예제 #1
def ensemble_predictions(members, testX, nproc):
	if nproc>6:

	def para_predict(modname):
		from keras.models import load_model
		model = load_model(modname)
		prediction = model.predict(testX)
		return prediction

	queue = pprocess.Queue(limit=nproc)
	calc = queue.manage(pprocess.MakeParallel(para_predict))

	yhats = []
	for i in members:

	for preds in queue:

	# make predictions
	#yhats = [model.predict(testX) for model in members]
	yhats = numpy.array(yhats)
	# weighted sum across ensemble members
	#summed = numpy.tensordot(yhats, weights, axes=((0),(0)))
        summed = numpy.sum(yhats, axis=0)
	# argmax across classes
	result = numpy.argmax(summed, axis=1)
	return result
예제 #2
def rebase_multi(filename, nproc=8, mask_percent=0.4, blorder_max=3, window_size=31):
 Returns a baseline-subtracted cube. Can be run with parallel processes.    
 filename = name of datacube to process (including its path)
 nproc = number of parallel processes desired
 mask_percent = percentage of pixels to select for baseline fitting
 blorder_max = largest order polynomial to fit (fit from blorder_max down to order of 1) 
	cube = SpectralCube.read(filename)

	queue = pprocess.Queue(limit=nproc, continuous=1)
	calc = queue.manage(rebase)
	tic = time.time()

	# create cube to store rebaselined data
	cube_out = np.zeros(cube.shape) * np.nan
	pixels = cube.shape[1] * cube.shape[2]

	counter = 0
	for i in np.array_split(range(cube.shape[1]), nproc):
		calc(i, data=cube, mask_percent=mask_percent, blorder_max=blorder_max, window_size=window_size)

	for i, j, ss in queue:
		print str(counter) + ' of ' + str(pixels) + ' pixels completed \r',
	print "\n %f s for parallel computation." % (time.time() - tic)
	cube_final = SpectralCube(data=cube_out, wcs=cube.wcs, header=cube.header)
	cube_final.write(filename[0:-5] + '_rebase_multi.fits', format='fits', overwrite=True)
예제 #3
def pp_wavelength_loop(cube,
                       usecpus=mp.cpu_count() - 1):
    '''Function to take input datacube and process it iteratively through
    each wavelength channel as follows:
    - Generate PSF array for given channel
    - Add effect of ADR to channel
    - Convolve cube channel with PSF
    - Frebin up to chosen output spaxel scale


        cube: Datacube
        head: Datacube header
        wavels: Wavelength array
        out_cube: Empty output cube
        AO: AO mode [LTAO, SCAO, Gaussian]
        psdvars: list containing [psfparams, psfspax, psfsize,
                                  [D,eps], res_jitter, seeing]
        adrvals: array of ADR values
        newsize: tuple containing (x_newsize, y_newsize) array sizes
        outspax: tuple containing (x, y) output spaxel scales
        adr_switch: On or OFF. Turns ADR effect on or off
        usecpus: no. of CPUs to use


        cube: Processed cube
        head: Updated header
        inspax: Input spaxel scale (mas, mas)
        outspax: Output spaxel scale (mas, mas)

    import pprocess as pp

    print 'Using ', usecpus, ' CPUs'
    queue = pp.Queue(limit=usecpus)
    waveloop = queue.manage(pp.MakeParallel(pp_wavelength_channel))

    print "Initialising..."
    for lam in xrange(len(wavels)):
        waveloop(cube[lam, :, :], head, wavels[lam], lam, AO, psfvars,
                 adrvals[lam], newsize, outspax, adr_switch)

    print "Processing..."
    for chan, it in queue:
        update_progress(n.round(it / float(len(wavels)), 2))
        out_cube[it, :, :] = chan

    return out_cube, head
예제 #4
def pp_wavelength_loop(cube,
                       usecpus=mp.cpu_count() - 1):
    '''Function to take input datacube and process it iteratively through
    each wavelength channel as follows:
    - Generate PSF array for given channel
    - Add effect of ADR to channel
    - Convolve cube channel with PSF
    - Frebin up to chosen output spaxel scale


        cube: Datacube
        head: Datacube header
        wavels: Wavelength array
        out_cube: Empty output cube
        newsize: tuple containing (x_newsize, y_newsize) array sizes
        outspax: tuple containing (x, y) output spaxel scales
        usecpus: no. of CPUs to use


        cube: Processed cube
        head: Updated header
        inspax: Input spaxel scale (mas, mas)
        outspax: Output spaxel scale (mas, mas)

    import pprocess as pp

    print 'Using ', usecpus, ' CPUs'
    queue = pp.Queue(limit=usecpus)
    waveloop = queue.manage(pp.MakeParallel(pp_wavelength_channel))

    print "Initialising..."
    for lam in xrange(len(wavels)):
        waveloop(cube[lam, :, :], head, wavels[lam], lam, newsize, outspax)

