예제 #1
    def _check_timestamp_in_range(timestamp, window):
        """ Check if the timestamp is a valid timestamp and if it matches the time window.

        If the check fails a privacyIDEA error is thrown.

        :param timestamp: A timestamp in iso format, either with a timezone or UTC is assumed
        :type timestamp: str
        :param window: Time window in minutes. The timestamp must lie within the
                       range of -window to +window of the current time.
        :type window: int
            ts = isoparse(timestamp)
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as _e:
            raise privacyIDEAError('Could not parse timestamp {0!s}. '
                                   'ISO-Format required.'.format(timestamp))
        td = timedelta(minutes=window)
        # We don't know if the passed timestamp is timezone aware. If no
        # timezone is passed, we assume UTC
        if ts.tzinfo:
            now = datetime.now(utc)
            now = datetime.utcnow()
        if not (now - td <= ts <= now + td):
            raise privacyIDEAError(
                'Timestamp {0!s} not in valid range.'.format(timestamp))
예제 #2
def test_radius(identifier, server, secret, user, password, port=1812, description="",
               dictionary='/etc/privacyidea/dictionary', retries=3, timeout=5):
    This tests a RADIUS server configuration by sending an access request.

    :param identifier: The identifier or the name of the RADIUSServer definition
    :type identifier: basestring
    :param server: The FQDN or IP address of the RADIUS server
    :type server: basestring
    :param secret: The RADIUS secret
    :param user: the username to send
    :param password: the password to send
    :param port: the radius port
    :type port: int
    :param description: Human readable description of the RADIUS server
    :param dictionary: The RADIUS dictionary
    :return: The result of the access request
    cryptedSecret = encryptPassword(secret)
    if len(cryptedSecret) > 255:
        raise privacyIDEAError(description=_("The RADIUS secret is too long"),
    s = RADIUSServerDB(identifier=identifier, server=server, port=port,
                       secret=cryptedSecret, dictionary=dictionary,
                       retries=retries, timeout=timeout,
    return RADIUSServer.request(s, user, password)
예제 #3
def add_radius(identifier, server, secret, port=1812, description="",
               dictionary='/etc/privacyidea/dictionary', retries=3, timeout=5):
    This adds a RADIUS server to the RADIUSServer database table.

    If the "identifier" already exists, the database entry is updated.

    :param identifier: The identifier or the name of the RADIUSServer
        As the identifier is unique, providing an identifier will return a
        list with either one or no radius server
    :type identifier: basestring
    :param server: The FQDN or IP address of the RADIUS server
    :type server: basestring
    :param secret: The RADIUS secret
    :param port: the radius port
    :type port: int
    :param description: Human readable description of the RADIUS server
    :param dictionary: The RADIUS dictionary
    :return: The Id of the database object
    cryptedSecret = encryptPassword(secret)
    if len(cryptedSecret) > 255:
        raise privacyIDEAError(description=_("The RADIUS secret is too long"),
    r = RADIUSServerDB(identifier=identifier, server=server, port=port,
                       secret=cryptedSecret, description=description,
                       retries=retries, timeout=timeout).save()
    return r
예제 #4
def add_radius(identifier, server, secret, port=1812, description="",
               dictionary='/etc/privacyidea/dictionary', retries=3, timeout=5):
    This adds a RADIUS server to the RADIUSServer database table.

    If the "identifier" already exists, the database entry is updated.

    :param identifier: The identifier or the name of the RADIUSServer
        As the identifier is unique, providing an identifier will return a
        list with either one or no radius server
    :type identifier: basestring
    :param server: The FQDN or IP address of the RADIUS server
    :type server: basestring
    :param secret: The RADIUS secret
    :param port: the radius port
    :type port: int
    :param description: Human readable description of the RADIUS server
    :param dictionary: The RADIUS dictionary
    :return: The Id of the database object
    cryptedSecret = encryptPassword(secret)
    if len(cryptedSecret) > 255:
        raise privacyIDEAError(description=_("The RADIUS secret is too long"),
    r = RADIUSServerDB(identifier=identifier, server=server, port=port,
                       secret=cryptedSecret, description=description,
                       retries=retries, timeout=timeout).save()
    return r
예제 #5
def test_radius(identifier, server, secret, user, password, port=1812, description="",
               dictionary='/etc/privacyidea/dictionary', retries=3, timeout=5):
    This tests a RADIUS server configuration by sending an access request.

