예제 #1
def sign_response(request, response):
    This decorator is used to sign the response. It adds the nonce from the
    request, if it exist and adds the nonce and the signature to the response.

    .. note:: This only works for JSON responses. So if we fail to decode the
       JSON, we just pass on.

    The usual way to use it is, to wrap the after_request, so that we can also
    sign errors.

    @postrequest(sign_response, request=request)
    def after_request(response):

    :param request: The Request object
    :param response: The Response object
    if current_app.config.get("PI_NO_RESPONSE_SIGN"):
        return response

    priv_file_name = current_app.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE")
        with open(priv_file_name, 'rb') as priv_file:
            priv_key = priv_file.read()
        sign_object = Sign(priv_key, public_key=None)
    except (IOError, ValueError, TypeError) as e:
        log.info('Could not load private key from '
                 'file {0!s}: {1!r}!'.format(priv_file_name, e))
        return response

    request.all_data = get_all_params(request.values, request.data)
    # response can be either a Response object or a Tuple (Response, ErrorID)
    response_value = 200
    response_is_tuple = False
    if type(response).__name__ == "tuple":
        response_is_tuple = True
        response_value = response[1]
        response_object = response[0]
        response_object = response
        content = json.loads(response_object.data)
        nonce = request.all_data.get("nonce")
        if nonce:
            content["nonce"] = nonce

        content["signature"] = sign_object.sign(
            json.dumps(content, sort_keys=True))
        response_object.data = json.dumps(content)
    except ValueError:
        # The response.data is no JSON (but CSV or policy export)
        # We do no signing in this case.
        log.info("We only sign JSON response data.")

    if response_is_tuple:
        resp = (response_object, response_value)
        resp = response_object
    return resp
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, config=None):
     super(Audit, self).__init__(config)
     self.name = "sqlaudit"
     self.sign_data = not self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_NO_SIGN")
     self.sign_object = None
     self.verify_old_sig = self.config.get('PI_CHECK_OLD_SIGNATURES')
     if self.sign_data:
         self.sign_object = Sign(self.private, self.public)
     # Read column_length from the config file
     config_column_length = self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_SQL_COLUMN_LENGTH",
     # fill the missing parts with the default from the models
     self.custom_column_length = {
         (v if k not in config_column_length else config_column_length[k])
         for k, v in column_length.items()
     # We can use "sqlaudit" as the key because the SQLAudit connection
     # string is fixed for a running privacyIDEA instance.
     # In other words, we will not run into any problems with changing connect strings.
     self.engine = get_engine(self.name, self._create_engine)
     # create a configured "Session" class. ``scoped_session`` is not
     # necessary because we do not share session objects among threads.
     # We use it anyway as a safety measure.
     Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=self.engine))
     self.session = Session()
     # Ensure that the connection gets returned to the pool when the request has
     # been handled. This may close an already-closed session, but this is not a problem.
     self.session._model_changes = {}
예제 #3
    def test_07_sign_response(self):
        builder = EnvironBuilder(method='POST', data={}, headers={})
        env = builder.get_environ()
        env["REMOTE_ADDR"] = ""
        req = Request(env)
        req.values = {
            "user": "******",
            "pass": "******",
            "nonce": "12345678"

        res = {
            "jsonrpc": "2.0",
            "result": {
                "status": True,
                "value": True
            "version": "privacyIDEA test",
            "id": 1
        resp = Response(json.dumps(res))
        from privacyidea.lib.crypto import Sign
        g.sign_object = Sign("tests/testdata/private.pem",

        new_response = sign_response(req, resp)
        jresult = json.loads(new_response.data)
        self.assertEqual(jresult.get("nonce"), "12345678")
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        self.name = "sqlaudit"
        self.config = config or {}
        self.audit_data = {}
        self.sign_data = not self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_NO_SIGN")
        self.sign_object = None
        self.verify_old_sig = self.config.get('PI_CHECK_OLD_SIGNATURES')
        if self.sign_data:
            self.sign_object = Sign(self.private, self.public)

