예제 #1
def find_cron_daemon():
    Find the cron daemon process.

    :returns: A :class:`~proc.tree.ProcessNode` object.
    :raises: :exc:`CronDaemonNotRunning` when the cron daemon process cannot
             be located.
    init = get_process_tree()
    cron = init.find(exe_name='cron')
    if not cron:
        raise CronDaemonNotRunning(
            "Failed to determine process id of cron daemon process! Is it running?"
    return cron
예제 #2
 def test_tree_construction(self, timeout=60):
     """Test the functionality of the :mod:`proc.tree` module."""
     # Test argument validation.
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, get_process_tree, obj_type=object)
     # Spawn a child and grandchild (because of shell=True) that will live for a minute.
     child = subprocess.Popen(['sleep 60'], shell=True)
     # Use a try / finally block to make sure we kill our child before returning.
         # This test used to fail intermittently on Travis CI because the child
         # and grandchild need a moment to initialize and the test wasn't giving
         # the two processes the time they needed to initialize. However any
         # given time.sleep(N) value is completely arbitrary (if a computer can
         # be slow it can also be really slow :-) so instead I've decided to
         # repeat the test until it succeeds, with a timeout in case it actually
         # does fail and won't succeed despite waiting.
         timer = Timer()
         while True:
             # Use a try / except block (in a while loop) to retry as long
             # as the timeout hasn't been hit and bubble the exception when
             # once we hit the timeout.
                 # Construct a process tree.
                 init = get_process_tree()
                 # Locate our own process in the tree.
                 self = init.find(pid=os.getpid(), recursive=True)
                 # Verify that the child is visible in the process tree.
                 logger.debug("Children in process tree: %s",
                 assert child.pid in [c.pid for c in self.children], \
                     "Child process not visible in process tree reported by get_process_tree()!"
                 # Verify that the grandchild is visible in the process tree.
                 logger.debug("Grandchildren in process tree: %s",
                 assert any(gc.exe_name == 'sleep' for gc in self.grandchildren), \
                     "Grandchild process not visible in process tree reported by get_process_tree()!"
                 # Once both assertions have succeeded the test has also
                 # succeeded and we return (break out of the while loop).
             except AssertionError:
                 if timer.elapsed_time >= timeout:
                     # Stop swallowing assertions once we hit the timeout.
                     # Don't burn CPU cycles too much.
         # Make sure we always kill our child.
예제 #3
def find_apache_workers(exe_name='apache2'):
    Find Apache workers in the process tree reported by :func:`~proc.tree.get_process_tree()`.

    :param exe_name: The base name of the Apache executable (a string).
    :returns: A generator of :class:`MaybeApacheWorker` objects.
    :raises: :exc:`ApacheDaemonNotRunning` when the Apache master process
             cannot be found.
    init = get_process_tree(obj_type=MaybeApacheWorker)
    candidates = list(init.find_all(exe_name=exe_name))
    if len(candidates) > 1:
        # If we find more than one process with the executable name `apache2'
        # whose parent process is `init' (1) we will narrow down the list of
        # candidates by disregarding any processes that are not running with
        # superuser privileges.
        candidates = [p for p in candidates if p.user_ids.real == 0]
    if not candidates:
        raise ApacheDaemonNotRunning("Could not find Apache master process! Is it running?")
    master = candidates[0]
    for process in master.children:
        if process.comm == master.comm:
            yield process