    :param identifier: The identifier or the name of the RADIUSServer definition
    :type identifier: basestring
    :param server: The FQDN or IP address of the RADIUS server
    :type server: basestring
    :param secret: The RADIUS secret
    :param user: the username to send
    :param password: the password to send
    :param port: the radius port
    :type port: int
    :param description: Human readable description of the RADIUS server
    :param dictionary: The RADIUS dictionary
    :return: The result of the access request
    cryptedSecret = encryptPassword(secret)
    if len(cryptedSecret) > 255:
        raise privacyIDEAError(description=_("The RADIUS secret is too long"),
    s = RADIUSServerDB(identifier=identifier, server=server, port=port,
                       secret=cryptedSecret, dictionary=dictionary,
                       retries=retries, timeout=timeout,
    return RADIUSServer.request(s, user, password)
예제 #6
    def add_user(self, attributes=None):
        Add a new user to the LDAP directory.
        The user can only be created in the LDAP using a DN.
        So we have to construct the DN out of the given attributes.

        attributes are these
        "username", "surname", "givenname", "email",
        "mobile", "phone", "password"

        :param attributes: Attributes according to the attribute mapping
        :type attributes: dict
        :return: The new UID of the user. The UserIdResolver needs to
        determine the way how to create the UID.
        # TODO: We still have some utf8 issues creating users with special characters.
        attributes = attributes or {}

        dn = self.dn_template
        dn = dn.replace("<basedn>", self.basedn)
        dn = dn.replace("<username>", attributes.get("username", ""))
        dn = dn.replace("<givenname>", attributes.get("givenname", ""))
        dn = dn.replace("<surname>", attributes.get("surname", ""))

            params = self._attributes_to_ldap_attributes(attributes)
            self.l.add(dn, self.object_classes, params)

        except Exception as e:
            log.error("Error accessing LDAP server: {0!r}".format(e))
            raise privacyIDEAError(e)

        if self.l.result.get('result') != 0:
            log.error("Error during adding of user {0!r}: "
                      "{1!r}".format(dn, self.l.result.get('message')))
            raise privacyIDEAError(self.l.result.get('message'))

        return self.getUserId(attributes.get("username"))
예제 #7
    def add_user(self, attributes=None):
        Add a new user to the LDAP directory.
        The user can only be created in the LDAP using a DN.
        So we have to construct the DN out of the given attributes.

        attributes are these
        "username", "surname", "givenname", "email",
        "mobile", "phone", "password"

        :param attributes: Attributes according to the attribute mapping
        :type attributes: dict
        :return: The new UID of the user. The UserIdResolver needs to
        determine the way how to create the UID.
        # TODO: We still have some utf8 issues creating users with special characters.
        attributes = attributes or {}

        dn = self.dn_template
        dn = dn.replace("<basedn>", self.basedn)
        dn = dn.replace("<username>", attributes.get("username", ""))
        dn = dn.replace("<givenname>", attributes.get("givenname", ""))
        dn = dn.replace("<surname>", attributes.get("surname", ""))

            params = self._attributes_to_ldap_attributes(attributes)
            self.l.add(dn, self.object_classes, params)

        except Exception as e:
            log.error("Error accessing LDAP server: {0!r}".format(e))
            raise privacyIDEAError(e)

        if self.l.result.get('result') != 0:
            log.error("Error during adding of user {0!r}: "
                      "{1!r}".format(dn, self.l.result.get('message')))
            raise privacyIDEAError(self.l.result.get('message'))

        return self.getUserId(attributes.get("username"))
예제 #8
def create_recoverycode(user,
    Create and send a password recovery code

