace('u\'', '\''), dict1) dict2 = map(lambda line: line.replace('u\'', '\''), dict2) return '\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(dict1, dict2, n=2))
def pretty(value, width=80, nl_width=80, **kw): if isinstance(value, dict): return '{\n %s' % (pformat(value, 4, nl_width)[1:]) elif isinstance(value, tuple): return '\n%s%s' % (' ' * 4, pformat(value, width=nl_width, **kw)) else: return pformat(value, width=width, **kw)
def Log(level, *args): """ Log(level, *args) => Pretty-prints data on the console with additional information. """ if LOG_LEVEL and level <= LOG_LEVEL: if not level in LOG_PROCESSOR.keys(): raise ValueError("Invalid log level :", level) stack = "" stackItems = traceback.extract_stack() for depth in LOG_STACK_DEPTH: stackItem = stackItems[depth] stack = "%s%s:%s:" % (stack, os.path.basename(stackItem[0]), stackItem[1],) ## return "%s(%s)"%( os.path.basename(stackItem[0]), stackItem[1] ) ## pr = "%s %s %010.02f %08d/%02d > " % (LOG_LABEL[level], time.ctime(time.time()), time.clock(), thread.get_ident(), threading.activeCount()) pr = "%8s %s%s: " % ( LOG_LABEL[level], stack, time.ctime(time.time()), ## thread.get_ident(), ## threading.activeCount() ) for data in args: try: if "\n" in data: data = data else: data = pprint.pformat(data) except: data = pprint.pformat(data) pr = pr + data + " " LOG_PROCESSOR[level](level, LOG_LABEL[level], pr, stackItems)
def post_dbe_update(cls, id, fq_name, obj_dict, db_conn, **kwargs): api_server = db_conn.get_api_server() db_conn.config_log('PortSever: post_dbe_update hit', level=SandeshLevel.SYS_DEBUG) msg = ("PORT-UPDATE: %s", pformat(obj_dict)) db_conn.config_log(str(msg), level=SandeshLevel.SYS_DEBUG) msg = ("PORT-UPDATE : %s", pformat(fq_name)) db_conn.config_log(str(msg), level=SandeshLevel.SYS_DEBUG) msg = ("PORT-UPDATE : %s", pformat(kwargs)) db_conn.config_log(str(msg), level=SandeshLevel.SYS_DEBUG) if obj_dict.get('bms_port_info') \ and obj_dict.get('bms_port_info').get('local_link_connection'): ok, result = db_conn.dbe_read( obj_type='port', obj_id=obj_dict['uuid'], obj_fields=['physical_interface_back_refs']) msg = ("PORT-UPDATE BACK-REFS: %s", str(ok)) if ok: msg = ("PORT-UPDATE BACK-REFS: %s", pformat(result)) db_conn.config_log(str(msg), level=SandeshLevel.SYS_DEBUG) if result.get('physical_interface_back_refs'): pi_uuid = result['physical_interface_back_refs'][0]['uuid'] port_fq_name = db_conn.uuid_to_fq_name(obj_dict['uuid']) api_server.internal_request_ref_update( 'physical-interface', pi_uuid, 'DELETE', 'port', obj_dict['uuid'], port_fq_name) cls._create_pi_ref(obj_dict, db_conn) return True, ''
def _upsert_cname_record(client, zone_id, cname_domain, origin_domain): """Upsert a CNAME record of `cname_domain` that points to `origin_domain`. """ change = { 'Action': 'UPSERT', 'ResourceRecordSet': { 'Name': cname_domain, 'Type': 'CNAME', 'TTL': 900, 'ResourceRecords': [ { 'Value': origin_domain }, ], } } change_batch = { 'Comment': 'Upsert {0} -> {1}'.format(cname_domain, origin_domain), 'Changes': [change]} r = client.change_resource_record_sets( HostedZoneId=zone_id, ChangeBatch=change_batch) if r['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: msg = 'change_resource_record_sets failed with:\n' + pformat(change) log.error(msg) raise Route53Error(msg)
def test_basic_line_wrap(self): # verify basic line-wrapping operation o = {'RPM_cal': 0, 'RPM_cal2': 48059, 'Speed_cal': 0, 'controldesk_runtime_us': 0, 'main_code_runtime_us': 0, 'read_io_runtime_us': 0, 'write_io_runtime_us': 43690} exp = """\ {'RPM_cal': 0, 'RPM_cal2': 48059, 'Speed_cal': 0, 'controldesk_runtime_us': 0, 'main_code_runtime_us': 0, 'read_io_runtime_us': 0, 'write_io_runtime_us': 43690}""" for type in [dict, dict2]: self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(type(o)), exp) o = range(100) exp = '[%s]' % ',\n '.join(map(str, o)) for type in [list, list2]: self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(type(o)), exp) o = tuple(range(100)) exp = '(%s)' % ',\n '.join(map(str, o)) for type in [tuple, tuple2]: self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(type(o)), exp) # indent parameter o = range(100) exp = '[ %s]' % ',\n '.join(map(str, o)) for type in [list, list2]: self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(type(o), indent=4), exp)
def print_banner(self, ssl):"Visit me at http%s://%s:%s", 's' if ssl else '', options.address or 'localhost', options.port)'Broker: %s','Registered tasks: \n%s', pformat(sorted( logger.debug('Settings: %s', pformat(settings))
def testSaveAccountSettings(self): url = reverse('self-settings') response = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) expect = test_params = ( {'email_rsvp_updates': False}, {'email_rsvp_updates': True}, {'email_social_activity': False}, {'email_promotions': False}, {'text_rsvp_updates': False}, {'text_rsvp_updates': True}, {'text_social_activity': True}, {'text_promotions': True}, {'default_event_privacy': EventPrivacy.PRIVATE}, {'default_event_privacy': EventPrivacy.PUBLIC}, {'profile_privacy': Account.PRIVATE}, {'profile_privacy': Account.PUBLIC}, {'email_rsvp_updates': False, 'email_social_activity': False, 'profile_privacy': Account.PRIVATE}, ) for params in test_params: expect.update(params) response = self.client.patch(url, params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK, self.assertEqual(expect,, "\nExpect: \n{}\nResponse: \n{}\nparams: {}".format(pformat(expect), pformat(, pformat(params)))
def test_get_hook_base_dir(self, provide_directory_mock): fileCache = FileCache(self.config) # Check missing parameter command = { 'commandParams' : { } } base = fileCache.get_hook_base_dir(command, "server_url_pref") self.assertEqual(base, None) self.assertFalse(provide_directory_mock.called) # Check existing dir case command = { 'commandParams' : { 'hooks_folder' : os.path.join('HDP', '2.1.1', 'hooks') } } provide_directory_mock.return_value = "dummy value" fileCache = FileCache(self.config) res = fileCache.get_hook_base_dir(command, "server_url_pref") self.assertEquals( pprint.pformat(provide_directory_mock.call_args_list[0][0]), "('/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache', " "{0}, " "'server_url_pref')".format(pprint.pformat(os.path.join('stacks','HDP', '2.1.1', 'hooks')))) self.assertEquals(res, "dummy value")
def do_filemeta(self, line): ''' Show/List file metadata. Usage: filemeta [ fname [ keyname ] ] Example: filemeta kernel32 Example: filemeta kernel32 md5 ''' argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(argv) == 0: self.vprint('Loaded Files:') for fname in self.getFiles(): self.vprint(' %s' % fname) elif len(argv) == 1: d = self.getFileMetaDict(argv[0]) self.vprint(pprint.pformat(d)) elif len(argv) == 2: val = self.getFileMeta(argv[0], argv[1]) self.vprint('%s (%s):' % (argv[1], argv[0])) self.vprint(pprint.pformat(val)) else: self.do_help('filemeta')
