예제 #1
    def __init__(self, use_gpu=False):
        actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)
        rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
        train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
            actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
        train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
            actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams,

        self.train_set_2d = train_set_2d
        self.test_set_2d = test_set_2d
        self.data_mean_2d = data_mean_2d
        self.data_std_2d = data_std_2d
        self.dim_to_use_2d = dim_to_use_2d
        self.dim_to_ignore_2d = dim_to_ignore_2d
        self.train_set_3d = train_set_3d
        self.test_set_3d = test_set_3d
        self.data_mean_3d = data_mean_3d
        self.data_std_3d = data_std_3d
        self.dim_to_use_3d = dim_to_use_3d
        self.dim_to_ignore_3d = dim_to_ignore_3d

        device_count = {"GPU": 1} if use_gpu else {"GPU": 0}
        self.persistent_sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
            device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True))
        with self.persistent_sess.as_default():
            self.graph = tf.get_default_graph()
            self.model = create_model(self.persistent_sess, actions,
def main(_):
    #ABS_DIR = os.path.abspath('.')
    posf = open(pose_output_dir, 'w')
    #smoothedf = open(ABS_DIR + '/tmp/smoothed.txt', 'w')

    smoothed = read_openpose_json()
    smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
    pngName = 'gif_output/smooth_plot.png'
    logger.info('writing gif_output/smooth_plot.png')

    if FLAGS.interpolation:
        logger.info("start interpolation")

        framerange = len( smoothed.keys() )
        joint_rows = 36
        array = np.concatenate(list(smoothed.values()))
        array_reshaped = np.reshape(array, (framerange, joint_rows) )

        arm = [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
        multiplier = FLAGS.multiplier
        multiplier_inv = 1/multiplier

        out_array = np.array([])
        for row in range(joint_rows):
            x = []
            for frame in range(framerange):
                x.append( array_reshaped[frame, row] )

            frame = range( framerange )
            frame_resampled = np.arange(0, framerange, multiplier)
            spl = UnivariateSpline(frame, x, k=3)
            #relative smooth factor based on jnt anim curve
            min_x, max_x = min(x), max(x)
            smooth_fac = max_x - min_x
            if row in arm:
                smooth_resamp = 1
                smooth_resamp = 75
            smooth_fac = smooth_fac * smooth_resamp
            spl.set_smoothing_factor( float(smooth_fac) )
            xnew = spl(frame_resampled)

            out_array = np.append(out_array, xnew)

        logger.info("done interpolating. reshaping {0} frames,  please wait!!".format(framerange))

        a = np.array([])
        for frame in range( int( framerange * multiplier_inv ) ):
            jnt_array = []
            for jnt in range(joint_rows):
                jnt_array.append( out_array[ jnt * int(framerange * multiplier_inv) + frame] )
            a = np.append(a, jnt_array)

        a = np.reshape(a, (int(framerange * multiplier_inv), joint_rows))
        out_array = a

        interpolate_smoothed = {}
        for frame in range( int(framerange * multiplier_inv) ):
            interpolate_smoothed[frame] = list( out_array[frame] )

        smoothed = interpolate_smoothed
        interpolate_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
        pngName = 'gif_output/interpolate_{0}.png'.format(smooth_resamp)
        logger.info('writing gif_output/interpolate_plot.png')

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 1}
    png_lib = []
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
            allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
        iter_range = len(smoothed.keys())
        for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):
            logger.info("calc frame {0}/{1}".format(frame, iter_range))
            # map list into np array
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
            for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                #feed array with xy array
                joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
            _data = joints_array[0]
            #smoothedf.write(' '.join(map(str, _data)))
            # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
            for i in range(len(order)):
                for j in range(2):
                    # create encoder input
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
            for j in range(2):
                # Hip
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Neck/Nose
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Thorax
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j]

            # set spine
            spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            dp = 1.0
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False)
            all_poses_3d = []
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
            gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
            all_poses_3d.append( poses3d )
            enc_in, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d] )
            subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
            _max = 0
            _min = 10000

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max:
                        _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min:
                        _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min
                    poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

            # Plot 3d predictions
            ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
            ax.view_init(18, -70)
            if np.min(poses3d) < -1000:
                    poses3d = before_pose

            p3d = poses3d
            #viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")

            # pngName = 'png/pose_frame_{0}.png'.format(str(frame).zfill(12))
            # plt.savefig(pngName)
            # if FLAGS.write_gif:
            #     png_lib.append(imageio.imread(pngName))
            before_pose = poses3d
            write_pos_data(poses3d, ax, posf)
예제 #3
def main(_):
    smoothed = read_openpose_json()
    smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
    pngName = 'gif_output/smooth_plot.png'
    logger.info('writing gif_output/smooth_plot.png')
    if FLAGS.interpolation:
        logger.info("start interpolation")

        framerange = len( smoothed.keys() )
        joint_rows = 36
        array = np.concatenate(list(smoothed.values()))
        array_reshaped = np.reshape(array, (framerange, joint_rows) )
        multiplier = FLAGS.multiplier
        multiplier_inv = 1/multiplier

        out_array = np.array([])
        for row in range(joint_rows):
            x = []
            for frame in range(framerange):
                x.append( array_reshaped[frame, row] )
            frame = range( framerange )
            frame_resampled = np.arange(0, framerange, multiplier)
            spl = UnivariateSpline(frame, x, k=3)
            #relative smooth factor based on jnt anim curve
            min_x, max_x = min(x), max(x)
            smooth_fac = max_x - min_x
            smooth_resamp = 125
            smooth_fac = smooth_fac * smooth_resamp
            spl.set_smoothing_factor( float(smooth_fac) )
            xnew = spl(frame_resampled)
            out_array = np.append(out_array, xnew)
        logger.info("done interpolating. reshaping {0} frames,  please wait!!".format(framerange))
        a = np.array([])
        for frame in range( int( framerange * multiplier_inv ) ):
            jnt_array = []
            for jnt in range(joint_rows):
                jnt_array.append( out_array[ jnt * int(framerange * multiplier_inv) + frame] )
            a = np.append(a, jnt_array)
        a = np.reshape(a, (int(framerange * multiplier_inv), joint_rows))
        out_array = a
        interpolate_smoothed = {}
        for frame in range( int(framerange * multiplier_inv) ):
            interpolate_smoothed[frame] = list( out_array[frame] )
        smoothed = interpolate_smoothed
        interpolate_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
        pngName = 'gif_output/interpolate_{0}.png'.format(smooth_resamp)
        logger.info('writing gif_output/interpolate_plot.png')

