def get_over_time_list(trace_name, minio_get, app_id=None): print("in get over time list") '''filename = './graph data/' + trace_name + '_time.npz' if os.path.exists(filename): pretty.success("file already downloaded to disk") data_time = np.load(('./graph data/' + trace_name + '_time.npz'), allow_pickle = True) data_time = data_time['arr_0'] data_time = data_time[()] over_time = normalize_real_time(data_time) return over_time''' trace = storage.find_trace(trace_name) print(trace_name) print(trace) if trace == None: print(trace_name, "could not be found in mongodb") return False else: trace_id = trace.get("_id") trace_uniques = trace.get("unique") pretty.utility("Mongo contacted.. retrieving over time array for " + trace_name) #print(trace_name + "===========================") #print(trace_id, " received id for", trace_name) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.npz') #real time minio_id_time = str(trace_id) + '-time' #res = minio_get.retrieve( ('./graph data/' + trace_name + '_time.npz'), minio_id_time) res = minio_get.retrieve(, minio_id_time) #due to how npz files are compressed, the data must be accessed with a key even if there is only 1 thing in the uncompressed npz file #since there is only 1 thing and no name is specified the first thing will always have the name 'arr_0' #similarly, the data_time[()] argument is to deal with the 0 dimensional array that is returned. if res: #data_time = np.load(('./graph data/' + trace_name + '_time.npz'), allow_pickle = True) data_time = np.load(, allow_pickle=True) data_time = data_time['arr_0'] data_time = data_time[()] over_time = normalize_real_time(data_time) pretty.success("Mongo retrieval successful") return over_time else: sg.sf_singleTraceGen(trace_name, app_id, minio_only=True) #result = minio_get.retrieve( ('./graph data/' + trace_name + '_time.npz'), minio_id_time) result = minio_get.retrieve(, minio_id_time) if result: data_time = np.load(, allow_pickle=True) data_time = data_time['arr_0'] data_time = data_time[()] over_time = normalize_real_time(data_time) pretty.success("Mongo retrieval successful") return over_time else: return False
def s_to_database(trace, num_req, num_unique, num_reuse, num_writes, num_requests, req, histogram, reuse_distance, time_stamp, minio_only): pretty.utility("~~~~SENDING " + trace + " TO MONGO DB~~~~~~") #print("IN S TO DATABASE METHOD") #requestFrequencyOutput = trace + "_REQUEST_FREQ" requestsOutput = "./graph data/" + trace + '_rq' histogramOutput = "./graph data/" + trace + '_histogram' reuseOutput = "./graph data/" + trace + '_reuse' timeStampOutput = "./graph data/" + trace + '_time' #np.savez_compressed(requestFrequencyOutput, histogram) np.savez_compressed(requestsOutput, req) np.savez_compressed(histogramOutput, histogram) np.savez_compressed(reuseOutput, reuse_distance) np.savez_compressed(timeStampOutput, time_stamp) # np.savez_compressed(trace, req, regFreq, misses, hitPerc, ios, polOT, missRate) # ------ db storage ------- if not minio_only: storage.store_workload(trace, num_req, num_unique, num_reuse, num_writes, num_requests) mongo_trace_id = str(storage.find_id(trace)) if mongo_trace_id: #Request frenquency ID for minio #rqfId = mongo_trace_id + '-rqf' #Request ID for minio rqId = mongo_trace_id + '-rq' #histogram ID for minio hId = mongo_trace_id + '-histogram' #reuse distance ID for minio reuId = mongo_trace_id + '-reuse' #time stamp ID for minio timeId = mongo_trace_id + '-time' #print("in single trace gen ", rqfId, ' ', rqId) pretty.utility("trace being inserted to minio " + trace) #loaded = np.load(outputString +'.npz') '''insert both sets of output as seperate npz files''' # it is important to note that these compressed files are written to the computer and then sent to Minio # currently unsure how to have these compressed objects be variables in memory toMinio = Minio_Module.Minio_Module() #toMinio.insert(requestFrequencyOutput +'.npz', rqfId) toMinio.insert(requestsOutput + '.npz', rqId) toMinio.insert(histogramOutput + '.npz', hId) toMinio.insert(reuseOutput + '.npz', reuId) toMinio.insert(timeStampOutput + '.npz', timeId) return mongo_trace_id
