def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """ExcessWeightRecord - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            filename (str):
            content_type (str):
            bytes (int):
            move_id (str): The UUID of the move this excess weight record belongs to.
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            id (str): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            url (str): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            status (str): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            created_at (datetime): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            updated_at (datetime): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            move_excess_weight_qualified_at (datetime, none_type): The date and time when the sum of all the move's shipments met the excess weight qualification threshold. The system monitors these weights and will update this field automatically. . [optional]  # noqa: E501
            move_excess_weight_acknowledged_at (datetime, none_type): The date and time when the TOO acknowledged the excess weight alert, either by dismissing the risk or updating the max billable weight. This will occur after the excess weight record has been uploaded. . [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        constant_args = {
            '_check_type': _check_type,
            '_path_to_item': _path_to_item,
            '_spec_property_naming': _spec_property_naming,
            '_configuration': _configuration,
            '_visited_composed_classes': self._visited_composed_classes,
        composed_info = validate_get_composed_info(constant_args, kwargs, self)
        self._composed_instances = composed_info[0]
        self._var_name_to_model_instances = composed_info[1]
        self._additional_properties_model_instances = composed_info[2]
        discarded_args = composed_info[3]

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name in discarded_args and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
            if var_name in self.read_only_vars:
                raise ApiAttributeError(
                    f"`{var_name}` is a read-only attribute. Use `from_openapi_data` to instantiate "
                    f"class with read only attributes.")
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """MTOServiceItemOriginSIT - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            re_service_code (str): Service code allowed for this model type.
            reason (str): Explanation of why Prime is picking up SIT item.
            sit_postal_code (str):
            sit_entry_date (date): Entry date for the SIT
            move_task_order_id (str): The ID of the move for this service item.
            model_type (MTOServiceItemModelType):
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            sit_departure_date (date, none_type): Departure date for SIT. This is the end date of the SIT at either origin or destination. This is optional as it can be updated using the UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT modelType at a later date.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            sit_hhg_actual_origin (Address): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            id (str): The ID of the service item.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            mto_shipment_id (str): The ID of the shipment this service is for, if any. Optional.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            re_service_name (str): The full descriptive name of the service.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            status (MTOServiceItemStatus): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            rejection_reason (str, none_type): The reason why this service item was rejected by the TOO.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            e_tag (str): A hash unique to this service item that should be used as the \"If-Match\" header for any updates.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % (

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,)

        constant_args = {
            '_check_type': _check_type,
            '_path_to_item': _path_to_item,
            '_spec_property_naming': _spec_property_naming,
            '_configuration': _configuration,
            '_visited_composed_classes': self._visited_composed_classes,
        composed_info = validate_get_composed_info(
            constant_args, kwargs, self)
        self._composed_instances = composed_info[0]
        self._var_name_to_model_instances = composed_info[1]
        self._additional_properties_model_instances = composed_info[2]
        discarded_args = composed_info[3]

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name in discarded_args and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
            if var_name in self.read_only_vars:
                raise ApiAttributeError(f"`{var_name}` is a read-only attribute. Use `from_openapi_data` to instantiate "
                                     f"class with read only attributes.")
예제 #3
    def _from_openapi_data(cls, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            model_type (UpdateMTOServiceItemModelType):
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            re_service_code (str): Service code allowed for this model type.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            sit_departure_date (date): Departure date for SIT. This is the end date of the SIT at either origin or destination.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            sit_destination_final_address (Address): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            id (str): ID of the service item. Must match path.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        self = super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls)

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        constant_args = {
            '_check_type': _check_type,
            '_path_to_item': _path_to_item,
            '_spec_property_naming': _spec_property_naming,
            '_configuration': _configuration,
            '_visited_composed_classes': self._visited_composed_classes,
        composed_info = validate_get_composed_info(constant_args, kwargs, self)
        self._composed_instances = composed_info[0]
        self._var_name_to_model_instances = composed_info[1]
        self._additional_properties_model_instances = composed_info[2]
        discarded_args = composed_info[3]

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name in discarded_args and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)

        return self
    def _from_openapi_data(cls, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """MTOServiceItemDomesticCrating - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            re_service_code (str): A unique code for the service item. Indicates if the service is for crating (DCRT) or uncrating (DUCRT).
            item ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)}): The dimensions of the item being crated.
            crate ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)}): The dimensions for the crate the item will be shipped in.
            description (str): A description of the item being crated.
            move_task_order_id (str): The ID of the move for this service item.
            model_type (MTOServiceItemModelType):
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            reason (str, none_type): The contractor's explanation for why an item needed to be crated or uncrated. Used by the TOO while deciding to approve or reject the service item. . [optional]  # noqa: E501
            id (str): The ID of the service item.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            mto_shipment_id (str): The ID of the shipment this service is for, if any. Optional.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            re_service_name (str): The full descriptive name of the service.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            status (MTOServiceItemStatus): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            rejection_reason (str, none_type): The reason why this service item was rejected by the TOO.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            e_tag (str): A hash unique to this service item that should be used as the \"If-Match\" header for any updates.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        self = super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls)

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        constant_args = {
            '_check_type': _check_type,
            '_path_to_item': _path_to_item,
            '_spec_property_naming': _spec_property_naming,
            '_configuration': _configuration,
            '_visited_composed_classes': self._visited_composed_classes,
        composed_info = validate_get_composed_info(constant_args, kwargs, self)
        self._composed_instances = composed_info[0]
        self._var_name_to_model_instances = composed_info[1]
        self._additional_properties_model_instances = composed_info[2]
        discarded_args = composed_info[3]

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name in discarded_args and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)

        return self
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """ValidationError - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            title (str):
            detail (str):
            instance (str):
            invalid_fields ({str: ([str],)}):
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % (

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,)

        constant_args = {
            '_check_type': _check_type,
            '_path_to_item': _path_to_item,
            '_spec_property_naming': _spec_property_naming,
            '_configuration': _configuration,
            '_visited_composed_classes': self._visited_composed_classes,
        composed_info = validate_get_composed_info(
            constant_args, kwargs, self)
        self._composed_instances = composed_info[0]
        self._var_name_to_model_instances = composed_info[1]
        self._additional_properties_model_instances = composed_info[2]
        discarded_args = composed_info[3]

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name in discarded_args and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
            if var_name in self.read_only_vars:
                raise ApiAttributeError(f"`{var_name}` is a read-only attribute. Use `from_openapi_data` to instantiate "
                                     f"class with read only attributes.")