def commit_uids(db_session, new_uids): try: msg = u"count: {}".format(len(new_uids))"Commit new UIDs", message=msg, new_committed_message_count=len(new_uids)) db_session.add_all(new_uids) db_session.commit() except DataError as e: db_session.rollback() log.error("Issue inserting new UIDs into database. " "This probably means that an object's property is " "malformed or way too long, etc.") for uid in new_uids: log.error(uid) import inspect from pprint import pformat log.error(inspect.getmembers(uid)) try: log.error(pformat(uid.__dict__, indent=2)) except AttributeError: pass for part in log.error(inspect.getmembers(part)) try: log.error(pformat(part.__dict__, indent=2)) except AttributeError: pass raise e
def pretty(value, width=80, nl_width=80, sep='\n', **kw): if isinstance(value, dict): return '{%s %s' % (sep, pformat(value, 4, nl_width)[1:]) elif isinstance(value, tuple): return '%s%s%s' % (sep, ' ' * 4, pformat(value, width=nl_width, **kw)) else: return pformat(value, width=width, **kw)
def parse(self, xmltext): "parse a METS document" mets = libmets.CreateFromDocument(xmltext) self.logger.debug(pprint.pformat('METS document: ' + (mets.toxml("utf-8", element_name='mets')))) groups = self._parseFileGrpType(mets.fileSec.fileGrp) collMaps = [] for smap in mets.structMap: name = smap.div.LABEL if smap.div.LABEL is None: name = '' collectionObjs = self._parseDivType(smap.div.div, groups) filePaths = [] for fptr_element in smap.div.fptr: self.logger.debug('FPTR: ' + fptr_element.FILEID) pathList = self._pathListExtractor(fptr_element.FILEID, fileGroups) filePaths += pathList collectionMap = {'name': name, 'type': smap.div.TYPE, 'filePaths': filePaths, 'nestedObjects': collectionObjs} self.logger.debug('Structural map: ' + pprint.pformat(collectionMap)) collMaps.append(collectionMap) return collMaps
def update(filename='invenio.cfg', silent=True): """Update new from conf options. The previous is kept in a backup copy. """ d = get_instance_config_object(filename, silent) new_config = StringIO() keys = set(d.__dict__.keys()) | set(default_keys()) keys = list(keys) keys.sort() for key in keys: if key != key.upper(): continue value = d.__dict__.get(key, current_app.config[key]) type_ = type(value) prmt = key + ' (' + type_.__name__ + ') [' + pformat(value) + ']: ' new_value = raw_input(prmt) try: new_value = ast.literal_eval(new_value) except (SyntaxError, ValueError): pass print('>>>', key, '=', pformat(new_value)) print(key, '=', pformat(new_value), file=new_config) with current_app.open_instance_resource(filename, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(new_config.getvalue())
def get_request_repr(self, request): if request is None: return repr(None) else: # Since this is called as part of error handling, we need to be very # robust against potentially malformed input. try: get = pformat(request.GET) except: get = '<could not parse>' if request._post_parse_error: post = '<could not parse>' else: try: post = pformat(self.get_post_parameters(request)) except: post = '<could not parse>' try: cookies = pformat(request.COOKIES) except: cookies = '<could not parse>' try: meta = pformat(request.META) except: meta = '<could not parse>' return smart_str(u'<%s\npath:%s,\nGET:%s,\nPOST:%s,\nCOOKIES:%s,\nMETA:%s>' % (request.__class__.__name__, request.path, unicode(get), unicode(post), unicode(cookies), unicode(meta)))
def stats (self): print "```" stats = self.uart.interface_stats( ) print "```" print "```javascript" print pformat(stats) print "```"
def log_data(expected, actual): """Log list values.""" for index, (evalue, avalue) in enumerate(zip(expected, actual)): logging.debug("\n{i} expected:\n{e}\n{i} actual:\n{a}".format( i=index, e=pprint.pformat(evalue), a=pprint.pformat(avalue)))
def __unicode__(self): essential_for_verbose = ( self.validator, self.validator_value, self.instance, self.schema, ) if any(m is _unset for m in essential_for_verbose): return self.message pschema = pprint.pformat(self.schema, width=72) pinstance = pprint.pformat(self.instance, width=72) return self.message + textwrap.dedent(""" Failed validating %r in %s%s: %s On %s%s: %s """.rstrip() ) % ( self.validator, self._word_for_schema_in_error_message, _utils.format_as_index(list(self.relative_schema_path)[:-1]), _utils.indent(pschema), self._word_for_instance_in_error_message, _utils.format_as_index(self.relative_path), _utils.indent(pinstance), )
def test_04_package_to_api1_with_relationship(self): context = {"model": model, "session": model.Session} create = CreateTestData create.create_family_test_data() pkg = model.Session.query(model.Package).filter_by(name='homer').one() as_dict = pkg.as_dict() as_dict['license_title'] = None as_dict['num_tags'] = 0 as_dict['num_resources'] = 0 dictize = package_to_api1(pkg, context) as_dict["relationships"].sort(key=lambda x:x.items()) dictize["relationships"].sort(key=lambda x:x.items()) # the is_dict method doesn't care about organizations del dictize['organization'] as_dict_string = pformat(as_dict) dictize_string = pformat(dictize) print(as_dict_string) print(dictize_string) assert as_dict == dictize, "\n".join(unified_diff(as_dict_string.split("\n"), dictize_string.split("\n")))
def test_08_package_save(self): context = {"model": model, "user": '******', "session": model.Session} anna1 = model.Session.query(model.Package).filter_by(name='annakarenina').one() anna_dictized = self.remove_changable_columns(package_dictize(anna1, context)) anna_dictized["name"] = u'annakarenina3' model.repo.new_revision() package_dict_save(anna_dictized, context) model.Session.commit() # Re-clean anna_dictized anna_dictized = self.remove_changable_columns(anna_dictized) pkg = model.Session.query(model.Package).filter_by(name='annakarenina3').one() package_dictized = self.remove_changable_columns(package_dictize(pkg, context)) anna_original = pformat(anna_dictized) anna_after_save = pformat(package_dictized) assert package_dictized == anna_dictized,\ "\n".join(unified_diff(anna_original.split("\n"), anna_after_save.split("\n")))
def __repr__(self): # Since this is called as part of error handling, we need to be very # robust against potentially malformed input. try: get = pformat(self.GET) except: get = '<could not parse>' if self._post_parse_error: post = '<could not parse>' else: try: post = pformat(self.POST) except: post = '<could not parse>' try: cookies = pformat(self.COOKIES) except: cookies = '<could not parse>' try: meta = pformat(self.META) except: meta = '<could not parse>' return smart_str(u'<ModPythonRequest\npath:%s,\nGET:%s,\nPOST:%s,\nCOOKIES:%s,\nMETA:%s>' % (self.path, unicode(get), unicode(post), unicode(cookies), unicode(meta)))
def update_project_acl(project_doc): '''Convert the old dict-style ACL to a list of ALLOW ACEs. Also move the security,tool,delete perms to 'admin' ''' if not isinstance(project_doc['acl'], dict): log.warning('Project %s is already updated', project_doc['shortname']) return perm_map = dict( read='read', create='create', update='update', security='admin', tool='admin', delete='admin') new_acl = [] for perm, role_ids in sorted(project_doc['acl'].iteritems()): perm = perm_map[perm] for rid in role_ids: if c_project_role.find(dict(_id=rid)).count() == 0: continue _grant(new_acl, perm, rid) if options.test:'--- update %s\n%s\n%s\n---', project_doc['shortname'], pformat(_format_acd(project_doc['acl'])), pformat(map(_format_ace, new_acl))) project_doc['acl'] = new_acl
