def startPrey(): prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=0) prey_controller.start() return (prey_controller, prey_robot)
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, terminate_program) rob = robobo.SimulationRobobo().connect(address='', port=19997) rob.play_simulation() prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2) prey_controller.start() for i in range(10): print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) rob.move(5, 5, 2000) prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() prey_robot.disconnect() rob.stop_world() # time.sleep(10) # rob.kill_connections() # rob = robobo.SimulationRobobo().connect(address='', port=19997) rob.play_simulation() # prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) # prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2, hardware=True) prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2) prey_controller.start() for i in range(10): print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) rob.move(5, 5, 2000) prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() rob.stop_world()
def __init__(self, initialPredatorPopulation, initialPreyPopulation): pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), 0, 32) self.predators = [] self.prey = [] = [] for i in range(initialPredatorPopulation): p = predator.Predator( ( predator.MAX_HEALTH, predator.VIEW_RADIUS, predator.MAX_VELOCITY, (random.randint(0, WIDTH), random.randint(0, HEIGHT)), (random.uniform(-1, 1) * INIT_VELOCITY, random.uniform(-1, 1) * INIT_VELOCITY), predator.COLOR, predator.SIZE, ), predator.MAX_DETECTION_OF_PREY * random.uniform(-1, 1), predator.MAX_ATTRACTION_TO_PREY * random.uniform(-1, 1), ) self.predators.append(p) for i in range(initialPreyPopulation): p = prey.Prey( ( prey.MAX_HEALTH, prey.VIEW_RADIUS, prey.MAX_VELOCITY, (random.randint(0, WIDTH), random.randint(0, HEIGHT)), (random.uniform(-1, 1) * INIT_VELOCITY, random.uniform(-1, 1) * INIT_VELOCITY), prey.COLOR, prey.SIZE, ), prey.MAX_DETECTION_OF_FOOD * random.uniform(-1, 1), prey.MAX_ATTRACTION_TO_FOOD * random.uniform(-1, 1), prey.MAX_DETECTION_OF_PREDATOR * random.uniform(-1, 1), prey.MAX_REPULSION_FROM_PREDATOR * random.uniform(-1, 1), ) self.prey.append(p) for i in range(MAX_FOOD_SUPPLY): f = food.Food( (random.randint(0, WIDTH), random.randint(0, HEIGHT)), food.COLOR, food.SIZE ) pygame.display.set_caption('SIMULATOR')
def rl(alpha, gamma, epsilon, episodes, act_lim, param_tuples, qL=False, no_blocks=0): fitness = list() rewards = [0] for i in range(episodes): print('Episode ' + str(i)) terminate = False if use_simulation: rob.play_simulation() prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect( address='', port=19989) else: prey_robot = robobo.HardwareRobobo(camera=True).connect( address="") # Connect to different ip? prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2) prey_controller.start( ) # Not sure yet if this is indeed needed for both simu and hardware current_color_space = get_color_info() current_sensor_info = get_sensor_info('front_3') current_state = make_discrete(current_sensor_info, boundary_sensor, current_color_space, boundaries_color) if str(current_state) not in state_table.keys(): state_table[str(current_state)] = [0 for _ in range(3)] action = epsilon_policy(current_state, epsilon) # current_collected_food = rob.collected_food() if use_simulation else 0 # initialise state if it doesn't exist, else retrieve the current q-value x = 0 while not terminate: take_action(action) # new_collected_food = rob.collected_food() if use_simulation else 0 # Whole img extracted to get reward value # left, mid, right extracted to save state space accordingly new_color_space = get_color_info() new_sensor_info = get_sensor_info('front_3') new_state = make_discrete(new_sensor_info, boundary_sensor, new_color_space, boundaries_color) if str(new_state) not in state_table.keys(): state_table[str(new_state)] = [0 for _ in range(3)] new_action = epsilon_policy(new_state, epsilon) # Retrieve the max action if we use Q-Learning max_action = np.argmax( state_table[str(new_state)]) if qL else new_action # Get reward r = get_reward(current_state, new_state, current_sensor_info, new_sensor_info, action, new_action, current_color_space, new_color_space) print("State and obtained Reward: ", new_state, r) # norm_r = normalize(r, -30, 20) # # if i != 0: # fitness.append(no_blocks / i) # else: # fitness.append(float(0)) # # print(fitness) # if rewards: # rewards.append(rewards[-1] + norm_r) # else: # rewards.append(norm_r) # Update rule if not run_test: # print('update') state_table[str(current_state)][action] += \ alpha * (r + (gamma * np.array( state_table[str(new_state)][max_action])) - np.array(state_table[str(current_state)][action])) # Stop episode if we get very close to an obstacle if (max(new_state[:3]) == 2 and max(new_state[3:]) != 2 and use_simulation) or x == act_lim - 1: state_table[str(new_state)][new_action] = -10 terminate = True print("done") if not run_test: print('writing json') with open(q_table_file, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(state_table, json_file) if use_simulation: print("stopping the simulation") prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() prey_robot.disconnect() rob.stop_world() while not rob.is_sim_stopped(): print("waiting for the simulation to stop") time.sleep(2) # update current state and action current_state = new_state current_sensor_info = new_sensor_info action = new_action current_color_space = new_color_space # increment action limit counter x += 1 return fitness, rewards