def store_flag(flag, param_list): plots = db.plots_tracked plots_obj = plots.find_one({'flag': flag}) if plots_obj == None: pretty.utility("plot not found, adding to mongo") plot_data = {} plot_data['flag'] = flag plot_data['params'] = param_list plots.insert_one(plot_data) else: pretty.success(flag, param_list, "already present")
def printMongoResults(trace_name): pretty.utility("retrieving previous results from MongoDB...") trace_result = storage.find_trace(trace_name) if trace_result != False: print("trace name: ", trace_result['trace name']) print("requests: ", trace_result['requests']) print("unique: ", trace_result['unique']) print("reuses: ", trace_result['reuses']) print("writes: ", trace_result['writes']) print("time: ", trace_result['time']) else: print(trace_name, "not found")
def mongo_get_alg_run_plot_data(config, plot, trace_name, algorithm, cache_size, minio_get, app_id=None): minio_get = Minio_Module.Minio_Module() graph = sv.StatVis() print('in mongo get plot data') if app_id != None: conduit.current_status[app_id] = "checking if data has been run..." '''if os.path.exists(filename): pretty.success("file already downloaded to disk") if app_id != None: conduit.current_status[app_id] = "File already processed and ready, rendering..." return filename''' previously_run = storage.find_trace_run_id(trace_name, algorithm, cache_size) print(previously_run, "previously run?") if previously_run == False: conduit.current_status[ app_id] = "data has not been run before... processing" pretty.utility( "trace run request: " + trace_name + algorithm + str(cache_size) + " was not found in the database... inserting into database") if app_id != None: conduit.current_status[ app_id] = "trace run request: " + trace_name + " " + algorithm + " " + str( cache_size ) + " was not found in the database... processing and inserting into database" confirmed = sg.getAlgStats(algorithm, cache_size, config, trace_name, app_id) if confirmed: out_file = request_alg_run_plot_data(trace_name, algorithm, cache_size, plot, minio_get) return out_file else: pretty.failure("upload to database failed") return False else: conduit.current_status[ app_id] = "data has been run before... retrieving data" out_file = request_alg_run_plot_data(trace_name, algorithm, cache_size, plot, minio_get) return out_file
def retrieve(self, file, id): pretty.utility("Minio contacted >>>") try: self.s3.Bucket('visual-data').download_file( id, file) #attemps to download except ClientError: pretty.failure("File does not exist") #message if file error return False except EndpointConnectionError: pretty.failure( "Connection was not established") #message if connection error return False pretty.success("Minio retrieval successful <<< ") return True
def mongo_new_paths(config): pretty.utility("CONTACTING MONGODB... CHECKING FOR NEW PATHS") newTraces = [] for traces in config['traces']: for trace_name in sg.generateTraceNames(traces): mongo_trace = storage.find_trace(trace_name) if mongo_trace == False: newTraces.append(trace_name) else: pretty.success("Trace: " + mongo_trace["trace name"]) pretty.success("Total number of requests: " + str(mongo_trace['requests'])) pretty.success("Total number of unique requests: " + str(mongo_trace['unique'])) pretty.success("Total number of reuses: " + str(mongo_trace['reuses'])) pretty.success("Total number of writes: " + str(mongo_trace['writes'])) pretty.success("Total time: " + str(mongo_trace['time'])) pretty.success('\n') return newTraces
def workload_confirmed(traceName, request=None, requestFrequency=None, reuseDistance=None, time=None): pretty.utility("CONFIRMING THAT" + traceName + "DATA WAS UPLOADED TO MINIO") traces = db.workload if request != None: pretty.success("REQUEST ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") traces.update_one( {'trace name': traceName}, {'$set': { 'requests uploaded to minio': }}) if requestFrequency != None: pretty.success("REQUEST FREQUENCY ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") traces.update_one( {'trace name': traceName}, {'$set': { 'request frequency uploaded to minio': }}) if reuseDistance != None: pretty.success("REUSE DISTANCE ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") traces.update_one( {'trace name': traceName}, {'$set': { 'reuse distance uploaded to minio': }}) if time != None: pretty.success("REAL TIME ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") traces.update_one( {'trace name': traceName}, {'$set': { 'REAL TIME uploaded to minio': }})
