def MLP(M, labels, seed, split=0.8, hidden_layer_size_nb=50): """ linear ridge algorithm for input M and output labels Inputs: M : matrix m*n where each row is a different example and the columns are composed of the features labels : vector m*1 where each row is the correponding class of the row of M seed : random seed to do the split between test/validation/training split: number between 0 and 1. Split between training and testing set. Default : 0.8 Ouputs: roc_auc_rf_train: AUC score on the train set roc_auc_rf_val: AUC score on the validation set roc_auc_rf: AUC score on the test set """ M_float = preprocessing_dataset.preprocessing_nan_normalization(M_str) M_train_val, M_val, M_test, labels_train_val, labels_val, labels_test = preprocessing_dataset.split_train_val_test( M_float, seed, labels, nb_val=3, split=0.8) X_train = M_train_val Y_train = labels_train_val X_test = M_test Y_train = np.reshape(Y_train, (Y_train.shape[0], )) # Create our imputer to replace missing values with the mean e.g. imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=0) imp = # Impute our data, then train X_train_imp = imp.transform(X_train) # Impute each test item, then predict X_test_imp = imp.transform(X_test) X_val_imp = imp.transform(M_val) clf = MLPClassifier(solver='adam', alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=(hidden_layer_size_nb), random_state=1) clf =, Y_train) y_pred_proba_train = clf.predict_proba(X_train_imp)[:, 1] y_pred_proba_train = np.reshape(y_pred_proba_train, (y_pred_proba_train.shape[0], 1)) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(Y_train, y_pred_proba_train) roc_auc_train = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) y_pred_proba_val = clf.predict_proba(X_val_imp)[:, 1] y_pred_proba_val = np.reshape(y_pred_proba_val, (y_pred_proba_val.shape[0], 1)) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(labels_val, y_pred_proba_val) roc_auc_val = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) y_pred_proba = clf.predict_proba(X_test_imp)[:, 1] y_pred_proba = np.reshape(y_pred_proba, (y_pred_proba.shape[0], 1)) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(labels_test, y_pred_proba) roc_auc_test = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) print('MLP: train set: %0.5f, validation: %0.5f, test set: %0.5f' % (roc_auc_train, roc_auc_val, roc_auc_test)) return roc_auc_train, roc_auc_val, roc_auc_test
def svm(M, labels, seed, split=0.8): """ linear SVM algorithm for input M and output labels Inputs: M : matrix m*n where each row is a different example and the columns are composed of the features labels : vector m*1 where each row is the correponding class of the row of M seed : random seed to do the split between test/validation/training split: number between 0 and 1. Split between training and testing set. Default : 0.8 Ouputs: roc_auc_svm_train: AUC score on the train set roc_auc_svm_val: AUC score on the validation set roc_auc_svm: AUC score on the test set """ M_float = preprocessing_dataset.preprocessing_nan_normalization(M_str) M_train_val, M_val, M_test, labels_train_val, labels_val, labels_test = preprocessing_dataset.split_train_val_test( M_float, seed, labels, nb_val=3, split=0.8) X_train = M_train_val Y_train = labels_train_val X_test = M_test Y_train = np.reshape(Y_train, (Y_train.shape[0], )) # Create our imputer to replace missing values with the mean e.g. imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=0) imp = # Impute our data, then train X_train_imp = imp.transform(X_train) clf = SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True) clf =, Y_train) # Impute each test item, then predict X_test_imp = imp.transform(X_test) X_val_imp = imp.transform(M_val) y_pred = clf.predict_proba(X_train_imp)[:, 1] y_pred = np.reshape(y_pred, (y_pred.shape[0], 1)) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(Y_train, y_pred) roc_auc_svm_train = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) y_pred_val = clf.predict_proba(X_val_imp)[:, 1] y_pred_val = np.reshape(y_pred_val, (y_pred_val.shape[0], 1)) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(labels_val, y_pred_val) roc_auc_svm_val = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) y_pred_proba = clf.predict_proba(X_test_imp)[:, 1] y_pred_proba = np.reshape(y_pred_proba, (y_pred_proba.shape[0], 1)) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(labels_test, y_pred_proba) roc_auc_svm = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) print('linear SVM: train set: %0.5f, val set: %0.5f, test set: %0.5f' % (roc_auc_svm_train, roc_auc_svm_val, roc_auc_svm)) return roc_auc_svm_train, roc_auc_svm_val, roc_auc_svm
def linear_ridge(M, labels, seed, split=0.8): """ linear ridge algorithm for input M and output labels Inputs: M : matrix m*n where each row is a different example and the columns are composed of the features labels : vector m*1 where each row is the correponding class of the row of M seed : random seed to do the split between test/validation/training split: number between 0 and 1. Split between training and testing set. Default : 0.8 Ouputs: roc_auc_train: AUC score on the train set roc_auc_val: AUC score on the validation set roc_auc_test: AUC score on the test set """ M_float = preprocessing_dataset.preprocessing_nan_normalization(M_str) M_train_val, M_val, M_test, labels_train_val, labels_val, labels_test = preprocessing_dataset.split_train_val_test( M_float, seed, labels, nb_val=3, split=0.8) X_train = M_train_val Y_train = labels_train_val X_test = M_test Y_train = np.reshape(Y_train, (Y_train.shape[0], )) # Create our imputer to replace missing values with the mean e.g. imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=0) imp = # Impute our data, then train X_train_imp = imp.transform(X_train) clf = RidgeClassifier() clf =, Y_train) # Impute each test item, then predict X_test_imp = imp.transform(X_test) X_val_imp = imp.transform(M_val) # Compute the accuracy lin_acc = clf.score(X_test_imp, labels_test) # Compute the AUC pred_train = clf.decision_function(X_train_imp) pred = clf.decision_function(X_test_imp) pred_val = clf.decision_function(X_val_imp) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(Y_train, pred_train) roc_auc_train = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(labels_val, pred_val) roc_auc_val = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) fpr_svm, tpr_svm, thresholds_train = roc_curve(labels_test, pred) roc_auc_test = auc(fpr_svm, tpr_svm) print( 'linear ridge: train set: %0.5f, validation: %0.5f, test set: %0.5f' % (roc_auc_train, roc_auc_val, roc_auc_test)) return roc_auc_train, roc_auc_val, roc_auc_test
mask_age, _, _ = read_tadpole.load_csv_no_header(path_mask_X1) mask_sex, _, _ = read_tadpole.load_csv_no_header(path_mask_X2) mask_agesex, _, _ = read_tadpole.load_csv_no_header(path_mask_X3) mask_nosignificance, _, _ = read_tadpole.load_csv_no_header(path_mask_X4) A1, _, _ = read_tadpole.load_csv_no_header(path_dataset_affinity_matrix_age) A2, _, _ = read_tadpole.load_csv_no_header(path_dataset_affinity_matrix_sex) A3, _, _ = read_tadpole.load_csv_no_header(path_dataset_affinity_matrix_agesex) A_age = preprocessing_dataset.str_to_float(A1) A_sex = preprocessing_dataset.str_to_float(A2) A_sexage = preprocessing_dataset.str_to_float(A3) labels, _, _ = read_tadpole.load_csv_no_header(labels_path) labels = preprocessing_dataset.str_to_float(labels) M_float = preprocessing_dataset.preprocessing_nan_normalization(M_str) imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=0) imp = # Impute our data, then train M_float_imp = imp.transform(M_float) M = M_float_imp A_age = preprocessing_dataset.normalize_adj(A_age) A_sex = preprocessing_dataset.normalize_adj(A_sex) A_sexage = preprocessing_dataset.normalize_adj(A_sexage) mask_age = preprocessing_dataset.str_to_float(mask_age) mask_sex = preprocessing_dataset.str_to_float(mask_sex)