예제 #1
파일: badge.py 프로젝트: pwgbots/presto
def badge(request, **kwargs):
    # NOTE: a downloaded image is part the current page, meaning that the coding keys
    # should NOT be rotated; this is achieved by passing "NOT" as test code.
    context = generic_context(request, 'NOT')
        # check whether user can have student role
        if not (has_role(context, 'Student') or has_role(context, 'Instructor')):
            raise Exception('No access')

        # if a sample badge is asked for, render it in the requested color
        bc = kwargs.get('bc', '')
        if bc:
            # render a participant badge (image only, not certified)
            return render_sample_badge(int(bc))
        # otherwise, a hex-encoded badge ID is needed
        h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
        # verify that hex code is valid
        # NOTE: since keys have not been rotated, use the ENcoder here!
        bid = decode(h, context['user_session'].encoder)
        b = PrestoBadge.objects.get(pk=bid)
        # for speed, the reward gallery requests tiny images (80x80 px)
        if kwargs.get('tiny', ''):
            return render_tiny_badge_image(b)
        # if otherwise render the certified badge image
        return render_certified_badge(b)
    except Exception, e:
        log_message('ERROR while rendering badge: %s' % str(e), context['user'])
        with open(os.path.join(settings.IMAGE_DIR, 'not-found.png'), "rb") as f:
            return HttpResponse(f.read(), content_type="image/png")
예제 #2
def picture_queue(request, **kwargs):
    h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
    act = kwargs.get('action', '')
    # check whether user can view this course
        if act in ['delete', 'get']:
            # NOTE: when getting a picture, the coding keys should NOT be rotated
            context = generic_context(request, 'NOT')
            # and the day code should be used to decode the hexed queue picture ID
            qpid = decode(h, day_code(PQ_DAY_CODE))
            qp = QueuePicture.objects.get(pk=qpid)
            c = qp.course
            # the hex code should be a course ID, and key rotation should proceed as usual
            context = generic_context(request, h)
            cid = decode(h, context['user_session'].decoder)
            c = Course.objects.get(pk=cid)
        # always ensure that the user is instructor in the course
        if not (c.manager == context['user'] or c.instructors.filter(id=context['user'].id)):
            log_message('ACCESS DENIED: Invalid course parameter', context['user'])
            return render(request, 'presto/forbidden.html', context)
    except Exception, e:
        report_error(context, e)
        return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
예제 #3
파일: developer.py 프로젝트: pwgbots/presto
def developer(request, **kwargs):
    context = generic_context(request)
    # check whether user can have developer role
    if not change_role(context, 'Developer'):
        return render(request, 'presto/forbidden.html', context)

    # check whether a template must be deleted
    if kwargs.get('action', '') == 'delete-template':
            h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
            context = generic_context(request, h)
            etid = decode(h, context['user_session'].decoder)
            et = EstafetteTemplate.objects.get(pk=etid)
            log_message('Deleting template %s' % et.name, context['user'])
        except Exception, e:
            report_error(request, context, e)
            return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
예제 #4
def estafette_view(request, **kwargs):
    h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
    context = generic_context(request, h)
    # check whether user can have instructor role
    if not change_role(context, 'Instructor'):
        return render(request, 'presto/forbidden.html', context)

    # check whether estafette case must be deleted
    if kwargs.get('action', '') == 'delete-case':
            ecid = decode(h, context['user_session'].decoder)
            ec = EstafetteCase.objects.get(pk=ecid)
            # remember the estafette that is being edited
            e = ec.estafette
        except Exception, e:
            report_error(context, e)
            return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
예제 #5
def course(request, **kwargs):
    h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
    act = kwargs.get('action', '')
    context = generic_context(request, h)
    # check whether user can view this course
        cid = decode(h, context['user_session'].decoder)
        if act == 'delete-relay':
            # in this case, the course relay ID is passed as hex
            ce = CourseEstafette.objects.get(pk=cid)
            c = ce.course
            # otherwise the course ID
            c = Course.objects.get(pk=cid)
        # ensure that user is instructor in the course
        if not (c.manager == context['user']
                or c.instructors.filter(id=context['user'].id)):
            log_message('ACCESS DENIED: Invalid course parameter',
            return render(request, 'presto/forbidden.html', context)
    except Exception, e:
        report_error(context, e)
        return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
예제 #6
def history_view(request, **kwargs):
    h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
    context = generic_context(request, h)
    # check whether user can have student role
    if not change_role(context, 'Student'):
        return render(request, 'presto/forbidden.html', context)
    # check whether user is enrolled in any courses
    cl = Course.objects.filter(coursestudent__user=context['user']
    # add this list in readable form to the context (showing multiple enrollments)
    context['course_list'] = ',   '.join(
        [c.title() + (' <span style="font-weight: 800; color: red">%d&times;</span>' %
            c.count if c.count > 1 else '') for c in cl

