예제 #1
def getCurrentReturn(liveAlgInfo, stopStep, Cash=None):
    originalNameSpace = namespace_manager.get_namespace()
    alginfo = meTools.memGet(meSchema.meAlg, meTools.buildAlgKey(1))
    if Cash is not None:
        startCash = Cash
        startCash = alginfo.Cash
    stopStepQuotes = princeFunc.getStepQuotes(stopStep)
    for liveAlgKey in liveAlgInfo:
        positions = eval(liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].Positions)
        positionsValue = 0.0
        for symbol in positions:
            currentPrice = stopStepQuotes[symbol]
            posPrice = positions[symbol]["Price"]
            shares = positions[symbol]["Shares"]
            positionsValue += (currentPrice - posPrice) * shares
        liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].PosVal = positionsValue
        liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].percentReturn = (
            liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].PosVal + liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].PandL
        ) / startCash
        liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].numTrades = len(eval(liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].CashDelta))
        history = eval(liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].history)
        history.appendleft({"step": stopStep, "return": liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].percentReturn})
        liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].history = repr(history)
    return liveAlgInfo
예제 #2
def getBackTestReturns(memkeylist, stopStep, stats, namespace):
    ''' Using list(set()) to de-duplicate key list. '''
    algkeys = list(set([key.split('_')[-1] for key in stats]))
    algs = meTools.memGet_multi(meSchema.meAlg,algkeys)
    cuekeys = [algs[key].BuyCue for key in algs]
    cuekeys.extend([algs[key].SellCue for key in algs])
    cuekeys = list(set(cuekeys))
    tradecues = meTools.memGet_multi(meSchema.tradeCue,cuekeys)
    stopStepQuotes = princeFunc.getStepQuotes(stopStep)
    backTestReturns = {}
    # Pre-populate dict to avoid doing __contains__ on every key.
    for memkey in stats:
        algkey = memkey.split('_')[-1]
        startMonth = memkey.split('_')[0]
        if not backTestReturns.__contains__(algkey):
            buycue = tradecues[algs[algkey].BuyCue]
            sellcue = tradecues[algs[algkey].SellCue]
            fingerprint = { 'buy'  : [buycue.QuoteDelta, buycue.TimeDelta],
                            'sell' : [sellcue.QuoteDelta, sellcue.TimeDelta] }
            backTestReturns[algkey] = {'fingerprint' : fingerprint, 'returns' : {} }
    for memkey in stats:
        algkey = memkey.split('_')[-1]    # Memkey has form: startStep_stopStep_algKey
        startMonth = memkey.split('_')[0]
        testStopStep   = memkey.split('_')[1]
        positionsValue = 0.0
        for key in stats[memkey]['Positions']:
            currentPrice = stopStepQuotes[key]
            posPrice = stats[memkey]['Positions'][key]['Price']
            shares = stats[memkey]['Positions'][key]['Shares']
            positionsValue += (currentPrice-posPrice)*shares
        stepReturn = (positionsValue + stats[memkey]['PandL'])/algs[algkey].Cash
        # 'algKey' : 
        #    { 'fingerprint' :  'buy = TradeCue, TimeDelta : sell = TradeCue, TimeDelta',
        #      'returns'     :
        #              { 'startMonth(1)' :
        #                              { 'return' : 'x1%', 'PandL' : '$y1', 'PosVal' : '$z1'},
        #                'startMonth(2)' :
        #                              { 'return' : 'x2%', 'PandL' : '$y2', 'PosVal' : '$z2'}
        #               }
        backTestReturns[algkey]['returns'][int(startMonth)] = {'return'    : stepReturn,
                                                               'lastBuy'   : stats[memkey]['lastBuy'],
                                                               'lastSell'  : stats[memkey]['lastSell'],
                                                               'numTrades' : len(stats[memkey]['CashDelta']),
                                                               'PandL'     : stats[memkey]['PandL'],
                                                               'PosVal'    : positionsValue,
                                                               'stopStep'  : int(testStopStep),
                                                               'CashDelta' : repr(stats[memkey]['CashDelta']),
                                                               'Positions' : repr(stats[memkey]['Positions'])}
    return backTestReturns