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 1}
    png_lib = []
    before_pose = None
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
            allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
        iter_range = len(smoothed.keys())
        export_units = {}
        twod_export_units = {}
        for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):
            logger.info("calc frame {0}/{1}".format(frame, iter_range))
            # map list into np array  
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
            for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                #feed array with xy array
                joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]

            for abs_b, __n in enumerate(range(0, len(xy),2)):
                twod_export_units[frame][abs_b] = {"translate": [xy[__n],xy[__n+1]]}

            _data = joints_array[0]
            # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
            for i in range(len(order)):
                for j in range(2):
                    # create encoder input
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
            for j in range(2):
                # Hip
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Neck/Nose
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Thorax
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j]

            # set spine
            spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            dp = 1.0
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False)
            all_poses_3d = []
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
            gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
            all_poses_3d.append( poses3d )
            enc_in, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d] )
            subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
            _max = 0
            _min = 10000

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max:
                        _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min:
                        _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min
                    poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

            # Plot 3d predictions
            ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
            ax.view_init(18, -70)    

            if FLAGS.cache_on_fail:
                if np.min(poses3d) < -1000:
                    poses3d = before_pose

            p3d = poses3d
            to_export = poses3d.tolist()[0]
            x,y,z = [[] for _ in range(3)]
            for o in range(0, len(to_export), 3):
            for jnt_index, (_x, _y, _z) in enumerate(zip(x,y,z)):
                export_units[frame][jnt_index] = {"translate": [_x, _y, _z]}

            viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")

            pngName = 'png/pose_frame_{0}.png'.format(str(frame).zfill(12))
            if FLAGS.write_gif:

            if FLAGS.cache_on_fail:
                before_pose = poses3d

    if FLAGS.write_gif:
        if FLAGS.interpolation:
            #take every frame on gif_fps * multiplier_inv
            png_lib = np.array([png_lib[png_image] for png_image in range(0,len(png_lib), int(multiplier_inv)) ])
        logger.info("creating Gif gif_output/animation.gif, please Wait!")
        imageio.mimsave('gif_output/animation.gif', png_lib, fps=FLAGS.gif_fps)

    _out_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'maya/3d_data.json')
    twod_out_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'maya/2d_data.json')
    with open(_out_file, 'w') as outfile:
        logger.info("exported maya json to {0}".format(_out_file))
        json.dump(export_units, outfile)
    with open(twod_out_file, 'w') as outfile:
        logger.info("exported maya json to {0}".format(twod_out_file))
        json.dump(twod_export_units, outfile)

def main(_):
    # 出力用日付
    now_str = "{0:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}".format(datetime.datetime.now())


    # 日付+indexディレクトリ作成
    subdir = '{0}/{1}_3d_{2}_idx{3:02d}'.format(
        os.path.basename(openpose_output_dir), now_str, FLAGS.person_idx)

    frame3d_dir = "{0}/frame3d".format(subdir)

    posf = open(subdir + '/pos.txt', 'w')

    smoothedf = open(subdir + '/smoothed.txt', 'w')

    idx = FLAGS.person_idx - 1
    smoothed = openpose_utils.read_openpose_json(openpose_output_dir, idx,
                                                 level[FLAGS.verbose] == 3)
    logger.info("reading and smoothing done. start feeding 3d-pose-baseline")
    smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
    pngName = subdir + '/smooth_plot.png'

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    before_pose = None
    device_count = {"GPU": 1}
    png_lib = []
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count,
                                          allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
        for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):
            logger.info("calc idx {0}, frame {1}".format(idx, frame))

            # map list into np array
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
            for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                #feed array with xy array
                joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
            _data = joints_array[0]

            smoothedf.write(' '.join(map(str, _data)))

            # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
            for i in range(len(order)):
                for j in range(2):
                    # create encoder input
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
            for j in range(2):
                # Hip
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                        enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Neck/Nose
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                         enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Thorax
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 +
                          j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 +

            # set spine
            spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            # logger.debug("enc_in - 1")
            # logger.debug(enc_in)

            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            dp = 1.0
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
            all_poses_3d = []
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                                                data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                                                 data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
                       hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
            enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d])
            subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
            max = 0
            min = 10000

            # logger.debug("enc_in - 2")
            # logger.debug(enc_in)

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > max:
                        max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < min:
                        min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + min
                    poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

            # Plot 3d predictions
            ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
            ax.view_init(18, 280)
            if np.min(poses3d) < -1000 and before_pose is not None:
                poses3d = before_pose

            p3d = poses3d
            # logger.debug("poses3d")
            # logger.debug(poses3d)

            if level[FLAGS.verbose] == logging.INFO:

                # 各フレームの単一視点からのはINFO時のみ
                pngName = frame3d_dir + '/tmp_{0:012d}.png'.format(frame)
                before_pose = poses3d

            # 各フレームの角度別出力はデバッグ時のみ
            if level[FLAGS.verbose] == logging.DEBUG:

                for azim in [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360]:
                    ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
                    ax2.view_init(18, azim)

                    pngName2 = frame3d_dir + '/tmp_{0:012d}_{1:03d}.png'.format(
                        frame, azim)

            write_pos_data(poses3d, ax, posf)


        # INFO時は、アニメーションGIF生成
        if level[FLAGS.verbose] == logging.INFO:
                "creating Gif {0}/movie_smoothing.gif, please Wait!".format(

예제 #5
def main(_):
    smoothed = read_openpose_json()
    logger.info("reading and smoothing done. start feeding 3d-pose-baseline")
    smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
    pngName = 'png/smooth_plot.png'

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 1}
    png_lib = []
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count,
                                          allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
        for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):
            logger.info("calc frame {0}".format(frame))
            # map list into np array
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
            for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                #feed array with xy array
                joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
            _data = joints_array[0]
            # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
            for i in range(len(order)):
                for j in range(2):
                    # create encoder input
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
            for j in range(2):
                # Hip
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                        enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Neck/Nose
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                         enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Thorax
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 +
                          j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 +

            # set spine
            spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            dp = 1.0
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
            all_poses_3d = []
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                                                data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                                                 data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
                       hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
            enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d])
            subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
            max = 0
            min = 10000

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > max:
                        max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < min:
                        min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + min
                    poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

            # Plot 3d predictions
            ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
            ax.view_init(18, -70)
            if np.min(poses3d) < -1000:
                poses3d = before_pose

            p3d = poses3d
            viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")

            pngName = 'png/test_{0}.png'.format(str(frame))
            before_pose = poses3d

    logger.info("creating Gif png/movie_smoothing.gif, please Wait!")
    imageio.mimsave('png/movie_smoothing.gif', png_lib, fps=FLAGS.gif_fps)
예제 #6
def main(_):
    done = []