    # student (but also instructor in that role) may be enrolled in several courses
    # NOTE: "dummy" students are included, but not the "instructor" students
    csl = CourseStudent.objects.filter(user=context['user'], dummy_index__gt=-1)

    # get the estafettes for all the student's courses (even if they are not active)
    cel = CourseEstafette.objects.filter(
        is_deleted=False, is_hidden=False, course__in=[cs.course.id for cs in csl])
    # add this list in readable form to the context
    context['estafette_list'] = ',&nbsp;&nbsp; '.join([ce.title() for ce in cel])

    # get the set of all the course student's current participations
    pl = Participant.objects.filter(estafette__is_deleted=False,
        estafette__is_hidden=False, student__in=[cs.id for cs in csl]
    # if user is a "focused" dummy user, retain only this course user's participations
    if context.has_key('alias'):
        pl = pl.filter(student=context['csid'])

    # if h is not set, show the list of participations as a menu
    if h == '':
        # start with an empty list (0 participations)
        context['participations'] = []
        # for each participation, create a context entry with properties to be displayed
        for p in pl:
            lang = p.estafette.course.language  # estafettes "speak" the language of their course
            steps = p.estafette.estafette.template.nr_of_legs()
            part = {'object': p,
                    'lang': lang,
                    'start': lang.ftime(p.estafette.start_time),
                    'end': lang.ftime(p.estafette.end_time),
                    'next_deadline': p.estafette.next_deadline(),
                    'steps': steps,
                    'hex': encode(p.id, context['user_session'].encoder),
                    'progress': '%d/%d' % (p.submitted_steps(), steps),
        # and show the list as a menu
        context['page_title'] = 'Presto History' 
        return render(request, 'presto/history_view.html', context)

    # if we get here, h is set, which means that a specific estafette has been selected
        # first validate the hex code
        pid = decode(h, context['user_session'].decoder)
        p = Participant.objects.get(pk=pid)
        context['object'] = p
        # encode again, because used to get progress chart
        context['hex'] = encode(p.id, context['user_session'].encoder)
        # add progress bar data
        context['things_to_do'] = p.things_to_do()
        # do not add participant name popups
        context['identify'] = False
        # add context fields to be displayed when rendering the template
        set_history_properties(context, p)
        # show the full estafette history using the standard page template
        context['page_title'] = 'Presto History' 
        return render(request, 'presto/estafette_history.html', context)        
    except Exception, e:
        report_error(context, e)
        return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
예제 #7
파일: progress.py 프로젝트: pwgbots/presto
def progress(request, **kwargs):
    # NOTE: a downloaded image is part the current page, meaning that the coding keys
    # should NOT be rotated; this is achieved by passing "NOT" as test code.
    context = generic_context(request, 'NOT')
        # check whether user can have student role
        if not (has_role(context, 'Student')
                or has_role(context, 'Instructor')):
            raise Exception('No access')
        h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
        # verify that hex code is valid
        # NOTE: since keys have not been rotated, use the ENcoder here!
        oid = decode(h, context['user_session'].encoder)
        # check whether oid indeed refers to an existing participant or course estafette
        p_or_ce = kwargs.get('p_or_ce', '')
        if p_or_ce == 'p':
            p = Participant.objects.get(pk=oid)
            ce = p.estafette
            p = None
            ce = CourseEstafette.objects.get(pk=oid)

