def set_length(self, new_length): if not self.init_length: self.rod_vertices, self.rod_indices, self.rod_normals = \ Primitives.rod_array(new_length) self.init_length = new_length self.length = new_length if self.has_base or self.has_end: self.sph_vertices, self.sph_indices, self.sph_normals = \ Primitives.sph_array(1.5 * new_length) super(JointObject, self).set_length(new_length)
def __init__(self, ns = None): if ns: self.ns = ns else: prims = Primitives(self) import primitives.math prims.extend(primitives.math) import primitives.concurrent prims.extend(primitives.concurrent) self.ns = Scope(extend = prims)
def set_length(self, new_length): if not self.init_length: self.rod_vertices, self.rod_indices, self.rod_normals = \ Primitives.rod_array(new_length) self.init_length = new_length self.length = new_length super(JointObject, self).set_length(new_length)
def args_generator(self, state: Program, op_id: int): n_args = self.get_n_args(op_id) # Syntactically valid ranges jump_range = range(state.min, state.max + 1 + 1 + n_args + 1) content_range = range(state.min, state.max + 1 + n_args + 1) if abs(state.min) >= state.work_tape_size: allocate_range = None else: allocate_range = ( range(1, min(5, state.work_tape_size - abs(state.min)) + 1), ) if state.min == 0: free_range = None else: free_range = (range(1, min(abs(state.min), 5) + 1),) write_range = range(state.min, -1 + 1) get_input_range = range(19 + 1) op_args = [ (content_range, content_range, jump_range), (content_range,), (jump_range,), [], (content_range, content_range, write_range), (get_input_range, write_range), (content_range, write_range), allocate_range, (write_range,), (write_range,), (content_range, content_range, write_range), (content_range, content_range, write_range), free_range, ] return Primitives._generator(op_args, op_id)
def set_length(self, new_length): self.sph_vertices, self.sph_indices, self.sph_normals = Primitives.sph_array(new_length) super(FixedJoint, self).set_length(new_length)
def set_length(self, new_length): self.box_vertices, self.box_normals = Primitives.box_array(new_length) super(PrismaticJoint, self).set_length(new_length)
def set_length(self, new_length): self.cyl_vertices, self.cyl_indices, self.cyl_normals = Primitives.cyl_array(new_length) super(RevoluteJoint, self).set_length(new_length)
def set_length(self, new_length): self.arr_vertices, self.arr_indices, self.arr_normals = \ Primitives.arr_array(new_length)
def set_length(self, new_length): self.sph_vertices, self.sph_indices, self.sph_normals = \ Primitives.sph_array(new_length) super(FixedJoint, self).set_length(new_length)
def state_lattice_planner(n: int, m: int, file_name: str = "test", g_weight: float = 0.5, h_weight: float = 0.5, costmap_file: str = "", start_pos: tuple = (20, 10, 0), goal_pos: tuple = (20, 280, 0), initial_heading: float = math.pi / 2, padding: int = 0, turning_radius: int = 8, vel: int = 10, num_headings: int = 8, num_obs: int = 130, min_r: int = 1, max_r: int = 8, upper_offset: int = 20, lower_offset: int = 20, allow_overlap: bool = False, obstacle_density: int = 6, obstacle_penalty: float = 3, Kp: float = 3, Ki: float = 0.08, Kd: float = 0.5, inf_stream: bool = False, save_animation: bool = False, save_costmap: bool = False, smooth_path: bool = False, replan: bool = False, horizon: int = np.inf, y_axis_limit: int = 100, buffer: int = None, move_yaxis_threshold: int = 20, new_obs_dist: int = None): # PARAM SETUP # --- costmap --- # load_costmap_file = costmap_file ship_vertices = np.array([[-1, -4], [1, -4], [1, 2], [0, 4], [-1, 2]]) # load costmap object from file if specified if load_costmap_file: with open(load_costmap_file, "rb") as fd: costmap_obj = pickle.load(fd) # recompute costmap costs if obstacle penalty is different than original if