        # We can use "sqlaudit" as the key because the SQLAudit connection
        # string is fixed for a running privacyIDEA instance.
        # In other words, we will not run into any problems with changing connect strings.
        self.engine = get_engine(self.name, self._create_engine)
        # create a configured "Session" class. ``scoped_session`` is not
        # necessary because we do not share session objects among threads.
        # We use it anyway as a safety measure.
        Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=self.engine))
        self.session = Session()
        # Ensure that the connection gets returned to the pool when the request has
        # been handled. This may close an already-closed session, but this is not a problem.
        self.session._model_changes = {}
예제 #5
    def test_00_create_sign_object(self):
        # test with invalid key data
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            Sign(b'This is not a private key', b'This is not a public key')
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            priv_key = open(current_app.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE"), 'rb').read()
                 public_key=b'Still not a public key')
        # this should work
        priv_key = open(current_app.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE"), 'rb').read()
        pub_key = open(current_app.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PUBLIC"), 'rb').read()
        so = Sign(priv_key, pub_key)
        self.assertEqual(so.sig_ver, 'rsa_sha256_pss')

        # test missing keys
        so = Sign(public_key=pub_key)
        res = so.sign('testdata')
        self.assertEqual(res, '')
        so = Sign(private_key=priv_key)
        res = so.verify('testdata', 'testsig')
예제 #6
def sign_response(request, response):
    This decorator is used to sign the response. It adds the nonce from the
    request, if it exist and adds the nonce and the signature to the response.

    .. note:: This only works for JSON responses. So if we fail to decode the
       JSON, we just pass on.

    The usual way to use it is, to wrap the after_request, so that we can also
    sign errors.

    @postrequest(sign_response, request=request)
    def after_request(response):

    :param request: The Request object
    :param response: The Response object
    if current_app.config.get("PI_NO_RESPONSE_SIGN"):
        return response

    priv_file = current_app.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE")
    pub_file = current_app.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PUBLIC")
    sign_object = Sign(priv_file, pub_file)
    request.all_data = get_all_params(request.values, request.data)
    # response can be either a Response object or a Tuple (Response, ErrorID)
    response_value = 200
    response_is_tuple = False
    if type(response).__name__ == "tuple":
        response_is_tuple = True
        response_value = response[1]
        response_object = response[0]
        response_object = response
        content = json.loads(response_object.data)
        nonce = request.all_data.get("nonce")
        if nonce:
            content["nonce"] = nonce

        content["signature"] = sign_object.sign(json.dumps(content))
        response_object.data = json.dumps(content)
    except ValueError:
        # The response.data is no JSON (but CSV or policy export)
        # We do no signing in this case.
        log.info("We only sign JSON response data.")

    if response_is_tuple:
        resp = (response_object, response_value)
        resp = response_object
    return resp
예제 #7
    def test_01_sign_and_verify_data(self):
        priv_key = open(current_app.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE"),
        pub_key = open(current_app.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PUBLIC"),
        so = Sign(priv_key, pub_key)
        data = 'short text'
        sig = so.sign(data)
        self.assertTrue(sig.startswith(so.sig_ver), sig)
        self.assertTrue(so.verify(data, sig))

        data = b'A slightly longer text, this time in binary format.'
        sig = so.sign(data)
        self.assertTrue(so.verify(data, sig))

        # test with text larger than RSA key size
        data = b'\x01\x02' * 5000
        sig = so.sign(data)
        self.assertTrue(so.verify(data, sig))

        # now test a broken signature
        data = 'short text'
        sig = so.sign(data)
        sig_broken = sig[:-1] + '{:x}'.format((int(sig[-1], 16) + 1) % 16)
        self.assertFalse(so.verify(data, sig_broken))