        # get the basic bar chart
        img = update_progress_chart(ce)

        # if image requested by a participant, add orange markers for his/her uploads
        if p:
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
            # get a font (merely to draw nicely anti-aliased circular outlines)
            fnt = ImageFont.truetype(
                os.path.join(settings.FONT_DIR, 'segoeui.ttf'), 25)
            # calculate how many seconds of estafette time is represented by one bar
            time_step = int(
                (ce.end_time - ce.start_time).total_seconds() / BAR_CNT) + 1
            # get the number of registered participants (basis for 100%)
            p_count = Participant.objects.filter(estafette=ce).count()
            # get leg number and upload time all uploaded assignments for this participant
            a_list = Assignment.objects.filter(participant=p).filter(
            for a in a_list:
                # get the number of assignments submitted earlier
                cnt = Assignment.objects.filter(
                bar = int(
                    (a['time_uploaded'] - ce.start_time).total_seconds() /
                perc = round(250 * cnt / p_count)
                x = V_AXIS_X + bar * BAR_WIDTH
                y = H_AXIS_Y - perc - 5
                # mark uploads with orange & white outline (10 pixels diameter)
                draw.ellipse([x, y, x + 10, y + 10],
                             fill=(236, 127, 44, 255),
                # draw white letter o to produce neat circular outline
                draw.text((x - 1.5, y - 14.5),
                          fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
            # get nr and submission time for this participant's final reviews
            nr_of_steps = ce.estafette.template.nr_of_legs()
            r_set = PeerReview.objects.filter(reviewer=p).filter(
            r_index = 0
            for r in r_set:
                r_index += 1
                # get the number of final reviews submitted earlier
                cnt = PeerReview.objects.filter(reviewer__estafette=ce).filter(
                                'reviewer__id', 'time_submitted').order_by(
                                    'reviewer__id', 'time_submitted').annotate(
                bar = int(
                    (r['time_submitted'] - ce.start_time).total_seconds() /
                perc = round(250 * cnt / p_count)
                x = V_AXIS_X + bar * BAR_WIDTH
                y = H_AXIS_Y - perc - 5
                # mark final reviews with orange
                draw.ellipse([x, y, x + 10, y + 10],
                             fill=(236, 127, 44, 255),
                # draw black letter o to produce neat circular outline
                draw.text((x - 1.5, y - 14.5),
                          fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))
        # output image to browser (do NOT save it as a file)
        response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png')
        img.save(response, 'PNG')
        return response