costmap_obj.obstacle_penalty != obstacle_penalty: costmap_obj.update2(obstacle_penalty) else: # initialize costmap costmap_obj = CostMap( n, m, obstacle_penalty, min_r, max_r, inf_stream, y_axis_limit, num_obs, new_obs_dist ) # generate obs up until buffer if in inf stream mode max_y = y_axis_limit + buffer if inf_stream else goal_pos[1] # generate random obstacles costmap_obj.generate_obstacles(start_pos[1], max_y, num_obs, upper_offset, lower_offset, allow_overlap) orig_obstacles = costmap_obj.obstacles.copy() # initialize ship object ship = Ship(ship_vertices, start_pos, initial_heading, turning_radius, padding) # get the primitives prim = Primitives(turning_radius, initial_heading, num_headings) # generate swath dict swath_dict = swath.generate_swath(ship, prim) print("WEIGHTS", g_weight, h_weight) # initialize a star object a_star = AStar(g_weight, h_weight, cmap=costmap_obj, primitives=prim, ship=ship, first_initial_heading=initial_heading) # compute current goal curr_goal = (goal_pos[0], min(goal_pos[1], (start_pos[1] + horizon)), goal_pos[2]) t0 = time.time() worked, smoothed_edge_path, nodes_visited, x1, y1, x2, y2, orig_path = \, curr_goal, swath_dict, smooth_path) init_plan_time = time.time() - t0 print("Time elapsed: ", init_plan_time) print("Hz", 1 / init_plan_time) if worked: plot_obj = Plot( costmap_obj, prim, ship, nodes_visited, smoothed_edge_path.copy(), path_nodes=(x1, y1), smoothing_nodes=(x2, y2), horizon=horizon, inf_stream=inf_stream, y_axis_limit=y_axis_limit ) path = Path(plot_obj.full_path) else: print("Failed to find path at step 0") exit(1) # init pymunk sim space = pymunk.Space() space.add(ship.body, ship.shape) space.gravity = (0, 0) staticBody = space.static_body # create a static body for friction constraints # create the pymunk objects and the polygon patches for the ice polygons = [ create_polygon( space, staticBody, (obs['vertices'] - np.array(obs['centre'])).tolist(), *obs['centre'], density=obstacle_density ) for obs in costmap_obj.obstacles ] # From pure pursuit state = State(x=start_pos[0], y=start_pos[1], yaw=0.0, v=0.0) target_course = TargetCourse(path.path[0], path.path[1]) target_ind = target_course.search_target_index(state) # init PID controller pid = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, 0) pid.output_limits = (-1, 1) # limit on PID output # generator to end matplotlib animation when it reaches the goal def gen(): nonlocal at_goal i = 0 while not at_goal: i += 1 yield i raise StopIteration # should stop animation def animate(frame, queue_state, pipe_path): nonlocal at_goal steps = 10 # move simulation forward 20 ms seconds: for x in range(steps): space.step(0.02 / steps) # get current state ship_pos = (ship.body.position.x, ship.body.position.y, 0) # straight ahead of boat is 0 # check if ship has made it past the goal line if ship.body.position.y >= goal_pos[1]: at_goal = True print("\nAt goal, shutting down...") plt.close(plot_obj.map_fig) plt.close(plot_obj.sim_fig) queue_state.close() shutdown_event.set() return [] # Pymunk takes left turn as negative and right turn as positive in ship.body.angle # To get proper error, we must flip the sign on the angle, as to calculate the setpoint, # we look at a point one lookahead distance ahead, and find the angle to that point with # arctan2, but using this, we will get positive values on the left and negative values on the right # As the angular velocity in pymunk uses the same convention as ship.body.angle, we must flip the sign # of the output as well output = -pid(-ship.body.angle) # should play around with frequency at which new state data is sent if frame % 20 == 0 and frame != 0 and replan: # update costmap and polygons to_add, to_remove = costmap_obj.update(polygons, ship.body.position.y) assert