    :param user: User for whom the password reset code should be sent
    :type user: User Object
    :param email: The optional email of the user
    :param recoverycode: Only used for testing purpose
    :return: bool
    base_url = base_url.strip("recover")
    base_url += "#"
    recoverycode = recoverycode or generate_password(size=24)
    hash_code = hash_with_pepper(recoverycode)
    # send this recoverycode
    pwreset = PasswordReset(hash_code,

    res = False
    if not user:
        raise UserError("User required for recovery token.")
    user_email = user.info.get("email")
    if email and email.lower() != user_email.lower():
        raise UserError("The email does not match the users email.")

    identifier = get_from_config("recovery.identifier")
    if identifier:
        # send email
        r = send_email_identifier(
            identifier, user_email, "Your password reset",
            BODY.format(base_url, user.login, user.realm, recoverycode))
        if not r:
            raise privacyIDEAError("Failed to send email. {0!s}".format(r))
        raise ConfigAdminError("Missing configuration " "recovery.identifier.")
    res = True
    return res
예제 #9
def create_recoverycode(user, email=None, expiration_seconds=3600,
                        recoverycode=None, base_url=""):
    Create and send a password recovery code

    :param user: User for whom the password reset code should be sent
    :type user: User Object
    :param email: The optional email of the user
    :param recoverycode: Only used for testing purpose
    :return: bool
    base_url = base_url.strip("recover")
    base_url += "#"
    recoverycode = recoverycode or generate_password(size=24)
    hash_code = hash_with_pepper(recoverycode)
    # send this recoverycode
    pwreset = PasswordReset(hash_code, username=user.login,

    res = False
    if not user:
        raise UserError("User required for recovery token.")
    user_email = user.info.get("email")
    if email and email.lower() != user_email.lower():
        raise UserError("The email does not match the users email.")

    identifier = get_from_config("recovery.identifier")
    if identifier:
        # send email
        r = send_email_identifier(identifier, user_email,
                                  "Your password reset",
                                              user.login, user.realm,
        if not r:
            raise privacyIDEAError("Failed to send email. {0!s}".format(r))
        raise ConfigAdminError("Missing configuration "
    res = True
    return res
예제 #10
def verify_certificate(certificate, chain):
    Verify a certificate against the certificate chain, which can be of any length

    The certificate chain starts with the root certificate and contains further
    intermediate certificates

    :param certificate: The certificate
    :type certificate: PEM encoded string
    :param chain: A list of PEM encoded certificates
    :type chain: list
    :return: raises an exception
    # first reverse the list, since it can be popped better
    chain = list(reversed(chain))
    if not chain:
        raise privacyIDEAError(
            "Can not verify certificate against an empty chain.")
    certificate = load_pem_x509_certificate(to_byte_string(certificate),
    chain = [
        load_pem_x509_certificate(to_byte_string(c), default_backend())
        for c in chain
    # verify chain
    while chain:
        signer = chain.pop()
        if chain:
            # There is another element in the list, so we check the intermediate:
            signee = chain.pop()
            signer = signee

    # This was the last certificate in the chain, so we check the certificate
예제 #11
    def api_endpoint(cls, request, g):
        This provides a function which is called by the API endpoint
        ``/ttype/push`` which is defined in :doc:`../../api/ttype`

        The method returns a tuple ``("json", {})``

        This endpoint provides several functionalities:

        - It is used for the 2nd enrollment step of the smartphone.
          It accepts the following parameters:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              serial=<token serial>
              fbtoken=<Firebase token>
              pubkey=<public key>

        - It is also used when the smartphone sends the signed response
          to the challenge during authentication. The following parameters are accepted:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              serial=<token serial>
              nonce=<the actual challenge>
              signature=<the signed nonce>

        - In some cases the Firebase service changes the token of a device. This
          needs to be communicated to privacyIDEA through this endpoint

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              new_fb_token=<new Firebase token>
              serial=<token serial>

