예제 #1
def p087():
    LIM = 50000000
    p4s = list(primes_less_than(int(math.pow(LIM, 1.0 / 4.0) + 1)))
    p3s = list(primes_less_than(int(math.pow(LIM, 1.0 / 3.0) + 1)))
    p2s = list(primes_less_than(int(math.pow(LIM, 1.0 / 2.0) + 1)))
    results = set()
    for p4 in p4s:
        for p3 in p3s:
            for p2 in p2s:
                results.add(p4 ** 4 + p3 ** 3 + p2 ** 2)
                # print (p2,p3,p4,p4**4+p3**3+p2**2)
    return sum(1 for r in results if r < LIM)
예제 #2
def using_sieve():
    ps = list(primes_less_than(LIMIT+1))
    totients = [n for n in xrange(0, LIMIT+1)]
    totients[0] = totients[1] = 0

    for p in ps:
        for n in xrange(p, LIMIT+1, p):
            totients[n] = totients[n] * (p-1) / p
    return sum(totients)
예제 #3
def p077():
    denoms = list(reversed(list(primes_less_than(100))))

    for i in xrange(10, 100):
        count = combos(i, 0, denoms)
        if i in denoms:
            count -= 1
        if count > 5000:
            return i
예제 #4
def p046():
    LIMIT = 100000
    good = set(range(9,LIMIT,2))
    squares = [2*n*n for n in xrange(1, int(math.sqrt(LIMIT//2))+1)]
    for p in primes_less_than(LIMIT):
        for s in squares:
    return list(good)[0]
예제 #5
def fast(count, limit):
    divider = reduce(operator.mul, list(primes_less_than(100))[:count-1], 1)
    factors = dict()
    for p in primes_less_than(limit//divider):
        for n in xrange(p, limit, p):
            factors[n] = factors.setdefault(n, 0) + 1

    candidates = set(k for k,v in factors.iteritems() if v==count)

    for c in sorted(list(candidates)):
        found = True
        for d in xrange(c+1, c+count):
            if d not in candidates:
                found = False
        if found:
            return c

    return 0
예제 #6
def p049():
    four_digit_primes = [p for p in primes_less_than(10000) if p > 999]
    perms = dict()
    for f in four_digit_primes:
        perms.setdefault(''.join(sorted(str(f))), []).append(f)

    candidates = [v for k, v in perms.iteritems() if len(v) > 2]

    for c in candidates:
        for ariths in find_ariths(c):
            if ariths[0] != 1487:
                return int("%d%d%d" % (ariths[0], ariths[1], ariths[2]))
예제 #7
def p050():
    limit = 1000000
    ps = list(primes_less_than(limit))
    l_l = 0
    l_p = 0
    l = len(ps)
    for i in xrange(0, l-l_l+1):
        sum = 0
        plus = 0
        while sum < limit and i+plus < l-l_l+1:
            sum += ps[i+plus]
            plus += 1
            if sum < limit and is_prime(sum) and plus > l_l:
                l_l = plus
                l_p = sum
    return l_p
예제 #8
파일: problem35.py 프로젝트: linoor/Euler
def circular_primes(limit):

    result = []
    primes = primes_less_than(limit)
    primes_dict = defaultdict(bool)
    for p in primes:
        primes_dict[p] = True

    count = 0
    for p in primes:
        if p in result:
        rotations = get_rotations(p)
        if all([primes_dict[x] == True for x in rotations]):
            for r in rotations:
    return sorted(result)
예제 #9
def circular_primes(limit):

    result = []
    primes = primes_less_than(limit)
    primes_dict = defaultdict(bool)
    for p in primes:
        primes_dict[p] = True

    count = 0
    for p in primes:
        if p in result:
        rotations = get_rotations(p)
        if all([primes_dict[x] == True for x in rotations]):
            for r in rotations:
    return sorted(result)
예제 #10
def p070():
    winning_n = 87109
    winning_ratio = 87109.0 / 79180

    LIMIT = 10 ** 7
    ps = list((p for p in primes_less_than(LIMIT / 11) if p >= 11))
    pl = len(ps)

    for i in xrange(pl - 1, 0, -1):
        x = ps[i]
        j, y, n = 0, 11, 11 * x
        while n < LIMIT:
            t = (x - 1) * (y - 1)
            ratio = n * 1.0 / t
            if ratio < winning_ratio:
                if perms(n, t):
                    winning_n = n
                    winning_ratio = ratio
            j += 1
            y = ps[j]
            n = x * y

    return winning_n
예제 #11
def tup1_gen():
    for p1 in primes():
        for p2 in primes_less_than(p1):
            if p1 != 2 and p1 != 5 and p2 != 2 and p2 != 5:
                if co_concat_prime(p2, p1):
                    yield (p2,p1)
예제 #12
파일: 046.py 프로젝트: atharh/projecteuler
from primes import primes_less_than
import math

primes = primes_less_than(10000)

def can(odd_number):
    for p in primes:
        if p > odd_number:
        diff = odd_number - p
        if diff % 2 != 0:
        square = diff / 2
        x = int(math.sqrt(square))
        if x*x == square:
            return True
    return False

for i in range(35, 99999, 2):
    if not can(i): 
        print i
예제 #13
def p037():
    truncs = [n for n in primes_less_than(1000000) if truncatable(n)]
    return sum(truncs)
예제 #14
def primes_from_to(start, stop):
    for p in primes.primes_less_than(stop):
        if p >= start:
            yield p
예제 #15
import primes

def primes_from_to(start, stop):
    for p in primes.primes_less_than(stop):
        if p >= start:
            yield p

known_primes = set(primes.primes.known_primes)

maxp = 0
maxsl = 0
for a in range(len(primes.primes.known_primes)):
    for b in range(a-1-maxsl):
        s = primes.primes.known_primes[b:a]
        if len(s) > maxsl:
            if sum(s) in known_primes:
                print sum(s), s
                maxsl = len(s)
                maxp = sum(s)
예제 #16
파일: 051.py 프로젝트: atharh/projecteuler
from primes import primes_less_than

primes = set(primes_less_than(1000000))
print 'starting ..'
def iss(p):
    count = 0
    #seen = set()
    li = list(str(p))
    for x in range(10):
        for i in range(len(li)):
            for j in range(len(li)):
                ii = li[i]
                jj = li[j]
                li[i] = li[j] = str(x)
                #print int(''.join(li))
                y = int(''.join(li))
                #print y
                #if x in seen: continue
                if y in primes:
                    #print li
                    count += 1
                li[i] = ii
                li[j] = jj
    if count == 8:
        return True
    return False

for p in primes:
    if iss(p):
        print p
예제 #17
def get_4d_primes():
    for p in primes.primes_less_than(10000):
        if p > 1000:
            yield p
예제 #18
def all_co_good(p1, p2):
    if (p1,p2) in acg_known:
        return acg_known[(p1,p2)]
    val = [p for p in primes_less_than(p2) if p>p1 and co_concat_prime(p1,p) and co_concat_prime(p,p2)]
    acg_known[(p1,p2)] = val
    return val
예제 #19
파일: ctest.py 프로젝트: fvidak00/Zavrsni
import primes
예제 #20
def using_generation():
    ps = list(primes_less_than(LIMIT+1)) + [LIMIT+1, LIMIT+2]
    return sums(1, 1, 0, ps)