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 0}
    png_lib = []
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count,
                                          allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
        while True:
            key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
            #logger.info("start reading data")
            # check for other file types
            list_of_files = glob.iglob("{0}/*".format(
                openpose_output_dir))  # You may use iglob in Python3
            latest_file = ""
                latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
            except ValueError:
                #empthy dir
            if not latest_file:
                _file = file_name = latest_file
                if not os.path.isfile(_file):
                    raise Exception("No file found!!, {0}".format(_file))
                data = json.load(open(_file))
                #take first person
                _data = data["people"][0]["pose_keypoints"]
                xy = []
                #ignore confidence score
                for o in range(0, len(_data), 3):
                    xy.append(_data[o + 1])

                frame_indx = re.findall("(\d+)", file_name)
                frame = int(frame_indx[0])

                joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
                joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
                for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                    #feed array with xy array
                    joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
                _data = joints_array[0]
                # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
                for i in range(len(order)):
                    for j in range(2):
                        # create encoder input
                        enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
                for j in range(2):
                    # Hip
                    enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                            enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                    # Neck/Nose
                    enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                             enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                    # Thorax
                        13 * 2 +
                        j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j]

                # set spine
                spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
                spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

                enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
                mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
                stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
                enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

                dp = 1.0
                dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
                dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
                _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
                all_poses_3d = []
                enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
                           hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
                enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d])
                subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
                _max = 0
                _min = 10000

                for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(32):
                        tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                        if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max:
                            _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                        if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min:
                            _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

                for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(32):
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 +
                                   2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min
                        poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

                # Plot 3d predictions
                ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
                ax.view_init(18, -70)
                if np.min(poses3d) < -1000 and frame != 0:
                    poses3d = before_pose

                p3d = poses3d

                viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")
                before_pose = poses3d
                pngName = 'png/test_{0}.png'.format(str(frame))

                img = cv2.imread(pngName, 0)
                rect_cpy = img.copy()
                cv2.imshow('3d-pose-baseline', rect_cpy)
                if key == ord('q'):
            except Exception as e:

예제 #7
def main(_):
    global framenum

    #clear out all old frames
    os.system("rm png/*")

    #set done to empty array, it will hold the json files from openpose that we've already processed
    done = []

    #initialize input tensor to 1x64 array of zeroes [[0. 0. 0. ...]]
    #this is list of numpy vectors to feed as encoder inputs (32 2d coordinates)
    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    #actions to run on, default is all
    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    #the list of Human3.6m subjects to look at
    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]

    #load camera parameters from the h36m dataset
    rcams = cameras2.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)

    #loads 2d data from precomputed Stacked Hourglass detections
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)

    #loads 3d poses, zero-centres and normalizes them
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 0}

    png_lib = []

    #run a tensorflow inference session
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count,
                                          allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:

        #load pre-trained model
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)

        #infinitely show 3d pose visualization
        while True:
            #wait for key to be pressed
            key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF

            _, frame = cv2.VideoCapture(
                0).read()  #ignore the other returned value

            #resize and rotate the incoming image frame
            frame, W, H = resize_img(frame)
            frame = cv2.rotate(frame, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)

            start = time.time()
            #run posenet inference on the frame
            joints_2d = estimate_pose(frame)

            #throw out confidence score and flatten
            _data = joints_2d[..., :2].flatten()

            #open pop-up and draw the keypoints found
            img2D = draw_2Dimg(frame, joints_2d, 1)

            #fake the thorax point by finding midpt between left and right shoulder
            lt_should_x = _data[10]
            lt_should_y = _data[11]
            rt_should_x = _data[12]
            rt_should_y = _data[13]

            thorax = midpoint(lt_should_x, lt_should_y, rt_should_x,

            #print("testing thorax pt at ", thorax)

            #insert thorax into data where it should be, at index 1
            _data = np.insert(_data, 2, thorax[0])
            _data = np.insert(_data, 3, thorax[1])

            #print("new _data is ", _data)
            _data = np.around(_data)

            #set xy to the array of 2d joint data
            xy = _data

            #create new 1x36 array of zeroes, which will store the 18 2d keypoints
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]

            #index into our data array
            index = 0

            #iterates 18 times
            for o in range(int(len(joints_array[0]) / 2)):
                #feed array with xy array (the 18 keypoints), but switch ordering: posenet to openpose
                for j in range(2):
                    #print("o is", o, "j is", j, "index is ", index)
                    index_into_posenet_data = order_pnet_to_openpose[o] * 2 + j
                    #print("putting posenet[", index_into_posenet_data, "], value ", xy[index_into_posenet_data], " , into joints_array[0][", index, "]")

                    joints_array[0][index] = xy[index_into_posenet_data]
                    index += 1

            #set _data to the array containing the 36 coordinates of the 2d keypts
            _data = joints_array[0]

            #print("_data is ", _data)

            #mapping all body parts for 3d-pose-baseline format (32 2d coordinates)
            for i in range(len(order)):  #iterates 14 times
                #select which coordinateof this point: x or y
                for j in range(2):
                    #create encoder input, switching around the order of the joint points
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]

            #now enc_in contains 14 points (28 total coordinates)

            #at this pt enc_in should be array of 64 vals

            for j in range(2):
                #place hip at index 0
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                        enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                #place neck/nose at index 14
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                         enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                #place thorax at index 13
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 +
                          j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 +

            #set spine found by openpose
            spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            #dim_to_use_2d is always [0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 26 27 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 50 51 52 53 54 55]

            #take 32 entries of enc_in
            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]

            #find mean of 2d data
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]

            #find stdev of 2d data
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]

            #subtract mean and divide std for all
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            #dropout keep probability
            dp = 1.0

            #output tensor, initialize it to zeroes. We'll get 16 joints with 3d coordinates
            #this is list of numpy vectors that are the expected decoder outputs
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]

            #get the 3d poses by running the 3d-pose-baseline inference. Model operates on 32 points
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
            #poses3d comes back as a 1x96 array (I guess its 32 points)

            end = time.time()
            #print("ELAPSED: ", end-start)

            #hold our 3d poses while we're doing some post-processing
            all_poses_3d = []

            #un-normalize the input and output data using the means and stdevs
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                                                data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                                                 data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)

            #create a grid for drawing
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)

            #set spacing between axes
            gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05)

            #fill all_poses_3d with the 3d poses predicted by the model step fxn

            #vstack stacks arrays in sequence vertically (row wise)
            #this doesn't do anything in this case, as far as I can tell
            enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d])

            subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
            _max = 0
            _min = 10000

            #iterates once
            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                #iterate over all 32 points in poses3d
                for j in range(32):
                    #save the last coordinate of this point into tmp
                    tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

                    #swap the second and third coordinates of this pt
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp

                    #keep track of max of last coordinate
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max:
                        _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min:
                        _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

            #iterates once
            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                #iterate over all 32 points in poses3d (2nd and 3rd coords have all been swapped at this pt)
                for j in range(32):
                    #change the third coord of this pt, subtracting it from sum of max and min third coord to get new value
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min

                    #modify first coord of this pt by adding the x coord of the spine found by 2d model
                    poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)

                    #modify third coord of this pt by adding 500 minus y coord of spine found by 2d model
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

            #Plot 3d predictions
            ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
            ax.view_init(18, -70)

            #TODO: if something happened with the data, reuse data from last frame (before_pose)

            p3d = poses3d

            #plot the 3d skeleton
            viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")

            #keep track of this poses3d in case we need to reuse it for next frame
            before_pose = poses3d

            #save this frame as a png in the ./png/ folder
            pngName = 'png/test_{0}.png'.format(str(framenum))
            #print("pngName is ", pngName)



            #read this frame which was just saved as png
            img = cv2.imread(pngName, 0)

            rect_cpy = img.copy()

            #show this frame
            cv2.imshow('3d-pose-baseline', rect_cpy)

            framenum += 1

            #quit if q is pressed
            if key == ord('q'):

예제 #8
def main(_):
    # 出力用日付
    now_str = "{0:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}".format(datetime.datetime.now())


    # ディレクトリ構成が変わったので、JSON出力と同階層に出力(2/9)
    if FLAGS.output is None:
        subdir = openpose_output_dir
        subdir = FLAGS.output

    os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True)

    frame3d_dir = "{0}/frame3d".format(subdir)
    if os.path.exists(frame3d_dir):
        # 既にディレクトリがある場合、一旦削除

    posf = open(subdir + '/pos.txt', 'w')

    smoothedf = open(subdir + '/smoothed.txt', 'w')

    start_frame_f = open(subdir + '/start_frame.txt', 'w')

    idx = FLAGS.person_idx - 1
    start_frame_index, smoothed = openpose_utils.read_openpose_json(
        "{0}/json".format(openpose_output_dir), idx, FLAGS.verbose == 3)

    # 開始フレームインデックスを保存

    logger.info("reading and smoothing done. start feeding 3d-pose-baseline")
    smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
    pngName = subdir + '/smooth_plot.png'

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    # before_pose = None
    device_count = {"GPU": 1}
    png_lib = []
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count,
                                          allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)

        # 入力画像のスケール調整のため、NeckからHipまでの距離を測定
        length_neck2hip_mean = get_length_neck2hip_mean(smoothed)

        # 2D、3D結果の保存用リスト
        poses3d_list = []
        poses2d_list = []

        # 2dと3dのスケール比率計算のためのリスト
        length_2d_list = []
        length_3d_list = []

        for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):
            if frame % 200 == 0:
                logger.info("calc idx {0}, frame {1}".format(idx, frame))
            #if frame % 300 == 0:
            #    print(frame)

            # map list into np array
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
            for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                #feed array with xy array
                joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
            _data = joints_array[0]

            smoothedf.write(' '.join(map(str, _data)))

            # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
            for i in range(len(order)):
                for j in range(2):
                    # create encoder input
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
            for j in range(2):
                # Hip
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                        enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Thorax
                # 3dPoseBaselineのThoraxの位置は、OpenPoseのNeckの位置より少し上のため調整する
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 +
                          j] = 1.1 * enc_in[0][13 * 2 +
                                               j] - 0.1 * enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j]
                # Neck/Nose
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                         enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Spine
                enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] +
                                         enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j]) / 2

            # set spine
            # spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            # spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            # logger.debug("enc_in - 1")
            # logger.debug(enc_in)

            poses2d = enc_in

            # 入力データの拡大
            # neckからHipまでが110ピクセル程度になるように入力を拡大する
            # (教師データとスケールが大きく異なると精度が落ちるため)
            input_scaling_factor = 110 / length_neck2hip_mean
            enc_in = enc_in * input_scaling_factor

            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            dp = 1.0
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
            all_poses_3d = []
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                                                data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                                                 data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
                       hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
            enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d])
            subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1


            length_2d_list.append(sum_length_xy(poses2d[0], 2))
            length_3d_list.append(sum_length_xy(poses3d[0], 3))

        # OpenPose出力の(x, y)とBaseline出力のzから、3次元の位置を計算する

        # OpenPose出力値とBaseline出力値のスケール比率
        # 骨格の長さの合計の比較することで、比率を推定
        # 前後の91フレームで移動平均をとることで、結果を安定化する
        move_ave_length_2d = calc_move_average(length_2d_list, 91)
        move_ave_length_3d = calc_move_average(length_3d_list, 91)
        move_ave_length_2d[move_ave_length_2d == 0] = 1  # error防止
        xy_scale = move_ave_length_3d / move_ave_length_2d

        # 以下の4つは仮の値で計算。多少違っていても、精度に影響はないと思う
        center_2d_x, center_2d_y = camera_center(
            openpose_output_dir)  #動画の中心座標(動画の解像度の半分)
        logger.info("center_2d_x {0}".format(center_2d_x))
        z_distance = 4000  # カメラから体までの距離(mm) 遠近の影響計算で使用
        camera_incline = 0  # カメラの水平方向に対する下への傾き(度)

        teacher_camera_incline = 13  # 教師データ(Human3.6M)のカメラの傾き(下向きに平均13度)

        for frame, (poses3d,
                    poses2d) in enumerate(zip(poses3d_list, poses2d_list)):

            # 誤差を減らすため、OpenPose出力の(x, y)と3dPoseBaseline出力のzから、3次元の位置を計算する

            poses3d_op_xy = np.zeros(96)
            for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27]:
                # Hipとの差分
                dy = poses3d[i * 3 + 1] - poses3d[0 * 3 + 1]
                dz = poses3d[i * 3 + 2] - poses3d[0 * 3 + 2]
                # 教師データのカメラ傾きを補正
                dz = dz - dy * math.tan(
                    math.radians(teacher_camera_incline - camera_incline))
                # 遠近によるx,yの拡大率
                z_ratio = (z_distance + dz) / z_distance
                # x, yはOpenposeの値から計算
                poses3d_op_xy[i *
                              3] = (poses2d[i * 2] -
                                    center_2d_x) * xy_scale[frame] * z_ratio
                poses3d_op_xy[i * 3 +
                              1] = (poses2d[i * 2 + 1] -
                                    center_2d_y) * xy_scale[frame] * z_ratio
                # zはBaselineの値から計算
                poses3d_op_xy[i * 3 + 2] = dz