len(costmap_obj.obstacles) <= costmap_obj.total_obs # remove polygons if any for obs in to_remove: polygons.remove(obs) # add polygons if any polygons.extend([ create_polygon( space, staticBody, (obs['vertices'] - np.array(obs['centre'])).tolist(), *obs['centre'], density=obstacle_density ) for obs in to_add ]) print("Total polygons", len(polygons)) try: # empty queue to ensure latest state data is pushed queue_state.get_nowait() except Empty: pass # send updated state via queue queue_state.put({ 'ship_pos': ship_pos, 'ship_body_angle': ship.body.angle, 'costmap': costmap_obj.cost_map, 'obstacles': costmap_obj.obstacles, }, block=False) print('\nSent new state data!') # check if there is a new path if pipe_path.poll(): # get new path path_data = pipe_path.recv() new_path = path_data['path'] # this is the full path and in the correct order i.e. start -> goal print('\nReceived replanned path!') # compute swath cost of new path up until the max y distance of old path for a fair comparison # note, we do not include the path length in the cost full_swath, full_cost, current_cost = swath.compute_swath_cost( costmap_obj.cost_map, new_path, ship.vertices, threshold_dist=path.path[1][-1] ) try: assert full_cost >= current_cost # sanity check except AssertionError: print("Full and partial swath costs", full_cost, current_cost) path_expired = False prev_cost = None # check if old path is 'expired' regardless of costs if (path.path[1][-1] - ship_pos[1]) < horizon / 2: path_expired = True else: # clip old path based on ship y position old_path = path.clip_path(ship_pos[1]) # compute cost of clipped old path _, prev_cost, _ = swath.compute_swath_cost(costmap_obj.cost_map, old_path, ship.vertices) print('\nPrevious Cost: {prev_cost:.3f}'.format(prev_cost=prev_cost)) print('Current Cost: {current_cost:.3f}\n'.format(current_cost=current_cost)) if path_expired or current_cost < prev_cost: if path_expired: print("Path expired, applying new path regardless of cost!") else: print("New path better than old path!") path.new_path_cnt += 1 plot_obj.update_path( new_path, full_swath, path_data['path_nodes'], path_data['smoothing_nodes'], path_data['nodes_expanded'] ) # update to new path path.path = new_path ship.set_path_pos(0) # update pure pursuit objects with new path target_course.update(path.path[0], path.path[1]) state.update(ship.body.position.x, ship.body.position.y, ship.body.angle) # update costmap and map fig plot_obj.update_map(costmap_obj.cost_map) plot_obj.map_fig.canvas.draw() else: print("Old path better than new path") path.old_path_cnt += 1 if ship.path_pos < np.shape(path.path)[1] - 1: # Translate linear velocity into direction of ship x_vel = math.sin(ship.body.angle) y_vel = math.cos(ship.body.angle) mag = math.sqrt(x_vel ** 2 + y_vel ** 2) x_vel = x_vel / mag * vel y_vel = y_vel / mag * vel ship.body.velocity = Vec2d(x_vel, y_vel) # Assign output of PID controller to angular velocity ship.body.angular_velocity = output # Update the pure pursuit state state.update(ship.body.position.x, ship.body.position.y, ship.body.angle) # Get look ahead index ind = target_course.search_target_index(state) if ind != ship.path_pos: # Find heading from current position to look ahead point ship.set_path_pos(ind) dy = path.path[1][ind] - ship.body.position.y dx = path.path[0][ind] - ship.body.position.x angle = np.arctan2(dy, dx) - a_star.first_initial_heading # set setpoint for PID controller pid.setpoint = angle # at each step animate ship and obstacle patches plot_obj.animate_ship(ship, horizon, move_yaxis_threshold) plot_obj.animate_obstacles(polygons) return plot_obj.get_sim_artists() # multiprocessing setup lifo_queue = Queue(maxsize=1) # LIFO queue to send state information to A* conn_recv, conn_send = Pipe(duplex=False) # pipe to send new