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, terminate_program) # rob = robobo.HardwareRobobo(camera=True).connect(address="") rob = robobo.SimulationRobobo().connect(address='', port=19997) rob.play_simulation() # ALWAYS connect first to the real robot, then start the simulation and only then connect to the prey # if the order is not respected, an error is raised and I do not why # if you use the provided scene, do not change the port number # if you want to build your own scene, remember to modify the prey port number on vrep prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) # # rob.pause_simulation() # move and talk # rob.set_emotion('sad') # initialise class prey # needs to receive the robot to move # there are 5 levels of difficulties. From 0 (super easy) to 4 (hard). # you can select the one you want,using a parameter in the following constructor, default is 2 prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2) # start the thread prey # makes the prey move prey_controller.start() # print("start") for i in range(10): print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) rob.move(5, 5, 2000) # # print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) # rob.sleep(1) # # Following code moves the phone stand # rob.set_phone_pan(343, 100) # rob.set_phone_tilt(109, 100) # time.sleep(1) # rob.set_phone_pan(11, 100) # rob.set_phone_tilt(26, 100) #'Hi, my name is Robobo') # rob.sleep(1) # rob.set_emotion('happy') # Following code gets an image from the camera # image = rob.get_image_front() # cv2.imwrite("test_pictures.png",image) # time.sleep(0.1) # # IR reading # for i in range(1000000): # print("ROB Irs: {}".format(np.log(np.array(rob.read_irs()))/10)) # time.sleep(0.1) # stop the prey # if you want to stop the prey you have to use the two following commands prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() prey_robot.disconnect() # pause the simulation and read the collected food # rob.pause_simulation() # print("Robobo collected {} food".format(rob.collected_food())) # Stopping the simualtion resets the environment rob.stop_world() time.sleep(10) # rob.kill_connections() # rob = robobo.SimulationRobobo().connect(address='', port=19997) rob.play_simulation() # prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) # prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2, hardware=True) prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2) prey_controller.start() for i in range(10): print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) rob.move(5, 5, 2000) prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() rob.stop_world()
def rl(alpha, gamma, epsilon, episodes, act_lim, exp, qL=False): fitness = list() rewards = [0] for i in range(episodes): print('Episode ' + str(i)) terminate = False prey_robot = [] if use_simulation: rob.play_simulation() prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect( address=virtual_ip, port=19989) if not use_simulation: prey_robot = robobo.HardwareRobobo().connect( address=robot_prey) prey_controller = prey.Prey( robot=prey_robot, level=2) if use_simulation else prey.Prey( robot=prey_robot, level=4) prey_controller.start() current_color_space = get_color_info() current_sensor_info = get_sensor_info('front_3') current_state = make_discrete(current_sensor_info, boundary_sensor, current_color_space, boundaries_color) if str(current_state) not in state_table.keys(): state_table[str(current_state)] = [0 for _ in range(3)] action = epsilon_policy(current_state, epsilon) x = 0 while not terminate: take_action(action) # new_collected_food = rob.collected_food() if use_simulation else 0 # Whole img extracted to get reward value # left, mid, right extracted to save state space accordingly new_color_space = get_color_info() new_sensor_info = get_sensor_info('front_3') new_state = make_discrete(new_sensor_info, boundary_sensor, new_color_space, boundaries_color) if str(new_state) not in state_table.keys(): state_table[str(new_state)] = [0 for _ in range(3)] new_action = epsilon_policy(new_state, epsilon) # Retrieve the max action if we use Q-Learning max_action = np.argmax( state_table[str(new_state)]) if