def http_post_collection(cls, tenant_name, obj_dict, db_conn): try: fq_name = obj_dict['fq_name'] proj_uuid = db_conn.fq_name_to_uuid('project', fq_name[0:2]) except cfgm_common.exceptions.NoIdError: return (False, (500, 'No Project ID error : ' + proj_uuid)) (ok, proj_dict) = QuotaHelper.get_project_dict(proj_uuid, db_conn) if not ok: return (False, (500, 'Internal error : ' + pformat(proj_dict))) obj_type = 'network-policy' if 'network-policys' in proj_dict: quota_count = len(proj_dict['network-policys']) if obj_dict['id_perms'].get('user_visible', True) is not False: (ok, quota_limit) = QuotaHelper.check_quota_limit(proj_dict, obj_type, quota_count) if not ok: return (False, (403, pformat(obj_dict['fq_name']) + ' : ' + quota_limit)) _check_policy_rule_uuid(obj_dict.get('network_policy_entries')) try: cls._check_policy(obj_dict) except Exception as e: return (False, (500, str(e))) return True, ""
def _ldap_call(self,func,*args,**kwargs): """ Wrapper method mainly for serializing calls into OpenLDAP libs and trace logs """ self._ldap_object_lock.acquire() if __debug__: if self._trace_level>=1: self._trace_file.write('*** %s %s - %s\n%s\n' % ( repr(self), self._uri, '.'.join((self.__class__.__name__,func.__name__)), pprint.pformat((args,kwargs)) )) if self._trace_level>=9: traceback.print_stack(limit=self._trace_stack_limit,file=self._trace_file) diagnostic_message_success = None try: try: result = func(*args,**kwargs) if __debug__ and self._trace_level>=2: if func.__name__!="unbind_ext": diagnostic_message_success = self._l.get_option(ldap.OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE) finally: self._ldap_object_lock.release() except LDAPError as e: if __debug__ and self._trace_level>=2: self._trace_file.write('=> LDAPError - %s: %s\n' % (e.__class__.__name__,str(e))) raise else: if __debug__ and self._trace_level>=2: if not diagnostic_message_success is None: self._trace_file.write('=> diagnosticMessage: %s\n' % (repr(diagnostic_message_success))) self._trace_file.write('=> result:\n%s\n' % (pprint.pformat(result))) return result
def http_post_collection(cls, tenant_name, obj_dict, db_conn): proj_dict = obj_dict['project_refs'][0] if 'uuid' in proj_dict: proj_uuid = proj_dict['uuid'] else: proj_uuid = db_conn.fq_name_to_uuid('project', proj_dict['to']) (ok, proj_dict) = QuotaHelper.get_project_dict(proj_uuid, db_conn) if not ok: return (False, (500, 'Internal error : ' + pformat(proj_dict))) obj_type = 'floating-ip' if 'floating_ip_back_refs' in proj_dict: quota_count = len(proj_dict['floating_ip_back_refs']) if obj_dict['id_perms'].get('user_visible', True) is not False: (ok, quota_limit) = QuotaHelper.check_quota_limit(proj_dict, obj_type, quota_count) if not ok: return (False, (403, pformat(obj_dict['fq_name']) + ' : ' + quota_limit)) vn_fq_name = obj_dict['fq_name'][:-2] req_ip = obj_dict.get("floating_ip_address") if req_ip and cls.addr_mgmt.is_ip_allocated(req_ip, vn_fq_name): return (False, (403, 'Ip address already in use')) try: fip_addr = cls.addr_mgmt.ip_alloc_req(vn_fq_name, asked_ip_addr=req_ip) except Exception as e: return (False, (500, str(e))) obj_dict['floating_ip_address'] = fip_addr db_conn.config_log('AddrMgmt: alloc %s FIP for vn=%s, tenant=%s, askip=%s' \ % (obj_dict['floating_ip_address'], vn_fq_name, tenant_name, req_ip), level=SandeshLevel.SYS_DEBUG) return True, ""
def http_put(cls, id, fq_name, obj_dict, db_conn): (ok, sec_dict) = db_conn.dbe_read('security-group', {'uuid': id}) if not ok: return (False, (500, 'Bad Security Group error : ' + pformat(sec_dict))) (ok, proj_dict) = QuotaHelper.get_project_dict(sec_dict['parent_uuid'], db_conn) if not ok: return (False, (500, 'Bad Project error : ' + pformat(proj_dict))) if 'security_group_entries' in obj_dict: rule_count = len(obj_dict['security_group_entries']['policy_rule']) obj_type = 'security-group-rule' for sg in proj_dict.get('security_groups', []): if sg['uuid'] == sec_dict['uuid']: continue ok, sg_dict = db_conn.dbe_read('security-group', sg) if not ok: continue sge = sg_dict.get('security_group_entries', {}) rule_count += len(sge.get('policy_rule', [])) if sec_dict['id_perms'].get('user_visible', True) is not False: (ok, quota_limit) = QuotaHelper.check_quota_limit(proj_dict, obj_type, rule_count-1) if not ok: return (False, (403, pformat(fq_name) + ' : ' + quota_limit)) _check_policy_rule_uuid(obj_dict.get('security_group_entries')) return True, ""
def _lookup_sso_session2(self) -> Optional[eduid_idp.sso_session.SSOSession]: """ See if a SSO session exists for this request, and return the data about the currently logged in user from the session store. :return: Data about currently logged in user """ _data = None _session_id = eduid_idp.mischttp.get_idpauthn_cookie(self.logger) if _session_id: _data = self.context.sso_sessions.get_session(eduid_idp.cache.SSOSessionId(_session_id)) self.logger.debug("Looked up SSO session using idpauthn cookie :\n{!s}".format(_data)) else: query = eduid_idp.mischttp.parse_query_string(self.logger) if query: self.logger.debug("Parsed query string :\n{!s}".format(pprint.pformat(query))) try: _data = self.context.sso_sessions.get_session(query['id']) self.logger.debug("Looked up SSO session using query 'id' parameter :\n{!s}".format( pprint.pformat(_data))) except KeyError: # no 'id', or not found in cache pass if not _data: self.logger.debug("SSO session not found using 'id' parameter or 'idpauthn' cookie") return None _sso = eduid_idp.sso_session.from_dict(_data) self.logger.debug("Re-created SSO session {!r}".format(_sso)) return _sso
def http_post_collection(cls, tenant_name, obj_dict, db_conn): try: fq_name = obj_dict['fq_name'] proj_uuid = db_conn.fq_name_to_uuid('project', fq_name[0:2]) except cfgm_common.exceptions.NoIdError: return (False, (500, 'No Project ID error : ' + proj_uuid)) (ok, proj_dict) = QuotaHelper.get_project_dict(proj_uuid, db_conn) if not ok: return (False, (500, 'Internal error : ' + pformat(proj_dict))) obj_type = 'virtual-network' if 'virtual_networks' in proj_dict: quota_count = len(proj_dict['virtual_networks']) if obj_dict['id_perms'].get('user_visible', True) is not False: (ok, quota_limit) = QuotaHelper.check_quota_limit(proj_dict, obj_type, quota_count) if not ok: return (False, (403, pformat(obj_dict['fq_name']) + ' : ' + quota_limit)) db_conn.update_subnet_uuid(obj_dict) (ok, error) = cls._check_route_targets(obj_dict, db_conn) if not ok: return (False, (400, error)) try: cls.addr_mgmt.net_create_req(obj_dict) except Exception as e: return (False, (500, str(e))) return True, ""