def trace_run_confirmed(traceId, hit_rate=None, miss_rate=None, pollution=None, dlirs=None, lecar=None, arc=None, cacheus=None): #print("IN TRACE RUN CONFIRM METHOD") alg_stats = db.trace_runs pretty.utility("CONFIRMING THAT ALGORITHM DATA WAS UPLOADED TO MINIO") print(traceId) if hit_rate != None: pretty.success("HIT RATE ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") alg_stats.update_one( {'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, {'$set': { 'hit rate array uploaded to minio': }}) if miss_rate != None: pretty.success("MISS RATE ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") alg_stats.update_one( {'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, {'$set': { 'miss rate array uploaded to minio': }}) if pollution != None: pretty.success("POLLUTION ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") alg_stats.update_one( {'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, {'$set': { 'pollution array uploaded to minio': }}) if dlirs != None: pretty.success("DLIRS STACK ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") alg_stats.update_one( {'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, {'$set': { 'dlirs stack array uploaded to minio': }}) if lecar != None: pretty.success("LECAR LRU SIZE ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") alg_stats.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, { '$set': { 'lecar lru size array uploaded to minio': } }) if arc != None: pretty.success("ARC P VALUE ARRAY CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO") alg_stats.update_one( {'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, {'$set': { 'arc p size array uploaded to minio': }}) if cacheus != None: pretty.success( "CACHEUS LEARNING RATE, LRU VALUE AND Q VALUE CONFIRMED UPLOADED TO MINIO" ) alg_stats.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, { '$set': { 'cacheus learning rate array uploaded to minio': } }) alg_stats.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, { '$set': { 'cacheus lru size array uploaded to minio': } }) alg_stats.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(traceId)}, { '$set': { 'cacheus q value array uploaded to minio': } })
def as_minio_confirm(traceId, traceName, algname, cache_size): fullTraceName = traceName + " " + algname + " " + str(cache_size) toMinio = Minio_Module.Minio_Module() pretty.utility("CONFIRMING IF ARRAYS FOR " + fullTraceName + " WERE UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY") hit_rate_id = traceId + '-hit_rate' miss_rate_id = traceId + '-miss_rate' pollution_id = traceId + '-pollution' if algname.lower() == 'dlirs': dlirs_stack_id = traceId + '-dlirs_stack' if toMinio.exist(dlirs_stack_id): storage.trace_run_confirmed(traceId, dlirs=1) else: return False if algname.lower() == 'lecar': lecar_lru_id = traceId + '-lecar_lru' if toMinio.exist(lecar_lru_id): storage.trace_run_confirmed(traceId, lecar=1) else: return False if algname.lower() == 'arc': arc_p_id = traceId + '-arc_p' if toMinio.exist(arc_p_id): storage.trace_run_confirmed(traceId, arc=1) else: return False if algname.lower() == 'cacheus': cacheus_learning_rate_id = traceId + '-cacheus_learning_rate' cacheus_lru_id = traceId + '-cacheus_lru' cacheus_q_id = traceId + '-cacheus_q' if toMinio.exist(cacheus_learning_rate_id) and toMinio.exist( cacheus_lru_id) and toMinio.exist(cacheus_q_id): storage.trace_run_confirmed(traceId, cacheus=1) else: return False if toMinio.exist(hit_rate_id): storage.trace_run_confirmed(traceId, hit_rate=1) else: pretty.failure("Hit rate array for " + fullTraceName + "to minio failed") return False if toMinio.exist(hit_rate_id): storage.trace_run_confirmed(traceId, miss_rate=1) else: pretty.failure("Miss rate array for " + fullTraceName + "to minio failed") return False if toMinio.exist(hit_rate_id): storage.trace_run_confirmed(traceId, pollution=1) else: pretty.failure("Pollution rate array for " + fullTraceName + "to minio failed") return False pretty.success( "==============================" + fullTraceName + " succesfully uploaded ==========================================") return True
