예제 #1
 def enable_root(self, guestaddr, sshprivkey, user, prefix):
     for cmd in (
         "mkdir -p /root/.ssh",
         "chmod 600 /root/.ssh",
         "cp -f /home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh" % user,
         "chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys",
         process_utils.ssh_execute_command(guestaddr, sshprivkey, cmd, user=user, prefix=prefix)
     stdout, stderr, retcode = process_utils.ssh_execute_command(guestaddr, sshprivkey, "/bin/id")
     if not re.search("uid=0", stdout):
         raise Exception("Running /bin/id on %s as root: %s" % (guestaddr, stdout))
예제 #2
 def wait_for_ec2_ssh_access(self, guestaddr, sshprivkey):
     self.log.debug("Waiting for SSH access to EC2 instance (User: %s)" % self.user)
     for i in range(300):
         if i % 10 == 0:
             self.log.debug("Waiting for EC2 ssh access: %d/300" % (i))
             process_utils.ssh_execute_command(guestaddr, sshprivkey, "/bin/true", user=self.user)
             self.log.debug("reached the instance as %s using %s" % (self.user, sshprivkey))
     if i == 299:
         raise Exception("Unable to gain ssh access after 300 seconds - aborting")
예제 #3
    def enable_root(self,guestaddr, sshprivkey, user, prefix):
        for cmd in ('mkdir /root/.ssh',
                    'chmod 600 /root/.ssh',
                    'cp -f /home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh' % user,
                    'chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys'):
                process_utils.ssh_execute_command(guestaddr, sshprivkey, cmd, user=user, prefix=prefix)
            except Exception as e:

            stdout, stderr, retcode = process_utils.ssh_execute_command(guestaddr, sshprivkey, '/bin/id')
            if not re.search('uid=0', stdout):
                raise Exception('Running /bin/id on %s as root: %s' % (guestaddr, stdout))
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception('Transfer of authorized_keys to root from %s must have failed - Aborting - %s' % (user, e))
예제 #4
    def file_to_snapshot(self, filename, compress=True):
        if not self.instance:
            raise Exception("You must start the utility instance first!")
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise Exception("Filename (%s) is not a file" % filename)
        filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
        # Gigabytes, rounded up
        volume_size = int((filesize / (1024 ** 3)) + 1)
        self.log.debug("Creating %d GiB volume in (%s) to hold new image" % (volume_size, self.instance.placement))
        volume = self.conn.create_volume(volume_size, self.instance.placement)

        # Volumes can sometimes take a very long time to create
        # Wait up to 10 minutes for now (plus the time taken for the upload
        # above)
        self.log.debug("Waiting up to 600 seconds for volume (%s) to become available" % volume.id)
        for i in range(60):
            safe_call(volume.update, (), self.log, die=True)
            if volume.status == "available":
                volume.add_tag("Name", resource_tag)
            self.log.debug("Volume status (%s) - waiting for 'available': %d/600" % (volume.status, i * 10))

        # Volume is now available, attach it
        safe_call(self.conn.attach_volume, (volume.id, self.instance.id, "/dev/sdh"), self.log, die=True)
        self.log.debug("Waiting up to 120 seconds for volume (%s) to become in-use" % volume.id)
        for i in range(12):
            safe_call(volume.update, (), self.log, die=True)
            vs = volume.attachment_state()
            if vs == "attached":
            self.log.debug("Volume status (%s) - waiting for 'attached': %d/120" % (vs, i * 10))

        # TODO: This may not be necessary but it helped with some funnies
        # observed during testing. At some point run a bunch of builds without
        # the delay to see if it breaks anything.
        self.log.debug("Waiting 20 seconds for EBS attachment to stabilize")

        # Decompress image into new EBS volume
        self.log.debug("Copying file into volume")

        # This is big and hairy - it also works, and avoids temporary storage
        # on the local and remote side of this activity
        command = "gzip -c %s | " % filename
        command += (
            "ssh -i %s -F /dev/null  -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " % self.key_file_object.name
        command += "-o ConnectTimeout=30 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PasswordAuthentication=no "
        command += 'root@%s "gzip -d -c | dd of=/dev/xvdh bs=4k"' % self.instance.public_dns_name

        self.log.debug("Command will be:\n%s\n" % command)
        self.log.debug("Running.  This may take some time.")
        process_utils.subprocess_check_output([command], shell=True)

        # Sync before snapshot
        process_utils.ssh_execute_command(self.instance.public_dns_name, self.key_file_object.name, "sync")

        # Snapshot EBS volume
        self.log.debug("Taking snapshot of volume (%s)" % volume.id)
        snapshot = self.conn.create_snapshot(volume.id, 'EBSHelper snapshot of file "%s"' % filename)