        - And it also acts as an endpoint for polling challenges:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver


          More on polling can be found here: https://github.com/privacyidea/privacyidea/wiki/concept%3A-pushtoken-poll

        :param request: The Flask request
        :param g: The Flask global object g
        :return: The json string representing the result dictionary
        :rtype: tuple("json", str)
        details = {}
        if request.method == 'POST':
            result, details = cls._api_endpoint_post(request.all_data)
        elif request.method == 'GET':
            result = cls._api_endpoint_get(g, request.all_data)
            raise privacyIDEAError(
                'Method {0!s} not allowed in \'api_endpoint\' '
                'for push token.'.format(request.method))

        return "json", prepare_result(result, details=details)
예제 #12
    def _api_endpoint_get(cls, g, request_data):
        """ Handle all GET requests to the api endpoint.

        Currently this is only used for polling.
        :param g: The Flask context
        :param request_data: Dictionary containing the parameters of the request
        :type request_data: dict
        :returns: Result of the polling operation, 'True' if an unanswered and
                  matching challenge exists, 'False' otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        # By default we allow polling if the policy is not set.
        allow_polling = get_action_values_from_options(
            options={'g': g}) or PushAllowPolling.ALLOW
        if allow_polling == PushAllowPolling.DENY:
            raise PolicyError('Polling not allowed!')
        serial = getParam(request_data, "serial", optional=False)
        timestamp = getParam(request_data, 'timestamp', optional=False)
        signature = getParam(request_data, 'signature', optional=False)
        # first check if the timestamp is in the required span
        cls._check_timestamp_in_range(timestamp, POLL_TIME_WINDOW)
        # now check the signature
        # first get the token
            tok = get_one_token(serial=serial, tokentype=cls.get_class_type())
            # If the push_allow_polling policy is set to "token" we also
            # need to check the POLLING_ALLOWED tokeninfo. If it evaluated
            # to 'False', polling is not allowed for this token. If the
            # tokeninfo value evaluates to 'True' or is not set at all,
            # polling is allowed for this token.
            if allow_polling == PushAllowPolling.TOKEN:
                if not is_true(
                        tok.get_tokeninfo(POLLING_ALLOWED, default='True')):
                    log.debug('Polling not allowed for pushtoken {0!s} due to '
                    raise PolicyError('Polling not allowed!')

            pubkey_obj = _build_verify_object(
            sign_data = u"{serial}|{timestamp}".format(**request_data)
            pubkey_obj.verify(b32decode(signature), sign_data.encode("utf8"),
                              padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA256())
            # The signature was valid now check for an open challenge
            # we need the private server key to sign the smartphone data
            pem_privkey = tok.get_tokeninfo(PRIVATE_KEY_SERVER)
            # We need the registration URL for the challenge
            registration_url = get_action_values_from_options(
                SCOPE.ENROLL, PUSH_ACTION.REGISTRATION_URL, options={'g': g})
            if not registration_url:
                raise ResourceNotFoundError(
                    'There is no registration_url defined for the '
                    ' pushtoken {0!s}. You need to define a push_registration_url '
                    'in an enrollment policy.'.format(serial))
            options = {'g': g}
            challenges = []
            challengeobject_list = get_challenges(serial=serial)
            for chal in challengeobject_list:
                # check if the challenge is active and not already answered
                _cnt, answered = chal.get_otp_status()
                if not answered and chal.is_valid():
                    # then return the necessary smartphone data to answer
                    # the challenge
                    sp_data = _build_smartphone_data(serial, chal.challenge,
                                                     pem_privkey, options)
            # return the challenges as a list in the result value
            result = challenges
        except (ResourceNotFoundError, ParameterError, InvalidSignature,
                ConfigAdminError, BinasciiError) as e:
            # to avoid disclosing information we always fail with an invalid
            # signature error even if the token with the serial could not be found
            log.info('The following error occurred during the signature '
                     'check: "{0!r}"'.format(e))
            raise privacyIDEAError('Could not verify signature!')