path to controller and for plotting shutdown_event = Event() # setup a process to run A* print('\nStart process...') gen_path_process = Process( target=gen_path, args=(lifo_queue, conn_send, shutdown_event, ship, prim, costmap_obj, swath_dict, a_star, goal_pos, horizon, smooth_path) ) gen_path_process.start() # init vars used in animation methods at_goal = False # start animation in main process anim = animation.FuncAnimation(plot_obj.sim_fig, animate, frames=gen, fargs=(lifo_queue, conn_recv,), interval=20, blit=False, repeat=False, ) if save_animation:'gifs', file_name), writer=animation.PillowWriter(fps=30)) total_dist_moved = 0 # Compare cost maps for i, j in zip(orig_obstacles, polygons): pos = (j.body.position.x, j.body.position.y) area = j.area if area > 4: total_dist_moved = a_star.dist(i['centre'], pos) * (area/2) + total_dist_moved print('TOTAL DIST MOVED', total_dist_moved) print('Old/new path counts', '\n\told path', path.old_path_cnt, '\n\tnew path', path.new_path_cnt) shutdown_event.set() print('\n...done with process') gen_path_process.join() print('Completed multiprocessing') # get response from user for saving costmap if save_costmap: costmap_obj.save_to_disk() return total_dist_moved, init_plan_time
def set_length(self, new_length): self.cyl_vertices, self.cyl_indices, self.cyl_normals = \ Primitives.cyl_array(new_length) super(RevoluteJoint, self).set_length(new_length)
def main(write): """ Currently the different primitives and names are tracked in lists an arrays. Kemp and Regier do it by using 3D arrays, I did that to. The way it is generating contains a lot of double looping but generates the relational matrixes in the exact same order als Kemp and Regier which made comparing them easier. Now that it works the can be made more efficiently again. It is on the list. """ def append_category(name, matrix, score): """ Should do more in the future when these components are stored separatly. Written inside the function so that the variable category can be accessed easily. """ if sum(sum(matrix)) == 0: return categories.append((name, matrix, score)) return primitives = Primitives() rules = Rules() ts = Tools() # Load the initial primitives singles = [(name, ts.filter_familymembers(matrix), score) for name, matrix, score in] doubles = [(name, ts.filter_familymembers(matrix), score) for name, matrix, score in primitives.doubles] # Concepts contains the categories generated by previous rounds while categories contains all the newly generated categories # as well. This is to prevent that categories generated in for example round two aren't immediately used for generating. categories = doubles.copy() concepts = categories.copy() close_max = 12 depth = 3 ego = False for depth in range(depth): start_time = time.clock() print("\nStarting depth {} with {} categories".format(depth+1, len(concepts))) for name_d, matrix_d, score_d in concepts: # One binary (self refering rules) name_inv = [name_d, name_d, "inv"] name_symm_clos = [name_d, name_d, "sy_clos"] name_tran_clos = [name_d, name_d, "tr_clos"] score = 1 + score_d append_category(name_inv, rules.inverse(matrix_d), score) append_category(name_symm_clos, rules.symmetric_closure(matrix_d), score) append_category(name_tran_clos, rules.transitive_closure(matrix_d, close_max), score) for name_s, matrix_s, score_s in singles: # Binary - Unary (A(x,y) -- B(x) case) for name_d, matrix_d, score_d in concepts: score = 1 + score_d + score_s name_conj_x = [name_s, name_d, "conjx"] name_conj_y = [name_d, name_s, "conjy"] matrix_conj_x, matrix_conj_y = rules.conjunction(matrix_d, matrix_s, "singles") append_category(name_conj_x, matrix_conj_x, score) append_category(name_conj_y, matrix_conj_y, score) # Disjunctive rules name_disj_x = [name_d, name_s, "disjx"] name_disj_y = [name_d, name_s, "disjy"] matrix_disj_x, matrix_disj_y = rules.disjunction(matrix_d, matrix_s, "singles") append_category(name_conj_x, matrix_disj_x, score) append_category(name_conj_y, matrix_disj_y, score) i = 0 for name_d, matrix_d, score_d in concepts: # Two Binary rules (A(x,y) --- B(x,y)) j = 0 for name_d2, matrix_d2, score_d2 in concepts: score = 1 + score_d + score_d2 if j > i: # Conjuctive rule. name_conj = [name_d, name_d2, "conj"] append_category(name_conj, rules.conjunction(matrix_d, matrix_d2), score) # Disjuctive rule. name_disj = [name_d, name_d2, "disj"] append_category(name_disj, rules.disjunction(matrix_d, matrix_d2), score) # Transtive rule. name_tran = [name_d, name_d2, "tran"] append_category(name_tran, rules.transitive(matrix_d, matrix_d2), score) j +=1 i +=1 # Filter by ego at depth 3 (or depth == 2) if depth == 2: ego = True print("Total categories:", len(categories)) categories = ts.filter_by_score(categories, ego) end_time = time.clock() concepts = categories.copy() print("Executing depth {} took {}.".format(depth+1, end_time-start_time)) print("Remaining categories:", len(categories)) if write == "True": ts.write_matrix_to_file(categories, path_matrix="concepts/bn_matrix_depth_" + str(depth+1), path_names="concepts/bn_names_depth_" + str(depth+1))
def set_length(self, new_length): self.arr_vertices, self.arr_indices, self.arr_normals = Primitives.arr_array(new_length)
def set_length(self, new_length): self.box_vertices, self.box_normals = \ Primitives.box_array(new_length) super(PrismaticJoint, self).set_length(new_length)
def gen_path(queue_state: Queue, pipe_path: connection.Pipe, shutdown_event: Event, ship: Ship, prim: Primitives, costmap: CostMap, swath_dict: Swath, a_star: AStar, goal_pos: Tuple, horizon: int = np.inf, smooth_path: bool = False) -> None: planner_times = [ ] # list to keep track of time it takes for a* to find a path at each step while not shutdown_event.is_set(): try: state_data = queue_state.get(block=True, timeout=1) # blocking call print('\nReceived state data!') # update ship initial heading ship.body.angle = state_data['ship_body_angle'] ship.initial_heading = -ship.body.angle + a_star.first_initial_heading # get new ship pos and computed snapped goal ship_pos = state_data['ship_pos'] curr_goal = (goal_pos[0], min(goal_pos[1], (ship_pos[1] + horizon)), goal_pos[2]) snapped_goal = snap_to_lattice( ship_pos, curr_goal, ship.initial_heading, ship.turning_radius, prim.num_headings, abs_init_heading=ship.initial_heading) # update costmap costmap.cost_map = state_data['costmap'] costmap.obstacles = state_data['obstacles'] # update primitives and update swath prim.rotate(-ship.body.angle, orig=True) new_swath_dict = update_swath(theta=-ship.body.angle, swath_dict=swath_dict) # get a rough idea of planner speed print('Generating next path...') t0 = time.time() # compute path to goal _, new_path, nodes_visited, x1, y1, x2, y2, _ = \, snapped_goal, new_swath_dict, smooth_path=smooth_path) # save time to list and update average frequency dt = time.time() - t0 planner_times.append(dt) print('Time elapsed: ', dt) print('Average planner frequency: {:.4f} Hz'.format( 1 / (sum(planner_times) / len(planner_times)))) if new_path != 'Fail' and len(new_path) > 1: # sample points along path full_path = get_points_on_path(new_path, prim.num_headings, ship.initial_heading, ship.turning_radius, eps=1e-3) # send new path and node information to pipe print('Sending...') pipe_path.send({ # blocking call 'path': np.asarray(full_path), 'path_nodes': (x1, y1), 'smoothing_nodes': (x2, y2), 'nodes_expanded': nodes_visited }) print('Sent path!') except queue.Empty: # nothing in queue so try again time.sleep(0.001) except ValueError as err: print("Queue closed: {}".format(err)) break pipe_path.close()