    print "Processing..."
    for chan, it in queue:
        update_progress(n.round(it / float(len(wavels)), 2))
        out_cube[it, :, :] = chan

    return out_cube, head
예제 #5
def gauss_fitter(region='Cepheus_L1251',
    	Fit a Gaussian to non-NH3 emission lines from GAS.
    	It creates a cube for the best-fit Gaussian, a cube 
    	for the best-fit Gaussian with noise added back into 
    	the spectrum, and a parameter map of Tpeak, Vlsr, and FWHM
    	region : str
        	Name of region to reduce
    	snr_min : float
        	Lowest signal-to-noise pixels to include in the line-fitting
    	mol : str
        	name of molecule to fit
   	vmin : numpy.float
        	Minimum centroid velocity, in km/s.
    	vmax : numpy.float
        	Maximum centroid velocity, in km/s.
    	convolve : bool or float
        	If not False, specifies the beam-size to convolve the original map with
		Beam-size must be given in arcseconds
    	use_old_conv : bool
        	If True, use an already convolved map with name:
		region + '_' + mol + file_extension + '_conv.fits'
		This convolved map must be in units of km/s
    	multicore : int
		Maximum number of simultaneous processes desired
	file_extension: str
		filename extension 
    if file_extension:
        root = file_extension
        # root = 'base{0}'.format(blorder)
        root = 'all'

    molecules = ['C2S', 'HC7N_22_21', 'HC7N_21_20', 'HC5N']

    MolFile = '{0}/{0}_{2}_{1}.fits'.format(region, root, mol)
    ConvFile = '{0}/{0}_{2}_{1}_conv.fits'.format(region, root, mol)
    GaussOut = '{0}/{0}_{2}_{1}_gauss_cube.fits'.format(region, root, mol)
    GaussNoiseOut = '{0}/{0}_{2}_{1}_gauss_cube_noise.fits'.format(
        region, root, mol)
    ParamOut = '{0}/{0}_{2}_{1}_param_cube.fits'.format(region, root, mol)

    # Load the spectral cube and convert to velocity units
    cube = SpectralCube.read(MolFile)
    cube_km = cube.with_spectral_unit(u.km / u.s, velocity_convention='radio')

    # If desired, convolve map with larger beam
    # or load previously created convolved cube
    if convolve:
        cube = SpectralCube.read(MolFile)
        cube_km_1 = cube.with_spectral_unit(u.km / u.s,
        beam = radio_beam.Beam(major=convolve * u.arcsec,
                               minor=convolve * u.arcsec,
                               pa=0 * u.deg)
        cube_km = cube_km_1.convolve_to(beam)
        cube_km.write(ConvFile, format='fits', overwrite=True)
    if use_old_conv:
        cube_km = SpectralCube.read(ConvFile)

# Define the spectral axis in km/s
    spectra_x_axis_kms = np.array(cube_km.spectral_axis)

    # Find the channel range corresponding to vmin and vmax
    # -- This is a hold-over from when I originally set up the code to
    #    use a channel range rather than velocity range.
    #    Can change later, but this should work for now.
    low_channel = np.where(spectra_x_axis_kms <= vmax
                           )[0][0] + 1  # Add ones to change index to channel
    high_channel = np.where(spectra_x_axis_kms >= vmin
                            )[0][-1] + 1  # Again, hold-over from older setup
    peak_channels = [low_channel, high_channel]

    # Create cubes for storing the fitted Gaussian profiles
    # and the Gaussians with noise added back into the spectrum
    header = cube_km.header
    cube_gauss = np.array(cube_km.unmasked_data[:, :, :])
    cube_gauss_noise = np.array(cube_km.unmasked_data[:, :, :])
    shape = np.shape(cube_gauss)

    # Set up a cube for storing fitted parameters
    param_cube = np.zeros((6, shape[1], shape[2]))
    param_header = cube_km.header

    # Define the Gaussian profile
    def p_eval(x, a, x0, sigma):
        return a * np.exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))

# Create some arrays full of NANs
# To be used in output cubes if fits fail

    nan_array = np.empty(shape[0])  # For gauss cubes
    nan_array[:] = np.NAN
    nan_array2 = np.empty(param_cube.shape[0])  # For param cubes
    nan_array2[:] = np.NAN

    # Loop through each pixel and find those
    # with SNR above snr_min
    x = []
    y = []
    pixels = 0
    for (i, j), value in np.ndenumerate(cube_gauss[0]):
        spectra = np.array(cube_km.unmasked_data[:, i, j])
        if (False in np.isnan(spectra)):
            rms = np.nanstd(
                np.append(spectra[0:(peak_channels[0] - 1)],
                          spectra[(peak_channels[1] + 1):len(spectra)]))
            if (max(spectra[peak_channels[0]:peak_channels[1]]) /
                    rms) > snr_min:
                pixels += 1
            cube_gauss[:, i, j] = nan_array
            param_cube[:, i, j] = nan_array2
            cube_gauss_noise[:, i, j] = nan_array
    print str(pixels) + ' Pixels above SNR=' + str(snr_min)