        return result
예제 #13
    def _api_endpoint_post(cls, request_data):
        """ Handle all POST requests to the api endpoint

        :param request_data: Dictionary containing the parameters of the request
        :type request_data: dict
        :returns: The result of handling the request and a dictionary containing
                  the details of the request handling
        :rtype: (bool, dict)
        details = {}
        result = False

        serial = getParam(request_data, "serial", optional=False)
        if all(k in request_data for k in ("fbtoken", "pubkey")):
            log.debug("Do the 2nd step of the enrollment.")
                token_obj = get_one_token(
            except ResourceNotFoundError:
                raise ResourceNotFoundError(
                    "No token with this serial number "
                    "in the rollout state 'clientwait'.")
            init_detail_dict = request_data

            details = token_obj.get_init_detail(init_detail_dict)
            result = True
        elif all(k in request_data for k in ("nonce", "signature")):
                "Handling the authentication response from the smartphone.")
            challenge = getParam(request_data, "nonce")
            signature = getParam(request_data, "signature")

            # get the token_obj for the given serial:
            token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial, tokentype="push")
            pubkey_obj = _build_verify_object(
            # Do the 2nd step of the authentication
            # Find valid challenges
            challengeobject_list = get_challenges(serial=serial,

            if challengeobject_list:
                # There are valid challenges, so we check this signature
                for chal in challengeobject_list:
                    # verify the signature of the nonce
                    sign_data = u"{0!s}|{1!s}".format(challenge, serial)
                                          padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA256())
                        # The signature was valid
                            "Found matching challenge {0!s}.".format(chal))
                        result = True
                    except InvalidSignature as _e:
        elif all(k in request_data
                 for k in ('new_fb_token', 'timestamp', 'signature')):
            timestamp = getParam(request_data, 'timestamp', optional=False)
            signature = getParam(request_data, 'signature', optional=False)
            # first check if the timestamp is in the required span
            cls._check_timestamp_in_range(timestamp, UPDATE_FB_TOKEN_WINDOW)
                tok = get_one_token(serial=serial,
                pubkey_obj = _build_verify_object(
                sign_data = u"{new_fb_token}|{serial}|{timestamp}".format(
                                  sign_data.encode("utf8"), padding.PKCS1v15(),
                # If the timestamp and signature are valid we update the token
                result = True
            except (ResourceNotFoundError, ParameterError, TypeError,
                    InvalidSignature, ConfigAdminError, BinasciiError) as e:
                # to avoid disclosing information we always fail with an invalid
                # signature error even if the token with the serial could not be found
                log.info('The following error occurred during the signature '
                         'check: "{0!r}"'.format(e))
                raise privacyIDEAError('Could not verify signature!')
            raise ParameterError("Missing parameters!")

        return result, details
예제 #14
    def api_endpoint(cls, request, g):
        This provides a function which is called by the API endpoint
        ``/ttype/push`` which is defined in :doc:`../../api/ttype`

        The method returns a tuple ``("json", {})``

        This endpoint provides several functionalities:

        - It is used for the 2nd enrollment step of the smartphone.
          It accepts the following parameters:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              serial=<token serial>
              fbtoken=<firebase token>
              pubkey=<public key>

        - It is also used when the smartphone sends the signed response
          to the challenge during authentication. The following parameters ar accepted:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              serial=<token serial>
              nonce=<the actual challenge>
              signature=<the signed nonce>

        - And it also acts as an endpoint for polling challenges:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver


          More on polling can be found here: https://github.com/privacyidea/privacyidea/wiki/concept%3A-pushtoken-poll