    except Exception, e:
        log_message('ERROR while generating progress chart: %s' % str(e),
        with open(os.path.join(settings.IMAGE_DIR, 'not-found.png'),
                  "rb") as f:
            return HttpResponse(f.read(), content_type="image/png")
예제 #8
def ack_letter(request, **kwargs):
    # NOTE: downloading a file opens a NEW browser tab/window, meaning that
    # the coding keys should NOT be rotated; this is achieved by passing "NOT" as test code.
    context = generic_context(request, 'NOT')
    # check whether user can have student role
    if not has_role(context, 'Student'):
        return render(request, 'presto/forbidden.html', context)
        h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
        # verify that letter exists
        # NOTE: since keys have not been rotated, use the ENcoder here!
        lid = decode(h, context['user_session'].encoder)
        # get letter properties
        loa = LetterOfAcknowledgement.objects.get(id=lid)
        # update fields, but do not save yet because errors may still prevent effective rendering
        loa.time_last_rendered = timezone.now()
        loa.rendering_count += 1
        # get the dict with relevant LoA properties in user-readable form
        rd = loa.as_dict()
        # create letter as PDF
        pdf = MyFPDF()
        pdf.add_font('DejaVu', '', DEJAVU_FONT, uni=True)
        pdf.add_font('DejaVu', 'I', DEJAVU_OBLIQUE_FONT, uni=True)
        pdf.add_font('DejaVu', 'B', DEJAVU_BOLD_FONT, uni=True)
        pdf.add_font('DejaVu', 'BI', DEJAVU_BOLD_OBLIQUE_FONT, uni=True)
        # see whether course has a description; if so, make a reference to page 2 and
        # and prepare the text for this page 2
        if rd['CD']:
            see_page_2 = ' described on page 2'
            see_page_2 = ''
        # NOTE: if the RID entry (= the referee ID) equals zero, the letter is a participant LoA!
        if rd['RID'] == 0:
            pdf.letter_head(rd['AC'], rd['DI'],
                            'Acknowledgement of Project Relay completion')
            # add the participant acknowledgement text to the letter
            text = ''.join([
                'To whom it may concern,\n\n',
                'With this letter, DelftX, an on-line learning initiative of Delft University of',
                ' Technology through edX, congratulates ', rd['FN'],
                '* for having completed', ' the project relay ', rd['PR'],
                ' offered as part of the online course ', rd['CN'], see_page_2,
                'A project relay comprises a series of steps: assignments that follow on from',
                ' each other. In each step, participants must first peer review, appraise, and',
                ' then build on the preceding step submitted by another participant.\n\n',
                'The project relay ', rd['PR'], ' comprised ', rd['SL'],
                ', where each step posed an intellectual challenge that will have required',
                ' several hours of work. DelftX appreciates in particular the contribution that',
                ' participants make to the learning of other participants by giving feedback',
                ' on their work.\n\n\n', rd['SN'], '\n', rd['SP']
            pdf.letter_head(rd['AC'], rd['DI'],
                            'Project Relay Referee Letter of Acknowledgement')
            # adapt some text fragments to attribute values
            cases = plural_s(rd['ACC'], 'appeal case')
            hours = plural_s(rd['XH'], 'hour')
            # average appreciation is scaled between -1 and 1
            if rd['AA'] > 0:
                appr = ' The participants involved in the appeal were appreciative of the arbitration.'
            elif rd['AA'] < -0.5:
                appr = ' Regrettably, the participants involved in the appeal were generally not appreciative of the arbitration.'
                appr = ''
            if rd['DFC'] == rd['DLC']:
                period = 'On ' + rd['DLC']
                period = 'In the period between %s and %s' % (rd['DFC'],
            # add the referee acknowledgement text to the letter
            text = ''.join([
                'To whom it may concern,\n\n',
                'With this letter, DelftX, an on-line learning initiative of Delft University of Technology',
                ' through edX, wishes to express its gratitude for the additional efforts made by ',
                rd['FN'], '* while participating in the project relay ',
                rd['PR'], ' offered as part of the online course ', rd['CN'],
                see_page_2, '.\n\n',
                'A project relay comprises a series of steps: assignments that follow on from each other. ',
                'In each step, participants must first peer review, appraise, and then build on the ',
                'preceding step submitted by another participant. Participant ',
                ' has not only completed the course, but also passed the referee test for ',
                rd['SL'], ' of the ', rd['PR'],
                ' project relay. This implies having a better command of the subject',
                ' taught than regular participants.\n\n',
                'Referees arbitrate appeal cases, i.e., situations where the reviewed participant ',
                'disagrees with the reviewer\'s critique and/or appraisal. ',
                period, ', participant ', rd['FN'], ' has arbitrated on ',
                cases, '. This corresponds to approximately ', hours,
                ' of work.', appr,
                '\n\nThe role of referee is indispensable to run project ',
                'relays on a large scale. DelftX therefore greatly values participants volunteering to ',
                'act as such, since it requires significant effort on top of the regular assignments.\n\n\n',
                rd['SN'], '\n', rd['SP']
        # add footnote with disclaimer
        if see_page_2:
        # set document properties
        if rd['RID'] == 0:
            task = 'completing a project relay'
            task = 'work as project relay referee'
        pdf.set_properties(rd['AC'], task, rd['FN'], rd['RC'], rd['TLR'])
        # output to temporary file
        temp_file = mkstemp()[1]
        pdf.output(temp_file, 'F')
        log_message('Rendering acknowledgement letter for %s' % rd['PR'],
        # push the PDF as attachment to the browser
        w = FileWrapper(file(temp_file, 'rb'))
        response = HttpResponse(w, content_type='application/pdf')
            'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="presto-LoA.pdf"'
        # now we can assume that the PDF will appear, so the updated letter data can be saved
        return response
    except Exception, e:
        report_error(context, e)
        return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
예제 #9
파일: ajax.py 프로젝트: pwgbots/presto
         loa = LetterOfAcknowledgement.objects.filter(authentication_code=c)
         # if so, return the validation plus the LoA properties
         if loa:
             jd['r'] = 'VALID'
             loa = loa.first()
             loa.verification_count += 1
             loa.time_last_verified = timezone.now()
     # log all attempts
     if jd['r'] == 'VALID':
         log_message('LoA authenticated for %s' % jd['FN'])
         log_message('LoA authentication failed: no match for code "%s"' % c)
 elif a == 'enroll':
     cid = decode(request.POST.get('h', ''), user_session.encoder)
     c = Course.objects.get(pk=cid)
     cs = CourseStudent(course=c, user=presto_user,
         time_enrolled=timezone.now(), last_action=timezone.now())
     log_message('AJAX: Enrolled in course ' + unicode(c), presto_user)
 elif a == 'save assignment item':
     aid = decode(request.POST.get('h', ''), user_session.encoder)
     ua = Assignment.objects.get(pk=aid)
     i = ua.leg.upload_items.get(number=request.POST.get('i', ''))
     ia, created = ItemAssignment.objects.get_or_create(assignment=ua, item=i)
     ia.rating = request.POST.get('r', '')
     ia.comment = request.POST.get('c', '')
     log_message('Assignment item saved: ' + unicode(ia), presto_user)
     # calculate minutes since the assignment was assigned
예제 #10
                # and then delete the course relay itself
                # otherwise, only set the "is deleted" property so that it will no longer show
                ce.is_deleted = True
            warn_user(context, 'Failed to delete course relay',
                      'Please report this error to the Presto administrator.')