def _CompareSamples(a, b, context=True, numlines=1): """Generate an HTML table showing differences between 'a' and 'b'. Args: a: dict, as output by PerfKitBenchmarker. b: dict, as output by PerfKitBenchmarker. context: boolean. Show context in diff? If False, all lines are output, even those which are equal. numlines: int. Passed to difflib.Htmldiff.make_table. Returns: string or None. An HTML table, or None if there are no differences. """ a = a.copy() b = b.copy() a['metadata'] = _SplitLabels(a.pop('labels', '')) b['metadata'] = _SplitLabels(b.pop('labels', '')) # Prune the keys in VARYING_KEYS prior to comparison to make the diff more # informative. for d in (a, b): for key in VARYING_KEYS: d.pop(key, None) astr = pprint.pformat(a).splitlines() bstr = pprint.pformat(b).splitlines() if astr == bstr and context: return None differ = difflib.HtmlDiff() return differ.make_table(astr, bstr, context=context, numlines=numlines)
if not info: # section not present (None or []) # Note: this also excludes existing sections without info.. continue if opt_verbose: sys.stdout.write(tty_green + tty_bold + secname + " " + tty_normal) sys.stdout.flush() plugin["inv_function"](info) # Remove empty paths inv_cleanup_tree(g_inv_tree) if inventory_pprint_output: import pprint r = pprint.pformat(g_inv_tree) else: r = repr(g_inv_tree) path = inventory_output_dir + "/" + hostname if g_inv_tree: file(path, "w").write(r + "\n") + ".gz", "w").write(r + "\n") else: if os.path.exists( path ): # Remove empty inventory files. Important for host inventory icon os.remove(path) if os.path.exists(path + ".gz"): os.remove(path + ".gz")
def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
def show_section(section): out = [""] depth = '\t' * (section['depth'] + 1) classification = "{} :: ".format( section['classification']) if section['classification'] else "" title = section['title_text'].replace('\n', '') if section['heuristic'] is not None: score = section['heuristic']['score'] out.append("\t{}{}[{}] {}".format(depth, classification, score, title)) else: out.append("\t{}{}{}".format(depth, classification, title)) if section['body']: if section['body_format'] in ["TEXT", "MEMORY_DUMP"]: out.extend([ "\t\t{}{}".format(depth, x) for x in section['body'].splitlines() ]) elif section['body_format'] == 'GRAPH_DATA': try: body = json.loads(section['body']) except TypeError: body = section['body'] dom_min, dom_max = body['data']['domain'] values = body['data']['values'] step = (dom_max - dom_min) / 5.0 cmap = [] for v in values: if v < dom_min + step: cmap.append(" ") elif v < dom_min + (step * 2): cmap.append(L1) elif v < dom_min + (step * 3): cmap.append(L2) elif v < dom_min + (step * 4): cmap.append(L3) else: cmap.append(L4) out.append("\t\t{} [ ]: {} .. {} [{}]: {} .. {}".format( depth, dom_min * 1.0, dom_min + step * 1.0, L4, dom_max - step * 1.0, dom_max * 1.0)) out.append("\t\t{}{}{}{}".format(depth, LD, ''.join(cmap), RD)) elif section['body_format'] == 'URL': try: body = json.loads(section['body']) except TypeError: body = section['body'] if not isinstance(body, list): body = [body] for url in body: if 'name' in url: out.append("\t\t{}{}: {}".format(depth, url['name'], url['url'])) else: out.append("\t\t{}{}".format(depth, url['url'])) elif section['body_format'] == 'JSON': try: body = pprint.pformat(json.loads(section['body'])) except TypeError: body = pprint.pformat(section['body']) out.extend( ["\t\t{}{}".format(depth, x) for x in body.splitlines()]) elif section['body_format'] == 'KEY_VALUE': try: body = json.loads(section['body']) except TypeError: body = section['body'] out.extend( ["\t\t{}{}: {}".format(depth, k, v) for k, v in body.items()]) else: out.append("Unknown section type: {}".format( section['body_format'])) heuristic = section.get('heuristic') spacer = True if heuristic: spacer = False out.append('') out.append("\t\t\t{}[HEURISTIC] {}".format(depth, heuristic['name'])) for signature in heuristic.get('signature', []): out.append("\t\t\t{}[SIGNATURE] {} ({}x)".format( depth, signature['name'], signature['frequency'])) for attack in heuristic.get('attack', []): out.append("\t\t\t{}[ATTACK] {} ({})".format( depth, attack['pattern'], attack['attack_id'])) if section['tags']: if spacer: out.append('') for tag in section['tags']: out.append("\t\t\t{}[{}] {}".format(depth, tag['short_type'].upper(), tag['value'])) return out
def __str__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.instance._conf, indent=4)
# BGR->RGB img = cv2.imread( os.path.join(cfg.DATASET.DATA_DIR, img_names[i]))[..., ::-1] log_writer.add_image("Images/{}".format(img_names[i]), img, epoch, dataformats='HWC') #add ground truth (label) images if grt is not None: log_writer.add_image("Label/{}".format(img_names[i]), grt[..., ::-1], epoch, dataformats='HWC') # If in local_test mode, only visualize 5 images just for testing # procedure if local_test and img_cnt >= 5: break if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() if args.cfg_file is not None: cfg.update_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.opts is not None: cfg.update_from_list(args.opts) cfg.check_and_infer() print(pprint.pformat(cfg)) visualize(cfg, **args.__dict__)
# <class 'str'> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} s_d = str(d) print(s_d) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} print(type(s_d)) # <class 'str'> import pprint dl = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': [100, 200, 300]} s_dl = str(dl) print(s_dl) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': [100, 200, 300]} p_dl = pprint.pformat(dl, width=10) print(p_dl) # {'a': 1, # 'b': 2, # 'c': [100, # 200, # 300]} print(type(p_dl)) # <class 'str'>
import pprint import ast import parsercode.utils as utils import parsercode.parsefile as parsefile if __name__ == '__main__': utils.Log('Starting\n') try: utils.SetWorkingDirectory(__file__) land_mapping = utils.LoadLandMapping() print('Initial entries:', len(land_mapping)) # Process both the UTC_Logs and the "parsed" directories. Need everything. file_list = glob.glob( os.path.join('UTC_logs', 'parsed', 'UTC_log*.log')) for filename in file_list: parsefile.GetCardDefinitions(filename, land_mapping) file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join('UTC_logs', 'UTC_log*.log')) for filename in file_list: parsefile.GetCardDefinitions(filename, land_mapping) s = pprint.pformat(land_mapping) f = open('land_mapping.txt', 'w') f.write(s) f.close() print(s) print('number of entries:', len(land_mapping)) except Exception as ex: utils.Log(traceback.format_exc() + '\n') raise
import openpyxl, pprint, os print('Opening workbook...') wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'censuspopdata.xlsx')) sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Population by Census Tract') print(type(sheet)) countyData = {} print('Reading rows...') # sheet.get_highest_row() for row in range(2, int(sheet.max_row) + 1): state = sheet['B' + str(row)].value county = sheet['C' + str(row)].value pop = sheet['D' + str(row)].value countyData.setdefault(state, {}) countyData[state].setdefault(county, {'tracts': 0, 'pop': 0}) countyData[state][county]['tracts'] += 1 countyData[state][county]['pop'] += int(pop) print('Writing results...') resultFile = open('', 'w') resultFile.write('allData = ' + pprint.pformat(countyData)) resultFile.close() print('Done.')