            # 12(Spine)、14(Neck/Nose)、15(Head)はOpenPoseの出力にないため、baseline(poses3d)から計算する
            for i in [12, 14, 15]:

                # 13(Thorax)は認識されることが多いため基準とする
                # 差分
                dx = poses3d[i * 3] - poses3d[13 * 3]
                dy = poses3d[i * 3 + 1] - poses3d[13 * 3 + 1]
                dz = poses3d[i * 3 + 2] - poses3d[13 * 3 + 2]
                # 教師データのカメラ傾きを補正
                dz = dz - dy * math.tan(
                    math.radians(teacher_camera_incline - camera_incline))
                # 13(Thorax)からの差分でx, y ,zを求める
                poses3d_op_xy[i * 3] = poses3d_op_xy[13 * 3] + dx
                poses3d_op_xy[i * 3 + 1] = poses3d_op_xy[13 * 3 + 1] + dy
                poses3d_op_xy[i * 3 + 2] = poses3d_op_xy[13 * 3 + 2] + dz

            # MMD上で少し顎を引くための処理
            poses3d_op_xy[15 * 3] += 0.5 * (poses3d_op_xy[14 * 3] -
                                            poses3d_op_xy[13 * 3])
            poses3d_op_xy[15 * 3 + 1] += 0.5 * (poses3d_op_xy[14 * 3 + 1] -
                                                poses3d_op_xy[13 * 3 + 1])
            poses3d_op_xy[15 * 3 + 2] += 0.5 * (poses3d_op_xy[14 * 3 + 2] -
                                                poses3d_op_xy[13 * 3 + 2])

            poses3d_list[frame] = poses3d_op_xy

        logger.info("calc ground y")
        # 最も高さが低い足の部位のYを取得(この座標系ではY値が大きい方が低い)
        foot_joint_no = [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8]
        max_pos = []
        for frame, poses3d in enumerate(poses3d_list):
            max_pos.append(np.max([poses3d[i * 3 + 1] for i in foot_joint_no]))

        # 地面についている部位の位置(通常は足首)をY軸の0になるように移動する
        for frame, poses3d in enumerate(poses3d_list):
            # 120フレーム分の位置を取得
            max_pos_slice = max_pos[int(np.max([0, frame - 60])):frame + 60]
            # 半分以上のフレームでは着地していると仮定し、メディアンを着地時の足の位置とする
            ankle_pos = np.median(max_pos_slice)

            poses3d_ground = np.zeros(96)
            for i in range(len(data_utils.H36M_NAMES)):
                poses3d_ground[i * 3] = poses3d[i * 3]
                poses3d_ground[i * 3 + 1] = poses3d[i * 3 + 1] - ankle_pos
                poses3d_ground[i * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i * 3 + 2]

            poses3d_list[frame] = poses3d_ground

        for frame, (poses3d,
                    poses2d) in enumerate(zip(poses3d_list, poses2d_list)):
            if frame % 200 == 0:
                logger.info("output frame {}".format(frame))

            # max = 0
            # min = 10000

            # logger.debug("enc_in - 2")
            # logger.debug(enc_in)

            for j in range(32):
                tmp = poses3d[j * 3 + 2]
                poses3d[j * 3 + 2] = -poses3d[j * 3 + 1]
                poses3d[j * 3 + 1] = tmp
            #         if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > max:
            #             max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
            #         if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < min:
            #             min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

            # for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
            #     for j in range(32):
            #         poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + min
            #         poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
            #         poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

            # Plot 3d predictions
            ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
            ax.view_init(18, 280)
            # logger.debug(np.min(poses3d))
            # if np.min(poses3d) < -1000 and before_pose is not None:
            #    poses3d = before_pose

            p3d = poses3d
            # logger.debug("poses3d")
            # logger.debug(poses3d)
            if frame == 0:
                first_xyz = [0, 0, 0]
                first_xyz[0], first_xyz[1], first_xyz[2] = p3d[0], p3d[1], p3d[

            if level[FLAGS.verbose] <= logging.INFO:

                # 各フレームの単一視点からのはINFO時のみ
                pngName = frame3d_dir + '/tmp_{0:012d}.png'.format(frame)
                # before_pose = poses3d

            # 各フレームの角度別出力はデバッグ時のみ
            if level[FLAGS.verbose] == logging.DEBUG:

                for azim in [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360]:
                    ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
                    ax2.view_init(18, azim)

                    pngName2 = frame3d_dir + '/tmp_{0:012d}_{1:03d}.png'.format(
                        frame, azim)

            write_pos_data(poses3d, ax, posf)


        # INFO時は、アニメーションGIF生成
        if level[FLAGS.verbose] <= logging.INFO:
                "creating Gif {0}/movie_smoothing.gif, please Wait!".format(

def main(_):
    done = []

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 0}
    png_lib = []
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count,
                                          allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
        rows = 0
        filename = "Realtimedata.xlsx"
        workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filename)
        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
        while True:
            key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
            #logger.info("start reading data")
            # check for other file types
            list_of_files = glob.iglob("{0}/*".format(
                openpose_output_dir))  # You may use iglob in Python3
            latest_file = ""
                latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
            except ValueError:
                #empthy dir
            if not latest_file:
                _file = file_name = latest_file
                if not os.path.isfile(_file):
                    raise Exception("No file found!!, {0}".format(_file))
                data = json.load(open(_file))
                #take first person
                _data = data["people"][0]["pose_keypoints_2d"]
                xy = []
                #ignore confidence score
                """for o in range(0,len(_data),3):
                if len(_data) >= 53:
                    #openpose incl. confidence score
                    #ignore confidence score
                    for o in range(0, len(_data), 3):
                        xy.append(_data[o + 1])
                    xy = _data

                frame_indx = re.findall("(\d+)", file_name)
                frame = int(frame_indx[0])

                joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
                joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
                for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                    #feed array with xy array
                    joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
                _data = joints_array[0]
                # mapping all body parts or 3d pose offline format
                for i in range(len(order)):
                    for j in range(2):
                        # create encoder input
                        enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
                for j in range(2):
                    # Hip
                    enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                            enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                    # Neck/Nose
                    enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                             enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                    # Thorax
                        13 * 2 +
                        j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j]

                # set spine
                spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
                spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

                enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
                mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
                stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
                enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

                dp = 1.0
                dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
                dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
                _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
                all_poses_3d = []
                enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
                           hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
                enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d])
                subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
                _max = 0
                _min = 10000

                for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(32):
                        tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                        if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max:
                            _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                        if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min:
                            _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

                for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(32):
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 +
                                   2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min
                        poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

                for val in min_vex:
                    # f.write(str(val) + ' ' + str(p_vex[i]) + '');
                    # gait_list1.append({'IX': "%i" % val[0],
                    #                     'IY': "%i" % val[1],
                    #                     'Ix': "%i" % p_vex[i][0],
                    #                     'Iy': "%i" % p_vex[i][1],
                    #                     'Iz': "%i" % p_vex[i][2],
                    # })