    # otherwise process form input (if any)
    elif len(request.POST) > 0:
            eid = decode(request.POST.get('relay', ''),
            qid = decode(request.POST.get('questionnaire', ''),
            ce = CourseEstafette(
                suffix=request.POST.get('suffix', ''),
                start_time=datetime.strptime(request.POST.get('starts', ''),
                                             '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
                deadline=datetime.strptime(request.POST.get('deadline', ''),
                                           '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
                    request.POST.get('revsdue', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
                end_time=datetime.strptime(request.POST.get('ends', ''),
                                           '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
예제 #11
def download(request, **kwargs):
    # NOTE: downloading a file opens a NEW browser tab/window, meaning that
    # the coding keys should NOT be rotated; this is achieved by passing "NOT" as test code.
    context = generic_context(request, 'NOT')
    # check whether user can have student or instructor role
    is_instructor = has_role(context, 'Instructor')
    if not (has_role(context, 'Student') or is_instructor):
        return render(request, 'presto/forbidden.html', context)
        h = kwargs.get('hex', '')
        # verify hex key
        # NOTE: since keys have not been rotated, use the ENcoder here!
        aid = decode(h, context['user_session'].encoder)
        file_name = kwargs.get('file_name', '')
        # file_name = 'case' indicates a download request for a case attachment
        if file_name == 'case':
            ec = EstafetteCase.objects.get(pk=aid)
            if ec.upload == None:
                raise ValueError('No attachment file for this case')
            f = ec.upload.upload_file
            ext = os.path.splitext(f.name)[1]
            w = FileWrapper(file(f.path, 'rb'))
            response = HttpResponse(w, 'application/octet-stream')
            response['Content-Disposition'] = (
                'attachment; filename="attachment-case-%s%s"' %
                (ec.letter, ext))
            return response

        # no case attachment? then the download request must concern an assignment
        work = kwargs.get('work', '')
        dwnldr = kwargs.get('dwnldr', '')
        # verify that download is for an existing assignment
        log_message('Looking for assignment #%d' % aid, context['user'])
        a = Assignment.objects.get(pk=aid)