def as_to_Database(trace, algname, cache_size, ios, hits, hit_rate, misses, pollution, f_eviction_rate, f_eviction_total, hit_ot, miss_ot, pol_ot, minio_only, dlirs_HIR_s=None, lecar_lru=None, arc_p=None, cacheus_learning_rate=None, cacheus_lru=None, cacheus_q=None): #print("*************************************AS TO DATABASE**********************************") currentTrace = trace + "_" + algname + "_" + str(cache_size) hitrate_over_time_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + '-hit_rate' missrate_over_time_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + '-miss_rate' pollutionrate_over_time_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + '-pollution' toMinio = Minio_Module.Minio_Module() np.savez_compressed(hitrate_over_time_output, hit_ot) np.savez_compressed(missrate_over_time_output, miss_ot) np.savez_compressed(pollutionrate_over_time_output, pol_ot) #find a collection that has current trace name, algorithm and cache size and return its ID #use this ID for minio uploads ###new algorithm outputs### #these are contingent on what algorithm is being run as each algorithm has different data that is important to track '''lecar_lru_output = currentTrace + "_LECAR_LRU_OVER_TIME" arc_p_output = currentTrace + "_ARC_P_OVER_TIME" cacheus_learning_rate_output = currentTrace + "_CACHEUS_LEARNING_RATE_OVER_TIME" cacheus_lru_output = currentTrace + "_CACHEUS_LRU_OVER_TIME" cacheus_q_output = currentTrace = "_CACHEUS_Q_OVER_TIME" np.savez_compressed(hitrate_over_time_output, hit_ot) np.savez_compressed(missrate_over_time_output, miss_ot) np.savez_compressed(pollutionrate_over_time_output, pol_ot) ###new algorithm outputs### np.savez_compressed(dlirs_stack_output, dlirs_HIR_s) np.savez_compressed(lecar_lru_output, lecar_lru) np.savez_compressed(arc_p_output, arc_p) np.savez_compressed(cacheus_learning_rate_output, cacheus_learning_rate) np.savez_compressed(cacheus_lru_output, cacheus_lru) np.savez_compressed(cacheus_q_output, cacheus_q)''' pretty.utility("~~~~SENDING " + currentTrace + " TO MONGO DB~~~~~~") # ------ mongodb storage ------ storage.new_store_alg(ios, hits, hit_rate, misses, pollution, f_eviction_rate, f_eviction_total, algname, cache_size, trace) # --------------------- mongo_trace_runs_id = storage.find_trace_run_id(trace, algname, cache_size) #hit rate ID for minio hit_rate_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-hit_rate' #miss rate ID for minio miss_rate_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-miss_rate' #pollution rate ID for minio pol_rate_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-pollution' toMinio.insert(hitrate_over_time_output + '.npz', hit_rate_id) toMinio.insert(missrate_over_time_output + '.npz', miss_rate_id) toMinio.insert(pollutionrate_over_time_output + '.npz', pol_rate_id) #######New alg plot data######## #dlirs HIR stack array ID for minio '''dlirs_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-dlirs_stack' #lecar LRU array for minio lecar_lru_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-lecar_lru' #arc p value array ID for minio arc_p_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-arc_p' #cacheus learning rate array ID for minio cacheus_learning_rate_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-cacheus_learning_rate' #cacheus LRU array ID for minio cacheus_lru_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-cacheus_lru' #cacheus q array ID for minio cacheus_q_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-cacheus_q''' #print("in getAlgStats ", hit_rate_id, ' ', miss_rate_id, ' ', pol_rate_id) pretty.utility("trace arrays being inserted to mongo for " + currentTrace) #loaded = np.load(outputString +'.npz') '''insert both sets of output as seperate npz files''' # it is important to note