    # Define a Gaussian fitting function for each pixel
    # i, j are the x,y coordinates of the pixel being fit
    def pix_fit(i, j):
        spectra = np.array(cube_km.unmasked_data[:, i, j])
        # Use the peak brightness Temp within specified channel
        # range as the initial guess for Gaussian height
        max_ch = np.argmax(spectra[peak_channels[0]:peak_channels[1]])
        Tpeak = spectra[peak_channels[0]:peak_channels[1]][max_ch]
        # Use the velocity of the brightness Temp peak as
        # initial guess for Gaussian mean
        vpeak = spectra_x_axis_kms[peak_channels[0]:peak_channels[1]][max_ch]
        rms = np.std(
            np.append(spectra[0:(peak_channels[0] - 1)],
                      spectra[(peak_channels[1] + 1):len(spectra)]))
        err1 = np.zeros(shape[0]) + rms
        # Create a noise spectrum based on rms of off-line channels
        # This will be added to best-fit Gaussian to obtain a noisy Gaussian
        noise = np.random.normal(0., rms, len(spectra_x_axis_kms))
        # Define initial guesses for Gaussian fit
        guess = [Tpeak, vpeak, 0.3]  # [height, mean, sigma]
            coeffs, covar_mat = curve_fit(p_eval,
            gauss = np.array(
                p_eval(spectra_x_axis_kms, coeffs[0], coeffs[1], coeffs[2]))
            noisy_gauss = np.array(
                p_eval(spectra_x_axis_kms, coeffs[0], coeffs[1],
                       coeffs[2])) + noise
            params = np.append(coeffs, (covar_mat[0][0]**0.5, covar_mat[1][1]**
                                        0.5, covar_mat[2][2]**0.5))
            # params = ['Tpeak', 'VLSR','sigma','Tpeak_err','VLSR_err','sigma_err']

            # Don't accept fit if fitted parameters are non-physical or too uncertain
            if (params[0] < 0.01) or (params[3] > 1.0) or (
                    params[2] < 0.05) or (params[5] > 0.5) or (params[4] >
                noisy_gauss = nan_array
                gauss = nan_array
                params = nan_array2

            # Don't accept fit if the SNR for fitted spectrum is less than SNR threshold
            #if max(gauss)/rms < snr_min:
            #	noisy_gauss = nan_array
            #	gauss = nan_array
            #	params = nan_array2

        except RuntimeError:
            noisy_gauss = nan_array
            gauss = nan_array
            params = nan_array2

        return i, j, gauss, params, noisy_gauss

# Parallel computation:

    nproc = multicore  # maximum number of simultaneous processes desired
    queue = pprocess.Queue(limit=nproc)
    calc = queue.manage(pprocess.MakeParallel(pix_fit))
    tic = time.time()
    counter = 0

    # Uncomment to see some plots of the fitted spectra
    #for i,j in zip(x,y):
    #plt.plot(spectra_x_axis_kms, spectra, color='blue', drawstyle='steps')
    #plt.plot(spectra_x_axis_kms, gauss, color='red')

    # Begin parallel computations
    # Store the best-fit Gaussians and parameters
    # in their correct positions in the previously created cubes
    for i, j in zip(x, y):
        calc(i, j)
    for i, j, gauss_spec, parameters, noisy_gauss_spec in queue:
        cube_gauss[:, i, j] = gauss_spec
        param_cube[:, i, j] = parameters
        cube_gauss_noise[:, i, j] = noisy_gauss_spec
        counter += 1
        print str(counter) + ' of ' + str(pixels) + ' pixels completed \r',
    print "\n %f s for parallel computation." % (time.time() - tic)

    # Save final cubes
    # These will be in km/s units.
    # Spectra will have larger values to the left, lower values to right
    cube_final_gauss = SpectralCube(data=cube_gauss,
    cube_final_gauss.write(GaussOut, format='fits', overwrite=True)
    cube_final_gauss_noise = SpectralCube(data=cube_gauss_noise,
    cube_final_gauss_noise.write(GaussNoiseOut, format='fits', overwrite=True)

    # Construct appropriate header for param_cube
    param_header['NAXIS3'] = len(nan_array2)
    param_header['WCSAXES'] = 3
    param_header['CRPIX3'] = 1
    param_header['CDELT3'] = 1
    param_header['CRVAL3'] = 0
    param_header['PLANE1'] = 'Tpeak'
    param_header['PLANE2'] = 'VLSR'
    param_header['PLANE3'] = 'sigma'
    param_header['PLANE5'] = 'Tpeak_err'
    param_header['PLANE6'] = 'VLSR_err'
    param_header['PLANE7'] = 'sigma_err'

    fits.writeto(ParamOut, param_cube, header=param_header, clobber=True)