def on_pre_save(self, view):
        """Runs Pretty Markdown pre-save actions"""

        extension = os.path.splitext(view.file_name())[1][1:]
        if extension in pretty_markdown.settings().get('format_files_with_extension'):
            if (pretty_markdown.settings().get("format_on_save")):

                # save a copy of the file before editting
                r = sublime.Region(0, view.size())
                text = view.substr(r)

    def modify(self, text):
        """Converts any horizontal rule variation to the version defined in the settings file.

        A horizontal rule is defined by three or more hyphens, asterisks, or underscores with optional spaces in between.

        horizontal_rule = pretty_markdown.settings().get('horizontal_rule_style')
        return horizontal_rule_utils.convert_horizontal_rules(text, horizontal_rule)
예제 #3
    def modify(self, text):
        """Alternates the delimiters in unordered lists according to their indentation."""

        delimiters = pretty_markdown.settings().get('unordered_list_delimiters')
        return list_utils.alternate_unordered_list_delimiters(text, delimiters)
    def run(self, edit):
        """Runs all formatting functions."""

        [self.view.run_command(function) for function in pretty_markdown.command_names() if pretty_markdown.settings().get(function)]
예제 #5
    def modify(self, text):
        """Converts any bold implementation into the one defined in the settings."""

        bold_character = pretty_markdown.settings().get('bold_character')
        return bold_utils.convert_bolds(text, bold_character)
예제 #6
    def modify(self, text):
        """Converts any italics implementation into the one defined in the settings."""

        italics_character = pretty_markdown.settings().get('italics_character')
        return italic_utils.convert_italics(text, italics_character)