args.append(str(config['count'])) if 'interval' in config: args.append('-i') args.append(str(config['interval'])) if 'endIntervals' in config: args.append('-ei') args.append(str(config['endIntervals'])) if 'begin' in config: args.append('-b') args.append(str(config['begin'])) if 'end' in config: args.append('-e') args.append(str(config['end'])) if 'begin' not in config and 'end' not in config and 'endIntervals' not in config: args.append('-r') import pprint logger.debug('args: %s' % pprint.pformat(args)) logger.debug('command: %s' % ' '.join(args)) p = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=os.path.join(os.environ['SPLUNK_HOME'], 'etc', 'apps', 'splunk_app_gogen'), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) sys.stdout.write("<stream>\n") while True: data = p.stdout.readline() # logger.debug("data: %s" % data) sys.stdout.write(data)
def __repr__(self): return pformat(vars(self))
def __str__(self): return pformat(self.nodelist)
def to_str(self): """ Return model properties str """ return pformat(self.to_dict())
def convert(scope, operator, container): "convert method" dtype = guess_numpy_type(operator.inputs[0].type) if dtype != numpy.float64: dtype = numpy.float32 xgb_node = operator.raw_operator inputs = operator.inputs objective, base_score, js_trees = XGBConverter.common_members( xgb_node, inputs) if base_score is None: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "base_score cannot be None") params = XGBConverter.get_xgb_params(xgb_node) attr_pairs = XGBClassifierConverter._get_default_tree_attribute_pairs() XGBConverter.fill_tree_attributes(js_trees, attr_pairs, [1 for _ in js_trees], True) ncl = (max(attr_pairs['class_treeids']) + 1) // params['n_estimators'] bst = xgb_node.get_booster() best_ntree_limit = getattr(bst, 'best_ntree_limit', len(js_trees)) * ncl if best_ntree_limit < len(js_trees): js_trees = js_trees[:best_ntree_limit] attr_pairs = XGBClassifierConverter._get_default_tree_attribute_pairs( ) XGBConverter.fill_tree_attributes(js_trees, attr_pairs, [1 for _ in js_trees], True) if len(attr_pairs['class_treeids']) == 0: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "XGBoost model is empty.") if 'n_estimators' not in params: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Parameters not found, existing:\n{}".format(pformat(params))) if ncl <= 1: ncl = 2 # See attr_pairs['post_transform'] = "LOGISTIC" attr_pairs['class_ids'] = [0 for v in attr_pairs['class_treeids']] else: # See attr_pairs['post_transform'] = "SOFTMAX" # attr_pairs['base_values'] = [base_score for n in range(ncl)] attr_pairs['class_ids'] = [ v % ncl for v in attr_pairs['class_treeids'] ] classes = xgb_node.classes_ if (numpy.issubdtype(classes.dtype, numpy.floating) or numpy.issubdtype(classes.dtype, numpy.signedinteger)): attr_pairs['classlabels_int64s'] = classes.astype('int') else: classes = numpy.array([s.encode('utf-8') for s in classes]) attr_pairs['classlabels_strings'] = classes if dtype == numpy.float64: op_name = "TreeEnsembleClassifierDouble" else: op_name = "TreeEnsembleClassifier" # add nodes if objective == "binary:logistic": ncl = 2 container.add_node(op_name, operator.input_full_names, operator.output_full_names, name=scope.get_unique_operator_name(op_name), op_domain='', **attr_pairs) elif objective == "multi:softprob": ncl = len(js_trees) // params['n_estimators'] container.add_node(op_name, operator.input_full_names, operator.output_full_names, name=scope.get_unique_operator_name(op_name), op_domain='', op_version=1, **attr_pairs) elif objective == "reg:logistic": ncl = len(js_trees) // params['n_estimators'] if ncl == 1: ncl = 2 container.add_node(op_name, operator.input_full_names, operator.output_full_names, name=scope.get_unique_operator_name(op_name), op_domain='', op_version=1, **attr_pairs) else: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected objective: {0}".format(objective))
def stats_cb(stats_json_str): stats_json = json.loads(stats_json_str) print('\nKAFKA Stats: {}\n'.format(pformat(stats_json)))
def step(self, action_dict): """ Returns observations from ready agents. The returns are dicts mapping from agent_id strings to values. The number of agents in the env can vary over time. Returns ------- obs (dict): New observations for each ready agent. rewards (dict): Reward values for each ready agent. If the episode is just started, the value will be None. dones (dict): Done values for each ready agent. The special key "__all__" (required) is used to indicate env termination. infos (dict): Optional info values for each agent id. """ self.resetted = False self.steps += 1 logger.debug('====> [SUMOTestMultiAgentEnv:step] Episode: %d - Step: %d <====', self.episodes, self.steps) dones = {} dones['__all__'] = False shuffled_agents = sorted(action_dict.keys()) # it may seem not smar to sort something that # may need to be shuffled afterwards, but it # is a matter of consistency instead of using # whatever insertion order was used in the dict if self._config['scenario_config']['agent_rnd_order']: ## randomize the agent order to minimize SUMO's insertion queues impact logger.debug('Shuffling the order of the agents.') self.rndgen.shuffle(shuffled_agents) # in-place shuffle # Take action for agent in shuffled_agents: self.agents[agent].step(action_dict[agent], self.simulation) logger.debug('Before SUMO') ongoing_simulation = self.simulation.step(until_end=False, agents=set(action_dict.keys())) logger.debug('After SUMO') ## end of the episode if not ongoing_simulation:'Reached the end of the SUMO simulation.') dones['__all__'] = True obs, rewards, infos = {}, {}, {} for agent in action_dict: ## check for collisions if self.simulation.collisions[agent] > 0: # punish the agent and remove it from the simulation dones[agent] = True obs[agent] = [0, 0] rewards[agent] = - self.agents[agent].config['max_speed'] # infos[agent] = 'Collision' self.simulation.traci_handler.remove(agent, reason=tc.REMOVE_VAPORIZED) else: dones[agent] = agent not in self.simulation.veh_subscriptions obs[agent] = self.get_observation(agent) rewards[agent] = self.get_reward(agent) # infos[agent] = '' logger.debug('Observations: %s', pformat(obs)) logger.debug('Rewards: %s', pformat(rewards)) logger.debug('Dones: %s', pformat(dones)) logger.debug('Info: %s', pformat(infos)) logger.debug('========================================================') return obs, rewards, dones, infos