                        " %f %f %f %d %d %d 0\n" %
                        (p_vex[i][0], p_vex[i][1], p_vex[i][2], 0, 255, 0))
                    i = i + 1

                # Plot 3d predictions
                ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
                ax.view_init(18, -70)
                if np.min(poses3d) < -1000 and frame != 0:
                    poses3d = before_pose

                p3d = poses3d
                '''gait_list1 = []
                #enter file path below
                with open('key_joint_info.csv', 'w', newline='') as myfile:
                    data1 = pd.DataFrame(gait_list2)
                    wr = csv.writer(myfile, dialect = 'key_joint_info.csv' )

                viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")
                col = 0
                for i in p3d[0]:
                    worksheet.write(rows, col, i)
                    col += 1
                rows += 1
                before_pose = poses3d
                pngName = '{}_keypoints.png'.format(str(frame))

                img = cv2.imread(pngName, 0)
                rect_cpy = img.copy()
                cv2.imshow('3d-pose-realtime', rect_cpy)
                if key == ord('q'):
            except Exception as e:

예제 #10
def callback(data):
    if data.data == 'hello':
        global FLAGS
        global enc_in
        global actions
        global order
        global SUBJECT_IDS
        global rcams
        global train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d
        global train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions
        global device_count

        input_data = np.array(eval(data.data))
        print('input data shape:{0}'.format(input_data.shape))
        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            batch_size = 128
            model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
            # map list into np array
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
            for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                #feed array with xy array
                joints_array[0] = input_data.flatten()
            _data = joints_array[0]
            # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
            for i in range(len(order)):
                for j in range(2):
                    # create encoder input
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
            for j in range(2):
                # Hip
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                        enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Neck/Nose
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                         enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Thorax
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 +
                          j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 +

                # set spine
            spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            dp = 1.0
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                                                data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                                                 data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)

        print('output data shape:{0}'.format(poses3d.shape))
def main(_):

    smoothed = read_openpose_json()
    logger.info("reading and smoothing done. start feeding 3d-pose-baseline")
    smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
    pngName = FLAGS.output_dirname + '/supplemental' + '/smooth_plot.png'

    if FLAGS.interpolation:
        framerange = len(smoothed.keys())
        joint_rows = 36
        array = np.concatenate(list(smoothed.values()))
        array_reshaped = np.reshape(array, (framerange, joint_rows))

        multiplier = 0.1
        multiplier_inv = 1 / multiplier
        out_array = np.array([])
        for row in range(joint_rows):
            x = []
            for frame in range(framerange):
                x.append(array_reshaped[frame, row])

            frame = range(framerange)
            frame_resampled = np.arange(0, framerange, multiplier)
            spl = UnivariateSpline(frame, x, k=3)
            min_x, max_x = min(x), max(x)
            smooth_fac = max_x - min_x
            smooth_fac = smooth_fac * 125
            xnew = spl(frame_resampled)

            out_array = np.append(out_array, xnew)

        logger.info("done interpolating")

        a = np.array([])
        for frame in range(int(framerange * multiplier_inv)):
            jnt_array = []
            for jnt in range(joint_rows):
                    out_array[jnt * int(framerange * multiplier_inv) + frame])
            a = np.append(a, jnt_array)

        a = np.reshape(a, (int(framerange * multiplier_inv), joint_rows))
        out_array = a

        interpolate_smoothed = {}
        for frame in range(int(framerange * multiplier_inv)):
            interpolate_smoothed[frame] = list(out_array[frame])

        smoothed = interpolate_smoothed
        interpolate_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
        pngName = FLAGS.output_dirname + '/supplemental' + '/interpolate_plot.png'

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 1}
    png_lib = []
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count,
                                          allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
        for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):
            logger.info("calc frame {0}".format(frame))
            # map list into np array
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
            for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                #feed array with xy array
                joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
            _data = joints_array[0]
            # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
            for i in range(len(order)):
                for j in range(2):
                    # create encoder input
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
            for j in range(2):
                # Hip
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                        enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Neck/Nose
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                         enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Thorax
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 +
                          j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 +

            # set spine
            spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            dp = 1.0
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
            all_poses_3d = []
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                                                data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                                                 data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
                       hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
            enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d])
            subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
            _max = 0
            _min = 10000

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max:
                        _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min:
                        _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min
                    poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

            # Plot 3d predictions
            ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
            ax.view_init(18, -70)
            if np.min(poses3d) < -1000:
                poses3d = before_pose

            p3d = poses3d
            viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")

            pngName = FLAGS.output_dirname + '/' + FLAGS.output_filename + '_{0}.png'.format(
            if FLAGS.write_output_img:
            before_pose = poses3d

    if FLAGS.write_gif:
        logger.info("creating Gif movie_smoothing.gif, please Wait!")
        imageio.mimsave(FLAGS.output_dirname + '/supplemental' +
예제 #12
def main(_):

    smoothed = read_openpose_json()
    smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
    pngName = 'gif_output/smooth_plot.png'
    logger.info('writing gif_output/smooth_plot.png')'''

    if FLAGS.interpolation:
        logger.info("start interpolation")

        framerange = len(smoothed.keys())
        joint_rows = 36
        array = np.concatenate(list(smoothed.values()))
        array_reshaped = np.reshape(array, (framerange, joint_rows))

        multiplier = FLAGS.multiplier
        multiplier_inv = 1 / multiplier

        out_array = np.array([])
        for row in range(joint_rows):
            x = []
            for frame in range(framerange):
                x.append(array_reshaped[frame, row])

            frame = range(framerange)
            frame_resampled = np.arange(0, framerange, multiplier)
            spl = UnivariateSpline(frame, x, k=3)
            #relative smooth factor based on jnt anim curve
            min_x, max_x = min(x), max(x)
            smooth_fac = max_x - min_x
            smooth_resamp = 125
            smooth_fac = smooth_fac * smooth_resamp
            xnew = spl(frame_resampled)

            out_array = np.append(out_array, xnew)

            "done interpolating. reshaping {0} frames,  please wait!!".format(

        a = np.array([])
        for frame in range(int(framerange * multiplier_inv)):
            jnt_array = []
            for jnt in range(joint_rows):
                    out_array[jnt * int(framerange * multiplier_inv) + frame])
            a = np.append(a, jnt_array)

        a = np.reshape(a, (int(framerange * multiplier_inv), joint_rows))
        out_array = a

        interpolate_smoothed = {}
        for frame in range(int(framerange * multiplier_inv)):
            interpolate_smoothed[frame] = list(out_array[frame])
        smoothed = interpolate_smoothed
        interpolate_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
        pngName = 'gif_output/interpolate_{0}.png'.format(smooth_resamp)
        logger.info('writing gif_output/interpolate_plot.png')'''