        # get the list of participant uploads for this assignment (or its clone original)
        # and also the full path to the upload directory
        if a.clone_of:
            original = a.clone_of
            # in case a clone was cloned, keep looking until the "true" original has been found
            while original.clone_of:
                original = original.clone_of
            pul = ParticipantUpload.objects.filter(assignment=original)
            upl_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
            pul = ParticipantUpload.objects.filter(assignment=a)
            upl_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
        log_message('Upload dir = ' + upl_dir, context['user'])
        # create an empty temporary dir to hold copies of uploaded files
        temp_dir = os.path.join(upl_dir, 'temp')
        log_message('TEMP dir: ' + temp_dir, context['user'])
        if file_name == 'all-zipped':
            pr_work = 'pr-step%d%s' % (a.leg.number, a.case.letter)
            zip_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, pr_work)
            # copy the upladed files to the temporary dir ...
            for pu in pul:
                real_name = os.path.join(upl_dir,
                # ... under their formal name, not their actual
                ext = os.path.splitext(pu.upload_file.name)[1].lower()
                formal_name = os_path(
                    os.path.join(zip_dir, pu.file_name) + ext)
                if is_instructor:
                        'Copying %s "as is" to ZIP as %s' %
                        (real_name, formal_name), context['user'])
                    # NOTE: for instructors, do NOT anonymize the document
                    copy2(real_name, formal_name)
                        'Copy-cleaning %s to ZIP as %s' %
                        (real_name, formal_name), context['user'])
                    # strip author data from file and write it to the "work" dir
                    clear_metadata(real_name, formal_name)
            # compress the files into a single zip file
            zip_file = make_archive(zip_dir, 'zip', temp_dir, pr_work)
            response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(file(zip_file, 'rb')),
            response['Content-Disposition'] = (
                'attachment; filename="%s.zip"' % pr_work)
            # always record download in database
            # only change time_first_download if it concerns a predecessor's work!
            if work == 'pre' and a.time_first_download == DEFAULT_DATE:
                a.time_first_download = timezone.now()
            a.time_last_download = timezone.now()
            return response
            # check whether file name is on "required files" list
            fl = a.leg.file_list()
            rf = False
            for f in fl:
                if f['name'] == file_name:
                    rf = f
            if not rf:
                raise ValueError('Unknown file name: %s' % file_name)
            # find the corresponding upload
            pul = pul.filter(file_name=rf['name'])
            if not pul:
                raise ValueError('File "%s" not found' % rf['name'])
            pu = pul.first()
            # the real file name should not be known to the user
            real_name = os.path.join(upl_dir,
            ext = os.path.splitext(pu.upload_file.name)[1]
            # the formal name is the requested file field plus the document's extension
            formal_name = os_path(os.path.join(temp_dir, pu.file_name) + ext)
            if is_instructor:
                    'Copying %s "as is" to ZIP as %s' %
                    (real_name, formal_name), context['user'])
                # NOTE: for instructors, do NOT anonymize the document
                copy2(real_name, formal_name)
                # strip author data from the file
                    'Copy-cleaning %s to %s' % (real_name, formal_name),
                clear_metadata(real_name, formal_name)
            mime = {
            w = FileWrapper(file(settings.LEADING_SLASH + formal_name, 'rb'))
            response = HttpResponse(w, content_type=mime[ext])
            response['Content-Disposition'] = (
                'attachment; filename="%s-%d%s%s"' %
                (file_name, a.leg.number, a.case.letter, ext))
            # always record download in database
            # only change time_first_download if it concerns a predecessor's work!
            if work == 'pre' and a.time_first_download == DEFAULT_DATE:
                a.time_first_download = timezone.now()
            a.time_last_download = timezone.now()
            # if work is downloaded for the first time by a referee, this should be registered
            if dwnldr == 'ref':
                ap = Appeal.objects.filter(review__assignment=a).first()
                if not ap:
                    raise ValueError('Appeal not found')
                if ap.time_first_viewed == DEFAULT_DATE:
                    ap.time_first_viewed = timezone.now()
                    log_message('First view by referee: ' + unicode(ap),
            return response

    except Exception, e:
        report_error(context, e)
        return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
예제 #12
    # check whether estafette case must be deleted
    if kwargs.get('action', '') == 'delete-case':
            ecid = decode(h, context['user_session'].decoder)
            ec = EstafetteCase.objects.get(pk=ecid)
            # remember the estafette that is being edited
            e = ec.estafette
        except Exception, e:
            report_error(context, e)
            return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
        # if no deletion, the selected estafette is passed as hex code
            eid = decode(h, context['user_session'].decoder)
            e = Estafette.objects.get(pk=eid)
        except Exception, e:
            report_error(context, e)
            return render(request, 'presto/error.html', context)
        # check whether a new case is to be added
        if kwargs.get('action', '') == 'add-case':
            ec_list = EstafetteCase.objects.filter(estafette=e)
            # find first unused letter in the alfabet
                if not ec_list.filter(letter=l):
            ec = EstafetteCase.objects.create(estafette=e,
                                              name='New case (%s)' % l,