def GetCompletions_IncludeMultiFileType_test(app): trivial1 = { 'filetypes': ['python', 'javascript'], 'contents': ReadFile(PathToTestFile('trivial.js')), } trivial2 = { 'filetypes': ['javascript'], 'contents': ReadFile(PathToTestFile('trivial2.js')), } request = { 'line_num': 1, 'column_num': 3, 'file_data': { PathToTestFile('trivial.js'): trivial1, PathToTestFile('trivial2.js'): trivial2, }, } app.post_json( '/event_notification', CombineRequest( request, { 'filepath': PathToTestFile('trivial2.js'), 'event_name': 'FileReadyToParse', })) response = app.post_json( '/completions', CombineRequest( request, { 'filepath': PathToTestFile('trivial2.js'), # We must force the use of semantic engine because the previous test would # have entered 'empty' results into the completion cache. 'force_semantic': True, })).json print('completer response: {0}'.format(pformat(response, indent=2))) assert_that( response, has_entries({ 'completion_start_column': 3, # Note: This time, we *do* see the completions, becuase one of the 2 # filetypes for trivial.js is javascript. 'completions': contains_inanyorder( CompletionEntryMatcher('y', 'string'), CompletionEntryMatcher('z', 'string'), CompletionEntryMatcher('toString', 'fn() -> string'), CompletionEntryMatcher('toLocaleString', 'fn() -> string'), CompletionEntryMatcher('valueOf', 'fn() -> number'), CompletionEntryMatcher('hasOwnProperty', 'fn(prop: string) -> bool'), CompletionEntryMatcher('isPrototypeOf', 'fn(obj: ?) -> bool'), CompletionEntryMatcher('propertyIsEnumerable', 'fn(prop: string) -> bool'), ), 'errors': empty(), }))
def on_msg_error(self, msg, cell, content): self.log.error(f"ERROR\n---\n%s", pformat(msg))
def send(self, url, message_data, **kwargs):, indent=4))
def capture_thread(q, cameras): config = Scribe3Configuration() '''Manage the capture image process''' sound = SoundLoader.load('camera_shoot.wav') sound_delay = config.get('sound_delay', 0) has_single_camera = cameras.get_num_cameras() == 1 if not config.is_true('stats_disabled'): from ia_scribe.breadcrumbs.api import log_event def psound(sound): try:'Camera shoot sound delay is {}s' .format(sound_delay)) try: if float(sound_delay) < 0: Logger.debug('ScribeWidget: Negative value in config ' 'for sound_delay. Camera shoot sound is ' 'disabled') return except Exception: pass time.sleep(float(sound_delay)) except Exception as e: Logger.exception('Failed to play camera shoot ' 'sound ({})'.format(e))'Starting capture thread with Queue {} ' .format(q)) myfile = None clog = False if config.is_true('camera_logging'): myfile = open('/tmp/tts_shoot_times.csv', 'a') clog = True'Camera logging {} with file {}' .format(clog, myfile)) while True: camera_kwargs = q.get() 'Capturing image using kwargs: {}{}' .format(os.linesep, pformat(camera_kwargs)) ) camera_side = camera_kwargs[camera_system.KEY_SIDE] path = camera_kwargs[camera_system.KEY_PATH] thumb_path = camera_kwargs[camera_system.KEY_THUMB_PATH] callback = camera_kwargs[camera_system.KEY_CALLBACK] stats = {} capture_error = None if camera_side == 'left': angle = 90 elif camera_side == 'right': angle = -90 else: angle = - config.get_integer('default_single_camera_rotation',180) \ if has_single_camera else 0 port = cameras.get_camera_port(camera_side) 'ScribeWidget: Capturing side {s} with ' 'port {p}, angle {a}, path {path} and fake {fake}' .format(s=camera_side, p=port, a=angle, path=path, fake=fake_cameras) ) camera_start = time.time() # Move this in try catch block when debug is finished'ScribeWidget: Playing camera shoot sound') _thread.start_new_thread(psound, (sound,))'Sound dispatched, now calling camera.shoot()') output = cameras.take_shot(camera_side, path) if type(output) is subprocess.CalledProcessError: capture_error = 'gphoto error: {}'.format(output.returncode) Logger.exception('ScribeWidget: Camera shoot failed') elif type(output) is Exception: capture_error = 'generic gphoto error' Logger.exception('ScribeWidget: Camera shoot failed with error {}'.format(output)) stats['capture_time'] = time.time() - camera_start'ScribeWidget: Camera took {t:.2f}s' .format(t=stats['capture_time'])) # Having a camera powered off won't cause an exception, so check # to see if the image was created if not os.path.exists(path): Logger.error('ScribeWidget: Camera failed to capture an image') capture_error = 'gphoto error''ScribeWidget: Generating thumbs...') thumb_start = time.time() if capture_error is None: try: size = (1500, 1000) # (6000,4000)/4 if config.is_true('low_res_proxies'): size = (750, 500) # (6000,4000)/8 # size = (3000, 2000) # (6000,4000)/2 image = image.thumbnail(size) image = image.rotate(angle, expand=True) if fake_cameras is not False:'ScribeWidget: fake_cameras is {} ' '(not False) -> Drawing debug output' .format(fake_cameras)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) font_color = (0, 0, 0) font_filename = join(scribe_globals.FONTS_DIR, scribe_globals.UTF8_FONT + '.ttf') font = ImageFont.truetype(font_filename, 50) draw.text((0, 0), os.path.basename(path), font_color, font=font) if angle % 360 == 0 or angle % 360 == 180: height = size[1] else: height = size[0] draw.text((0, height - 200), '{} image'.format(camera_side), fill=font_color, font=font) draw.text((0, height - 400), 'port {}'.format(port), fill=font_color, font=font), 'JPEG', quality=90) except Exception as e: capture_error = 'thumbnail error' + str(e) Logger.exception( 'ScribeWidget: Failed to create thumbnail: {}' .format(thumb_path) ) stats['thumb_time'] = time.time() - thumb_start 'ScribeWidget: Generated thumbnail at ' '{thumb_path}. Took {t:.2f}s' .format(t=stats['thumb_time'], thumb_path=thumb_path) ) if clog: ctime = '{t:.2f}s'.format(t=stats['capture_time']) ttime = '{t:.2f}s'.format(t=stats['thumb_time']) 'ScribeWidget: Writing ctime = {ctime}, ' 'ttime = {ttime} to stats file {path}' .format(ttime=ttime, ctime=ctime, ) lineout = ( '{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}\n' .format(time.time(), camera_side, port, angle, ctime, ttime, path, threading.current_thread().ident) ) myfile.write(lineout) report = {camera_system.KEY_SIDE: camera_side, camera_system.KEY_THUMB_PATH: thumb_path, camera_system.KEY_ERROR: capture_error, camera_system.KEY_STATS: stats} if config.is_true('enable_camera_telemetry'): metrics_payload = {camera_system.KEY_SIDE: camera_side, camera_system.KEY_ERROR: capture_error, 'angle': angle, 'thumb_time': stats['thumb_time'], 'path': path, } put_metric('', stats['capture_time'], metrics_payload) if not config.is_true('stats_disabled'): log_event('camera', 'capture_time', stats['capture_time'], camera_side) widget = camera_kwargs.get(camera_system.KEY_IMAGE_WIDGET, None) if widget: report[camera_system.KEY_IMAGE_WIDGET] = widget extra = camera_kwargs.get(camera_system.KEY_EXTRA, None) if extra is not None: report[camera_system.KEY_EXTRA] = extra if callback is not None: Clock.schedule_once(partial(callback, report)) q.task_done()