        :param request: The Flask request
        :param g: The Flask global object g
        :return: The json string representing the result dictionary
        :rtype: tuple("json", str)
        details = {}
        result = False

        if request.method == 'POST':
            serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial", optional=False)
            if serial and "fbtoken" in request.all_data and "pubkey" in request.all_data:
                log.debug("Do the 2nd step of the enrollment.")
                    token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial,
                except ResourceNotFoundError:
                    raise ResourceNotFoundError(
                        "No token with this serial number "
                        "in the rollout state 'clientwait'.")
                init_detail_dict = request.all_data

                details = token_obj.get_init_detail(init_detail_dict)
                result = True
            elif serial and "nonce" in request.all_data and "signature" in request.all_data:
                    "Handling the authentication response from the smartphone."
                challenge = getParam(request.all_data, "nonce")
                serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial")
                signature = getParam(request.all_data, "signature")

                # get the token_obj for the given serial:
                token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial, tokentype="push")
                pubkey_obj = _build_verify_object(
                # Do the 2nd step of the authentication
                # Find valid challenges
                challengeobject_list = get_challenges(serial=serial,

                if challengeobject_list:
                    # There are valid challenges, so we check this signature
                    for chal in challengeobject_list:
                        # verify the signature of the nonce
                        sign_data = u"{0!s}|{1!s}".format(challenge, serial)
                            # The signature was valid
                                "Found matching challenge {0!s}.".format(chal))
                            result = True
                        except InvalidSignature as _e:

                raise ParameterError("Missing parameters!")
        elif request.method == 'GET':
            # This is only used for polling
            # By default we allow polling if the policy is not set.
            allow_polling = get_action_values_from_options(
                options={'g': g}) or PushAllowPolling.ALLOW
            if allow_polling == PushAllowPolling.DENY:
                raise PolicyError('Polling not allowed!')
            serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial", optional=False)
            timestamp = getParam(request.all_data, 'timestamp', optional=False)
            signature = getParam(request.all_data, 'signature', optional=False)
            # first check if the timestamp is in the required span
                ts = isoparse(timestamp)
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as _e:
                raise privacyIDEAError(
                    'Could not parse timestamp {0!s}. '
                    'ISO-Format required.'.format(timestamp))
            # TODO: make time delta configurable
            td = timedelta(minutes=POLL_TIME_WINDOW)
            # We don't know if the passed timestamp is timezone aware. If no
            # timezone is passed, we assume UTC
            if ts.tzinfo:
                now = datetime.now(utc)
                now = datetime.utcnow()
            if not (now - td <= ts <= now + td):
                raise privacyIDEAError(
                    'Timestamp {0!s} not in valid range.'.format(timestamp))
            # now check the signature
            # first get the token
                tok = get_one_token(serial=serial,
                # If the push_allow_polling policy is set to "token" we also
                # need to check the POLLING_ALLOWED tokeninfo. If it evaluated
                # to 'False', polling is not allowed for this token. If the
                # tokeninfo value evaluates to 'True' or is not set at all,
                # polling is allowed for this token.
                if allow_polling == PushAllowPolling.TOKEN:
                    if not is_true(
                            'Polling not allowed for pushtoken {0!s} due to '
                        raise PolicyError('Polling not allowed!')

                pubkey_obj = _build_verify_object(
                sign_data = u"{serial}|{timestamp}".format(**request.all_data)
                                  sign_data.encode("utf8"), padding.PKCS1v15(),
                # The signature was valid now check for an open challenge
                # we need the private server key to sign the smartphone data
                pem_privkey = tok.get_tokeninfo(PRIVATE_KEY_SERVER)
                # we also need the FirebaseGateway for this token
                fb_identifier = tok.get_tokeninfo(PUSH_ACTION.FIREBASE_CONFIG)
                if not fb_identifier:
                    raise ResourceNotFoundError(
                        'The pushtoken {0!s} has no Firebase configuration '
                fb_gateway = create_sms_instance(fb_identifier)
                options = {'g': g}
                challenges = []
                challengeobject_list = get_challenges(serial=serial)
                for chal in challengeobject_list:
                    # check if the challenge is active and not already answered
                    _cnt, answered = chal.get_otp_status()
                    if not answered and chal.is_valid():
                        # then return the necessary smartphone data to answer
                        # the challenge
                        sp_data = _build_smartphone_data(
                            serial, chal.challenge, fb_gateway, pem_privkey,
                # return the challenges as a list in the result value
                result = challenges
            except (ResourceNotFoundError, ParameterError, InvalidSignature,
                    ConfigAdminError, BinasciiError) as e:
                # to avoid disclosing information we always fail with an invalid
                # signature error even if the token with the serial could not be found
                log.info('The following error occurred during the signature '
                         'check: "{0!r}"'.format(e))
                raise privacyIDEAError('Could not verify signature!')