qL else new_action # Get reward r = get_reward(current_state, new_state, current_sensor_info, new_sensor_info, action, new_action, current_color_space, new_color_space) print("State and obtained Reward: ", new_state, r) norm_r = normalize(r, MIN_REWARD, MAX_REWARD) norm_steps = normalize(x, MIN_TIMESTEPS + 0.01, MAX_TIMESTEPS) fitness.append(norm_r / norm_steps) # Update rule if not run_test: # print('update') state_table[str(current_state)][action] += \ alpha * (r + (gamma * np.array( state_table[str(new_state)][max_action])) - np.array(state_table[str(current_state)][action])) # Stop episode if we get very close to an obstacle if (max(new_state[:3]) == 2 and max(new_state[3:]) != 2 and use_simulation) or x == act_lim - 1: # state_table[str(new_state)][new_action] = -10 terminate = True print("done") if not run_test: print('writing json') with open( './src/task3_results/state_table_e' + str(epsilon) + '_exp_' + str(exp) + '.json', 'wb') as json_file: json.dump(state_table, json_file) if use_simulation: print("stopping the simulation") prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() prey_robot.disconnect() rob.stop_world() while not rob.is_sim_stopped(): print("waiting for the simulation to stop") time.sleep(2) # update current state and action current_state = new_state current_sensor_info = new_sensor_info action = new_action current_color_space = new_color_space # increment action limit counter x += 1 return fitness, rewards
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, terminate_program) # rob = robobo.HardwareRobobo(camera=True).connect(address="") rob = robobo.SimulationRobobo(number='').connect(address='', port=19997) rob.play_simulation() rob.set_phone_tilt(0.8, 50) image = rob.get_image_front() # mask = cv2.inRange(image, (0, 140, 0), (20, 255, 20)) mask = cv2.inRange(image, (0, 0, 80), (60, 60, 255)) # mask = cv2.bitwise_not(mask, mask) # masked = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask) cv2.imshow('9', mask) cv2.imshow('1', image) cv2.waitKey(0) # waits until a key is pressed cv2.destroyAllWindows() exit() # prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) # prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2, hardware=True) prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey('#0').connect(address='', port=19989) prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2) prey_controller.start() for i in range(5000): print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) rob.move(90, 90, millis=200) prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() prey_robot.disconnect() rob.stop_world() # move and talk # rob.set_emotion('sad') # initialise class prey # needs to receive the robot to move # there are 5 levels of difficulties. From 0 (super easy) to 4 (hard). # you can select the one you want,using a parameter in the following constructor, default is 2 prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2) # start the thread prey # makes the prey move prey_controller.start() # print("start") for i in range(10): print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) rob.move(5, 5, 2000) # # print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) # rob.sleep(1) # # Following code moves the phone stand # rob.set_phone_pan(343, 100) # rob.set_phone_tilt(109, 100) # time.sleep(1) # rob.set_phone_pan(11, 100) # rob.set_phone_tilt(26, 100) #'Hi, my name is Robobo') # rob.sleep(1) # rob.set_emotion('happy') # Following code gets an image from the camera # image = rob.get_image_front() # cv2.imwrite("test_pictures.png",image) # time.sleep(0.1) # # IR reading # for i in range(1000000): # print("ROB Irs: {}".format(np.log(np.array(rob.read_irs()))/10)) # time.sleep(0.1) # stop the prey # if you want to stop the prey you have to use the two following commands prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() prey_robot.disconnect() # pause the simulation and read the collected food # rob.pause_simulation() # print("Robobo collected {} food".format(rob.collected_food())) # Stopping the simualtion resets the environment rob.stop_world() time.sleep(10) # rob.kill_connections() # rob = robobo.SimulationRobobo().connect(address='', port=19997) rob.play_simulation() rob.set_phone_tilt(0.8, 50) # prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) # prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2, hardware=True) prey_robot = robobo.SimulationRoboboPrey().connect(address='', port=19989) prey_controller = prey.Prey(robot=prey_robot, level=2) prey_controller.start() for i in range(10): print("robobo is at {}".format(rob.position())) rob.move(90, 90, millis=200) prey_controller.stop() prey_controller.join() rob.stop_world()
def populate_prey(l, config): for x in range(config["num_birds"]): b = prey.Prey(random_position(config), (random.randint(1, 5), random.randint(1, 5)), x, config) l.append(b)