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 1}
    png_lib = []
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count,
                                          allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
        batch_size = 128
        model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)
        iter_range = len(smoothed.keys())
        rows = 0
        filename = "keyjoints_proband_222_01.xlsx"
        workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filename)
        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
        for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):
            logger.info("calc frame {0}/{1}".format(frame, iter_range))
            # map list into np array
            joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
            joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
            for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                #feed array with xy array
                joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
            _data = joints_array[0]
            # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
            for i in range(len(order)):
                for j in range(2):
                    # create encoder input
                    enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
            for j in range(2):
                # Hip
                enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] +
                                        enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Neck/Nose
                enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] +
                                         enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                # Thorax
                enc_in[0][13 * 2 +
                          j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 +

            # set spine
            spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
            spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

            enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
            mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
            enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

            dp = 1.0
            dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
            dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
            _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess,
            all_poses_3d = []
            enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d,
                                                data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
            poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d,
                                                 data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
                       hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
            enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d])
            subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
            _max = 0
            _min = 10000

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max:
                        _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                    if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min:
                        _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

            for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                for j in range(32):
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min
                    poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                    poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

            # Plot 3d predictions
            #fig = plt.figure( figsize=(12.8, 7.2) )
            ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
            #ax.view_init(18, -70)
            if np.min(poses3d) < -1000:
                poses3d = before_pose

            p3d = poses3d
            #viz.Ax3DPose(ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")
            viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")
            #ax.scatter(p3d, c='b', marker='o')
            #result = viz.show3Dpose(p3d,ax)
            ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
            ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
            ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')

            col = 0
            for i in p3d[0]:
                worksheet.write(rows, col, i)
                col += 1
            rows += 1
            pngName = '{}_keypoints.png'.format(str(frame))
            if FLAGS.write_gif:
            before_pose = poses3d

    if FLAGS.write_gif:
        if FLAGS.interpolation:
            #take every frame on gif_fps * multiplier_inv
            png_lib = np.array([
                for png_image in range(0, len(png_lib), int(multiplier_inv))
        logger.info("creating Gif gif_output/animation.gif, please Wait!")
        imageio.mimsave('gif_output/animation.gif', png_lib, fps=FLAGS.gif_fps)
예제 #13
def main(_):
    actions_all = data_utils.define_actions( "All" )

    # Load camera parameters
    SUBJECT_IDS = [1,5,6,7,8,9,11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)

    # Load 3d data and load (or create) 2d projections
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions_all, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14 )
    print("Finished Read 3D Data")

    # _, _, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(actions_all, FLAGS.data_dir)
    _, _, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.create_2d_data( actions_all, FLAGS.data_dir, rcams )
    print("Finished Read 2D Data")

    SH_TO_GT_PERM = np.array([SH_NAMES.index( h ) for h in H36M_NAMES if h != '' and h in SH_NAMES])
    assert np.all( SH_TO_GT_PERM == np.array([6,2,1,0,3,4,5,7,8,9,13,14,15,12,11,10]) )

    test_set = {}

    manipulation_dir = os.path.dirname(FLAGS.data_dir)
    manipulation_dir = os.path.dirname(manipulation_dir)
    manipulation_dir += '/manipulation_video/'
    manipulation_folders = glob.glob(manipulation_dir + '*')

    subj = 1
    action = 'manipulation-video'
    for folder in manipulation_folders:
        seqname = os.path.basename( folder )
        with h5py.File(folder + '/' + seqname +'.h5', 'r' ) as h5f:
            poses = h5f['poses'][:]

            # Permute the loaded data to make it compatible with H36M
            poses = poses[:,SH_TO_GT_PERM,:]

            # Reshape into n x (32*2) matrix
            poses = np.reshape(poses,[poses.shape[0], -1])
            poses_final = np.zeros([poses.shape[0], len(H36M_NAMES)*2])

            dim_to_use_x    = np.where(np.array([x != '' and x != 'Neck/Nose' for x in H36M_NAMES]))[0] * 2
            dim_to_use_y    = dim_to_use_x+1

            dim_to_use = np.zeros(len(SH_NAMES)*2,dtype=np.int32)
            dim_to_use[0::2] = dim_to_use_x
            dim_to_use[1::2] = dim_to_use_y
            poses_final[:,dim_to_use] = poses

            # If Uniframe Model Only keep the right 2d pose
            poses_final = poses_final[1::2,:]

            print(seqname, poses_final.shape)
            test_set[ (subj, action, seqname) ] = poses_final

    print("Finished Read Manipulations Videos")

    test_set_2d  = data_utils.normalize_data( test_set,  data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_use_2d )
    dim_to_use_12_manipulation_joints = np.array([3,4,5, 6,7,8, 9,10,11, 18,19,20, 21,22,23, 24,25,26, 51,52,53, 54,55,56, 57,58,59, 75,76,77, 78,79,80, 81,82,83])

    print("Finished Normalize Manipualtion Videos")
    device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1}
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( device_count = device_count )) as sess:
        # === Create the model ===
        print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.linear_size))
        batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size #Intial code is 64*2
        model = predict_3dpose.create_model(sess, actions_all, batch_size)
        print("Model loaded")

        j = 0
        for key2d in test_set_2d.keys():

            (subj, b, fname) = key2d
            # if fname !=  specific_seqname + '.h5':
            #     continue
            print( "Subject: {}, action: {}, fname: {}".format(subj, b, fname) )

            enc_in  = test_set_2d[ key2d ]
            n2d, _ = enc_in.shape

            # Split into about-same-size batches
            enc_in   = np.array_split( enc_in, n2d // 1 )
            all_poses_3d = []

            for bidx in range( len(enc_in) ):

                # Dropout probability 0 (keep probability 1) for sampling
                dp = 1.0
                anything = np.zeros((enc_in[bidx].shape[0], 48))
                _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in[bidx], anything, dp, isTraining=False)

                # Denormalize
                enc_in[bidx]  = data_utils.unNormalizeData(  enc_in[bidx], data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d )
                poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData( poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d )
                all_poses_3d.append( poses3d )

            # Put all the poses together
            enc_in, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d] )

            enc_in, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, poses3d] )

            poses3d_12_manipulation = poses3d[:, dim_to_use_12_manipulation_joints]

            annotated_images = glob.glob(manipulation_dir + fname + '/info/*.xml')
            annotated_images = sorted(annotated_images)