def build_search( path, name, distributions, config, n_repeats, n_param_settings=None, _zip=True, add_date=0, do_local_test=True, readme=""): """ Create a job implementing a hyper-parameter search. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the directory where the search archive will be saved. name: str Name for the search. distributions: dict (str -> (list or distribution)) Distributions to sample from. Can also be a list of samples. config: Config instance The base configuration. n_repeats: int Number of different random seeds to run each sample with. n_param_settings: int Number of parameter settings to sample. If not supplied, all possibilities are generated. _zip: bool Whether to zip the created search directory. add_date: bool Whether to add time to name of experiment directory. do_local_test: bool If True, run a short test using one of the sampled configs on the local machine to catch any dumb errors before starting the real experiment. readme: str String specifiying context/purpose of search. """ if config.get('seed', None) is None: config.seed = gen_seed() with NumpySeed(config.seed): es = ExperimentStore(path, prefix="build_search") count = 0 base_name = name has_built = False while not has_built: try: exp_dir = es.new_experiment( name, config.seed, add_date=add_date, force_fresh=1) has_built = True except FileExistsError: name = "{}_{}".format(base_name, count) count += 1 if readme: with open(exp_dir.path_for(''), 'w') as f: f.write(readme) print(config) exp_dir.record_environment(config=config) print("Building parameter search at {}.".format(exp_dir.path)) job = Job(exp_dir.path) new_configs = sample_configs(distributions, n_repeats, n_param_settings) with open(exp_dir.path_for("sampled_configs.txt"), "w") as f: f.write("\n".join("idx={}: {}".format(config["idx"], pformat(config)) for config in new_configs)) print("{} configs were sampled for parameter search.".format(len(new_configs))) if do_local_test: print("\nStarting local test " + ("=" * 80)) test_config = new_configs[0].copy() test_config.update(max_steps=1000, render_hook=None) _RunTrainingLoop(config)(test_config) print("Done local test " + ("=" * 80) + "\n"), new_configs) job.save_object('metadata', 'distributions', distributions) job.save_object('metadata', 'config', config) print(job.summary()) if _zip: path = else: path = exp_dir.path print("Zipped {} as {}.".format(exp_dir.path, path)) return path
def _print_attrs(obj, *args, join="\n "): import pprint attr_list = ['{} = {}'.format(i, pprint.pformat(getattr(obj, i))) for i in sorted(args)] split = ',\n'.join(attr_list).split('\n') return join + join.join(split)
def __str__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.marshal())
def save_data(self, name, value): os.makedirs(self.config.base.save_path, exist_ok=True) path = os.path.join(self.config.base.save_path, f'{name}.dat') data = pprint.pformat(value, width=1) with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(data)
print("-" * 50) msg = ( "Connecting to '%s' database on %s server at '%s'" % (sqlalchemy_db_url.database, sqlalchemy_db_url.get_dialect().name.upper(), print(msg) engine = create_engine(db_url) Base.metadata.bind = engine # Base.metadata.bind.echo = True # Log the SQL interaction. msg = (engine.execute("select 'Connected to %s database'" % sqlalchemy_db_url.database).scalar()) print(msg) msg = ("Established connection to '%s' database" % sqlalchemy_db_url.database) print(msg) print("-" * 50) print("Starting Alembic upgrade database to latest version") command.upgrade(alembic_conf, "head", tag=db_url) print("Completed running Alembic command") print("-" * 50) if __name__ == "__main__": import pprint setup() dummy_query = session.query(Device).limit(10) print("Sample list of Device") print(pprint.pformat(dummy_query.all()))
def __repr__(self): return pprint.pformat(
cell_name_list = [ 'sarclkdelay', 'sarclkdelay_compact', 'sarclkdelay_compact_dual' ] impl_lib = 'adc_sar_generated' #tb_lib = 'adc_sar_testbenches' #tb_cell = 'sarclkdelay_tb_tran' params = dict( lch=16e-9, pw=4, nw=4, m=1, device_intent='fast', ) #generate_layout = False #extract_layout = False print('creating BAG project') prj = bag.BagProject() for cell_name in cell_name_list: # create design module and run design method. print('designing module') dsn = prj.create_design_module(lib_name, cell_name) print('design parameters:\n%s' % pprint.pformat(params))**params) # implement the design print('implementing design with library %s' % impl_lib) dsn.implement_design(impl_lib, top_cell_name=cell_name, erase=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod( ) import sys port = None port = sys.argv[1:] and sys.argv[1] or False serial_num = sys.argv[2:] and sys.argv[2] or False if not port or not serial_num: print "usage:\n%s <port> <serial>, eg /dev/ttyUSB0 208850" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) import link import stick import session from pprint import pformat logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)"howdy! I'm going to take a look at your pump download something info.") stick = stick.Stick(link.Link(port, timeout=.400)) ) session = session.Pump(stick, serial_num) ))) downloader = Downloader(stick, session) ) downloader = PageDownloader(stick, session) ) )))"howdy! we downloaded everything.")