        # test with non hex string
        sig_broken = sig[:-1] + 'x'
        self.assertFalse(so.verify(data, sig_broken))

        # now try to verify old signatures
        # first without enabling old signatures in config
        short_text_sig = 15197717811878792093921885389298262311612396877333963031070812155820116863657342817645537537961773450510020137791036591085713379948816070430789598146539509027948592633362217308056639775153575635684961642110792013775709164803544619582232081442445758263838942315386909453927493644845757192298617925455779136340217255670113943560463286896994555184188496806420559078552626485909484729552861477888246423469461421103010299470836507229490718177625822972845024556897040292571751452383573549412451282884349017186147757238775308192484937929135306435242403555592741059466194258607967889051881221759976135386624406095324595765010
        data = 'short text'
        self.assertFalse(so.verify(data, short_text_sig))

        # now we enable the checking of old signatures
        short_text_sig = 15197717811878792093921885389298262311612396877333963031070812155820116863657342817645537537961773450510020137791036591085713379948816070430789598146539509027948592633362217308056639775153575635684961642110792013775709164803544619582232081442445758263838942315386909453927493644845757192298617925455779136340217255670113943560463286896994555184188496806420559078552626485909484729552861477888246423469461421103010299470836507229490718177625822972845024556897040292571751452383573549412451282884349017186147757238775308192484937929135306435242403555592741059466194258607967889051881221759976135386624406095324595765010
        data = 'short text'
        self.assertTrue(so.verify(data, short_text_sig, verify_old_sigs=True))

        # verify a broken old signature
        broken_short_text_sig = short_text_sig + 1
            so.verify(data, broken_short_text_sig, verify_old_sigs=True))

        long_data_sig = 991763198885165486007338893972384496025563436289154190056285376683148093829644985815692167116166669178171916463844829424162591848106824431299796818231239278958776853940831433819576852350691126984617641483209392489383319296267416823194661791079316704545017249491961092046751201670544843607206698682190381208022128216306635574292359600514603728560982584561531193227312370683851459162828981766836503134221347324867936277484738573153562229478151744446530191383660477390958159856842222437156763388859923477183453362567547792824054461704970820770533637185477922709297916275611571003099205429044820469679520819043851809079
        long_data = b'\x01\x02' * 5000
            so.verify(long_data, long_data_sig, verify_old_sigs=True))
예제 #8
    def read_keys(self, pub, priv):
        Set the private and public key for the audit class. This is achieved by
        passing the entries.

        #priv = config.get("privacyideaAudit.key.private")
        #pub = config.get("privacyideaAudit.key.public")

        :param pub: Public key, used for verifying the signature
        :type pub: string with filename
        :param priv: Private key, used to sign the audit entry
        :type priv: string with filename
        :return: None
        self.sign_object = Sign(priv, pub)
예제 #9
def check_signature(subscription):
    This function checks the signature of a subscription. If the signature
    checking fails, a SignatureError / Exception is raised.

    :param subscription: The dict of the subscription
    :return: True
    vendor = subscription.get("by_name").split()[0]
    enckey = get_app_config_value("PI_ENCFILE", "/etc/privacyidea/enckey")
    dirname = os.path.dirname(enckey)
    # In dirname we are searching for <vendor>.pem
    filename = u"{0!s}/{1!s}.pem".format(dirname, vendor)

        # remove the minutes 00:00:00
        subscription["date_from"] = subscription.get("date_from").strftime(SUBSCRIPTION_DATE_FORMAT)
        subscription["date_till"] = subscription.get("date_till").strftime(SUBSCRIPTION_DATE_FORMAT)
        sign_string = SIGN_FORMAT.format(**subscription)
        with open(filename, 'rb') as key_file:
            sign_obj = Sign(private_key=None, public_key=key_file.read())

        signature = subscription.get('signature', '100')
        r = sign_obj.verify(sign_string, signature, verify_old_sigs=True)
        subscription["date_from"] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
        subscription["date_till"] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
    except Exception as _e:
        raise SubscriptionError("Verifying the signature of your subscription "

    if not r:
        raise SubscriptionError("Signature of your subscription does not "

    return r