예제 #1
from prescription import Prescription
from user import User
from preferences import Preferences
import sys

# Setup Variables
pref = Preferences()
running = False
threads = []

# Check if this is the first-run
if pref.get_preference("first_time", True):
    import sampledata

    # Set some default preferences
    pref.set_preference("first_time", False)
    pref.set_preference("database", "data/database.db")
    pref.set_preference("arduino_port", "COM3")
    pref.set_preference("notifications", False)

    # Create the database and fill it with some data

# Communication Thread
class communicationThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, threadID, name):
        self.threadID = threadID
        self.name = name