        # This can take a _long_ time - wait up to 20 minutes
        self.log.debug("Waiting up to 1200 seconds for snapshot (%s) to become completed" % snapshot.id)
        for i in range(120):
            safe_call(snapshot.update, (), self.log, die=True)
            if snapshot.status == "completed":
                snapshot.add_tag("Name", resource_tag)
                "Snapshot progress(%s) - status (%s) is not 'completed': %d/1200"
                % (str(snapshot.progress), snapshot.status, i * 10)
        self.log.debug("Successful creation of snapshot (%s)" % snapshot.id)
        self.log.debug("Detaching volume (%s)" % volume.id)
        safe_call(volume.detach, (), self.log)

        self.log.debug("Waiting up to 120 seconds for %s to become detached (available)" % volume.id)
        for i in range(12):
            safe_call(volume.update, (), self.log, die=True)
            if volume.status == "available":
            self.log.debug("Volume status (%s) - is not 'available': %d/120" % (volume.status, i * 10))
        self.log.debug("Deleting volume")
        safe_call(volume.delete, (), self.log, die=True)
        return snapshot.id
예제 #5
    def file_to_snapshot(self, filename, compress=True):
        # TODO: Add a conservative exception handler over the top of this to delete all remote artifacts on
        #       an exception

        if not self.instance:
            raise Exception("You must start the utility instance with start_ami() before uploading files to volumes")

        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise Exception("Filename (%s) is not a file" % filename)

        filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
        # Gigabytes, rounded up
        volume_size = int( (filesize/(1024 ** 3)) + 1 )

        self.log.debug("Creating %d GiB volume in (%s) to hold new image" % (volume_size, self.instance.placement))
        volume = self.conn.create_volume(volume_size, self.instance.placement) 

        # Volumes can sometimes take a very long time to create
        # Wait up to 10 minutes for now (plus the time taken for the upload above)
        self.log.debug("Waiting up to 600 seconds for volume (%s) to become available" % (volume.id))
        retcode = 1
        for i in range(60):
            if volume.status == "available":
                retcode = 0
            self.log.debug("Volume status (%s) - waiting for 'available': %d/600" % (volume.status, i*10))

        if retcode:
            raise Exception("Unable to create target volume for EBS AMI - aborting")

        # Volume is now available
        # Attach it
        self.conn.attach_volume(volume.id, self.instance.id, "/dev/sdh")

        self.log.debug("Waiting up to 120 seconds for volume (%s) to become in-use" % (volume.id))
        retcode = 1
        for i in range(12):
            vs = volume.attachment_state()
            if vs == "attached":
                retcode = 0
            self.log.debug("Volume status (%s) - waiting for 'attached': %d/120" % (vs, i*10))

        if retcode:
            raise Exception("Unable to attach volume (%s) to instance (%s) aborting" % (volume.id, self.instance.id))

        # TODO: This may not be necessary but it helped with some funnies observed during testing
        #         At some point run a bunch of builds without the delay to see if it breaks anything
        self.log.debug("Waiting 20 seconds for EBS attachment to stabilize")

        # Decompress image into new EBS volume
        self.log.debug("Copying file into volume")

        # This is big and hairy - it also works, and avoids temporary storage on the local and remote
        # side of this activity
        command = 'gzip -c %s | ' % filename
        command += 'ssh -i %s -F /dev/null  -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' % self.key_file_object.name
        command += '-o ConnectTimeout=30 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PasswordAuthentication=no '
        command += 'root@%s "gzip -d -c | dd of=/dev/xvdh bs=4k"' % self.instance.public_dns_name

        self.log.debug("Command will be:\n\n%s\n\n" % command)

        self.log.debug("Running.  This may take some time.")
        process_utils.subprocess_check_output([ command ], shell=True)

        # Sync before snapshot
        process_utils.ssh_execute_command(self.instance.public_dns_name, self.key_file_object.name, "sync")

        # Snapshot EBS volume
        self.log.debug("Taking snapshot of volume (%s)" % (volume.id))
        snapshot = self.conn.create_snapshot(volume.id, 'EBSHelper snapshot of file "%s"' % filename)

        # This can take a _long_ time - wait up to 20 minutes
        self.log.debug("Waiting up to 1200 seconds for snapshot (%s) to become completed" % (snapshot.id))
        retcode = 1
        for i in range(120):
            if snapshot.status == "completed":
                retcode = 0
            self.log.debug("Snapshot progress(%s) -  status (%s) - waiting for 'completed': %d/1200" % (str(snapshot.progress), snapshot.status, i*10))

        if retcode:
            raise Exception("Unable to snapshot volume (%s) - aborting" % (volume.id))

        self.log.debug("Successful creation of snapshot (%s)" % (snapshot.id))

        self.log.debug("Detaching volume (%s)" % volume.id)

        self.log.debug("Waiting up to 120 seconds for volume (%s) to become detached (available)" % (volume.id))
        retcode = 1
        for i in range(12):
            if volume.status == "available":
                retcode = 0
            self.log.debug("Volume status (%s) - waiting for 'available': %d/120" % (volume.status, i*10))

        if retcode:
            raise Exception("Unable to detach volume - WARNING - volume may persist and cost money!")

        self.log.debug("Deleting volume")
        # TODO: Verify delete

        return snapshot.id