            # 1080p	= 1,920 x 1,080
            fig = plt.figure(j,  figsize=(10, 10))
            gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3)
            gs1.update(wspace=-0, hspace=0.1) # set the spacing between axes.

            subplot_idx = 1
            nsamples = 3
            for i in np.arange( nsamples ):
                # Plot 2d Detection
                ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx-1])
                img = mpimg.imread(manipulation_dir + fname + '/skeleton_cropped/' + os.path.basename(annotated_images[i]).split('_')[0] + '.jpg')

                # Plot 2d pose
                ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx])
                p2d = enc_in[i,:]
                viz.show2Dpose( p2d, ax2 )

                # Plot 3d predictions
                # Compute first the procrustion and print error
                gt = getJ3dPosFromXML(annotated_images[i])
                A = poses3d_12_manipulation[i, :].reshape(gt.shape)
                _, Z, T, b, c = procrustes.compute_similarity_transform(gt, A, compute_optimal_scale=True)
                sqerr = np.sqrt(np.sum((gt - (b*A.dot(T)) - c)**2, axis = 1))
                print("{0} - {1} - Mean Error (mm) : {2}".format(fname, os.path.basename(annotated_images[i]), np.mean(sqerr)))

                ax3 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx+1], projection='3d')
                temp = poses3d[i,:].reshape((32, 3))
                temp = c + temp.dot(T) #Do not scale
                p3d = temp.reshape((1, 96))
                viz.show3Dpose( p3d, ax3, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71" )

                subplot_idx = subplot_idx + 3

            j +=  1
def main(_):

    enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64))
    enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)]

    actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action)

    SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS)
    train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir)
    train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data(
        actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14)

    device_count = {"GPU": 1}
    png_lib = []
    sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
    # plt.figure(3)
    batch_size = 128
    model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size)

    openpose_dirs = sorted([ name for name in os.listdir(openpose_output_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(openpose_output_dir, name)) ])
    openpose_dirs = [openpose_output_dir + file for file in openpose_dirs]
    error_dirs = []
    for dir in openpose_dirs:
        # try:
        file_name = os.path.basename(dir)
        file_to_save = '../data/3d-pose-baseline/' + file_name + '.npz'
        if not os.path.isfile(file_to_save): # If haven't already processed
            smoothed = read_openpose_json(dir)
            # smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
            # return
            # pngName = 'gif_output/smooth_plot.png'
            # smooth_curves_plot.savefig(pngName)
            # logger.info('writing gif_output/smooth_plot.png')

            if FLAGS.interpolation:
                logger.info("start interpolation")

                framerange = len(smoothed.keys())
                joint_rows = 36
                array = np.concatenate(list(smoothed.values()))
                array_reshaped = np.reshape(array, (framerange, joint_rows))

                multiplier = FLAGS.multiplier
                multiplier_inv = 1 / multiplier

                out_array = np.array([])
                for row in range(joint_rows):
                    x = []
                    for frame in range(framerange):
                        x.append(array_reshaped[frame, row])

                    frame = range(framerange)
                    frame_resampled = np.arange(0, framerange, multiplier)
                    spl = UnivariateSpline(frame, x, k=3)
                    # relative smooth factor based on jnt anim curve
                    min_x, max_x = min(x), max(x)
                    smooth_fac = max_x - min_x
                    smooth_resamp = 125
                    smooth_fac = smooth_fac * smooth_resamp
                    xnew = spl(frame_resampled)

                    out_array = np.append(out_array, xnew)

                logger.info("done interpolating. reshaping {0} frames,  please wait!!".format(framerange))

                a = np.array([])
                for frame in range(int(framerange * multiplier_inv)):
                    jnt_array = []
                    for jnt in range(joint_rows):
                        jnt_array.append(out_array[jnt * int(framerange * multiplier_inv) + frame])
                    a = np.append(a, jnt_array)

                a = np.reshape(a, (int(framerange * multiplier_inv), joint_rows))
                out_array = a

                interpolate_smoothed = {}
                for frame in range(int(framerange * multiplier_inv)):
                    interpolate_smoothed[frame] = list(out_array[frame])

                # plt.figure(3)
                smoothed = interpolate_smoothed
                # interpolate_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt)
                # pngName = 'gif_output/interpolate_{0}.png'.format(smooth_resamp)
                # interpolate_curves_plot.savefig(pngName)
                # logger.info('writing gif_output/interpolate_plot.png')

            iter_range = len(smoothed.keys())
            positions_3d = []
            for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):
                logger.info("calc frame {0}/{1}".format(frame, iter_range))
                # map list into np array
                joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36))
                joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)]
                for o in range(len(joints_array[0])):
                    #feed array with xy array
                    joints_array[0][o] = xy[o]
                _data = joints_array[0]
                # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format
                for i in range(len(order)):
                    for j in range(2):
                        # create encoder input
                        enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j]
                for j in range(2):
                    # Hip
                    enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2
                    # Neck/Nose
                    enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2
                    # Thorax
                    enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j]

                # set spine
                spine_x = enc_in[0][24]
                spine_y = enc_in[0][25]

                enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d]
                mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
                stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d]
                enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev)

                dp = 1.0
                dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48))
                dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)]
                _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False)
                all_poses_3d = []
                enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d)
                poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d)
                gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
                gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05)  # set the spacing between axes.
                all_poses_3d.append( poses3d )
                enc_in, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d] )
                subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1
                _max = 0
                _min = 10000

                for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(32):
                        tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1]
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp
                        if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max:
                            _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]
                        if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min:
                            _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2]

                for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(32):
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min
                        poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630)
                        poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y)

                # Plot 3d predictions
                ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d')
                ax.view_init(18, -70)
                if np.min(poses3d) < -1000 and frame != 0:
                    poses3d = before_pose

                p3d = poses3d
                viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71")

                pngName = 'png/pose_frame_{0}.png'.format(str(frame).zfill(12))
                if FLAGS.write_gif:
                before_pose = poses3d

            np.savez_compressed(file_to_save, positions_3d=positions_3d)

            if FLAGS.write_gif:
                if FLAGS.interpolation:
                    #take every frame on gif_fps * multiplier_inv
                    png_lib = np.array([png_lib[png_image] for png_image in range(0,len(png_lib), int(multiplier_inv)) ])
                logger.info("creating Gif png/animation_" + file_name + ".gif, please Wait!")
                imageio.mimsave("gif_output/animation_" + file_name + ".gif", png_lib, fps=FLAGS.gif_fps)
        # except:
        #     error_dirs.append(dir)

        with open('error_op_3d_dirs.txt', 'w') as f:
            for item in error_dirs:
                f.write("%s\n" % item)