def corr3(config, logger=None): """Run the full three-point correlation function code based on the parameters in the given config dict. The function print_corr3_params() will output information about the valid parameters that are expected to be in the config dict. Optionally a logger parameter maybe given, in which case it is used for logging. If not given, the logging will be based on the verbose and log_file parameters. :param config: The configuration dict which defines what to do. :param logger: If desired, a logger object for logging. (default: None, in which case one will be built according to the config dict's verbose level.) """ # Setup logger based on config verbose value if logger is None: logger = treecorr.config.setup_logger( treecorr.config.get(config,'verbose',int,1), config.get('log_file',None)) # Check that config doesn't have any extra parameters. # (Such values are probably typos.) # Also convert the given parameters to the correct type, etc. config = treecorr.config.check_config(config, corr3_valid_params, corr3_aliases, logger) import pprint logger.debug('Using configuration dict:\n%s',pprint.pformat(config)) if ( 'output_dots' not in config and config.get('log_file',None) is None and config['verbose'] >= 2 ): config['output_dots'] = True # Set the number of threads num_threads = config.get('num_threads',None) logger.debug('From config dict, num_threads = %s',num_threads) treecorr.set_omp_threads(num_threads, logger) # Read in the input files. Each of these is a list. cat1 = treecorr.read_catalogs(config, 'file_name', 'file_list', 0, logger) if len(cat1) == 0: raise AttributeError("Either file_name or file_list is required") cat2 = treecorr.read_catalogs(config, 'file_name2', 'rand_file_list2', 1, logger) cat3 = treecorr.read_catalogs(config, 'file_name3', 'rand_file_list3', 1, logger) rand1 = treecorr.read_catalogs(config, 'rand_file_name', 'rand_file_list', 0, logger) rand2 = treecorr.read_catalogs(config, 'rand_file_name2', 'rand_file_list2', 1, logger) rand3 = treecorr.read_catalogs(config, 'rand_file_name3', 'rand_file_list3', 1, logger) if len(cat2) == 0 and len(rand2) > 0: raise AttributeError("rand_file_name2 is invalid without file_name2") if len(cat3) == 0 and len(rand3) > 0: raise AttributeError("rand_file_name3 is invalid without file_name3")"Done reading input catalogs") # Do GGG correlation function if necessary if 'ggg_file_name' in config: #or 'm3_file_name' in config: logger.warning("Performing GGG calculations...") ggg = treecorr.GGGCorrelation(config,logger) ggg.process(cat1,cat2,cat3)"Done GGG calculations.") if 'ggg_file_name' in config: ggg.write(config['ggg_file_name']) if 'm3_file_name' in config: ggg.writeMapSq(config['m3_file_name']) # Do NNN correlation function if necessary if 'nnn_file_name' in config: if len(rand1) == 0: raise AttributeError("rand_file_name is required for NNN correlation") if len(cat2) > 0 and len(rand2) == 0: raise AttributeError("rand_file_name2 is required for NNN cross-correlation") if len(cat3) > 0 and len(rand3) == 0: raise AttributeError("rand_file_name3 is required for NNN cross-correlation") if (len(cat2) > 0) != (len(cat3) > 0): raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot yet handle 3-point corrleations with only two catalogs. "+ "Need both cat2 and cat3.") logger.warning("Performing DDD calculations...") ddd = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) ddd.process(cat1,cat2,cat3)"Done DDD calculations.") if len(cat2) == 0: logger.warning("Performing RRR calculations...") rrr = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) rrr.process(rand1)"Done RRR calculations.") # For the next step, just make cat2 = cat3 = cat1 and rand2 = rand3 = rand1. cat2 = cat3 = cat1 rand2 = rand3 = rand1 else: logger.warning("Performing RRR calculations...") rrr = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) rrr.process(rand1,rand2,rand3)"Done RRR calculations.") if config['nnn_statistic'] == 'compensated': logger.warning("Performing DRR calculations...") drr = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) drr.process(cat1,rand2,rand3)"Done DRR calculations.") logger.warning("Performing DDR calculations...") ddr = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) ddr.process(cat1,cat2,rand3)"Done DDR calculations.") logger.warning("Performing RDR calculations...") rdr = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) rdr.process(rand1,cat2,rand3)"Done RDR calculations.") logger.warning("Performing RRD calculations...") rrd = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) rrd.process(rand1,rand2,cat3)"Done RRD calculations.") logger.warning("Performing DRD calculations...") drd = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) drd.process(cat1,rand2,cat3)"Done DRD calculations.") logger.warning("Performing RDD calculations...") rdd = treecorr.NNNCorrelation(config,logger) rdd.process(rand1,cat2,cat3)"Done RDD calculations.") ddd.write(config['nnn_file_name'],rrr,drr,rdr,rrd,ddr,drd,rdd) else: ddd.write(config['nnn_file_name'],rrr) # Do KKK correlation function if necessary if 'kkk_file_name' in config: logger.warning("Performing KKK calculations...") kkk = treecorr.KKKCorrelation(config,logger) kkk.process(cat1,cat2,cat3)"Done KKK calculations.") kkk.write(config['kkk_file_name']) # Do NNG correlation function if necessary if False: #if 'nng_file_name' in config or 'nnm_file_name' in config: if len(cat3) == 0: raise AttributeError("file_name3 is required for nng correlation") logger.warning("Performing NNG calculations...") nng = treecorr.NNGCorrelation(config,logger) nng.process(cat1,cat2,cat3)"Done NNG calculation.") # The default ng_statistic is compensated _iff_ rand files are given. rrg = None if len(rand1) == 0: if config.get('nng_statistic',None) == 'compensated': raise AttributeError("rand_files is required for nng_statistic = compensated") elif config.get('nng_statistic','compensated') == 'compensated': rrg = treecorr.NNGCorrelation(config,logger) rrg.process(rand1,rand1,cat2)"Done RRG calculation.") if 'nng_file_name' in config: nng.write(config['nng_file_name'], rrg) if 'nnm_file_name' in config: nng.writeNNMap(config['nnm_file_name'], rrg) # Do NNK correlation function if necessary if False: #if 'nnk_file_name' in config: if len(cat3) == 0: raise AttributeError("file_name3 is required for nnk correlation") logger.warning("Performing NNK calculations...") nnk = treecorr.NNKCorrelation(config,logger) nnk.process(cat1,cat2,cat3)"Done NNK calculation.") rrk = None if len(rand1) == 0: if config.get('nnk_statistic',None) == 'compensated': raise AttributeError("rand_files is required for nnk_statistic = compensated") elif config.get('nnk_statistic','compensated') == 'compensated': rrk = treecorr.NNKCorrelation(config,logger) rrk.process(rand1,rand1,cat2)"Done RRK calculation.") nnk.write(config['nnk_file_name'], rrk) # Do KKG correlation function if necessary if False: #if 'kkg_file_name' in config: if len(cat3) == 0: raise AttributeError("file_name3 is required for kkg correlation") logger.warning("Performing KKG calculations...") kkg = treecorr.KKGCorrelation(config,logger) kkg.process(cat1,cat2,cat3)"Done KKG calculation.") kkg.write(config['kkg_file_name'])
def check_events(self, expected): events = self.get_events_wotime() if events != expected: "events did not match expectation; got:\n%s\nexpected:\n%s" % (pprint.pformat(events), pprint.pformat(expected)))
def get_server_capabilities(args): global blue_comm for anim in constants.SERVER_CAPABILITIES: print("Cap:" + anim + ":" + pprint.pformat(constants.SERVER_CAPABILITIES[anim])) time.sleep(0.075) blue_comm.send_comm("Cap:" + anim + ":" + pprint.pformat(constants.SERVER_CAPABILITIES[anim]))