that these compressed files are written to the computer and then sent to Minio # currently unsure how to have these compressed objects be variables in memory if dlirs_HIR_s != None: dlirs_stack_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + '-dlirs_stack' np.savez_compressed(dlirs_stack_output, dlirs_HIR_s) dlirs_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-dlirs_stack' toMinio.insert(dlirs_stack_output + '.npz', dlirs_id) if lecar_lru != None: lecar_lru_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + '-lecar_lru' np.savez_compressed(lecar_lru_output, lecar_lru) lecar_lru_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-lecar_lru' toMinio.insert(lecar_lru_output + '.npz', lecar_lru_id) if arc_p != None: arc_p_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + "_ARC_P_OVER_TIME" np.savez_compressed(arc_p_output, arc_p) arc_p_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-arc_p' toMinio.insert(arc_p_output + '.npz', arc_p_id) if (cacheus_learning_rate != None) and (cacheus_lru != None) and (cacheus_q != None): cacheus_learning_rate_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + '-cacheus_learning_rate' cacheus_lru_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + '-cacheus_lru' cacheus_q_output = "./graph data/" + currentTrace + '-cacheus_q' np.savez_compressed(cacheus_learning_rate_output, cacheus_learning_rate) np.savez_compressed(cacheus_lru_output, cacheus_lru) np.savez_compressed(cacheus_q_output, cacheus_q) cacheus_learning_rate_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-cacheus_learning_rate' cacheus_lru_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-cacheus_lru' cacheus_q_id = mongo_trace_runs_id + '-cacheus_q' toMinio.insert(cacheus_learning_rate_output + '.npz', cacheus_learning_rate_id) toMinio.insert(cacheus_lru_output + '.npz', cacheus_lru_id) toMinio.insert(cacheus_q_output + '.npz', cacheus_q_id) #####NEW ALGORITHM ARRAYS '''toMinio.insert(dlirs_stack_output + '.npz', dlirs_id) toMinio.insert(lecar_lru_output + '.npz', lecar_lru_id) toMinio.insert(arc_p_output + '.npz', arc_p_id) toMinio.insert(cacheus_learning_rate_output + '.npz', cacheus_learning_rate_id) toMinio.insert(cacheus_lru_output + '.npz', cacheus_lru_id) toMinio.insert(cacheus_q_output + '.npz', cacheus_q_id)''' return mongo_trace_runs_id
def mongo_get_trace_run_plot_data(trace_name, plot, minio_get, app_id=None): '''filename = "./graph data/"+str(trace_name) + str(plot) +'.npz' if os.path.exists(filename): pretty.success("file already downloaded to disk") return filename''' print(plot, "********************************") print(trace_name) trace = storage.find_trace(trace_name) if trace == False: pretty.utility("plot data for " + trace_name + plot + " was not found, inserting into database...") if app_id != None: conduit.curret_status[ app_id] = "plot data for " + trace_name + " " + plot + " was not found, inserting into database..." confirmed = sg.sf_singleTraceGen(trace_name, app_id) trace = storage.find_trace(trace_name) trace_id = trace.get("_id") minio_id = str(trace_id) + plot tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.npz') #success = minio_get.retrieve(header, minio_id) #success = minio_get.retrieve(, minio_id) if confirmed: success = minio_get.retrieve(, minio_id) if success: return tmp # else: return False else: pretty.failure("error uploading trace data to database") return False else: trace_id = trace.get("_id") trace_ios = trace.get("requests") #print("Mongo contacted") #print(trace_id, " received id for", trace_name, plot) minio_id = str(trace_id) + plot #print("mongo_get_trace_run_plot_data", minio_id) pretty.utility("retrieving plot data from minio...") tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', suffix='.npz') success = minio_get.retrieve(, minio_id) if success: pretty.success("plot data for " + trace_name + plot + " successfully downloaded") #print(filename) file = np.load(, allow_pickle=True) return file # else: pretty.failure( "data not found in minio store... processing trace data...") confirmed = sg.sf_singleTraceGen(trace_name, minio_only=True) success = minio_get.retrieve(, minio_id) if success: file = np.load(, allow_pickle=True) return file # else: print("error uploading data to minio") return False