            raise privacyIDEAError(
                'Method {0!s} not allowed in \'api_endpoint\' '
                'for push token.'.format(request.method))

        return "json", prepare_result(result, details=details)
예제 #15
    def update(self, param):
        This method is called during the initialization process.
        :param param: parameters from the token init
        :type param: dict
        :return: None
        TokenClass.update(self, param)

        request = getParam(param, "request", optional)
        spkac = getParam(param, "spkac", optional)
        certificate = getParam(param, "certificate", optional)
        generate = getParam(param, "genkey", optional)
        template_name = getParam(param, "template", optional)
        if request or generate:
            # If we do not upload a user certificate, then we need a CA do
            # sign the uploaded request or generated certificate.
            ca = getParam(param, "ca", required)
            self.add_tokeninfo("CA", ca)
            cacon = get_caconnector_object(ca)
        if request:
            if not spkac:
                # We only do the whole attestation checking in case we have no SPKAC
                request_csr = load_pem_x509_csr(to_byte_string(request),
                if not request_csr.is_signature_valid:
                    raise privacyIDEAError("request has invalid signature.")
                # If a request is sent, we can have an attestation certificate
                attestation = getParam(param, "attestation", optional)
                verify_attestation = getParam(param, "verify_attestation",
                if attestation:
                    request_numbers = request_csr.public_key().public_numbers()
                    attestation_cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(
                        to_byte_string(attestation), default_backend())
                    attestation_numbers = attestation_cert.public_key(
                    if request_numbers != attestation_numbers:
                            "certificate request does not match attestation certificate."
                        raise privacyIDEAError(
                            "certificate request does not match attestation certificate."

                        verified = verify_certificate_path(
                            attestation, param.get(ACTION.TRUSTED_CA_PATH))
                    except Exception as exx:
                        # We could have file system errors during verification.
                        verified = False

                    if not verified:
                            "Failed to verify certificate chain of attestation certificate."
                        if verify_attestation:
                            raise privacyIDEAError(
                                "Failed to verify certificate chain of attestation certificate."

            # During the initialization process, we need to create the
            # certificate
            x509object = cacon.sign_request(request,
                                                "spkac": spkac,
                                                "template": template_name
            certificate = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
        elif generate:
            # Create the certificate on behalf of another user.
            # Now we need to create the key pair,
            # the request
            # and the certificate
            # We need the user for whom the certificate should be created
            user = get_user_from_param(param, optionalOrRequired=required)

            keysize = getParam(param, "keysize", optional, 2048)
            key = crypto.PKey()
            key.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, keysize)
            req = crypto.X509Req()
            req.get_subject().CN = user.login
            # Add email to subject
            if user.info.get("email"):
                req.get_subject().emailAddress = user.info.get("email")
            req.get_subject().organizationalUnitName = user.realm
            # TODO: Add Country, Organization, Email
            # req.get_subject().countryName = 'xxx'
            # req.get_subject().stateOrProvinceName = 'xxx'
            # req.get_subject().localityName = 'xxx'
            # req.get_subject().organizationName = 'xxx'
            req.sign(key, "sha256")
            csr = to_unicode(
                crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, req))
            x509object = cacon.sign_request(
                csr, options={"template": template_name})
            certificate = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
            # Save the private key to the encrypted key field of the token
            s = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)
            self.add_tokeninfo("privatekey", s, value_type="password")

        if "pin" in param:
            self.set_pin(param.get("pin"), encrypt=True)

        if certificate:
            self.add_tokeninfo("certificate", certificate)