fil = '200-100-363-histbins.npy' x = np.load(fil) hist, bins = x[:, 0], x[:, 1] start = len(bins) - np.sum(bins > 1500) amax = np.argmax(hist[start:]) window = 12 #in bins if fittype == 0: with PdfPages(fil[:-12] + '-gauss.pdf') as pdf: mini, minj, minchi = 100., 100., 100. for i in np.linspace(0.2, 1., 9): for j in np.linspace(0.2, 1., 5): beg, end = bins[start + amax] - window * 5 * i, bins[ start + amax] + window * 5 * j fitbins = bins[ > beg, bins < end)] fithist = hist[ > beg, bins < end)] fithist[fithist == 0] = 1 weights = np.sqrt(fithist) pars = [hist[start + amax], bins[start + amax], 30] pars = curve_fit(gauss, fitbins, fithist, p0=pars, sigma=weights, maxfev=120000)[0] chisq = np.sum( ((gauss(fitbins, *pars) - fithist) / weights)**2.) chisq = chisq / (len(fitbins) - len(pars)) if chisq < minchi and chisq > 0.8: mini, minj, minchi = i, j, chisq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import fileread as fr import predefined as pd bd,ch=4,3 ebins,erange=1000,[0,5000] rbins,rrange=100,[0,100] x=fr.gen_output('./testing/Run_131-200-70-all.dat')[0] x=pd.precuts(x) x=pd.single_pixel(x,board=bd,channel=ch) fsize=25 plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) for i in np.linspace(0,2000,5,dtype=int): beg,end=i+0.,i+500. hist,bins=np.histogram(x['risetime'][['energy']>beg,x['energy']<end)],rbins,rrange) bins=pd.cbins(bins) plt.plot(bins,hist,ls='steps',label='%0.0d < E (ADC) < %0.0d' %(beg,end) ) plt.legend(fontsize=fsize) plt.title(pd.pixel(bd,ch),fontsize=fsize) plt.tick_params(labelsize=fsize) plt.xlabel('Risetime (4ns timebins)',fontsize=fsize) plt.xlim((0,100)) plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig('./testing/rises'+pd.pixel(bd,ch))
if run > 63: loc = '/lustre/haven/gamma/neutrons/ca45_data/2017/disk1/' data = fr.trig(loc + 'Run_' + str(run) + '.trig')[0] data = data[data['energy'] > 6000] i = 0 for pixel in [11, 12, 35]: bd, ch = int(pixel / 8), int(pixel % 8) h, b = np.histogram(pd.single_pixel(data, bd, ch)['energy'], bins=305, range=[0, 20000]) b = pd.cbins(b) mx = np.amax(h) mu = b[np.argmax(h)] window = 1000 beg, end = mu - window, mu + window fithist = h[ > beg, b < end)] fitbins = b[ > beg, b < end)] pars, vrs = curve_fit(gauss, fitbins, fithist, p0=[mx, mu, 200], bounds=[0, np.inf]) vrs = np.sqrt(np.diag(vrs)) runlog[run]['mu'][i] = pars[1] runlog[run]['muerror'][i] = vrs[1] runlog[run]['sigma'][i] = pars[2] runlog[run]['sigmaerror'][i] = vrs[2] i += 1 except FileNotFoundError: continue
name = 'Run_' + run + '_' + str(i) + '.bin' print('Checking ' + name + ' for timestamps') numwaves = (os.stat(inpath + name).st_size - 8) / (1 + 12 + 16 + 4 + 2 * length) for i in range(numwaves / chunk): rem = 0 if i == numwaves / chunk: rem = numwaves % chunk tot = chunk + rem data = fr.raw(inpath + name, length=length, numwaves=tot, row=i * chunk) for j in range(len(timestamps)): x = data[['timestamp'] == timestamps[j]['timestamp'], data['board'] == timestamps[j]['board']), data['channel'] == timestamps[j]['channel'])] count += len(x) if len(x) > 0: # print x['board'],x['channel'],x['timestamp'] temp[count - 1] = x print(temp['board']) wo.baseline_restore(temp, 600) tbins = np.arange(3500) #for i in range(len(temp)): with PdfPages('fallwaves.pdf') as pdf: for j in range(int(portion), len(timestamps)): # print temp[temp['timestamp']==timestamps[j]['timestamp']]['wave'][0] if timestamps[j]['board'] > 2: plt.plot( tbins,