os.mkdir(config['output_path']) print("config acquired") storage.insert_config(config, name)''' else: pretty.failure("Error: config file {} does not exist".format( sys.argv[1])) sys.exit() args, unknown = get_parser().parse_known_args() # generate trace statistics. this is set to true by default because the number of unique accesses is needed to determine cache size # for running -a flag later if args.test: pretty.utility("you have called test flag") #serv.check_config(config) #with open("reranked_5%_clean_final_results_all.csv", 'r') as file: #compress_config("reranked_5%_clean_final_results_all.csv") #b = np.load('test.npz') #print(b['arr_0']) #df = pd.read_csv('./reranked.csv') #compression_opts = dict(method='zip', archive_name='./reranked.csv') #compression_opts = {'method': 'zip', 'archive_name': './reranked.csv'} #df.to_csv('', index=False, compression='zip') #csv_plot.plot_rank_heat_map(config)
def delete_plots_tracked(param): pretty.utility("deleting plots with param: ", param) plots = db.plots_tracked plots.delete_many({'flag': param})
def visualize_head_to_head(config, flag, y_scale=None): pretty.utility( "generating comparison data for all pairs of algorithms and cache sizes" ) minio_get = Minio_Module.Minio_Module() graph = sv.StatVis() current_plot = plots[flag] #if current_plot[0] == 'algorithm' and current_plot[6] == False: all_pairs = gen_all_pairs(config['algorithms']) all_plots = {} # generate all output arrays here and add them to a dictionary to be referenced for the graphing of all pairs to prevent repeatedly downloading and extracting # the same data for traces in config['traces']: for trace_name in sg.generateTraceNames(traces): for algorithms in config['algorithms']: for cache_size in config['cache_sizes']: percent_cache = cache_size uniques = serv.mongo_get_unique(trace_name) if uniques: cache_size = math.floor( cache_size * serv.mongo_get_unique(trace_name)) else: return False if cache_size >= 10: out_file = serv.mongo_get_alg_run_plot_data( config, current_plot[2], trace_name, algorithms, cache_size, minio_get) if out_file: out_file = np.load(out_file, allow_pickle=True) out_file = out_file['arr_0'] all_plots[str(trace_name) + str(algorithms) + str(cache_size)] = out_file else: pretty.failure("error downloading " + trace_name + current_plot[2]) else: pretty.utility( trace_name + " not big enough for current cache size percentage " + str(percent_cache)) compare = [] for traces in config['traces']: for trace_name in sg.generateTraceNames(traces): over_time = serv.get_over_time_list(trace_name, minio_get) for cache_size in config['cache_sizes']: percent_cache = cache_size uniques = serv.mongo_get_unique(trace_name) if uniques: cache_size = math.floor(cache_size * serv.mongo_get_unique(trace_name)) else: return False if cache_size >= 10: for pairs in all_pairs: compare.append( all_plots[str(trace_name) + str(pairs[0]) + str(cache_size)]) compare.append( all_plots[str(trace_name) + str(pairs[1]) + str(cache_size)]) over_time = serv.get_over_time_list( trace_name, minio_get) basename = os.path.basename(trace_name) name = basename + " " + " cache size " + str( cache_size) + " " + str( pairs[0]) + " compared with " + str(pairs[1]) print(name) graph.vis_data_multi(current_plot[1], current_plot[3][1], current_plot[4], name, compare, pairs, config['output_path'], x_data=over_time, scale=y_scale, fill=True) compare = []
def visualize_data(flag, config, y_scale=None): minio_get = Minio_Module.Minio_Module() graph = sv.StatVis() current_plot = plots[flag] #plots that use trace data have a different, smaller loop than the plots using data from algorithms if current_plot[0] == 'trace': for traces in config['traces']: for trace_name in sg.generateTraceNames(traces): print(trace_name + "=======================================") #request data from mongo out_file = serv.mongo_get_trace_run_plot_data( trace_name, current_plot[2], minio_get) if out_file: #load that data out_file = np.load(out_file, allow_pickle=True) #uncompress if current_plot[1] == 'histogram': #--- if flag == '-g': x_axis, frequency, uniques = process_histogram( flag, out_file) graph.vis_data( current_plot[1], current_plot[3], current_plot[4], str(trace_name) + " " + current_plot[5] + " Number of Uniques: " + str(uniques), frequency, config['output_path'], x_data=x_axis) else: x_axis, frequency = process_histogram( flag, out_file) #print(frequency) '''graph.vis_data(current_plot[1], current_plot[3], current_plot[4], str(trace_name) + " " + current_plot[5], frequency, x_data = x_axis)''' #this is hard coded as line because it will not render as a bar graph, it lags and never finishes graph.vis_data('line', current_plot[3], current_plot[4], str(trace_name) + " " + current_plot[5], frequency, config['output_path'], x_data=x_axis) #--- else: #--- over_time = serv.get_over_time_list( trace_name, minio_get) graph.vis_data(current_plot[1], current_plot[3][1], current_plot[4], str(trace_name) + " " + current_plot[5], out_file['arr_0'], config['output_path'], x_data=over_time) #--- else: pretty.failure("error downloading" + trace_name + 'access pattern') #if it is an algorithm data plot and that data is not algorithm specific, run a loop for all algorithms elif current_plot[0] == 'algorithm' and current_plot[6] == False: for traces in config['traces']: for trace_name in sg.generateTraceNames(traces): for algorithms in config['algorithms']: for cache_size in config['cache_sizes']: percent_cache = cache_size uniques = serv.mongo_get_unique(trace_name) if uniques: cache_size = math.floor( cache_size * serv.mongo_get_unique(trace_name)) else: return False if cache_size >= 10: out_file = serv.mongo_get_alg_run_plot_data( config, current_plot[2], trace_name, algorithms, cache_size, minio_get) plot_title = current_plot[5][1] #print(plot_title) if out_file: full_title = str(trace_name) + " " + str( algorithms) + "_" + str( cache_size) + " " + current_plot[ 4] + " " + plot_title out_file = np.load(out_file, allow_pickle=True) over_time = serv.get_over_time_list( trace_name, minio_get) #print(trace_name, algorithms, cache_size) #print("=====================") graph.vis_data(current_plot[1], current_plot[3][1], current_plot[4], full_title, out_file['arr_0'], config['output_path'], x_data=over_time) #print("++++++++++++++++++++") else: pretty.failure("error downloading " + trace_name + current_plot[2]) else: pretty.utility( trace_name + " not big enough for current cache size percentage " + str(percent_cache)) #else, it is an algorithm specific plot. the only difference here is that there is not looping through the list of algorithms elif current_plot[0] == 'algorithm': for traces in config['traces']: for trace_name in sg.generateTraceNames(traces): for cache_size in config['cache_sizes']: percent_cache = cache_size uniques = serv.mongo_get_unique(trace_name) if uniques: cache_size = math.floor( cache_size * serv.mongo_get_unique(trace_name)) else: return False if cache_size >= 10: #all of the algorithm specific plots have the name of the algorithm before the '_' #so that is why algorithm_used[0] is called, we must also remove the '-' that is in the zero index algorithm_used = current_plot[2].split('_') algorithm_used = algorithm_used[0] algorithm_used = algorithm_used[1:len(algorithm_used)] #pretty.utility(algorithm_used) out_file = serv.mongo_get_alg_run_plot_data( config, current_plot[2], trace_name, algorithm_used, cache_size, minio_get) plot_title = current_plot[5][1] #pretty.utility(plot_title) if out_file: full_title = str(trace_name) + " " + str( algorithm_used) + "_" + str( cache_size ) + " " + current_plot[4] + " " + plot_title out_file = np.load(out_file, allow_pickle=True) over_time = serv.get_over_time_list( trace_name, minio_get) pretty.utility(trace_name + algorithm_used + str(cache_size)) graph.vis_data(current_plot[1], current_plot[3][1], current_plot[4], full_title, out_file['arr_0'], config['output_path'], x_data=over_time) #--- # else: pretty.failure("error downloading " + trace_name + current_plot[2]) else: pretty.utility( trace_name + " not big enough for current cache size percentage " + str(percent_cache))